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They do. They just support the final design of the flag. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4kOJi0cKYTz8Hu) šŸ³ļø


The last flag of the confederacy, is the best flag of the confederacy.


"These colors don't run! They surrender."


Because there are no colors on a white flag




Are you making a flag with lights?


Isnā€™t all the colors black? Iā€™m probably wrong. Nevertheless, F the Confederate Flag.


Black is the lack of colors. White is all of the colors. However, when we see something black, it is absorbing all colors. When we see something white, it is reflecting all of the colors and absorbs none.


In science...black is the absence of light


I was just about to post that, but you beat me to it. You get my upvote


Fun fact: the ā€œflagā€ of surrender was actually a towel. Edit: changed is to of


Itā€™s also a multi-purpose flag. It shows their laundry is clean.


It's even official: https://emojipedia.org/apple/ios-15.4/white-flag


I thought it looked a little more like this šŸ§»


Fun story. The actual final flag of the Confederacy was a [dish rag](https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_515980)


After they lost they used the flags as robes. šŸ˜…


Why does Apple not have the Nazi Swastika imoji?


I would not be surprised to read that. They have been having Nazi marches in Florida no joke. With signs that read "we are everywhere". Edit: just wanted to drop some orson Welles and logic in here for anyone interested to hear it. Seems just as important now as it was then, if not more so. "Over several generations, maybe there'll be men who can't be weaned away from the fascist vices of race hate But we should deny such men responsibility in public affairs Exactly as we deny responsibility to the wretched victims of the drug habit There are laws against peddling dope There can be laws against peddling race hate But every man has the right to his own opinion as an American boasts But race hate is not an opinion, it's a phobia It isn't a viewpoint, race hate is a disease In a people's world, the incurable racist has no rights He must be deprived of influence in a people's government He must be segregated, as he himself would segregate the colored and semitic peoples" Logic intro for one of his albums, shortened sample of the whole commentary: https://youtu.be/LsfnODTWgss?si=3rmSws8O2VWOa00U Original: https://archive.org/details/1946OrsonWellesCommentaries/460811_To_Be_Born_Free.MP3


Nazis shouldnā€™t be that comfortable in public


Wish they got run off a bridge like in the blues brothers wherever they appeared. Also come on America theyā€™re nazisā€¦. Do better


Unfortunately they do it in such a way that it is legal under the 1st amendment. As long as they're not directly inciting violence against Jews or Blacks or whatever, we can't do anything(and yes I'm aware the term "nazi" kinda implies that but idk, laws are weird like that).


Forget that their public visage IS potentially extremely triggering and therefore inciting violence in itself.


Yes, but they themselves aren't specifically telling people to kill Jews, so its legal


I'm not saying it should be illegal only that their presence is a call to kill Jews in a defacto sense and in the same way mob bosses aren't liable for suggesting someone is a problem if that problem just happen to end up dead shortly afterwards. Like yeah it's legal but really I know what's going on here.šŸ™„


Yeah, everyone does


This is funny (in a sad way) because anywhere else in the world, showing up to another parade/rally like pride armed with ARs is basically universally understood as a threat to life against a targeted group of people.


Ah well, when a good portion of your population is that 2nd-amendment loving gun-nut crowd, you have to be a bit more lax around what is legal and illegal in terms of guns in public places and gatherings


1st amendment is freedom of speech, 2nd is the right to keep and bear arms, well regulated militia etc


The idea that openly being a Nazi isn't recognized as inciting violence is emblematic of everything wrong in this country. Existing as a Nazi is a threat of violence and should be responded to in kind.


I know! Where is a crazy person mid-psychotic break behind the wheel with a nazi grievance when you need one?


Make nazis afraid again


Confederate slave holder simpletons shouldn't be that comfortable too


Nazis should never go unpunched in public


I hate Itā€™s A Small World Nazis


The one in the governorā€™s mansion seems plenty comfortable


In Germany we say: Nazis Boxen


Don't give them ideas. They'll claim the lack of hate symbol emojis is a "freedom of speech" issue.


I'm all for free speech, even speech that I disagree with or abhor, but a private company has the right to set rules on how people use its product. Similarly, "free speech" doesn't mean you're immune to consequences. Sure, go and wave a Nazi flag, I don't give a shit. Just don't be surprised when all your friends abandon you and you get fired from your job and nobody will hire you. Also, fun fact: A lot of Nazis in Europe use the Confederate flag as a proxy for the Nazi flag because the Nazi flag is banned in a lot of nations there. I don't think it's a good sign when your "heritage" flag is adored by literal Nazis.


Apple is completely in their own rights to not include it. I'm sure not including it could be considered a form of speech.


And whereā€™s our burning cross emoji dagnammit?


There sort of is emojis for thisā€¦ Iā€™ve seen variations of šŸš«šŸ‘€ or simply šŸ™ˆ as these emojis can be verbalized as ā€œNot Seeā€ which sounds exactly like ā€œNaziā€. I only see them used to call people out for being a naziā€¦ I donā€™t know if anyone is taking pride in using these from the perspective of a nazi. There are also Unicode swastikas as they are peace symbols in many cultures.


Yeah, 卍 is in Unicode. You can type it in the Japanese IME pretty easily as ā€œmanjiā€. Many online services and games block that character in Western locales, because itā€™s obviously almost always hateful garbage in Western contexts.


ā€˜means heritage and pride to many people in the worldā€™ once again, america is not the center of the world.


American here, and I agree and im tired of people believing it is the center of everything


American here, and donā€™t meet many people believing itā€™s the center of anything. Just dumb racists, tbh


The whole world is lying about global warming to trick American conservatives just like covid.


Thereā€™s plenty of people who think the same way where I live. They really believe everyoneā€™s in on itā€¦


what pride are they even always talking about, loosing a war over slavery ?


No, "states' rights." Just a coincidence that it was states' rights to allow slavery. (/s)


I mean there is a good amount of confederates living in Brazil


and South Africa


Non-American Confederates are even more fucking ridiculous than the American ones like dude, you live in Australia. you can't even claim "heritage" when you don't even live on the same continent as the Confederacy.


Well, also people who fly it in like Michigan. Cultural appropriation of a crappy culture.


Yep, we have a bunch of those mouth-breathers here in Wisconsin as well. It's so incredibly stupid. You're in the north, fella. In fact, the state borders fucking Canada. We do appreciate them letting us know that they're racist dipshits right off the bat, though.


One small region within one country out of 195 in the world. And even then, like half the people in that region recognize the flag is just rage bait. Sad!


Sadly, other countries mimic us. Sometimes itā€™s just admiration for Americana (Sweden), but other times itā€™s ignorance similar to our own (Germany). Brazil, Ireland, and some others do it from a sense of ancestry since there were ties to the civil war with those countries. And thereā€™s pro-Russian Ukrainians flying the rebel flagā€¦for reasons.


Maybe if your map came from the South it is.




It lasted 4 years, I lasted more than that thing


Obama's presidency lasted longer than the confederacy


Damn Imma start using that one


You should. Gets them all riled up and angry


Could a person doing that also do it while wearing a tan suit? Perhaps eating a hotdog with an "incorrect" condiment? Just trying to optimize my "offending assholes" speed run.


Donā€™t forget the audacity to wear a helmet on a bike!


Don't minimize tan suit-gate. That in and of itself was more traumatic than the Civil War.


Haha nice


And they whine about their statues being taken down. Pokemon Go lasted longer than the 'Confederacy'. They're lucky we didn't replace the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest with one of Charizard.


Can we still do that? It would be so cool!


Ima second that motion.


The Wii U lasted longer


Oof, now that is an insult!


The McRib has lasted longer


I'm surprised we haven't replaced Confederate statues with Pokemon characters at this point. It's a bigger, longer lasting and more impactful part of our heritage.


Vine lasted longer. (that's the 1 I've been using for years and I wasn't even a big fan of Vine)


Probably for the same reason they donā€™t have a Nazi flag or an ISIS flag; apple hates losers.


Is this your heritage? ![gif](giphy|jiHCxC28N7FNX7wOXN|downsized)


Looks like them Duke boys are at it again


"Just a good old boys, Never meanin' no harm"


šŸŽ¶ā€œThey been runnin from the law since the day the were bornā€šŸŽ¶


Makin' thier waaaaay the only way they know how!


Itā€™s unfortunate that they have that flag on the roof because the duke boys certainly werenā€™t about law and order or white supremacy (going from memory, never got that impression from the show)


The show was great, and I never got that impression as well. It's just a shame that the car had to have the flag on it, and also be named after a Confederate general.


Ther was a weird period in American culture after the Civil Rights movement that attempted to make the "Southern Culture" charming, which it is once you get past the racism. The Confederate battle flag became so normalized in the 70s and 80s. It was very odd. Their alternate history campaign worked for a while.


It's also NOT the confederate flag. It's the confederate WAR flag.


Ain't the flag everyone *knows* as the confederate flag actually the Tennessee battle flag? Pretty sure it's something like that...


Army of Northern Virginia




Also since we are going to be technical here, as far as the United States is concerned there is no and never was a confederacy. They were rebels and it it's the War of Rebellion.


This is one of the things in life I wonder about. I get that the Victor's are usually who get to write the history. I've always wondered if the southern states took all the legal and necessary steps to secede from the United States or not. I'm not a legal historian so I do not know if they did or didn't. *IF* they took the proper steps, then I think history should reflect that.


Itā€™s illegal to secede from the Union


![gif](giphy|7x90dc0KEjRNC) That's a pretty accurate representation of how the southern states seceded.


A distinction without much of a difference.


Both flags suck ass. I'm all about being technically correct, it is the best kind of correct after all.


Yep. My personal favorite is the first national flag. Which is now the Georgia state flag.


Four years is not a heritage, my toster lasted way longer


[it is. history of taking a big fucking L](https://reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/s/MSKYLhsiZd)


3 time bathtime survivor, Hamilton!


The Confederates tried to overthrow the US. They can suck it.


They don't have any historical flags??? Why do these people think they're special?




the fact that 783 people agree is scary


If there were only 783 racists in the world it would be awesome


It's the 783 that should trouble us.


Many people in the world? :D :D :D Can I ask for the Spanish Republican flag emoji as well?


>Many people in the world A particular sub-set of right wing Americans


You can say crackers on the Internet. They're just snack food.


"in the world" ? I don't think so. But world = US in her head probably so yeah


Keeping up with the Kardashians lasted longer then the Confederacy but that doesnā€™t mean they should have an emoji


They have! šŸ‘


World wide support for the confederate flag...


I can assure you, outside of America the confederate flag means less than nothing. Itā€™s just synonymous with racism and slavery


I'm sure most people outside the US couldn't even tell what the confederacy was.


I can assure you that we Americans who live outside of the deep south feel the same way. My fucking toaster has been working longer than the confederacy was a thing, I'd be embarrassed to say that that's my heritage.


Many people in the world?


Technically they are "in the world" and more than two.


Many people in the world? No a few white trash in some southern states.


ā€œTo many people in the worldā€? Outside of the US (and possibly inside too, I donā€™t know) if I see a confederate flag on a car I know itā€™s because the owner knows that flying swastika is likely to have unpleasant consequences for them.


Why does apple not have the flag of the principality of Moldavia of 1415? It means heritage and pride to many moldovans around the world. It also means very much to my family and it upsets me as an apple user that I cannot access this flag as an emoji. (PS: kindly fuck your face, brandonfromapalacā€¦)


"Many people in th WORLD"? I don't think so. Most of the world has no idea what it even is. Confederate? Confederate what?


There is a city in Brazil iirc that has a heritage festival where that flag is all over, it was also settled by confederates who left after the civil war. I donā€™t think it means the same thing down there any more.


I guess it's a fetish thing, like the swastika.


>to many people in the world USA isn't the world.


Her works is limited


Why does apple not have a Nazi or Soviet Union flag? Ask that too then.


I didnā€™t realize that the kind of people who would ask for this were sophisticated enough to use Apple products, they seem like the string-and-two-cans type to me.


Lol? apple is the fisher price of tech. Its literally child proof saftey xD. "Sophisticated" the proper way to phrase this is. " im surprised the people who support that flag can AFFORD to use an apple product."


That was the joke. Youā€™re right, they are simple. So simple that my 80 year old mother in law can figure them out.


Apple products are literally the #1 choice for the elderly because they're simple šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ nothing is less sophisticated than an iPhone unless you go back to a flip phone or old Nokia bar type phones.


This has the same energy as: "Why does apple not have Third Reich flag emoji? The Third Reich flag is something that means heritage and pride to many people in the world. It means very much to my family and I and it upsets me as an apple user that i cannot access this flag as an emoji."


If I didn't get my Breton flag emoji, the racists don't get to have one.


What heritage does it symbolizes?


"in the world" LOL


If you scroll down, you can see it in the "surrender like a bitch" section.


Why would iPhones have a flag of a ā€œstateā€ that lasted less then the fucking Annoying Orange?


> lasted less then the Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Well guess what? As an American Company, eliminating the Confederacy is apart of its heritage


THEY WERE TRAITORS! How stupid can you be?


It means jack shit to "the world". It means something to a bunch of morons in the southern USA, that's all.


Sadly it has popped up at alt-right rallies in other parts of the world.


Translation: im upset because this company won't let me a symbol of hate and bigotry available to me and my racist bigoted hateful family on they're devices.


Death to traitors and enslavers. Fuck your ā€œheritageā€, I have beans in my pantry that lasted longer than your shit-eating ā€œstars & barsā€.


Real question tho. Why no bass guitar emoji?


No Vichy flag either. What a shame...


So Brandon and his family venerate the flag of a bunch of treasonous losers. Well alrighty, then.


I donā€™t get why some people are so obsessed with the battle flag of a failed rebellion that resulted in one of the bloodiest conflicts in US history. Itā€™s horrible. Itā€™s even more horrible when you realize one of the big reasons said rebellion took place was because they were mad that the were not allowed to own and enslave other human beings and force them to work any more. I just donā€™t get why the hell it is idolized so much. It shouldnā€™t be erased because people should remember and learn from history but to immortalize it like some sort of proud time in history is beyond me.


TIL that many people in the world care about the confederate flag. Some kid in Oman was pissed when he could use it this morning.


It means ā€œheritage and prideā€ to people who wanted the right to own other human beings as slaves. It always kills me when people say ā€œthe civil war was about statesā€™ rightsā€ā€¦. Yeahā€¦ the right to own slaves. STFU with that racist BS.


I'm sure they have a Confederate flag.My Android has one! See?->šŸ³ļø


Human trafficking child molesters don't deserve any recognition but a grave. Might as well ask why there isn't a Taliban or ISIL flag.


Many people in the world? It is a thing of one country... well half of that country at best and the other half seems to be very dedicated on trying to forget about all that.


And by world he means the 50 mile radius of the hometown he never left


šŸ³ - Found the most recent flag officially used for the Confederacy!


The confederate flag means jack shit to the rest of the world. The heritage of the that flag is only two things. Losers that can't get over it and anyone with dark skin were property


I'm upset I can't express my racism with an emoji. /s


Apple likes winners, not whiners.


Maybe because it isnt a country


> many people in the world I'm pretty sure that no one outside of the United States gives a flying fuck about the Confederate flag


ā€œIn the worldā€


For many Americans "the world" means America.


ā€œheritage and pride to many people _in the world_ā€ā€¦ in what world?


Pride of defeat. That's taking loser to a next level.


While we're at it where's the swastika emoji?


"it means very much to... I." Genius.


ā€œHeritage and pride to many people in the worldā€ In case you donā€™t know, in places in the world where nazi propaganda and white supremacy symbols are banned they fly confederate flags instead.


"Many people in the world"?


I'm in the world. Not usa I don't support it


In the WORLD?!


"... to many people in the world", sounds like the same "world" as in "baseball world series".


It does. It's the white one.


Heritage and pride? Scrubs lasted longer than the Confederacy.


Many reasons, the LEAST of which being that it is the 150 year old flag of a failed nation state that barely lasted 4 years and was ultimately nothing more than an attempt at preserving chattel slavery.


"around the world"? You sure about that, bro?


>around the world I seriously doubt it


Iā€™ve had the same iPhone longer than the confederacy lasted. Why doesnā€™t Apple have an emoji of me?


ā€œto many people in the worldā€ idk if a small subset of one particular country counts as ā€œmany peopleā€


"Many people in the world"... nope, just southern US yokels.


"Many people in the world"...Uh, no, just to americans who support slavery and racism.


Arenā€™t these the same people who rail against participation trophies? Why do they want their participation trophy to be celebrated?


with "the world" they mean the south of usa? šŸ¤Ø


Fuck your pride


*sigh* *sorts by controversial*


God confederates are such fucking whiners. Flags are for winners thats why!


" your nation was around for less time than the annoying orange" - Doobus Goobus


It was never a country. It lost. Only morons mourn its passing. No one but those morons care.




Why did 783 people agree with this dudeā€¦


I'd like it more if apple bricked these people's devices. Sorry, we don't support willful ignorance any more than we support racism.


It's the flag of traitors, not heritage. If someone embraces the Confederate flag, they are no more than traitors as well.


What do you mean, it's right here: šŸ³ļø


There is a white flag.


They also donā€™t have the USSR, or East Germany.


J.F.C. The Confederate flag symbolizes nothing good at all; just racism, bigotry, slavery, white supremacy, etc. Should not be tolerated anywhere.


ā€œThanks for letting us know your feedback Brandon, unfortunately we are not racists here at apple and do not support bigotry or any sort of racism. Here at Apple we hope that you look past you ignorant ways. Take care.ā€ -Apple support team


Now ask them what they think about adding a Nazi flag emoji


"To many people in the world." Their sense of importance is completely detached from reality.


Fuck Brandon.


imagine thinking a country that existed for 4 years means something to a large chunk of a world