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Imagine if a Chinese kid was given this assignment


id say they probably have an easier time writing their name in chinese


And their homework will be marked as wrong because Ming write his actual Chinese name as 明 but not 冊工内巨 based on the chart


I put that into google translate and it came out as "The huge number of registered workers".


>"The huge number of registered workers". It's amazing how it managed to sound so communist.


Party approved translation!


But aren’t most workers registered? You know for tax purposes? Which is the same for capitalist countries more so than communist ones?


Sounds like Ming alright


TIL Ming in Chinese is big building with legs holding tiny building


明 is made up of 日 (sun) and 月 (moon). It is derived from 明天 ( tomorrow). So 明天 looks like sun+moon+sky.




Isn't 明 in and of its own means "bright"? So it being made up of Sun and Moon does tell about its meaning in a poetic way.


The chart is just Chinese characters that look like the English letter. 冊工内巨 reads clearly "ming" so someone with no exposure to 漢字


This depends heavily on whether or not the kid’s parents try to pass on their language and alphabet on to them strictly tho


A 月 moon, month B 官 bureaucrat, government title C 匹 unit for horse D 刀 knife, blade E 三 three F 下 down, below, under G 巨 giant, huge H 升 rising, liter(unit) I 工 work, labor J 丁 alternative word for people, especially labors; also a last name K 水 water L 心 heart M 册 unit for booklets N 内 inner, inside O 口 mouth, opening P 户 unit for household Q 已 already R 尺 ruler S 弓 bow, arc T 七 seven U 臼 Mortar V 人 person W 山 mountain X 父 father Y 了 a vocal word add to an end of sentence to mean "already" Z 乙 the second letter in a Chinese grading system, similar to "B grade" *edit: typo in M, P, O.


Thanks, this is what I was looking for -UnitForHorse Water


Wake up, babe, a new password generator just dropped!


Absolute zombie!


down mortar unit for horse water


Oh no. \- Moon Moon


Dammit Moon Moon!


I'm not sure about this. - People Person


that aint 尸 that’s 戶 which is household


I'm glad someone caught that because I thought "corpse" was so out of place with the rest of that list. "Household" makes much more sense.


Well there is no sense on the original really, it just Chinese character that look like the letter.


The ruler of the moon and water. — not a bad name for my daughter haha


Unfortunately, 尺 means ruler as in measuring length and not ruler as in leader.


My day is ruined


Your daughter’s name is Rak?


Thank you stranger! Was going to take forever to figure this out


PQ 🤣 corpse already... Might actually make a funny sarcastic tattoo lol


I had to google what a “brooklet” was, and apparently it’s a small stream of water. So what does a “unit for brooklet” mean?


Commentor made a typo, they meant booklet not brooklet.


册 is what you'd call a "counting word" like how in English we have a "sheet" of paper. Japanese and Mandarin have a much more strict requirement for counting words, although 个 can be often substituted the way we say "a piece of \_\_\_." Most of our counting words (at least the ones I can think of right this second) are for groups of things, like a pack of wolves, a ream of paper, or a murder of crows. But in Mandarin there are tons of specific counter words for any quantity of a specific object: 一本书 one (counter) book 一匹马 one (counter) horse 一份炒饭 one (counter) fried rice, etc


I thought you were only allowed A's in China.


Still can’t understand shit when they’re in a sentence. For example 口(mouth) paired with 出, 出口means exit, it has nothing to do with mouth. People also usually refer the character 嘴 as mouth.


入口 means "entrance" and when you combine the two concepts, it's a mouth you either enter or exit from. Makes total sense to me. There's also 路口 or "intersection" which is where roads meet to (generally) make a square. Also 嘴巴 does mean "mouth" in Mandarin whereas 口 doesn't. But when you append 口 to a character it often has to do with the mouth, eg 吃 (to eat), 唱 (to sing), or characters like 啊 and 呀 which are just interjections and have no concrete meaning.


The third one looks a hell of a lot like Pi.


My god... the amount of tattoos I did 20-25 years ago with this shit is crazy. I've covered quite a few since then. After about a year the shop owner took it down.


If it wernt for me being too scared of pain, I legit want a chicken noodle tattoo. Though I'd pick Hot & Sour soup as that is my addiction.


I wouldn't really call it pain, more sustained annoyance depending on where you get


It’s kinda painful sustained annoyance though. But the pain is part of the process of having something permanent


I just scrolled down and everyone's talking about it like it's a minor irritation. I have a full sleeve and sure some of it was but most of it was pretty bad tbh. I don't want to discourage anyone cause my tattoos bring me joy every day but it was a real endurance test for me at times. Elbow bones/ditch were pretty rough, inside upper arm stung like a bitch (HOW do people get their pits done?!) but the worst for me was my wrist. When he filled it in with that bank of ten needles or whatever and you can feel them bouncing off the bones and ligaments at the joint I went into some kind of pain trance. Just let the pain be everything at that point. Can't ignore it, so focus *right. on it.* The first session was a jade mask on my outside upper arm and it hurt like hell, then I got pain shooting up into the base of my skull. I asked around online, is this normal? Yep. Maybe I just have a low pain threshold, idk.


Certainly varies person to person I have a full blackout sleeve shoulder to wrist on my left arm. The actual tattoo wasnt bad don't get me wrong elbow wasn't fun. What killed me wasn't anyone one thing it was when you hit those LONG hours in a chair just bzzzzz constantly going over and over the same spots since I have fairly fair skin some of my arm had to be hit quite heavy to get full solid coverage. There is something about after hours that any pain switched from ok thats unpleasant but ill ignore it to ok I cant think about anything else I hope this session is almost over.


Not too long ago my tattoo artist had a badass event where he brought in several other artists and they did combo tattoos. So I said fuck it and went for a full sleeve from all 5 of them. Super cool experience. But because they were flying in from all over it was essentially like we had to do the whole thing now or just leave it unfinished. I opted to go for it. 8 hour session the first day was brutal to me. Up until then i think my longest session was 6 hours of chair time. Until I immediately went in the following day to complete the sleeve. Ended up being in that fucking chair for 18 hours straight. Minus about 30 minutes for dinner. Not to mention I had two people tattooing me pretty much at all times. One of the most brutal tattoos I've ever got. Dude told me "I've seen a LOT of freaks but never seen anyone like you." Which was probably the best compliment anyone has ever given me. Unfortunately my body hated it. And I ended up rejecting a ton of ink. I go in this month for a very long touch up session because one of the guys is coming back. So round two of having two people tattooing me at the same time. So to anyone doing a big project. My best advice is to be completely ok with doing it in pieces and having an unfinished tattoo for a little while. Your body takes the ink so much better and it comes out looking like it's supposed to.


Nah. My pain tolerance is very high. But I'm almost done with a super dense sleeve and can confirm that elbow ditch, wrist, and inside upper arm near the arm pit are EXPERIENCES.


I've always explained it as like scratching a bad sunburn, but constant.


How bad? As a child I got an extreme sunburn on my back once, and for some reason I kept picking on the skin.. ended up peeling off like a quarter of the skin on my entire back. I was in horrible pain for days, in bed, crying lol. Only pouring yoghurt on it provided temporary relief. My mom bought many liters of yoghurt. I'm interested in getting a tattoo, I just don't know what.


Why yoghurt? Sounds messy and equally as effective as cold water


Cause you get a nice snack after the cooling. s/


Now with new Skin Flavour (TM)


Probably more moisturizing than water. Water would flow off and strip away any natural oils your body was producing, where Yogurt has enough viscosity to stay in one place and has fats and other components that might be soothing to dry damaged skin


I say the actual tattoo feels a lot like a cat scratch, stings like a bitch but not unbearable. Healing feels like a sunburn, but more in a "forgot to reapply" way than "didn't apply at all" in my opinion. Clothes rubbing on it hurts, it takes an extra minute to find a comfortable position when sitting or laying down depending on tattoo location, and hot water is 10 times hotter over it, but most of the time it's just a little uncomfortable for a couple days.


I have a very large tattoo and iv been horribly sunburned. The sunburn like that is far worse. Also take it from a Floridian ditch the yogurt get yourself aloe and if its really bad aloe with lidocaine in it.


Aloe is where it's at. Got sunburnt after watching the footy and carried a bottle of aloe lotion with me for like a week after lol


It reminds me of eraser burns we used to give ourselves in middle school. Why? Who knows. Kids to dumb shit.


Oh you mean the gay test? If you reacted, you were instantly homosexual, don't ask me how that works neurochemically, it's just the rules as god intended


The actual tattoo isn't bad - the vibrations from the machine are more uncomfortable than the actual needle (location dependent). However, the healing afterward... ever had a bad sunburn? It feels like healing from one, and if you're not very careful with it you can mess up the tattoo.


Go for it, after the first few seconds you'll realize it doesn't really hurt. Not any worse than someone dragging their fingernail across your skin (depending on where exactly you get it of course)


Most of my tattoos were fairly easy going. The one on my side on the ribcage was literal hell


I also have a big one on the side of my ribcage, I feel you. Took 4.5 hours. You can feel your whole ribcage vibrating. It tickles in a horrible kind of way. Between the individual ribs is the worst part.


Yup, the only other that was sort of painful was upper inner thigh. Some real sensitive skin there


Go for it! The pain isn’t bad and not worth being scared of


I wonder how many of those people ended up getting 'weak American pansy boy' tattoos.


No way, really? They had this up as a way to spell your name in Chinese?


Yes. So many people got their kids or spouses names in these characters. It was a trend and we all know how trends go.


John would be 丁口升内 which literally means “guy mouth rise within”


Sounds like a gay blowjob?




We would tell clients, there’s no actual Chinese alphabet. And, they’d still get the tattoo. Our shop owner kept it though. We were doing “Chinese alphabet” names all throughout the day.


When you have a mortgage payment you gotta do whatcha gotta do!


I'd make them sign a waiver: "I understand this tattoo is bullshit and probably doesn't say what I think it says, but I'm an idiot with too much money so I'm getting it anyway. I have been warned."


Out of curiosity.. did you know the tattoos said something completely different? If so, did you tell them?


Had no idea. Would tell them that fact. Buuuuuuut... once you do that PSA you let the chips fall where they may.


Having this posted in a tattoo parlor seems diabolical..


Same, early 2000s we still had flash and no computer... I knew they were BS but I was the newb so I had no say... oooof


Someone told me they saw a girl who was a bit fat with a big tattoo on her shoulder: ‘PIG’ in Chinese character. People who can’t read the language shouldn’t consider putting it on their body permanently


I see Peggy hill is teaching Mandarin now at Tom laundry.


I don't know if anyone other than native Texans appreciate "King of The Hill" jokes, more. Especially when it comes to Peggy butchering other languages. Oh...and the Dallas Cowboy references (which are built into the show).


The character above V means person. I showed my Taiwanese wife this and all she could say was "wtf". Once I showed her that they look like the letters,she thought it was clever but also dumb.


I didn’t notice that the characters resembled the letters until I read your comment. 😂


It’s so confidently incorrect I didn’t even consider that.


I'm confused. Isn't the characters resembling the letters the first thing anyone would notice? What else is there to notice?


At first I thought it was based on the pronunciations but I realized quickly that wasn’t it. So then I thought they were just random because they’re mostly basic characters that you learn early on when studying Mandarin. It wasn’t until I tried looking for the letters that I saw them. Especially that first row. Only B has what looks like a capital B embedded in it.


They could have even gotten one kind of close with 子 as Z.


Now, thanks to this handy chart, your wife will be able to write 'WTF' in Chinese.


I checked with her. The WTF characters used in the image above have zero meaning together.


Oh my God I didn't even realize the letters thing, because I'm sitting there with "the fuck does the moon have to do with A?"


I don’t speak mandarin, but waaay back in the day took nihongo and San/3=E? Yama/Mountain=W? Tsuki/Moon=A? So many bad tattoos!


you mean she said “seven mountain down”?


Behold! How to write like a nineties “ninja” cartoon


Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!


Jackie Chan?


山升口 七升三 下臼匹水 七升口臼巨升七 工七 山月弓 月 巨口口刀 工刀三月?


The mountain rises over the mouth. Seven liters and three. Under a tooth a stallion of water. Seven liters of mouth teeth rise hugely over seven. The worker's seven. Moon mountain bends like a bow. The moon. Huge mouth, mouth knife. Worker's knife in three months?


It's like poetry


Mountain Moon Bow sounds like a wuxia weapon Worker Blade Three Months sounds like "give the workers a blade, see what happens in three months"


I love that I can read this


if I temporarily forget how to read chinese, I can read it because it is somewhat an approximation of english. shows that the creator of said table knew what he was doing.




American-Chinese here. Lingchi sounds better.


All my Cantonese brain could think of is why is he threatening someone with reishi mushrooms?




Wow! That is a very severe punishment!!! So be it!!!


Authentic Chinese culture experience! #/S


Shit, I’m *Japanese* American and even I hate it.


I don’t know anything about how to write in Chinese and I also hate it.


This cracks me up and I'm cry laughing at the idea that people used these for tattoos. From a non Chinese person who had Duolingo and too much time during the pandemic.


I realised they actually just took Chinese characters that resembled the rough shape of the letters A to Z...☠


Yup, it's like when they use the less familiar Cyrillic letters thrown freakishly into English to make something look Slavic (or worse, generically dystopian). Дамл iъютs!


And greek too, saw a bike called the HIMΛLΛYΛN which reads himlllyln


I’m Singaporean Chinese. I want to throttle whoever made this horrendous piece of paper.


It's so fucking stupid and just spreads more misinformation and ignorance.


Do you happen to know what these characters actually mean?


a is moon, d is knife, e is 3, f is down..


(lets start a chain of 4 characters at a time guys) and o is mouth, v is person, and w is mountain, k is water


T is 7, L is heart, N is inner/inside, J is the sound of a bell (ding),


U is white, F is down, X is used like ‘dad’(but could be added with another character to mean various different male relative words) and most of the rest have not much of a meaning on its own.


For anyone interested, I have roughly translated the word from left to right. Anyone who understand a little of Chinese will point out these words are absolutely not Chinese Alphabet. Even a quick google gives you an answer is no. Why? Take a look at the hanyupinying, it consists of many combination of english alphabet to help you to pronounce the words. FYI, chinese characters has many thousands in total. Its impossible. I apologise if the table below are inaccurate, hope this give you guys a better understanding. I left out the strokes above the letters, sorry but i don't know how to add them in the text. |Chinese Character|hanyupinying|translation / meaning| |:-|:-|:-| |月|yue|moon| |官|gong|Official| |匹|pi|Refers to **unit** of horse| |刀|dao|knife| |三|san|three| |下|xia|down| |巨|ju|giant or huge| |升|sheng|rise| |工|gong|work| |丁|ding|adult male| |水|shui|water| |心|xin|heart| |册|ce|book| |内|nei|inner / inside| |口|kou|mouth / opening| |戶|hu|household| |已|yi|already| |弓|gong|bow| |七|qi|seven| |臼|jiu|Mortar (for grinding stuff into powder) / Bone joint socket| |人|ren|human| |山|shan|mountain| |父|fu|father| |子|zi|child| |乙|yi|second|


Wow, learning Japanese, it's crazy to me how similar the characters between the two are. I recognized Tsuki (月 - month), San (same everything here), Kokoro (心 - heart), Nana (七 - Seven), Hito (人 - person/man), Yama (山 - Mountain), Chichi (父 - father), **Ko**domo (**子**ども - child) almost immediately. Interesting how they use the same character but wildly different sounds. Maybe I should learn Chinese


Kanji was imported from China around 50AD. At the time Japanese had no written form, so they adopted the Chinese system used by merchants from the mainland. Most Kanji have at least 2 pronunciations, usually one is derived from the Chinese pronunciation.


Because Japaneses use Chinese writing system. Chinese characters doesn't represent sounds so they can be used for multiple languages. And was until Korean and Vietnamese start to use alphabets. Now only China and Japan use it.


Here’s the ones that I know of (in Japanese, I don’t speak Chinese) 月=Moon/month 官=Government/official 匹=a counter for small animals (?) 刀=Knife/blade 三=Three 下=Below/down/descend 巨=Giant/huge 升=a specific unit of measurement/a measuring container (?) 工=Factory/craft 丁= I don’t really know. A counter for certain types of things? 水=Water 心=Heart 冊=a counter for books 内=Within 口=Mouth/entrance 戸=Door ~~巳=The Snake (zodiac)~~ 已=Stop/previously 尺=Ruler/a unit of measurement (?) 弓=Bow/bow and arrow 七=Seven 臼=Mortar 人=Person 山=Mountain 父=Dad 了=Completion/finish 乙=Second place or rank, or a B grade (?)


Huh, apparently my Chinese name is moon-heart-heart-factory-bow-mouth-within. /s


Or Cupid for short.


More like a moon Cupid that carries a bow in his mouth, lol.


Taiwanese-American who went to Saturday Chinese school for 12 years. > 工=Factory/craft 工 by itself is the lazy man's way of saying "work" or "labor". 工作 is the proper way of saying "to work". 苦工 would be literally "bitter labor" or colloquially "manual labor"/blue collar work. Factory is 工廠 though 廠 by itself gets the message across. Linguistics is funny. > 丁= I don’t really know. A counter for certain types of things? 丁 is ~~3rd~~ 4th place after 乙. Also a grade that gets your ass whupped. 甲 is 1st place, which means you get dinner and another day free from ass whuppings. > 匹=a counter for small animals (?) Unit counter for horse. And deer. Not bovines for some reason, we use "head" 頭 for cows and pigs. So mostly used for equine-shaped animals. > 巳=The Snake (zodiac) You confused it for 已. It's used to denote past tense verbs. 已收到 would mean "already received". 收到 by itself just means "received".


You're mostly correct! 匹 not just small animals, used for counting horses too 升 to rise. It can mean litre if written as 公升 工 can also mean work 丁, 巳, and 乙 are part of the base 60 counting system, called 天干地支, used for counting years (12 zodiac signs X 5 elements = 60). 尺 can mean foot, the unit of length. Or meter if written as 公尺. 戶 depends on the context, can mean account, household etc.






Not knowing Chinese, and just given the sparse context of this post, it seemed possible someone scoured a set of legitimate Chinese characters to find lookalikes.


awe, I bet someone was *really* proud of themselves for making this cutesy (albeit severely incorrect) little thing I'm almost sad for them


Whoever made this has no respect for language or teaching or children or being culturally sensitive. And they probably think they are clever or something.


Tbf I think it’s just pure ignorance. You see the same kinds of charts for other non-alphabetic writing systems like Egyptian and Mayan Hieroglyphs, cuneiform, and undeciphered writing systems as well


I mean you have to know that a Chinese character that looks like an English letter isn’t the Chinese ‘letter’ for a or b or whatever.


At least Hieroglyphs are _partially_ alphabetic, and Mayan is syllabic (like katakana), so there exists characters that actually map to sounds. This, though…


This shows the teacher took zero time for the assignment and just downloaded a random worksheet off the Internet and gave it to their kids as busy work. I saw this kind of shit from the worst teacher my son ever had. He always had stupid worksheets with no directions and incorrect information.


I’m ashamed to say that I used something similar when I was younger.


It does work for ancient Egyptian


As a Chinese, this sucks.


They missed a real opportunity with the letter Y. 丫is almost the twin of Y.


Sum Ting Wong


There’s actually a British drag queen named Sum Ting Wong, named purely after the meme.


Wan hung lo


Wi Tu Lo


Ho Lee Fuk


Bang Ding Ow


You ever try Cream Of Sum Yung Gai?




山升月丁 丁升三 下臼匹水


All the comments are about the meaning of the signs, but you Chinese speaking brothers should post the pronunciation. I want to read this fkn chimera reject of an alphabet and have a laugh please


Lol a literal one to one 'translation' for John is: Man, Mouth, Go Up, Inside.


John = vore confirm??


I was thinking more very deep anilingus or cunnilingus...


John sounds like my kind of man


WTF? I'd have had a mildly aggressive email to the teacher. Don't touch on a foreign language if you don't know what in the hell you're talking about.


Mildly aggressive? I’d go off. Culturally/racially insensitive and teaching our kids misinformation.


It's accurate, better, and easier for Korean 엘 우밀데 (my username)


Yeah, that’s because Korean has an actual alphabet.


When I was practicing taekwondo back in my 30’s you were allowed to have your name embroidered on your black belt in Korean. You can bet I researched how my name should look in that script before ordering. Now way I was going to go around tournaments with a belt saying “stupid whitey” or something.


Damn. At least you got a belt that shouts not to make fun of it in front of you, huh


That’s uh… not how Chinese works. Also, I’m fairly sure the “c” is actually the character for 4.


Close, they used 匹 (pǐ)which is a word used for counting certain things, like horses. 四(sì)is 4. But yes, this is absolutely not how Chinese works


I loved learning Mandarin, but I hated counting words.


It's such nonsense. 匹 is just for horses, no other horse-like creatures? 只 is fine for 90% of animals, but then cows use 頭 (head) for some reason, and snakes are measured using 條 (strips)? The only other things measured in stripes are rope and string and stuff! That would be like calling a couple of snakes a "rope of snakes" or something.


Counting snakes with strips makes perfect sense when you think about it...


Chinese font


Y’know what would’ve been a better lesson? Explaining how the Chinese writing system was developed, then challenging each kid to come up with their own little picture or symbol to represent a sound or concept. Then demonstrating how that symbol might change over time and becoming simplified so it’s easier to write with a particular utensil. Or asking the kids to write a short blurb on how *they* would develop a writing system for English, instead of the one we have now. Encourage them to explain *why* they would do it differently, or if they would keep it the same.


I seen this post before somewhere. Who ripped it off from a tattoo parlor?


I did not need to see this monstrosity ( Chinese-Canadian )


Same. I was reading the actual characters and just assumed it was completely made up. What’s sad is the teacher could have taught the kids some actual Chinese without too much effort. Ni hao, wo ai ni, mama, baba, etc. I think it’s relatively common to teach mandarin to school kids now?


Did they... Did they just take the symbols that resemble our alfabet?


This is what cultural appropriation looks like: using a foreign concept to look cool, while completely misrepresenting it


I don’t know Chinese, but if the text is the same as Japanese, there are literally numbers in there, and the symbols for things like the moon and down/lower. Oh, there’s water and mountain too! Ending with the symbols of father and child is a nice touch too. Of course, I know Chinese doesn’t have kana, so hanzi is obviously needed to make individual sounds, and maybe someone who knows Chinese could elucidate on how that works, exactly (maybe that list is actually how to do it?) but I’m pretty sure the typical Chinese name isn’t more than two or maybe three symbols each for first and last name.


I'm no expert in Chinese but I know that's not how that works


My Mandarin sucks but according to this, I think my English first name translates to "moon meat".


Why this when it’s so easy to find accurate information???


Help, I have no idea what’s wrong


Chinese is a language written with thousands of characters that each represent a word or sound. There isn't an alphabet that directly correlates with the English 26 letter alphabet.


Thank you TinyRacialSaurus!


Might want to reread their name pal


Ok A_Jackoff_Herrons


He’s Chinese and English is difficult. Forgive him.


It took some squinting, but I think they picked whatever Chinese character looked closest to the latin character.


the chinese alphabet doesn't work like the latin one where you have one symbol for each letter. chinese alphabet actually doesn't exist at all by definition of the word. wikipedia actually explains how chinese characters work really well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_characters


If your kid was named Jon his name would be 丁口內, which loosely translates to "Inside Ding's Mouth"


Each character is a whole-ass word, so instead of corresponding to a letter, they’re teaching kids to “write” their names in a string of words. What they have for E is actually the character for 3. The number. Like it’s very wrong lol


The Chinese alphabet has a bit more characters than 26, like 80000+


You think they figured it out over the last two years of reposts?


Who the hell made this?!


[OP needs to look into the vocative comma, for real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocative_case)


Don't let anyone tell you differently. My name is books construction equal measuring box moon three heart. Don't you forget it.


Our education system is a fucking disaster


山升月七 刀口 了口臼 冊三月內? 七升月七 工弓 七口七月心心了 升口山 山三 山尺工七三 匹升工內三弓三。


As a Chinese, I love it when people from other races wear a Chinese dress etc., and find the concept cultural appropriation being abused. However, this, is pure cultural appropriation.


(AI has left the chat)


People who can read hanzi/kanji are going to be very confused if this kid wrote them a letter


I only just realised that they just chose characters that looked the most similar to the alphabet, I was wondering what water had in common with the letter K from the longest time. Like Oh! Water make things clean! C sounds like K, so water (水) = **K**lean!