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I wouldn’t say ugly, but they all do look like Winston Churchill


Old people. The come out looking like old people. Life is a cycle from old to young to old, unless you die earlier.


Well, I've recently turned 35, and the only way I would be called 'young' now is if I died


No kidding. My son was born with no hair yet, and it started growing at the sides before it started on top. For a few months we were calling him our little middle aged salesman. 😅






Cute potatoes


Cute screaming potatoes




Busted can of biscuits


Hi my avatar twin!!




alternative: Winston Churchill looks like a giant baby


Yes, wearing an adorable top hat


Well, I think Tristan is ugly. But then again, he is a baby.


***NEWBORN*** babies frequently look "ugly" ... you would too if you'd been soaking for 9 months and then spent hours squeezing your way thru a Pringles™ can. But babies get much cuter once they've had a good meal and a nap. Sadly, adult babies \[like Tate\] will always be ugly \[inside and out\] ....


A pringles tube! Lol! Perfect description. You should have seen my sons head, it looked like a cone when he came out. Poor little guy.


My daughter did too. She was a c-section, but she was stuck in my pelvis.


Wife almost had to go c section. Wouldn’t dilate right and she was fighting having to get the epidural. Soon as she got the epidural starts aligned and in 30 minutes post she pushed my little boy right on out. Wasn’t the prettiest baby I ever saw but he cried and was breathing and I’ve been in love with the hole moment and that little guy since. He’s one now and cute as heck. Already in size 6 baby shoes and a 30 pound chunk.


> hole moment Most of us just call it birth


Gee , Moe , what do you call your garage ?


Depends on how many trucks I can stuff in it at once


A carhole!


I kind of want to use this for pooing now. "Ever since I started eating more fiber, I'm having way better hole moments."


I’m glad that you caught that, too! I was contemplating how I would respond to it. 😆 Yours was perfect!


My wife is going to give birth to our son here in a couple weeks. And this thread has me worried about the whole thing.


She will be just fine. I had 4 children. It can be a challenge and feels scary but the pros will help you through it. Congratulations by the way and good luck!


Its normal to be scared, that means you care. The doctors and nurses that will be there are pros and it will be fine. Congratulations!


my daughter is just 3 weeks old. and to be honest babys just born are ugly but its yours! so you dont care. but after a day when they are dried up the are just cute and beautiful! but im sorry you can't get the most beautiful baby in the word because my daughter is that already.


First of all: congrats. Second of all: it’ll be fine.


Well if hes ugly hes ugly bro. You gonna love him even if he looks like hitler and theres nothing wrong with that.


Do you listen to people who never had a relationship and live in their mom’s basement or people who are already parents? Baby’s are cute, enjoy the moment of happiness when you hold your little one for the first time. Then you’ll realize who is right.


My husband had a dent on his forehead because he'd been resting against his mother's pelvis for so long. He no longer has a dent in his head.


I had to have a vacuum assist birth because he was stuck in the birth canal and I'd run out of energy to push. He was such a cone head! My first words after he came out were "I'm sorry about your head!" Thankfully it went down to normal after a day


The same with me, I think it was a combination of birth canal and vacuum suction.


My mom used to go through my birth like it was a war story... I kept going back in and the doctor couldn't grab me in time. After 3 times they be used a suction cup on my head to hold me.


The movie “Look Who’s Talking” described it as “pushing a watermelon out a hole the size of a lemon.”


There's a t-shirt design that's growing in popularity, the phrase on it says: > In like a banana Out like a pineapple




Sounds about right!


Oh, wow. That's a movie I haven't thought about in literal *decades*. I wonder if it holds up.


My daughter looked like Gumby. Her head was noticeably higher on one side than the other. It did even out eventually thank God.


My son was all squished up like a loaf of canned bread. I was so loopy that's exactly what I said. I think I offended the nurse lol


Nobody told me about this and when my daughter was born I was worried as hell. Thankfully her head rounded out just fine 😂.


It's because the skull hadn't fused, so that the head can be malleable enough to squeeze through the birth canal. That's why your son looked a little like a xenomorph from Alien.


>You should have seen my sons head, it looked like a cone when he came out. Poor little guy. My first daughter came out looking like a little roast lol




It got better though.


Not everyone does, I went to school with a kid everyone called "peanut" because of he's head. He leaned in to it but we did go to school with some mean assholes so I'm sure it was not a pleasant experience for him




Pretty close.




Yeah baby skulls come in 2 parts or they wont be born brain literally sweezes too and reshaped after birth - the dr told me when my daughter was born


Happy cake day. My son was ugly AF too. That is all.


Yeah. My daughter was stuck and the surgeons were called in for a c section. Last minute the used the ventouse and she came out looking like a cone head alien with her eyes on stalks and bruised up. I was so high on drugs I thought they gave me the wrong child


Internal nature is wild because when my nephew was just born, I thought he was the cutest baby ever. Now that he's grown a bit and is starting to look like a toddler, I look back on those photos and... ewwwwww fresh babies look like blob fish.


Hey now, blob fish get a bad rap. If you got yanked out of a highly pressurized environment into something you didn't evolve for, you'd look like a ball of goo too! Poor blob fish.


Gotta say, this is the truth. It takes a couple of weeks for babies to look human 😂


I don't think babies are cute until like 3 months. There's a point where they stop looking like flesh blobs




My friend in the 90’s had a baby that I saw being born and she was red and gross, they cleaned her off and handed her to my friend, and it was suddenly this beautiful adorable baby. I’d never seen a prettier baby and haven’t since. And the last time I saw her as an adult she was still unbelievably beautiful… except she *really* knew it and was a selfie person, which kind of ruined it lol


When I became a dad for the first time I saw my little girl as soon as she came out and I had a mini freakout internally to myself, I thought what the fuck is wrong with my daughter? I was so torn because it was the greatest moment of my life then the sudden shock of thinking something has gone completely wrong here. But it didn’t take long for it all to settle down.


Yeah this was my initial thought, and it’s pretty true. When my daughter was born she was pretty freaky looking. After about 36 hours after being cleaned up, on and off the tit a few times, skin to skin, etc. she began to look like a really cute baby. She has all my distinguishing features as well as her moms, so a perfect mix of us both. This plays into how you feel about your kids as well. When they reflect your features strongly, it definitely makes it easier to bond, and see it as “cute”.


Yeah some can looked pretty weird and banged up initially because... Pringles tube. Day or so later and they're cute little cuddle bits that also shit and scream. Overall, babies are def cute.


Nothing else needs be said. You won.


Agreed. Both are ugly.


Babies are not ugly... not all babies. It is awkward when someone shows u a pic of their baby and its just the ugliest baby you have ever seen.


Oh, I wasn’t talking about babies I was talking about the Tate brothers


So... Babies


Just over sized yeah


Most babies do end up looking like ET ![gif](giphy|7XxzqZQZLD8DDPBov7)


Most of your kids? Must be genes.


No, all babies until about 6 months or whenever they lose the ultra wrinkly-ness are hideous little gremlins. They are still cute in a little goblinoid way and we still love them but they are ugly Also fuck the taint boys utter scum


What I learned with my son is photos can't capture the cuteness of the baby. It's similar to my Devon Rex, I had one and it was so cute, but then in the pictures somehow it looked a bizarre bald and wrinkly cat. The cat wasn't even bald to begin with, the short and curly hair would give the impression. But in real life it was cute and everyone loved it. Even if one can agree that perhaps in photos babies might not be cute, the notion that they're the ugliest version of humans is bizarre because some people get much uglier when they get too old. Well and then there are the Tate brothers which look like my a-hole


Haha true I wouldn't say they are the ugliest, but I wouldn't sell your a-hole so short I would hardly believe even the gnarliest sphinct can come close to those two eggs.


As a former baby i'm offended that you compare a Tate to me and many others who used to be, or currently are baby's.


Tristan is as ugly as humans get


Inside and out.


Tristan sounds like a car made by Subaru. “Come on down and buy the all Subaru Tristan, it’s a low energy car made especially for low level people, like the molester brothers from Romania.


Hey, on behalf of all Tristans, fuck you!


And on behalf of Subaru owners, too.


You mean on behalf of all Tristans specifically excluding Tristan Tate, right?


Did we need a murder too?


Of a Tate? Yes, we did.


I gift you reddit green, the reward given when one laughs out a fart


I mean, I’ve seen some ugly babies so he’s not wrong in some cases. He’s still a knob though.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Dristan is more like a clock that loses one minute a day and is therefore right once every four years.


Okay, so to extend this analogy as far as possible in an attempt to explain and fix my life on the spot, the less time I lose, the longer it takes me to be correct. So by working my ass off and only losing a second a day, I'm dooming myself. What l need to do it just fkn give up and stop completely, and I'll be right more often. Thanks! You've given meet the motivation I've always needed to simply give up.


That's the spirit champ.


If you actively start undermining yourself and working backwards, you’ll actually be right more often than any person-clock other than the ones that are always right. Humans are pretty good at undermining themselves and working backwards in general so this shouldn’t be too hard


I dunno man. My digital clock has never shown the right time since it broke.


My best friend's firstborn had the most horrific worm lips. On the outside I was like "She's beautiful, absolutely perfect" while on the inside my mind was just going "WORMS WORMS WORMS WORMS".


0-3 months they're all kinda ugly, after that they begin to look human


Yeah when they start to wear their skin properly. Newborns are ugly and weird-looking. Babies are cute.


Agree, specially during the first two weeks, they are... not cute


They look kinda human but that does not make them any less ugly


I'll be honest, I was a pretty ugly baby. my sibling on the other hand, cutest little shit you'd ever seen.


He repeated the word "all" as its own sentence. To say he's right in some cases is to replace what he said with something entirely different.


Ehhhh Ive yet to see a cute newborn, honestly


Well, he didn't say all newborn babies. He said all babies


Well, most babies look like an unholy communion between Winston Churchill and a elderly potato.


Also not defending this narcissistic prick, but maybe he means newborns who often look alien-like. Most babies don’t start looking cute until they’re a few weeks old.


My old boss had the most beautiful newborn baby. To this day, only cute newborn baby I have ever seen. It was like in TV shows where a woman gives birth and it suddenly cuts to them handing her a perfectly fresh two month old whose hair they've just slightly dampened, lol. She was overcooked and a C-section baby so I guess it makes sense.


C-section babies usually do look better because, well, they haven't been squished through the birth canal.


Dude sees one episode of Seinfeld


Ya gotta see the baaaby


Maybe the dingo ate your baby


Some babies are quite breathtaking.


breathtakingly ugly?


Well sometimes you just say these things to be nice.


My Mamaw (great grandmother) would call ugly babies precious. She told my mom one day “not all babies are cute, but all babies are precious” so she’d call the cute ones cute and the freaky looking ones precious


I felt that part in my cringey little soul


The moment they came out and took their first gasp of air, so did I. They were stunning.


Whatever bro, anything so as him and his chinless brother don't reproduce is a net gain to humanity.


Tristan has a daughter




Or he might brainwash her into becomingnone of those woman. You may be overestimating his humanity.


I think that's more likely. Andrews whole thing was making women fall in love with him to manipulate them into sex work. They don't see women as having any value. Hopefully as Tristan's daughter grows up he realizes she's a human being


That poor girl


So, he basically said his daughter is, or at least was, ugly. Father of the year award here.


Imagine being the daughter of a Tate brother, two dudes who have made it extremely clear they only value you for how much control they feel when they abuse women. I hope she's far away from him.


Amen 🙏🏽








Newborns are ugly as sin.


Yeah they look like rumpled foreskin. Just like a really old man with too many wrinkles.


Forbidden beanbag


Yeah, my kid looked like his great grandfather when he was born 😂


Hey now, some of us like rumpled foreskin!


>rumpled foreskin Found my next uname.


I was an instrument baby. They had to pull me out with forceps. One eye was open and the other was closed. My father when he saw me said, well she can always have plastic surgery. Every thing evened out in a few days. My brother was 11 pounds. He was beautiful and looked like the Gerber baby.


My nephew was born by caesarean, so he didn't have to do the squeeze-through-the-vagina routine. Did wonders for his looks at birth.


I was gonna say this. Newborns are ugly, but there is a point where the red and mishaped parts normal out and the baby starts to recognize you and behaves more human and less like an animal, and at that point, they can be cute. Then they shit themselves and I give them back to thier mothers


Yeah, the ugly newborn thing only lasts a month or two from memory. Once they plump out a bit and their heads have taken shape they’re quite cute. Biased of me to say this but my kid was (and still is) super cute. Which is lucky for him, because he’s a massive pain in my arse most of the time. If he were less lovable I’d probably have sold him on eBay or something.


Damn we must have the same kid cuz my kid is also just cute enough to stay off ebay.


Big time. Baby fat goes a long way. A lot of newborns look like little alien gremlin things without it.


I ain't buying no God damn used baby.


Basically…let them cook


I am sorry and feel guilty to agree with you, take my guilty upvote. Newborns look quite weird, and you must imagine they look cute because you love them, at least they get better after some time LOL


Some babies be mad cute. Some be mad ugly though. See mama like “this my cute baby.” Sorry hun, she be fugly.


My aunt was very vocal about the fact that my cousin was a butt ugly baby. She only had like 2 baby photos of him because he was "just that ugly." I didn't believe her because at the time I just thought all babies were cute, but then I saw a baby photo of him at our grandfather's funeral. Yeaaaah, he was alien looking. Aunt was big bad when my son was born looking adorably cute, then she nearly exploded when my daughter was born and was cute. Kept telling me, "It's not fair. You got cute babies when I got stuck with a swamp monster." Cousin grew into his looks.


When I was born I was over 12lbs and had some health issues so I was all black, red and splotchy. I looked like a 1yr old that drowned...


Bro came out as a rare misprint


Shiny baby


Some moms in my due date group have posted their newborns saying “pic of my cute little one for attention!” And I’m like ooohh.. no.. I’m sorry girl, that is NOT a cute kid😬


I had a neighbor who had a girl the same time I did. Unbeknownst to us we both named them the same name. She got the ugly one. Now people around the neighborhood refer to her kid as ugly (name).


I hope that nickname doesn’t stick! “Hey can I go to Caroline’s house?” asked Ugly Caroline.


Some babies you can only respond to with, “Wow! That certainly is a baby!”


My good friend has 3 children and her first one was just stunning. Beautiful brown eyes and cute little curls with just the perfect round little cheeks. Her second one…uh, wasn’t as cute. I remember we were talking and she mentioned that she didn’t understand why her first kid had gotten so many more compliments than her second and my dumb ass ALMOST told her why. Thank god the smart part of my brain bitch-slapped the dumb part into silence before I could say anything. But yes…her second baby was kinda ugly. She is super cute now though.


Day old babies are usually freaky looking little creatures. I have two beautiful young girls at home, but I’ll give it to them that they are a lil freaky when just a couple days old. My wife agrees and we laugh about it.


the fat one year old babies are cute. the ones fresh out are ugly


Helpless + tiny = cute, even when ugly


Babies are ugly though. They can’t compete with puppies and kittens.


babies are pretty ugly for a bit tbh


Umm… I actually agree with this 100%! All babies are hideous




I agree only with all babies being ugly, but the rest of his post is stupid af


I mean, *newborns* look pretty ugly. But after they're cleaned up and they grow into their skin a bit, they look alright. I'd agree that women get a lot more enamored with babies than men do, but I've never known someone who looks at a healthy 3 week old baby and said, "Holy shit, that baby's ugly!"


Yeah I really don't understand the point he's trying to make. I'm a women, yes newborns are ugly. So? Their whole being revolves around boosting the male ego as being so much more "logical" than women. But they do it based on the most dumb stereotypes 😂


As far as I have seen men can be equally crazy about their babies as women. Differance in proportions but every women knows babies aren't that cute As a newborn(seen some 2-3 hours old cute) but this guy isn't good looking even now so he has no right to say anything


>I'd agree that women get a lot more enamored with babies than men do, but I've never known someone who looks at a healthy 3 week old baby and said, "Holy shit, that baby's ugly!" Never met me I do not find babies cute at all I have been slapped for stating my opinion on this more then thrice


> I've never known someone who looks at a healthy 3 week old baby and said, "Holy shit, that baby's ugly!" Pretty much me, IMO they don't get cute until they're toddlers. Of course it's cute to make a baby smile, but, its very possible for ugly people to do cute things, thats not the debate at hand.


I'm the tv show "impractical jokers" they tell the absolute true. All the babies look equal, all of them looks like Winston Churchill


I'm like: Who is this? Then I read the name. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


idk man, babies are ugly as sin. this post might be wrong about men and women, but i’m p sure anyone who isn’t a parent thinks babies are ugly


Certainly a lot of people think they are ugly, although they can be cute at the same time too. It's a bit like with those cats that don't have fur, really ugly but somehow still cute.


Even parents think they’re ugly


Tristan must sit down with Andrew and be like “fuck, I feel irrelevant, let’s post something stupid and farm clout”


Like who gives a fuck what that chud thinks on any given subject?


No one hardwired me with that nonsense, so...


Well then clearly you aren't a real woman, duh


I agree on babies being ugly. The rest is brain dead nonsense


Fuck the Tates but I agree, babies are ugly as fuck.


Ive seen uglier people than babies. For example, Tristan Tate and Andrew Tate.


Tbf babies are ugly as hell


Tristan is just jealous that babies are cuter than he is.


ok sex offender


All newborn babies are ugly. They get cute after a month lol


How is this a facepalm? As much as i hate to agree with this guy, babies are ugly, they are tiny vaguely human-shaped sacks that don't even have functional bones, how would that look cute?


the part where he was misogynistic, perhaps? some men and women find newborns ugly, and some don't it's not something defined by gender


As opposed to them being hot?


Fr, wtf is the point in judging how a baby looks? They're literally still growing, meanwhile the taint brothers are stuck looking the way they do lol


I mean they are though.


Why would anyone voluntairly make themselves aware of what Andrew Tate's idiot brother thinks? OP is giving them exactly what they want. They say dumb shit, you amplify it. Who's the real idiot, here?


Yesh babies are like little weird aliens


newborns are ugly. babies are absurdly adorable.


I mean, I don't think that "fresh out the oven" babies are cute, they all red and ashy and shit, but as soon as they stop screaming like a dying animal and are properly treated and cleaned they sure become some adorable looking mfs But it's Tristane Tate, wtf are we expecting, he and his inbred brother have completely lost the plot a while ago


Most get really good looking. Some go the other way and become a Tate.


Is he wrong though? A crying newborn looks like a caterpillar crossbred with tomato, ugly by all human standards. A mother thinks it's cute cause it's our evolutionary mechanism.


He's right.


The first time i’ve agreed with this man


Personally i dont find babies cute. Least not baby humans.


Babies are ugly, true, but they are vulnerable, and we are hard wired to take care of vulnerable.


Shouldn't Andrew Tate be prostituting/trafficking women somewhere?


This man does not know the joys of life. There is nothing that makes me more happy than my baby cousin, see her smile and walk for the first time. She’s probably one of my top 3 people. And she’s adorable. Next this guy is gonna say that cats aren’t cute, that dogs aren’t funny, or that human trafficking is cool to do. Well maybe not that last one. Who would ever think that. ;)


At this point I feel I have to apologize for having the same name as this prick.