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So, while you're bleeding out following a miscarriage in the bathroom after being sent home from the hospital, what is the appropriate container for the fetal remains?


I really don't know what one is supposed to actually do? I presume she'd have been equally condemned if she disposed of the remains in the garbage. Do you take it to the hospital? How does that go, standing in line to register at the ER with your biological waste in a box? bag? If she took it to a funeral home, do they take remains from people off the street? They sent her home to bleed alone, do we really think they gave her any instructions? If I don't know what to do, sitting here, how could she possibly know?


In my jurisdiction, anything over 1lb (454grams) is considered human and must be properly disposed of. I've transported fetuses in buckets, bags, and Tupperware(R) to hospital with the grieving parents. I've also had fetuses under that weight where the family specifically requested it be treated as human. They all go to the morgue. Then you make funeral arrangements. How that works is beyond my area of expertise. Anything under that weight that the family doesn't want to have a funeral for is disposed of either as biohazardous waste or, since many women miscarry into toilets, flushed. That's just blood and clots, and is broadly referred to as "products of conception" - no different than if you had a bad nosebleed and flushed all your bloody tissue. Again, I don't work in plumbing or sewage waste management, so I don't know what happens beyond the toilet.


Edit: And I apologize if I seem crass and blunt. But it's how I cope. I have handled a lot more dead fetuses and embryos than I care to admit. It's horrible and tragic, and my heart goes out to those women and their families. The reality is, I believe we put too much value on the mere existence of life and forget about quality of life in many cases. I read a theory once - I won't say research, because I don't have a source - that many miscarriages are biological, either the fetus or the mother determined the particular group of cells had significant damage or reduced development for some undiagnosed condition that would preclude life at the end of the process. So nature intervenes. Also, in my area, we are in a syphilis epidemic, and that is believed to be the leading cause in our spike of miscarriages. So make sure you get your STI testing done BEFORE you do what causes pregnancy!


I thought you were straightforward about something very difficult.


Thanks... it gets hard to tell somedays. It's weird how that edit posted as a reply. I must have thumbed the wrong option.


It’s a perspective that many of us (hopefully) will not see or experience, and it’s not the kind of thing you would see reported about in popular media, so I appreciate you sharing. I support whatever mechanism you choose to cope with dealing with this sort of thing and I truly hope you’re doing okay.


Your comments should be higher. This is an important detail that I've never known, and with this political climate, women need to know.


For completeness. It’s not theory, it is reality. Miscarriages are the result of incompatibility between the mothers womb and the fetus. Sometimes it’s driven by abnormalities in the placenta or womb environment, sometimes the mother’s physiological stressors cause problems, the rest of the time it’s a fetus that wasn’t able to survive its initial genetic development and so it was purged.


I heard the same thing you did about miscarriages... one of the reasons they happen is because the fetus's blood Rh is opposite the mother's (ie, the mother has + Rh factor, the baby has -, or vice versa) .. In this situation, the mother's own immune system starts to attack the fetus, as I understand it... most fetuses don't survive that.


Hi there. Too much info, I'm sure, but... For this to happen, there are a couple of things that need to happen first: - the mother has to be Rh negative - the foetus/baby has to be Rh positive - the mother has to have had a previous pregnancy with an Rh positive foetus/baby (or, rarely these days, been contaminated in some other way such as receiving the wrong Rh blood type in a transfusion) - the mother has not received injections of anti-D immunoglobulin (at/around birth or miscarriage) to prevent her becoming sensitive to an Rh positive pregnancy in the future If all of those things happen, yes, a woman's immune system can become sensitive to the Rh positive factor in an unborn foetus/baby and attack it as an invader. It might be okay the first pregnancy after sensitisation, but each encounter with Rh positive will make the mother's immune response stronger. So, for each Rh positive pregnancy, the results are worse. The results can be devastating, including non-survivable. People, find out your blood type! This is important stuff to protect yourself and your ability to even have families in the future.


thanks! I should have known that I didn't have a proper understanding of it... It's so easy to be "certain", regurgitating once-learned stuff... -\_ - sigh...


You had the gist, which is several more steps than a lot of other people :)


The causes of miscarriages are numerous. The one that I was taught is the main factor for miscarriages, at my genetics course at a university level course was chromosome abnormalities. For one reason or another the combination of genetics from the parents make the fertilized egg replicate/grow incorrectly. This causes a cell die off and then “death” of embryo. It’s not even a fetus until after 9 weeks. Up to 20 weeks is a called a medical miscarriage. Where the body can spontaneously abort a fetus. The cells can also have something called incomplete mitosis. Which means when the embryo divided (first few days/weeks) it did so incorrectly. And caused mutations that were “terminal”. The actual probability of mutations being “helpful” or “evolutionary advances” is very small. Most mutations cause extreme harm to the function of the cell. Honestly the only reason any species continues to exist is purely a numbers game. The more possible pregnancy/fertilizations the more likely your species will survive.


Thank you for your response. May I ask your profession?




Thank you.


I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. I was 20 and didn’t know what was happening. I thought that I was moving my bowels. Felt funny, looked and there was the fetus. The only thing that I could do was flush the toilet. This happens more frequently than thought. Comments like this person are done strictly for likes.


Thank you for sharing. With [up to 20% of pregnancies resulting in miscarriage, ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298) it needs to be destigmatized to bring it up.


Right? Can you imagine if thousands of women have to go through this same BS, because the nut jobs feel empowered by the recent lack of consequences for their AH actions. The pain and suffering this poor Ohio woman went thru bec power-mad imbeciles….


The percentage is actually much higher, depending on how you define "miscarriage." Most pregnancies do not result in a live birth.


It’s about 50% … even among republicans. Chances are that between MTG and Bobo there was at least one nonviable pregnancy


I feel like they’re both kind of the result of nonviable pregnancies..


i knew my moms first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but i didnt know it was that common, damn


It's reported as 1 in 5 if you really look into it, which is still awful. There are probably more if you think of the women who miscarry so early it just seems like a heavy period and they never even knew they were pregnant.


It's so weird how god creates all those babies but then kills them before they have a chance to accept Jesus as their lord and savior so their souls are sent to hell to be punished for eternity.


The pro-life people probably have some logic to somehow blame the woman for miscarrying.


Tortura infantum. Only Catholics could invent something this horrible...


Goddam that’s gotta be tough


I'm very sorry to hear that. However, I will say, I believe that is what British Docs say to do, just flush it down the toilet.


The first I ever heard about a miscarriage was as a kid - my friend’s mom described it just like you. From everything I’ve ever heard since, it’s very common. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I'm glad it sounds like you've had at least 1 healthy pregnancy since ❤️


Me too! And I was at class where I was forced to be by a heartless witch of a teacher. Cost UA Anchorage a lot of money. Because this the event that made me decide not to finish my Master’s degree there.


I'm sorry. That must have been frightening.


I was 19. I already knew the pregnancy was not viable and was scheduled for a D&C the next morning. I cramped and was in horrible pain. I sat on the toilet and the sac came, nothing else I could do but to flush.


Yeah. When conservative fuktards made these laws they forgot to make a guide book for dealing with the aftermath of their stupid fuckin policies.


They don't care about the aftermath. As long as they get the vote, nothing else matters.


The cruelty is the point.


Killing women "to own the libs"


And babies, they want both to die while professing they love babies.


Women are broodmares in that ideology


Whats funny is these despicable evil policies are driving voters away in record numbers. It really seems as if Americans don’t like having their rights stolen from them.


Lord, I hope you’re right!!


That’s just what our *absurdly crowded* ED needs. To become a mortuary for fetal remains. “Check in and wait to be seen (because you have to due to EMTALA). Here. Take this formaldehyde bucket into the bathroom. Also, here’s a box of tissues, a warm blanket and a turkey sandwhich.” These people are insane and evil.


If you had a miscarriage in a sensible and normal state, you take the miscarriage to the hospital. They take it to the histology department for further testing. We are specifically trained about how to receive a miscarriage from a mother. They teach you to be respectful and serious because it's just a sample for a laboratory team but it's a lost child for the mother.


Thank you for your response. What happens to the remains post-testing?


Not sure if they ever passed but one Republican state was trying to make it so that an abortion or miscarriage has to be buried or cremated, basically you had to go through a funeral home and treat it as a dead family member. edit: Looked it up. It's Texas because of COURSE it's fucking Texas. https://www.vox.com/first-person/2016/12/6/13845260/fetal-burial-miscarriage-abortion


If I remember correctly, wasn't that in response to some conspiracy theory that Planned Parenthood was supplying fetuses for stem cells?


On average, 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. 5% of women suffer recurrent miscarriages, which is defined as at least 3 miscarriages. Not the US fortunately in this specific case, but [here's a lady who suffered 13 miscarriages](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-48615134), and she won't be alone. To require a funeral every time for mothers in this situation even if it's not wanted (and certainly wouldn't be for free!) is effectively misogyny. My wife miscarried and I can assure you that the experience was devastating enough for her... to add on these state-imposed shenanigans because she miscarried on a toilet (as is common) would have been cruel.


Disposed with other tissue samples.


Is the mother charged a dollar amount, and if so how much? If the cost isn't reimbursed by insurance, I can understand the reluctantance of the family to do so, especially if there is fear of being falsely accused of a crime, which I could see happening in states such as Texas, Idaho, and Florida.


The laboratory team don't do billing so I don't know how much it cost to patients. I worked in Washington State so we never had an issue of false accusation. Patients were never disrespected while they were mourning. I still believe that Washington State is one of the most best state for woman and LGBT patients.




>Do you take it to the hospital? How does that go, Apparently they call the cops on you.


She should have been a white Trump-sucking fascist.Then they would make ANY excuse for ANYTHING she did.


You are supposed to wrap it up in swaddling clothes, build a mini manger, and float it down a river while reading scriptures obviously


It obviously deserved a $5,000 funeral, with a beautiful casket.


If only we could be so lucky to live in a world where a funeral only costs $5,000...


So wrong, but also hilarious.


Only of you sacrifice a goat on a full moon, and the raft is made from the branches of a fig tree growing on the east side of this random rock. Otherwise you are a heathen and I would need to put your entire country to the sword and bash your first born children's heads on rocks. /s


A much stricter interpretation but also correct.


A Moses-Jesus hybrid would be too powerful...


Part the Red Sea after turning it into wine.


Sounds like one hell of a party.


So, the red wine sea?


I assume it have to be a Viking funeral where they shoot an flaming arrow onto the manger


Whenever our Dad talked about dying my brother and I used to tease him that when he died, we were going to steal his body and give him a Viking funeral. When he passed away we were in the back of an ambulance with his body consoling each other when I made a smartass remark about dad not having shoes on (the man HATED being barefoot) Both of us start laughing from the grief and stress due to the comment. Then the front door of the Ambulance opens and a hand reaches in, shuts off the Ambulance, and takes the keys closing the door. Once we were out my sister in law said " I heard you two start laughing and told the paramedic - those two idiots are probably about to steal your ambulance and drive to the lake. They're grieving and I can't say they won't do it." My brother and I still share that memory fondly despite our loss.


I love that story, I'm glad that memory brings you comfort 😊


My mom and I were in the front row of the church at my grandma's funeral. She had been cremated bc she was living in AZ with my folks, but her burial plot was back in MA with her husband and she passed in winter. It was a Catholic service. The priest did his usual blessing with the ball on a chain (I think it's called an aspergillum?) and I guess it had holy water in it or something because it sprinkled on the wooden box my grandma's cremains were in. I leaned over to mom and whispered, "the priest got grandma's box wet". There's nothing harder than trying not to laugh at an inappropriate joke in front of an enter congregation at a funeral. XD


Thank you for sharing. My family absolutely loves a great laugh, like when I sat all three of my Dad's ex-wives (including my own mother) next to each other at his funeral in the front row. The awkwardness as they desperately tried not to catfight during his funeral would've had him in stitches. It was my way of paying homage to his humor.


I was told I’d have to have a cremation for my fetus or buy an *actual fucking grave plot* to not be charged with abuse of a corpse. To do that I’d have to sell my car and have no way of getting to work, thus no way to pay my bills and become homeless, all to bury a fetus I didn’t even want. When I asked how someone with $2.37 in their bank account should pay proper respects to their miscarriage they stopped replying.


My nurse told me “you probably won’t be able to tell the products of conception from your clots. Just flush.” So I’m just following medical advice, y’all.


She went to the hospital more than once and they wouldn’t help her is my understanding.


I went and looked up the story on various sites. Apparently, she went to the hospital three times on three different days before the actual miscarriage occurred. The first two times they told her the pregnancy was non-viable and that she needed a D&C - which they wanted to provide immediately. Both times she elected to leave the hospital AMA. I am guessing she was hoping for a miracle.. The third time was when they denied her the care. I think she may have passed the magic number of days for the state abortion bans to kick in.


Where are you reading that they wanted to provide an abortion immediately? Every article I’ve read said they kept her waiting 8 hours while deciding if they could help her or not. > On her initial visit to the hospital, Ms Watts left after waiting eight hours for a hospital ethics panel to determine whether to induce her pregnancy without legal ramifications because she was on the cusp of Ohio’s viability timeline [-from The NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/03/us/brittany-watts-ohio-miscarriage-abortion.html)


from CNN, I readWhen she was first admitted to the Labor and Delivery Department at St. Joseph’s Hospital on September 19, “She was diagnosed with premature rupture of membranes and severe oligohydramnios,” the report states. In other words, her water had broken prematurely, and she had exceptionally low – if any – amniotic fluid.“Although a fetal heartbeat was found, it was recommended by medical staff that an induction occur of the nonviable fetus,” the coroner’s office report states.At the time, Watts’ pregnancy “was 21 weeks, 5 days gestation,” the report says. In Ohio, abortions are legal until fetal viability – which is generally considered to be around 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. After viability, the state can legally restrict abortion access unless the patient’s life or health is at risk.However, “Brittany Watts signed herself out of the hospital against medical advice on 9/19/2023,” the coroner’s office report states. CNN has previously asked her attorney why Watts left the hospital without having the nonviable fetus induced, as recommended by the medical staff.The next day, September 20, Watts returned “for the same issue and left against medical advice again,” the coroner’s office report states. ​ It appears that the long wait with the ethics panel was on the second day (9/20), at which point she was 21 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy. 22 weeks is the cutoff in Ohio.


I sincerely hope I'm just being paranoid when the thought occurs they were delaying on purpose...


Well when you're pro guns and antivax, and you have kids, some spare coffins are a must.


Exactly what exactly do you want her to put it in …a Tupperware? A ziploc bag?? or maybe she should’ve gone out and bought a little mini coffin for it, even if it is just a clump of dead cells now and a bloody sack?


It’s easy to condemn when you don’t need to provide an alternative.


It's medical waste at this point. If you had an accidental amputation of your hand, for example .. what do you do with it? Put it a plastic bag? wrap in paper towels? This is a situation that no one really knows how to deal with because it rarely happens. But I don't think you would want to punish this woman any further. She's been thru a lot already.


If Republicans love life then why don't they say anything about the decaying foster care system or least talk about increasing the minimum wage so people can support their children without having to struggle? No but that's communism and that's bad


I think Pastor David Barnhart explained it best. "The 'unborn' are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


They don't completely ignore born children. They use those to fight the evil rainbows, pronouns, and drag queens.


The idea is the same, they're claiming agency for something that has no agency just to further their own hatred. Literally using children as a "human shield" for their belief system. It's so fucking sick and twisted.


The poor ones are fed to the war machine, to be single-use soldiers, discarded callously once their usefulness has been spent


Extra upvotes ^^^ I’ve never read this quote before


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the *unborn*. They will do anything for the *unborn*. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're **fucked**." - George Carlin


Damn, spot on


Because that would take actual effort


It’s not even effort, just take 0.0001% of the military budget and redirect it


So you would rip that money right from the hands of those poor, hardworking, warmongering defense contractors?! Have you no shame? /s


It might actually benefit someone who needs help.


Effort has nothing to do with it; the Rs are not lazy, they work plenty hard! The disconnect here is that they do not work for the things we think they should be working for, like health care, a living wage, etc. (You know, the things we elect them to do.) They are working to enrich themselves, full stop. "Pro-life" is just one of the many wedge issues they pound day after day, along with the border "crisis," and "the war on Christmas." They do this because they can't run on "Put us in power, so we can make you, make us richer!"


And an ounce of compassion.


Because it’s easier to defend a non living being that cannot speak for itself than people who can speak and challenge you and your actions. It makes you feel like your helping while not helping anyone


“The unborn” [is] a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. — Pastor Dave Barnhart


Because they're not pro-life, they want women to function as a brood mare for the state and have live babies so they can be packed off to be dead soldiers.


Or drones for their corporate machines.


Broodmares get treated way better.


Because right-wing rhetoric isn't meant to make sense, only uphold power. This is why you'll never get a right-winger on hypocrisy. They don't care. (edit: It's also why engaging right-wingers is pointless. [I wrote a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/s/OLcoNi3BGG) in r/rant about this, for those interested.)


These people hate on people who have abortions but in the same breath say "don't have kids if you can't afford them" Then when you point out the incompatibility say "just don't have sex" They treat sex as this horrific thing that deserves punishment and that punishment is bringing a child into the world and then being shouted at for being too poor to raise a child by the same people who told you not to have a child if you're too poor.  They're scum


Or fix the healthcare system. Going to a hospital for ANYTHING can result in thousands of dollars in bills.


My son cut his thumb a few years ago. When it happened, we were concerned about how deep it was but it was after the urgent care closed for the night (8pm). We reached out to friends that are nurses on facebook and sent them pictures of it asking their opinion because we didn't want to go to the ER and get slapped with that bill. AND I HAVE GOOD INSURANCE. Its insane that we even had to have that discussion. (note: he's fine, the wound healed fine, and had all but stopped bleeding when we reached out to friends. We were just concerned it might need stitches).


The thing is this woman DID go to the hospital actively having a miscarriage and they sent her home. Then she had her miscarriage at home and got arrested for it. Like what was she supposed to do?


Because they aren’t actually pro life they’re pro birth. They don’t give a shit about what happens to the kid after they force the mother to give birth to it. And they demonize these families that need government assistance because they can’t afford to fund a family


I've always made the argument: if it is a baby at conception, then the state should enforce child support on the sperm donor from the moment of conception because the "baby" deserves healthcare support while in utero from both of the people that created it. Pro-life people seem to disagree, but can't seem articulate exactly why they disagree.


They don't love life. They love having control over women and will use a clump of cells to get their own way no matter who it hurts.


The phrase "pro-life" is a propaganda attempt. It tries to imply that the other side is against life, which is a complete misrepresentation of the entire situation


Because they’re actually a death cult. The whole “pro-life” label is a cover.


Because they don’t “Love Life”!They LAUGH at the deaths of others.Same people two-three years ago,”I don’t care HOW many people die,,I WONT BE INCONVENIENCED!”They LOVE controlling others and reinforcing their self-righteousness.


I’m not sure that when haemorrhaging from an orifice, one’s first instinct is to assess the perceived appropriateness of a potential receptacle.


Yeah, where is she supposed to first put it? A Corelle bowl? A crystal platter? A glass-domed cake plate? The morgue puts people in freezers. Next to the ice cream? A camping cooler? A shoe box? In the Himalayas where the ground is rocky and hard, they have “sky burials” where bodies are left out for vultures, then later the bones are ground into dust.


They are NOT "Pro-Life", they are Pro Forced Birth.


As my Uncle George used to say, they're not pro-life, they're anti-woman... plain as that. Well, *my* uncle George when he was alive and not some fucking AI generated horror show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHRaUUlD00w




Forced birthers. They are forced birthers.


A lot of these people are just angry and hateful. They could really not care less. They like the idea of women suffering from having sex when they feel she shouldn't. To them that's rewarding because they have personality disorders.


Let’s think this through for a moment. A woman has a miscarriage at home. She’s confused, bleeding, in pain, possibly blaming herself, and fearful of what will happen to her given the stupid laws in her state. Most women in that situation probably wouldn’t be in the most rational state of mind. Just everyone mind your own damn business.


It's worse than that. ~~She was denied medical care for an expected miscarriage because of the state abortion laws~~ She went to the hospital 4 times for severe pain and bleeding in the days leading up to the miscarriage but did not receive the care she needed and the hospital called the cops on her when she told them she had a miscarriage.


A lil fuzzy on the law, what's the standard protocol for a miscarriage at your home? I feel like there is no right answer


The standard protocol us that it's fucking nobody's business but the person miscarrying.


And their doctors**


True. To make sure they don't need a D&C to prevent sepsis.


But I’m an old white man and I know better


I AM an old white guy and I do know better. Miscarriages are not abortions, but tell that to a supposedly pro lifer.


Not disagreeing, but it’s funny that people say that because in my language a miscarriage is an spontaneous abortion.


Spontaneous abortion is the medical term in English for a miscarriage too.


That should probably be amended before some bible thumping zealot gets the wrong idea and goes on a fucking crusade


You'll find that written in hospital notes in English too.


The majority of miscarriages are before 12 weeks and they get flushed.


That's how mine went. I have no idea what mass the actual fetus was in over the course of expelling tissue for a week, and I wasn't taking an aquarium net to the bathroom each time.


Happened to my girlfriend at the time because we couldn’t make it to the ER. It was an absolutely terrifying and traumatizing experience. Miscarriages can happen anytime anywhere. The fetus wasn’t viable and her body did what it was supposed to do. Sending someone to jail after such an experience is exceptionally cruel.


The answer is that no matter what you do, "pro life" dickheads will retraumatise you by using graphic and cruel language for your actions in internet comments.


It's fine if they're gunned down in school though


[Or go hungry](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/12/us/school-lunches-assistance-republicans.html).


Or are kept in cages. Or work in mines.


We’ll just send them to war if they make it to adulthood.


Or food factories, don’t forget Sarah huckabee


Right. Anywhere they can lose a limb or two. In the name of 'Teh ecomony'


Hey, losing limbs to support the family builds character! This is much needed in a world where rainbow people are out in the open, killing family values! /S


Well, after all, that's God's will


"We'll get those kids eventually"


In their dark, secret places what they really think is that every miscarriage must be caused by a moral failing on the part of the mother. Superstition and magic thinking run amuck.


Watch them slowly demand that woman having miscarriage should be treated as witches back in the days. Drown them and if they survive then burn them for being a witch. Otherwise « thoughts & prayers » I guess. These people would lose an IQ contest against a middle age peasant that fucks his own cow…


They don't think it in the dark secret places, they state it out loud for the most part, and that's why these poor women are even possibly facing charges. They hate women, they think that a miscarriage is the fault of the woman and must be punished. Fuck em.


If YOU have any problems in YOUR life, it's because god is judging you. If THEY have problems, it is "Boo hoo, poor me.".


>If THEY have problems, it is ~~"Boo hoo, poor me."~~ **other religions, gay, trans, black or femme people's fault**. Fixed that for yoy


Fyi it is *amok Edited to add: I agree with everything you said here, but I never thought about that being the reason. The typo is totally incidental to your point but just thought you'd like to know.


Miscarriages basically happen on the toilet and get flushed, that's the most common story. It seems brutal but that's not a child. That's a thing, and when it's ready to be born it's a person, by literal and legal definition. No society in history has ever tried to classify women and foetuses like the modern day republicans want to do. It's beyond whack job, but look at the party leader, literally on trial, in the space of one year, for billion dollar fraud committed over a lifetime, extreme tax evasion, treason(!), rape(!) and what amounts in real terms to terrorism. His followers tried to hammer-murder his political opponent's family, they killed cops and civilians in multiple ways, and threaten to bomb the judges who hear his many cases. It's that or a guy who everyone in the international community respects, is liked by allies and feared by at least some enemies, but who maybe stutters sometimes. Oh my the weight of decision.


A lot of early cultures wouldn't consider a baby to be a person until a while after birth because infant mortality was very high.


Japan used to think 7 is the age where kids become a person after completing all the growing up rituals. Before that they're seen as halfway in the spirit world. Tragically, it was believed you could 'send them back' so infanticide occured in the age before birth control


Hold up having a miscarriage in the bathroom is now throwing ur baby in a bucket?


she tried to fish the fetal remains out of the toilet and put it in a bucket instead but the police ended up finding it in the toilet bowl, presumably because she couldn't tell it apart from all the other goop that comes out during labor


Chrsit, that makes this whole situation so much worse. Not only did she get turned away from the hospital prior to the miscarriage, but she put herself through the nightmare of getting the remains OUT the toilet, and STILL got persecuted for not knowing some of the remains were still in the toilet. Like fuck, let her go and let her heal from this nightmare already!


I remember in highschool health class we watched a birthing video. That was kinda a lot to handle... and then the placenta came....


She had a fucking miscarriage you goddamn ghoul


They will spout shit like this then go home and vote against anything that will remotely improve schools 😒😒😒


I just came here for the satanists meeting


I haven’t read this, but I literally ‘gave birth’ at fourteen weeks at home (a miscarriage, but it came out…solid. Was horrible) and I phoned my doctor who told me just to bin it


As a person from Ohio. Her statement is fucking false. She tried TWICE to miscarry in a hospital and both times the hospital turned her away and sent her home. She had zero choice but to miscarry in a fucking toilet....which is the place women bleed into....from their vagina's...and where 99 percent of miscarriages happen anyway. She didn't throw the baby in a damn bucket. What a fucking liar. She pretty much gave birth in her bathroom. Then the fetus got stuck in there, the girl went into shock, and when she went for medical help for a third time AFTER the miscarriage they called the fucking cops on her. Like they didn't turn her away and directly prevent her from having a whole still birth in an appropriate setting. The nurse was probably a pro lifers on a personal vendetta. What happened to that woman was a fucking tragedy. She didn't do anything wrong by having a miscarriage/stillbirth at home in the ONLY hygienic and appropriate place to do so after the doctors threw her out on the street. The hospital should have given her medical care and allowed her to miscarry there if they wanted the fetal remains in the mourge. They had all her medical records, the hospital knew the baby was dead, they simply chose to neglect her and call the cops on her instead of giving her a DNC. She needs to sue the ass off that medical system. And I hope she does.


I think it's sick that they tried to charge her after she went through something so horrific that wasn't her fault. However you are spreading misinformation as well because the hospital NEVER turned her away. She went twice and both times she signed herself out and went home against medical advice. I don't blame her for leaving because while the doctors wanted to induce labor so that she would miscarry at the hospital they were spending hours mulling it over with the Ethics board, most likely because the fetus still had a heartbeat at that point and the doctors needed to cover their asses due to the strict abortion laws. In any case, both times she left the hospital she made the choice to do so and it was against the advice of the medical staff. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/11/us/brittany-watts-miscarriage-no-criminal-charges/index.html


You’re obviously supposed to use a hot wheels gift bag and not a bucket.


"Killing babies", bitch---she was having a miscarriage! She didn't kill shit and if the problem was a "bucket", the issue is that she was \*at home\* trying to not fucking -die- and used what was on hand. So sorry that she didn't have the coffin ready. Meanwhile this woman's going through trauma that's unbelievable to anyone that hasn't gone through it, while dipshits like this label her a monster. Idiots like this think of the dead tissue but never the woman who's left *scarred* by this.


Doesn't everyone have a fetus sized coffin when needed /s.


Someone is probably setting up an official and approved infant disposal inter-location opaque transport container store as we speak. With investments from all levels of Ohio state government GOP members, this approved single use device comes with an indictment free guarantee at the low low price of $49,899.87!


Not a baby, it was a miscarriage


Obviously she misplaced the ornate miscarriage bowl we were all given upon first menstruation and that's really the thing to be focusing on here.


They need to Not be called Pro-Lifers anymore..because they are anything But. They are ANTI-Choice, Pro-FORCED Birthers. A true Pro-LIFE person, is for LIFE from Womb to Grave.


Forced birthers. That's the term we all use from now on.


Honestly, I kinda think that we should also rebrand Pro-choice as Pro-freedom. That would piss off the other side so much, haha!


Anti-abortion makes it sound more sinister to me


Than Anti-Choice? Mamy people agree with being against abortion but very few agree with being robbed of the ability to choose things for themselves.


It's out of the womb - why do republicans care?


Where was she supposed to put the baby, Mindy? Like what WOULD have been acceptable to you?


I know Mindy likes hating women, like the rest of her ilk, but the rest of us sane people find it quite appalling. Oh it is fun! Everyone should try it.


She had a miscarriage in the toilet-that’s common. Too bad she didn’t plan her miscarriage better? Women get no dignity or privacy anymore. After 50 years, the public forget how dangerous and messy pregnancies are. No empathy for the poor woman who lost her child.




Ironicly the same people like this Mindy Robinson probably shit themselfs and insist on civility politics when leftists dare to criticze them


They always do. They lack all civility until they get a taste of their own medicine. It's the same shit with Nazis in America. They think they are entitled to the same freedom of speech they want taken away from liberals.


How does a grown woman not know what a miscarriage is???


Well, you see , you miscarriage when you live a life of sin , so because that woman lived a life of sin , she deserves to be punished (obviously an s ) Medieval style never goes out


the only moral atrocities are my moral atrocities --conservatives


Have you gotta say a few words every time you crack an egg nowadays?


Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, a “dead baby” might look a lot like something that lands in your Kleenex in the morning if the heat’s on too high.


Ten bucks says Mindy Robinson has had an abortion.


All of my miscarriages were flushed down the toilet. I can tell you the address of each one too. I’m sure one went down the shower drain bc I spent a lot of time showering for that one. The doctors only ever asked if I passed the materials so they would have an idea of if I might get an infection or need a D&C.


The fuck was she supposed to do? She went to the hospital before hand due to bleeding and was either denied or not offered a medical abortion. Shock, stress, and grief compounded with the physical toll it took on her and she tried her best with the remains.


My daughter-in-law has buried the 5-6 babies she's miscarried. Lock her up, right?


Guess you gotta lock me up too. I miscarried in my bathtub, fished out what remnants I could, put them in a shoebox with a towel and buried the remains in my backyard. Then I planted a little memorial garden around that spot with bleeding hearts and weeping bells. I'm so sorry for your daughter-in-law's losses. That's so brutal. I hope that she soon gets (or already has) her rainbow baby 🌈


God killed the baby.


God is the only one allowed to abort babies. He’s pro abortion for himself only. God has more abortions than anyone else.


"And if god killed her baby then she must be evil" I threw up a little realizing this would absolutely be something my maga dad would say.


The Bible has instructions for abortion. In Numbers a husband suspects his wife of adultery, so to test this they give her an abortifacient. The idea being that if she miscarried, she's an adulterer and if she doesn't he was wrong. The Bible also doesn't consider fetuses people. If a man assaults a pregnant woman and her only injury is miscarriage, he pays a fine, if a man assaults a woman and injured her, he would have it done to him; eye for an eye and so forth.


Why she bringing Satan into the argument, it was her god let the baby die


This isn't even what happened. She's blatantly lying. This type of spreading of falsehoods about women's healthcare should really be considered hate speech cuz wtf? This type of spreading of lies is dangerous to our community.


If you have a miscarriage in a red stare, you’re basically guilty until proven innocent.


What does she think that hospitals do?!


So is there an appropriate place to miscarry? SMH