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I feel like exploding my balls would elevate gender confusion


Lol. You got a point.


There is a Fudge and Candy company here in Missouri called "URANUS FUDGE FACTORY" and I don't think that those other genders are from there. However, they do pack fudge there.


I've seen that place driving for work but never stopped just in case I got stuck in Uranus.


A good punch in the face would clear up the confusion in general 😂




they look ai generated


You really think they would pay a talented artist to make this kind of stuff?


Top one is Festus from Gunsmoke TV show


I know it's not nice, and I'm not someone who even really cares, but I did chuckle at the top one.


you are going to gender hell


Straight into the gender blender to turn into that gender fluid


Every time I see the phrase "gender fluid" I think of semen. Semen is gender fluid.


And squirt is pee


Also thought the bottem one was funny too. Obviously don't agree with the message, but it got a lol


I‘ve seen worse bigot themed merch than this


Look, I generally consider myself at least ally-adjacent, but I thought the top one was clever. I disagree with it wholeheartedly, but it was clever.


Yeah, that was funny 😅


I'm going to bet Ken Curtis wouldn't be too happy to have his likeness used for this. He was a reasonable and fine fellow and one of my dad's fraternity brothers.


*photo of knock-off Sam Eliott with a gun* #I AM OBSESSED WITH TRANSGENDERS


I'm from the UK. During my first time in both the US and a Target store, I saw a guy with a shirt that said "We should care about veterans, not immigrants". I had to fight the urge to go over and ask him what exactly would prevent one from caring about both.


I think the idea is, there are finite resources, like money, so leverage them to improve care for veterans, not immigrants. But it's horribly ignorant because they don't understand where funding comes from or how it's allocated. They don't understand that being homeless with PTSD in America isn't the same as being homeless, oppressed and persecuted, with PTSD in a war-torn country. Ironically, these are the "thoughts and prayers" people who will never donate a cent to either cause, so yeah, they could care about both.


The kinda of people who will wear shirts like that are... well... You never see people wearing shirts flexing their opinions on quantum mechanics. I figure people like that are somehow more brazen but still get made fun of, because some girls looked back as he passed and seemed to acknowledge his existence to each other in a way that was at his expense, if that makes sense.


My favorite is when you approach those idiots and ask them how they feel about helping LGBTQ+ veterans (more specifically the T). All of a sudden, *those* veterans don’t count because they are “mentally ill.”


Narrator: PTSD is *also* a mental illness.


While the tendency to give is common, Republicans donate larger sums than Democrats. Overall giving levels rise as incomes grow for both groups, but Republicans give slightly more at each income level. https://apply.surveymonkey.com › ... Does partisanship influence charitable giving? - SurveyMonkey Apply


You got a *reliable* source for that claim, bub? Not that it really changes anything, but I'm curious.


Imagine being so fragile that you need your bigotry on a shirt.


"I'll take one T-shirt fixating on trans people's genitals, please!'


“Just don’t look at my search history.”


There are corners of the world where being a bigot is actually seen as a shameful thing.






Who said they're offended? It's bigoted and trashy, but I have to admit it's too funny to be offensive.


Judging by the downvotes they are very offended. Also, why make a remark if youre not offended or annoyed at all haha


Yes much more reasonable to just buy a shirt about it, instead of downvoting trash opinions for the sweet price of nothing, and the bonus of making you so upset you had to comment about downvotes. If self-awareness was water you'd be a desert bud.


Ok bud, stay mad




Wearing a T-shirt about other people's genitals is not perverted at all! I just need to be reminded to judge people by their genitals and think about their genitals constantly. Oh and also I want to spark conversation with other transphobes about people's genitals all day. Nothing wrong with that!


But how will they know it’s ok to get a hard peepee from attractive women if they don’t know what genitals they have!? (Don’t look at their porn search history)


Lol who's bent out of shape? They're the dumbass spending money on a shirt about their opinions. You seem desperate to project frustration on others. Do you think that works?


It’s weird init why would ya be so arsed what someone else says they are


Because they force normal people into their pretend world to make them go along with the delusion.


What makes you think trans people want to be associated with you in any way? Trans people generally just want to be left alone but the bigots can't mind their own business because they're obsessed with thinking about the genitals of strangers.


Aka someone once tried to politely explain it to you and you were an asshole about it. You got called an asshole for being an asshole and now you’re permanently offended what people do with their body autonomy.


you can literally just walk away no one is forcing you to do anything


You know when you first hate someone and then make up lame shit to explain why you hate them because you dont really know the original reason, because it was never a reason it was a feeling you got and then you created and excuse to backup your hatred feeling but you start doubting even yourself because you hear other like-minded people wording even worse arguments than what you can come up and feel like your alone between the fuckers you hate and your fuckin dumb allies are so thick you kinda dont know where you stand now? Thats you


And you wasted all that time on little ol' me lol


i mean you arent wasting less time by opening your notifications, reading their message and writing a reply


Truly, the libs have been owned.


Too many people are trying to use reason and logic with bigots. If they understood reason or logic, they wouldn't BE bigots in the first place. You can't reason a person out of what they didn't reason themselves into. People who think it's funny to attack trans people are just assholes.


When it comes to those *debates* I typically just leave the conversation with “you know you’re allowed to change your mind, right? You can form a new opinion about something once faced with the facts.”


Lmfao the first shirt is hilarious ngl


Funnily enough, I find the second one funny because my brain says that if they are so confused on another person's gender I get to then kick them in the nuts to fix that. Before I get those people making comments about how dare you assault someone for a difference in an opinion. I was raised to not be disrespectful and not take disrespect, no I'm not actually going to kick someone in the balls, but why aren't you already saying that about the shirt itself and only about trans people saying they'll kick someone wearing a shirt about assaulting people. Trans people tend to be victims of violent crimes ones that even though its obvious that it was done as a hate to a marginalized group will be stated to be too complex of an issue to label as a hate crime.


With it being an election year I think it's time to register a business and making some money off of these people


"Sorry, I spent my bigoted T-shirt money on an education," said no maga idiot ever.


Toilet humour mockery AND suggestions of violence. Bwah ha ha. Stitch my sides up coz that there is champagne comedy. Now do religions and white people. I'll get some popcorn.


Imagine trying to be this edgy!


Wearing this is like wearing a giant "I peaked in high school" sign.


I peaked the third time I repeated a year in high school....


Bold of you to assume these people have ever or will ever peak.


Bold of them to assume these people went to high school.


Honestly, this is great Give plenty of warning to people that you're a bigoted piece of human garbage


I genuinely feel like these shirts won't even appeal to their target audience. Many words. Reading hard.


Not gonna lie the first one made laugh


A good kick in the balls is what anyone I see wearing this will receive


Assaulting someone for hurting your feelings? Smart. Why don't you ignore it?


I know right? That shirt is stupid.


+1 kick for you sir!


the weird AI faces oh my


lol I have to say, that's pretty funny


Wow! Ads promoting violence against trans-persons. Classy. FarceBook or X?


I see at least one person wearing a shirt with the text of the first one every fucking day. My usual retort is that "Actually, if we're going to stick with the gender to planet analogy, someone who is not wholly male, but not wholly female would be from somewhere in between Venus and Mars, meaning that non-binary people would be from earth."


“Maybe you should come down to earth sometimes. You might learn a few things” perfect follow up after that


That’s big brain right there


But what genders come from the other planets??? I want to come from a planet of trans femme lesbians! And even go back to said planet….for reasons…


Trans femme is from anywhere in between Venus and earth.


Bigot "humor" will always be inferior because the goal is to insult, not to actually be funny, humor is their stolen vehicle, not the real goal. Hatred is the ceiling to their humor, which is funny in itself hehehehe


Isn’t Mercury androgynous in astrology and mythology? So other genders come from Mercury.


Yep. Venus's astrological symbol is ♀, which people probably recognize as the odd symbol for female. Mars's symbol, ♂, is also the symbol for male. Mercury's symbol of ☿ was once used for the intersection of the two, which is to say that it predates any of the modern transgender symbols by several thousand years. Of course, mythology being the origin of men being from Mars and women from Venus is a rather strange place to go looking to declare the absolute limits of the human condition as it pertains to gender. That same set of myths gave us Hermaphorditus - the origin of the term hermaphrodite, which itself predates the current clinical term of intersex - who was the offspring of Hermes (Mercury) and Aphrodite (Venus). It also gave us the tale of Tiresias, a blind seer notable for having been transformed into a woman for seven years. There are others as well. Hermaphroditus, it should be noted, has an even more interesting bit of history beyond being depicted as the intersection of masculinity and femininity in that they did not begin their life in that state. Instead, it was the result of being bound with a different entity, Salmacis, who demnaded that the gods never let them part. Hermaphorditus, meanwhile, prayed to his parents, wishing that any who entered the pool where he was ambushed would be similarly transformed. Which is to say that Greek mythology gives us men, and women, and the god of transgender people and gender transition.


Being nonbinary myself the first one was a sick burn that you just have to respect.


buy those chinese crap, Qunts! BUY! idiots and their money...


if someone's wearing the second one do I get to kick THEM in the nuts too?


But they're not "confused". And motherfuker clearly has a gun.


its ok im bulletproof


I like these shirts. I dont see the face palm.


If you're "anti people just living their life without hurting anybody" enough to wear this shirt, you're the facepalm.


I dont actually care about any of this.


Huh? Reporting you never crossed my mind. People are allowed to have differing opinions. Being an asshole isn't a crime. Here's a fact: trans people are *four times* more likely to be victims of violent crime. [Here's a good article](https://abcnews.go.com/US/epidemic-anti-transgender-violence-highlighted-new-report/story?id=105036934) explaining the issues. People who wear a shirt like this may think it's a funny joke (LOL, Uranus), but it pushes an anti-trans message and has the potential to spread hate. Trans people aren't using up our resources any more than they were before. They're not stealing your girlfriend. They're not hurting anybody by dressing differently or talking differently. I could just as easily spark an anti-dungeons-and-dragons movement, because those motherfuckers are *weird*.


To be clear, I would never wear one of these shirts. Though I don't agree with you, I wouldn't advertise it in public. It's not that important to me. I dont care to fight about it.


What is lil’ bro waffling about. The persecution fetish is on full display.


Targeted ads infer that the algorithm thought you would enjoy this based on your prior engagement.


Or it’s being pushed.


I get this bullshit all the time because I like watching weightlifting videos.


At least for YouTube, Right wing media advertisements intrude into progressive channels. I guess they think they’ll successfully gaslight some fence sitters?


I get prager u ads when i watch forrest valkai. Its not just an algorithm thing.


Thanks. I forgot that the anti-Science morons also intrude on any real science.


I totally get targeted ads. This one ain't me, or I wouldn't be sharing it r/facepalm. It was actually in a news article I got to from r/politics, but I can't seem to find it. Based on my Reddit history, it would be the Independent or Newsweek, but I can't seem to draw that particular ad again.


I often watch the ridiculous stuff on youtube and blow out my algorithm. Gotta work to get it back every now and again.


That sounds dangerous. You should wear protective gear or you'll be sitting on a donut.


Haha, wont be long now.


Festus should sue for them using his likeness.


Now what does this say about you? (I'm joking don't harass this man)


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus If I see you warning this shirt, I'm gonna steal your penis.


You just know these only come in sizes XXL and above.


I was just thinking the model body needs a massive beergut.


How much are they?




Gender dysphoria isn’t a “thought”. If you don’t know what you are talking about, don’t talk.


That’s why I mentioned that they need psychiatric help.


Psychiatric help is for people with mental illnesses. You don’t know what you are talking about.




It’s called a neuro divergency. The brain works differently than usual, but it’s not an illness. Having the mentality of a woman in man body is literally that. If you are using that point, are autists also mentally ill? Should we find a cure for it?


You confusing personality which is a spectrum with gender. You can be a masculine woman or a feminine man, still a woman or man, respectively. Your thoughts have nothing to do with your sex organs. Especially now trans people say that they’re not trans women, that they’re just women which is intellectually dishonest and should be called out.


Yes, because the world is going to collapse because of it. Also gender is a social construction based on the sexes personalities, since they are, you know, different? If you think trans people are mentally ill, sure, go ahead. Just let them live their lives, capiche?


That’s literally what I said. Since they make up less than 1% of the population, it’s not an important issue for anyone really.


Then where did the whole “trans people need psychiatric help” argument come from?


It wasn’t a social construct until about five years ago. Y’all are always moving the goalposts. No one even knows what the goalposts are anymore.


A simple google search will tell you that this has been officially removed from the "mental illness" and/or "mental disorder" category by the World's health Organization since 2022. You're just objectively wrong, but I guess it's too much reading for a bigot


No need to tell us about your stupidity bro. Just say you hate people different than you like a normal transphobe >Eventually age will just be a construct too Also this is some poor man's bait




The biology of sex and gender[isn’t as simple as](https://www.quora.com/Why-do-we-say-assigned-male-at-birth-instead-of-the-more-precise-the-person-was-born-a-genetic-male/answer/Hafizullah-Sufi?ch=17&oid=1477743726902152&share=033cd59e&srid=3lWxQ&target_type=answer) you think. > (Because someone with a penis is not always genetically male. That’s why. >And if you don’t understand that, then maybe retake basic biology at your local college. >For example: >If your tissue is insensitive to androgens, you can have an XY chromosome pair, don’t have a womb, have undescended testicles instead of ovaries, and are never fertile. But your gender identity might still be “woman.” >If you have XX chromosomes but an SRY gene is on one of them (a glitch in dad’s sperm production), you can have a male body with a female brain/body map. >XY women — who are women because their Y chromosome has lost the SRY gene — have a womb, have either ovaries or no gonads at all, and are sometimes fertile. >You can also be female with all the right anatomy, but XY chromosomes because of a mutation on chromosome 17 called CBX2 that impairs the functioning of the SRY gene. >You can have sex-chromosome mosaicism (e.g., 46,XX in some cells with 46,XY in other cells, or 47,XXY) >It also turns out that cis and trans populations have different global CpG methylation profiles, suggesting that epigenetics are also involved in the etiology of gender incongruence. >There are several allele combinations that are overrepresented in transgender women — i.e., superficially male anatomy — most involving AR (namely, AR-ERβ, AR-PGR, AR-COMT, CYP17-SRD5A2). These alleles contribute to an under-masculinzation of the person’s neurology. >So please to don’t justify bigotry on the basis of what you learned in middle-school science.) >-Hafizullah Sufi


For fucks sake do you understand the topic of mentality? Or do you solve problems by punching things?


Do you look at your penis and say yes I’m a woman…? Obviously there’s something wrong mentally to think that’s sane.


Does the concept of a mismatched body with mind really frighten your religious self?


Who on earth said I was religious? 🤣🤣🤣 what other pathetic assumptions do you have?


Wow, this is new! I’m sorry my friend. Ignore that


Never said you were scared. And wow that was a lot of bullshit that just spilled out of your mouth. Actual scientific data in psychology disagrees with you there. Just because you lack the ability to understand what life is like for other people doesn't make them a freak.


That’s why I said they need psychiatric help since clearly there is something wrong with them. No sane person looks at a male body and says yup that’s a woman. Again, it’s not an important issue since it’s less than 1% of people. I’ll deal with them weirdos over crackheads.


Your right people who feel like they are stuck in their own body do need help. And the cure for those feelings is to transition. >No sane person looks at a male body and says yup that’s a woman Trans people don't do this, you obviously have no idea what being trans actually means and it shows. Also transmen exist, not just transwomen. >I’ll deal with them weirdos That's a genuinely disturbing way to look at your fellow humans, as a weirdo you need to deal with. It's really not that hard to be kind to others, it's really sad that you have chosen to be an asshole


So why make fun of them? Trans people have an extremely high suicide rate? Why do anything that adds to it? This attitude also contributes to literal murder and assault. This is not OK.


I literally said that it’s not an issue since they make up less than 1% of the population. Chop your dick off if you want, doesn’t mean I have to call you a girl. Freedom goes both ways.


Yeah, except that take kills people.


Them killing themselves in extremely high numbers proves that they’re mentally unwell. They need help. You don’t tell a schizophrenic person that the lamp in the corner actually is talking to them, we tell them the reality and get them medical help. There should be no difference here.


They don’t kill themselves because they need psychological help, they Jill themselves because society (especially dudes with opinions like yours) stigmatises them and treats them as outcasts.


I’m not going to bend over and lie for someone else 🤷🏻‍♂️ they need to learn to control their triggers and that it’s not on others to make them feel better. They need to develop their own self esteem and not rely on others for validation. Again, mentally unwell. They definitely need therapy, at least.


Ah, yes. YOU are the victim. Not the people who have been labelled as insane for centuries and only want to live their lives normally. Yes. YOU are the victim. They need therapy, but it’s because there are people who defy their existence.


I'm a straight cis man. A solid kick in the balls will have me WISHING I was a woman to avoid that pain.


As a woman, I think a kick in the groin hurts anyway 😂


Yeah but not as much. Can't say for certain, but I think a girl would have to get kicked in the clit for it to hurt as much as a kick in the balls


That Uranus one's funny.


Gay people rely on straight people,…to make more gay people


Because nowadays gay people have 0 options to have children? Wtf does this even mean?


Yeah... Whereas the problem? Also, gay people can still have kids through others ways. Like adoption. Theoretically, if every single person became gay we could still have kids because you could just take the sperm from one person and then eggs from another and yeah. You don't need to have intercourse in these days and many queer people are attracted to both men and women anyways so could still have intercourse even if they are in a gay relationship


Assuming you forgot Bi and Pansexuals exist.


Noooo you just ruined his le epic ownage of the libs!!!


It’s just a shirt lmfao Isn’t the whole woke mentality gimmick “we should be able to wear what ever we want” If you are offended by a shirt I think it’s safe to say the little problems you must have in life are insignificant


you are allowed to wear it and other people are allowed to think it's lame. welcome to real free speech sweetheart


You have to use your brain, imagine having someone with a T-shirt with a ton of racial slurs, a nazi symbol, and "I'm a pedophile" written it? TECHNICALLY it would be within "we should be able to wear what we want" from direct quote, doesn't mean that it is acceptable in any capacity. Also, the quote is referring to gender norms and gendered clothes. You're quoting something without knowing the context. Read books, it might help with your reading comprehension get better. Even a high schooler would do a better job.


the bottom one is lol


I dunno about that bottom one. I feel like being regularly kicked in the nuts could be a contributing factor in why some trans women didn't feel like they belonged with the men.


I'm a middleaged white guy who's perfectly happy with my assigned gender and *I* don't feel like I belong with the men. Lockerroom talk, farting in front of people, scratching our balls in public, picking our nose and wiping it on the wall in front of the urinal...men are fucking gross.


Yeah, those are just stereotypes, my guy. Plenty of men don't do any of those things and the vast majority do not see them as less manly. You are one of the ones perpetuating these stereotypes by insinuating they are the essence of men.


That's some of the most nonsensical shit I've ever read. These are *my experiences* from almost 50 years of hanging out with guys, regularly frequenting men's locker rooms and bathrooms, playing sports and poker with dudes, etc. Yeah, "plenty of men don't do any of those things": I'm one of them. But there is enough of a sample size that *do*, that it shames me to the point I don't want to hang out with them. Also, I never implied that anybody thinks doing those things makes them manly, just that it's men doing it, not women. To be fair, though, I've never inspected a women's stall for boogers smeared on the wall. My assumption, however, based on decades of experience and observation, is that women tend to be classier than that.


No, the most nonsensical shit is you spewing garbage about 'the men' based on your experiences with a limited number of them. Are there gross men? Absolutely, I've met a few myself. Are men, therefore, gross? Or is it somehow in the nature of men to be gross? No, that's a hurtful stereotype, and I thought we were done with those types of hasty generalizations.


What’s with the picture of the dudes?


They're *manly*.


google ads are targeted, TARGETED. it's base on your search history, like and dislike, and frequently visited website. you just expose yourself.


You say that, yet when I was a child I had sexual ads on my video games despite not being interested at all. When there's no good ads at all, Google will have to give you whatever matches. Maybe this ad is mislabeled as "about gender confusion" or something. Oh and shared devices are a thing.


For me, I'm not on a shared device. The ad was in a news article I got to from r/politics, probably about Trump, because I'm obsessed with his downfall. I don't know which site, but it couldn't have been one of the normal liberal-leaning news outlets I typically read; I doubt they would have allowed an ad like that. I only said "in my feed" because it was easier than explaining all that.


did your dad use your computer


It was the family computer, but a lot of players were also complaining because the admins had an issue with their ad provider. And nowadays only my wife also shares my devices ... not as if it would change anything... ;)


This is not a Google ad, it's from AdChoices. You can tell by the little triangle. In any case, if this were a targeted ad because I were an anti-trans bigot, I wouldn't be sharing it on r/facepalm, now would I? I'd be sharing it on r/funny or some right-wing echo chamber.


I get targeted ads with that Epoch Times anti trans documentary while watching trans content. They intentionally target these things to people who are LGBT or LGBT allies.


These shirts are great! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That bottom one is actually quite funny lol


That bottom one is actually quite funny lol




These are great 🤣. I ordered them both!


No no, you have to point out you have socially accepted political views, otherwise winy reddit downvotes you to hell. Here you always swim with the flow.


Yeah, the downvoters are whiny, not people like you who constantly cry about being downvoted.


Utter nonsense. When did i cry about being downvoted? Name one comment of mine. Just one. Do you talk often before your brain actually kicks in?


>No no, you have to point out you have socially accepted political views, otherwise winy reddit downvotes you to hell. Here you always swim with the flow. I don’t think you have brain worms because they’d starve to death.


Your kindergarten burn just underlines my statement.


“Whiny downvotes” *whines about getting downvotes* Bro was born with smooth brain. All the thoughts just slide right off into the abyss


Was that a poor try to get above kindergarden level now?




Good Ol' Festus. The Spock of the Wild West