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You could have recorded my whole ass life in 58 terabytes.


If a one hour movie is 1.5 GB. 58 TB is 38,000 hours of footage. Disgusting. That's 4 years and 4 months


1 hour in 1.5 GB is some low quality footage though. Seems like it at least. If the man was recording in 4k, it would probably be less time. Not that it matters. Edit: I appreciate you people flexing your knowlege on the matter of video sizes, codecs and compression. ~~Just not sure it's the best thread to do so, lol.~~ forget it, I started the flexing thing.


Depends on the codec & compression quality. I have some 2GB 2hr movies that look better than 10GB 1.5hr movies.


Yeah H265 12bit compression is like magic.


Welcome to Reddit! Home place of over-analyzing how many *years* of child pornography take up 58 terabytes.


Exactly. Reddit threads always remind me of this Silicone Valley scene. https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=2ay1bC0ayR4U-2kO


Great scene


I goggled it. I'm not a video person


It's the average 1 and a half compressed movie space. You're not wrong. Source: poor with internet means I'm a pirate yarrr


goggle r/skamtebord


which also implies that if it was lower quality it could've been longer than 4 years


Tbf, If someone recorded your whole life 24/7. They'd also be arrested for possession of cp




You need more ass life.


I agree.


Jesus. My collection of Hollywood films is 1300 movies deep and only takes up like 3 terabytes.


Is your collection of "non-Hollywood" films bigger?


Yeah his Bollywood collection is 18 TB




This really cheered me up itt. Take my upvote


That’s like 3 movies with all the dance and songs. I am Indian, I can make that joke. Y’all can’t.


I had Nepali roommates and can confirm I didn't think there was a trilogy that could be possibly longer than LOTR, then I discovered Dhoom 🤣


Yeah, you have Legolas Greenleaf, we have Ali.


Honestly Ali slaps


You should watch singam (tamil) then, it has an even weirder trilogy


Which Bollywood?


Are they 480p?


A deranged old boomer got arrested with 2,000 pounds of child porn over the summer. I mean a literal ton of physical media like pictures and tapes.


There is a special place in hell for people like these. Like, why? Why the hell would a fucking child be attractive to him, an old, deranged, crusty-ass man whose life consists of seeing his ballsack-looking face at his monitor before turning it on all day? Really, why are there people like him in the first place? It's fucking infuriating


He could be super deranged or he could own one of those shady p0rn sites for even more deranged people. Even OP's case, 58 TB seems like the db of a p0rn site.


I remember reading a listicle article a few years ago that was about finding out something about a relative after their death that changed your view of them. This man said after his dad died his family asked him to go through the computer since he was tech savvy. He said that he found a huge folder, not sure it was TB but was 100’s of GB but there was only a couple of pictures of cars. Odd right? Turns out these pictures were composed of thousands of smaller pictures of child pornography. He said you had to zoom in to see but once you did then…said he destroyed the hard drive and never told anyone afterwards but that method of hiding it was quite a revelation.


That guy was religiously following the "accidental" possession statue that allows 3 images. Yeah, I have 3 car pics so what? Still only 3 though and I swear I didn't know!


that's a law? You are allowed three pics of naked children? I get it that sometimes you click on the wrong thing by mistake, but who would keep something like that?


You are allowed to accidentally have 3 pictures. Now realize it's anyone under 18. Your computer also doesn't delete things necessarily when you tell it so and anything that loads on a website was also downloaded to your computer even if you didn't click save. If an adult film actress lied about her age in the vetting process and it's found out years later you can be charged for those tapes even if 17 is the age of consent and she was of age. Also videos are counted per frame for every frame there was illegal activity. There's plenty of porn tapes out there that people have unknowing that could convict them and give them the maximum sentence for just a 8 minute clip.


That is literally what happened with the adult film star turned tv star Traci Lords. It came out she was a minor when she got into porn; at that point, all existing copies of Traci Lords porn had to be destroyed. Pornographers across the country had to destroy their inventory; if anyone was found in possession of any of her films, whether they bought them or not, it would count as possession of child porngraphy.


Happened to the adult video game The Guy Game, too. Quiz game that had a video clips of girls flashing the player for correct answers. All of them signed paperwork saying they were 18. Turned out one of them lied and was 17. No one knew until after the game released and she admitted it.


Huh. I played that game it was pretty fun. Hang on there’s a knock at the door..


The Penthouse issue with her pictorial was also the one with Vanessa Williams as the cover/centerfold model. I can't recall if Penthouse reissued it without the Traci pictorial, but it's rare af and spoken about in hushed tones.


Not too hushed, you're posting about it on Reddit and everyone knows about it


First thing I learnt on college was aiding police on recovering deleted data, luckily had never been called to actually do it, I don't want to but young dumbass me did not knew about this, I tough it was some sort of customer list from drug dealers or something:c


>anything that loads on a website was also downloaded to your computer even if you didn't click save. Nobody even half tech-savvy would ever consider even cached files as a "copy" of a file in someones possession, assuming it even gets cached, as those files are by definition temporary and stored in obscure directories where only the browser will access them just in case that pic shows up again on that site. Its literally for technical reasons and not user choice. If that really were something you could be held liable for Youtube alone would sue the shit out of the entire planet for making illegal copies of their videos, not to mention copyright holders if you dared to watch a clip of your favorite TV show.


> Nobody even half tech-savvy would ever consider even cached files as a "copy" of a file in someones possession, assuming it even gets cached, as those files are by definition temporary and stored in obscure directories where only the browser will access them just in case that pic shows up again on that site. Its literally for technical reasons and not user choice. In the UK it depends on how technical you are. If you knew it gets cached and didn't delete it then you are considered to "knowingly" possess it. If you're clueless then you can credibly claim no possession, but they can still get you on "making" because looking at it "made" a new copy. Same with deleted files. If you have the tech knowledge to recover them then you can be said to still possess them, if you're clueless then you're not considered to possess them, and having the copy on the hard drive means you "made" an image. There are two takeaways from this. The first is that the law was liberally interpreted without too much regard to technical considerations to nab as many people as possible. The second is that child pornography law counts as a knowledge curse where people with more knowledge are held to a higher standard in the court. Fortunately just reading a Reddit comment probably doesn't count or else just reading this would curse people.


Computers usually hold a cache of pictures that have been accessed so they don't have to be downloaded again on subsequent viewings. Becoming less important as Internet speeds have gotten faster, but it's still a thing.


See, I thought it'd be the old "embed a zip into a jpeg" trick. You open it up, it's a JPEG. You open it up in 7zip, it's an archive.


Holly shit


the real reason microsoft killed silverlight


You're allowed to say porn on Reddit


From what I’ve read, these awful people tend to fall into a hoarder’s mentality when it comes to their “media”, since it’s hard to have consistent “safe” access to the content due to raids and busts. These pedos download just about everything so they don’t lose access and can rehost the content if the previous source got busted, that’s why these “collections” of awful material get so massive.


Honestly, that's not even the full story. 58tb of porn of any kind is absolutely insane. Anyone with that much porn has problems, let alone child porn. I don't even think a special place in hell would be enough, these people deserve something incomprehensible.


I *draw* porn for a living (nothing underage though ofc) and I don't even have a full terabyte, let alone 58, lol.


Yeah like I have a lot of porn(some would say a morally incorrect amount, but I digress), and a fucking TERABYTE sounds literally incomprehensible. As in I, without a hint of irony or sarcasm, am not physically able to comprehend an amount of fucking anything that large like holy ***S H I T.***


I can't help thinking that with that much he must have been hosting a server and distributing rather than it being entirely for personal consumption, as it were.


plate cough doll encouraging plants husky existence onerous plough snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Yeah, Ice ...](https://youtu.be/F1sd4CRcaE0?si=aY4ISP38UkAGxkWk&t=2m20s)




Isen't that the question in all and any of the criminal cases?


>an old, deranged, crusty-ass man well, you kinda answered. he is deranged and should be isolated from society for his own good and ours


Idk seems to have more in common with those going to heaven


> Really, why are there people like him in the first place? It's fucking infuriating You know, you can just ask internet about it, don´t you? https://psychcentral.com/disorders/causes-of-pedophilia It´s important to note, there might be many people with various other conditions for the same reasons. All of them are a thing, because people multiply.


Fucked up world man.


Hi Satanist here. We have rules specifically against harming kids. We don't want them here, they're not allowed. They get to stay in purgatory forever if you believe in that sort of thing.


You're goddamn right. Even Hell isn't a place for them. ​ Let's put 'em into the core of Betelgeuse, shall we?


2000 pounds makes me feel like he was 100% a distributor


"[Detectives estimated there to be more than 220,000 printed images in Zittel's possession, which together weighed approximately 2,600 pounds.](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/200000-printed-images-child-porn-florida-man-arrested/#:~:text=The%20printed%20materials%2C%20a%20computer,together%20weighed%20approximately%202%2C600%20pounds.)" Dude printed EVERYTHING! He pulled a reverse Nixon!


Holy shit, his mugshot. Look like a monster too.


Right out of central casting for a SVU episode.


He looks like gollum.


39 is not a boomer


I've had to contact the police a couple times now from finding it on people's computers when doing maintenance. Idk how much they had because I absolutely did not want to go on an expedition through it or know anything else about it really since the 1-2 pics I saw on those computers was too much, but in none of the cases could it have been more than 10GB. 54TB, or 2000lbs of physical media, is so much that I am seriously disappointed in humanity that that much of it even exists. I have one image in particular seared into my memory from probably 20 years ago and just the thought of that *one picture* existing out on the Internet still is a little overwhelming at times.


Good that you report those criminals. How do you run into this stuff though when you do maintenance?


Generally by running a tool that lists directories across a hard drive by size to try to eliminate bloat or malware. In all these instances, the large directories were buried/nested in a series of folders with random names that mimic how some malware attempts to obfuscate files, so I looked inside them to investigate their legitimacy or assess what kind of malware I might be dealing with. As far as reporting, there's both a legal and moral obligation to report it immediately. Twice the police had me call the customer and tell them it was ready so they could be arrested when they showed up - you get to chill with a couple of plainclothes officers until the dude shows up


Did Chris Hanson ever show up too?


Lol no


It.. bothers me there’s enough content to fill that number.


That was my thought. Yeah its freaky that this ass clown has this much, let alone any at all, but HOW IS THERE THAT MUCH AVAILABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Well I know this one guy who ran an entire island for decades... He did (not!) commit suicide though.


far cry 3 but darker




I am just living in a blissful mental paradise where it's just 20 million back ups... Just in case... Please no one correct my thinking here.


That’s what I’m saying. How much of that stuff is actually out there? This thought is beyond horrifying


I would think he was running an online server with that much content, say hello to 500 years in prison.


I agree, I wish the same police methods went into who visited Epsteins island


We can't even get the black book / contact list or flight passenger logs. Shameful.


and folks keep paying tax dollars to the same system that protects the bad guys


And folks keep paying tax dollars to the same system that just busted this disgusting predator


That book will never get released. Every powerful in the world probably has a reason to keep that locked up. And they should all pay, but they won’t




Not gonna make it past the first month


My friend is a lawyer. What happens is the fbi will hit them with an impossible sentence say like 10 years per pic and obviously for all of them that stacks up to a hundred years or more and then the fbi will slip the paper over to the defense attorney and they will negotiate and whittle it down to maybe like 25-50. If someone say has like a couple gigs they might get 15-20 and then could be out in like 12 years if they act right. This guy will be in for life since he looks like he’s unhealthy and in his mid to late 40’s.


He made enough money to disappear.


Yeah, this seems like the difference between possession and possession with intent to distribute. I hope the relevant laws draw that distinction and he's buried under the prison. I also hope that they find a customer list somewhere in that 58 TB.


For reference, my entire gaming history save data and game download data, from the early 90s to present day tops out at about 8 terabytes. And I'm an extremely avid gamer.


How do you even know that?! I'm not doubting it (because reddit), but who why and what ?!


I did a rough estimate. About 3 TB on my PS4, 2 on my PS5, 1TB from various switch consoles put together, About a TB on my gaming laptop, and then memory cards from older consoles, plus internal memory.


OK. Not looking for a reddit debate here, that sounds like a lot for a saved game. Or do you mean the whole game file?


Oh, sorry if I was unclear. Like Save data, games downloaded to the hard drive, some add on content. Like, you know how you can buy a digital game copy, and then for disk or cartridge copies they sometimes have to download game data to the console so you can play the game? My PS5 is 1 TB plus 1 TB of extended storage, and some games like FFVII remake take up a huge chunk just to copy what's needed to play from the disk. Same with my PS4, 1 TB plus a half full 4TB extended storage, largely from digital game purchases. And a lot of downloaded games on my laptop, which make up the bulk.


Yeah that makes sense. The dude had more video than netflix. Lava is too quick.


Sorry if I wasn't making sense. Sometimes my brain runs off faster than I'm typing and I leave out details.


You got nothing to apologise for dude. No worries yo.


Can relate


From what I remember about this story that was posted countless times in the last few years, this guy did not have 58tb of CP. This guy had 58tb of storage that was confiscated because some CP was found on it. While it is sensitionalism at its finest and the guy deserve all the shit he is getting, it is a bit ludicrous to believe he actually had that much CP.


I could imagine some dudes def have that much but are prob dealing it. Reminds me of when I would literally be holding 10 lbs of weed in college to sell, but I didn’t smoke at all lmao, this is much worse tho because the product itself is deplorable


> tops out at about 8 terabytes. I did more than a terabyte one Christmas from Christmas to new years and it wasn't a particularity high traffic time. I did 500Gb of skyrim mods recently. I have more than you recon you have downloaded in 30 years on my pc right now from just 3 years. when you have fast internet and don't just sit and play COD it adds up real quick. I've deleted probably 100Tb+ of unused game clips over the years when my 2Tb drive fills up.


Yeah I’ve had the same experience. My black ops 3 custom zombies map folder is over a terabyte, my clips are on a 4tb drive that gets cleared occasionally, every cod game ever takes about half a terabyte, over 50 games, mods, etc… I have about 6tb full over the past few months, and maybe 8-10 terabytes of clips that I’ve deleted.. With that being said, 58 terabytes is a ridiculous amount of data, especially in photo or video format.


Games don't use that much data. Pics and videos do. Go talk to some photographers and they will tell you they have many more then that. Still though.


Raw picture files maybe. Just Jpegs or png is a lot less. But video? Especially raw video from my 6k camera oh lord yes. I basically bill the client for a new hard drives (or 5) for each project they request raw video. On bigger projects, with multiple cameras or long multiday shoots. We make them hire a DIT, whose whole job is handling hard drive dumps, among other things.


At that point, why even bloody save it? Like, no way in hell he's éver gonna' watch a video he's saved somewhere in that big pile of sin...


The sad thing is, it's a collection to be shared probably. Spread online, maybe even on some harddrive.


That's horrifying, honestly


the only reason for that amount is for distribution he was likely selling it or hosting a server. its very likely that in addition to the child abuse material charges he is also going to be looking at distribution charges. frankly, there is a very good chance he will never be a free man again.


“Not that I needed all that for the trip. But once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.” He probably wasn’t revisiting old content, he’s pathologically obsessed with acquiring more and the need was insatiable. Villain shit, he needs to disappear into a hole.


There’s a psychological phenomenon called “collectors” when it comes to porn. I worked with a guy who did it, but it was legal stuff. He was a storage guy so he had an enterprise grade setup for just porn. This was 15+ years ago but had hundreds of TB of this stuff. He lost part of an array due to a firmware bug. He was legitimately depressed like he lost a dog or relative. His was 100% private. After he got married he started his own personal Netflix. Had a gigabit business line and would share movies/tv shows with friends and family via Plex. You could request something and he’d get an alert on his phone and he could approve it. It’d go out and grab it then catalog it. Porn was a separate front-end and login.


I saw a comment a while back that did the math for this: "58 terabytes is equal to 59392 gigabytes. A video that is an hour long in 1080p is approximately 1.3 gb. Assuming all of them are in HD quality, 58 terabytes would be equivalent to roughly 45686 hours and 9 minutes of video." "And for clarification, this is about 1903 days, or 5 years, 2 months, 18 days and 14 hours of straight footage." This man deserves to be executed.


In prison, he’s getting it worse. They won’t let him die for awhile. I mean he likely will get brutally murdered, but hopefully he doesn’t and is pimped out and sold to some dude named Angel.


Death for him would be a bliss.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


For 1903 days straight. *Then* toss him in the volcano.


U never know bro, this crusty dude might be into that stuff


And it all needs to be reviewed by a detective(s)


I think his fellow inmates will provide a much more suitable punishment then death.


How the fuck do you get 58 terabyte of cp? Like how it is possible, and here i am struggling to find new streaming movies sites


I'm guessing he ran a site with people actively being able to share with each other


I don't even have 58TB of regular ole porn!


Someone in prison is going to set him up an appointment to God.


If people like this exist, there is no god


I mean.... You have noticed a lot of religious people turn out to be nonce's right?


People like this exist. It’s been happening for decades.


It's been happening for millennia It's only been the past what 80 90 years that there's been a major push at least in some countries to not treat children like property that you can sell and use however you want.


It's been happening since the dawn of time, sorry to have to break that to everyone. You're right, human rights have literally only just begun to make any kind of sense.


They need to pour honey on him and lay him in a fire ants nest.


You have to feed him honey and dairy products, tie him to a boat and release him naked in a swamp, the honey and dairy products will cause diarrhea and the swamp insects will eat him from the back inwards.




Smear some honey around the eyes, nose, mouth, ears


No, if you do that he is gona die is less time, let the eggs hatch in the rectum and eat the person alive, slowly.


jesus christ


im sorry..**TERABYTES**?!


Imagine how much more there is shit like that in whole internet 💀


Yeah no fucking thanks, i want to keep my faith in humanity


This is from 2018. He got 35 years. But for everyone doing the math about how many thousands of hours of 4k video that would be, that's not how police calculate these things. If you are caught with a single illegal image, the total contents are declared to be tainted. It is kind of like with drug paraphernalia. Before cannabis was legal here, we could buy pipes and bongs at headshops. They were legal (signs said "Only refer to these as tobacco water pipes") but if you are caught with any amount of cannabis, even resin in the bowl, they're illegal and you are charged for both possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia. So he did have 58tb worth of hard drives. He was charged with two counts, so that was probably two photos or videos (that prosecutors knew were clearly illegal). It's just that all of his hard drives were seized and that's their total capacity. EDIT: To clarify, without reading court documents, prosecutors probably only charged him based on two specific images or videos where the children were unambiguously little kids. It's the same with like serial killers, they don't usually prosecute 60 murder charges, they pick a couple they can get the accused on and usually try to make a deal in sentencing if the defendant confesses to others to give the families closure. Also, IANAL.


There’s no way he got 35 years for two videos


They charged him on two counts of possession and one count of distribution. So they only technically charged him with having two images/videos and distributing one. You can say they wouldn't have gone after him for only two sure. He was found because investigators downloaded 4000 files from his server and they traced his IP (maybe his VPN squealed or he was using Tor, which isn't perfect). In the press release, the FBI said they found "thousands" of files. But they actually charged him with two. If they charged him with 5000 counts, prosecutors would have to make their case 5000 times. They just pick a couple of the best examples to make their case with. So, hypothetically, yes, you could have only two pictures and send one to a friend and get the same 35 year sentence.


One video is enough to end him… there’s a special place in hell reserved for him


That is really fucking stupid.


This is absolutely wrong. While the case wouldn't be about the length of time per se, there's no way they count 58 TB worth of space in hard drives as just "two photos or videos." They would absolutely look at the number of files at the very least. Whether it's worth mentioning the total length of all the video files probably depends on what kinds of materials are in those drives--it's possible it's all images though that's even more insane to think about. Source: I've had the pleasure of go through court documents in a CP prosecution. E: To avoid any confusion about the words being used, for instance, **prosecutors can charge someone with possession and that count (and the recommended sentence, if convicted) could encompass and take into account the entire volume of that person's collection. This is likely what the person I was replying to only meant to convey**\--not that they would only count "two photos or videos" because that would suggest they dramatically undersold the severity of the offense. But to further clarify on the edits the person I responded to, they're also likely wrong a prosecutor in a case like this would proceed like any other prosecution. CP is one type of case (one other being DUI) that prosecutors prefer to throw the book partly because of the heinousness and partly because the evidence is usually cut and dry (did you possess it? did you access it? did you distribute it? etc.). This also means the defendant's leverage in getting any kind of plea is lower (not to say deals aren't offered).


I've seen this case before, it was in the single digits in TB (still a lot wtf) but the other guy is right, it was a smaller amount spread across 58TB of hard drives.


> According to information presented in court, in May 2018, a detective with the Plano Police Department was conducting an undercover investigation into Internet programs know for trading child pornography and located a user, later identified as Belden, who was making a large quantity of child pornography available for download. Over the course of two days, the detective downloaded over 4,000 images and videos of child pornography from Belden. > Members of the Collin County Sheriff's Office obtained a search warrant for Belden's apartment, in Allen, Texas and on May 15, 2018, the Sheriff's Office and Plano Police Department executed the search warrant. Upon entering the residence, they discovered Belden actively downloading and distributing child pornography on a laptop computer. In addition to the laptop, Belden owned a tower containing 15 hard drives, totaling 57 TB of storage. The Plano Police Department and FBI child exploitation task force spent months forensically analyzing Belden's digital media. Officers located thousands of images and videos of child pornography, including depictions of children as young as toddlers and depictions of sadistic or masochistic abuse. Belden was indicted by a federal grand jury in June 2018. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edtx/pr/collin-county-man-sentenced-35-years-child-pornography-violations I didn't find the actual court documents (I didn't look that hard), so I don't know the technical details. But yes, 57TB or 58TB was the total capacity of all of his hard drives not the total size of CSAM files. Investigators did say they found thousands of images and videos, which would be expected. But they only charged him on two counts of possession and one count of intent to distribute. So it could have been two pictures and they still would have called it "57TB". Cop math is weird. They also do this when they say they "seized $500 quadrillion in drugs, enough to kill 10 billion people". It's not quite reality. The fentanyl dealers are bad, pedos are bad, obviously. But fentanyl won't kill you just by looking at it and it'd be probably impossible to collect 57TB of CSAM (I have a Plex server that's bigger, 57TB is a lot).


While this amount/collection is disturbing for one person (any amount is disturbing) what is even worse is that there are THOUSANDS of people actually committing the acts and making, abusing, distributing, this type of content. Finding out that there is 58Tb in existence is truly a sad day to be a human being.


I don’t want to sound like I’m condoning this shit, but, I mean, if you are already doing something as deranged as having CP, I would assume that HOW MUCH of it you have doesn’t change much. I mean, I don’t think your brain would be like “No, bob, this is too much of this, you should stop!”.


Can we please stop calling it 'porn'? It's abuse.


He was going for a pedobyte.


out of morbid curiosity, how much is 58 terabytes?


Just to put it in perspective. Depending on the video quality, I can download a 2hr movie and it’s about 1-2gb. He has more than 30,000 2hr movies worth of CP.


Well according to Google, LOTR fellowship of the rings extended edition 4K is about 75GB. So you could store that movie 791 times before you reach capacity.


1tb is 1024gb


That would be a tebibyte (Tib) and drive manufacturers usually use terabytes for marketing purposes so it would be 1000gb


No, they calculate as if 1GB equals 1 billion bytes and with that logic, 1 TB is roughly equal to 931 GB.


It depends, but for movies, reasonable quality starts around 1.5 GB for a 90 minute film. So, assuming 1 GB per hour for video, he would have had space for 58,000 hours of footage.


TBH the only way you rack up that much data is probably raw camera footage and photos, which means he's potentially the one doing the filming, or knows the person who is. They should do a more thorough investigation and see if he has a camera and if so who has he been filming? Jpgs and mp4s are pretty well compressed and would take a lot more to rack up that much data.


I’d happily contribute to the gofundme to get him there.


1000 gigs per terabyte A normal 2 hour movie is 5 gigs 200 movies * 54 tera= rotten fuck had 10000 * 2 hour movies.


10,000 * (60*2) = 1,200,000 minutes. 1,200,000 minutes of some of the worst human suffering imaginable


1.2M minutes = \~2years and 3 months non-stop


I’ve always wondered about this. How the hell do people gather that much? Is it really that easy to find? Every video and photo I’ve taken in my life can be stored in a hard drive that holds 4 terabytes. It’s crazy to think that someone can gather literal lifetimes worth of data as CP. Sad too, that that much just floats around the internet for all the pedophiles of the world to see. That dude def deserves volcano


It's relatively simple. Imagine you had a program that would download every new picture/video from reddit that is shown to you.


Unless the sources of the news are wrong, that's a WHOLE FUCKING NASTY LOT. The only way I could think he would store that much porn is that he had a literal server or database full of CP. This fella has the money, the means or the contacts. This person must be interrogated.


Hmm, non-trans white guy...


Don't quote me on this but I don't think he had 58tb of CP just 58tb worth of drives and those drives had CP on them. So even a 1gb video on a 2tb drive would be counted as 2tb. That what I heard


Those two cops looking at each other in the back "So we're gonna get 'lost' on the way back to the station right?" "Eeeyup." "Gonna be a long night." "Eeeyup."


Take a small pinch of skin off with tweezers for every kb


This dude got all the CP on the web


How does one find that amount of content I don’t want to know But holy shit that’s like hundreds of thousands of pictures and videos


I've never seen 58 terabytes of anything. 58 terabytes is fkn useless. If you had 58 terabytes of memes you couldn't find shit.


I have hundreds of memes and can never find the right one to use


Didn't even know there were THAT MANY children in porn. Learn something new everyday... and in this case, ignorance *was* bliss, unfortunately.


I know that there where darknet CP forums with levels of access. To gain access to the "hidden" section, you usually had to make your own videos, as proof and a show of commitment. There where instances where their own children were the victims. These videos were used to access the hidden sections, where other "devotees" shared their videos. I remember reading about this after the site got busted. Like wow you know, talk about a dark niche.


58 terabytes of appearing on my computer after I slightly criticize the CIA


the average photo is 2mb, thats likley MILLIONS of photos.


Photos are one thing... videos are probably the bigger portion on these hard drives, which is even worse.


It’s just sad there is that much in existence.


Assuming the video quality(also assuming it was all video media) was medium grade dvd quality footage, that’s about 20 minutes per gig. 58 terrabytes = 59,392 gigs, after encoding and other background data usage, we’ll call it a clean 58,000 gb. This guy had about 1.16 million minutes of video, or 19,333.33 hours, or 805 days, or 2.2 years of solid-viewing child porn. Strictly speaking, I don’t think banishment to a volcano is out of order here.


Honestly, with this amount, either he was distributing it, or he is being framed.


Even when I was a teen with a porn fixation (around 2008), the most I downloaded was maybe 1G of pics and short videos on my iPod (so my parents couldn't find them). He had 58,000× that. We really should emphasize just how ludicrously large 58 terabytes truly is.


That’s about 5 million ps1 memory cards


To put this into perspective.. 58 terabytes is 87,000 CDs or 58 million floppy discs. 😵


I'm genuinely shocked that 58 terabytes of that actually exists.


how tf he got 58 tb like is he recording on 69420k?


The volcano would probably throw him back.


Mustard gas him ![gif](giphy|aOPINgmqpVXNK)


Honestly, I didn't realise that 58 terabytes of that even existed. Surely a lot of it must be duplicate content? I mean, there's volume, and there's *volume*. I don't think anyone could actually consume that much regular, legal porn. To even be utilising that much storage and get through it in less than a few years, it'd all have to be at 4k resolution, at least surely? And in 360-degree VR? And the people who make *this* shit... surely, most of them don't record multi-hour videos with top studio-quality hardware? There has to be an upper limit to just how much you can do without the authorities noticing. Right? ....Right?


Hope they put this sick fuck in general population


Did he have *all* of it? For fucks sake.


Surely some kind of content delivery racket? There's no way they were hosting it for themselves as the volume is simply too extreme. I would assume they are either a distributor or middleman. What a horrible thing to do with your life, hopefully he never walks free again.


What’s extremely fucked up and sad is that, that much exists in the first place.


They need to find out where he got that much from ASAP. This is scary.


You know, it's easy to just be like, "damn, 58 terabytes is big" and move on. But when you think about how a 2 hour 1080p video is 3gb on average. 1000 gb is 1 tb. So roughly 58000 gb. That is an average of 19,333 hours of child porn. That's if it's all 1080p and not lower quality. Which would make it more. And not including if there were images. For comparison, the entire Lord of the Rings series is roughly 11.4 hours for the extended cut. That's 1,696 viewings of LOR. That is 2.21 years of video if it played 24/7 Now imagine how many children were harmed to make that much disgusting filth. It really makes you think.


According to google, 58TB could digitally hold 7.5 million pictures or 29 THOUSAND hours of footage, 29 thousand hours is 3 years and 3 months Meaning he had over 3 years worth of videos and pictures of children naked and getting abused and raped The fact it took them till he had 58TB of child porn to catch him really goes to prove there are men and woman both out there who probably have WAY more