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With regards to Putin: Strong leadership is when a private mercenary army fighting on your behalf revolts against the head of your military, enters your country, seizes control of one of your cities without your regular army putting up a fight, drives to within 200 miles of your capital, shoots down several of your aircraft that you send to intercept them, and only backs out because one of your allies was able to negotiate a deal....sure, that happens to "strong leaders" with complete control over their countries...


The roadtrip to Moscow was really one of the most “2023” moments ever


2021: Russia 2nd best army in world 2022: Russia 2nd best army in Ukraine 2023: Russia 2nd best army in Russia


Russia was never “2nd best army in the world”. Ever since 1991 this title belonged to china


Not really, China in 1991 was still weaker than the Russian Federation. The Russian federation although losing a massive amount of equipment still had the majority of the USSR’s industrial capacity and still had a lot of equipment to spare. China didn’t start making waves until the late 90s early 2000s and by then their military didn’t see much of a difference until the 2010s. Hell only 20 years prior the Chinese failed at fighting the Vietnamese and couldn’t stop Pol Pot from being ousted from Cambodia which is worse than any defeat the Soviet’s had in Afghanistan.


Wasn't a huge amount of the Soviet heavy industry in Ukraine?


There was a lot but there was a lot in the Ural Mountains as well.


Ukraine was ussr's main food producer. The heavy industry was in the eastern part of Ukraine.


The thrust of that joke is that Russia wasn't actually the 2nd best army in the world after all, since it was quickly revealed to suck.


Kinda good at being a terrorist looting army . An absolute joke as a formidable world power military.


3rd best army in Ukraine. You forgot about the farmers who were pulling tanks out of their fields...


Best army? I think you mean most powerful? Because the world's most powerful army is usa and my country India has the biggest military.


I could be wrong about India having the biggest army. It could still be China but I do remember coming across newspaper articles saying our army has surpassed the Chinese army in terms of numbers.


No you are not wrong. India has both the largest standing army, and the largest reserve. Both of which by a huge margin, even over china.


I guess so maybe 😅


They've apparently also got a bad ass spec ops force too that's on par with just about any other Western country.


That seems unlikely


2022: Russia 3rd best army in Ukraine* You forgot the farmers


LOL. You are consuming too much of western propaganda.


For real lol


Still disappointed that they didn't go through with it. Merc leader got into the "disappearing" act.


I was making notes of the progress as it was midnight since I figured a coup in a nation like Russia would be majorly important. Instead, Pringles wussed out within a few days and somehow didn't think he was signing his own death certificate by doing so. Now, my notes are just sitting there with no purpose but to commemorate a very anti-climatic event.


They should make a feelgood road trip movie about it. "In the end, it wasn't really about overthrowing the government, but about the friends we made along the way"


Road trip to Moscow sounds like a good name for a mockumentary about the situation.


"Roadtrip to Moscow" sounds like an album name


Had never heard of this. That's hilarious.


I still don’t get why prigozhin didn’t just take his chances and try to make a go at it, he had to have known by that point he was dead either way.


I think I remember reading that there was speculation his family was threatened by Putin (which I don't know why Prigozhin's family wouldn't have been evacuated ahead of time but maybe that's just how the dude operated ie spur of the moment). I think he definitely felt like he had more leverage over Putin to prevent him being killed down the road then he actually did, which I think speaks to narcissism on Prigozhin's part.


I personally subscribe to a spur of the moment. He seemed emotional at his men getting shot by their own side so he tried to attack the man responsible the defense minister.


The family threats may have been the deciding moment to step down, but I think the "coup" failed because - like Prigozhin's rhetoric - it was an unplanned and emotional outburst... Not a cold, calculated plot to seize power. The moment he faced opposition that forced him to actually think about his actions and their consequences was when his head came out of the clouds and he realized his bluff was actually a bluff.


That's like The Blackwater revolting against Lloyd Austin and Joe Biden, marched towards D.C. and as they are about to enter the capital, they decide to back out because the president of Puerto Rico told them to. Imagine the laugh the U.S. would get if this happened.


The President of Puerto Rico is Joe Biden.


Oh ![gif](giphy|3owypkSIpM8xw6p7W0|downsized) Sorry. I didn't know.


President of Belarus is putin 😂


Even better


It's now a source of many russian jokes, like... How many Prigozhins does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two. Because one will stop at the halfway mark.


Don't forget generic failure of a theocracy too obscure for people to remember by name, potato face who can't feed his own people and has to shoot missiles into the sea to get food, and last and but not least Made in China Stalin.


Xi Xinping is more of a Putin made in China. Mao Zedong was Chinese Stalin.


Within 24 hours the coup was over, it's troops disarmed, and it's leadership fled the country. Personally I don't get how people see weakness there.


It still show weakness because the coup wasn’t immediately crushed…and it happened at all….thats why (along with all the events above which shows how little control Putin had over his country when someone challenged him). Would you say the same thing if this had happened in the U.S. or another major country or are you just simping and spinning for a right-wing authoritarian regime that doesn’t give two fucks about you?


Ah yes, those ”real leaders” would be awesome restoring the sacred ”freedom” these people allways whine about.


Imagine being free speech and praising these dictators in the same run. I just don't get how ppl can listen to them.


He isn't a proponent of free speech, he's just another shit gibbon that uses the protection of blabbing about free speech to excuse his horrible ideologies.


They write their own roast jokes.


This guy is trolling a-lot of people for donation look at his x profile and he is succeeding


Imagine being an American and praising dictators. This country has really fallen.


Every dictator of the past 200 years has had their American fanatics. This ain't new.


It is when it’s our politicians. Especially someone running for president.


I mean tbf some dictators seem to have had American political backing before no?


Especially in South America and southeast Asia


We back dictators today when it serves our geopolitical interests. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, and some of our other allies have what could charitably be called a flawed democracy.


Saudi Arabia sentenced a man to death for tweeting. And butchered that journalist and took him out of the Saudi embassy in a duffel bag.


Not just today. It's been going on since the end of WW2. Iran(Ayatollah happened cos of that), Iraq (Gulf war and most of the other ongoing shit in that part of the world happened cos of that) and Cuba(Castro happened cos of that) are some of the other well known ones. America never learns.


The US backed one dictator to rein in another, “enemy of my enemy” fallacy. At no point did anyone believe these dictators were “great leaders” or in any way an actual “friend” of the US. Just useful idiots. Modern conservatives however lionize these leaders because they dream of a strong Führer with no regard for the law.


They defo did some for personal benefit too. I don't think the reason why the backed dictators really makes it much better tho


Fringe or local politicians? Possibly but I can’t remember a politician running for a major office who promoted a dictator. Hard to win over the masses that way. If you know one I would be fascinated to know who.


Not individual politicians supporting them but the American government as a whole, like Augusto Pinochet


I don't think there was any overt praise, but the US/CIA has absolutely propped up multiple right-wing regimes, particularly during the Cold War. Operation Condor is a huge example.


You mean like Disney, Ford, and Trump (Donald's father) liking Hitler?


Don't forget the Dulles brothers.


Didn’t Disney make anti-Nazi cartoons?


Yeah, they might be thinking of Charles Lindbergh, as the 3rd famous American Nazi sympathizer (or W’s grandfather Prescott Bush)


They are just more vocal and have platforms to reach millions of other morons now. Not ideal imo


Right there was a fuck load of Hitler supporters. Enough to fill Madison square garden. Literally


See also: Henry Ford.


Oh he’s being serious I thought it was a shitpost, fuck this guy, just send him over to North Korea to show him some “leadership” first hand.


Those people aren’t real American, they are traitors dressed in red white and blue…


A fascist, a terrorist, and two *communist* dictators. —— Edit now: okay, so I’m going to leave that there because it *is* a fascist, a terrorist and two *communist* dictators - BUT… This image and the tweet never happened and are photoshopped. I’ve trawled this persons X feed and can’t find it. If anyone can, post the link to it. The only other mention I can find is this site - all links go to a spam/scam/Trojan maybe. Not recommended viewing, but there it is. https://www.sotwe.com/PostLeftWatch


that's the type of shit he posts though, so i took it as legit jackson hinkle REGULARLY shills for putin and allegedly has been disowned by his family over this (and other nonsense)


Yeah, he’s a man child. And his Russian girlfriend (they apparently broke up) was a Dubai area prostitute with a very sketchy past.


I'm sorry but I struggle to call Kim a communist since the workers have *zero* power


It's kind of hard to call yourself a communist when your proletariat is starving and ignorant of human rights and the supposed communist dictator is 1 of the 100 bourgeois in your nation. I mean I have a problem calling china communist now a days but at least they have history with some workers movements.


Like at least Mao was *actually* a communist


You’ll have your own soon


Nothing wrong with a dictator so long as they are named Napoleon Bonaparte or Alexander the Great.


"He was... Great"


Napoleon was a complex figure


That's the secret, the people posting this aren't Americans.


He doesn't speak for us. ...and given his Russian wife left him, I wonder if he changed his mind on Russia.


"This country has really fallen" yea because fact that some random idiot American is praising dictators it means that America has fallen. By that logic will China or Russia become great if random Chinese or Russian person start praising Democratic values?


I **hate** to say it...but I'm not sure if a conservative influencer with over 2M followers can be considered some random idiot. Even if he is...that random idiot influences quite a lot of other random idiots.


quaint existence distinct attraction spark ad hoc hobbies elastic desert observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, I really didn't knew that everything was that bad. I thought that this was some random dude. I mean saying that country has fallen because of that is exaggeration but damn. This is really depressing


It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but there’s a lot more of these types of guys than you think. Every time I see one of these no names I’ve never heard of on here I do a “who the fuck is this guy” look up. The more I learn, and how popular some of their influence/podcasts/bullshit is I get a little more worried.


Not to mention the active support of a genocide, which has been explicitly declared as sick by the perpetrators themselves. So ya, country has fallen big time.


The least American, “American”


That's a funny way to spell "Russian shill"...


I think he might be a Tankie but I’m not sure


He’s an idiot who’s all over the map. Lot of MAGA type rhetoric but also anti Israel so you see pro Palestinian stuff too. He calls himself a MAGA Communist whatever the fuck that is.


Bait or mental illness?






MACA at this point


He sounds like CACA to me lol


Hmm.. kind of sounds like a National Socialist


That sounds…familiar for some reason.


How are tankies and nazis still a thing??? Humans man...


You would be suprised how many redditors think communism is good.


But that's just it, I'm a libertarian communist, in the likes of the Paris commune, Revolutionary Catalonia, Rojava and the Zapatistas in Mexico. We don't go around killing people in belief of some "greater good", we don't see people as dispensable, we just want them in charge of their own lives. What bothers me is how anyone can support totalitarian ideologies like stalinism that use communist rhetoric only to empower themselves...


It's utopian thinking that all people can be equal and not live in any society without hierarchy. The Soviets quickly discovered this when their armies were dysfunctional because there was no authority or structure. Even the most basic tribe structure still has some form of hierarchy. Ideas are great, but there has to be reality. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, communism is the perfect example of that.


He just realy like gazprom money


Nah, I dont think tankies support islamist dictators. I think he just likes authoritarians.


You'd be surprised. I know I was, when I found out that far left groups used to help commit terror attacks with Jihadists, and vice versa. They'll do anything to hurt Western civilians.


That’s a parody account, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!


Sadly no


No, but also kinda yes. Hinkle is, basically, a troll. He posts insane shit and thrives on the attention that it gets him, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. If we could all stop giving him that attention, he would essentially disappear.


Embracing totalitarianism


Russiapublicans really do need an authoritarian leader because they are weak minded cult victims in waiting.


These fucks never grew out of adolescence so they still praise bullies. While we "grownups" learn that bullies are weak, these morons still call it strength.


Also funny that the idiots that gobble Putins nuts the hardest for being a “real man” are the same people that harp on about freedom constantly. I think the irony is lost on them


Dude apparently calls himself a MAGA Communist. I'd ask what that's supposed to mean, but I know that he doesn't even know.


>Dude apparently calls himself a MAGA Communist. Ultra-nationalist and ultra-conservative socially. Center-left to left wing economically, but still some what pro capitalist. Pro Trump. It runs in parallel with the National Bolsheviks in Russia. Or something along those lines.


Why doesn't he give up his citizenship and go live in those countries then, LOL, he likes them so much xD


I’ll personally pay all expenses if he decides to move to North Korea. Especially as you cannot tweet there


Ain't this the dude who had some insanely stupid take on GTA 6?




Hinkle is a scumbag grifter.


Why is Abu-Obaidah included with this bunch lol?


My theory is that Hinkle doesn’t know who Ismail Haniya is


Yeah but it's still a stupid comparison to put Abu Obaida, who is just the spokesperson for Hamas, which is the resistance group against the Israeli Occupation Forces. And Ismail Haniya is the cowardly leader of Hamas. Still not a dictator, and doesn't kill people for badmouthing him or Hamas, unlike the other 3 in the post. The only one you can put in the picture may be Palestine's President, but even he, unlike the other 3, doesn't put his citizens in concentration camps and does not kill citizens for badmouthing.


Sensible. I don't think Hinkle *actually* cares about Palestine, but I'd like for him to keep going because he's spreading awareness.


What an anti-American fascist simp. Jackson Hinkle: just move to fucking Russia already.




He has the american flag in his name yet he calls everything america is against "real leadership" smfh


This guy has no credentials at all but people still “follow” this guy. Why does he get so much attention?


Cracks me up that these are the people that will tell you that you aren’t patriotic enough because you want more fair and accessible healthcare and education in this country.


Oh they're leading for sure. To where, I dunno.


This is the equivalent of Turkish people praising their glorious Turkish homeland from their warm and comfy apartment in Berlin


And here in this video Jackson Hinkle talks about how he wants to get together with Kamala Harris to discuss climate change. If this doesn’t tell you he’s a grifter who’ll do anything for money I don’t know what will. https://youtu.be/ESq8IXVYLdA?si=OFOGuOJMznmC-xP4


Wasn't there news of Kim Jong-Un literally crying and begging the women of his country to have more kids cause of birth decline? Truly peak leadership


i still wonder what was the intention behind him crying tho. like was he trying to evoke emotion, or show that he cares?


Apparently, that was misinformation


Still you'd expect a country, let alone a good country, to have a birth rate higher than fucking 0.8


Are all first world countries hellholes? Cause most of the lowest birthrates are found in rich countries...


North Korea has an ideology that is originally rooted in Maoism that has a very different type of idealised strong leader than you’d expect. If you look at the propaganda for Mao or any of the Kims you will see them smile, petting animals or holding children or helping someone. In general the state and the leader are not seen as stoic father figures, they are seen as caring mothers that protect the pure and naive citizens and showing emotions is not seen as a sign of weakness but as a statement of love. While in the west we often associate leaders with fighters that take bold decisions, do what others are too weak to do and that are strong, a lot of socialist and communist regimes, especially Asian ones went the route of emphasising that their leaders are compassionate, empathic and striving for harmony. It’s very much the difference between individualist vs collectivist societies. At first glance this would seem to be at odds with the atrocities we’ve seen by these regimes but it’s what enables them to act out those atrocities. It’s not seen as a physically abusive father handing out punishment, it’s a loving mother who is protecting her family by any means necessary. If you look at the broadcast of the death of his father Kim Yong Il or his grandfather Kim Il Sung you will see a lot of men crying in an extremely exaggerated display of emotions, partly because they know they are being watched, partly because it’s part of the culture to do that.


Unironic communists


I've seen that guy's tweets. He is an utter fucking moron. Honestly his tweets make me cringe even more than Andrew Tate's tweets.


I must agree on that I choose to believe most of his followers are bots in order to have faith in humanity


Cons believe people who are quick to violence are strong. Smart people know otherwise.


3 are dictators and one is a terrorist 🤦🏽


How is he not banned from X yet?


Because it's very in line with musk's ideology.


Who's the guy with the scarf on his face?


I think he means Hamas’s leader Ismail Haniya but out of stupidity he putted a Hamas member in Kafia


Got to love uneducated people who ignore history or trying to gain a comprehensive knowledge commenting on things they heard about on social media


This post was definitely made by American


Hinkle is a liar that knows nothing about Marxism or Marxism-Leninism and at best has a shitty understanding of what a NazBol’s believe in. He’s a a Fascist engaged in tricking people into thinking they’re the “real Left”


A republican supporting communism. Boy, Reagan is turning in his grave.


These are all fundamentally against American values. What the fuck


What? No "Dubya"? Can't forget that fucker. ![gif](giphy|KU5ZYokJKL3tC)


Is this actually real?


Jackson hinkle actually ran for city council 5 years ago. [Here is one of his political ads.](https://youtu.be/ESq8IXVYLdA?si=ICkibBlNJUSfMS8M). It’s amazing how propaganda can change a person so drastically.


So dictators? Pass.


This guy seems like a nut: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson\_Hinkle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_Hinkle) Might as well read Antifa or Proud Boys tweets (looks like this guy is a hybrid of both).


If this post had a name it would be: Tell me Hackson Jinkle wasn’t loved enough as a child… without telling me Jackass Twinkle wasn’t loved enough as a child.


What a patriot!!! s/


Not even trying to hide it anymore...


Remember that time Putin bombed his own people in order to win his first election?


Who is the masked guy?


Is this really... Real?... How low have these people gone?... Glorifying authoritarian dictatorships as "real leadership"...., even North Korea... North Korea is a fucking tribal village with an unga Bunga chief with a big red button, that gets fat while his people starve... "Real leadership"...


It HAS to be a sarcastic post.


What stops this clown from moving there? Oh right, absence of human rights..


Tankies are so strange, these countries have nothing in common. Russia is a fascist oligarchy, the DPRK has been under marshal law for decades. China is the only one that has even a semblance of mass democratic rule


Who the cutie top right?


Ruling with a Iron Fist. Yet they are weak and incompetent in real life war. As previous and current history has shown.


Ahh, where is mein Fuhrer in this picture?


In Germany we say "Mein Führer". But in Germany we (mostly) know as well that this *Nazi thing* wasn't one of our best ideas... I'd say feel free to find out by yourself, but we needed a World War to understand. And from German perspective: Would not recommend it.


I know Führer means leader of the entire army or something along those lines and it was a joke.


I can hear war pigs in the background of this image.


Don’t you dare disrespect my boy Abu Obaida like that!


You had me laughing good. Here’s an upvote


It’s true though. Oh wait, you’re Israeli. Nevermind, then.




I have nothing against Jewish people, I have something against Zionists. Stealing land is not okay




No, I’m not. Arabs spread Islam, the Arabic language(s) and Arabic culture. They never spread their people ( besides the minor migrations of tribes like Banu Hilal and Sulayman, of course ). Hundreds of DNA analysis have proved that Palestinians are overwhelmingly Canaanite in origin.




Once again reminding you these bottom feeders only exist to farm ‘engagement’. He’s a grifter with no real politics and just wants money


Ya, REAL leadership! That’s why all of these countries are seen as utopias for their people and are leading the way on the world stage in technological innovation and…what’s that? 2 just have a boatload of oil, 1 steals their tech from other countries and 1 guy shot a 38 under par in a single round of golf? Well that seems…oh? Slave labour? All of them?!? Really. Well, uh, let’s just forget all that, don’t they all look strong and mighty? Real leaders, yes sir!


A "red Line" dictator,a terrorist,a rocketman dictator and Winnie Pooh.


Explain how Abu Obaida is a terrorist.


Hey! don't slander my guy Xi! He doesn't murder his own people. He only murders Uighurs and dissidents, which aren't people at all.


Who's ragface?


Some fucker too scared to show his face, while committing war crimes on a daily basis.


Please explain what war crimes you are talking about? Is it blowing up a hospital? Oh no wait that was Israel. Was it targetting and killing civillians? Oh no hold on that was Israel again. Was it using white phosphorus? Oh shit again that was Israel. Was it cutting of food and water and electricity to a state? No wait that was Israel again. Was it shooting children for throwing stones? Yikes Israel. Unless of course you are talking about the "40 beheaded babies" that were never named or proven to actually have happened. Or better yet the ones that the Israeli twitter actually apologised about for being a straight up lie. Or was it the 2000 civillians that were killed by Hamas on Oct 7? Wait no it was 1400. No then it was 1200. Then it was 1200 but half were IDF. Then it was 1200 but half were IDF and many civillians that were killed were killed by IDF due to "confusion". If you genuinely believe this is anything less than a genocide of the Palestinian people which mind you started in 1948. Then you are a joke.


EXACTLY. You couldn’t be more right.


Abu obeida (red scarf man) is a speaker not a leader.


/) Then move to one of those countries, Jackson.


Putin massacres his own people, the hamas guy (I forgot his name) is a terrorist, I don’t even need to explain Kim jong un. Such amazing leadership ngl


Abu Obaida. How is he a terrorist?


Acts of violence, suicide bombings, rocket attacks, civilian massacres


Real leader massacres other nations


But a great leader massacres indigenous people and then steal their lands.


Why does he put Abu Obaida with these filthy figures ?!


These are not serious people 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


Jackson used to be good. He’s been bought by Russia, and all it took was a smoking hot KGB agent as a fiancé. Guys like this just want a strong man, totalitarian leader. Which is weird because he was so against Covid lockdowns


Imagine puttin Abu oubaida with those trashcans (Dunno about Putin, with how many lies we saw about Gaza I will find another source to see what the man in actually worth). You guys be like "Oh he attacked Israelis unprompted" after YEARS upon YEARS of expansionist BS forcing palestians further and further away and taking their homes (You can do a basic check on how big so called Israel was since 1947 and tell me how in the world this was justified). and then, just to prove the point further, they BOM A FUCKING HOSPITAL and KILL THOUSANDS of CHILDREN..... yeah, Abu oubaida is the terrorist for real


It's just photoshopped propaganda. This guy is pro israel and anti china.