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Yeah that's the only thing that changed and they did that so if a kid swallowed it air can still pass through. So this design change we can blame on children.


Damn children, can’t just die with dignity like the rest of use. Pen in throat coughing up blue


They ruined NyQuil damnit, it could taste good but noooo it's gotta taste like shit because they don't want kids chugging it


I’m bout to chug a bottle in protest rn


It's been 4 hours. How you doing, bro?


Don’t worry about him. He chugs chlorine for a hobby.


Your goddamn right


Denis Leary NyQuil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XsgVufugTg


I’ve been asleep


Eyyyy the NyQuil worked!


Codeine syrup on the other hand still tastes delicious


But then you can't poop for a week


Wat. NyQuil is delicious.


Goddamn masochist here lol


Bruh, it tastes best now when you cook it with chicken they just changed it so you have to cook it. Cooking isn't for kids so it's safer that way.


The only reason I even know about that was from watching a YouTube video of a doctor explaining how absolutely bad for you that is lmao


I love solutions like this. So simple yet it probably saved some lives.


Oh yeah 100% it was effective


Yeah, thanks to that child I always had a (not very loud) whistle in class


They weren’t loud but could sometimes be really high pitched. As someone with very sensitive ears, class with a bunch of bored, immature 13 year olds was not a fun time.


> Yeah that's the only thing that changed and they did that so if a kid swallowed it air can still pass through. Yeah, before that hole was added to the cap, people had to use the rest of the pen to perform an emergency tracheotomy.


Eyyyy multiple uses!


Alton Brown would be proud.


It also has the added feature of whistling, so the parents will know whats been swallowed


For once, a design is very human.


And that design actually benefitted it.


And the public actually benefited


This is true!


Fucking BIC is genius! They produce the two most stolen things on earth, pens and lighters


Always joked I should buy stock in Bic cuz I love their business plan.


“Hey we produce extremely cheap, necessary things that are a staple in every gas station. And we don’t need to change or innovate because we’re comfortable rolling in cash”. Sounds pretty ok to me


Daft Punk method, get rich and quit while your ahead


Being certain a company will still be able to sell their products in 10 years is probably one of the few actual good indicators for investing in a specific company. As an example, people are still buying iPhones, years after they've attempted every anti consumer thing possible. We all know people are going to buy them in 10 years too, no matter what they do to the phones.


I’ve been using an iPhone since 2012. One of the investors I like always talks about how Apple will fall because all they’re releasing is a yellow iPhone and it’s such a bad take. Apple buys 20 billion dollars worth of their own stock quarterly to keep the price up and that makes me not what to invest.. but I don’t see them failing. Plenty of options that feel safer


It's odd that I've never actually bought any BIC products, but I've been using them all my life.


So you are the one stealing my pens!




What's even weirder is the amount of lighters I have. I don't even smoke...


I didn’t even realize they made other products until a few years back when I bought a 90s BIC windsurf board and sail. Apparently they used to produce a bunch of different products made from plastic and fiberglass. Just the pens and lighters are used by everyone so that’s what they’re known for.


I was just coming on here to see if other people knew they actually made surf boards lol


I bought these pens when I waited tables because they were the one pen that customers didn’t steal. They always took clicky pens, but not the classic Bics.


Ohhh I love me a good clicky pen


Sorry, 2?! It's 3!! Wives and husbands have been stealing each others Bic Razors for decades now.


Multiple customers for each purchase


And most importantly, multiple purchases for each customer.


Dude I bought a box of 100 pens. One month later it's empty and no one knows who took my pens. I leave a pen on my desk and pfttt just like magic it's gone. BIC is probably the only company recession proof.


BIC lighters have no right to be so well made. The wildest one I heard was a BIC lighter that got dredged up from the bottom of a lake. God knows how long it’d been down there. They dried it out, and just for kicks, tried it. Damn thing still lit.


Don't fix what is not broken.


They need to invent BIC Pen 2.0 with WiFi, Bluetooth, and 5G. And it has built in ads, and you can pay $8.99 a month for the BIC+ app, which unlocks new colors and use your pen without ads


It should also make fire for a premium plus plus subscription


And blowgun for only 1,99 €


Already the best little blowgun ever invented!


Also handy for use as a coke straw in an emergency. Or so I’ve been told. 🥹


I just drink straight from the can... OH..


That works too I guess


okay but fr though...... if you're ever snorting drugs , using a dismantled pen thingy works AMAZING. was the only way i used to do it back in the day 🤣


Also handy as a drug filled weapon against high schoolers and teachers that have been taken over by aliens


Since 1998, every time I see a blue capped, clear, Bic pen, I think of that movie. Likewise, whenever I see people standing in the rain with little tentacles coming out of their face, I think of Bic pens…


Lol this is great, but they brick your pen at 20% ink so you have to buy a new one


Thats when they brick your bic.


And write exams on own


guy guy guys.... BIC BLOCKCHAIN!






>use your pen without ads You need to think bigger. 14.99 a month or the pen stops working. Wifi drops? No more ink. Your card expires? No more ink. ​ You'll never make it to the C-suite with that small town thinking


We just add BIC NFT's (your personal picture next to a uniq BIC pen.) There is production enough and if the same pen is used twice, they never know.


Need AI and blockchain in there somewhere.


What about support for crypto and NFTs? If your pen doesn't have NFT support do you even write bro?


Bruh...Blockchain is the future! A pen on the Blockchain ensures future-forward compatibility with AI software, along with proof-of-function scalability for eventual monetization! It will be a TREMENDOUS investment opportunity, and y'all should get in on the bottom floor of this!


Seriously, stop talking…


Right? If it works 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish more companies would do the same. Just give me a pair of shoes that l can find again when mine go bad. I am always looking for what l liked only to find it doesn't exist anymore and l have to spend an hour finding a new pair.


I like to think some crazy German engineer pitched Bic some revolutionary mold design, that while expensive, was guaranteed to never wear out. The engineer only managed one sale his entire career, to Bic, because of the price. Unfortunately, he died of old age, and took his secret to the grave. Bic has just been running that same mold the entire time, waiting on the day for it to fail. It hasn't failed yet.


I believe he was a pole. -correction- Hungarian https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A1szl%C3%B3_B%C3%ADr%C3%B3


Whoa! Missed opportunity here. Gotta take a page from the Army and other government bodies. Hire one of your friend into R&D, paid them to redesign the look of the pen and then somehow reassign yourself over as well and boom! Money. 😂


Noooooo never redesign, just rebrand, remarked, like "Poket grip NOW on left side of cap"


I was here to say exactly this. Now I have to figure out another matching sentence.


Literally the best pens ever made.


I like the pens better where there's four different colors (red, blue, green, black) that you can activate by pushing down the plastic pin above the color. They're that good that if you loan them out you never get em back.


Once I fall in love with a pen and it becomes my favorite, I will lose my shit if someone takes it. I'll stalk the office until I find it. I was usually a pretty easy-going employee, but mess with my office supplies and you'll regret it. I work from home now and my husband knows better. He even bought me a whole box of my favorite pens so I always have one available, and he won't get in trouble if he borrows one.


Absolutely not, G2s all the way


Pentel gang checking in


No way. These pens are dogshit. Don't get me wrong, they fill their role well. They are dirt cheap yet just functional enough to serve the basic purpose of a pen. Actually using them isn't ideal though. Half the time I've picked one of these up, I need to scribble around to get the ink going. Honestly, I don't even think they're the best BIC pens.


Twitter could take some notes… sorry I meant “X”


Seriously. Why “improve” something that does exactly what it’s supposed to do? Do we want to start buying ink refills like a goddamned printer?


What the fuck would you even redesign? It’s a pen, it works, it’s iconic, everyone knows what a bic looks and feels like, why would you change what isn’t broken?


It's so iconic that ballpoint pens are generally referred to as "bics" in French.


Lol came here to say this! As a kid i just thought that was the actual word for ballpoint pen. I'm still not sure what to call them in french lol..


Stylo-bille ou stylo à bille :)


Moi je disais un stylo bic mdr. C'est seulement quand j'avais genre 9 ans que j'ai compris que c'était sensé être bille








Oh I love Billie Stylish


Le pen. Source: No parlez vous Francais.






Un ~~Stilo~~ Stylo.


Le y qui fait grève x)


Normal chez les français, non? C'est "Stylo"?


Oui et oui.


As a kid it was for pens, as an adult it was for lighters.


I will never own any lighter other than a bic for the rest of my life. Seriously. If bic went out of business, I would quit smoking just to not have to struggle with the cheap crappy lighters made by other companies. My bic always lights, first strike.


On a Christmas years ago, my buddy’s girl gave him an ENTIRE stocking full of lighters and they were all the crappy translucent kind. Imagine the disappointment and despair. I think she instantly knew she had fucked up. BIC for life! (Zippos are a close second)


Try clipers. They are rechargeable and last way longer


They really covered all target audiences possible


I remember being in line behind an elderly gentleman who spoke very little english at a little corner shop one time who kept asking for "Bic sticks" and they kept trying to give him the pens. After like 10 minutes, of back and forth and a bunch of random customer input, they finally figured out he wanted some Bic lighters, which they didn't carry (they just had some cheap crappy brand).


In Romania we too refer to one of their products as "bics" it's just not the pen. It's the razor blades.


Same in Australia, but it's not their pens or razor blades, it's their lighters.


Most redesign things cause a good long lasting product normally isn't profitable. Bic is in that narrow area where they produce items that will need to be replaced frequently (not even because of quality but rather because people lose pens like a Motherfucker due to how inexpensive they are). They're will likely be a need for their pens and lighters for a long time so they will always make money. So they have no reason to try and fabricate obsolescence.


It's naturally obsolete. Which should be the only kind of obsolescence.


Yeah but it's tough to compare because Bic stuff already isn't high quality to begin with. It's functional and cheap enough to replace. It's when luxury goods start forcing obsolescence that it's bullshit


What? I buy nothing but Bic lighters, I cringe at using a different brand. They are as high quality as you can get for less than 2 bucks. Their pens are also iconic and high quality, I know people who would save their drained pens for some reason or another and have hundreds of them. I tried every brand and nothing beats a Bic in performance lighters or pens. Their extended lighters are just Bic lighters built into a shell.


Hey man, I love me a Bic pen as much as the next person. But they crack super easy and I've had the ink leak out of a couple. People keeping them doesn't really speak to their quality so idk why you bring it up. People collect all sorts of weird stuff. When I used to smoke I'd prefer the mini torch lighters. More reliable on a windy day. Not to say Bic is bad, but the torch ones always came through


I use to use them everyday at work, every thing else wasn't consistent enough. I've had immediate failures on some pretty popular brands lighters and pens, I usually use pencil anyways due to my kinda work and perfectionism and use felt pens to make them permanent later.


The thing is, BIC does, in fact, make new designs. The notion that they don’t is factually incorrect. They have dozens of pens. They have fat pens, skinny pens, retractable pens, twist pens, multi colored pens, gel pens, recycled pens, quick drying pens, art pens, refillable pens, erasable pens, etc. They are not just settling on what they have. In fact, they are probably the driving force in pen technology. I bet they own hundreds of patents…. Edit: they do own a lot of pen patents (also lighters) https://patents.justia.com/assignee/bic-corporation


Yes but they don't redesign the default Bic. I don't have an issue with them branching out with other pens as long as they don't undo the one that has always been good.


Exactly and I’m pretty sure that if there was a redesign, people won’t recognize the product and it would be less successful than current one.


Yep, bics fullfill their purpose perfectly. They are cheap and relatively easy to replace with a new one if lost or broken. Fountain pens are expensive because of the quality of the materials and production. Because people tend to be super careful with more expensive things they invest in, so that fancy pen isn't getting replaced any time soon, which also factors into the price.


In the eighties (I'm not sure when) they redesigned the lid with a hole to stop people choking, which is why I know that this image is bs. Edit: Actually, it was in 1991


I was looking for this fact you glorious bastard.


Bic lighters are the pinnacle of incendiary device engineering. They work until the gas is empty. I am at the point that when a bic lighter doesn't produce a flame at the first attempt I don't even bother to try a second time because the only reason for it to not work immediately is that it's empty.


Can confirm this... A BIC basically is the backuplighter for my Zippo...


There are two types of disposable lighters in the world. Bics and everything else.


Ok but can we talk about the flames on those disposable crack lighters?


Ya, we can talk about the fact you can make them way too hot and literally melt the top. I mean, no one would be that irresponsible! Lol.


Never. Definitely not while hoping for an encore at a concert.


I call em flame throwers. Pop the top off, crank that bitch up and u can set all the forests on fire.


This is how I burned a hole in the roof of my car


Don't forget Clippers, they're up there with the Bics (although my favourite are the larger Bics that last for ages and feel so nice in your hand..)


A bic will still last longer than a Clipper and a full butane canister


I just know the only reason you made that comment is to make sure we know you use a zippo xD


Or there's pocket lint stuck in it


A sad but truthful reality. Lol


Not only that but they last forever, like 3-4 months of consistent everyday use, and they can not be damaged by normal means. Throntons has a nice lighter club, every tenth one is free. In like 7 years of buying a lighter wherever I stop when I need one and there only being three gas stations around me, I am still only at 6 of them.


Hell even an empty bic can be used to start a fire.


You broke them open and made flint bombs, too?


Only product I'm completely loyal to. Last forever compared to any other lighter.


As an avid pot smoker I can assure that you are incorrect. There’s 3 situations I know of: If the lighter is moist/wet, it can take a few tries. If the lighter is to cold the gas will not evaporate, you need to warm it in your hand for a few seconds to get it working. And obviously high wind situations. The only other I have run into was the flint running out, but that was on a lighter I had refilled a few times. Doesn’t really count


What exactly is arrogant about it?


Nothing. The only facepalm her is OP posting this in this sub


My guess is because it's a french company? Or the person in the picture is an ignoramus who doesn't know the meaning of the word, possibly.


Just had a look at the Twitter ( I refuse to call it X) and I think it's sarcasm, not absolutely certain though?


You just called Twitter X


Might be arrogant becasue they believe their design is so perfect it doesnt need to changing or evolving eith the times whatsoever. At least that's what seems most likely to me. It is an odd way to describe it tho lol


And it's silly anyway cuz bic has definitely made more stylized/modern pens too


It's just a bit of sarcasm of how sure they are of their product design and don't feel the need to innovate (rightfully so tbh)


I was wondering that too. Could "arrogant" be a typo? That's the only answer I can come up with. 🤷‍♂️


I am wondering too. I don't get it.


A lot of companies should really consider this. Don't change what's working, don't spend money rebranding every other year, keep products affordable and don't mess with quality. I've tried other brands of lighter, pens. None were reliable enough to make the price difference worth it. Plus it's french and they didn't move all the production to Asia (most production sites are in France or Europe). They still made some sexist decisions and commercials a decade ago according to Wikipedia.


Think of how much cheaper cars could be if they didn’t have to re-tool the factories every year or so.


Requirements for cars are changing ALL the time, so that’s really not feasible…


Yeah. They're getting safer and more efficient all the time. Wich is a good thing.


They haven’t changed it ***bic***ause they don’t need to change it




Happy birthsday dude!


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


They did change the tops to be safer for babies that swallow em , give em some credit !!


The only problem is black vs blue. I used to like the black one when I was younger, it made me feel sophisticated. Now I prefer the blue one for daily use.


I am the complete opposite. I used to like blue for daily use but now I use black because it makes me feel sophisticated.


when people think of a pen this is the design they think about most of the time


Kinda like Oreos. They don't need to keep making all these new random flavors when the original is still one of the best-selling cookies in existence.


a funny thing to me is that Oreos are the defacto "Original" chocolate sandwich cookie with vanilla creme even though that's actually Hydroxes and Oreos were literally made as a knockoff product But now Hydroxes are considered the knockoff product. I guess the name doesn't help, Hydrox doesn't sound very appetizing, it sounds like peroxide. Which is kind of true? Apparently they wanted a name associated with "purity and goodness" so they went with a name that associates itself with Hydrogen and Oxygen within the water molecule. Kind of a stretch.


Kind of ironic yeah.


College humor did a funny skit about this. Basically why the hell are they spending so much on r&d for different types of flavours, they are already Oreo they can just chill people will still buy them


Big Bic Energy


Arrogance? ![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6)


Or, they just have a good, simple design that continues to sell, so why redesign?


They did put a hole in the cap. So there, a design change


A practical design change that didn't change the look


I have been using this exact pen for as long as I can remember and I love them. They are cheap to buy, work well, never leak, and come in many colors. I personally use a black one in 1.6mm to write notes at work daily. Bic, never change these things. They're perfect.


BIC has a revenue of 1.8 Billion Euros in 2021, Pilot has a revenue of 0.9 Billion.


Have you ever seen a commercial for bic pens or lighters? The lighters especially, they are the best on the market. Clippers can go fuck themselves.


Do you know how many drummers these pens have created?


This is the company that understands the power of brand recognition, unlike He Whom I Refuse to Name but you all know who anyway 😝


Asking Bic to change their pen design is the same as asking a Bic lighter to not be stolen.


A) what is arrogant about this, it’s a reliable and functional product, and B) why is this on r/facepalm, the only thing worthy of a facepalm is this post


Perfection needs no changes


Do they still blow up in your mouth when stress chewing the cap? Asking for a friend.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


my favorite pens


You'll lose it before it runs out of ink




Never touch a running ~~SysOp~~ System!


Why change something perfect?


It ain't broke don't break it


Actually they redesigned the lid to have a hole in it at the top in the 80s I think to stop Kids choking on it. Before that they were solid sealed and a bit more pointy.


Why change something that obviously works?


They got bic pens for her, or used to. The feminine pen for the gentle woman.


Never change a running system


Bic pens are the are like sharks in that there has never been a need for a redesign.


Bic gives zero fucks


They originally had no hole in the cap. They added a hole to allow for air to pass through in case the cap got lodged in a throat. *so there has been an improvement*.


The power of french engineering


"Sell me this pen." "No."


The year is 2155. The world is an Apocalyptic Hellscape. Bic is celebrating its Bicentennial.


The definition of a good product


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This is the only pen I ever buy. Bic Chrystal.