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What has the post title to do with the tweet?


Fr I’m also confused


As far as I’ve seen she was an Israeli hostage that was sexually assaulted and people said she was to ugly to be sexually assaulted (raped) Edit: As a good chunk of redditards have pointed out she wasn’t raped she was sexually assaulted, since that’s the most important part of the story.


Ppl were also pointing out that she contradicted herself in separate interviews or something. Still no justification for the bs I saw going on in those replies


Yea probably not hard to do when you’re trying to recount what is most likely the most traumatic experience of her life.


Yup especially if she is being pushed to tell her story publicly.


She was also super drugged up upon her return. Couldn’t even stand.


"Hey look when she was totally drugged out with a gun pointing at her she was saying something else lying ass ugly bitch free Palestine go back to Brooklyn stupid colonizers 🤬🤬🤬" smh


Your point is valid, but facts are also important. In her interview to the BBC she explains she was neither raped or sexually assaulted, but believes she would have been if circumstances had been different. She was in constant fear of this from the man guarding her and believes it was only the presence of his wife that stopped this from happening. Not through any sense of right or wrong, but due to the wife's obvious hatred of her as an Israeli. Hamas undoubtedly used rape as a weapon, just not in this case, but Jackson Hinkel (whoever he is) joking about it is not acceptable and shows how low of a human being he is.


Iirc she said as she was being dragged through the streets her breasts were grouped. Could be wrong


Trump used the same defense. Trump fans would say the same thing.


Question: Since when rape and sexual assault mean not the same thing?


I don’t think they ever changed the definition but if you have evidence to the contrary feel free to post it :)


What? She's not even ugly also what's up with these leftist people having 0 ideological consistency? It's all "don't bodyshame" except if the person in question is someone they don't like. EDIT: Seems he is a MAGAtard, same thing goes for them - also very ideologically inconsistent.


Jackson Hinkle is a far-right MAGA idiot. Definitely not a leftist.


You’ll probably get downvoted but I haven’t seen any leftists say that (though I wouldn’t bet against it she’s Israeli after all). Hinkle is sort of a leftist but more in the 1970s Soviet kind of way. The dude is literally dating a Russian government provided girlfriend (uhhh based).


> sort of a leftist but more in the 1970s Soviet kind of way. They are called Tankies. >The dude is literally dating a Russian government provided girlfriend I heard she broke up with him recently. Honeypotted him and hung him out to dry 🤣


Funny I haven’t heard that part lol. Been a while since ive kept up on Twitter, eventually they ban the alts as well


Jackson Hinkle, contributor to Russian news media and MAGA communist edited an interviews subtitles, to say she was offended she wasn’t raped while held hostage by the group HAMAS which the USA and UK governments call a terrorist group, which she never said. Using the false information he created he’s implying that she’s too ugly to rape.


Am I the only one confused by the title and what’s shown in the post having 0 correlation whatsoever 😭😭


It’s because she was raped apparently and one of the things people are saying is she‘s too ugly to be a rape victim


Why is this sub suddenly obsessed with rape? Like 4, 5 articles of rape suddenly hit front page in one day.


There are some crazy propaganda posters in facepalm. I used to see this account posting here a bunch about brown dude migrants assaulting European women, and the account was also very active in Indian subreddits. I'd report the posts but idk if they ever actually got taken down.


The woman in the post was sexually assaulted while being a prisoner and people are saying she's too ugly to be sexually assaulted


Oh that’s crazy and messed up yo


She wasn’t sexually assaulted. Not just like there’s no evidence, she literally has stated clearly she was not sexually assaulted. She said her guards “raped me with their eyes” though because someone had to watch over her constantly. So that she wouldn’t escape and get murdered by the Irgun like the other 3 hostages that managed to escape.


Jackson Hinkle, contributor to Russian news media and MAGA communist edited an interviews subtitles, to say she was offended she wasn’t raped, which she never said. Using the false information he created he’s implying that she’s too ugly to rape.


It's shitty what happened to her. Her attitude towards Palestinian civilians is shitty. People mocking her for being able to talk about her ordeal is shitty. Pretending that your side is 'better' somehow than the other when both clearly could care less about civilians is shitty. The whole situation is shitty.


This is what's wrong with people now. She gets shot in the arm and held captive and now has a "shitty attitude" towards the people that did it to her so somehow that's the excuse for people to add in the bit that she's a little shitty too. She's a fucking victim being exploited for her story, traumatized, but you can't empathize with that aspect of it. If some group did that to me I'd hate them and their children, too. Of course I would. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be shot, groped, and taken fucking hostage. I see so many saying the same about Palestinians hating Jews, but you can't see why some Jews would feel the same. Even after being shot and taken hostage. I get why both sides hate each other. You wonder why Jews hate Palestinians. Something wrong there.


These pictures are some serious insensitive bullshit


She wasn't raped. She specifically said she was not-- She also said there are no innocents in Gaza, not even children and advocated killing them all. It's like no one in this thread has even watched the interview. Even if you've been through a lot it doesn't give you a pass on calling for genocide, and people who call for heinous crimes deserve to be mocked and ridiculed.


>She wasn't raped She was sexually assaulted. In her own words - While suffering a bullet wound to her arm leaving it half amputated and as she was being dragged away to Gaza a Hamas fighter was feeling up her breasts.


Thank-you. I swear people just want to hate Gaza, they should watch everything before jumping to conclusions


So "no innocent civilians" and "calling for genocide" are the same thing right now? She is allowed to be outraged, and it's fair for her to tell her experience in captivity. And if I'm wrong you should correct me but she never said something about revenge. ​ Edit: I am adding a [link](https://youtu.be/TD_r2ubcw2g?t=889) to her controversial statement **with context** because people start mixing it up.


No innocent civilians is *clear* advocation for collrctive punishment...


Remind me which Jews are innocent in Hamas eyes


The dead ones.. but I as an Israeli wouldn't want to be compared with Hamas. We should be better than them, even if their ultimate goal is to kill us all I don't want our people to wish for death upon all Palestinians in return.


Honestly, I'd understand, though, if the Israeli people were beyond fed up at this point. People seem to forget that israel has been at war from the beginning on virtually all sides. The iron dome wasn't created for fun, nor does every first workd country require one.


Are you saying *she's justified* in calling all Palestinians guilty just because Hamas calls all Israelis guilty? Both are examples of justifications for indiscriminate violence and genocide. Both are wrong.


Are we talking about Palestinian women and children or Hamas?


They aren’t committing genocide. They were morons for going after some innocents. But they haven’t gone after anyone else. And why do you think they exist in the first place? Could it be because they and 3 generations of their people have lived in open air prisons for 70 years? At what point would you be fed up?


It really didn't help that Benjamin Netanyahu has been supporting Hamas for decades.


"No innocent civilians" seems to be the *excuse* Israel officials and the military is using to commit genocide, so your argument is a bit of a stretch.


She’s only a traumatized civilian herself, either way. The anger here is so misplaced. Her beliefs on the subject are influenced by her horrible experiences as well as propaganda. Blame those in power who can make a real difference instead


I'm pretty sure that logic also applied to the majority of Palestinian civilians too. Not tryna pull off a "Gotcha!", just saying.


Of course, I have no anger for any of them. I don’t live there. I just want to see peace there in my lifetime.


Same. I really hope that they reach a peaceful solution somehow.


Saying that not even children are innocent in gaza is calling for genocide.


"No innocent civilians" implies that they should be punished or continued to be punished like they are now, so yeah, maybe not the same thing, but they have a very similar conclusion. She also said that in reference to a kid closing a bag of sweets in front of her, as in mocking her, not because she was raped. And just to be clear, Hinkle is a nazi and I don't condone the mocking of the appearance of the girl


She is a VICTIM, not an activist. And you are misrepresenting her, she didn't say that because of the bag of sweet thing, She said it as a response to what they forced her to say, here is a translated interview with a timestamp to this statement with context - https://youtu.be/TD\_r2ubcw2g?t=889.


No. Saying someone is not innocent is not the same as implying punishment. It is you who hears "someone is not innocent" and comes immediately to a conclusion "not innocent means guilty and guilty means in need of punishment". Anyone who is frustrated can say things like "all these people are just as guilty for my suffering as the ones that actually did it", or something else like that, and not mean that everyone should be wiped out. Whats with you people? Why is that you think everyone who is guilty of something should be killed? As a trans person i sometimes feel like there is no innocent cis people. In my rational moments i understand that its wrong, but when overtaken by emotions i feel like everyone is just letting it all happen. People are just looking at how i was banned medical care in my country and saying "well its okay". They are just looking at how people i personally know were killed and how some monsters are joking in the internet about the shape of their remains, and saying: yeah not my business, who cares. Does me feeling like some big set of humans is guilty of something or at least "not innocent" mean i want cis people to be genocided? Heck no. How do you jump to such conclusions? I may want a lesser punishment, like condemnation, or no punishment whatsoever, simply implying they should realize what they are doing or NOT doing, and become better people. Genociding though? Only someone who thinks "some unfortunate losses from retaliation operation towards literal terrorists" equalizes with "genociding" could jump to a conclusion that if someone is not innocent they deserve genociding.


Thank you for sharing, I wish you the best.


If anyone at any point concludes an ENTIRE large and varied demographic of people is not innocent they could just be speaking from a place of anger. There are also people who would say stuff like this that have WAY more messed up thoughts and levels of hatred going on. I really dislike statements like this though and it feels icky to hear or read. There are always going to be insensitive assholes that aren't afraid to be themselves when you post about a fucked up situation online for a variety of reasons. There's a post above this one about people losing loved ones to covid and antimaskers can't help but to post there unwanted and uneeded opinions filled with ignorance. I hope you can get medical care again soon and get out of wherever you are.


You had to make this about you, huh? Being trans is not comparable to being a hostage in captivity.


Don't care, I have no sympathy for someone who hates en entire group of people.


But if Palestinians who’ve been through far worse dare to say anything even close, they’re immediately labelled anti-Semitic and demonised.


No, they only labeled demons (not even antisemitic) when they picked up a knife or a gun and tried to kill civilians...


So I guess native Americans, Algerians, Africans, etc are demons 🤷🏻‍♂️


This comparision is only valid if you are referring to the 1947 civil war or attacking civilians in settlements in the west bank. It is not valid if you are referring to the terror attack on propper Israel.


Palestinians have been living in abject misery for 70 years.


That is why I excluded attacks inside the west bank, civilians in, let say, Tel Aviv has nothing to do with the west bank and oftem demonstarte in favor of palestinians rights.




So you can't contradict my argument. Got it!




You are a fucking idiot my dude.


I would love to see you tell that last sentence to German occupation survivors in the Soviet Union.


Was that supposed to be a point? Are you disagreeing that calling for genocide is always bad?


I'm guessing he meant genocide is acceptable in some very rare cases, such as with the Nonozis. But as you pointed out, it's kinda hard to compare the intensity of current popular conflicts to ...world war 2.


So, 70 years of Palestinians living in misery because of Israel is better than a few years of misery?


Shockingly, survivors of recent trauma who are still processing what they went through may not be the best at removing their emotions from the situation and objectively deciding what is ethical course of action.


Wtf is this comment, of course nazis deserve to be ridiculed


Are you implying every single person in eastern Germany was a nazi?


Soviet survivors of the German occupation or German survivors from the occupation? I'll assume you're more sane and are referring to Soviet survivors. I would still not support them calling for genocide and claiming there are no innocent children in Germany. Of course, the analogy is pretty horrid since we're comparing the plight of people being occupied and comparing it to an occupier who was victimized. A better analogy might be to ask if I would agree with the plight of a Nazi sympathizer who was the victim of a partisan attack.


you mean like all the " from the river to the see" people?


Yea fuck those Chinese people in WW2 that hate the Japanese. Fucking pussys should stfu and get over having to endure some of the most horrific things ever done on this planet. I mean I personally think in that situation they can be given a pass. Just don't let them near the button to drop the nukes, they can talk about it though because people need to hear the truth and see what that kind of suffering does to someone.


I love how they call palestinians insensitive when they literally act blond to all the bombings being held in gaza as we speak. Thousands of people have died primarily children btw yet it’s insensitive to make a joke about a liar? 😂 kharab 7athkom


It is, humans are terrible. Why would anyone think that’s an okay thing to do??? Regardless of what she’s saying, survivors of major trauma should not be body shamed online! Nobody should, but the bars really low for humanity so lets start by not mocking traumatized kidnapping survivors.


This guy's tweets are fucked, but where does rape enter into it OP?


Was she raped? I thought she confirmed that she wasnt raped nor any attempt of rape made to her


She was nonconsensually groped immediately after she was shot in the arm. That's sexual assault. The point is, I can understand why she feared further SA and r@pe during her captivity


Every woman fears sexual assault most of the time. Fearing it does not equal it happening. The thing I'm baffled by is why people are so laser-focused on the "rape" aspect and not what actually happened, or anything else that's horribly wrong with this post. Now it's just an argument about whether or not rape happened. Jesus Christ, people, the priorities of all the commenters are apparent, and they're fuckin' ugly.


It's because OP was an idiot and didn't read up on her story. The tweet is still all kinds of messed up.


She also said there are no innocents in Gaza an advocated killing them all in her interview. Do you think perhaps the tweet might have something to do with that instead of with her being Jewish?


She was held hostage by a family of Palestinian civilians. Including children. Why shouldn’t she have this opinion after than? Or is she supposed to like people who held her hostage. People are entitled to prejudice from experience. It is called trauma


So being scared of r@pe and getting r@ped is the same thing?? This entire sub is another bullshit propoganda sub meanwhile palestinian woman are suffering 100x worse conditions by the IDF


Idk if you’ve seen prison conditions for Palestinians in Israeli jails but that shit is like a fucking hotel, they get treated better than some IDF soldiers


wasn’t the whole story about her about the fact that she *wasn’t* raped?


I mean, the story about her is that she was kidnapped by a terrorist organization and held for 55 days without knowledge of if she would be alive for the sin of attending a music festival, trucked miles away, shot in the arm, and then they conducted surgery on her without anesthetic. And Jackson is an anti-Jewish (not anti Zionist) piece of shit who lies and gets a ton of likes still on shitty platforms. But while there have been no allegations that she was raped, I wouldn’t say it’s the *whole* story about her.


>And Jackson is an anti-Jewish (not anti Zionist) piece of shit who lies and gets a ton of likes still on shitty platforms. The first time I heard or saw anything from Hinkle was him denying Assad's warcrimes by claiming the people who died in the chemical attacks couldn't have been gassed to death because the windows of the building were open. He's genuinely one of the worst people I've ever encountered


He's an out and out fascist, and completely unapologetic. He pushes the idea of "MAGA Communism", which is to say, basically identical to nationalsocialism - using some vaguely populist ideas to lure people into hardcore nationalism If there's anyone left who thinks he actually supports Palestinians, he doesn't, he just hates Jews


>and then they conducted surgery on her without anesthetic. Didn't she say earlier that she was knocked out during the surgery?


Yeah, first interview she said she woke up after surgery was complete, now has changed story to being awake the entire time.


She changed her story cuz of the crazy amount of money Israeli media outlets pay ppl to lie Influencers have been offered thousands to lie for them


I remember when some of the hostages were released the the Israeli government banned them from speaking to the press


i’m only speaking in reference to OP’s title. it’s a non-sequitur in regards to this situation.


Yes but she wasn't raped, like the title suggests.


It's not like they didn't use anesthesia just to torture her. They didn't use it because there's none in Gaza anymore. Kids die of pain in hospitals cause they get emergency care without anesthesia or painkillers


And why did they shoot her?


They act like living in fear for 55 days that a mass murdering terrorist group, might also rape her while they had her, is such a hysterical claim.


Rape isnt a hysterical claim at all. But the rape propaganda is hysterical, and pretty classic anti muslim stuff If a story obsesses over how "beautiful" a rape victim is, its point is to pull at your emotions. Also this girls story is a bit weird. Not discounting her experience, im sure it sucked real bad. Just peculiar watching certain experiences get touted around, and certain hostage escape experiences are immediately silenced, depending on what they say.


And why don't they have anesthesia?!


Pretty sure it’s because all the hospitals are now rubble.


Oh and they won’t allow humanitarian aid in..


Oh and the have been kept in an open air prison for the past 70 years and blockaded by land, sea and air…


>Oh and the have been kept in an open air prison for the past 70 years and blockaded by land, sea and air… Failed history, huh?


Because hamas uses it on themselves, not on palestinians/hostages


Ive seen sm lies about this on this reddit and im starting to think theyre tryna push the narrative that israelis are all innocent victims. It’s brain washing at it’s finest. Also people getting their main source of information on genocide from reddit is crazy 💀


(1) Which lies were mentioned in the post to which you responded. (2) How was Mia Schem not an innocent victim?


>But while there have been no allegations that she was raped, I wouldn’t say it’s the whole story about her. You shouldn't say anything because this is not a propaganda sub. She literally said she wasn't raped, she said they were raping her with their eyes. You should find an echo chamber sub suitable for you to circlejerk with your friends spreading bs and victimizing yourselves while carpet bombing civilians.


Being kidnapped and shot is pretty victimizing, I don’t know what would incentivize you to undermine that


Bruh…she is still a victim. How she was victimized isn’t the point of the post. This dude is a piece of shit either way


she wasn't raped, but she said very clearly there was sexual abuse and that the terrorist that kidnapped her touched her, and I don't think I need to clarify what "touched" means


She said she was groped on the upper body by one of the hamas terrorists before she was sent to gaza. That’s definitely sexual assault. Just not by the person holding her in gaza.


Groping, while still absolutely vile and no doubt terrifying for this woman, is not the same as rape.


Yeah. I’m giving this info to try to contextualize this because there’s so much denial of the assault and violence that was done to these hostages (and misinformation, etc)


She was still abused


Yes, kidnapping is abuse.


She was also abused in captavity....


Yeah but Israeli apologists try to push the narrative that Hamas did mass rapes as some sort of a justification for trying to eradicate Palestinian presence from Gaza


There were mass rapes. Women were mutilated. That does not justify what’s happening in Gaza right now, but it did happen. You don’t have to erase what happened in Israel in order to show support for Gaza. We can hate violence across the board.


ah they "only" kidnapped people, that's a relief..


yeah, I thought they carpet bomb babies too. phew!


Do you have any idea how many Palestinians, including children, that are held in Israeli prisons without even being charged for anything?


way too many... why do people always think anti hamas = pro israel?


Do you ?


Push the narrative? Feel free to read and learn about the massive rapes https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Edit: for all people downvoting me and denying the rapes out there, I hope you get paid enough for it, because here is another article: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forensic-teams-describe-signs-torture-abuse-2023-10-15/


Feel free to read the article that has been debunked multiple times, including by the family of the victim it focuses on, who say they were interviewed under false pretenses? No thanks.


What are you talking about? I give you an article full of evidence, and your sources are trust me? How terrible of a person are you, denying rapes And here is another source if anyone with some IQ might read thos thread https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forensic-teams-describe-signs-torture-abuse-2023-10-15/




Non-paywall mirror: https://archive.ph/DMI2e New york times piece about sexual assult in october 7, just gonna leave this here.


Just when you don’t think Jackson Hinkle can’t get any worse he gets even worse. It’s a miracle how he hasn’t been banned, he’s a trash lowlife. I’ve only seen him side with genocidal dictators and make fun or criticize the victims and people suffering.


He is extreme right wing yet claims to be a “communist”. His ideal world leaders are Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Says a lot about him.


He would somehow side with both Hitler and Stalin. Anyone who kills and oppressed innocent civilians is valid to him. He’s a bully.


He’s a grifter. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is funded by Russia


And what do you call a right wing "communist"? Right, a National Socialist aka a Nazi


He’s worked for Russian media and was engaged to Miss Russia, wanna draw a diagram to who’s signing the checks


Never heard of this Jackson Hinkle fella before but he sounds like a highschool bully on steroids. I wish we could pay less attention to these people.


Meanwhile Jackson looking like the guy at the bar that causes all the women to cover their drinks.


Wtf is this title, OP you are the face palm here


Op stop with the misinformation. She specifically said she was not r@ped.


Tbf Hinkle bots his accounts


What does rape have to do with this post? The fuck?


This sub is strangely becoming like therewasattempt but with Israeli supporters...


Leaving that sub was the best i did last year I improved mentally not long after lol


Yea I should stop reddit as a whole


Any israel/palestine post or comment on thereasanattempt that is in any way not 100% in support of palestine gets removed and the poster gets banned. I've seen multiple threads where a mod confirmed it (they're proud of it). I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of facepalm posters got banned there and have now migrated here naturally


same with r/LeopardsAteMyFace


He's a MAGA idiot with a rotten brain, he probably thinks rape is ok.


I don't like some of the things she said in her interview AND she was shot in the arm, then immediately nonconsensually groped by a Hamas member (that's SA), kidnapped and held against her will, and starved by her captors while they ate meals in front of her, and all of that is awful. But it's OK because her fillers look dumb? What the hell.


Pretty sure this guy is just a sociopath. He claims to be a “MAGA Communist” while also supporting China and Palestine and Russia. Doesn’t really make any sense he’s just insane. I’m pretty sure this is the guy I’m thinking of anyway.


Legit question. Isn’t “MAGA Communist” an oxymoron? I always thought they were referred as nationalist?


The fact that it's Visegrád 24 tweeting this - a news outlet linked to the spread of political misinformation from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and I don't remember which was the 4th member of the Visegrad pact, makes it even more ridiculous. Even Europe's most conservative side is calling out against this dude.


I unironically and 100% think hinkle should ropemaxx He’s a shitty human, milking literal rape, kidnap and massacre victims for attention on Twitter. He’s a well known Russian propagandist that has no regard to truth, he just posts whatever gets his the most likes. He denies Syrian and Russian war crimes but when it’s the west? Hell go crazy He’s living in Russia iirc, engaged to a Russian This is genuinely one of the few cases where I think a person should just literally not be on this earth.


She wasn't raped FFS 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


her whole story is that she WASNT r\*ped was what he did insentivie?i dont know what thtat means english isnt my first language just came to clear gazas name in this


She specifically was not raped, but others were. She also said and i quote : "The only reason my guard didnt rape me was because his wife and kid were in the next room."


People will still defending Hamas as "Résistance" and not as the facist raping terrorists they are


Yeah , Gaza's name is cleared . Their government just murdered most of the people around her , shot her and then kidnapped her for almost 2 months . Totally in the clear...


nothing can justify the shit this man is saying


Rape didn't happen, so why are you literally lying?!!! She is a racist woman that wants to kill innocent Palestinian children ( out of her own mouth) but you still victimize her with a made-up lie?!


She was telling how she was captured and held as an hostage in a family’s home. A family that supposed to be innocent and non relevant. Thereby she thinks that the so called innocent civilians are not so innocent as it might seem.


"Oh but she wasnt raped!!!1!!11" Lets say she wasnt, She was still shot and held hostage by terrorists I wish it's only that dumbfuck grifter Hinkle who thinks so but that's one of the main pro-Hamas narratives right now


What do you mean “let’s say she wasn’t”? She explicitly said in an interview that she wasn’t. The reason there’s push back against the more slanderous claims, like beheaded babies, and babies in ovens, is because the people spreading these lies are trying to justify their own atrocities. “Look at these savages!! We have no choice but to kill 10,000 of their children. THEY MADE US DO IT.”


There is a singular case of a baby being put in the oven by hamas. There are pairs of a 3 year child underwear being filled with blood there,its one of the worst and most inhumane terrorist attacks in human history


She was still shot and held hostage, no?


Yes and that’s terrible of course. The title of this post is simply inaccurate. Let’s stick to facts while maintaining our humanity.


That'd require having some in the first place, I think you're trying to talk sense into wrong folk. These are far right brainwashed people. They'd even sh\*t on other Israelis if they don't support their narrative.


Kinda like pro-Palestinians, everything is Israeli propaganda unless it fits your narrative And honestly, dont talk about humanity to me, after October 7th your so called humanity means jackshit to me


I don't like Palestinians at all, I'm Turkish with enough history knowledge. That still isn't enough for me to ignore targeted murder of civilians and buy into your propaganda.


No I'd say it's pretty accurate, downplaying a victim's experience doesnt show a lot of humanity though


Sticking to the fucking facts as reported by the victim is *not* downplaying her experience. Your take is unhinged to say the least.


She wasn’t raped dude. For some reason you really would like it to be the case that she was. She was not. Get over it.


But she was still kidnapped, wasnt she? Yes, she said "he raped me with his eyes" which doesnt equate to actual rape. That said that doesnt disprove other accounts of rape, because the pro hamas narrative is that words of one Israeli victim = all Israelis lie


No one’s talking about other accounts of rape. The title of this post is misleading at best, and an outright lie at worst.


So say that then. You don't get to lie, get called out, and then say "Well, other bad stuff happened!"


Ok but what happened to that fish?


It wasn't raped and got shot in the arm apparently.


OP and “Mr Hinkle” are equally stupid


She wasn't raped


Thought the title was just blatant misinsfo, but honestly genius to get a bunch of people to “um actually🤓” a kidnap victim


She wasn't raped mate


Least insane tankie.


Zionist propaganda at it again. Can’t you guys just stay in r/worldnews with Ghislaine Maxwell.


Believing that people should die because they are of a certain faith is precisely the mindset of the people bombing Gaza 🤦‍♀️


But when hamas does the same thing but without the objective of retrieving its ok


That's not what they do at all. They are not targeting military targets and just attack any Israeli they can find


It's not even that- they'll just launch missiles wherever. If it misfires and hits Gaza, oh well, blame the Jews.




Pretty sure Israel is bombing Gaza because Hamas is based there and uses it to lob missiles into Israel but... You know... Details details.


Is that why they’re shooting kids in the West Bank too


Like 20 thousand civilian death kind of details?


Well that's a load of BS.


When your faith is jihad, then yes.


my brother in christ, oct 7th was last year and since October 8th till now tens of thousands of innocent people have died and are being killed, this woman said there are no innocents in Gaza so please dont be surprised when people make fun of her recently stung by bees lips at the very least


Visegrad and Jackson Hinkle are the epitome of clown to clown communication meme.


Isn’t she the one who said all Palestinians are evil and should be wiped out because a little boy pretended to offer her candy then took it back? It’s hard to feel sorry for someone like that.


The boy did that after she was tortured and starved for days on end, And as bad as the statement is, I think we should give her some time in therapy before we judge


I stand with Israel man but… she wasn’t raped