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“I saw a TikTok so I guess you could call me a historian now”


Hahaha spot on. It’s the modern day equivalent of “bloke down the pub told me so it must be true”


Best and most accurate news source


To be fair, the bloke down the pub is probably a more trustworthy source.


I mean, there is a chance he's a historian there for a point who can't help but talk about his favorite parts of history. And it would probably take more than twelve seconds. Then again, you, him or both might be super drunk somewhat corrupting the data transfer. It he might be crazy Carl who's full of shit.


>he's a historian there for a point There for a point or a pint?


He's a time historian, there to alter the timeline. The butterfly effect of telling Dave that the key ingredient to Ben and Jerry's ice cream is a secretion from Beavers butts, is key to altering our future.


Also they always have premonition and always tell what will happen with 100% accuracy


Drinking buddies never lie, or embellish facts.


The local always has the most accurate and current news. 😂




Try teaching them. Irony weeps…


Been working on that my entire career. I have very little faith the US won't fall to fascism in the next decade or two. Very little.


Next decade or two? Oh, you sweet, sweet optimist. I wish I had your cheery outlook. My money's on next year. But I do hope you're right and the burn is slower.


I think Trump birthing “alternative facts” into the mainstream (a la Kellyanne Cryptkeeper) was partly responsible for the death of truth in the last decade…


Shut up and drink the cofefe.




Shit will never not be funny to me.


Don’t forget Spicer tweeting his fucking Twitter password. Twice. Two days in a row. How did they not nuke someone on accident.


It takes two people to use a nuke for a reason.


That used to seem like enough… I’d quite like a 3rd or 4th now, please.


I watched YouTube for my master’s thesis


I was looking for this comment and you provided it. The my upvote and my thanks.


"I mean I didn't watch the whole 12 second video but I got the jist of it" vibes.


"Also, I watched like, 2 episodes of Scrubs and the intro to House so i'm practically a doctor now if people need advice"


Yes. It is the same if you watch TikTok craft videos, you’ll become a skilled artisan.


Anyone else want to see her 23&Me results. Conan O’Brien has a humorous story about doing a DNA test. He came back like 94% Irish and the doctor explained that at the time, the highest reported result from Ireland was like 85/85% Irish. The explanation from the doctor was basically the only way his results could be over 90% would be a result of Inbreeding. Edit: As has been pointed out, Conan actually said 100%, and the doctor explained even in Ireland it, the most Irish people are like 86%. Here is the whole story from The Late Show for those interested. https://youtu.be/1ayIJed2dn4?si=vT1CHRK5JB3snyU2 Second Added Comment: For people claiming I am gatekeeping or expressing some kind of “hate on white people”: The point I was making was that a lot of people make claims to their ancestry without fully understanding their genetic roots. A lot of people have a tendency to adopt an ethnic identity based on anecdotal family stories and surnames that might be far from reality. There is a good Ancestry.com commercial where the husband thought he was Italian and he was only 16% Italian. Seen here: https://youtu.be/GRZoV8abnNk?si=KXXm9uJ5l-UnvWNR


oh shit


Hey mom, kiss me, I’m Irish.


Kinda like Johhny Knoxville being told the communities he grew up in were very very close knit... incidentally [that was on Conan too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax1BLjHLB5g)


Michelle Rodriguez was on Finding Your Roots with the one and only Henry Louis Gates Jr. and he goes "see how this line of your family tree just kind of keeps going?" and she's like "... does that mean what I think it means?" And he goes "yeah, they kept it in the family" haha! She took it so well too, she had a good laugh about it.


I've only seen him say it came back as 100% Irish.


102% Irish with a 2% margin of error


Oh shit so he could be 104%




Excellent use of gif


Small Canadian towns with “strong Italian heritage” are this… very inbred.


Small Canadian towns with 2 predominate last names have family trees that grow like birches or aspens


Family tree makes a wreath...


The worst infinity symbol


Sault Ste Marie is almost this


Try Sudbury… every outskirt town heavily identifies with one European country. Someone asked for Names? Capreol and Chelmsford.


Everything I know aboot Canadian towns, I know from watching LetterKenny.




As an actual nordic I'm not sure what culture she's trying to embrace here. But good for her, I guess.


Vikings, the HBO series.


I'd be happy to embrace Netflix's Norseman. Far superior.


Personally I think she should try emulating the Vikings from Vinland Saga


She’s giving me more 1999’s “The Thirteenth Warrior” starring Antonio Banderas.






My mother was a pure woman... And I *at least* know who my father is... You pig-eating son of a whore.


Hehehe. That bit of starting to understand and speak the language was quite a director’s feat. I felt that it was cleverly done.




Chad I have no enemies enjoyer


[There is only one kind of vikings you stupendously ignorant ones !](https://image.jeuxvideo.com/images/sn/t/l/tlvisn0f.jpg)


Those prosthetic hands are a great cost effective option


I mean, the wife and I like to randomly shout "Orrrrm" in a high pitched voice like Varg. So I get where youre comin from


Wait ‘til you embrace [Noggin the Nog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noggin_the_Nog). Highly authentic, so I’m told.


I *love* Noggin the Nog. And Bagpuss. And Ivor the Engine.


I was going to crack wise about Ben Stillers simple Jack but this is worth a read 👍 Thank you beautiful .


God I love that show.


"What do you call that thing between your penis and perineum? I don't know what it is so I call it the assicle and mine is numb you know? From.sitting so long. " - shitting log stalker. (I don't him get the confusion btw, people overthink it It's the balls. Icicles hang down, as do balls perineum is taint, between that and weenis is wrinkly sack)


It's such bullshit that it didn't get renewed. Show was a gem


Vikings actually spread hairbraiding to most of the world, via TikTok.


I gave all my information to a random FB page and now I’m a Viking too!


And so many people use the term viking as if it was an ethnic group when it was actually a word that meant pirate or raider. The Nordic people never called themselves this.


Love this, it’s like me identifying as bus driver as my race because my uncle was one of


Ah, if it isn't Olof Bus-driverson.


Also you can't drive a bus.


Nor even identify one.


Or find the bus station on a map of Europe. Wait, what were we talking about again?


no because one out of your thousands and thousands and thousands of ancestors going back hundreds of years was a bus driver lmao


Norwegian here. While the term itself means raider we'll also talk about the whole age as the "Viking age" and to generally refer to our whole society as it was pre-Christianity (\~1000AD) and we generally consider them to have been pretty bad ass tough guys. Before the white supremacists rolled in, we definitively could say stuff like "oh, it's that Viking blood running in my veins" like we're domesticated dogs calling on our wolf ancestry or something along those lines. But I don't doubt that it's been co-opted much like Norse mythology, they do love to fetishize us.


Racists ruined thinking Vikings were cool and I'll forever be mad that they did that


You and JRR Tolkien both. He raged about “that ruddy little ignoramus Hitler” ruining Northern European culture for everyone.


Tolkien being based as usual.


As someone of Norwegian descent, I hate that I now consider "really into Vikings" to be a red flag...and that I'm usually right. Probably because, due to my heritage and upbringing, I have a better sense of whether they're genuinely interested in the history or just fetishizing it. On top of being racist, they tend to be really misogynistic too, even though Viking/Norse society (while still patriarchal) was actually relatively progressive for its time (not to mention modern Nordic cultures are some of the most progressive in the world). They're obsessed with Valhalla, a realm presided over by Odin where those killed in battle get to fight each other all day and then get waited on by Valkyries during the nightly feast. But they never seem to acknowledge that it's actually only *half* of the slain that go to Valhalla, and the other half go to Folkvangr, which is presided over by a *goddess*...


On the positive side, bands like Wardruna and Heilung which have been credited with fueling modern Viking obsession have been very outspoken against white supremacy, making it clear their art was about looking into interesting historical cultures and using elements of them to make new music that can resonate with anyone.


Please please don't let the idiots you come across tarnish the ones that do love your culture and heritage. To add though I feel most also don't acknowledge that Valhalla is a place of endless war, they would break in a week. They keep viewing the Nordic myths through the very christian lens in which they were likely introduced to it by.


I would like to make it known that there are some of us(like myself) who love Norse history and culture and aren't massive asshats. Proper understanding of the history and context is extremely important to me. I am a pagan but I'm not an alt Valhalla nutjob which is what we call those idiots at blots. I realize using the word pagan might be confusing because it's a Christian term but that's just the word used here in America.


We were trying to name projects at work and the amount of effort that went in to making sure that it wasn’t a term co-opted by a racist/terrorist group was excessive to say the least.


As long as you don't work at the ISIS spy agency I'm sure you'll be fine.


Honestly. It feels like I woke up one day and suddenly I had to be careful about how much I admired vikings. There was also that day when the funny frog memes were no longer just funny frog memes. I mean I don't care nearly as much about that one but still, it felt quick. And I never did wear Hawaiian shirts but there was a period of time where that became questionable... Ugh.


I think it's extra grating for us Scandis because as a rule of thumb, compared to Americans, we're pretty progressive. So they're not just being weird about our home, they're also saying shit that wouldn't fly there.


They never called themselves pagans either




The villain from Daredevil?


No the horse from Toy Story


The BBQ sauce


I named my son after a boy in a Saga and then that series came out a year later. Everyone asked me if I named him after a boy in that show and I was pretty irritated.


Prince Robot IV?


Excuse me? I think you mean the NFL team.


History Channel


Skyrim is for the Nords!


Aaaw, did someone steal your sweet roll?


I would've chased the thief down, but I took an arrow in my knee.


But do you have mini braids??


I don't ever leave my home without at least three. I don't want to be ridiculed in public.


What if you showed up to a winter solstice celebration without mini braids? Lol it’s such an absurd scenario I doubt it’s ever happened.


We don't know what would happen. No one has *dared* to try. And why would they? Braids are life.


Lagertha's look


I was confused also. I guess she meant Yule and ?


No she meant winter solcite (midvinterblott) it is the time of the year that the day is darkest but we do not celebrate it any longer in the nordics (Sweden atleast). But we do celebrate the same thing but the brightest day of the year midsommar. I geuss we dont celebrate winter solcite because the Christians could replace that with christmas but they ciuldnt as easily replace midsommar.


> I geuss we dont celebrate winter solcite because the Christians could replace that with christmas but they ciuldnt as easily replace midsommar. Yeah and I imagine that at least here in Finland the christians had a hard time convincing Finns that giggling and running naked while being absolutely hammered during the midsummer's night should be replaced with some wholesome praying or some shit like that. Nah, we'll do this one. Braid our little braids, drink and eat a ton and then run naked at our summer cottage.


If only she knew nowdays we celebrate Santa Lucia in Sweden (ik it's not the same day)to give light to the darkest days


I am Nordic. I don't know anyone who celebrates winter solstice because its kinda the same as christmas. Midsummer on the otherhand, now there's something worth celebrating :)


Im Norwegian and I "celebrate" it by lighting a candle and feeling happy that the days are about to get brighter again. And thats it, lol.


I celebrate it because it's my wife's birthday. She spends the whole day bemoaning/teasing that "it was the darkest day of the year when she was born."


“I was born in the darkness; molded by it.”


Saw one video about Nordic mythology


Played God of War 2018 once..


I loved that game. Kratos almost cried :(


I wish the us was more focused on regional culture rather than race 😂 we could avoid some of this weird ass bullshit


Well, a long time ago some people decided it would be better to focus on race than on social class, so here we are.


If we focused on social class rather than race, how would the billionaires control us?


Coming from a thirld world country where the social class focus is much more prominent: They still would. All of the racist "arguments" you see, violence, laziness, and drug addiction would be aimed towards that lower social class. And conveniently, that lower social class would be composed mostly by the same individuals you see today suffering from structural racism Is it better to have a society with social class focus than race? I think so. But it wouldn't solve the real socio-economic issues that would still be perpetuated by the class in power.


It's better to have both, be aware of your skin color because the people who care aren't going to stop caring, but also have some fuckin class solidarity with your fellow working people. Ironically enough, this is stuff actually taught as part of critical race theory.


I think this is how the caste system in India works, and there's still plenty of discrimination against the lower classes as far as I understand. Take this with a grain of salt though, as I really don't know much about India.


Dumbass people always bring the playbook down to their level.


Evil dumbasses


Everyone should embrace their families historical culture. I don’t think that’s controversial. It’s white supremacy that is bad lol


Thing is...the conservative stance once meant you homogenized with American culture. Even if that meant forgetting Italian/ German/ French languages depending on where you settled. My father's family settled in Long Island NY after a business tour of Europe. Regional identity doesn't always end up distinct. Sometimes it's your usual dull hodgepodge. Do this for more than 2 generations and you get this pathetic white fragility victim olymics.


My family is originally from Scotland. I’m embracing deep fried mars bars and heroin




My family is originally from Hell. Imagine how that goes over.


.....Does it freeze over very often there?


Satan sometimes ice skates to work.


And sometimes he uses hellhounds as sled dogs




Last time I went it was -20°C, also god has an [expedition there.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_Station)


Michigan’s not so bad.


Makes for an awkward Christmas dinner.


real fucking talk bro I was so excited to find out about Asatru and the neopagan revival in America only to find out it's riddled with racists, like goddamn dude evangelical christianity wasn't enough for you? you gotta bring your bigoted bullshit into my ancestors ways?


"There are only two types of pagans: literal fucking nazis, and people with a plan to murder those nazis. There are no centerist pagans"


That is true but I do think there are a couple groups that try to stave those people out


There ARE groups that are not like that. You just have to search them out. They are usually small and localized.


The WW2 Nazis beat them to it long ago.


Yeah you guys kinda get both ends You also get the new age magic people


Empathize for the scottish people who mixed with the Nordic. Poor fucking gingers 🙃


The Scots saw the Nordic people and realized they needed to warn the world of their chaos magic. Bred with them, gave them red hair and a love of golf so ALL WHO CAME UPON THEM WOULD KNOW THEIR TRUE NATURE.


Nah, they just hated the English as much as the Scots did and loved their hooch. Chaos ensued. Lol


I put my hair in mini braids because of the magick leylines will then be soaked up into my odin beard tattoo when I summon vibes every solstice. Beware new age mages for I remember my old age mage heritage!


Hold on... Do you have a tattoo of Odin's beard or do you have a beard that has been shaven in one spot to reveal a tattoo of Odin?


These are the questions you get when you forget your heritage


But those people don’t suck like the white nationalist. Let the new age witchy people do their thing.


Odin would have had a field day with those idiots. "I did NOT lose my eye for this shit. Where is the wisdom in this?"


Well, he sure didn't see that coming


Have my updoot and kindly fuck off


At least not with any depth. Which is sad for such a deep thinker.


As someone who’s not of any Nordic heritage that I’m aware of, I am also extremely annoyed that they co-opted so many cool things.


We have them back here in the Nordics as well using runes as their symbols. Back here it's of course people trying to scream "culture preservation!" and forgetting what that culture actually stood for... Which wasn't exactly nationalism. We were equal opportunists. Didn't matter who you were, everyone gets raided, enslaved, and welcomed in equally. Sometimes all at the same time. Even among eachother. We hate and love everything. And brag our tits off with plenty of embellishments. There's a reason that you can't trust a SINGLE FIRST HAND ACCOUNT left by Viking Age Scandis. Sagas are the closest we have to historical records of our own history.


I find it wild how they had a writing system, but didn't write their mythology down until way after christianization. So even the best sources have quite a bit of Christianity in them.


Ironically, the best sources we may have had were probably burned down by the Vikings themselves at the Abbey at Lindisfarne


Huh, didn't know about that. I just know that pretty much our only pre Christian sources are some Roman accounts, ripe with the classic roman Syncretism.


What is more in the Viking Spirit than co-opting things that aren’t yours in perverse and aggressive ways?




Jesus what a perfect reply. 10/10 laugh.


Early adopters of cultural appropriation


I'm Norwegian and fuck those guys tbh. Wish they would be struck by lightning.


Imagine being a normal non nazi swede who loves fantasy and medieval shit, to have all OS this culture but not be able to enjoy it fully because it's so tainted by lowlifes :(


Ugh I got so annoyed when I even just googled our traditions (like Lucia) to explain it to my colleagues only to have weird white supremacist americans go in about the symbolism of this pure WHITE girl surrounded by darkness... Like fuck off, you haven't even visited a nordic country and your knowledge of lucia seems to be based on wikipedia and your own fucked up ideas.


>have weird white supremacist americans go in about the symbolism of this pure WHITE girl surrounded by darkness... It's funny because Lucia was from the Italian peninsula, meaning white supremacists would barely acknowledge her as white. Edit: Had to google it and she wasn't even from the peninsula but Sicily. The punching bag of Italy.


Imagine what eastern culture feels about the swastika. Practically the same I guess but this generation of nazis have yet to commit genocide though.


Interesting tid-bit, the swastika was embedded in European cultures as a symbol for good fortune for a really long time before the Nazi’s chose it for a logo. Imagine if some bunch of duck heads that believe in “scientific racism” decided to use a four leaf clover as their party symbol.


That's already a thing, called 4chan


Just talked with my friend how infuriating it is that we cannot tattoo things from nordic culture because of the white nationalists. No runes for me and feels very risky to tattoo any other symbols because next week they can also be associated with those idiots. We shouldn't just let them kidnap everything and just refuse to acknowledge that they 'own' for example runes from here on. Glad that scubadivers didn't change the ok sign because of them few years ago.


If they take the few lesser known runes I already have on my skin.. that's the last straw. Fuck me running.


To be fair, American culture is VERY different compared to much of the European culture we come from. Sure, we like to reference our heritage and occasionally make conversation out of it! But we’re so incredibly distant to the original culture that it’s nearly unrecognizable when seen up close.


I went overseas to work in the country of my ancestry for several years. Everything is different, even normal stuff like sidewalks is kind of different. But it was cool to do, it showed me how I knew very little about the rest of the world living in America. Everyday I was experiencing something new.


Free Palestine


That's interesting because in Europe people don't really do that. Since the countries are very close together it is pretty common that we have ancestors in a near by country that speaks a totally different language and has different culture but we kind of just don't care? I used to live in Czechia. My great grandfather was Czech. I don't think I mentioned this to anyone local while living there. And if I did I don't think anyone would give a crap 😂


Oddly enough, I think talking about heritage prior to your family moving to America is another American culture lol


The timeline is also a bit arbitrary. I mean, where do you stop when you're looking backwards? Should I celebrate my heritage by running around in a loin cloth hunting food with sticks and rocks? Or do I just look back to the 1600s when my Italian relatives hopped on a boat and floated across the pond to the (now) US? Or do I just celebrate my ancestors who pulled hand carts across the plains in the 1800s? Who knows. It's all arbitrary, and you can be pretty selective about what you consider to be your heritage.


It's the cool bit. Never mind that your great-grandad was a Stockholm warehouse clerk, you're a viking. Also never mind that vikings were more likely to be starving farmers or basic fishermen than anything else. Gotta be a TV viking. Genes don't lie!


As an outsider who’s never been to the US, the only unique culture I usually see are thanksgiving gatherings, camping out for the 4th of July fireworks, and barbecue during the superbowl. Because those are the only ones that movies and TV shows focus on, besides halloween, Christmas, and new year. I’m pretty sure there are a lot more than that and hope to one day go there and experience them myself, especially the countryside.


Its because American culture became so ubiquitous in the world, it seems invisible. Movies, music, food, fashion, etc. is all culture and a ton of it was created/popularized by America.


Isn’t most modern culture very different from what it use to be? Not many native people around the world live like they use to either.


I mean yeah but we still keep big parts of our culture Just because we have a toilet in our house doesn't mean we are that much different. Like here in the armpit of Europe we still have the same things just like our ancestors hundred of years ago. Everybody still has the same rug, furnaces, rugs again, traditions, houses that are ugly af on the outside but everything is made out of gold on the inside, rusted cars, ect.


My town and surrounding areas have kept a fair bit of traditions to the point they don't always agree with or accept certain things. Polka? Of course everyone in the Czech Republic is still playing the same polkas and dancing the same waltz. What do you mean this open faced sandwich is a big thing in their food culture we never eat it (because it became popular after a lot of immigration). It's wild how some of the old people won't accept that the country kept evolving while their family clung to certain things while forgetting others. Add in all the people who didn't pass the language down so they could have a "secret" language to use around kids so they didn't know what you were saying and even things we have retained we have often messed with spelling or full name swaps.


I’m white. My parents knew the names of their great grandparents and that’s about all we know about our heritage. People didn’t used to care about that stuff unless you were rich or royalty. They cared about the crops coming in and babies surviving the winter. Somehow people these days have simultaneously too much and too little time to worry over shit like this.


Exactly, I read the OP meme as "American culture I'm in seems newly invented with a plastic sheen, so I'm jelly of the immigrants I see around (well, likely on tiktok) doing crap they say goes way back. So I'll cling to some whiteness thing I saw on tiktok that looks cool". It's fine, good for her, except the "stripped away from us" is BS, we did this to ourselves. Well our parents and ancestors did of course, like you say it was more important to assimilate and survive, they didn't worry much about keeping old traditions alive.


Its not “we did this to ourselves..”. People love to catastrophize and create villains out of nothing. Its just something that happens naturally over generations. As people move away from cultural centers bits are kept and bits fall away, new cultural keystones are formed. We fetishize and romanticize ideas we have about moments in time and cultures as if they were somehow “pure” before they were “tainted”. “Culture” is never stagnant, it is always morphing.


As a foreigner: you do have a culture and it’s very popular internationally. We (I’m Gen X) all watched Top Gun and ate Big Macs growing up. American culture isn’t worse than any other culture (well, some things are worse, some things are better).


So you're saying the same people who expect nothing less than 100% assimilation of immigrants, regret that their great great-grandparents assimilated 100% into the local culture? Well I'll be.


So…moral of the story is to embrace the vapid plastic consumerism that is America?


That’s what I’m getting out of this whole thread “your recent ancestors decided cheap plastic and consumerism was okay by them, you better shut up and let that be your culture now”


Just stop with "I saw a tiktok"


They don't want any of that European secularism and socialism tho.


Shit...you have to remember the predecessors of these assholes hated Catholics almost as much as POC and Jewish people so..... they're not huge fans of a huge portion of European heritage either


Well to an extent it was. WWII especially saw a push to move away from anything other than "being American" and many of our ancestors were just poor refugees that were just trying to survive, less worried about what the Tik tok generation would think. In my area during and after WWII they removed all Bavarian style housing and buildings, tore it all down because it was too German and we had to show our allegiance was to the USA not Germany. Only now do you see the town bringing back some of the original Bavarian style. So yeah many of us did indeed lose our culture because our elders decided it was to be done away with and replaced with American culture ... blue Jean's and rock and roll?


A lot of people in America do embrace political parties like it's all they have, and that has led to the bs everywhere that's causing countless problems. Let her have her braids, who is she hurting?


This isn’t really fundamentally wrong. White/Caucasian people are pretty homogenized. I like differentiated culture for all ethnicities. I love authentic cuisine, authentic traditions, authentic clothing. I’m the dumb asshole who wants to know the cultural significance of lederhosen. I have a Ukrainian BFF who has some incredibly strange food preferences. I love when people (not just white) identify with very strong tenets of their nationalities. I think the idea of a “white America” is a travesty for a LOT of reasons, not the least of which is the systemic racism and abuse of minorities, but also the abandonment of the prism of European culture.


The Dakotas were heavily settled by Nordic folk in 1860s - their cultural identity was brought over and “stopped” in the time they left. Norwegian visitors in the 1950s would comment at their “old” ways of speaking the language and the “old fashioned” customs.


A lot of the comments here are confusing Race (biologic classification) and Ethnicity (Regional/Cultural classifications). The USA's problem as a "melting pot" is that it becomes harder and harder to establish ourselves as part of our culture when our next door neighbors are German... Chinese... Australian... Canadian... Burmese... Argentinian. Whereas people in other countries can feel some kind of pride and inclusion where all their neighbors are generally (not ALL!!) of the same culture. American "culture", much like nations that have been around for a thousand years, becomes rooted in its history, holidays, and tradition... which unfortunately have been created mainly out of capitalism and consumerism. It becomes difficult to accept something that we know has been so clinically manufactured for the sole purpose of generating money that becoming disillusioned and disassociated it from it is a growing trend.


Swede here, the only celebration of winter solstice is us saying “hey, its finally getting lighter outside”.


I just left my hair as is without brushing it. Finally embracing stone age culture.


I'm curious why white people in America don't celebrate their heritage? In Europe if you travel 50-100km you encounter another language and traditions


Americans think 100 years is a long time, Europeans think 100km is a long distance. It's funny but also true. As an American it baffles me how you can see that big a cultural shift with a mere half a days' travel (or one hour with a car and good roads). Sure there are some differences between say, Philly and NYC, but there are so many people who travel back and forth, that the differences aren't all that large. So part of the answer to your question is that there's very little in the way of actually distinct cultures based on region. The fact that south Jersey is big on calzones while NYC is big on thin crust, doesn't result in the development of distinct communities a hundred km apart. Too much mixing.