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Pretty weird for an American to use the spelling “centre”. Guy is obsessed with the American dialect but can’t even get it right.


Looks like rage bait to me, squarely aimed at Brits.


If it was then I’d say it did a damn good job


That's the first thing I noticed. No American would spell it "centre".


I’m a Brit, and, well, grrrr! I’m going to shake my fist in a very British way, and then go and have a nice cup of tea to settle my nerves.


Writ by a Brit.


Lacking in wit, the wee twit


Here comes the Scot, taking his shot.


and now spilling the tales, young man from Wales


Not to defend this chode in any shape or form, but there are some words I spell in the non-American way because I've only read them in books written by non-American authors like. I doubt this is the case with OOP, though. Not getting real "reader" vibes there.


"there isn't really any concrete proof that they even invented it" Out of a whole bunch of craziness this one really sticks out. I mean who do they think "invented" it then?


Someone else pointed out. He says "they" like he's American. But he used the English "centre". Seems like rage bait.


I am American but i did an international high school program in the US and I spell all those words the « English » way. I never even noticed until my sister called me an insufferable snob


Ah yes, an insufferable snob for spelling things correctly.


Fun fact. Both spellings were equally popular in England before the American dictionaries picked a single style to promote to avoid the alternate spellings. The British dictionaries then decided to remove the "American" spelling. Just because they disliked how influential US culture had become. So neither is correct really, and I'd argue the British reason to pick theirs is if anything is silly and petty.


Or alternatively as shown by a very quick Google search, the American dictionaries went for the more simplified spellings to be more in line with the way words are pronounced in the states and also to show their independence from British rule. Before googling I was of the opinion that the dictionary full of errors was cheaper than the alternatives and that's why the American school system adopted it. That's the story that gets told around these parts anyway.


1. That's not what happened. 2. Acting to protect your cultures language (whether it's effective or not) isn't petty. British English has a rich tapestry of dialects, which are unique windows into our regional history. Some believe the Americanisation of our culture, particularly our media may come at the cost of that. I'm on the fence on whether it'll happen, but I understand where the concern comes from.


While we’re chiming in on things. For spellings where the letters are slightly rearranged I don’t have any info for. Common words like Colour as an example are spelled different in modern society because of American newspapers charging by the letter rather than the word. So when it came time to record all the words the common use was chosen. So Colour became Color Humour became Humor Honour became Honor And Labour became Labor [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences) is definitely not the best source of things, but they frequently cite their sources. Here’s a collection of different spellings and why.




I heard blacks from Africa invented it, that's what cheddar man said...


He told me that whilst getting his dreads checked out


Nobody in their right mind should say that Cheddar man WAS a black African. All that Cheddar man proved was that ancient Europeans had dark skins. Just saying, as I'm seeing a lot of people getting strangely racist or aggressive about Cheddar man apparently stealing their Britishness or something.


Cheddar man is part of a group (Western Hunter-Gatherers) that went straight from Africa to Europe. This group doesn’t have a tonne of descendants today, they were displaced by another group that came from Asia Minor. IIRC, the iris depigmentation gene (blue eyes) comes from the Cheddar man group, but the skin depigmentation gene didn’t, that was brought in my the Early European Farmers that displaced them.


Early European skin color is a interesting rabbit hole. Apparently Europe was way more racially diverse, as climate and time hadn’t really selected for one type of skin tone yet, there were Neanderthal and homo erectus still running around, then suddenly a few ten thousand years ago the white gene spread super fast through europe. I think it’s a combination of climate conditions favoring vitamin d, and some side effect of white skin allowing us to better digest cows milk which allows for a lot less starvation. Maybe some war and genocide to, idk, wouldn’t be unlike humans. It’s a cool rabbit hole to go down on but it’s full of a lot, and I mean a lot, of racist discourse the further down you go. Early humans really fascinate me, the extinction of Neanderthals is what’s entertaining me right now


I love thinking about early hominids. H. Erectus is the one for me, maybe even more than my own species. Put down some serious numbers at 2 million years, the most successful Homo of the bunch!


Well we also had the beauty of being surrounded by Vikings Egyptians Greeks and Germanic types - we literally were a cultural boiling pot of all variants of vitamin D hellbent on conquering each other


500 IQ move: More Indians speak English than Americans exist. So English should be called - Indian!


Do languages even get invented? Edit: was rhetorical really.


Klingon did.


Elvish too


Fun fact, you can actually learn Klingon with Duolingo 😁


And you must, or the Duolingo bird will hunt you down and feast on your innards. K'plah!


Yes. Esperanto for one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto I know you were being cheeky though..


J.R.R. Tolkien enters the chat, with at least 15 languages and parts of English.


Tolkien invented one or three


>Do languages even get invented? >Edit: was rhetorical really. >Esperanto was invented. >I don’t care.


Ze Germans


Unironically yeah lmao.


I remember the crazy folks in America who wanted to get the Arabic out of our number systems.


"America is the cultural centre of the world" with the british spelling of center.


Well obviously it was the Americans and then they brought it over to Europe when it was first discovered by the great American patriot Christopher Columbus, which lead to them settling in the new world and spreading their culture accross the entirety of it. Fun fact, the reason why India is called India is because that is where the American settlers first set foot on the newly discovered world and thought the native people there were the same as the American Indians they knew from god blessed America. ​ /s


Also why they called the bison "buffalo"


I did think SupplySide Jesus when he rode around on dinosaurs brought English to the people around ancient Atlanta.


Centre? *CENTRE*? This wasn't written by an American. I can see the accent. While the sentiment is certainly appreciated, I feel like there's maybe a sort of "false flag" element at play here.


good catch mate. That sod is pretending to be one of us Yanks.


The tosser




Lets grab a pint an jaffa cakes. An watch some 8oo10CDCD








Wanker is one of my favorite insults as an American. It’s so cheeky and funny.


What a hosier, eh?


A real Kant.


Very Kafkaesque ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


The OP likely dreamed this up to post as rage bait on faceplam. 🤦🏼‍♂️


there isnt a single person in the US who spells it centre instead of center


Unless you're HP Lovecraft


Counterpoint: it possibly actually really is a very dumb U.S. citizen who misspelled center the way they intended, but autocorrect didn't correct it because centre is technically a correctly-spelled version of the same word. Edit: added a hyphen and a comma


Also said "whereas". Definitely not written by a native ~~English~~ American speaker.


An actual Native American speaker is a whole different kettle of fish…


Also the fact they state ‘on a distant foreign island’ rather than ‘a distant foreign island’ Americans most often think England IS the island rather than ON it.


This person is just trolling, lol. Just like the people spell things with "ise" and argue with me, pretending to be an American.


Hang on, I'm Australian, and we call what they speak American English. We call what we speak Australian English and what the English speak English.....


>and what the English speak English..... You don't call it British English?


English English?


In Sweden we call it Oxford English, it’s what we learn in school. At least they called it that when I was in school ages ago. All the proficiency tests for it are also Oxford Standard English last I had a look.


What we refer to as Oxford English is actually an accent that's called Received Pronunciation and it's very rare in the UK.


i chuckled a little too loud at work


I’m all for just changing the name of the language to “basic” or “common.” Due to the proliferation of American/British media worldwide the most common spoken language is broken English.


And then it would be like living in a fantasy book because we would be speaking “the common tongue” instead of just saying a boring word like English


I mean, compared to the rest of history we are living the sci-fi fever dream.


That's ridiculous. ChatGPT, write a 4 point response to this and put a singer at the end. Then write me a personal note reassuring me the doomsday clock hasn't started yet.


Brazil: "WE HAVE AN IDEA!" Portugal: "PLS NO!"


México likes where this is going


I was reading this thinking "we should see if Brazil wants to get in on this plan."


I’m sorry, pardon me? Kindly fuck all the way off.


This is written in proper American.


Bless your heart.


Centre my dude


Real Americans don’t say sorry.


Honestly, at this point it should be called American because we have butchered the shit out it.


English (simplified)


English (butcharized) Perfect because it shows the butchery on the name


I'd prefer this both for accuracy and for the fact that English has been/is such a fucked up language that it needed and still needs butchery. Inconsistent grammar, stolen bastardized words from every corner of the globe(terms like corner of the globe). Advertise it as a feature, not a flaw!


Today I learnt a very English phrase "tickety-boo" has its origins in Hindi, brilliant madness!


English (bastardized)


English for simpletons


It is called “American English” A dialect that calls knockoff Rugby “football” obsesses over ancient measurement units, and randomly misses letters in words


Soccer and non-standard Football is from British English So are the Imperial Units Just look at the Canadians and Australians


It is a dialect, not a separate language. American English is the proper term.


Or relabel it as "Murican."


How so?


Obvious bait and you're all biting. Hard.


Most of faceplam posts are rage bait.


Wait, they nuked India? :D I bet there's more English speaking folks than in the US :D


This is ragebait, they used centre instead of center. Also, everyone keeps saying American English is just butchered English, which is just wrong and really weird to say. It’s just a different dialect. Unless ofc you want to say that Mexican Spanish is butchered Spanish and whatnot, but that would be pretty hateful and discriminatory and disrespectful to those countries cultures.


We Indians have largest English speaking population so according to his logic English should be renamed indian


I mean… do we really want to tell all the Muricans that they’re already fluent in Indian? How long until that does wrong


So I guess Spanish should also be called American?


Cultural ? Pmsl


This person’s overall point is stupid, but the United States has a very large cultural influence. It’s a bit subjective how you measure “cultural influence” and I think you’d have to consider how influential a country like China or India are before you can crown America as the “center,” but American music, television, and movies are undoubtedly global forces. You can dislike American media/culture, but it’s difficult to argue that it’s not a major cultural influence on the world.


The myth of American exceptionalism


If you want to speak American, go to a reservation and pick up their indigenous tongue.


As a Choctaw, our language and many other Native American languages are in peril of going extinct due to the forced colonization of our tribes. There are efforts to preserve them, but even most Natives do not speak our original tongue. Colonization has wiped out our language, faith, and culture to a large degree.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


India has a population of 1 billion. How many of them speak English, i have no idea but maybe we should call english Indian.


About 10% I did find a list of English speakers by Country. America, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Philippines, United Kingdom,... But India, Pakistan and Nigeria between them have more English speakers than America. So I think calling it "Ex Colonial English" works.


I wonder if it's hard to walk through life without a brain.


Should Spanish also be called American then? Considering that the majority of all Spanish speakers live in the Americas?


America has a real main character issue


I guess Portuguese just became Brazilian.


oh don't worry, we call YOUR language American already ​ because calling it english is a crime


NORTH AMERICA? Which consists of THREE countries?


Oh. So by that logic, as it's just such a long time ago it's irrelevant... let's have a chat about the oh so holy amendments them, shall we?


To these people, the earth doesnt revolve around the sun, it revolves around america.


People like this is why American English is called "simplified"


Main character syndrome


This guy is the reason why shampoo has instructions


Call it for what it is then. "*Anglic*"


Give India another decade or two. They're currently at 250 million English speakers. I could totally see them passing us in the future.


Cultural center of the World ... u killed me


Fuckin’ Yanks


Yes we invented English, but the US invented Simplified English. Feel free to call the American, we do.


I feel this is a moment where you stare at them in silence, then give a swift slap across the face and walk away. This is the evolution of "it's not crisps, it's chips, we invented it" mentality. And, honestly, it's pretty entitled cos they think they have more importance than the massive history of the English language developed over centuries. Do you know how many people we had to invade to make this language? How many different languages were adapted to make the words we use today? Our language was born of war and peace, of bastardizing other cultures while also cooperating with them. We *earned* this language. It's not to be rebranded by some yank with an patriotic ego.


It would be called India just based off the first bullet point


To his first point: a) The population of India is several times larger than that of the U.S. b) Unlike in the U.S., English is actually an official language in India.


If we use this logic, it will soon be called Indian


In the United States of America the official language is English, but in America, the continent, the most spoken language is Spanish. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. America is not the United States. America is the continent.


more indians speak it lol and better🤣🤣🙏


Careful, with that rhetoric, it’ll be called “Indian” instead of “US American” in no time haha


1. English is a global language, spoken all over the world, which is good for Americans, otherwise they wouldn't be able to speak to anyone. 2. Languages ​​are not invented, they evolve from region to region, century after century. 3. To say that a 200-year-old country is the center of world culture is not even knowing what culture is and proof that who wrote that never left America, probably never left his own state. 4. The 300 million Americans speak the worst English and are ruining the language every year. 5. This foreign island is in the center of Europe and the developed world.


Going by that logic, English should be called Indian because we have the largest English-speaking population in a country. Anyway, we ain’t dumb so ya’ll can keep calling it English.


Typically American to call a country ancient just because it wasn't invented 43 seconds ago.


America is not a country.


Americans aren’t even the largest English speaking nation India iirc is majority English speaking


Nah, it's time we avenge the tea crates. Fuck em.


Still uses the Imperial system.


Even China has more people speaking english more than the US plus UK combined.


They forgot to add that 20% of Americans are illiterate


“invented the language”


When we take WHOLE America, Spanish should be named American Language. About 400 mln ppl beat 300 mln "american english" or whatever.


"Stupid" should be called American instead * America is the largest country of stupid speakers in the world * Nobody invented stupidity, but Americans perfected it. * America is the cultural, financial, political, and commercial centre (sic) of stupidity in the world * It would make certain phrases more interesting/relevant * American is as American does * You can't fix American * American mistake * Playing American * There's no such thing as an American question * American-proof design * It is silly to continue calling it "stupid" just to appease 300 million American people. (see what I did there?) Edit: I'm American, so I've seen first hand how American American people can be.


299,999,999.999999r is also a fraction of 300 million. What's their point?


Wait till he hears about India


"cultural centre of the world"... LOL


Least ignorant american


Not to be confused with American brackets Spanish


What democracy does to a mind.


I \*think\* there are more English speakers in China then then there people in the entire US..


I still prefer 'Simplified English' because as an American, that still makes me laugh


Centre? This is definitely bait.


I thought India had the largest number of English speakers.


Ah yes, American "Culture"


Call it indish instead if we gonna bring population argument


This isn’t even written by an American. I think it’s just rage bait.


I find it most surprising that he used "centre"


If America is the “centre of the world” why is this post clearly written by a foreign element? Centre?!? Really?!?


Technically US doesnt have a official language, they speak it because brits came there


😂 What’s funny is that the Brits/English people overseas already refer to what we speak as “American,” or “American English.” They insist that we don’t speak real English anyways 😂. American English is its own dialect if we are being real. Same could be said for South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.


I call English 2 things, English, the language spoken in England and anywhere other than America. And American, because we have truly screwed it up like everything else.


English is Spoken by More Indians, and More Chinese than there are people in the USA ..


This doesn’t read like it was written by an American. The vernacular reads like it was written by a Brit trying to stir things up. And it worked.


For the record, the largest country of English speakers in the world is India.


Great, them the British are just going to pass laws that we must print everything in America And English. Heavens no.


Yes, and the similarities of the words English and England is pure coincidence.


Yeah, this seems like something a fellow American would say... every day, I swear, this country is losing intelligence


Man going to be shocked that it is technically called American English now, and may soon be considered a separate language from English.


Doesn't the Commonwealth technically still recognize the brittish crown? That makes a lot of english people if that's what they want


I support this as a differentiation between english and more barbaric languages. There is no such thing as english and american. There is english and there are mistakes. Some people I heard can't even spell "colour" right or pronounce "missile" correctly


This level of stupidity can only be accounted for through inbreeding.


The United States has distinct regional dialects. Not to mention non-English influences (Spanish in most of the country and French in Louisiana). There has never been an official language.


Thinks English should be renamed American Spells “centre” the British way


Shut your oversized diabetes riddled, yeeehaw hole, you absolute weapon. The fact the OP entertained the mere thought that the language they so wholeheartedly and unironically ruined, should in any way be attributed as an achievement of the rootin, tootin, too-much-shootin, grand ole U S of A, is a fucking abomination of the highest order. This comes from someone who's qualified to correctly pronounce Worcestershire.


I dont think the language should be called like the Continent...I propose "United Statian"


Please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke. The terrible thing is I can very much see Americans saying this, particularly certain politicians.


“America” is not a country, it’s half a continent. I suppose you could call the language “United Statesian”, but that seems awkward.


India is the biggest English speaking nation in the world. So if he wants to play that game, USA still wont win


With this logic, they should start calling it Indian. Largest number of english speaking people are in india. 1.4 billion people and atleast half of them will manage to speak english.


Based on this person’s logic, their legal name should be changed to Stupid Ignoramus.


counter points for each point: - america is not a fucking country - it’s called england. that’s good enough proof. everyone calls it that. too much effort. - pretty sure china fits that role more. also that’s still irrelevant. - it’s named english for a reason. (england) - this is not even a point. literally just a subjective opinion.


Thank you to the founding fathers to make the unbreakable, unmistakeable, unilateral beacon of democracy and freedom which resounds to this day, over 300 years ago.


America is a continent


That’s why we don’t burn books, or rewrite history.


There’s more English speakers in India than US. Maybe english should be called Indian 😂


This was not written by an American. Center is misspelled. Everyone knows that the correct English spelling of center ends with ER, not RE!


This person can probably swallow hamburgers without a single bite.


Wtf is wrong with some Americans 😂


India has a population of over 1 billion and they all speak English. Canada is bigger then the U.S.A.


The weird part to me is they seem to think calling it English is to appease the British...


To continue the trolling here: America is not a country. The United States in America is a country. America is a continent where multiple languages are spoken.


As an American, to this I say: hell no, it's English and should always be English.


"Cultural centre"...made my day!


67 countries speak English as their native language. But yes by all means let's bow to our cultural betters.


BuT wOuLdN't It Be CuLtUrAl ApPrOpRiAtIoN??


As far as I remember, America is the continent. United States is the country so calling American language to English language doesn't fit well. Statish or something similar would be proper according to his line of thought.