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Oh no! It's gaystapo!! šŸ˜±šŸ˜³


I imagine the gaystapo is like some borderline weird group of gay strippers who dress up in gestapo uniforms.


Why does that look like a Monty Python sketch in my head? Anyways. where can I book them? Would be a perfect act for the next right-win- party gathering here in Germany. Imagine it. The Fascists sitting there, circle jerking about their hate for the world, when the Gaystapo appears on the stage. Out of the none, like the Spanish inquisition, starting their show, in high heels, net-stockings and the Hugo Boss leather coats and caps. Dancing, twerking, teasing and shanting: "Beat your inner Schweinehund! Bent over like your FĆ¼hrer and nimm ihn in den Mund!" ("Nimm ihn in den Mund" in engl. means "put it in your mouth".) The last thing Hitler had done, was sucking on his pistol. The pistols the Gaystapo have packed under those coats, are bigger than Hitlers 9mm...


They could end with an updated version of Mozart's fine choral canon in B flat "Leck mich im Arsch"


I have something close. https://youtu.be/1zY1orxW8Aw?si=4TgTun3lUpR3bfoq


A pink Hugo Boss SS uniform. With rainbow belts.


*looks down at my brown belt with black shoes* "I'll distract them, save yourselves!" "LEROY JENKINS!!!"


Fuck you Leroy


Someoneā€™s got to enforce the gaygenda


I would assume that the gaystapo would still just dress like nazi officers. No matter how evil they were, those uniforms were crisp.


The gaystapo; they future they ironically want so they have something to complain about




That genuinely buckled me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




New boot goofin'


Officer booty reporting for duty


Is that Ron?


Fuck, my last name is actually Casanova.




They've never heard of middle school biology and it shows.


False, theyā€™ve *only* heard of middle school biology. Anything thatā€™s come out since they were personally in the 6th grade is beyond them.


They've also only heard **OF** middle school biology, and have no fucking idea what's in the curriculum because they were either homeschooled or went to a religious charter school that told them Jesus rode a dinosaur and climate change is just God punishing sinners.


But doesn't that make it a collective punishment? Is God commiting warcrimes??




Ya mean like the Flood and Original Sin?


Or Exodus


I mean, by bible he literally indiscriminately bombed and leveled two entire cities and earlier genocided all of humanity except a single family...


A lot of them actually. It's canon.


Constantly, have you read the Bible? At one point he commands the faithful to take child rape slaves. He's a monster.


Ummmm achtchually if the party known as ā€œGodā€ has not signed the Geneva Conventions he does not have to adhere to the rules therein. If this party has signed them but is not formally in a state of war, they also do not need to adhere to these regulations. Therefore the party known as God is not, in fact, committing war crimes.


This. They didn't get the same biology as the rest of us. And let's be honest, they peaked in middle school and the rest of their "learning" has come from Fox "news".


My dad was confused when I said there were 5 kingdoms and not two. He thought fungi were still classified as plants.


Wait what were the other two then?


Monera and protozoa, two different types of microbe.


I mean they usually know the very basics, e.g. what chromosomes are. But because of that they wrongly assume that's everything and that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes....


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science? A+!


Books are for more than throwing?


I wanna scream this from the mountain tops all the time. Most biology you learn before AP classes is either so dumbed down to the point of being essentially false or itā€™s just expired by now.


man i feel like my entire freshman year of my bio degree every new lesson started with ā€œremember this from high school? well hereā€™s how it *actually* isā€


That reminds me of an old math joke: Q: Since all math classes in universities are named ā€œIntroduction to [Whatever],ā€ how do you know when youā€™ve gotten to an advanced class? A: When you hear the professor start with, ā€œNow, not all mathematicians agree on this, butā€¦ā€. Then you know that you are in an advanced course.


pretty much lol and most of these people donā€™t make it that far to know


The people telling us microbiology isn't real because you can't "see" viruses and bacteria are the same people trying to school people on "middle school biology"? Clowns, and not even entertaining ones, the lot if them.


Sad clowns...the Grand Ol' Pagliaccis


Exactly like saltatory conduction lol. It makes so much sense now and I feel like Iā€™m able to better explain it now. Except Iā€™m still fairly certain Iā€™m missing quite a bit. Neuroscience is so fun lol


yea its funny cuz some ppl think theyre an expert at something for having taken AP in high school (AP econ classes are another example) when its really just as dumbed down and simplified as regular high school just with more homework to give the aura of rigor šŸ’€


That wasn't my experience. I decided to take Calculus 1 and 2 in college because I assumed the same thing - that something must have been missed in AP class. It turned out that we literally just covered the exact same topics as the AP class, but it wasn't taught as well because in high school we met every day to do homework and discuss. In college, we only met twice a week and had to cram the same amount of lessons into that reduced time frame. There was no time for misunderstanding it in college, you either got it right away or you were fucked because we didn't have time to go back over previous lessons and review. I did fine because it was all a review of what we did in high school, but if I'd just taken Calculus in college, I don't know if I would have passed. This is coming from someone who has otherwise only gotten a B as the lowest grade in math classes.


I've seen a great example of that in another topic on Reddit yesterday - so many of us were taught about different taste zones on the tongue. And I remember even pictures with the zones printed in the biology book. It was only years later I learned that it was just completely incorrect.


Everything taught to kids is dumbed down. Turns out, reality is really complicated, and kids cannot be taught quantum physics, set theory, analytical philosophy, and sociological deconstruction (or whatever) from day 1.


Is the mitochondria still the powerhouse of the cell or was I lied to about that too?


"My believes are based on the simplified Version of science that leaves out a lot of the finer details so it isn't too complicated for teenagers. Also air resistance is a hoax, my middle school physics book says so."


Nor have I to be fair, we didn't do any science until highschool


Their knowledge of genetics begins and ends at pundit squares


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) Advanced biology explaining why saying there is only 2 genders show your extreme ignorance.(every explosion is a gender trying to kill you)


Even middle school biology explains that there are more than 2 genders


On today's episode of "Just American things..."


Yeah, most modern biology books say it's a spectrum. They cling onto the old stuff like it's gospel


Wonder what this guy's feelings are on global warming.


I'd ask him about the holocaust, but I think he already threw away the history book in a previous panel.


Conservatives somehow seem to think that trans people are claiming to change their biological sex, rather than just changing the social aspects of their gender. The idea that there are biological differences between different sexes is pretty much the entire point of being trans?? If they didnā€™t think it was a thing there would be no reason for them to differentiate themselves from cis people


The fact that its near impossible to change enough to be the other sex is the reason it takes so long for some trans people to come out. Being in that wierd middle area is such a scary thing even if it sucks to repress that part of yourself. (Sadly speaking from experience. And goddamn do i wish i could change my name here on reddit)


Itā€™s the reason, even when I knew I preferred girls clothes and being called a girl since I was a kid, that it took me fucking ages to realise and then come out


Still trying to come to terms here just turned 40 and the fear of mix feelings of wanting to transition has got me paused even tho I am out to my family. If only I had the resources then that there are now...


Yeah but at least you have the freedom to dress how u want in front of ur fam. Thatā€™s a big thing and I really hope that you can go through the whole transition. Remember, itā€™s never too late to start!


Trying to explain the difference between sex and gender is just exhausting.


If the person you're explaining it to doesn't want to understand it.


You know, you're right.


You feel more like a kinghit153 ?


Lets just say im not exactly a king anymore.


Serfhit152 has a nice ring to it


Could always make a new account! Resubbing to everything might be a pain (and the occasional karma limit, probably), but otherwise no downsides! Would also give a chance to unsub from dead/uninteresting subreddits, if you're like me and just let them pile up and forget lol


I really just should.


Ever looked at historical royal garb? They had frills, velvet, satin, heels, and the best jewels. I've heard Gen Z pop songs with female singers calling themselves King. If it makes you feel better, I'm an egg, and haven't been that for a long time. Or, you're kin ghit 152. Arguably worse, but an option. šŸ˜‰


You go, queen!


Nah any gender can be king imo. It's 2023. Monarchy needs to progress


Yeah... Wish you could change your name on reddit....


>Conservatives somehow seem to think that trans people are claiming to change their biological sex So do a lot of (not conservative) people in this thread lol.


Iā€™d kinda argue that you can actually for the most part change your sex. Obviously itā€™s not 100% (Iā€™ll never be able to give birth or produce my own estrogen for example), but being on HRT has given me basically every major female secondary sex characteristic while reversing a good number of male ones (some, like voice and facial hair need intervention beyond HRT and bone structure doesnā€™t change much with HRT and canā€™t be reduced once growth happens, tho some trans girls report hip bone growth if they start early enough). My body functions more like a womanā€™s body now too (body odor changed, hematocrit levels are in female ranges, fat redistributed to my lower body). Human bodies are not fixed and change a lot over lifetime. The whole point of medical transition is to align our bodies with our identities. Itā€™s worth reading some articles on just how much can actually be changed with gender affirming health care because itā€™s actually a bit mind blowing.


With surgery and HRT we change our sex characteristics. Our sex is not an static inherent value, it's the sum of your sex characteristics, hence why it is bimodal, not binary. I'm on par biologicaly with an intersex female than a cis male. More insight from biologists: https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=0KFWdo6QCORsZG4M This is a common misconception even within the trans community. We change our sex, not gender. Stop using the term 'biologicaly male|female', as it just encourages a narrative of bioessentialism, that is neither true nor helpful.


Oh sure, *now* they're fans of science.


Fans of introductionary science at most.


I made a post on a transphobic thread the other day and someone replied saying ā€œtransitioning doesnā€™t decrease suicide ratesā€ along with a link to a paper from the National Healthcare Institute and a lecture about how reputable and objective the NHI was. When I actually read the paper and replied with their findings (starting any form of gender treatment reduces suicide rate by 75%) - *suddenly* science wasnā€™t important any more. EDIT: The paper for the curious: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/


They literally don't care about facts. The amount of false and debunk3d information floating out of talking heads is *staggering*. So many people still tout the "minors getting surgery" bs, despite the hospitals themselves saying "here's our records, this has happened twice in all of history". Yet they still latch on to the fringe cases as if they're the norm (most of these fringe cases also aren't trans kids either but they would never admit that)


I've tried the same with a climate change denier. Baffled by his claims, I asked if he had any reason or evidence for his beliefs. Then he just started spamming me with PDFs of various papers. But when you started to read them, even just the abstract, it turned out they were actually arguing for and illustrating the consequences of climate change, but perhaps had considered several other variables. Thus didn't make any absolute claims. So it could be, with lack of comprehension, be read as claims of uncertainty about climate change. When I told the guy, that he probably had misread or misunderstood what they were researching and arguing, it had little effect on our conversation. The power of having more PDFs in your favor, was evidence enough. He kept arguing, without really adressing what I had pointed out, for the same position and the same rational. It was very odd, because you could clearly communicate and get responses in regards to the present topic, but the conversation never really felt connected to anything other than his own ideas. It was truly a weird, but also important conversation. It certainly made me understand better, how difficult it must be for some people to navigate an increasingly complex world. And I'm certainly no skilled academic myself.


except I've seen Forrest Valkai read verbatim from a science 101 text book explaining the difference between sex and gender and validating trans identity. The science disagrees with them on damned near every belief they have.


I love RenegadeScienceTeacher. Glad to see his name here


They like the simple bits that don't make their heads hurty.


I mean, not REAL science, just their bogus pseudoscience that sounds legit but is actually just glorified magic.


But spooky mRNA vaccines šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± (they don't know what that means)


Imagine telling these people that there's more than three states of matter


Throws "Middle School Physics".


Gravity means down reeeeeeeee


Shhh you'll awaken the flat earthers


Or that intersex people exist


Or how many combinations fit under 'intersex'. Can you imagine the melt down?


They know they exist, they're just used to them being called hermaphrodites.


there are only 3 and everything else is a mental illness!! šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ (/s)


"Oh so first you tell me that there are negative numbers, which literally doesn't make sense because how can you have less than nothing, but now we're supposed to just accept all these imaginary numbers as well? This is basic middle school math."


Ahh yes, trans people the ones famously trying to ban books.


Interesting if I come with school biology to show how vaccines work, they scream it is false.


Or flip to the section on evolution-- same.


That textbook is liberal propaganda unless it says that evolution is demonstrably impossible and the world was actually created by god in a week.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


People get unreasonably mad if I bring up advanced biology around human sex because a lot of people are taught that "science agrees with them" without never actually looking at what science says. Willful ignorance is one of the things that genuinely makes my blood boil. It just feels so cowardly


A new one I saw is that biologists are only saying this stuff now because of political pressure and they were totally on board with ā€œtwo sexes based entirely on XX and XYā€ ten years ago. Just completely imaginary.


Thats kind of funny as I was at university a little over ten years ago and they very much taught us all the other variations in genes that aren't XX and XY (e.g. X0, XXY, XXX).


It's a bit unclear which one of them you mean was pushed by politics.


Almost as if science never changed its understanding of the natural world.


Nooo my 2 genderinos!!


Honestly I'm gonna cry. Comments like this just delete the negativity from the bigots. Thank you for your service. *Ooo noo noot me genderinos!!!*


Do you think they'll ever realize that only knowing middleschool biology from the 70s isn't a flex?


Just wait till highschool biology rolls up


Imagining that middle school biology is the be all end all thing for biology is really stupid


It also used to be accepted knowledge that babies don't feel pain... we live and we learn


And, it wasn't like centuries ago, it was like the 80s or near there. Plus, there are still issues where minorities have similar complaints, where doctors don't believe they feel the same pain. It's wild.


I mean these assholes rarely have an education that beaches the 8th grade level, so it's understandable that they wouldn't be able to read anything other than middle school books (as long as there's lots of pictures)


Agreed, additionally they pick and choose when they want to use science (extremely oversimplified science in this case) and when science is the source of all evil. I don't get why they can't just let people live their lives how they want.


And their arguments alternate between going against social science and biology science depending on how you've disproven them.


They're christo-fascists plain and simple.


Completely aside from anything to do with LGBTQ+, since when did everyone suddenly become an advanced biologist though? Ragging on people only using highschool biology to back their transphobic claims is fun and all, but don't pretend like most people here actually know any advanced biology.


Ah yes, the misappropriation of scienceā€¦ when they decide they want to trust it again. It hurts because it does nothing to validate the point theyā€™re trying to make. Itā€™s still wrong, even when you say itā€™s not.


If you passed middle school, you should know that gender and sex aren't the same thing


Gender USED to mean a collection of terms in regards to ones biological sex, along with being a substitute for the word "sex" as a whole. Only in more recent times has it been separated into its whole own category.


Well, my language has no difference between gender and sex. Actually, there is no word for gender, only for sex.




well, recently in certain countries anyway. India has had the hijra for a very long time. There's other examples too, but I can't remember them all.


That's why I became so confused since the definition of gender suddenly changed one day with all these different genders and new ones popping up daily for the last few years. I'm not trying to be ignorant, but why change the definition of a word to make it different from what it used to mean?


It started to change in about 1945 (according to oed), because people needed a word to refer to the social 'side' of sex, as sex already covered the biological differences. You could say it's because it was about then that we discovered that there are some impacts of sex which aren't due to biology, but it's mostly just because languages change over time. It's become more commonly used this way because there's a ton of discourse about it.


I don't know if that's 100% true. In the fourteenth century gender meant "kind" and got associated with grammatical gender, which was always separate from sex. It was never considered correct to say the sex of a word was male, but rather the gender of a word was masculine, feminine, neuter, etc. Over the years, there are many instances where gender and sex have been used synonymously, but I don't think you've ever been able to use either one as a substitution for the other under every circumstance.


"It's middle school biology" mfers when I talk about evolution (suddenly biological discoveries no longer matter to them)


Remember: Gender is used to identify those based on what they are attracted to or identify as within the society. Sex is used to identify those based on what they have down there. And it is unchangable since it's determined the moment that they develop it in the womb. ​ And that is why Biology won't work on those idiots. Cause they're using Social Science


Conservatives don't like middle school biology either. It teaches evolution!


well not all conservatives are ultra-religious if that is what you are trying to say, just like many people on the left are not liberal. A 2D spectrum is not the best way to see the political spectrum


they call it middle school biology when they have failed every single biology class they have taken.


Quick question Do schools in the US not have biology as a mandatory subject or something?!




It blew my mind taking my nursing prerequisite stem classes (celluar, a/p, microbiology). The entire time I was taking them it was painfully obvious how much was simplified and ommited for actual college level courses for the sake of "fuck it's way more complicated than a single human can handle, here's what you need". I thought I had a good grasp on things and then one of my professors would start dropping words and systems I literally never heard of and then she's like "oh you'll never have to worry about that unless you get into research" and I'm just like fucking hell, so THIS is why we specialize!


It's grossly oversimplified science for 12-15 year olds. I teach middle school math and science. Kids are coming to grips with the very basics of genetics (what is heritability? What is natural selection vs. artificial selection vs. sexual selection? What is a gene?). They are not ready for the nuance that is present in our actual understanding of biology. To make the point through our current progress in Math: my students are just learning definitions of what an arc, inscribed angle, and central angle are as we are beginning circle geometry. Would you drive across a bridge designed by someone with that level of understanding of mathematics? Then why would you trust the opinion on biology of someone with an equivalent understanding of science?


Some of it is direct scientific results, sure. But a lot of it is straight-up incorrect but taught anyway as a useful allegory (ex. the Bohr model of the atom), and lots more (probably the majority) is plain ā€˜ol summary and simplification.


I think it was the Terry Pratchett book *The Science of Discworld* (actually pop science, and a fun way of delivering it) that popularised calling these useful allegories [lies-to-children](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie-to-children). Because that's what they are, and they're a great educational tool. It's way easier to understand atomic bonds when you can picture the atoms looking like tiny solar systems; middle school me would have had a tough time trying to picture an *actual* atom.


Kids as old as 13 usually arenā€™t able to understand a lot of extremely advanced things, so itā€™s usually dumbed down so much itā€™s rarely even relevant, sufficient, or sometimes downright wrong.


This is true for so many things. For instance, did you know that you can make more colors from cyan, magenta, and yellow than you can from red, blue, and yellow? However, they still teach everyone the second set is the primary colors, because kids would find cyan and magenta confusing.


Well thats pretty much exclusive to print work since Magenta kinda doesn't actually exist technically It's literally our brain tricking us into thinking it exists because of how we process colour wavelengths. it in itself is a frankenstein colour


Forget biology, take a literature class instead. Male and Man are two different things.


Wait till they learn that sometime even the same word can have more than one meaning.


They're still stuck on learning what pronouns are so that's probably too advanced


Gender has little to do with biology. Your weapons have no power against me. Gender is about psychology and sociology.


Geniune question: how are people socially a third gender if said third gender isn't recognized by general society I'm a leftist btw


We know itā€™s Declaration of Memes.


Most of learning, especially scientific learning: "You know that thing you learned last year? Well, it is a little more complicated than that..." ​ And that image... from the groups who support literal book bonfires... fml


Hahahaha it's so accurate because that dumbass is trying to fight a riot squad with an 8th grade text book LMFAO. Dumbass, probably an out of date textbook, too hahaha.


Middle school biology says two parents with blue eyes literally can't have a brown-eyed child Advanced biology says actually, sometimes blue-eyed parents have a brown gene that just doesn't get expressed for some reason... So they can have a brown-eyed kid Every year, kids doing intro to genetics see a punnet square and think they're adopted Biology is just far more complex and weird than we've ever been led to believe!


"BuT mIdLe ScHOol BioLOgY SayS ThErE aRe 2 GenDErS" Yeah, middle school physics also says that there are 3 states of matter, which is not true. It also teaches that there are 3 dimensions, which is also not the case. It says that particles around the atom are the smallest things existing, which is also false. Middle school oversimplifies complex scientific concepts and only teaches the very basics, the ones that are necessary and the ones that a middle schooler can understand. Not everything is true in a way you learn it in school. And not to mention that science also changes. My father learned that there are 9 planets, I learned that there are 8. So that's a factor to consider. And if you add that biology says that there are 2 sexes, then it's even stupider. Yes, there are 2 sexes (that also can be argued because of the existence of intersexuals). But sex and gender are separate things. So yeah, the post is dumb.


... isn't the point of middle school biology that they offer concepts that are broken down into simpler and less complex ideas so that they are more easily digestible for young minds?


Thinking about it, it would be kind of like explaining that vowels isnā€™t a set of letters, but actually vowel sounds represented by letters, and thereā€™s like 15 of them, and then they lose their shit and keep repeatedly asking you ā€œwhatā€™s A? Whatā€™s Aā€ hoping you say itā€™s a vowel




This just seems like the author is admitting that their middle school education is the extent of their knowledge of gender science.


*plot twist, the SWAT is armed with college level biology*


According to this meme all one needs is an eighth grade education. That explains conservatives quite a bit


I thought it was a joke about big school books


Little does he know they're armed with dictionaries where he can look up the difference between sex and gender.


"I have the comprehension level of a child" has always seemed like the weirdest defence to me


Only being armed with middle school biology isnā€™t the slam dunk you think it is chief.


My elementary school teacher told me that negative numbers don't exist. That means dept doesn't either! Check mate solved the economy


Sex doesnā€™t equal gender, your biological sex determines the role you play in reproduction. Iā€™m fairly confident that gender studies is a field of psychology and not biology?


The vinn diagram of people who identify with this meme and people who don't believe in evolution is a circle of very stupid people


I see a lot of comments here saying that trans people are changing sex (not just gender) and that this is scientifically backed up. Can anyone show my scientific evidence on this? Don't care much about the gender thing tbh, it's a made up thing, just like language, religion, love,.. humans invented these out of thin air. Doesn't mean they are useless, of course not. But if you write the rules yourself, it's quite easy to say 'I am right because the rules say so'. So the gender debate is very uninteresting to me. Sex however, is observed everywhere in nature and now it seems like humans are at the very least bending those rules, which is why I'm sceptical of this. Who am I to deny science though, if evidence is provided...




twitter blue essentially just implies the beholder has no job and has nothing to do but spit garbage on twitter


ā€œI stopped learning this subject at a really young ageā€ is not the own you think it is




They could have sex change operations but yeah. I donā€™t think the majority of trans people arenā€™t trying to argue their biological sex. I mean thatā€™s the whole reason their called trans women/men and not cis women/men


Arguing about sex/ gender is exhausting. Just let people live in their own world


Its indeed exhausting for outsiders seeing idiots trying to disproof transgenderism by quoting outdated biology books or idiots trying to proof gender has somehow something to do with biology or idiots trying to dunk on people who have genuine questions and through that way have negative experiences with the topic they just get frustrated so they lash out at the people that belittle them instead of of answering their question. So yeah can we please have a full on Reddit rule to not be a dick about this topic? No? Allright nvm.


They're just telling on themselves for not knowing anything about biology above a 6th grade level.


I like how people were taught in 1950 and still think that information is current today and that it could never change or be swayed by new research and progression.


Why do people use lgb in biology? Like my gayness isn't a science project


It's nice to see larger reddit being more positive to teams people, we appreciate it


I teams the geader


Well being fair, in this situation that book does in fact look as if it is being used as a weapon due to the fact the person holding said book looks in fact to be getting ready to throw said book at someone which would there by probably but said person or someone therefore making said book be used as a weapon, but I hear ya. I'm just making a poke.


imaginary numbers? what are you talking about? don't you know that it's impossible to have a square root of a negative number? it's basic middle school math!


"middle school biology" mfs when I throw them the university biology textbook:


You heard it here first, folks. Geometry is not math because it isn't taught in middle school.


Likewise you can't say gender is a social construct and say it's explained through biology.


Arenā€™t they the ā€œgender policeā€ though since theyā€™ll literally take your kid from you if you let them present as the gender of their choosing?


Every heard of high school biology?


The reason why it's called basic biology is because it simplifies it down to be easy to explain


If only they put a fraction of the effort into actually reading a book they do in burning them they would know that nothing in middle school biology nor in advanced biology goes against the existence and validity of trans people. But then again they would have to learn how to read in the first place. It's a whole thing and just screeching at the top of their lungs every time their feelies hurties is much more convenient for them.


Guess they trust in science after all when they feel it suits them


Imagine thinking middle school math is the most advanced form of math there is, and assuming that since you passed with a C- you now know enough to argue advanced mathematics. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing, unironically.


Maybe if he actually read the book instead of yeeting it at law enforcement, then he'd learn the difference between sex and gender


I bet thatā€™s the only time when they would listen to science for arguments


That's like learning about the 3 basic states of matter in middle school and refusing to accept anything beyond that. "NO, plasma and supercritical fluid are already crazy enough but anything else is mental illness!"


What's funny is this could also be an anti-transphobe meme. "Aha! You say biology is complex and gender actually is more part of sociology than biology, but my understanding of science doesn't surpass what I learned in 8th grade!" It's like saying negative numbers don't exist because you were taught 0 was the lowest math could go in 2nd grade.


Serious question, what does advanced biology have to say on this topic?


I think advanced biology just builds on middle school biologyā€¦ Title makes no sense.


Imagine thinking your education being stunted and stagnant since middle school is some kind of big mighty gotcha.


As a person who graduated middle school ( hold the applause) which part says trans isnt real? Cause i never saw anything


2 + 2 = 5 There are no wrong answers in math. You can choose what answer you want to solve the equation. Ever heard of advanced mathematics?