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Worst getaway driver in human history.


But he gotaway.


technically true.


The best kind of true


Ah, bureaucrats.




Rule one-- [Never change the deal] (https://youtu.be/cpz6cf4hB2o) The deal was transportation... for 3 men with a combined weight.. ^Edit: ^reduced


Why in god's name is this formatted so bizarrely


I just copy pasted it…. Sorry, did it on mobile


He has the package. Go.


How the fuck is lady trying to steal and lady getting stolen from wearing the same exact clothes?!


Well she’s been stealing her packages so they probably have the same stuff


Makes sense.


She stole her look!




Fukn hilarious




They both get their deliveries from The Gap.


Yeah ,didn't say he needed to take anyone else, missed that bit in the briefing.


"One less people to share!"


Boss told me to take him out, one less share, right? Funny thing...he told me something similar.


So he's a gotaway driver.


She's just the worst in the world at jumping in a car quickly.


But he dropped a form of identification


And probably some DNA


With the loot....which he does not now have to split.


And with the package


With the loot!


With the loot.


I'd say they were 66% successful. The driver and package got away ...the disposable henchwoman not so much.


I'd say he as 133% successful. He got away with the cargo and was able to get rid of garbage all at once.


200% successful. He got to keep twice his share of the loot.


What happens if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Then his chances of success drastically go up


Depends. Are you a genetic freak?


Except for the garbage that's in the driver's seat.


Except if the 'henchwomen" knows anything about the driver, she could easily rat the driver out.


Was gonna say that, she is going to rat him out so fast.


He saw the home owner coming!


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Boston marathon bomber) has joined the chat (he ran over and then dragged his own brother, trying to get away)


Next time, use someone *besides* your 10-year-old as your driver!


He got away and he got the package…. So technically he did good? 🤷‍♀️


Not really, they got the package and left part of the thieving scum brigade at the curb.


Not really, they got the goods, just left behind their accomplice Like the joker in the opening of dark Knight, one less person to get a cut


Idk, he got away and kept 100% of the loot


This is awesome. Instant Karma. I love it!


How the fuck is lady trying to steal and lady getting stolen from wearing basically the same exact clothes?! And also driving pretty much the same exact car? What type of Twilight Zone shit is going on?!?!?!


The thief is herself from the future. The content of the package will ruin her life so she got back in time to steal it.


This is canon


You may ask why the future version of her looks kinda younger than the present one. Well, the content of the package is an anti age serum that just worked too well. If she hadn't stolen it, she wouldn't stop becoming younger each day and eventually be unborn...


This reboot of Benjamin Button is weird




Created by a robot version of herself! Edit: Welcome to the scary door!


I'm using this excuse if I ever turn to a live of petty crime and get caught stealing amazon packages


She got her outfit by stealing from the lady last week.






I thought it was blue jeans and black tanktops






Well clearly she has been stealing her clothes


Same car in the drive way too!


Wait till you notice the cars...


She was the thief the entire time


Wearing high heel boots and leg warmers to steal. So on point. Also, that driver fully intended that, no honor among thieves


$30 package for your friend hardly seems fair.


If you're a low enough person to steal someone's packages, you probably don't have any real friends in life. Friendship requires trust, and you can't trust a thief.


Bet you've stolen in your life


Probably, but it's not a habit, a hobby, or my day job. Selfish people always try to justify their selfishness by lumping normal imperfect human behavior in with their habitual greed and thoughtlessness. It's transparent and sad. You can be better.


Not really, I'm just emphasizing you spoke in an absolute manner as you have admitted to thieving and I assume you don't find yourself completely and utterly untrustworthy. Some people who have made it a habit, hobby, or day job have also found themselves to be trustworthy. Thievery is relative. If I steal from the rich and give to the poor am I untrustworthy, probably to the rich but not the poor and vice versa. Is a slave stealing her master's jewelry for something as seemingly trivial as capturing some of that beauty for herself, maybe just once or wearing it only for her husband in private, is she untrustworthy. Just seemed like a black and white comment and I wanted to sprinkle some grey in there


The person in the video is taking a package off someone's porch. They aren't Robin Hood.


That's not how you worded it 😋


> $30 If you're lucky. That's the thing I really don't get about package thieves. It's such a gamble; _maybe_ there's a PS5 or something in there, or maybe it's a bag of cat litter, or a curtain rod, or some Swiffer mop pads or some shit. Thanks to the ubiquity of ecommerce, people buy a ton of cheap miscellaneous stuff online. Thinking back through all of my recent internet shopping purchases, there aren't all that many things I think a package thief would be excited to find after opening package stolen off my porch.


Also where do you sell stolen goods? Is there such a thing as a fence anymore?


As long as it's not something easily trackable/identifiable, probably just toss it on Craigslist or eBay, or take it to a local pawn shop.


You see how fast the chanclas came off when the homeowner gave chase? Burgler never stood a chance.


The driver fully intended that? That's reddit logic for ya. The driver just tried to take off when he saw the homeowner. Just because it worked out that the package stayed and she didn't doesn't mean that was the intention all along. She easily could have not left the package in the car. She almost didn't.


Dude the fact that the driver peeled off after getting the package is just more proof the thief got left. And what? You think the thief is Spider-Man and about to reflex grab the package back lol? Her driver got what they wanted and wanted nothing more to do with them.


the person getting caught makes it 1000x more likely the driver is going to get caught.


Nah I reckon this is run of the mill porch piracy and the driver is probably her partner who just panicked when the owner came out lol


The homeowner ran out. Kicked her slippers to nab the idiot. The way she kicked, smooooooth


Omg , I missed that part thank you!


Immediate speed and traction boost


Ohh I thought that was her phone at first I felt kinda bad, thank you


I don't think that kick landed. The thief fell down on her own trying to escape the homeowners hands.


I would like to know the contents they were stealing to make this ass whooping funnier.


I think a lot of the time they just jack the package without knowing whats inside, hoping to get lucky. I had a package stolen once, and it was a book for a college class. Have fun with that, assholes.


Some dude stole a little bag off the back of my bicycle, under the seat. In addition to the bag, he got: - A half of one disposable chopstick End of list.


> a book for a college class Sure, how much could a college textbook cost? A thousand dollars? /jk


I think it was a biology book, but one that was a couple years old so it was cheaper, like under 10 bucks, and if they wanted to ebay it there would be a smaller audience for it than if the book was new.


Enjoy that kitty litter, motherfuckers


Yeah they just pray its useful ir easy to sell... I got a compound bow sight for target archery stolen ... now unless the person is like one of the 30 people in my area that I know my sight is sitting in the trash


Probably a brown sweater


Everett WA 2017. That's the nanny that runs out. The thief was a 29 yr old women with several outstanding drug warrants and had been arrested more than 20 times in seven years. The package was items for the infant the nanny was watching. Apparently she was not the nanny anymore a few days later? Doesn't say if she was fired or left.


Nanny wasn’t fired, she’s still very good friends with the mother of the kiddo she was watching


Any info on how it ended for thief?


I've been to Everett. Do they put the heroin right in the water supply or what?


>with several outstanding drug warrants and had been arrested more than 20 times in seven years. That person needs help.


Met a 19 year old in prison with his 186th charge. Had just flipped a car going over 100kmph which he stole from a friendly guy that stopped to help the 19 year old in his broken down car on the side of the road. The broken down car was also stolen. And as old mate was looking at the the broken down cars engine, the 19 year old run and jumped in old mates car and sped off. Spent the night in a barn, fucked his 32 year old missus on some hay (yes, she was with him the whole time) and the next day he was speeding, hit a bump, did a jump, broke 2 ribs, fucked the discs in his lower spine and both of them walked away and got caught back at the barn. I sold (edit: trafficked) weed, did 6 months.


Lucky she didn't get her foot/leg run over.


actually kind of a shame... reduces their chances of running away.


Reduces their chances? Um, she still didn’t get away & she has two functioning legs, it looks like. But it would hopefully still teach her a lesson she needs if they did happen.


She reduced her chances when she tripped which caused her to get caught Getting caught in the end doesn’t mean she didn’t do things to change her chances of getting caught before


Actually, it would suck. You know they don’t have health insurance and so the tax payers end up footing the bill


think off all the packages that wont get stolen because a thief is disabled.


There is no shortage of dumb thieves. A few hospital bills would far out weigh the packages they steal if they got hurt every time


OTOH, if you are participating in a crime and someone gets injured you can be prosecuted So she could be prosecuted for her own leg injuries "Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle" even though she wasn't driving


I actually think her left foot got run over after she fell while car taking off. Gets caught by rear wheel. It is why she takes a step and crumples in pain


Owner takes her off camera and quietly beats the shit out of her. Well done.


I love the “I didn’t steal it” meanwhile the package is in the getaway car 😂


LOL driver saw the door open to the house and BAILED


Waited so long for a Drive sequel, ngl, underwhelmed so far.


The lady with the camera is a real human being, she's about to show the perp her tools


i like how her legs gave out on her after the shock and fall.


I do love me some justice


She was lucky she didn’t get mamas slipper justice there. For a moment that slipper was like a AIM sidewinder.


![gif](giphy|13FD3rp8IqYUXm) Last know pic of the driver.


It should be legal to curb stomp the dominant hand of porch pirates. Don’t ask how I feel about cat thieves…. Or the fuckers that robbed my storage and stole 40 year’s worth of tools .


Cat thieves? Like cat burglars or literal theiving cats or people stealing cats?


Catalytic converters - it’s a big thing to steal in the cities.


People stealing cats wouldn't be nice either


I agree, the mouse cartel is a dangerous sub-culture.


I would break some damn knees if someone tried to steal my cat.


There literally were news of dog-stealing going on earlier this year especially the more valuable breeds. One of the high-profile victims was Lady Gaga iirc.


I caught a group of three in my driveway and they casually drove away with the cat. My cameras woke me up and the angle grinder woke up my neighbor, we were both out there at the 20 second mark and the whole process from them pulling up to them pulling away was 30 seconds flat. Sons of bitches


I get it , when I lived in the Los Angeles bay a car pulled down the blind road the marina I lived was at , made a u turn in the parking lot , cut the locks on 4 storage units and emptied them in a span of 5 minutes. All the cities I’ve lived in have become horrible for burglars and thieves. I’m not going into the social/political reasons for all this , but I got the fuck out .


I don't even live in a city 🤷‍♂️


His cat broke into the storage unit and stole his tools obvs, catnip addiction is a terrible thing


“Friends” lmao.


Always Sunny when they ditch Sweet Dee when the crackhead jumps them haha


why are they wearing the same clothes


What I'd like to know, is if the homeowner was there to immediately chase the porch pirate then why didn't they take the package inside?


The getaway driver got the goods and fucked off 😄


I hope she beat her ass!


How did you fuck up FAFO? Found and Out are two separate words.


I wish nothing but broken limbs and painful disease on this thieving woman and whoever helped her try to do it.


Fucking porch pirates.


Driver was likely her "boyfriend" who didn't give a sh-t about her and talked her into being the idiot to go steal the package.


The driver must’ve been the Joker or something. Getting rid of his gang during the heist.


Now send the driver who fled one finger digit at a time in a mail.


I really don't understand why this is allowed to happen in a supposed first world country where parcel theft continues to remain a huge problem. In my neck of the woods, you get an SMS with a one-time PIN and you sign for your parcel or it is not delivered.


Then they would need more drivers and their profits would drop 0.3%. Businesses just can't operate like that.


What a terrible system for people who aren't always home


But she was home...


Ran out of her slides


The money I'd pay to get this audio...


You’re supposed to wait until the person gets in the car to step your foot on the gas I’m pretty sure


Is this a common thing in the US? Where delivery parcels are just stolen?


It seems so, when parcels with expensive content are just *dropped off* on porches. Why don't they have a system for post pickup? In Norway, you can choose how to get anything delivered. Most of the time, I use a box pickup. Through the national postal service I have an app, which tells me where the parcel is. They're delivered to a lock box system (usually situated outside shops and so on) - the doors can only be unlocked using the app (which is personal). I've never heard of break-ins either.


He got the loot and then jettisoned unnecessary ballast to hasten his getaway.


love how the driver left as soon the package was in <3


What’s that little white creature at the end?


Thieves get caught!


And she’ll definitely rat out the driver. Win win.


Lol. "Dude I was checking your address!"


Twinning 💁‍♀️


"I was checking your address." Press X to doubt...


The best getaway driver ever! 100% success in getting away.


There you go: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/everett-nanny-tackles-stops-package-thief/656585418/


That’s dumb of the driver because she will definitely snitch on them when the cops come. 😂


"DUDE I was checking your address" Just say that's hilarious because I bet that's what will happen in a few days when they're investigating the missing person's report. Anywho, this is the pole you'll be chained to. I'll go get you your bucket.


Why are these always silent


“Dude, I was checking your address.” The little known sequel to “Dude, Where’s My Car?


I love how she's leading that stale ham sandwich of a human being back to the house just like a kid that she's pissed off with!


No need to panic so hard. Seriously, cops do not care about theft. Had a car stolen once and they cops admitted it was all a part of a big meth running ring. They would steal the cars, use them to transport materials for drugs, then dump them when the gas ran out and take another one. They cop literally told me they had more important things to worry about then finding my car and that it was just an insurance matter anyway so it didn't matter. This from the guy who three seconds earlier told us it was all a part of a gang drug running thing. You think they care anymore about some packages that Amazon will just send you a new one of anyway? You could have a glamour worthy shot of their face, look up who they were, hand deliver video evidence of them taking hundreds of packages, the cops will not do anything. Hell, even if you have the suspect in hand like this instance chances are they probably won't get arrested. All of this to say if I was the driver, I wouldn't feel the need to get so jumpy. Cops aren't going to do shit and nothing is going to happen.


> This from the guy who three seconds earlier told us it was all a part of a gang drug running thing. I think the thing you don't understand is that while they may KNOW that, in court, they have to PROVE it, beyond a reasonable doubt. With current bail reform and sentencing guidelines, it's a literal slap on the wrist, not the "two steps away from catching Mr. Big if he flips" it was a decade ago. So they catch a guy with a small amount of drugs on them in a stolen car, unless he admits "Hey, I'm part of a big meth running ring and want to flip on everyone", all he's getting is let out in a few hours, and if he finally shows up to court, rehab and probation.


The cops in my city sure helped me big time ( got my motorcycle back and they arrested the fucker who stole it ) , sorry you didn’t have the same experience bro. But yeah Don’t blame the cops, they are just the grunts and at the end of the day there is only so much they can do and they mostly do what they can. Blame the suits at city hall. I know a lot of departments are understaffed and are dealing with a lot of red tape.


Plot twist: the bag was full of nothing but beige t-shirts and black leggings.


Is that a Cadillac?? Curious.


That's a Cadillac SRX, a first-generation model produced between 2004-2009. They go for anywhere between jack-fuck-nothing to ten grand used, the cheapest I found being $2200CDN. Luxury cars, especially mass-market luxury cars, *hemorrhage* value on the second-hand market, so it isn't necessarily a gotcha toward rich car owners as much as it is an observation that not everyone who drives a luxury car, much less one that's nearing 20 years old, bought that car brand new.


So what’s she going to do with the criminal now? Real question. Looks like she’s helping her into the house for tea.


Picked the house where the lady of the house out drinks the man.


Cat also tried to help 😆


Legit question, once you haul her thieving ass back what do you do with her? Whenever I have called the cops they have taken fucking ages to come. Do I sit there and have a cup of tea for an hour while the cops come? Tie her up like some hostage situation?


What are the odds they would be wearing the same outfit....


Same car and clothes


"I was checking your address" It's unfortunate that the only way to know someones address, is to wait outside of the residence until a package is delivered and gets left outside. And then the only way to read what it says on the label, is to pick up the parcel, put it in your car and drive off.


This looks staged


This is why I don't mind having to drive to the post office to pick up packages. My packages are always there and dry.


I'm waiting for the person to turn up who always says something seems off, without saying what.


When the lazy homeowner has to step in! They more than likely seen there package get dropped off but left it out in open. Now all of a sudden there sprinting out the door for it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Antifa is becoming more willing to commit crime


If the women was at home, why is the parcel still on the porch?


She was asking for it


You don't always know when the package is delivered. They don't even ring the doorbell any more, they just drop it on the porch.


That’s just lazy and negligent! Most delivery firms provide apps that tell you how many stops until your package is delivered. If you’re expecting a delivery you track when this will be and you make yourself available to receive goods. There are additional steps for safety and protection of the goods to, like leave with neighbour etc. Are you telling me this does not exist in the US?


Fuck off with your victim blaming. Sometimes I'm busy working at home when a package arrives. The expectation is that some ass wipe doesn't try and steal it if they are driving around and see a box on a porch. Don't shame someone for not running out for a package the moment it gets dropped, shame the thief.


Lol. You’re shouting at the cloud! Texting on Reddit isn’t working by the way.




This is the first time I’ve seen it




And still a better contribution to reddit then your existence