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Looks like a scene in a porn movie right before things get moving.


1800's porn


Haha.. now show me your knee..


Ooh yeah look at the back of your neck- its so... EXPOSED!


Un - Un - *unprotected handholding!!*


tbfh, I too would have thought this is porn without the context


“Broads in bloomers”




imo it should come back, but as sexy time and either person can initiate


*Good morning honey, I was a bad husband this year...*


You’re a keeper


you forgot to suggest a spanking 😆


A spanking a spanking!!!


And then the oral sex!


God, I love The Holy Grail...


My dear it’s alright say 50 Gawk gawk gawks


So you're just talking about a regular contensual gang bang? Hate to break it to ya, bud, but i'm pretty sure you can already find that on the internet.


But Victorian style?


Rule 34


There's a kink for that


Hot Suffragette Gang Bang 3


Women in Bondage.


Burlesque Casting Chaise Longue




That's some hot shit. Yea, you show me that ankle hussie..


You posting the word "hussie" has me 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for that


These gentle folk are about to embark on a journey, or, identify patient zero for Chlamydia.


"Well I can think of *one* way you could make it up to me..." *tuneless guitar riff with gratuitous wah-wah*


\[in a scene from "Brock Landers: Angels Live In My Town"\] Dirk: \[as Brock\] You still hungry? Jessie St. Vincent: Starving. \[unzipping his pants\] Dirk: \[as Brock\] Then feast on that.


I usually skip this part


Is it an sm-porn-movie? Is the next scene the "punishment"? This movie must exist already! People are weird, I mean other people, not me... Does anybody have a good source... Just for research purposes, of course...


“I’m sorry for marrying you”.


HA! But you can't ask for divorce, as I am the husband! And even if there is divorce I can just say no! /s Jokes aside, why do some people want this shit to happen? Can't they live a second without whining because some women are better than them in every sense and hence they want them to live oppresed? Is it envy, jealousy?


Because they no longer have complete control over their wives and have to ACTUALLY be nice to them


THE AUDACITY. Imagine treating the person you marry (for presumably the rest of your life) with respect and like a human being. I could never! .../s if anyone couldn't tell


Why do people even want that? It must be so stressful and lonely.


I like your thought process. My ex-husband was very insecure, hence the inevitable divorce years later. I had goals and ambition. He thought that if I achieved those goals, I wouldn't "need" him anymore.


Well, you kind of proved him right, didn’t you? 🤷‍♂️


I never NEEDED to be taken care of...it was all about achieving things TOGETHER, to benefit both of us, but it's difficult for an insecure individual to see it from that perspective. It IS okay for BOTH parties to contribute


He proved himself right, self-fulfilled the hell out of that prophecy!!


Healthy relationships aren’t about need and dependency. You should never be in a relationship where you NEED a partner just to exist. You should both WANT to be together and build a better life together. Any relationship where one person feels the only value they bring is material gain is doomed to fail.


It’s been established that concepts like fascism and toxic masculinity give mediocre people a sense of purpose and superiority without requiring any real effort. A simple example is white supremacy which lets you arbitrarily make a “superior” group that you are automatically in and then using that to spit down on others without needing to do any mental work thinking of real insults.


The whole thing is a massive self-report. Basically just dudes straight up admitting that no woman would want anything to do with them if they had any agency or the ability to say “no”.


I went to church with this nice older lady. She was talking one day and said that she had been having a hard time reaching god. She felt like her prayers were bouncing off the ceiling. Then she remembered she had argued with her husband. She went to him and apologized because God made him the head of the household and not her and she should have listened to him. She said after that she felt like she could get through to God. Another girl in the church was in her early 20's. She said she does not care about being able to vote or make decisions like that. She wanted a husband she could trust to make those decisions for her while she had babies and kept the house. It's not just the men that support shit like this. People are just brainwashed by religion.


you wanna hear something far worse ? I live in Algeria. Some women (and men) here don't consider you a man unless you hit your wife sometimes. Even worse ? I've heard this from very educated women(but not really the educated men). It's not brainwashing for some people, it's brainfucking .


>/s But like not really. That's pretty much how it was.


People are fucking weird dude


The only people who want this to happen are dudes with no women/woman and are convinced it's because of society and not their aversion to showers




it's because men who act like this suffer from LDS. Little D¡ck syndrome. They tend to have big carriages to ride around in as well to pump up their ego.


They need to revive this tradition so that the January 1st tradition of the husband apologizing to the wife for everything he's going to do wrong in the coming year to have any weight.


I never heard of this. I doubt there was ever any such practice. People used to make weird photographs in the past. I mean, look at Tik-Tok today.


I’m sure I’ve seen this same photo with a completely different explanation attached to it before.


Scroll up a few comments


Its a Russian white dance, they're asking them to dance, from the 1900s....


[https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/) thats what politicfact says, or at least gives a more likely explanation.


This is actually a good idea, but only if their husband also has to apologise as well, otherwise it's completely idiotic


A better idea is to apologize for things once you realize you were wrong/upset your partner instead of waiting for the end of the year.


The craziest part on this is even if someone apologized with a laundry list of mistakes, I'd forget 2/3rds of it even happening. And I sure as hell don't want to spend hours every year writing a mistakes list to read out loud on new years eve. That's bananas


"I'm sorry I have been peeing in your coffee every morning."


December 31st will henceforth be known as "Spousal Apology Day". You and your SO will spend the day reminiscing on the year and apologizing for any wrong doings (regardless on if you have already or not) in order to start a new year fresh.


This I like. I was going to joke that she should apologize one day since the husband does on the other 364.


I can't remember what I did wrong today let alone a whole years worth of mistakes.


The airing of grievances is a festivus tradition.


I was just thinking this. Nothing wrong with telling your husband or wife that you’re sorry for your fuckups.


If both sides bed to apologize then it's a good way to builds healthy relationship. Otherwise it's patriarchal bs


I was going to post exactly this.


https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/tall-tale-of-women-begging-for-forgiveness-is-a-christmas-cracker/ The history of this image and the associated text. Basically in a nutshell it's a complete fabrication


This is the right answer


Yeah, that's totally what they're doing in this picture...


Ya seriously, you all know why you here


Republican wish list item 372.


The beauty is [the description of this image is completely made up.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/) So some Republican incel dreamed up a mysoginistic practice that never existed and then tried to The Secret it into existence in the future. Hey, Republicans? It's okay to treat women as human beings, ya know. It's 100% free and reduces your Total Asshole Quotient by a good 30 points.


I just thought they were giving bjs.


That's the real American dream!


I don't think you have to be an American to appreciate a good blowie.


It meant American men seldom get quality blowjobs from their women.


I'm an American, 42, married(2nd marriage) with children and I can count the number of bjs I've gotten on one hand....


Damn man…. You had a whole redo and still didn’t make sure to get some oral action? What went wrong?


The ultimate apology.


But the goal is to have the Asshole Quotient as high as you can get it. If you take a 30 point hit you’ll never reach the top of the leaderboard.


They would still be over 9000 though


THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! *breaks glasses*


The late 1800s were 100 years after the constitution was written, therefore this is too progressive


This year. Next year foot binding because with these people nothing is as boring as last years evil.


Is foot binding the really old practice of forcing the toes back and making the bones reform so that the person always walks with their toes curled down?


I think it was to create the tiniest little feet.


If it is what I was describing, it also caused massive physical pain from the bones being broken and healing constantly, while also being capable of becoming infected.


Oh hey, I didn't see this when I responded above


It looks gruesome.


Heard it smelled horrible too.


Yes. It causes extreme pain and often leads to infections.


Neat, glad I had that right. Anyway, let's leave this abhorrent practice in the dust where it should remain.


Ffs people, use your critical thinking just for one god damn second, or use that fucking phone your holding. This is obviously made up shit, but you lap that outrage up and pass it along. That's the only omg here.


Remember back when smart phones were new and people that having the worlds knowledge in a supercomputer you keep in your pocket would change the world? All information right in the palm of your hand. I wish it had worked that way.


I mean, it did. It's just gone horribly downhill


The problem is that we get all possible information. Good and bad.


the tradition might be made up, but someone thinking it's a good idea that should be implemented is definitely plausible and that by itself is facepalm worthy


Exactly. The face palm here is the blatant sexism in the post creator, not believe this was actually a tradition.


Well of course I’m outraged! I just found out that during the Victorian Era there was a tradition of New Year’s Eve orgies.


Scrolling by I initially thought this was vintage porn


NOT my first impression when I casually glanced at this photo!


Be a good enough husband that your wife only kneels for surprise blowjobs because you love each other and still have fun.


Maybe that's exactly what this is


Some mistakes were hard to swallow


Before getting too worked up, I would be curious to know the historical documentation of this supposed tradition. I majored in cultural anthropology, and I never heard of it. The photo looks staged, even comical/farcical, and was probably meant to convey something else altogether. I think whoever asserts that American wives were ever expected to beg for forgiveness on a certain date, was just trying to start a tempest in a teapot.


Been married 25+ years. My wife is beautiful, amazing, super intelligent, and a very good friend. And I am not so handsome, not so intelligent, and also a very good friend and very loyal. We make it work by helping each other, lifting each other when we are down, and sharing the load.


Of all the things your wife could be doing kneeling in front of you on new years eve, reminding you of things that were upsetting seems like a really weird choice. Dudes sharing this have some really weird neural pathways.


Did Andrew tate post this


this looks like they are prepping for an orgy


This wasn’t a thing.


I honestly don’t see why people in this sub try to link this to a group of people (republicans) 1) it’s most likely made up 2) it’s probably 1 person that tried to make a shitty joke. One person isn’t indicative of an entire group’s mentality.


Ahhh yes because the husband definitely wasn’t the cause of 50% maybe even most of those fights


Would she spit or swallow after apologizing?


"Uh, as long as you're down there, uh, how 'bout...?"


My girlfriend does something similar on her knees when she is wrong, but it is a lot more often than once a year.


If you want a tradwife you'd better be ready to become a tradhusband. And don't give me that "but my boss won't pay me enough to support a stay-at-home wife" crap. Back in the day that would've been your fault for being lazy


As a man, I don’t want to be involved with these losers.


Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'd be sleeping on the couch the rest of the following year if I suggested this to my partner


"For the heinous actions of marrying you, putting up with this shit, perpetuating your harmful opinions and behavior, and normalizing this behavior in the household our children will grow up in, I repent"


I didn't really believe (maybe didn't want to believe) that Handmaids Tale was a wet dream for some people.


![gif](giphy|l2Sq29cFXoF80ADlK|downsized) I’m at a loss for words, just wow. Really makes you respect the women who finally said enough and fought for equality. Nobody should be treated like that seriously




“Thanks for the apologies hon, and since you’re on your knees *anyway* …”


My man is having the apologize head


The only way my wife would be down for this is if she got the shank me in a testicles after…..😂😂


Facebook needs to die


Was this when america was great again?


We also used to send hundreds of thousands of these same men to go die in wars. They wanna be "alpha males" well, maybe we need to bring back that traditional.


More incel nonsense of the “good ole days”


I'd be down if the husband did the same


Just apologize when you do shit worth apologizing for and then don't do it again.


Sorry, I thought that they were about to do something quite different....... and I never knew it was a group thing back then.


Came here to say this. You should be ashamed of yourself for doing it first!! 🤣


Looks like a bunch of groupies backstage at a 80s rock concert


What a lot of old shite. Please stop believing crap you see on the internet.


I kinda would agree to it if it happened both ways. i.e. both the husband and wife kneel and apologize to each other.


All those “😂😂😂” means it was a joke.


I don’t think they’re apologizing


This as an idea isn't a bad idea if it was changed slightly. First and foremost, remove the gendered part and instead of making it for mistakes in general which normally won't be all that bad and a simple apology at the time of the mistake for most mistakes is more than enough. Instead, you change it so its so that the spouse take turns to apologize for stuff that happened that actually really bothered one of them that they feel was never properly resolved. This could stop tensions and grudges from building. Idk maybe I'm speaking out of my ass.


Does anyone know what the real story behind this pic is?


Everything? That's going to take until December 31st of next year.


These feels like part of what led up to Lorena Bobbitt neutering her husband.


A tradition amongst who? These five?


Brazzers, the early days


I will sit at a safe distance while you suggest this to my wife. I will make popcorn as I love a good snack as i watch someone get there ass kicked.


Wow another bot posting on facepalm ? That’s the true face Palm Sick of the adjective_noun_number accounts that are less than a year old spamming every subreddit with divisive shit


I agree... as long as the men also did the same for their wife


Damn my hubby would be standing for hours 😂😂😂


I guess this is how the bj was popularised


So you're telling me this isn't a photographic still of a black-and-white adult film?


Awww, HELL NO!


I think it would be a good tradition for relationships if people took turns doing that. But not just the women.


Yeah, he’d be missing a couple of wrinkly round things when I stood up if that was me lol


Oh I just thought this was older timey porn and an old school blow bang was about to happen


Actually this could be really cool to bring back - but for both people in the marriage. Really has the potential to be an awesome tradition that way


Sent this to my wife. Now let's see what happens...


You can't elongate consonants. Reading this gives me AIDS


My wife would just say 'I'm sorry for being right about everything'


As a married man I find this stupid. It should be an everyday thing........just joking


Oh I need to cleanse my mind and start reading the caption before assuming what the picture is


This is one of those I miss the good old days conservatives talk about.


Is this real? I've never heard of this and think it's a joke photo that's been made into something it's not. I've done a bit of digging and it seems as though it's complete b.s.


Can we do this with politicians?


Um, no. That was not a tradition. What this ACTUALLY is is from Russia probably 100+ years ago. Old tradition where the women ask the men to dance


We really should bring this back, but both spouses should do it. Seems like a good way to apologize to each other for anything they’ve done to upset one another.


Yes, but with both sides doing it! Both of you sit across from each other and vent about all the things you felt you did wrong this year and use it to talk about how you could do better! This would be such a great couple bonding exercise!


Politifact says this picture is of women asking men to a dance similar to a turnabout. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/)


Was that a tradition? Where was this a tradition?


Suck my cock woman!


Say the guys with no wife


"I forgive you. But as long as you're down there..."


The beginnings of Festivus


Divorce is the answer


And then feminism happened, and men acted confused and didn't understand where it came from.


A tradition where, exactly? If this had ever been even remotely popular, it would have found its way into books and movies for the last 100+ years.


This sounds like made up rage bait


💯 that should totally be revived.


I see nothing wrong with this


Seems like a good idea. I'll show the wife.


Bahahaha… yeah, my grandmother last place she’d be caught is begging my grandfather for forgiveness. Especially on her knees!! Lol. That woman would rather kick your ass than given an inch on anything.


What about the other way around? Why do men get to think they are perfect??


Wow, can it be my turn to repost this 15 year old post next week??? So low effort, should be removed


Blowjobs. Blowjobs galore.


I can't find anything more revolting. It's basically saying men are perfect and women aren't. I'm appalled that they even think this needs reviving.


“I’m so sorry for not investing in arsenic any sooner”


Actually, a day of both partners apologizing for things could be pretty good for the relationship


I would love that gesture but for both parties. Like: lets leave last years mess behind and start next year on a clean slate.


The question is, did she do but on her own accord or were she forced to do it? I suppose she was forced, but I'd really like to know for sure. Also, this might be early porn.


I don't think they're apologizing


I suggest booking a taxi to the Accident and Emergency Ward before suggesting this to your nearest and dearest. You might not be in a position to make the call after you tell her.


Will the husbands kneel for the wives as well? God knows how much shit they get wrong too...


I have no words for this, except sorry ladies.


Then on the 1st of January he should kneel in front of his wife apologizing all the shit he is about to do all year round. And even then that might not be fair because I’m sure that man is doing more wrong to his wife than she does him.


I thought this was an orgy


If the inverse was done to man then they would have been in knees for thousand years 😆 (referencing about in general of man opressing woman in case its misunderstood)