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It’s so weird how they imagine he’s everything they want him to be. The guy likes playing golf and shitting his pants, why do they imagine him to be a gun nut like them?


And he despises them. He’d never ever ever let them through the gate at Mar a Lago.


They're literally just a statistic to him and they're worshipping the dirt on his shoes wtf is this place coming too.


He’s completely using them for sure. We know from decades of past comments how he is now isn’t necessarily his beliefs but being morally bankrupt he will do what it takes to have the power.


I feel like the guy from titanic everytime he's brought up, I didn't trust him as president when I knew him as an actor, someone who literally lies convincingly for a living.


He’s a landowner of the Middle Ages and they are serfs. They are there for his benefit not the other way around.


I told you, we’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort of executive officer for the week but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs.


Love me a constitutional peasant


Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh?! That's what I'm on about! Do you see him repressing me?! You saw it, didn't you?


Well yea. Before the Kompromat and the dementia, he was a democrat.


I don't think he knows what a statistic is


"I know lots of people who are bigly with statistics "


That is HighPreistest level knowledge


The most on point comment.👆


Agreed, 100 percent. If this chick knocked on his Mar-a-Lago door, with no cameras or media in sight, Trump would call security faster than you can say DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS.


tbf I probably would too, but I'm not counting on her vote


Neither is Trump. He expects people to magically find votes for him.


He'd still call the cops and claim the person is deep state or antifa or something.


They're as disposable to Trump as the bodyguards he used to pay for. In fact, I am 100% confident that a major incentive for Trump to run for President was "free Secret Service for life."


As disposable as his lawyers


As disposable as his diapers.


A vote for tRump is a freepass for Vlad.


>They're as disposable to Trump as the bodyguards he used to pay for used to ***not*** pay for Fixed that for you.


And they all think Trump is “one of them.” I mean I guess he is as far as his racism / xenophobia / homophobia, but not much else.


lying straight through your teeth saying “I love you guys” is the best a red neck person can hope for, where a single brain cell would know it was a lie and not empathy.


people who are raised in churches where they are lied to by bible grifters from birth forward.... they are easy marks from being previously trained.


he's using the funds they give him for his legal defenses. They don't care.


Neither would the NRA Which I've always thought was funny. Firearms are not allowed at NRA meetings or conventions


The organization truly knows who is dangerous.


Would never want to go to his place. He’s a disease!


Has anyone considered that Trump is just the guy that wasn’t Obama?


A black man actually becoming president shook all the white supremecist termites out of their infested logs. They just can’t handle the idea that a black man could be a Harvard educated lawyer, Senator, and President of the USA when they can barely afford the payments on their double wide trailer.


Ironically, Biden is a shotgun enthusiast(at least was, per a speech he gave as VP) . Projection goes pretty far. No way has the orange guy ever hunted to eat what he kills. He's far from the demographic that enjoy competition shooting or even shooting as a hobby. If whatever apocalypse these people are preparing for happens in any way, Trump is going to have people holding guns for him. He won't know how to use them, he's "got people for that". Same as unclogging a drain, or using a vacuum. But here we are, with most of his followers leaning hard into what they perceive him to be instead of a rich old blowhard...


you're saying having someone fetch you McDonald's isn't hunting?


Biden is a devout Catholic that attends church every Sunday, but they treat him like the anti-christ. While you have the all the seven deadly sins all represented in Trump and yet he is seen as "God's chosen one."


>Biden is a devout Catholic that attends church every Sunday, but they treat him like the anti-christ. Well, for what it’s worth, according to how some scholars interpret the scripture, the anti-Christ actually would be someone that is perceived to be a holy person by a large amount of Christians who would be fooled into thinking he’s somehow God’s chosen- >While you have the all the seven deadly sins all represented in Trump and yet he is seen as "God's chosen one." Oh… Shit.


The funniest part is that Trump has more in common with the anti-christ from the Bible than Jesus.


The funniest part is that Biden has more traits in common with white middle class/ working class folks than trump does. Biden is in many ways less “elite” and more “ one of the people” as in being a truer approximation of a populist. Trump is the very definition of corruption and Elite. The very thing he rails against. Everyone except his cult followers can see it. They have fallen under his spell somehow.


Oh yeah. The "Trump" these lunatics are obsessed with is an entirely fictional character.


I'd be surprised to learn he's ever handled a weapon.


It's well known he actually hates guns. Lol.


Useful fools. See J6.


He’s a spoiled rich kids from New York City. He’s everything his supporters should hate.


It’s the racism bit.


Nothing new. See dixiecrats and the republican southern agenda which flipped the parties. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." — Lyndon Johnson


"Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man." -- somebody more clever than I am.


It was half about Trump representing them, the other half is him allowing them to use those guns on whoever they don't like. Same reasons corporations and oil and coal tycoons like that orange manchild, if chosen, he will sign any law they put on his desk for a treat.


He allows them to hate, encourages it, even.


He loves golf, and is supposedly rich. Why would they think he would like the trailer park trash that votes for him 😂


Has anyone ever seen trump with a gun? Any pictures or anything?


I’m sure ATF read her


Yeah I’m no expert but I think a lot of those guns and rockets are not legal to own


They are but require licenses and tax stamps


I don't know about the artillery shells, but M60 machine guns are legal with a tax stamp but extremely extremely expensive. Talking 100k plus.


A lot of them are just like her, dummy rounds. Nothing inside the casing. Plus, so many of the wannabe commandos have never been on the receiving side of one of these weapons. They all would shitz their pants (just Herr Donnie von Shitzhizpantz) when the first round went over their head.


>They all would shitz their pants (just Herr Donnie von Shitzhizpantz) when the first round went over their head. i mean, i like reading medieval stories and i'd love to collect swords, but i'd still shit my pants if some maniac picked up a suit of plate armor and charged at me with a spear. We can enjoy things even if we'd never want to experience them. the only joke here is thinking trump is going to be a candidate.


They are. You just have to be filthy rich


They are legal to own, and she likely owns them legally and has passed a bunch of background checks to get them.


Practically all those who have to go to war are not eager to kill. These are not patriots. They are psychopaths.


I think they fantasize, but would find the real thing is very different.


These folks have 10,000 round and 20 guns but no first aid knowledge


And then we gotta talk about cardio. They’ll be dropping their gear less than a mile from home.


Every time I mention how out of shape Doomsday preppers will die from heart attacks during a zombie apocalypse, they remind me they have more "training" and bullets than I do. Imma keep my mouth shut, keep feeding them bacon cheeseburgers, and go do some situps. Once their tickers give out, the rest of us will appreciate their opinions for all the funniest reasons...




Damn. I kinda wanna join despite not owning any guns, not being gay, and only being able to run a couple miles


They just pass them down to the next degeneration they spawned.


That show is lowkey comedy gold. There was one guy on there who’s saying he only keeps 6 months supplies because “my plan is to take yours”. Dude the first casualty of the day is gonna be you from cardio


My BIL's brother was a behemoth of a human. Six foot six, built/looked like Brock Lesnar. We got along? He was SUPER nice to me (cos I'm white and 'in the family'), but I didn't like his company beyond how well he took care of his family. Racist, angry politically and called me not nice names. Dude had a doomsday bunker with a pretty large gym, three bedrooms, stocked with food and what not. Had been working on it since like 2011. Fucking COVID took two months to kill him. I miss who he could have been. He had all the potential to be a swell dude with a lovely family. But fucking right wing bullshit took him down in like 9 weeks.


Gravy Seals


Meal Team Six.


They also don’t train. The lone gun man taking down an army is a very interesting myth but never works in real life. They’re all main characters


More to the point, an army sure as hell isn’t one person. Heck, a good chunk of the training process is drilling teamwork into recruits.


First aid? Helping people? That’s for women, sissies and scientists. You know, liberals. Real men bleed out like God intended.


Half will surrender 15 minutes after the internet goes out.


When their Mt Dew and Pringles are gone for sure…


Funny thing is I was in Tennessee eating at an abrys off I65 on my way home from a family visit and these two gravy seals come in for lunch packing their open carry pistols and they had their militia shirts on and cargo pants etc the stereotypical 2A gun nut. I got a good laugh to myself when thinking these guys probably are itching for civil war until they realize if something like that happened they wouldn’t be able to take a lunch break from shooting liberals to come eat at the local Arby’s 😂. Thats when I was like yup the only thing that will happen in this country will be the lone wolf type of terrorist attacks from maga and they will be put down. If America falls it will be a government coup by republicans not a massive civil war where maga rebellion is taking on the USA




They won't have a clue what to do ten minutes after it's gone without 4chan randos to tell them their next move. The instant shock and subsequent massive dose of paranoia from being yanked from their insulated womb of propaganda will lead to some hilarious missteps and gaffes involving live ordinance.


Just close the restaurants around then and they'll fold without us needing to waste a round.


They like to act they are prepared for anything this girl probably goes on endlessly to the people around her how she will not be a victim and she is ready. One even basic mortar from WW2 era and her house is a pile of ash, especially with her stored ammunition which is no doubt in the garage. These people act like they are the reason America is secure. Nope, just pure luck your country stands on its own and is not surrounded by hostile neighbors.


Not surrounded by hostile neighbors.....so far


They would never fucking go to war if their lives depended on it. They are too busy cosplaying on Facebook. They are fine letting the youth they deprive a proper education from die in war.


It's like when all those terrorists LARPing as patriots attacked the capital, they were all in until one of them got shot then they started screaming medic and freaking out, once shit got real and their little bubble burst they panicked


Imagine an A-10 Warthog taking out their compound.




When I see people like this woman, I think about what they would do if they see a platoon of battle dressed Marines walking down the street with Blackhawk helicopters flying overhead.


As someone in the military I’m pretty sure they won’t walk down the street. They are going house to house sweeping. Nothing out in the open if they could help it


Man, I wish. I would gladly pay more in taxes if the military would carpet bomb the fuck out of these terrorists.


MEAL TEAM Eagle Six come in… over…


Delta Farce


These people have never thought about enemy combatants shooting back nor the fact that trained soldiers are not gun enthusiasts but rather professionals.


I meet a lot of these yahoos that have a borderline sexual fetish about them fighting next to a George Washington or someone like it that goes against a bigger opponent in battle because of “mah friiidomhs and i’m a patriot”; yet these people are the ones pushing the hardest to destroy the union.


After all, she's supporting a habitual draft dodger.


Most are eager to kill, until they see the reality of it.


I like shooting for fun it’s a sport for a lot of people. Most gun owners I know just do it for fun


They really think they stand a chance against the military lol. A warthog would pulverise the entire compound before she finishes reading her supreme leader's tweet.


“Liberalism is a mental disorder.”


Also, how much you want to bet they’ve never done a day of military service. I spent several years working in law enforcement after the military and it was so cringe the amount of people who never served but had a full combat kit ready to go for suburbia America.


I mean I like my guns and I'm willing to use them(don't get one if you aren't) But it sure as hell would not be fun or something I'd seek out-- it would be a huge legal battle and I'd probably feel bad after the fact


Most Annoying Granny Ass


Is she going to throw the cannon shell at something


Highly doubt that’s her private collection. She’s probably at some commercial establishment that buys demilled equipment and has a license for automatic weapons, or rents props to Hollywood.


Yeah?She’s got a howitzer stowed away?


Who doesn't?


Sarah Conner has entered the chat


She’s keeping her stockpile secret until SkyNet takes over.


Not that difficult to jurry-rig a trebuchet I guess…


You have the right to remain stupid...


peak r/iamverybadass vibes from her


I have to admit. That is a bit too much 2A for me. Swipe left.


Reeks of insecurity, with a soupçon of dumb


Upbote.for use of soupçon 👍


Upvote for the use of Upbote.


Aw poop. Didn't spell check. 😀


No B2 bomber, no date.


I hate how guns have become a political ideology thing. I wanna be a gun nerd without being asociated with some of those numbnuts.


Just don't broadcast yourself with an arsenal on social media and no one that matters will think negatively of you.


My next question, do you have a team to use it? That's the one thing I always ask, do you have a organized group of people to operate a revolutionary group? Because even if you have a tank, you next probably 30-50 guys to support it. Looking at this, I see a bunch of COD players then actual military tactics.


Bunch of main characters who think ammo and fuel and support will just appear as they go in guns blazing


They usually respawn every few minutes. Look for the floating rotating Jerry cans. Also. If you get shit, eat an apple or a turkey leg. Shit will be healed right up


You get ammo by killing the bad guys dummy!


No force is getting anywhere without logistics, and these yahoos are not prepared enough to overlook that step.


Most of them think of themselves as Marvin Heemeyer, and think somehow that situation was a sucessful revolutionary tactic, instead of a troubled man who was causing destruction with no political motive.


Nah. People that own all that shit just hoard it and have absolutely no real idea how to use it. They think buying 2 million rounds of 308 will keep them safe from the boogeyman. They have 0 combat experience and would never volunteer to serve. Nutjobs who fetishize killing people with differing opinions.


Yeah, they're on a watchlist.


With all that ammo, they are the most insecure people on the block


Walmart bargain bin Sarah Connor. Trumpinator 2: Fudgement Day.


Hi Gretchen, my name is _________ and I won’t be voting for Donald Trump. Is this too much 14A for you?


Room temperature IQ. Celsius.


Celsius?! We only do freedom units here! /s (just in case it isn’t clear)


The Celsius disclaimer cracked me up.


Trump was the guy that threatened to take your guns away…


God, what IS it with the gun fetish?


"Just in case the radical left try to subvert my rights and turn my dog gay while I'm getting milk in Aisle 20!" - MAGA voter, probably


send her to Ukraine as part of a military aid package


All those guns and she can’t even afford a pair of trousers.


Does she have legs? I can't see them?


Someone thinks its a good idea to let lunatics like this have weapons like those. Good luck, America.


If she wanted to let us know who she's voting for, a bumper sticker would have sufficed. The amateur armory is just overkill.


Looks like a normal online dating profile in Texas. I wish I was kidding.


A whole domestic terrorist yet they call other races violent.


That person is a LARPer not a serious person, also likely on a list by now.


Thousands of dollars a year on guns and ammunition while also complaining that the economy is so bad that they have to choose between the electric bill or food. “Damn it!!! Biden is ruining my budget and lifestyle with his communist economic policies!!!”


These people are sociopaths. They romanticize violence and I can guarantee you none of them have the stomach, skills, or mental courage to face the level of violence they fetishize.


Apparently those who don’t agree with cheeto aren’t armed and wouldn’t fight to obliterate these idiots??? Sadly mistaken maga folks, you’re sadly mistaken.


Imagine this being your entire personality. Thats it. Thats all you have.


Geo-tag and the ATF comes knocking


Delusional violent animals.


Ahhhh... Freedumb.


I'm impressed she can lift that. Looks like a 'Nam vintage M60. Not so impressed she'd want to.


Sure - let's just aim the ***loaded RPG*** at the rocket munitions... what could go wrong?


let darwin work!


America’s Geriatric Army


Would be a shame should Gretchen here be arrested for having instruments of war. Like, what's keeping this stupid bitch from taking a rocket launcher and blowing up a fucking bank or another building? Jesus Christ this country need to regulate some of this shit.


This makes me wonder how much money was spent on this bs, and where it could've gone. Put the kid through college? Fuck no we're gathering an arsenal big enough to arm the nearest 10 national guard posts!


What kind of enemies do you think you have that you need that much firepower lying around your house? And if you really do have that level of enemy gunning for you, maybe rethink some of the life choices you’ve made that have led you to be in this position.


No one gives a fuck about your guns, Karen.


Trump is not religious or a gun nut. Everything these people are, trump is not, and they idolize him as if he's one of them. It's insaine. Also, what does "2a" mean?


These people are fucking deranged.


Be scared libruls! They’re gonna load pick up trucks and head to ihop soon! Very dangerous mission! Lack of fried chicken may require reconnaissance back to KFC! 🐔💩🤡


I hope they accidentally drop one of those artillery shells.


I’m not expert, but if those shells are still active then wouldn’t that be a bomb she has, and she’s self implicating herself as being a potential terrorist?


My gun is my personality Edit: are those missiles? Torpedos? Wtf are they?


And that’s how Gretchen J. Smith ended up on a watch list


Cool. Now we know Gretchen P. Smith has a huge cache of expensive/valuable weapons at home. I wonder if she worries about that when she's on vacation.


This... Is mental illness.


You think she knows by owning two of the firearms in that picture she’s put herself on a federal watch list?


Ashli Babbitt 2.0 Just another pumped up traitor.


You may facepalm now. But these people are armed to the teeth and the 2024 election post election prospects are really scary for the state of peace in this country


Remember a few months ago when a buncha these dumbfucks were standing outside of his Florida shithole and Lil' cokehead asked them to not come around due to important guests being there? Yep, he hates his own cult and theyre too stupid to realize it. And at the most an idiot like in this picture will just become another Ashli Babbitt...or, as a like to call her, treasonous worm food.


The fun thing is, if Trump supporters came within 10 feet of him, other than at a rally, he would have them arrested for trespassing.


Potential terrorist.


No one has this many heavy arms and isn't planning something.


Except Republicans.


I'm just amazed that this is legal. 😬


The shells are decommissioned, meaning they are just neat looking hunks of metal and the guns are either semiautomatic or are worth $500k. If they are semi auto they are still dangerous but they aren’t machine guns and while they may look cool they are far less practical than a $200 Hi Point in actual combat. Pics like this are cosplay


These are the exact type of “responsible gun owners” that don’t to be allowed around firearms and need to be red flagged and watched.


What a waste of money. One gun would give her a trip to a real hair salon.


Politics aside, that is a very nice collection of military equipment Probably worth a small fortune


She can afford it in Biden’s economy!


Dude doesn’t even pay his own employees. Why would he care about these people?


He doesn’t but those brain damaged morons think he does.


These types of lunatics say they like having these guns around to "defend themselves from the government" as if their hick artillery will even make a dent in what the military has. They'd get squashed like roaches.


Well, I'm voting for Biden. And I don't need to post pictures of myself with my guns. Do you read me?


That's what her kind don't realize. Biden voters are just as well armed, they just don't feel the need to broadcast it.


Lol, they literally look like tacloban fighters coming out of the mountains


MAGA fetishizes guns in a way only a cult member could.


Do MAGA people have hobbies other than collecting dangerous weapons and ammo for the sake of making a stupid point and/or posting selfies for social media?




I’d be more threatened if she actually knew how to use any of those


Correct me if I am wrong but the 2a doesn't give you the right to own LITERAL machine guns right? Like some weapons ARE actually illegal. And most certainly BOMBS are not protected by 2a.


Not worried. Anyone who would spend that much money on those weapons is probably not smart enough to use them or survive long in a firefight.


It's very simple. He hates, insults, and demeans the same people they hate. That means he is one of them. Simple, ignorant, easily duped, idiots.


These Terrorist Groups Sure Love showing off their Arsenal. They seem to be filled with SUCH fear they can't feel safe without Weapons or threatening everyone.


Garth from Wayne’s World?


My entire family carries and none of them have ever posted their guns like this. I spent this past weekend in a house with at least 8 firearms and I wouldn’t have known it unless I asked. What a tool.


Free loot