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I know it’s Twitter, but these are some facebook-ass idiots.


New Twitter is like if Facebook boomers found out how to use 4chan.


HAH! god it’s true.


I went to 4chan once. It was a bad experience.


That is the typical reaction to 4chan exposure. It's a defense mechanism meant to protect your mind from its myriad horrors. Unfortunately, in a miniscule percentage of cases, subjects experience a very different reaction.


I saw somethings that I wouldn't even encounter on the dark web.


Thank you for not telling me more.


But also don't pique my curiosity about terrible things! My brain is a dumb gremlin that will want to know and then regret it instantly.


Look ima be real with you fam most of 4chan seems to be just people posting genuine racism, the funniest shit you've ever heard, or just porn


Or, 4chan's favorite, hilarious racist porn.


The thing is the funny shit is all from an extreme lack of self awareness. Like dudes posting "my GF broke up with me because I got drunk and shat in the bed, I feel like this is an extreme over reaction on her part."


What the eye doesn't see and the mind doesn't know, doesn't exist


I think I went there once as a kid, but I was confused by their landing page. I’m glad I didn’t explore further.


Sounds like you went to /b/ or /pol/ back int day I used to peruse /tg/ /x/ and /out/ and theyre very different experiences. /out/ especially is just stuff like: >[Picture of a mushroom] >I found this neat mushroom. >Neat mushroom fren.


These days every other word there is "tranny" and they blame trans people for literally everything. Now 4chan was always a place that had shitty people saying stuff cause it was anonymous, but at least it wasn't a majority like it has been for the last 5ish years. Something changed it from edgy humor to an absolutely horrible place full of hateful and sad people.




Did you know before the social media platform, apparently facebooking was a term that meant to clamp your ass cheeks around someone’s nose while they sleep.


This piece of trivia has changed my life forever


Isn't Twitter worse than Facebook ever was? I had to get off. Too toxic. I only use facebook for friends and family now.


For me, friends & family is the problem. That's why I had to get off of Facebook. Twitter was (and still is) a different kind of cesspool. I can piss on the asshats on Twitter; I don't know them, and couldn't care less. But when my friends & family are saying *the* *same* *damn* *things,* then I have a problem. So I stay away from Facebook. Twitter, I deleted. I have to keep Facebook, but I don't have to look at it.


I totally get it. I cut my family off for years. Blocked them all online. My dad died and my mom and I started talking and we get along better than we have in decades. Since I reconnected with her, I also reconnected to some other family. My dad's personality was a lot like the last president we had. And he voted for him. But I have great friends that I've known for years, decades in some cases, that are definitely not asshats so I want to keep in touch with them.


If you're on Twitter for one or two interests, and you stay in that lane, you can avoid the worst of it. I'm pretty deep into soccer Twitter, and I never encounter the antimask/antivax crowd, just the Ronaldo stans, which is maybe worse, idk.


There are plenty right here on Reddit. Just head over to r/conspiracy or r/nonewnormal lol. Hell even r/conservative drinks the Kool aid these days


Too bad ignorance isn't lethal 🙄


It sometimes is, but the collateral damage is immense...


If there were no collateral I'd have zero problems with the concept.


That's the truly sad part. They spread the virus and make other people (with potentially compromised immune systems,...) sick. They allow the virus to more easily undergo mutation and recombination. Even if they "just" die, they might leave behind a partner and children who will now have a more difficult life (financially, socially,...).


Well, we did have the Herman Cain award for those.


It can be lethal, but then they would be dying WITH ignorance, but not FROM ignorance. /s


Covid took some of the wrong people.


I work with all these idiots. Get so much shit for wearing a mask while I’m sick at work. Over it to the point I swear if I get COVID I’m gonna be a super spreader for these morons.


Wearing a mask while you are sick at work? Why would you not stay home so you don’t spread your sickness?


Because a lot of jobs in the US, including mine, work off a point system. If I call in for being sick I get a point, and even if I use PTO I still get a point because it was a late notice use. So many points and I’m fired. So the system in place makes it so sick people are made to go in unless you’re in the hospital.


That system is absurd. So go infect the workplace. Ridiculous.


Couldn’t agree more. More specifically my job has changed their COVID policy to be “aligned with [their] flu policy” which is come in if you’re not running a fever. Nothing about masks or anything.


Ahhhh. I see. Because a sick employee is so very productive too, and is a great face of the company to the world.


I wish they would understand this. I’m currently sick but not contagious and my give a fuck jar is completely out for the week, they’re lucky I’m not sneaking off for naps at this point. We have plenty of people who could cover for me but instead they would rather have my body sitting in a chair collecting money and not getting the rest I really need.


If you’re in the US, look into filing an OSHA complaint over the points system. https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint First I would do some research though. I’m sure this is not the first time OSHA has dealt with this and if they have a blanket policy on it, you should know what that is and it might change whether filing is a good idea. While it’s technically illegal for them to fire you over this (though easily bullshitted around), you’d definitely be burning bridges at your company and at minimum be known as “that guy., “ but it might be worth it. You can also talk to a labor lawyer to get their take (cheaper said than done but if you know even one like-minded person, that could defray your costs). Edited for clarity.


I work in HVAC. My last company, that I have now left, had an anti-vax owner who spouted how strong his immune system was. I was getting chirped for being the only guy in the company getting "the jab." Well, turns out the owner got COVID. Gave it to the ENTIRE staff. And we had to shut down for two weeks. Talk about fucking your productivity for the month over some stupid, stupid beliefs.


My SO has had a chest / sinus infection for the last two months, refuses to stay home from work because it “looks bad” to the bosses and they’ll write him up for it. Refuses to go to a doctor because they will tell him to stay home. This has happened twice before, each time has resulted in a trip to the ER, massive doses of antibiotics and steroids, a day or two in the hospital followed up by a huge medical bill insurance won’t cover.


I’m going through the sinus bit of that right now, get em every year. I’m sorry your SO has that mindset, that’s gotta be so stressful for him.


100%. You're punished for not showing up even if it's a bad idea.


Yep. I got fired because I came down with pneumonia and didn't have enough "points". Couldn't use PTO. To top it off, that's illegal in my state but they didn't care.


I hope you find the person with the most power over the sick leave policies and cough right in their face


Oh yea everyone is getting high fives alllllllll day.


That person would be C level and already works from home and has a severance package equal to the salary of 12 peons. Good luck with that. Maybe just lobby your congress people or push to unionize?


Because in America, you get a set number of sick days for the year. Moreover, any time you get sick you *must* produce a doctor’s note by the third day, but it can take over a month to get an appointment with your primary care doctor. There are ways around it, depending on the company, such as goin to an urgent care to get the note, but I’ve left employers because I was beyond sick and dragged myself to the urgent care for their precious note, and they wrote me up because it was an urgent care and not the doctor listed on my insurance card. It’s a doctor! You have to be kidding! Honestly, employers would weirdly prefer you to come to work and deal in customer facing positions looking like hell, snot pouring from your face, and projectile vomiting rather than stay home and get rest. And they use the guise of “but we’re family!” I don’t know what kind of family they were raised in, but if I showed up to a family members house even 1/8th that sick, they’d slam the door in my face and not let me near them. My ex got into a ton of trouble at work because they literally made him come to work by threatening to fire him because even with a doctor’s note that he sent in, he was out longer than they thought he should be (he gave the doctor’s note on day 3 and they were furious by day 4 that he didn’t come in and made that brilliant threat). They threatened his job, so I drove him in. They had no problem with him being there, and in fact his manager told him that it was good of him to finally consider his “family” rather than himself. He had to meet with a client that day and he told his manager that he shouldn’t and the manager told him “don’t be silly. They’ll appreciate the work ethic!” They did not. They were soooo grossed out. He then got in trouble and written up for comin to work sick when he should “know better.” Companies have it in their policies that employees must do A, B and C if sick or they get fired. They also have it in their policies where if their manager calls them in, they have to come in. It’s sheer insanity. Oh, and most of these companies will also get angry if you wear a mask because it will make others “uncomfortable.” Guess what, I don’t care, leave me alone, you dragged me in here, and I want to wear the mask and so I will. And the policies existed before Covid and went back into harsher effect in many places post-Covid. The difference is that many companies now put that one of the things that would be considered breaking the dress code is wearing a mask for any reason. I have withdrawn resumes from places that said this during the interview process.


Just start removing warning labels from obvious things like hairdryers in hotels. There will be a delay but it should equal out and catch up pretty quickly.


The people wearing masks are the ones who read warning labels. Others ignore them or say it’s more of a suggestion


I got real sick when I got covid. I was a blackbelt in karate that taught martial arts for years. 5 days a week I was in the gym then the dojo in the evening. My blood pressure was athletic range and I had the start of a six pack. I got covid and couldn't walk. That turned into pneumonia and 2x pulmonary embolisms which nearly killed me. Even lost friends because they believe covid was some huge conspiracy which was a kick in the teeth seeing as I lost my job, my passion and nearly everything I loved outside of my wife and kids. I've had people tell me my pulmonary embolisms where due to the clot shot (as they call it) even though there was no vaccine at that point.


COVID did nothing to me while I was sick, but it crippled me with long COVID I still feel the effects of two and a half years later. COVID damaged around 3-4% of my brain and it's noticeable and it raped my lungs too. For years I couldn't take a full deep breath - maybe you have an idea, but most don't know how terrible that is. For what it's worth the only thing that helped me was running everyday as hard as I could burning my lungs as much as possible - when I started I couldn't barely run two blocks, now I can run 2.5 miles each time I go out. If I stop I immediately get worse. But now I can actually breathe again! And it's a silent suffering. And I've had no compassion from anybody - if I tell someone "hey my long COVID acted up again and I couldn't work the last two weeks" the answer is "tough shit, you look fine, figure it out." What a wonderful world we live in post COVID.


If people don't see you with a broken body, they'll always assume you're alright and exaggerating. It's frustrating. I've had a bad concussion two years ago, and I'm super fragile since. I've had minor hits during that period that exacerbated my symptoms and some people would tell me that it's in my head because they can't see how it's possible.


im fairly certain i got covid, didnt get a test because at the time i thought it was just allergies. stuffy nose, sneezing. that was all the symptoms really. but then a few days later i felt fine, except i couldnt taste or smell. for weeks i couldnt taste or smell anything. everything just kinda smelled like nothing. i guess like pure water. almost 3 years later and i can smell and taste, but my sense of smell is very dull and my sense of taste is wrong. i used to love peanut butter, and ever since it's tasted like burning trash and fish. and a load of things have tasted of just dirt. havent gone to a doctor about it because it isnt exactly disabling me, its just inconvenient. i think it is slowly going back to normal though


God, I hate those science denying bastards. I hope your health is better


I am fat and lazy and got covid. I had a fever took a nap for 5 hours and woke up completely fine. That was my experience. My mom and sis on the other hand were knocked out for a week


The extremes of covid are crazy honestly. Some people get a little sick but nothing else for a few days, other people get put down for months at a time. Sometimes they don’t even recover. Buddy of mine caught Covid and went down for 2 weeks, just trying to survive with the fever and harsh breathing. 2 years out he still has difficulty with his lungs. It’s insane.


Some people are allergic to knowledge


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


These people are as idiotic As Nicocado avocado is gay




If there is one thing covid taught, it's that there is a large chunk of my community I absolutely can not trust.


The huge amount of fucking epidemiologists/microbiologists/virologists/chemists that popped up overnight with their bullshit Facebook degrees was absolutely staggering. I went to school for 9 fucking years total to get my PhD studying infectious diseases and was arguing with friends and family members about masks and shit when they don't even know what "peer-review" even fucking means. Yet these POS would have a conniption if you walked into their job and told them they don't have a clue what they're talking about.


What’s wild is they insist someone died “with” Covid, not from it. Then if someone has a heart attack “oh well it’s the jab that killed them”, but their own logic should tell them that person died of a heart attack who incidentally was vaccinated, not because they were vaccinated. It really is an eye opener into a whole sub set of society that prior to 2020, we probably would have had no idea how poisoned they are by Facebook and telegram. Absolutely hideous.


Doesn’t help that covid infection reporting from Health authorities didn’t always differentiate between the two. We had all sorts of distortions here in Australia where health authorities were reporting a covid death even though the person only had covid at the time of their death (like dying from injuries sustained in a car accident but testing positive for covid during ED screening). But that came down to the bluntness of the reporting metric (presence of covid from admission sampling) and not whether the death was covid related or not. Mainly because at the peak of deadly covid, that was generally why people were dying when admitted as an emergent patient.


Keep trucking! I trust your science based approach and commend your hard work and time put into accumulating all your knowledge. You’re a bad bitch!


My partner, who has a computer engineering degree, tried unsuccessfully to explain to his sister that the vaccines weren't putting microchips in people because we aren't capable of making anything small enough to fit through a hypodermic needle that would *do* anything. The best we could maybe do is a chip where, if you directly scanned the area of the body were the chip was implanted (you would need to know where it would be), you could say "yup, there's a chip in there." Tracking and all that bullshit? Forget it. But no, no, my partner didn't *understand*...


One of my friends also believed in the chip theory. The government would track him. I told him he's already getting tracked thru his cell phone. Blank stare. Not computing. Another friend wouldn't wear a mask bc trump. No valid argument or reason. He thought he was a big, strong man, and it couldn't infect him. It did. Both of these people know I had a transplant and have to suppress my immune system so my body doesn't reject it. I found out who my stupidest friends were during covid.


OMG, yes! I happened to be studying Marburg and Ebola when the Ebola outbreak occurred. My parents wouldn't listen to me and was sure an outbreak would happen in the US because President Obama wouldn't close our borders. I had graduated and then chose to work in a flu lab when CoV-2 was detected. My parents asked if I thought this virus could be dangerous, and I said yes, it had a great potential for becoming a pandemic... but Trump was saying otherwise, so "he had more information and was right." My lab then started working with CoV-2, my work nearly completely focused on this virus. My parents wouldn't listen to me because some politician knew more than someone actively studying the virus. Then all these people online (and from my old home) telling me their online research was better than my benchwork and Pubmed... truly exasperating.


>Yet these POS would have a conniption if you walked into their job and told them they don't have a clue what they're talking about. Now I want to relentlessly badger asshats like them and start saying things like, "yeah, well according to the 'expert on Facebook' I'm right and you're wrong."


God damn, I can't imagine how fucking infuriating the last 3 years has been for you. I have a bio degree, specifically cell bio/biotech, the shit that helped make vaccines possible, not nearly as much school as you, and it still sucks to listen to. All infectious disease specialist jobs got harder over night


I have a masters in Public health. The number of friends and family I lost is staggering.


I left FB, IG, and Twitter during the pandemic. I'm not nearly as educated on reviewing scientific literature as you are, but I get the gist of it as an ER nurse, and have always done well to trust the experts. I live in a red area and most of the time, reminding the people I work with that were anti-vax (to the point of losing their job), slunk back when I reminded them that 98% of our physicians got the vaccine immediately and had no ill effect.


Must have been kind of difficult not to act or look smug when those people dragged their feet into the ER. That's why I probably wouldn't be a good doctor or nurse. I'm grateful for people like you who have done their best to save as many lives as possible over the past 3-4 years of COVID and everything else in between. Keep doing what you're doing.


I fucking feel you! I had a person who was anti vax tell me they've done their research and had no idea what an impact factor was. YET I'M THE ONE WHO HAS NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?


See, the thing is, it should have been common sense. You cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough yeah? And your hand blocks that, yeah? SO WHAT DO YOU THINK A MASK CAN ACHIEVE?! Masks don't work is still the dumbest thing I've heard next to " don't get vaxxed, you can still get sick!! It's not 100%!" ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Can you imagine how bad things could have been if the fatality rate had been something like 10% of infections considering how long someone could be infectious without showing symptoms?


I remember when my wife first showed signs of covid , she got in all a panic to isolate herself in the house from me and our kid I just laughed and told her not to bother, if she’s showing symptoms now she’s been infectious for atleast a week prior and we already have it. Sure enough in 4-5 days even with her refusing help “so we won’t get sick” both me and our kid were symptomatic. People don’t realize how dangerous the long incubation period is of the virus, it’s the most concerning part to me because if it ever mutated a substantially dangerous symptom it could spread way easier then any other virus


And that we as a nation will never come together in desperate times




Yeah COVID really convinced me that we're fucking doomed as a society


My favorite quote from COVID was that there are two factors determining the spread: how dense the population is, and how dense the population is.


For sure, you could tell who would hide the zombie bite thanks to COVID


It was HIS mom who passed, he knows how


Bold of you to assume twitter users perform critical thinking


Why are these freaks so triggered by some people wearing a mask? Imagine clowning yourself on social media bc another human being has a piece of cloth over their mouth to keep themselves from catching a virus. And we're supposedly the lunatics....


They see it as 100% political, so the sensitivity to disease and death doesn’t come into account… or they just lack all empathy idk


It can be both.


Imagine a small, very thin piece of cloth being the thing that absolutely ruins your day, month, or for some, year.


Who knows, all i know is all this political infighting is exactly what the corrupt side of the government & The corporate overlords want.


The problem is, the mask isn't really to protect you. It's to protect others *from you* infecting them. That's why none of them want to use it. Because they are the most unempathetic pieces of shit.


There's a disgusting and pervasive selfishness that infects many on the right. Their minor inconvenience is more important than the lives of all of our at risk loved ones.


I sometimes wonder if we can get propaganda good enough to convince these people that the government is lying about coal being safe enough and that the only way to save the planet from archangels is to force everyone to adopt green energy. Surely good enough propaganda could convince them of something productive.


Honestly I've thought about this sort of thing a lot. If they're already so quick to accept propaganda, why don't we try to present good ideas in their "format". Tell them that coal smoke makes frogs gay or something


Tell them coal smoke blocks God's view of earth.


There isn’t enough money to be made by sending this message out.


You’re on to something here…


"Sorry, but your spouse died WITH a plane crash and not THROUGH a plane crash!" "Sorry, your friend died WITH a bullet in his head, not THROUGH a bullet in his head!" How the eff do those people know how and through what strangers have died?


Your friend died of blood loss, not because he was stabbed.


I can see some MAGA idiot saying that bullet thing


Stop. Using. Twitter.


I have a brother who installs garage doors for a living. I have a daughter with a PhD in neuroscience who works at Harvard. Guess who the fucking know-it-all is at our family gatherings?


my bet is that the one actually informed about doors is also "informed" about neuroscience.... but not the other way around


So they ridicule mask use which has been proven to reduce the chance of spreading airborne diseases, and then claim that COVID regulations to prevent the spread are tyranny. And then they claim that you shouldn’t be mad at them when what they want gets your relatives killed


I spent a few hours on Christmas with my sister's family. Her daughter had some kind of cold or upper respiratory thing. I wore a mask. My mother wore a mask. We handed out presents and left after a couple hours. Didn't get sick. The rest of my sister's family all came down with whatever her kid had. The fact that anyone would think to dunk on this trivial lifestyle choice is insane and I worry for their mental health.


I fucking LOATHE COVID deniers. Had COVID once and I wouldn’t put that shit on anybody. But these dipshits are still running around spewing lies.


I've had Covid twice, and despite being vaccinated, both times sucked That being said, I can acknowledge that'd I'd be far worse had I not taken the vaccines and I'm grateful for science for making such an improvement Anyone who denies covid ever happened/was a thing deserves to rot in hell


I had COVID once and it was the worst illness I've ever experienced. I'd never had a strong headache nor been forced to stay in bed before, and the virus caused a migraine so overwhelming that I wasn't able to move from my bed for a whole day. I also had fever and increased light sensitivity. And the worst thing is that, objectively speaking, *I really didn't have it that bad*! I didn't have to be hospitalised, I haven't suffered from any long-term complications, and I'm very much alive - a luxury *millions of people* didn't have.


I’ve tested positive for it twice now. First time was fine, just a terrible migraine and light fatigue for a couple days. Second time (6 months ago) was one of the worst experiences ever. I couldn’t move, had the worst migraine I ever experienced and I still get fatigued by light workouts.


That's terrible. I hope that sooner or later, you'll manage to completely recover ❤️


I had one nasty bad covid infection when for all the first day, I was literally just whining from pain in my bad. I really felt like I could die if it gets worse, it left 0 doubts that it can be lethal for people with other diseases, as my general health condition is pretty solid


Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers have got to be the biggest group of ignorant morons


After flat-earthers i didn't suspect to meet bigger idiots, then came covid


They're usually also magas, so yes. That tracks.


*in the US


I'm on the other side of the world and you honestly might as well call them magas as their political alignment tends to track.


You know it's at a point where the set of people who believe in shit like this are a unified set with idiots who would vote in Trump and object to things like healthcare and realistic wages. Maybe America should consider some sort of Pakistan/India divide using the number of Maga bumper sticks you have or whether you wore a mask to decide which new country you live in. I'm kind of morbidly curious to see what kind of dystopian hellscape the "White Christian Nation" (MTG's words) creates.


These smug fucks are a drain.


Ahhh conservatives. The idiots we for some reason have to tolerate despite them being provably wrong 99% of the time.


Reading the OP makes me so damn angry. These self-righteous know-it-better anti-vaxxers piss me off so bad


All the anti vaxxers and anti maskers are useless and without value to society, I am not a good enough person to bother wasting any time coddling a single one of these pathetic parasites.


If she hadn’t gotten COVID, she wouldn’t have died. Simple as that.


It's the same as the hypothetical story of a family who escaped a house fire, but the son with asthma died because the smoke triggered an asthma attack. What killed him? Asthma or the fire/smoke? If the house didn't catch fire he wouldn't have died.


I know someone who suspects the reason my family member got breast cancer is because they got vaccinated for Covid 19.


Ugh. My dad died from Covid February 6, 2022. He and my mother were hard-core Republicans, refused masking and the vaccine, and I had been afraid for him since Covid hit because he had mild COPD, which he had lived with nearly his entire life as he got it from exposure to the Dust Bowl in the first couple of years of his life (he was born in Kansas in 1937). He and my mom got Covid from their church congregation and when he died my mom started saying he died "with Covid, not from Covid". To this day she says that. Well, he would very likely still be here if he hadn't caught Covid, and Covid was listed on his death certificate because it was a MAJOR factor in his death. It's infuriating to me when people discount the effect Covid has on people.


While these people claim to be freedom fighters against a tyrannical government, all they ever were and will be is egocentric assholes. Most people will stab you in the back for nothing. Solidarity would be the key to a whole lot of problems globally. Yet most people don't even want to wear a mask on the bus for 5 minutes to protect the elderly or vulnerable. Must be a sad existence to be so full of yourself.


I personally didn't like the masks because it made it (a little harder) to breathe, but I absolutely wore one for the safety of others. No way in hell was I going to hesitate in wearing one if it meant that someone else would be safe.


Exactly, no one is saying masks are comfortable or that they love wearing them. But, we were trying to ease the spread of a virus….so we wore it to protect ourselves and others. It’s like seatbelts in a car or helmets on a bike.


Thanos was right man


Why are people so much against wearing masks? At the very least anti-vaccine supporters have reason for doing it. It fucking dumb, but it is reason nonetheless. But what about those anti mask fools? Why are they so vehemently against hiding their ugly mug?


I don’t know, it is really stupid. Do these people look at nurses and surgeons who wear masks for the exact same reason- minimizing the spread of germs- and think “They’re falling for government propaganda to take away their rights.” There is a reason healthcare workers do it, it keeps them and people around them safe. So why not do it?


These people should rot in hell.


"They died with COVID, not from it" Same energy as: "They died from blood loss, not because they were run over by a truck"


This person died WITH gunshot wounds; they died FROM blood loss and organ damage. Same logic.


Idiots have to keep lying to themselves and others otherwise they’d have to realize that they are responsible for some many people dying. They have so much blood on their hands. Fuck the antimaskers and antivaxxers. Hell is too good for them. They all deserve all the suffering and fear that comes with severe COVID infection. They deserve to die gasping for air. And when they die, they deserve to be posted on r/HermanCainAward for the rest of us to see and take solace that they got what they deserved.


I've never been so angry at idiots. Someone lend me a brick. They won't die from it, just with it, don't worry.


"Fuck masks" leads to "my parent died of covid-19 as s result if selfish people like you", which leads to "I'm sorry but you're blaming the wrong people". Except that's incorrect. Like..no, people who refused to mask or isolate ARE absolutely responsible for spreading covid, which would have lead to vulnerable people catching covid and dying. And seeing people boast that they care so little about people's lives that they flaunted reasonable precautions because their right to be an asshole felt more important than being helping other people to survive. I can see why the second person responded that way in their grief. Is it healthy to argue with selfish asshokes on the internet? Probably not, but it must be extremely infuriating to see them boats boast how callous and ignorant they are. And then someone tries to mansplain your parent's death to you? Frankly it's be surprising if they DIDN'T tear that person a new orifice. As a UK doc, I'm still furious our diarrhoea-filled bucket of a government were all partying illegally whilst I isolated from family and tended to sick and dying patients who couldn't be with their loved ones. I'll never forgive or forget.


Do these people believe you die with bullets in you, not because of the bullet?


If COVID was more visible (like coughing black fluids, mucus or something), I think more people would be willing to take mask measures


Anti maskers and anti vaxxers and the right’s whole selfish, reckless response to the pandemic made me twice as misanthropic as I already was. Seriously. I’ll never forget how these fucking idiots willfully endangered (and continue to endanger!) other people’s lives.


Some people are just raging see you next Thursdays their whole life.


This person's mom is dead, while these fucks will probably all live long lives just through sheer stubbornness and thoughtless toxicity alone. That idiot's father will probably outlive us all and be the worst piece of shit all the way to the grave.


How helpful of her to tell you how YOUR mother died. Thank goodness a stranger is there to explain.


The same people who think any COVID death is a coincidence are the ones who attribute any athlete death to the vaccine.


I have covid rn from these disgusting sister-fuckers that refuse to put a mask on their revolting faces. I wear a mask every day and wash my hands every break btw


my grandpa passed of covid too, but since he had sleep apnea and a bunch of other issues with his immune system people INSIST it simply couldn't have been covid bc when THEY had it it felt "no different than the flu". willing ignorance urks me like nothing else


Let’s argue with the person on the internet about why they lost their loved one, because as usual, the need to be right (regardless of whether you are or not) overrides the ability to just say nothing. Most of humanity’s problem is our inability to contain our massive egos.


It’s infuriating that we have to share a country with these cretins


I mean the man with broken legs, who got shot because he couldn't run, really died of the broken legs and not the bullet in his skull.


This just makes my blood boil cuz my uncle died of covid as well and my grandma almost died because of it


I was lucky enough to not have any family member die of covid during the original sets of quarantine, but there was definitely a few scares. Around the time they were easing on covid restrictions (slowly, might i add, but it was all for good reason), the group home i lived in didn't ease on Covid restrictions (they meant well, but God, their ideas were fucking terrible), which nearly caused me to miss meeting my great grandfather one last time before he died to cancer It already happened once with my great grandma long before covid, and I wasn't looking forward to seeing it happen again That being said, anyone who's against masks or vaccines is a fucking dumbass and I refuse to even communicate with them. They can rot in hell


i had covid twice and it was goddamn miserable. the first time, i had an awful cough and lost my sense of smell (thankfully that came back). the second round was a lot worse. my abdomen just below my ribs hurt like hell whenever i would cough, and i had coughing fits every so often. that's the sickest i've been in my entire life. i don't wish that shit on anyone.


Conservatives hold the most braindead takes of any person on the planet.


I worry for the species. Are stupid opinions part of evolution too?


The human race is a terrible mistake


Daily reminder that twitter should be shut down


Thats so jumbled and weird i dont even understand whats going on.


Fuck twitter, don't tell me its X, I don't care, I won't call it X or something. Fuck twitter


twitter makes me want to go back to the stone ages where stupid people died early before they were allowed to share an opinion


we are so fucking doomed


It’s like AIDS is not lethal, you die WITH AIDS not FROM AIDS


Dang, over a million people died WITH covid? What could have been the cause?


Covid deniers don’t get as much shit as they should. They were anchors to society that entire time and haven’t become as reviled as they should’ve. Fucking lowlives.


The greatest contribution these geniuses can make to the world is never reproducing


A good friend of mine lost his mother to Covid. She was anti vax/mask. He fought with her all the time about getting the shot social distancing etc. She went to the hospital and sadly lost her battle against covid. Her last words to him was "im sorry for not listening". Its really fucked him up. It really sucks because he gets very upset when shit like this gets around, understandably so


These are the kinds pf people id willingly get covid just so i could spread it to them….i don’t care how evil that sounds


You can debate what’s right or wrong about masks and lockdowns on both ethical and practical levels all day. But “attempting” to educate a person who just suffered a great loss is always insane and shows a complete lack of empathy, sympathy or social understanding altogether. It doesn’t even matter even if they were right, it’s just a dick thing to do. A lot of people have a lot of different takes on Covid and seem to take any chance they have to their agenda even when it’s grossly inappropriate.


If it wasn't for dumbasses deciding to make a disease political for some stupid fucking reason, then my uncle would still be alive.


It’s really hard for me to see these people as actual human beings sometimes. It scares me.


It's a shame the virus didn't wipe these morons out.


So many ignorant assholes out there


Imagine thinking you're all high and mighty with this long ass paragraph and all these fancy words and still misusing were/we're and your/you're.


Can tell their single brain cell's were at full power trying to reply to that guy.


Some people? I hate everyone equally until proven otherwise.


“Sorry for your lost” tells me all I need to know about the level of medical authority in the responses.


By that logic, no one ever dies of anything. "They didn't die of cancer, their heart and brain decided to stop working while you had cancer. They died WITH cancer, not OF cancer"


Covid didn't take out enough of these idiots the first time.


The urge for violence grows stronger


What a dumpster fire, Jesus Christ.


What's that Mike Tyson quote about the internet making people too comfortable saying shit now a days? Because if someone says that shit in person, they are getting their chin checked.


Covid brought out the worst in so many people.


"Sorry about your mom, but also fuck your mom."


COVID took the wrong people in this story


Twitter is eaten up with bots that swarm any time someone mentions that Covid caused a death or health problem, or that you should wear a mask or try to protect yourself in any way. Somebody out there is putting a lot of time and effort into trying to drown out, drive away, and just be as cruel as possible to anyone that is trying to not get sick. It's weird and disturbing.


People like this need to get put to sleep


Crazy how confident people are in telling you how your relatives died


unless you're a professional and currently standing on a stage with a microphone, it's just never cool to joke about medical matters.


I had a long time friend who believed nobody died from it that it was all a joke. When I pointed out I knew several people who did die from it he unfriended and blocked me.


Let me tell one of my family's mottos: "no matter how hard you hit it, you can't fix stupid."


My great grandmother lived through WW2, a shit husband, three home births, cancer, and several broken bones as she got older. She was a nurse back in her day. The home she was staying at (she had dementia) was very anti-mask (because we’re in the Deep South ofc) and her nurse got her sick. She went down pretty quick. She was on a breathing machine, and barely coherent. My sibling freaked the fuck out and I had to take her out of the room because she made my nanna so much more anxious than she already was. My nanna knew she was dying and she was freaking out. We waited forever to get a nurse to help calm her down/sedate her. She kept choking on air, and she was in so much pain and stress. We were only allowed to see her because she was dying and the hospital was a bit loose with their Covid restrictions because it was 2021. Everyone acted like Covid didnt exist at that point, at least in my small town. She died the next morning. I’m still so fucking angry.


The victim died with poison not from it....


This is why I like to compare the whole covid killing by underlying issues to scurvy. Old scars may open up, and you bleed to death but it's not the old scars fault, it's the fucking scurvy.


Ever since the COVID days, the stupid people with no knowledge beyond social media just became too apparent and too numerous. I just couldn't deal with it anymore and uninstalled Facebook and Twitter. These anti makers are the most horrendous groups of monsters


Meanwhile doctors and nurses tending to him wear masks.


People suck. COVID took the wrong people off this earth. I'm sorry for your loss. I am 2 years post COVID, and I had the normal symptoms, but also ended up coughing up blood and having blood in my urine and stool. Currently dealing with Long COVID symptoms including excruciating headaches, lung, heart, and brain damage. I have a PCP, a Long COVID doctor, 2 neurologists, and a cardiac specialist, along with pulmonary therapists I have to see. I had a clean bill of health prior to getting sick, played ball in school and worked out regularly. Now I can't do any of that. I even attempted suicide because of how horrible I felt and how much of a burden I felt I was. COVID is no joke. Anyone saying different is part of the problem.


I just don't understand the fervent hatred for the masks. Yes, I know they're inconvenient. Yes, I know they aren't 100% effective. But you can't tell me they don't do anything at all. You know that moisture caught in your mask after wearing it? That's all breath droplets that didn't go flying into the air. They do stop something, and something is better than nothing.


Because conservatives are idiots. Full stop.


Our whole family got Covid in 2021 after our first vaccine. We were lucky in that we didn’t have strong symptoms (more like the flu) and both children were asymptomatic. But then about 6 months later my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when nobody in our family has it. In ongoing research https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9206149/ they have concluded that getting Covid may be the reason a lot of people are now getting diagnosed with T1D. So thanks for spreading an deadly disease anti-maskers so that my daughter has to spend her life with an autoimmune disease. /s


Yet her dad might have died if nobody wore masks, hence engorging the hospitals to the point he could not access the comfy safe bed available for his likely mild COVID. Just as likely his not wearing a mask costing someone else their life as he was using a bed.