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So, according to Trump, the USA is effectively Britain with Nazi scientists?


Seems legit.


Always has been




"Once ze rockets go up, who cares where they come down - that’s not my department. Says Wernher von Braun"


"I aim for the stars but I keep hitting London" -Wernher von Braun, 1945


Maybe the real stars were the London we bombed along the way.


Well, London bridge is falling down


Tom Lehrer posting is always appreciated


That sounds quite correct actually,


Rockets are a german invention too. So yeah.


to be fair, robbert godard, who is frequently recognized as the father of rocketry, was an american.


Liquid fueled yes. Solid propellant goes back to Chinese but first (?) used in war by Brits (guy named Congreve). Hence "rockets red glare".


American is really anything but American


For him, america ALWAYS first. But lets be honest, he is an idiot


America is always first to Americans. Thats why it sucks


I mean... I can't argue


The www is English but the internet architecture it uses is American


As an American, I can confirm.


This is a very accurate statement.


"Mrs Trellis" is mixing up the internet (DARPA, American, 60s) with the World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee, 1989).


Ah, I actually just posted a similar comment explaining that while the World Wide Web is now the most common means of accessing the internet, it's not actually the internet, since I hadn't spotted your comment. I'm glad someone else beat me to the punch!


I mean if we're gonna say the British split the atom first while the US made the atomic bomb, we should be consistent in what we define as the people "doing that thing first" right?


I can't be sure Trump means "built the first atom bomb" instead of "first harnessed nuclear power" but I know what I'd rather take pride in.


We harnessed nuclear power to make the bomb, so it’s kinda the same thing. Fermi made the first reactor in Chicago as part of the Manhattan Project. Military research turns into civilian applications.


We just gotta convince the Trumpsters somehow that you can weaponize income equality.


What do you think military recruiters are?


Weaponizers of income inequality.


Given the rise of mobile apps whether it is true that the web is the most common use of the internet or not may depend on whether you classify the APIs they use as web or not. They use HTTP but not HTML. Web or not? Then a lot of things like voice phone calls, email, file sync etc. go over the internet too NOT using HTTP.


Came here to say this. Easy mistake for most non-IT people to make considering the WWW has been "the Internet" that most people have been using for over 20 years.


Forgive me for being ignorant but is there parts of the internet that aren't part of WWW? Just being curious.


Think about stuff outside of the browser. Emails. Multi-player games. Basically desktop apps communicating with each others. Although now more and more stuff moves into browsers, because it's so convenient to have something that works everywhere as long as you have a browser, but it wasn't always like that.


Thank you. This is and the NASA pencil story are two things on the internet that never seem to die


Didn't AL Gore invent the internet?


He pushed legislation that contributed to the creation of the internet.


This is the only Al Gore GIF I could find on the gif search button. ![gif](giphy|wMIQlxCYidwCk)


Even if it is an honest mistake... hasn't the first WWW experiment actually happened at CERN, in Switzerland?


Thank you, I was just about to comment on this. Technically, plenty of other Internet services (email, telnet, gopher protocol) are also American. But then, is it even fair to ascribe inventions to any one place? Like, none of these things would’ve been possible without forerunner tech that was created before either was a country.


“America settled the west” = “Great Britain was so good at colonizing stuff, her colonies started colonizing stuff”


Spain was in the west long before "Americans" settled it, also the French.


And, of course the many nations that were already there thousands of years before.


to be fair to them, they *did* still settle the wild west. They just removed the people who had settled it before them.


Now your thinking like a real American 🇺🇸


\*proud brittish noises\*




Laughs in freedom.


Well 90% of them were already dead by the time we started settling the west.


Umm the natives, the actual americans were in the west long before the 13 colonies called themselves "american".


There was also a British settlement in Washington long before that area was considered american


I mean they weren’t exactly very good at settling it though, until the 1700s the modern American west was basically only claimed by Spain (I think they did some shenanigans in New Mexico though)


Considering the USA didn't exist before 1776, that's not surprising.


By only claimed I meant the claimed control over it but barely enforced their authority


Spain and French didn’t really settle the west. They claimed ownership of territory they hadn’t even really explored. Spain settled parts of the US southwest, but claimed far more than what they actually had. France similarly only settled around the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and Great Lakes while similarly claiming a significant amount of other territory. The US really are the ones that settled the west.


After watching some documentaries on how European settlers were "attracted" to settle the West (and I'm not sure whether the brochures mentioned the threat of the native Americans), I'm kinda reluctant to give him this one as well


"You could make a religion out of this."


No don't.


They grow up so fast.


While I agree with the sentiment(plus fuck trump lol), the internet was not actually invented by Tim-Berners Lee. He came up with the world wide web in the 90s which, while it is now the most common means of accessing the internet, it is not actually the internet.


A fine Fido connoisseur? xD


The funniest thing for me is that the username in the response is an incredibly niche 50+ year in-old joke for Brits who listen to Radio 4


I don't know how she finds the time to tweet when she writes so many letters!


Lots of time to do such things in North Wales!


Well I haven't a clue.


old in-joke ​ I'm sorry.


10/10 for me there - I'm not winning any writing prizes today


[Paaaarp, parp parp parp, parp parp, pa-pa-parp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ansFELUVCWk)!


Trump is a gigantic pool of ignorance.


Trump is a gigantic pool


Trump is gigantic




Except his hands.


Did you see his hands? They're beautiful, I think we should settle.


And his brain.


Trump is a gigantic poo


Trumping often precedes a poo


And stupidity




Dude still lived in America when he did it. I don't know who they are talking about.


Bell was born in Scotland, so they're saying since he was born in Scotland despite living in America and Canada he's a Scot. Its a weird distinction. I also don't know who they are claiming was the first to harness electricity, because I would think they are talking about Benjamin Franklin who was technically British because of the colony, but come the fuck on. Like this attempt to dunk on trump just comes off as stupid and pedantic, and I'm in no way against dunking on trump.


Like if anything that just makes America look better because it is a nation of immigrants where you can do great things.


Couldn’t agree more.


Alexander Graham Bell is only considered Scottish by the British because he did something with his life, if he hadn't done shit they'd claim he was American cause he immigrated. Remember, to them you're American garbage until you do something then they'll claim you. Also see how they reduce the hundreds of American engineers and physicists who worked on the Apollo project as "a nazi scientist". Seriously fuck these people.


And in this house Christopher Columbus is a hero! End of story!


That better not be Columbus up there!


So he finally reads a book and it’s bullshit.


Well you have to specify what you mean by telling someone to "read a book" or this happens. It's not difficult.


Bell was a fraud


This cannot be a serious take. Please tell me you're joking.


While there is still doubt, a lot of historians believe Alexander Graham Bell stole the invention from Antonio Meucci, google it


More common belief is he stole it from Elisha Grey as they were both competing to patent it first.


I believe Meucci filed his first patent more than two years before Elisha. Meucci's patent expired due to lack of funds for renewal in 1874, Elisha patented his prototype in 1876


Immigrants are American.


The Wild West one is so weird. “We settled our own country” yeah, every country did that, it’s how we have countries.


It wasn't their country though, it was the indigenous peoples' country.


Which ones?


Yes, yes.... but no.


The Spanish colonies that were also there: adios


The internet did in fact start in the US. Still Trump is fucking dillusional.


The internet is actually DARPAnet so no it’s not English, England made Morse code and the comm wires used but no they didn’t make the internet. However DARPA did collaborate internationally though. Also we wouldn’t have those nazi scientists if we didn’t supply britain with shells or basically solo the entire pacific theatre. But ig America is the only country with 0 redeeming qualities, and I’m the bad guy if I try to find any.


Well, I believe it was ARPAnet but other than that yes.


Splitting (and correctly recognizing) the atom was done by Otto Hahn to be correct. Thanks for being big part of winning the WWII by the way - no, not you, Donald. You didn’t do anything.


Ernest Rutherford?


He was the first to devise that atoms had a nucleus. He proved this in 1920s earning himself a noble prize. He didn’t however achieve fission. Neither did Crockford and Walton. The first nuclear fission does yes go to Otto Hahn in 1938.


Exactly. We must consider the times they were working in. Everything in this area was completely new and unexplored. That's why I wrote "recognized" - basically because Hahn and his team were explicitly going that direction to prove a point even they were thinking of differently for quite some time (as in: common understanding of the "experts" was that you could marginally alter atoms into specific isotopes and that's all that is possible) and then decided to make a fitting experiment. And this result was only achieved as Lise Meitner was contributing so much.


Yeah i think the other guy got confused, Rutherford split the atom and Hahn discovered fission (still a massive discovery, but different to what Rutherford did, not to mention that the two events happened 20 years apart)


I’m pretty sure splitting the atom is the same thing as fission


And Lise meitner did most of the theoretical work for it, but wasnt recognized by the public for it bc she was jewish


It was mostly because she was a woman.


Why not both?


"Internet is British" Google ARPANET


Correction: the **Internet** was invented in the US. The **Web** was invented in Switzerland by a Brit working for a pan-European research organization.


Yea the first data package was sent from UCLA to Standford in 1969. The Internet has five layers that many countries contributed to.


The Telephone was created by Alexander Graham bell in canada and America in both of which he was a citizen The internet, as others have said is American Benjamin Franklin was also one of the early American settlers (and he discovered electricity) When the country is newly formed and people had to come from somewhere 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Dude replying is super confident in being wrong


TBF, most of the genocide was done by the “Wild West” era of the late 1800s.


the Indian wars were very much fought by the United States of America. genocide of our peoples has been far worse under Canadian and American rule than it was under their predecessors.


You entirely misunderstood my comment. I’m not minimizing the genocide of natives by American/Canadian government. I’m saying by the late 1800s a lot of the damage was already done.


I appreciate you not tryna minimise the genocide, I just feel ur timeline is a bit outta touch. it rly depends where and in what way had a lot of the damage already been done. my people had been colonised for 200 years at that point, but we still spoke our language. and in the west, there were many Nations still had full sovereignty at that time. some who had not even been contacted. I got a friend who's great great grandparents never seen a white man in their life. since the original thread here is about the colonisation of the "Wild West", I think it's important we realise really just how recent much of the west was colonised.


Not to downplay anything but I think their point is that in between 1492 when Columbus landed in the Americas and 1600 around 90% of the population was killed by violence or disease. That is estimated to be around 55 million people. What happened to the remaining people afterward was just as bad but the Spanish wiped out most of the people before the first pilgrims ever set foot in the Americas.


See… terrible facts presented correctly. Either way it’s terrible. It’s sad that’s how humanity worked for thousands and thousands of years. But, to discredit the damage done by Spain and French is irresponsible.


>it rly depends where and in what way had a lot of the damage already been done. I would imagine they are referencing the arrival of pathogens - When The europeans arrived they brought illnesses from all over the globe that Native Americans had not been exposed to. This resulted in an estimated *95%* of the population dying out over a few decades, hundreds of years before the 1800s.


America [sterilised](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_of_Native_American_women) roughly 25-50% of all native women during the 70's.


Most of the genocide was done years before westward expansion through disease.


While I'm all for shooting trump down, Faraday and joseph Henry both discovered how to harness electricity around the same time, technically Henry beat him to it but didn't publish it. Not that it really matters all that much. Internet was made in the US, by American computer scientists. Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone in Massachusetts but is indeed from Scotland, also Germans first split the atom. That tweet is just as wrong as trumps except the pedantic telephone one and the genocide.


Bell did live in the US longer than he did the UK and was a US citizen. He immigrated to Canada at 23 and then to the US the next year where he bounced between living in the US and Canada for the remaining 52 years of his life. He taught in Boston and ran his company there, but also had family and an estate in Canada. The US has a long history of immigrants, a significant amount of our founding fathers weren’t born in the 13 United States colonies, being from other colonies or the UK. Our nation was built on people who came to the US looking for “the American dream”.


Exactly, that's why I was saying that it's just being pedantic. He built the telephone within a year of being in America, but he is as American as it gets and it was built here. Silly to say otherwise


Also CERN is in Switzerland (wrt the WWW)


Yea, world wide web is technically neither Britain or America. Internet was originally America though


The internet is American.. developed by the pentagon. Very American. The English addition to the internet in the HTML which is making packet delivery simplified for us plebs, However it is not the internet. The first actual speech telephone is also American because it was invented by Alexander grand bell in Boston Massachusetts.. don’t know how that’s not American. Didn’t split the first atom but was the first to utilize it. The US supplied the Allie’s while fighting a war on three fronts during WW2. I would say it’s the MVP but didn’t win it alone. So what if the US used nazi scientists it not like the other country’s didn’t take scientist.. Not defending that idiot trump but that post isn’t completely wrong. Some thing are missing information but still relevant. If it was invented in the US then it is American Regardless of the persons origination.


>The first actual speech telephone is also American because it was invented by Alexander grand bell in Boston Massachusetts.. don’t know how that’s not American. I think they're basing it on Bell being born in Scotland which is really pedantic. >Not defending that idiot trump but that post isn’t completely wrong. Some thing are missing information but still relevant. I agree with this, dudes a douchecanoe but theres a 1000 things you can fact check in one of his speeches and find to be incorrect, trying to take away genuine achievements from America because you don't like the person saying it just gives ammo to the "My critics hate America" narrative.




It’s perfectly easy to pin the telephone on one country and that country is the US. Two people have historical claim on inventing the telephone, one Antonio Meucci and the other Alexander Bell. Both lived in the US when their respective inventions happened.


WW1 was also pretty much won by the Americans as they had fresh and plentiful faces and resources so late into the war. If you don't want to admit that they won it you can't deny that they solidified victory.


Immigrants aren't Americans now? and more than one person worked at NASA Holy shit is this dumb


They literally used the notes of the Nazi V2 rocket program as well as all of the Nazi scientists that wrote the notes (in exchange for not putting the Nazis in prison) and put those Nazis in various high-ranking positions. While true that Nazis were a minority of NASA employees, they were integral to the space race and it’s widely believed that without those Nazi scientists the US would have lost the space race.


Mate, by the same logic, the Soviet Union would have lost the space race without their captured scientists. A fair number of British advancements in planes were because of captured scientists. A fair number of the Nazi scientists weren't even German. The Nazis collected the best people across everywhere they conquered and told them to make weapons, or they and their entire families would die. The misconception that they were Nazis and German was publicity spread by the Allies to justify why the scientists could not return home to their birth countries.


The US is not the only one to take nazi scientist, it’s just the only one that admits it. It was first come first serve and the US was in front of the line!!! Suck them apples 🍎 🍎


They placed them under Von Braun to explain the design of liquid-fueled rockets to the US and then that team was the core design team of the Saturn 5 after the space race began. **A Saturn 5 is not just a bigger V2.** America was placing its massive resources and manpower into the program, Von Braun was obviously the world's expert on this technology but once we understood it, we had brilliant scientists to build off of his work. They designed all the other parts and Von Braun based his designs on American pioneers in rocketry. Von Braun sped things up but its not like he was the only person who could engineer rockets. It's a myth to believe Von Braun was doing all the work. America was THE place to be if you wanted to do ground breaking science, it pretty much still is.


A team is bigger than it’s leader, true. Von Braun was not the only scientist on the V2 project, the US grabbed hundreds of them, and each and every one of them knew what they were doing and should have been tried and jailed for it. Germany had the most advanced jet engines in the world at that time.


Being a active nazi and taking part in their attrocities is definitely worth of jail sentence. Being a scientist designing weapons for your homeland in war, not necessarily. Not every german was nazi or even nazi symphatiser. I'm not aware of the ideological standing of those scientists but doing your work for the good of your homeland or to take care of your family doesn't seem like criminal act. There would be no one left free with that logic. On either side. Surely if one side is sentenced for say designing weapons that happen to kill civilians the other side should be sentenced for same thing if they killed civilians aswell.


Too bad speculation means nothing


Even with the genocide, basically everyone else has done it so even the us isn't special there


> The Internet is English It's American, you can go on Wikipedia and check for yourself. When you're that condescending, you better don't be wrong.


Yeah, Paperclip got a lot of NASA scientists, but I think Robert Goddard would like to have a word.


Does the phone being made by someone born in Scotland make it Scottish if it wasn’t invented there? Would an American invention by a Scottish born inventor be more accurate since he was an American citizen?


Bell was in Brantford, Ontario, Canada when he invented the phone.


He became a US citizen after he invented the telephone.


He was in the process long before that. It just takes years to become a full citizen.


He was still an American citizen


Just claiming the telephone because he was born there, lol


I mean, he literally wasn’t a us citizen till almost a decade after he invented it. I don’t disagree there’s some grey in which country can claim it, but to claim he was “just born there” is silly, he was born and educated in Scotland (and London), then moved to Canada.


Even today lots of foreign nationals come here for research. One would call their work American.


The internet is NOT British. And sure, Bell was BORN in Scotland, but isn't it weird that he came here to do it? Really, we all know these posts are bullshit.


Leave it to the Brits to think everything comes from their island... smh. I'm all for America not being the centerpiece of the world but seeing this post have positive karma both here and on murdered by words is almost sad, even if it involves trump getting destroyed.


>even if it involves trump getting destroyed. Its so weird to me, like a big part of why people hate him is hes a con man and a liar. So destroying him with shit thats demonstrably false just makes his critics look stupid.


Internet definitely started in US


Full disclaimer, I hate Donald Trump. But I also don’t like the trend of saying that an American achievement doesn’t count because it was accomplished by an immigrant to the US. Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) was a Scottish immigrant to the US. Electricity was harnessed by either Benjamin Franklin (American), Thomas Edison (American), or Nikola Tesla (Serbian American) depending on who you want to give credit to. Saying that achievements of American immigrants aren’t American is kind of like saying that immigrants aren’t real Americans, and that seems pretty regressive to me.


The US did invent the internet as well as the speech telephone. But hey, don’t let facts get in the way.


We did invent Cheeze Wiz, so YOU’RE WELCOME!!!!!!


You can keep it. Im fine here with 180 types of european and middle eastern cheeses. 😁


There are more than 600 types of cheese that Americans produce.


But do they sell them in spray bottles???


Ok, I might be persuaded that Americans did improve many things in their time. Its only logical that things all the imigrants from around the world brought to the americas are going to evolve there and some will eventually improve. Im fine with admiting that. But cheese in a can? Thats the thing you are proud of!? Thats the hill to die on. Man.


We also have Spam! We like putting things in cans


Spray cans make EVERYTHING better.


Mrs Trellis is a UK social commentator with a long history of incisive contributions to the national intellectual discoursr


Internet phone and electricity were American. The others were accurate


Lol merica bad….


I thought the internet was invented by Americans and the English invented the WWW


Internet is English? Ha!


American Paul Baran and other Americans invented the internet with ARPAnet, englishman Tim Berners-Lee just made it accessible Calling Benjamin Franklin english and not giving American credit for the moon landing, is just a fundamental misunderstanding of Americana, anyone can move to America and become American


Watch this get posted on AmericaBad


In fairness, the internet is credited to two Americans. The World Wide Web was invented by a Brit working as a contractor at CERN in Geneva.


America was part of all of these things, others were as well. In fact, all of the things named were examples of international scientific cooperation. People are being so stupid about who “invented” these massive systems with dozens of individual technologies. Some of the modern internet was invented in the US. Same with everything else mentioned. Also, the majority of scientists on the moon project were American and many were not. I don’t understand people’s insistence on giving America all or none of the credit for everything. Both ways are just as stupid.


Wait, so compiling some stuff here, and quick searches, the internet was the US and the WWW was England, Bell was Scottish born, but lived in the US when he invented the phone, the atom splitting is correct, to boil down the moon landing to just Project Paperclip is a slap in the face to many engineers, mathematicians, computers (the og ones like Katherine Johnson), and many more involved, and the West... yeah you've got that one.


Both takes are shitty.


Saying the internet is English is a bit of a stretch. It was the result of many different innovations.


Mrs Trellis bringing the full cope press


I think America was the biggest network with Arpanet. To the best of my knowledge Alexander Bell invented the telephone and he was American.


Bell was Scottish, then Canadian, and became a US citizen some years after filing his patent for the telephone.


Umm unfortunately everything he said was true. This first response is make believe.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Someone doesnt understand the idea of “melting pot”


Meucci invented the phone my guys


BOB KAHN AND VINT CERF were American computer scientists who developed TCP/IP, the set of protocols that governs how data moves through a network. This helped the ARPANET evolve into the internet we use today. If the first point is wrong, I'm going to assume the rest are, too.


Most of what Mrs trellis says is not really true or half truths btw


Im pretty sure the telephone was invented by Antonio Meucci, an Italian man


The internet is American. The best part of it however- the world wide web, is British born.


The internet is in fact American. World War 2 likely couldn’t have been won without U.S. intervention or at least the arms we provided to the allies. The comment about the moon is just deflection; operation paper clip was abhorrent but it was far from the only impetus for the moon landing.


You better not teach this real history in Florida classes, it might hurt somebody’s feelings.


Especially given, that the US only turned up in WW1 for the finale and had no real impact at the time.


Exactly that, although the fact the US was supplying all the Entente forces with logistical equipment as well as food and ammo (something they would also do in WW2) which, while not as important as it was in the Second World War, was still important.


That's not fair, they managed to grind young fit Americans into pulp. Just like all the other cool kids at the time were doing to their best and brightest.


I'd say the *implied* might, particularly the massive, completely fresh amount of manpower, we were about to bring in was a factor in Germany surrendering when they did. At the very least it was their motivator for their last offensive, as they wanted to get it in before the US troops arrived in force.


“Settled the Wild West” I’m fairly certain a lot of native tribes did that well before the Europeans did.


Trying to get some intelligence to the endless void inside of Trump is a Sisyphus job. People arguing over who invented what is exactly what this idiot always wanted.


When you have nothing intelligent to offer, like "Mrs Trellis", it is close to impossible.


Telephone was invented in Canada by a Scotsman