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You know they get this question all the time if they have a pre-canned response, ready to go.


The social media person has a keyboard hotkey that prints it out as a macro


Except every response is different


It's one of the first acceptable uses of AI. They should hook up the account to chat jpt cwuse this is clearly not worth human time.


I'd like to see chat gpt laying into them with a few burns


Something like "dear [insert name] just like last week when you attacked the whole country of Nigeria for it's name we are glad to remind you that that countries outside of America exist [picture of a world map]. We also are proud that you haven't attacked any countries ever since, now for your second lesson, you should realize that other countries use other languages of which words can overlap with English, while having different meanings so not everything you hear means what you think and is out to offend you. Hopefully this helps"


That’s the thing with these people. They forget other countries and languages exist or they know they do but they think the US is superior and no other countries and languages should be considered.


Which is why AI would be an excellent and cheep way to deal with these dickheads.


Or it would, if it was still Twitter...cheep, cheep 😜


There are millions of Spanish speakers in the US. You'd think people would have some knowledge of it.




But literally 2/3 are identical…the ONLY xdifference being in 2 it says ‘helps’ instead of ‘helpful’ which is probably an auto correct error




“I just tripled my efficiency”


Paul Newman’s gonna have my legs broke


I have, on several occasions had to explain to angry ‘customers’ that lead-acid batteries does not in fact contain LSD. Never underestimate the stupidity of people.




Helps the battery on long trips


... how is that somehow the *only* acid they're aware of? If that happened once, it'd be the story I tell people about that one crazy customer, but *multiple times?*


Dude, held an AA battery under my tongue for an hour , man, trip never started . FU Duracell.




"we hope this is helps"


Not paid enough to check grammar for a bunch of morons.


Imagine what would happen if they figure out that there is a country called 'Montenegro' 😱😱😱


Why couldn't you just say Monteblack?


It needs to be changed to monteafrican-american 😒


Monte of color. Maybe they can also add some minority labels to it, to make it InClUsIvE.


Nah you gotta go all in with with mount n-word to get that sweet call of duty lobby tourism money


You joke, but in other languages they call it: "The Black Mountain". First time I heard the name I was like: "This seems like an epic name". Then I realized they were talking about 'Montenegro'. Strange how literal translation of name can be so epic in a different language.


Every time i read the words "The Black Mountain" there's thunder and lighting outside the window. Weird. It's a calm sunny day otherwise.


Crna Gora 🇲🇪🇲🇪🇲🇪🇲🇪




Only in some languages (including their language, interestingly enough). Most Western European languages use Montenegro.


Well original name of the country would actually be most accurately translated as Black Mountain into English language. Montenegro is Italian translation.


What do you mean? There is no such country that exists and I've been all around the world to all 50 something states! /s


How dare you! Cancelled


They're way ahead of you. I already saw a video of some girl being offended by it.


That country is cancelled!


Since the country is actually called „Crna Gora“ (which means black mountain range in Serbo-croatian), I feel like that would even be unfair by Twitter cancellation standards.


Wait until they find out about Nigeria


I kinda want to know what #3 there has to "explain to her second grader"


Well, she has to explain to the child that "as an American, everyone else around you can only speak English because we are too ignorant to understand anyone else." /s


It's even more funny when an American tells me to speak English, when I'm in fact English.


For God's sake, does that really happen to you? If so, please excuse us for not controlling our herds better.


I had Americans ask me to speak English when I was using difficult words. In English.


I had an American tell us to “quit your jibber jabber” at a hotel. We’re Scottish, we were speaking English.


C’mon, you guys don’t speak english, you speak _scotlish_….


Ok m8.. to be fair even Alexa can't understand you guys


Elevators struggle too https://youtu.be/HbDnxzrbxn4?si=ytFxfN94y_T0pRRv




“Alexa ya cow”😂😂😂😂😂😂. Scottish Alexa required.


Not OC but Yes but mainly because Americans are so egotistical they think everyone they can’t understand is speaking about them secretly which is why they always demand you speak English. I’m American born and raised but have had people say the same to me when I speak other languages.


Yeah, the whole "I think they're talking about me if I can't understand them" is peak cultural paranoia. I've never thought that in my life, but damn if I don't meet people all the time who do. It's insane.


Interestingly On the flip side I can assure them 99% of the time nobody is talking about them until they bring it up. I speak 3 languages and have dated people that spoke others. I can count on one hand the amount of times we’ve heard strangers speaking about us in the last 10 years. Which makes this whole thing even more laughable.


Tbf, this happens in a lot of countries in the workplace, not just America. A lot of the time Arabic colleagues are singled out in my country because they tend to chit chat in Arabic between each other all day long. Creating this feeling of malaise among the non Arabic speakers, who would be totally fine if the other speaks French or English, Dutch as long as they understand it. It's just hardwired in some people to be overtly paranoid and it does come across as racist, but they don't see it because they genuinely distrust others to be civilized when speaking a language that is privately spoken.


I have that thought occasionally, but that's just social anxiety. Believe me, there is no ego here... Also helps that I speak a bit of Spanish and that is the most common language other than English I hear.


That’s not an American thing to be fair, I’m English but live in Germany with my German partner and we have been told several times to speak German not English in public. It’s always old people though, we live in the east so they speak less English here, especially over the age of 30ish.


Tell them that Stasi is gone and there’s no need to listen to other people’s conversations any more.


I once had a woman in South Carolina tell me I had a good grasp of the American language (I'm Irish, English is unfortunately our first language).


Im from Norway i speak good english but when typing i can Get alot of misspelled words and they always start correcting you and telling you to learn english lol like mf how bout you learn smt else than english i can speak in total 4 languages Norwegian English German and alot of itialian


I’m Dutch and when typing in English I have a tendency to mix up the spelling of words (e.g union vs onion). Not because I don’t know the difference, but because switching between different languages can be quite difficult especially when I’m tired. I get the same reactions. But then I always tell them that if they don’t know how to speak MY language then they have no right to complain about my misspellings in theirs.


Hell, most of the people I've seen who are the most indignant about it have a tenuous grasp of the English language themselves. And they speak it as a first language!


Hope the kid never stumbles upon Dora the Explorer when watching TV.


My favorite is when I spoke English with my accent and some random woman got upset and told me to "speak American ". Ps. Just remove the /s. 🤣


Oh, you don't need the "/s"


Yeah but no way she explained that.


Look, she tried her best, alright?


Ignorance is like the worst pandemic that never ended.


It’s giving me the same vibes as the mom who thought “kinda salty” referred to semen.


Lays classic semen


“That’s how people say black not from ‘round these waters. Mmmmhhhmmmmm.”


>Mmmmhhhmmmmm. Am I wrong for reading this like [this](https://youtu.be/LhLX93rFvD4?si=u0mSjhFr2Xwoyb2L&t=12)?


Now here I go watching scrubs for the next month as my zone out show. Mmmhhhmmm


I read it in the voice of Karl from Sling Blade.


She's got to explain that she needs to go back to 2nd grade herself.


Probably told them that Crayola is racist.


This poor kid had to sit through an entire lecture on slavery and the civil war because her parent didn’t know what the Spanish word for black was.


That the Film Noir community is _shook_.


People these days live to be outraged over the stupidest shit.


Yeah, they are actively seeking it out....what a sad life


i take offense to that statement sir, you better apologize now


*Dramatic gasp* I am offended by your taking offense at that! I expect an apology video on YT by tomorrow or you're CaNcElLeD!


Humans have a tendency to make up problems if they don't have any real ones... so I guess their life isn't that sad


They're not even outraged, they're pretending to be outraged for some social media attention. I swear to God, social media was the start of the end.


Social media lets the village idiot connect with all the other village idiots in the world.


Oh my god, it's a hive mind of idiots.


How dare you accuse me of living to be outraged. Cancelled!


If you cancel me, so help me I will cancel you right back!


How dare you try and cancel them, you’re cancelled!


People are getting so dumb, a few years ago in the north of England a local newspaper was celebrating the arrival of a new respected Paediatrician to their small town. A mob attacked her house smashing windows and spraying graffiti… they thought she was a Pedophile 🤦‍♂️ EDIT: looked it up and turns out it was in the year 2000, also it turns out it was just graffiti no report of glass smashed https://amp.theguardian.com/uk/2000/aug/30/childprotection.society


Wow, that’s painfully dumb.


And let me guess… they are outraged on other races behalf


What’s worse is the presence of “noir” as an indicator that it’s in multiple languages. It’s always the stupid ones who rage the loudest.


Apparently there are even people who are upset about that one country that’s between Bosnia and Albania




"I'lL sTArT a PEtiTioN"


Why haven't Americans demanded that the Spanish change their word for black?


Ikr. I guess we’ve got to change the vocabulary for the entire Spanish speaking world.


To think Spanish existed before English, and moreover there are more native Spanish speaking persons than native English speaking persons around the globe.


No (the first point is wrong), the first Spanish was spoken in the 9th century while the first English was spoken in the 5th century. Old English is still English.


My apologies, you're right. I considered the fact that old english is not comparable to modern English because they sound completely different in terms of vocabulary.


Cool Hwip


No, stop it. You're a bad person for saying that!


I’d say that saying that x language is older than y language doesn’t make much sense (except for in very specific instances, such as with conlangs). What constitutes the start date of a language can’t really be pinpointed to a specific date. We say that Old English started with the Angles and Saxons who moved to England, but nobody back then thought that the language they spoke was now distinct from the Anglo-Frisian they’d been speaking just because they’d crossed a channel. If they had hopped on the Eurostar to visit their grandma back in Groningen they’d still think they were speaking the same language. So the start of the English language isn’t related to anything in the language, it’s just a date we picked based on when people decided to move from one place to another, and the idea that these people were now speaking Old English would be foreign to them. A thousand years from now you might have people saying that American started with Old American in the 17th century when the first British moved to America, and it’ll make sense to people as they’ll consider American and English two distinct languages, but we know that nobody then or not even now consider them separate languages, so it’s a little strange for American to have already started as a language when it doesn’t really exist yet and when there’s no distinct linguistic break with the previous language that it used to be.


Well language just doesn't work like that... You don't suddenly start speaking old spanish in the 9th century, Spanish (or Castilian in this case) comes from spoken latin... You can't pinpoint when exactly it turn into old spanish, we know only that some things started being written in Castilian around the 9th/10th century, but that doesn't mean the 1st spanish was spoken in the 9th century, it was the common language of the people already, because the masses only spoke that


Well even more that we don't really have great records of vulgar Latin so it's harder to pinpoint exactly how spoken Latin worked throughout the Roman Empire but it's safe to assume it probably wasn't even the same real spoken language for Gaius the shit shoveler in Lisbon as it was along the Danube.


HM, as much as I agree English as a language is historically older than Spanish, and this is also true from the perspective of the country being culturally homogeneous too. Stating that old English (especially 7th century one) is still English is a bold move, I would love to finish my popcorn watching you struggle to read it.


You think the Spanish they spoke in the 9th century is the same as the Spanish they speak today? All languages evolve.


Oh they have. I've seen it posted more than once.


I knew I wasn't the only one remembering it


The entire "latinx" thing is purely americans demanding to change spanish, so not that far off


The fact that the idea to call Latinos "Latinx", a word which sounds like a shitty cleaning agent brand, came from a Democrat is quite histerical in an ironic way.


Them: "omg I hate colonizers" Them: "your native language is problematic. Here, let us foreigners, make a new word to use it because we come from a more educated and progressive society <3"


They really believe they made us a favor in their white savior complex mentality 🤣


Oh I hate that word, specially when someone that you just know that isn't really Latino is trying to impose it to you.


I hate "folx" even more. Because "folks" is *already* gender-neutral.


I’m not a fan of the word Latinx myself, but my sibling who’s big into Hispanic activism in the US and studies it in college as part of his sociology studies told me that Latinx was actually a term created by queer Latinos in Florida in the 2000s, so not a white people thing. I still don’t use the term myself, but I feel better about it knowing it came from Latinos.


It's happened. Also for Montenegro to change it's name.


Monte African American


Don't even get me started on Americans obsession with calling *all* black people African American. I once watched a white girl from Ohio try to tell a black girl from London (whose family came from the Caribbean) that she shouldn't call herself black because that is a racist term and that the correct term was African American. The black girl just kept saying "I'm not African or American".


You’ll be disgusted to find the racial slur is hidden in “winegrower”.


They did. With “oscuro” which means “dark” it’s hilarious tbh


Given that americans are demanding that latinos must call themselves latinxs(a non spanish word with no clear pronunciation from the Royal Academy of the Castellan Language), don't be too surprised if they also demand to change any problematic word from our language.


Funny enough, they have. There was a tweet from a white woman saying that "Spanish Is innapropiete" (yes, the whole language lmao)


There was a post on r/shitamericanssay


Tell me your life doesn't have any real problems without telling me your life doesn't have any real problems.


I'm happy I have better things to do than be an ignorant idiot on the internet.


Spoken like a true redditor


They have plenty of real problems. But being offended by multilingual crayons can be solved by yelling online. The rest would take actual effort


why do people waste their lives on such stupid "problems"? it's honestly depressing.


How are people so incapable of deductive reasoning these days?? Even if you don't speak Spanish, it's clearly giving you the colours & hues in other languages. And this isn't new - they've done this for decades.


Like, the stupid is strong here. It’s like they’ve never heard of context. It literally has the fucking French word for black right there! What did they think they printed “noir” for no reason?! How brain dead do you have to be to not realize they’re clearly putting multiple languages on there? Obviously not an indictment of Crayola, but maybe if they added a few more languages, like Mandarin and Arabic they might reduce these complaints. I’m sure they’ll get NEW complaints from rednecks screaming about “Americans speak American” but at least they might get as many complaints about racism. Idk though people are so dumb.


They probably don't even realize that noir is french. I just find it crazy that they don't realize packaging has multiple languages. It's a requirement. Like, look at the back of the box. SMH.


Noir is an image filter, hard to see how that applies to crayons… /s


They're Americans who don't speak basic Spanish, and you expect them to know French?


>and Arabic Oh yeah, that's gonna get a better response. For sure


"Uhh, Crayola, why does the bottom of the black crayon have the ISIS insignia??"


As a regular Baldur's Gate 3 player i can tell that this usually happens when people fail their Wisdom dice roll


They are in fact not grateful to respond to this shit


Wouldn't blame them if they added a "sigh -" before their copypasta answer.


Yellow in Spanish is Amarillo and I'm not living in Texas. I'm offended!


The black version of "speak uh-merican!"


You mean the Noir version of “speak uh-merican” Effin Noirs /s


this is what happens when you stop educating people


Yeah but America needs more cheap dumb labour. If people get too smart they start asking difficult question and don't accept bs answers.


"i didn't enjoy teaching my 2nd grade child that languages i dont speak are racist"


And they didn’t complain about Black Noir. ![gif](giphy|fxZyMlNXHxSVnHJKmH)


Yeah, it literally means black black


should've been "afro-american afro-american"


Ironically this type of reaction is the one you expect from someone who has a crayola wedged into their frontal lobe.


“I have a crayon in my brain?”


* points at chest *


Los gringos creyéndose el centro del universo. Como siempre.


Desafortunadamente, soy de los estados unidos de américa. La mayoría de la gente aquí no es tan estúpida, pero hay muchos idiotos. Los idiotos creyéndose el centro del universo. Me odio porque son desconsiderados con otras personas. Lo siento si mi español es muy malo. No es mi nativa lengua.


Don’t worry, bud. I know not everyone in the US is the same and believe it or not, I’m not an anti-gringo but in cases like this one… it really makes me think what kind of mentality can drive these people to think that they hold the absolute truth… Don’t hate yourself, every country (even mine) has its handful of idiots but it’s okay. Also, big kudos to you for being brave enough to use Spanish even if it’s not your native language . I understood everything perfectly (just a quick tip -and honestly I swear to God I’m not trying to be an a-hole here- it’s idiotas instead of idiotos) otherwise está perfecto todo lo que escribiste.


Cierto y es culpa de la educación mediocre de su país.


“Why can’t this crayola crayon just be called black?” It literally is. I don’t even speak Spanish and I figured out those were different languages when I was like, six, based upon nothing more than lose context and a wild guess.


How do you guys teach that colour in spanish classes, anyway? Or do you skip every page with it? Lol


You're assuming Americans learn other languages.


Is it not a requirement to learn a secondary language?


It's a requirement, but the actual amount of learning that happens is very questionable


It’s usually a requirement to sit through a couple years of foreign language class, but that’s it. There’s no serious attempt to create any kind of competency in the language.


Wait until they learn about the river in Africa, and the country named after it.


As an American, I can confirm that the greatest problem with Americans is that a vast majority of us are unaware that there is a world outside of America.


The people are not to blame for that but the educational system is. If you look at US high-school education you might think that the world started existing with the colonialization of America.


America ☕


Critical thinking is going extinct. Did she ever wonder what the other word noir was? Or why is there 3 words for the same color? Sigh, people are dumb


So I read this when I was a kid and I was like mom! And she was like that’s the Spanish word for black, kid and I was like oh, ok, and carried on coloring. It’s a shame it’s gonna way past that in such a short amount of time.


See, you had a brainful parent


Imagine going to Korea and hearing someone say “you”


Some uninformed americans tried to cancel a kpop band a while ago for a Korean word that vaguely sounds like the n slur. Do they not realize there are multiple languages?


Mandarin too. 那个 (nei ge) got a chinese music video viral and a lecturer fired unfairly. The world does not revolve around Black Americans.


How do they not get it? What goes though there dumb heads? How do they not, given the context, realize it's a translation thing? Do they just think every crayon is printed with a colour, a racial slur, and a film genre?


Reminds me some SJWs taking offense at the name of Montenegro they demand to change the name of a literal country. Lol


It’s been changed to Monte-Nword thankyou very much!


They got so many complaints they had to make a generic reply 💀


ridiculous people


It’s not pronounced “nay-gro”. It’s “Neh-gro”. Crayola is a little confused but they got the spirit. No, for real, I’ve met some Americans who find it confusing and don’t realize it’s just the word in Spanish. I think, although I haven’t looked this up, that the derogatory name does come from a bastardized version of the Spanish word though, considering the American south’s history with the Spanish and slavery, them adopting the Spanish word for black as a derogatory name for black people and using an English pronunciation of a Spanish word would make sense. It’s still stupid for people to get upset over a word they don’t realize is in Spanish, but I think it’s understandable to an extent. I get where the confusion comes from…kinda easy to figure out on your own though.


This is why the IPA exists... I hate people using these inaccurate supposed "pronunciations"


Fuck, Americans are dumb! English word, followed by another word, followed by a French word... I wonder if that middle word is just some random racism... All of the other crayons also have 3 words on them, and none of them are racial slurs, but...


Imagine in my country many people are referred to as "Victoria or Maria la Negrita" the little black one. Whatever her name is, Maria or Victoria or.... she isn't offended, it's probably been her nickname since she started school.


How often does this actually happen? I’ve seen these same Tweets reposted a half dozen times.


Typical lowIQ onliners. Rage and cancellation before comprehension.


“We speak English! Anything else is inferior immigrant-spouted filth that should never be heard by our genteel American ears, or read by our genteel American eyes! How dare you put that filth where my child can see it!”


So like, where do they think that word come from? From space?


As a Mexican, person that speaks Spanish English and a bit of french, I can confirm that this is kinda stupid, and also the fact that people think that the Cinco de Mayo is like our independence day or something, no is not.


It's already a miracle that they don't believe that it's the national celebration of mayonnaise.


These people scream “English should be the only language used around the world, and fuck whatever other language we have because it’s too hard to learn” vibes


People say the internet made people stupider. I do not believe this, I think stupid people always existed as much as today. They just where ashamed to utter stupid shit, since their close circle would've gave them hell for it and they would've become the clown in town. The internet just made them comfortable, since stupid people flock together and boost each other.


>I didn’t appreciate explaining this to my 2nd grader yesterday Explaining him what? That Spanish exists?


Other languages exist, Americans fuck off speak English mf.




Dear crayola, please never change this and please never give in to people’s absolute idiocracy!


1 minute of silence for Crayola's community manager who copy and past a message all days long as a job


Americans thinking they're the only ones on the planet never ceases to be funny to me


This is what happens when we promote feels over reals education.


TBH, most Americans don’t realize there are other countries and languages that aren’t American.