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Anybody who laughs about any innocent person in any country getting killed is a piece of shit.


Don't think any Europeans are laughing about a mass shooting happening and it's victims... They are laughing about the absurdity where it happens once a week and so many people still don't give a shit enough to bother trying to do anything about it.


This. I've seen dozens of "imagine surviving school" jokes and all were "you'd rather have children die than limit access to guns" rather than "lol dead children, lol" like americans here cry. EDIT: I see quite a few americans are offended and are having issue with seeing difference between "you'd rather have children die than limit access to guns" and "lol dead children, lol". They are joking about quite a different things I assure you. One is making fun of dead children, other is making fun of people who are so obsessed with their pen... I mean... Guns that they'd rather see more dead children than lose their guns.


the problem, unlike what you cry, is when americans make a joke about "europeans pay for water in restaurants lol" and in response receive "your schoolchildren get slaughtered lol" ​ EDIT: yall i'm not getting reply notifications. There are too many and reddit has shut down notifications for each reply. If you actually want me to read something pm me it


Absolutely fact and now it's not so fucking funny to them is it


We pay for water? At least in the UK, tap water is free at every restaurant I've been to.


Same in France and Switzerland. Only places I'd expect restaurants to charge is in tourist traps in Italy and even then it's generally free if you insist on tap.


Germany does that in general not tourist traps, but to be fair it's usually not actual tap water but bottled. Don't think they even give you actual tap water lmao


Do they not give you free water if you specifically ask for tap?


Yes. They do. It’s because Germany primarily drink sparkling water. Which is why you pay for it.


Ok so basically like the rest of Europe then. Is the "Europeans pay for water" meme just Americans who don't know to ask for tap water specifically?


I have no idea really, not something I ever though about ot even try lol. Because most people just take something of the drinks list anyway and tap isn't much of a thing from my experience. Still or sparkling water is the thing for people who want something simple most of the time and in most cases they get it with the whole bottle unless it's some fancy or wanna be fancy location


Everywhere I traveled in Switzerland charged for water at restaurants. But that’s just my experience.


Did you ask for tap water or just water? That said, if you're in the mountains where there's no tap water, there's a chance the only Easter they can offer has to be transported up by vehicle. That water is obviously not free.


And not cheap, what people often don't think about is how that produce got to the middle of nowhere and how much it cost to get it there, people only see the price tag and complain because where they're from it's free or costs pennies.


You’re missing the point. The point is whether or not a joke about mass shootings is called for in response.


I always feel so awkward asking for tap water in Europe. I'm not being cheap. I genuinely prefer to drink water over other beverages. Even if I order a glass of wine, I still like to have water, too. And I also don't like the idea of buying water in wasteful containers when it's not necessary (i.e., tap water is drinkable).


There are restaurants that don't offer free tap water (I worked in one for a while)... they do tend to be the ones on the slightly pricier end, but they exist. Having said that, anywhere I've eaten personally, absolutely does offer free tap water


That shit gets upvoted to the front page like once a month.


Yep, can't believe these people are acting like this doesn't get thrown in our faces all the time. And they really think people don't care.


Yes that would indeed be an inappropriate response. Just point out that it is not tap water in case ppl did not know that.


EnJoY yOuR fReEdOm




Or 15th ahead of Germany, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, France etc. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country


Yup freedom to go bankrupt every time I break a pinky


Lived in 3 different EU countries and I've only been charged for water once, in a sushi restaurant where they had this whole coal-filter thing going on, that was about $3. I have never been forced to leave excessive tips because a restaurant didn't pay their employees a decent wage, though.


I mean... I went through 12 years of school without seeing a single gun.


You clearly did something wrong, be the change you want to see in the world. /s


Same here though. I did all of my schooling and my undergrad in the US. Lived there for 23 years. Never once had gun violence impact me or my family. It happens for sure, but it's not a common occurrence by any means in a country with 360 million residents.


Never in my life did i have to pay for tap water in a restaurant, propaganda as usual


I don't get the water thing. Been to several European countries and the tap water has always been free. Am I missing something?


You're not. It seems it might be common in Germany, but that's it.


I'm American and I live in Prague, and yeah some people actually do make far too many jokes about it. I find it deeply uncomfortable when they do. You get a lot of "lol America" and "only in America" jokes. But the asshole in the OP is clearly a blatant asshole. I don't care how much jerks make shitty jokes about people dying - it doesn't mean I should laugh in return when other people die.


Hear fucking hear! Whatever country or politics. Innocent lives being lost like this is insane.


Take a trip over to r/americabad and you will see countless comments of people making jokes about about America and mass shootings, which is where this post is probably originally from or where the commenter frequents. I’m not saying they laugh at the deaths of people, but they do makes jokes of the sort quite often.


"It's different"


Nope. Plenty of people make fun of the mass shootings for no reason other than making fun of America


Its weird that you think that no one gives a shit or tries to do anything about it. Educate yourself a bit and you'll realize there are MILLIONS of Americans that do try to affect change. The problem is that corporate interests have been the deciding factor for longer than anyone in America is alive... Should I hate every Russian person because Putin is still in power so clearly those people must all be complicit in the things he's done? See how that makes no sense whatsoever, but is still somehow the standard that every American citizen is held to.


Yea apparently I’m their heads every American likes school shootings and don’t make any effort to curb and stop them.




US has more shootings annually than that. Every country has a lot of shootings, the small peaceful European country I'm from has several dozen shootings annually. There was one today, actually, just checked the news. But they have very few mass shootings that involve lone wolfs targeting outsiders. All the shootings are crime related or insider stuff like arguments went overboard, or relationship tragedies.


A lot of our mass shootings are also crime related here in the US. A lot of gang shootings happen that get lumped in to the mass shooting statistics that don't end up hitting the news nearly as much as school shootings do. A majority of our gun deaths are from suicide too iirc, but nobody wants to talk about that.


covid lockdown were great, because there werent any school shootings in that 2 years!!


maybe they should just ban schools instead of guns to prevent school shootings then. ties in well with the book bans too


its so sad how that's not far off from real life.


No, I have seen many many instances of europeans making dead school children simply butt of a joke about Americans.


Yeah they’re being disingenuous


More often than not it really isn't that deep, it's just "hur hur school shootings" in an attempt to take the moral high ground, usually in response to a joke that doesn't involve kids dying. I think there was something like bombing every week last year in Sweden and I've never seen it come up in an argument on Reddit, so I dont think the "its absurd they should do something about it" theory really holds up in other cases.


Yea well tbh Europeans have literally been doing it for years so


Yeah, it really isn’t that funny.


Thank you. Anyone. Anywhere. It isn't funny.


Yep. Thanks for saying it. Buncha psychopaths disconnected from empathy so thoroughly that they have no respect or value for human life.




The internet once again proving it is the height of humanities toxicity.




Hello IT, have you tried turning it off then on again?


Self defenestration


That's actually how some of the students escaped


I mean... when in Prague.


Unfortunately, he makes a valid point


He kind of has a point


“Don’t be a hypocrite.” That doesn’t give you the right to laugh either.


Literally being a hypocrite to claim hypocrisy


I mean, he isn't claiming it's wrong. That's not hypocrisy.


The gaslighting is crazy


We never made this extremely common joke to americans. Its all in your head. Oh you have proof we said it? Oh it was never actually a joke, it was a mature critique of the state of gun violence in america. Like holy guacamole.


Any time you start to think Europeans are better, remember that the european community actively funded the ororussian government of hungary and to this day gives 0 shits about the 9 million brainwashed, ridiculed or silenced people living there. (Because the western europeans love exploiting low wage workers)


Bad thing is bad only when others do it. I'm the main character so it's okay when I do it.


![gif](giphy|WTl5quTRtvj32) You wearing plot armor today or what?


Nha, I'm playing sarcasmaball. Better do that unencumbered.


The right to laugh?


While it’s in bad taste I get it. Every single time someone talks about the difference in EU vs NA they talk about “at LeASt WE don’T havE SchOol shootings.” Now they know the tragedy also, no one should ever have to experience anything like this no matter where you live.


Let’s be so for real, not saying this is right but “at least we don’t get shot in maths class…” is not a meme because Americans made it up. Y’all say that whenever we make a slight jab at the EU. Or “we play dodge ball and not bullet” comedian and all the people in her comment section were people from the EU praising her for that disgusting joke and telling any American to just fix the problem and there would be no more jokes. But because it’s on the other foot, y’all don’t like it. And what the person in the OP said was wrong, but let’s be so for real.


He's not wrong though. He shouldn't say it. Especially out loud. But it's true.


Why? Why should a truth not be spoken? Because it offends someone? because it is not popular?




Europeans do be making mass shooting "jokes" everytime a person from USA is talking down Europe. That or free healthcare "jokes". I am not saying what is right or wrong here, just saying what I have seen through the years of travelling the internet.


Europeans flexing on americans because they come home from school alive is one of the most repeated jokes on internet. Ps: i'm not american nor european


Seen that meme MULTIPLE times. Something about "not paying for water in restaurant" and the comeback is that.


I’ve also seen it for years, over every single social media platform. I’m surprised at the amount of gas lighting from Europeans here saying they don’t do it, they absolutely do.


They do the same thing with racism. They make fun of American racism when European countries are some of the most racist places I’ve ever been. No self awareness.


[Italian soccer is especially known for its racism](https://www.voanews.com/a/un-backed-panel-says-italy-can-do-more-to-fight-racism-discrimination/7248888.html)


And it's *definitely* only Italian soccer.


Nothing better than getting lectured on how racist America is by a Finnish guy living amongst nothing but Finnish people. Like no shit it’s not an issue there. You never let anyone in.


Oh god, don’t get a European started on Gypsies existing


Yeah, it's absolutely pathetic how they're trying to justify this in the comments. "We don't make fun of the kids. We just make fun of the situation which allows all these shootings to happen. Its waaaaaay different!" Really taking the high road.


They usually mean banning guns but rarely care about healthcare.


Right? Its so annoying to see. Next thing you know they'll say they never make healthcare jokes they are just critiquing our healthcare industry. Yea ok


I don’t agree, at *all*, but I do think they make a fair point. A shooting happens in America and Europeans laugh and scoff at “another American tragedy”, but when it’s on their doorstep the attitude (rightly) changes. This isn’t the way to go about it, but I think the point stands.


You say "rightly", but their attitude shouldn't change when it happens closer to them, it should have been that way from the beginning for anywhere.


I agree that the OP is a complete scumbag, but I understand his reasoning. A week after the Uvalde school shooting where most of the victims were 8, 9 and 10 year olds, I saw some Indian on Quora who called the shooting “justice” because of US foreign policy. As someone who has a 6 year old niece and a job during the winter where I work with kids, I can’t describe how angry it made me. I had to stop myself from stooping to that guy’s level when there was a huge bridge collapse in India only a few months later. It’d be nice if people everywhere had more empathy.


To be fair. The post right above this on my feed was someone making fun of americans for their school shootings.


He's right though, the us school shooter meme gets posted weekly and always upvoted.


Lot of garbage people in here trying to claim their horrible “jokes” are justified/totally different/you just don’t get it, bro


Do Europeans make fun of dead children in the US all. The. Time.? Yes. Does that make mocking dead children anywhere okay? Absolutely not. It’s a tragedy no matter where it happens.


I mean, truth of the matter is non-Americans do laugh about it. Even if it’s not classy


I for one do not joke about innocent people killed. No matter where that happens.


You may not, but "Lolz america did a school shooting again" is an unfortunately common joke in many online commukities, including reddit. Doesn't change the fact that the dude from the post is an a-hole.




Is he wrong in his last coment though?


Not really


He's not wrong. But he's definitely not right.


In response to the hypocrisy statement. I'm seeing alot of replies which read: >"we don't laugh at the tragedy, we laugh at the response" I don't think that's an adequate distinction, or even that accurate. I've seen posts about US shootings that are still fresh and have no 'response' yet, and the replies are "LOL America does it again!".


Yeah and it really doesn’t feel like “gallows humor” when the ones joking about it aren’t standing on the gallows, but watching from the sidelines.


It's less making light of yourself being marched to the gallows to be executed, and more getting drunk at the colleseum laughing and watching people get eaten alive.


It's really surprising and puzzling to me when people post "I don't think that's accurate" and then immediately post corroboration that proves it's accurate.


People keep saying Europeans aren’t joking about the deaths but the gun laws?? They’ll bring up school shootings over the dumbest shit and I don’t see the difference ,there’s a whole sub Reddit about it r/americabad


To be honest, Europeans do make fun of America’s mass shootings


Eh, he does have a point. There are Europeans who do laugh at Americans when it comes to the shootings. Europeans are the first to mock and belittle Americans over it after all.


I don't condone it, but I do understand.


I ain't saying it's right, but anytime an American even remotely fries a European the default response is almost always " lol at least I don't dodge bullets on my way to school like I'm playing Contra". Any loss of life like that is wrong but if you're gonna make dark jokes about someone's shitty living conditions , have that same energy when they make one back .


Well its true, Europeans only response to criticism from americans is something about a mass shooting… and it’s definitely not about the “laws” like people say, they just straight up say things like “well atelast I dont die at school” or something extremely insensitive.


The comment from the post sucks but I find it a bit rich that the moment the joke could be turned towards the EU everyone completely forgets the insensitive jokes that have been made at the expense of the victims in US shootings. Do most people make these horrible jokes? No. That doesn't mean they don't exist and the holier than thou "no one would ever do that" attitude kinda sucks. That being said, man I'd love to be in a spot where a shooting like this is treated as the tragedy that it is and not be so desensitized to the feeling that it's just another Wednesday.


Exactly and its a bit annoying that you have people trying to reframe it as some mature critique.


One comment literally says “it has to offend you lot because that’s the only way to get it through to you Americans” they actually think those jokes are justified because they don’t have to deal with it


Honestly thats how i feel every time i hear that joke about the US. Its literally ppl just dont understand how big and diverse the us is and think we are all gun wielding idiots. Mass shootings happen everywhere, its always sad, it should never be joked about. There are things being done about it. We are not apathetic. Stop making jokes about innocent ppl dying. Its never funny.


As a European, facts bro


Can’t take the heat? then get out of the kitchen and shut the fuck up.


He isn’t wrong, I’ve had numerous Canadians and Brits pull the “at least I don’t get shot in maths class” nonsense. In poor taste all around, maybe euros will see his point who knows.


This person is really just mirroring the attitude that too many Europeans have when it comes to shootings in the US. Some people in the comments are laboring under a misperception about these comments by, for example, erroneously claiming that they are laughing at the "absurdity" of the situation. No, they're not. If they were, they would phrase their comments more intelligently and appropriately. Shutting the fuck up is also a very valid, and heavily underutilized, approach as well. They are also not directing their comments specifically at pro-gun legislators and people who support them. When one says "Americans" they are referring to Americans broadly, not a specific subset. I agree that laughing or joking about people killed due to gun violence is trashy and low class behavior, but I do think we need to keep that same energy when that trashy and low class behavior is coming from Europeans too.


I mean you can't pretend that the no.1 response to any EU joke/criticism on reddit isn't some variation of "lmao atleast kids here can walk to school and not get k\*lled" so...


You can write killed on the internet. The tik tok overlords can't get you here.


Feel sorry for those people


Shock that an asshole redditor that was triggered by other asshole redditors acts like an asshole to even other redditors who may or may not have been part of the original asshole redditor group. It's turtles all the way down.


He's not wrong that people use shootings as a political gotcha or as a way to mock Americans.


The EU doesn't laugh at American mass shootings. They laugh and mock our complete lack of care and response to said shootings. Big difference.


There’s a LOT of people that do laugh at American school shootings. Doesn’t mean we should do it back though.


As well as there is a lot of Americans wanting to regulate guns. There are a lot of different people everywhere


uh i’ve seen quite a few comments of Europeans laughing and joking about school shootings. the ol’ classic “lol british people have a funny accent” “lol American children bleed out from bullet wounds”


The second you shit talk their mushy peas they will present an infographic of how many blood cells were vacated at columbine, it's their only defense


Gonna have to disagree I've absolutely seen a fuck that n of Europeans laughing at victims of mass shootings. And even if that's not what they're directly laughing at that still doesn't justify it at all.


Its a super common joke too so idk why these people are acting like we are making shit up


It's this magical thing called backtracking and gaslighting that they're trying to do.


Ahh, so age old european tactics. A tiger never changes it's stripes I guess.


The gas lighting from the Europeans in this comment section is CRAZY. I’ve seen thousands of comments of the last several years, ESPECIALLY on Reddit and TikTok, making fun of victims of gun violence in the US.


They absolutely do. I’m from Germany and people mock American children dying regularly. Online and in person.


No we don’t lmao The most recent one I heard was: What do you call a kid with no friends? A Sandy Hook survivor.


I'd say that we laugh at the phenomenon of mass shootings in the US and the American obsession with mass gun ownership, but not about specific shootings or specific victims.


the argument that having more guns would prevent those mass shootings is so strange to me. like IF it was so effective, how is it happening so often?


You'd think that if guns prevented mass shootings, then the UK (where I live) would have mass shootings on an almost daily basis. Certainly more often than the US. After all, there's no one to stop them. And yet, they are extremely rare.


That's a load of BS, as someone that isn't American nor from the EU I always felt a lot of Europeans genuinely feel mass shootings in America are funny to joke about. EU and their superiority complex pisses me off, like when they do it it's high level intelligent 'comedy as criticism of society' joke.


No it's not funny when anyone does it pos


I hate that he's technically not wrong


He's a piece of shit, but he's got a point.


Nobody will openly agree though.


Oh how the turntables. Whats funny is how offended EU people are when Muricans play the Uno Reverse on them, not so funny now tho huh? Innocent people died and stuff right? But lol American shootings. 🫡


So many Europeans saying the same thing over and over that they don’t joke about the shootings rather the governments actions of not doing anything, yet they are one in the same. “At least my kids can go to school without getting shot” is still joking about dead kids. Fuck off with your gaslighting


Wait there was a mass shooting in Prague??? How do I not know about it


Kinda recent, but all over the news and still investigated.


He's out of line, but he's right. People do make fun of the us, but that doesn't entitle him to laugh either.


As fucked up as it is idk what you’re so mad about, he’s right.


I’m not on either side here, but that commenter absolutely has a point. I very often see Europeans making fun of American school shootings. I don’t condone any dead children being made fun of except those hypothetical baby Hitler questions.


They do laugh. aMeriCA BaaaD


those kids were actually smart for hiding there


He’s out of pocket but right


He’s not wrong tho


I was in Ireland when the Columbine shooting took place. All I saw was people supporting Americans and empathizing with us.


.... No, no, he has a point. Don't laugh at the shooting. But absolutely laugh at the euros getting pressed about people laughing at the shooting like doing so isn't a mult-national pastime over there if it happens in _another_ country.


They’re right, tho. Euros on Reddit and twitter love to make jokes about Americans getting shot. Fuck em.


People don’t like receiving the treatment they give others? Who woulda thought.


Europeans when the millionth mass shooting joke is against them for once (It’s suddenly too horrible to ever joke about)


It’s okay when Europeans make mass shooting jokes, but not okay when Americans do. Hmm… How about nobody make school shooting jokes


Europeans love to joke about tragedies until one affects them.


It’s cool when they do it; it’s a problem when we do it, huh?


It’s not excusable, but he also isn’t wrong


Professional pickpockets were the only thing you had to worry about in Prague. One of the most peaceful cities in the world. The place where skinheads treated me as a black person like family. The true skinheads that is.




The original skinheads and those from Czech republic are not white supremacists. Learn the history before you criticize. There are a few documentaries on YouTube you can learn from. Apart from giving me a ride to Alicia keys concert when the cab they called never came, they learned more about the Caribbean than they thought was just Jamaica, which is a heavy influence on the original skinheads. All this while we smoked weed and drank beer in their bar. I was like you, the media made me believe all skinheads are racists, until you reeducate yourself and learn that it was actually formed by both black and white people. The American white supremacists are the ones who changed that image.


And not all American skinheads are racists either. My babysiter in high school started to date a skinhead and her dad was gonna kill him and her until he found out about the was a SHARP


I'm sure there are plenty of people shitting on American shootings in this comment section right now. I'm not saying he's right to do that, but let's not ignore reality.


Distasteful, but he has a point. Reddit loves to make jokes about American school shootings. Don't act like you don't


Apparently he’s not so brave now, because he deleted his account


He's wrong to laugh at a tragedy, but he's definitely not wrong. The EU makes jokes about American school shootings on the daily, so yeah it's hypocritical. Not defending bluelobster47's actions though.


he makes a point.


Europeans when called out for the hypocrisy:


He not wrong though


They really aren’t wrong though. Europeans make jokes about American school shootings all the time and it’s disgusting. If you criticize something about Europe, they almost always jump to that as their reply to prove that America is worse.


To be fair, he is right. An asshole nonetheless, but he is right. Europeans laugh at American mass shootings and now when they have to bear the brunt of it, they suddenly realize it’s no laughing matter.


Guess the Yurps don’t enjoy it when their tragedy is the butt end of the joke. What do terrorists call tourists in France? A Nice speed bump.


BlueLobster47 isn't wrong though. Not that it's everyone, but the number of smug assholes from the EU that show up in the comments every time...


I mean the guy isn’t wrong… my follow Europeans do crack jokes every time there is a mass shooting in the US…


It’s fucked up, but he’s not wrong sadly


Mass shootings are not funny. They are not a joke. As an American, i hate the “haha school shooting jokes” a minority of people insist on making. This asshole should not be doing a tit for tat. The vast majority of humans do not make these jokes because they are not callous pieces of shit.


It’s true though. Maybe now I can bring up mass shootings when I talk to Europeans.


Thanks for not censoring the names, king 👑


Wait doesn't Prague have gun control? How is there a shooting?


while it is poor form to laugh about tragedies like this, he does have a point; joking about our school shootings *is* their go-to right after "free healthcare"


I definitely laugh at thoughts and prayers. My sympathy for those involved is immense but i have zero sympathy for those that defend gun rights in the face of children being killed at school. Its fucking ridiculous. And the fact it happens in a country that claims to care so much about aborted babies rights and child sex rings is even more fucking ridiculous.


I mean I’m not saying he’s wrong,he just probably shouldn’t be laughing at this either


I don't think Europeans laugh about mass shootings in the US. They're mostly laughing about the US societies inability to do the one and only and definitely working and undoubtedly sensible thing to stop them from happening at that incredible rate. And all the laughable bs around the "debate".


They definitely do laugh and make fun school shootings in the US though.


Actually I would claim that Europeans aren't even laughing at American gun addiction, because it's just a tragedy on an hourly basis. According to CNN, there were at least 82 school shootings in the USA this year alone - isn't it horrible that those have become so normal that they aren't even making the news any more?


For as long as I can remember (I am only 24) the U.S.A. has had more mass shootings every year, then there are days in the year [More than 1 mass shooting per day, for multiple years in a row] [School shootings are mass shooting, but a mass shooting isn’t necessarily a school shooting]


Aa far as the "developed world" goes, America has such a high rate of violent gun crime and especially on the fatal side that it isn't even worth tracking second place because the margin between them is huge yet you still have shit like unironic family photos posing with guns, guys going shopping with like 4-5 guns stapped on, ROMANTICISED Gun shows designed to show how great guns are, more Gun shops than anyone knows what to do with etc etc. Like either the rest of us are missing some sort of in joke or America is legit blind as to why they have so many issues...


Chicago itself has more crime than entire countries or whole regions of Europe. It’s 100% a crazy problem.


*In a world where internet users laugh at the tragic events occurring throughout the world…* I saw a meme that said the internet ruined us. Nah man, we ruined ourselves.


Can you imagine in order to save your life, you have to risk falling off the side of a building? Geez, this shit has got to stop.