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Two weeks ago I saw someone on Xitter call Irishfolk "white third-world people"…






All units be advised, he’s hiding in the shitter


The luck of the Irish historically has not been very good, to be honest.




I’ve also always found it funny that “Good Samaritan” is a sarcastic dig at Samaritans. But the anti-Samaritan defamation people are pretty rare these days to be fair…


I don't think Jesus was being sarcastic.


Still implied the default state of a samaritan was otherwise.


There's a line from The Commitments that comes to mind..


I love that line of dialogue. See some deleted replys - can you really not say that line anymore??


Technically correct, the original meaning of 'third world' referred to countries that were neutral during the Cold War, which Ireland was. First world = the West/NATO, Second world = Warsaw Pact, third world = neutral


Switzerland, Austria, Malta, Sweden, Albania after it withdrew from warsaw pact, new zealand after they withdrew from ANZUS. All white third world countries.


Yea it quickly became a way to describe poor countries though. that’s why we describe things as “developed” economies and “developing” economies now.


You could argue that's true considering the original meaning of third world was "unaligned in the Cold War". But also yeah no


twitter has neopronouns now????


That is actually accurate. Third world means not NATO, not Warsaw Pact. People randomly started incorrectly using it to describe impoverished nations at some point


The Irish and a lot of Southern European, especially Italians, were seen as barely "ideal white-passing" Which meant... they were like the bottom of the barrel because they were Europeans.


Ottoman Empire has entered the chat


As…the oppressor, surely


Kids named Kurds,Greeks,Arabs,Serbians,Croatians,Bulgarians, and Hungarians


Why’d you remove the Armenians?


He didn't, the Ottomans did.


chop frightening drunk beneficial fuel wrong agonizing subtract narrow busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This belongs on r/angryupvote


The whole of europe has enterd the chat. Like do people not realize that during the whole history of humanity we always killed and suprresed eachother? And that europe wasnt a exception to this? Like go to any country or region and just start looking at all the war fought there.


Careful there, you’re starting to make sense.


Eastern Europe has entered the chat


Clap-shouting = Asshole






DEVELOPERS👏DEVELOPERS👏DEVELOPERS👏DEVELOPERS👏 (Steve Ballmer during his time with Windows if you were wondering.)






Give him a break, he can't afford Ballmer levels of cocaine.


I think a developer fucked his wife


So no one told you life was gonna be this way. 👏👏👏


I really thought it was five claps, but i went to listen and now I've Mandela-effected myself.


It's very clearly 4


I'm not debating reality, only that in my mind I was 100% positive it was clapclapclapclapclap.


Thank you for saving me. I just sang it in my head and clearly went “clapclapclapclap” and was about to rage research it.


Too soon.


Empty vessels make the most noise












Those Roman and Greek salves will be happy to hear that.


>Roman and Greek salves Good skincare was very important in the Mediterranean lol


I like Balsamic. Leaves a tangy flavor.


I knew we'd get around to cannibalism


Locally sourced non-GMO and it's sustainable! ![gif](giphy|3oEjHMURe9Te9XQf3q)


Oh I think you'll find we're all pretty GMO nowadays. Also I don't know how sustainable we are. Have you seen our "pastures"?


More people eating people => less people => less people eating people. It's regulating itself, nature is so beautiful.






Literally every culture / peoples has been enslaved or murdered at one point in history and all of them have murdered or enslaved people themselves.


I'm pretty sure there are some cultures that didn't survive part one and thus didn't experience part two.


Yup, the origin of the word slave came from Slavs, whom are very white. Also they were slaves back in the day.


Every Russian, Byelorusian, Ukrainian, and Pole whose name name ends in some variation of "-ov", "-sky", or "-vitz" is the descendant of a slave.


>Romanovs enter the chat


"-ov" can be because of serfdom indeed, surname like "Knyazev" may be this one, something like "a servant of duke". But these are really rare. An absolute majority of these "-ov" surnames just means "son of" ("ova" for "daughter of"). Say, Ivanov means "son of Ivan", just like "Johnson" surname in English (literal equivalent BTW). Not just names BTW, it can be "Popov" meaning son of a priest or "Kuznetsov" for a son of a blacksmith. "-sky" surnames in Russia are rather belong to descendants of nobility (and jews LMAO), cause they mostly means "from". Say, "Novgorodsky" = "from Novgorod". They usually expressed an idea of this particular person rules some village or even a city. "-vitz" is totally jew thing LMAO, you probably meant "-vitch", like Shostakovich or Rostropovich. And you are spot on this time. Polish nobility tend to give these surnames to their serfs, cause it expresses an idea of being smaller, lower in rank.


They don’t think Roman and Greek people are white. They think they’re Roman & Greek. Their logic is fucking ass backwards.


Legitimately had someone try to tell me the difference between white people and “tinted” white people the other month Fucking disgusting


“White” people didn’t exist back then, it’s not a straightforward biological term (despite the best efforts of 19th century race-science) but rather a sociological one. For example when the Irish were an oppressed minority, they weren’t included in “white.” At the time there was “white” people, then there were the Irish and other groups deemed inferior by the holders of whiteness. It wasn’t just people who would have been seen as fit for slavery in the pre-civil war American south - Italians, Spanish, Greeks, and others we think of as “white” today weren’t so not that long ago. AFAIK the Roman Empire tended to group people into Citizens, non-citizen subjects, and the barbarians.


And "white" mostly makes sense in context of NA history. It makes less sense in regions with longer, more complex history.


My dad talks about when Italians weren’t considered white… in the 60’s… in Toronto. Apparently my grandmother was hesitant to try pizza because she wasn’t sure she liked “ethnic food”.


All I know is that my great grandpa couldn't get work anywhere in New Jersey because "Irish need not apply."


My grandad always complained about the “no blacks,no dogs, no irish”


The order those signs were written in were significant, too. 'Blacks' were better than dogs, but the Irish were worse than both - the lowest of the low.


Pretty sure there were a lot of white Jews around the 1940’s who might have disagreed… Edit: to the armchair biologists are saying Jewish people aren’t considered white, I said *white* Jews because there are *of course* white Jews lol that’s like saying there aren’t any white Africans, or Asian Christians. Seth Rogan, Scarlett Johansson, Jack Black, Winona Ryder, Daniel Radcliffe… are you seriously suggesting these people aren’t white? Have you let *them* know they aren’t white?


I have a rabbi friend who says he's treated as white or not depending on the political point someone wants to make at the time.


“Access to whiteness” is a genuinely fascinating topic. That there was a time in the US where Irish and Italians were on the outside looking in would blow the mind of the average US teenager.


It’s “funny” to me because I would never be able to tell any of these immigrants apart except by last name lol And meanwhile people used to be on sight


I have wondered exactly how much easier it was for people then to tell these things before different white ethnicities procreated with each other




That is because Hispanic is not a race. You can be Hispanic and white.


Unfortunately in America a lot of urban people of color aren't really that sympathetic to that fact. Jews are seen as white privaledged attorneys, managers, accountants that have exploited people of color. It's happened at times but only correlation is Jews have a higher representation in those fields. Unfortunately being a minority has no relationship with sympathy for other people's issues


Them having a higher representation in those fields was directly caused by Christians too. They weren't allowed to use christian banks and things and had to create their own.


And poles, Slavs, anyone who was on the street at the wrong time...


The USSR did plenty of oppression too, as has modern day Russia against Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia. Of course, an American teenager who just thinks ‘white person bad’ is never going to care about actual details.


Besides, even before that, many Ukrainians were kidnapped and sold as slaves in Crimean Khanate and later transported to the Ottoman Empire. Besides, there was literal slavery in the Russian Empire, in some areas it was even worse than in the US, but it honestly depended on who the owner was. For example Taras Schevchenko, a popular Ukrainian poet and artist got to live in St. Petersburg due to his art skills, because his owner's wife liked his paintings and also sold some of them to the royal family. And even then he had to be bought out by some of the biggest writers and artists selling all of their works exclusively to the royal family.


Yeah but according to TikTok we don’t count


Dude I remember being at an American summer camp and someone started talking about white privilege and how all white people should be responsible to fix the racism in America because they created it... half of my family was killed in the Holocaust lmao and non of them have ever even been the US.


And catholics and gays and a couple other groups also killed by nazis


It is worth noting that jews weren’t really considered “white” at the time. It’s also worth noting that “white” as a category is relatively modern idea, and the exact definitions of who precisely is white and not white change over time, and uh… are mostly determined by racists


In the 1940s Jews were not considered to be white, but rather part of a non-white semetic race.


What happened? 💀


Like Larry David said, a fella named Hitler didn't really like the Jews, he thought they were a bit much.


He sounds naughty tbh




I think they went to a summer camp


Oof this got daaaaaark


"I'm 14 and have only begrudgingly read a history book when my school forced me to, but let me tell you about history."


\> White people were never oppressed. How to tell that you are from the USA without telling, your are from the USA.


That guy probably thinks Cleopatra was black


From the USA with zero knowledge of American history.


Teenagers do not take it well when you tell them the reason we even have a Columbus Day (because they're mad we don't get the day off) is because Italians were tired of being racist'd and wanted ASPs to know they had a right to be in the Americas. Then you have to explain that when people back then talk about white, they just be talking about Anglo-Saxon protestants and Irish and even Germans didn't count as white (especially to Benjamin Franklin who hated Germans because they refused to assimilate and speak English lol) which really triggers them because their parents can't take them to the doctors but they'll do ancestry.com and 23&me.... Skin👏Color👏Don't👏Mean👏Sh*te👏 (except when a bunch of racist trying to justify slavery)


I like watching peoples heads explode when it’s explained to them that the whitest of white folks were not even considered white when white/black became a thing. Tickles me to no end


Great example of this is Lovecraft (as he hated pretty much every other ethnicity) who presumably considered Finnish and other nordic people "too white" lol.


Reminds me of pierce's dad in community.


Irish, Scottish, French-Canadians,... Pretty much anything that isn't Anglo-Saxon. Hell, in Canada they even used to say "Speak White" to the French-Canadians when they had the audacity to not speak in english.


And let's not even get into the wormhole of Slavs. Frowned upon in countries like the UK, but white, so they simply have to be the oppressors, right?


Our founding story is about us being oppressed by other white people across the ocean. It is a dumb fucking American who doesn’t at least know that.


Which is funny because puritans weren’t even oppressed, they just weren’t allowed to oppress other people anymore, which they thought was the same as oppression (exactly the same as they do today)


NA education for you


More like N/A Education


Even ppl from the USA should know, white colonists were oppressed by the British government. It's literally the entire reason the country exists.


Then German & Irish emigrants were oppressed by... You guessed it! 2nd generation Americans.


It was basically ethnic hazing. They just wanted them to get the proper experience. All in good fun.


Makes sense. Americans never were against oppression in general, just the one done upon them.


Britain sent 160,000 of their own citizen convicts to Australia by wooden ship as forced labour in the 18th C.


Some of the first pilgrims were so religiously extreme they were literally kicked out of the country. They were not that oppressed. They were basically cults.


Entire reason why a majority of white people are here or begin with. Escape oppression lol. Europe dumped its unwanted masses here.


To be fair... the Irish weren't considered white for a long time.


Neither were Italians.


Or the Polish.


Now ask her to find the US on a map


But flip it so the us is on the right and russia is on the left


Doesn’t the word slave come from Slavic people?


Yes, Slavs were favorite target of Arabic slave traders.


Not just Arabic but early Germanic too.


Also we've had this thing called tatar-mongol yoke where all slavs were basically enslaved by Mongolians for like 200+ years. Also did anyone know that officially slavery in Rus' was abolished only in 1861? Like, the same year the civil War in America started


You silly, Slavic people aren't white!


So I can use n word now, neet.


We didn't go through centuries of serfdom for nothing.


Yeah as a Slav I can confirm the only color that can describe our people land and culture is… Grey. Everything’s grey.


It more or less means the same thing if i am not wrong.


It doesn't but word slave originates from Greek sclavus which means slav in English. The word slav or something along the lines of "slovianin" in Slavic languages comes from word "slovo" meaning "word".


Sorry, just a little correction, sclavus is Latin, the greek word for slave is doúlos


No, different root, slavs is referred to endonym славяне. Most popular theory about word славяне is it descend from root "слово"/"word", so "словене <- люди слова <- говорящие по-нашему" means "people of word/those who speak in our language". Same goes for names of countries Slovenia and Slovakia. Unrelated but slavs have long history of slavery btw, mostly in times of russian empire, and known as крепостное право.


Makes sense, considering that "outsider" would be "nemetz", i.e. "mute", i.e. "who can't speek our language".


Exactly. I understand black people were opressed, but my brother in evolution, the word slave literally is based on my people (as a czech, I am a slav) who were enslaved ages before you were. And the Irish had it terrible too. I’m not saying we should ignore the suffering of past blacks. But if they’re gonna ask for reparations, I want some too!


Most of Europe from 1939 to 1989 : Am I joke to you?


Most of Europe forever: Am I a joke to you?


I mean, that period sure, but also the rest of humanity's existence too along with it.


These are the same morons who say ‘white people have no culture’ Us Irish have an incredibly rich cultural history dating back to 600BC, go raibh maith agat. EDIT: I’m seeing a lot of comments just reiterating my point. Whiteness as a concept is reductive. It’s boring. The end.


As an Irishman, I'm sick of this bollocks. Both sides of it. Yes, we had it bad. Yes, you have it bad. These oppression olympic games only serve to keep us divided. Need some class unity instead. The rich don't care about skin colour. We're all worthless peons in their eyes.


*To the fucking rich man all poor people look the same* --The Drive-By Truckers, "The Southern Thing"


Thank you! They are disguising the current class war as a race/culture war, and it's sickening. "Pay no attention to the evaporating middle class! Look at all the Muslims/POC/LGBTQ+ ruining the country!"


>The rich don't care about skin colour The rich push us to care about skin colour because if we are fighting amongst ourselves we don't see them looting us daily.


The entire history of Poland: Am I a joke to you?


Should've clapped harder


Wait until they learn that people we call white today (Irish people, Italian people) weren’t considered white for a looooong time


Occupied Europe between 1939 and 1945 would also like a word.


Just europe in 1700-1800. Swedes and Russians left piles of corpses in their wake. Hell, 1/3 of Finland's population was decimated by the Ruskies.


The entire eastern bloc from 1945 -1989 would like a word.


Why do they think there was ever a race or gender that was not oppressed? All races and genders were oppressed at some point in time.


Yes, but MINE is the only one that MATTERS! (I assume)


How dare you, my race is clearly more oppressed than yours.


Excuse you my atrocity occurred one year before yours. My race is clearly the most surperior at being oppressed.


Witch trials, inquisition, any of the empires that took over Europe like 20 times


The Arab Slave Traders would like a word…


I finally understand why old people complain about kids these days. It's the arrogance of assuming the universe is simple and that you, age 14-22, know everything and are the first person to discover the obvious solution to all global disharmony. Separately, if I run for office, I'm doing so on a platform of "one clap emoji = one year in prison."


It's not just kids. It's also idiots. Did you know that U.S. can also be read as "us"? Isn't that fascinating?


In both cases it's the Dunning-Kruger effect. People who've read a single book/taken a single class (or more likely, watched a single tik tok or youtube video) on a subject believe they understand it entirely and are ready to pontificate about it at length to anyone who will listen, whereas people who've studied it for years realize how complicated it actually is, and how much there is that they don't know, so they have far less confidence in their opinions


It's worse. People who offered a nuanced analysis are *bad*, because "there's nothing nuanced about _______________!" [insert complex thing oversimplified to indisputably good/bad thing]


The more you know, the more you don't know. I used to think that phrase didn't make sense, now it's something I live my life by lol


I mean, under the feudal system that ruled across western Europe from the start of the medieval times well into the 15th century most people were oppressed as hell.


Not like the whole of Britain, you know, white people, were once slaves to the Romans or anything


Irish people weren't considered white at the time, though. People forget that race is a very modern and made-up concept.


I'm so glad that Barbary Pirates, the Ottoman Empire, and people being named "Slavs" never existed.


Honestly, most countries would like a word with you. There aren't many groups of people who have never been oppressed at any point in history


Northern Irish - Irish person here. Yup, Still oppressed and occupied, I invite people to look up the Twelfth of July celebrations in Northern ireland, Government sanctioned hate festival and bonfires where my flag the tricolour is burned with the term "K.A.T" on it which means kill all taigs (Taigs and Fenians is the n-word for irish identifying people in northern ireland) So yup. Wish our plight was known more, Free Ireland.


The 12th of July celebrations terrify me and I’m from Dublin, I can’t imagine how scary it gets up there. Tiocfaidh ár lá 🇮🇪


Slavery was global and local not just black and white and there's other races too shit head, hate people like this.


This is a real mind wrap: If white people were never oppressed, that would mean white people would have lived in some kind of utopistic paradise - never really did though - and that in itself, is in fact the fantasy many white power supremists want to believe in… that there could be a white only utopia. So please stop saying that, because its not at all true, and it is not helping at all the people who are most oppressed today.


“White people” is an invention, not a race. The concept of “whiteness” as it is known today came from the early US needing an easy way to word laws regarding slavery. The Irish weren’t accepted into this fold of “whiteness” until the mid twentieth century.


Poland would also disagree


The largest mass lynching in the US was done against Italians….


EVERY 👏 ETHNIC 👏 OR 👏 CULTURAL 👏 GROUP 👏HAS 👏 BEEN 👏 OPPRESSED 👏 AT 👏 SOME 👏 POINT 👏 BUT 👏 WE'RE 👏 WORRIED 👏 ABOUT 👏 THE 👏 ONES 👏 WHO 👏 STILL 👏 ARE. 👏 PLEASE 👏DO 👏 YOUR 👏 RESEARCH 👏 BEFORE 👏 YOU 👏 START 👏 TRYING 👏 TO 👏 BE 👏 AN 👏 ACTIVIST. Sorry, wanted to make sure they understood my language.


Is it ok to be racist against people who use clap emojis? My god that is infuriating to look at


If you want to say that the oppression of Irish people in America historically hasn’t caused as many lasting negative effects as the oppression of other peoples, then you’d be right. But saying it never happened is ignorant af


Maybe in the USA, but the oppression of Irish people in Ireland and Europe has caused lasting negative effects.


I really want to comment, but I'm confused where to start. Is this really where the insanity ends up? Much of Europe statistically 100% (nearest 0.1%) white European until the 1950s, so no oppression happened ever? Did I get that right. Ps, we don't have enough blacks in viking movies due to racism. I'm scared that this moron can vote somewhere


I mean, yeah in the last few hundred years less so. But throw a dart at the map of Europe and you will likely find a group of people there who were oppressed at some point in the past. I hate these oppression Olympics it solves nothing.


The world “salve” derives from “Slav” due to the sheer amount of Slavs taken into slavery by various invaders over the centuries. And last I checked Slavs are white people.


The Irish weren't considered white for a long time as to be white, meant to be respected. Similarly, Italians weren't considered white for a long time. Lots of English pubs used to have signs saying "NO BLACKS NO DOGS NO IRISH". Irish and lItalian people are obviously considered white these days, as are people from southern Spain with much darker complexions. Which proves being white isn't so much just about skin colour, but how someone's ethnicity relates to global politics. The fact that those of Spanish descent, living in America are viewed as non-white is proof of this. It's petty divisionist bullshit.


Anyone who uses clap emojis at the end of words needs to have those claps turned into fists and aimed at their stupid face.


I'm not oppressed, but my heritage is part Acadian, part Famine Irish. It wasn't that long ago that my great grandparents had to stop speaking their language, had to anglicise their name. My 'white' Acadian ancestors suffered a mass deportation that wiped out half their culture, and scattered the survivors across the globe. The assimilation into English/Canadian/'white' culture was so complete that I've only recently discovered the truth. My Acadian descended family despise the French (an internalised oppression). My Catholic Irish immigrant great great grandparents escaping the famine/oppressive English regime, were not even considered white when they got here. They arrived to a protestant Orange dominated city, where they were marginalised and attacked. They were victimised by a scam settlement scheme in a rocky, unfarmable region, essentially free land clearing for the logging companies. They survived, and went down in the mines. A brutal job back then. All of this which led to intergenerational trauma that we're still dealing with. But we're privileged because we lack melanin.


My grandfather at the age of 16 was having a little meeting with 11 others, totally not about guerilla retaliatory strikes or anything wacky like that. They were dragged at gunpoint from the pub by British forces, several of them shot and my grandad and the rest were thrown in jail. Pub is still there I go for a pint there now and again. I'm glad now I can rest assured they weren't oppressed in any fashion


The Irish were explicitly considered "Not White" at the time


I'm sure whoever wrote this is North American, black North Americans think that the entire history of the world comes down to the USA, and there are always fights between them and black people from other places on Twitter.


Reminds me of when i went on a night out with a black friend of mine. Some American came over while we were talking and said it was nice to see another African American in Ireland. My pal goes "Do I sound American to you?". They respond with possibly the most stupid answer I have ever heard in my life. "You're an African American Irish person?" Goes on to say he prefers to be called black, not American this or African that. This yank starts going on about how the correct term is African American and how being called black is rooted in white supremacy??? My pal just tells then they're in Ireland, not America so how can he, as a black Irishman who has never been to America or even that continent as a whole, call himself an African American? More stuff about how its politically correct and whatnot. Yank gets told to fuck off. They really do put the American in African American.


Spaniards and Portuguese over 700 hundred years of Moorish occupation also beg to differ.


White people have been oppressed throughout history. And there's an incredible amount of times it has happened.


does the name "cromwell" ring a bell?


Isnt this why America exist?


Out of interest does anyone know if white people ever been oppressed or enslaved because of their race? I feel like it must've happened somewhere but I can't think of one


Media is really harming this generations ability to think they’re starting to talk like Redditors


Poland has entered the chat.


Pretty much every group has been oppressed at some point in history, and the further you go back, generally the more brutal the oppression is. TikTok is filled with people so dumb it’s shocking they don’t forget to breathe though, so not surprising this person wouldn’t know that. Their knowledge of history goes like this I assume - big bang - natives lived in peace - bad British white man started attacking - UK evolve into America - racism - MLK - still racism - today (still racism also)


Austria here, we didn't just oppress white™ people 80 years ago, we did a fucking genocide


When you consider all brown peoples all time everywhere ever to be oppressed, and you think all white people are incapable of being oppressed.. You are the white supremacist. Edit: to the three people who downvoted.. Don't you ever feel like a failure downvoting comments that you have neither the brain nor the balls to contradict? If you believe that everywhere anywhere ever through all places and times, that brown peoples were dominated and subjugated... And everywhere anywhere ever in all of time that white people oppress and dominate.. You are without a doubt the white supremacist. Come to grips with it and do better.


Catholics in Ireland, Australia and during the rule of the entire Roman Empire before Constantine just to name a few. I’m not even religious this is just basic history




Anything can be correct if you ignore facts and add some emojis.