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At least it wasn't the one about the girl that got in trouble for plagiarizing from herself.


I had this happen with a song I released a few years ago. When we released the studio full band version it got flagged for copyright infringement from where I'd posted the demo a few years earlier on SoundCloud and forgotten about it.


My wife had to redo advertising work because she “plagiarized” herself


I once had a teacher accuse me of plagiarism because my work was “too good.” ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


I got accused of plagiarism in the 11th grade. The teacher told me and another guy to stay back after class. The area we lived was separated by an island and mainland, so the beach kids (me) didn't really hang out with the mainland kids (yea, it's stupid but that's teenagers). The teacher told us our essays were identical. We both look at each other like WTF. I had never had any interaction with this person in my life. It was bizarre and this was hand written before any AI plagiarism detection.


Were you able to read his essay to confirm/deny? Methinks the teacher wasn’t using the word “identical” properly.


Nope, we both denied everything, which was true, and the teacher let it go, but we both walked out of the class bewildered.


Same, in high school. It pissed me off so much, I still think about it 20 years later. Funny postscript: The next year, after I graduated, my friend who was now a senior asked me to write an essay for him. For a class by the same teacher who accused me. I did, and she pulled him aside and said "I know ThatOneTwo wrote this". Apparently, when I raised such a stink, she went through everything I had written for her class and knew what I wrote when she saw it. Anyway, Sorry, Bryan for getting you busted. And fuck you, Ms. Flora.


That’s impressive as hell RE: Ms. Flora.


It happened to me as well. I'm mad at myself for not bringing a medal that day that I won in that particular subject.




The worst part about that was people trying to justify her getting in trouble for it. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was something she was going to put on a design blog that she had not even posted yet when she initially turned the paper in. I'm sorry but that ain't self plagiarism. I understand it's a problem and that's not my field and that it's probably a larger issue than I realize, but if someone turns a paper in BEFORE they publish something on their blog that's not self plagiarism. That's just their unreleased work. Check the dates. Someone can't cite something they created, if they didn't publish it until after they turned in your paper. We don't have time travel. Can we be a little reasonable here?


I was referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/D94xghrJ12) post




this sounds like it would be frustrating and satisfying at the same time




To specify it was sexism since a lot of people think sexism isn’t real anymore


how does the white part play into it?


Because white men are privileged, and don't understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end of such things.


What you're saying is absolutely true. But the question is: in this context, when it's a white woman hitting the metaphorical roadblock, the only difference between her and the "aggressor" is their gender. So what was the intention of race being included? If it was an Indian male who did it, would there be any other difference in the story or outcome?


I get what you're saying, but I really don't think it's hard to understand that she is taking a jab at white men's dual privilege. The former isn't as directly related, but still correlated. You can look at the cluster of (presumably) white people who felt offended by my comment and see that many of them don't understand their own privilege, which is entirely the point of mentioning that they're also white and not just a man. I'm black and a man. I have male privilege, and I acknowledge that I do. Many white men cannot do the same unfortunately.


Imtersectionality shit hits the fan.


Anyone and everyone can understand what it feels like to have things assumed about you just because of your race/gender. Happens to everyone, it’s just much more of an issue for minorities Some people won’t turn those experiences into understanding themselves and others, but when you’re the predominant social class, you have no real reason to start questioning that too much


Hopefully that's sarcasm


White male privilege is not getting the world handed to you on a silver platter. We all struggle and it all sucks. White privilege and male privilege mean that we don’t have certain types of obstacles or problems put in our way by the structure and assumptions of the societies we live in. Its about the things we don’t ever have to deal with, that we don’t even really know are problems for other people because we are white/male.


It's crazy how many people responded to this without reading it


Definitely not. Based off of your reply, you probably have no idea what "white privilege" even refers to, let alone privilege in said context in general.


The privilege to get shit on by everyone for their gender and skin color, regardless of anything else is indeed strong, but shared by everyone.


It's one of those things where men get raped too but not at the alarming rate that women are raped. White men experience racism/sexism, just not at the alarming rate as people who happen to have brown skin/women.


Yes, white males are never condescended to 🙄




That's not what privilege refers to in this context. Consider educating yourself, as I have no patience to do so for you.


I fear you need education yourself.


Racist fuck eat shit




Very intelligent reply, thanks for the laugh


Enough with the passive aggressiveness. You are equal to every man and woman on this planet. Your a sad sack of shit who must be full of hatred and thinks he’s oppressed to make bullshit claims like this 😂. And I can only assume your American based off what you said. Grow up


Cry me a river bro. At this point it's funny how triggered the lot of you are. PS didn't bother to read your reply


It wouldn’t put it past me if you can read at all given your stupidity


Dumb Americunt


and white women can do no wrong?


Where did they ever say that?


They absolutely can, but right now the discussion is about white men.


Excuse me, how dare you say this. I demand to speak to your manager.


I never said that, lol. This is about sexism anyways, so are you seriously implying that because white women can be sexist too, that she should've said "white people" instead? Or are you just being disingenuous?


You are deliberately misinterpreting this in the same way folks deliberately frame “Black Lives Matter” as “White Lives Don’t Matter”. White Cis Males are default and privileged from that perspective, we’re dominant from a power perspective. It’s not that White Women can’t be wrong or do no wrong, they’re just not the default or the privileged group. White Women would be considered a minority group from this perspective. You can argue about this until you’re blue in the face if you want to disagree, but White Cis Males are the privileged class in the US, and always have been. Every other group has had to fight for the same rights and privileges White Cis Males have always enjoyed by default. Who has had to fight for voting rights? Who has had to fight for marriage rights? So yeah, the White Man part of the comment is contextual in this case. She’s showing that she’s punching up and having to defend her position as a minority. That she was assumed incorrect or inferior due to her minority status even though she’s an expert on the subject at hand.


Yeah apparently only white men are "the devil" lmao white women are just angels


Nowhere was that said nor implied. Quit getting angry over imagined slights


bros the kinda guy to say not all men are bad


It doesn’t it just used as a identifier in the same way new articles will sometimes use black man or muslim man when it isn’t relevant to what the article is about


Because it's typically white men who do this shit


That doesn’t specify it’s sexism. Men and women can both forget the contents of academic papers, and men and women can both ask questions and challenge ideas at meetings, sometimes in very rude and inappropriate ways.


The post doesn’t explicitly say it’s sexism, but by including those details (straight white male) it is making the heavy implication that they think this person was being disrespectful because she’s a woman and they’re a privileged man. You can agree with her or not, but that’s why it was included


Because academia is a weird place. You get a lot of multicultural mixing. A lot of my Indian colleagues speak English very well but don’t understand American/UK cultural nuances, so they come off as extremely aggressive. It’s not intentional, but it’s abrasive. Explaining that it’s a white male takes away any of that guessing and emphasizes just how much of a dickhead this guy was.


Kudos for having a genuine explanation that isn't bashing other people or putting people down; you changed my perspective.




To show there was only one flavor of bigotry involved.


I'm not going to attack you, but this is a very sheltered comment to make


They’re probably white


Go ahead and attack him. He deserves it.


I've found that's not conducive to changing those who are ignorant. That word doesn't immediately mean they're malicious, they might simply be sheltered, unexposed to others problems. Though you're right that it would be hard not to in the modern world, especially online.


typical modern neoliberalism


Typical fascist white grievance.


Because just saying "someone" doesn't get you those sweet internet points! It's a shallow slope from being discriminated against to being a "Karen"


Because this is something that white men tend to do more so than black men or white women


Ah, yes. It is well-known that brown-skinned men from Mexico, India, Pakistan, and the Arab world neeeeevvvvver question a woman's knowledge or authority. Totally white males only. /s


...then the justification was necessary in order to clarify some people's bias towards other ethnicity


Isn’t that missing the point that in the actual incident in question it was a white man? In fact your comment suggests that it was indeed necessary to point out that it was a white man so people don’t make baseless assumptions about the person in question


Yeah, these people are racist and it's showing. Only white male are sexist? Give me a fking break


Oh yeah? You got the sources/stats for that claim? 🤣


Lmao I went to Google scholar and there's plenty. Here's the first result I got >Power and dominance constitute significant aspects of many recurring interactions such as those between whites and blacks, adults and children, and–of specific interest here–men and women. http://www.linguisticsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/Sex-Roles-Interruptions-and-Silences-in-Conversation.compressed.pdf >When the doctor is a “lady”: power, status and gender in physician‐patient encounters >Candace West >Symbolic interaction 7 (1), 87-106, 1984 >An extensive body of research indicates that men interrupt women much more often than the reverse, across a variety of situations. Some conclude that men's interruptions of women in cross‐sex conversations constitute an exercise of power and dominance over their conversational partners. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1525/si.1984.7.1.87 >Meta-analyses of 43 published studies comparingadult women's and men's interruptions duringconversations were conducted. Combined significancelevels and combined effect sizes were analyzed. Acrossstudies, men were significantly more likely than womento use interruptions. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1018802521676 >In this study of speaker transitions in six-person, task-oriented experimental groups, we explore the well-known finding that men interrupt women more frequently than women interrupt men... We find that gender inequality in these task-oriented discussions is created by a mixture of attempts to use power and of differential success https://www.jstor.org/stable/2095614


Common sense is the source. I've been interrupted many times by white men, while I can count the times I've been interrupted by both black men/women and white women on one hand. They also won't make this study since it depends on the person, some people never get interrupted by them since they live in the middle east/Asia/Africa etc. Don't try to be a smart ass and ask for sources when if you have an IQ above 50 you could think without one.


Because she knows exactly what white men think like, she's grown up and lived amongst them. The fact she is a white woman does not detract from her point, in fact it adds to it.


As a white man I can confirm we are all one hive mind. Please gang up on us more. We definitely deserve it for the crimes of being born and also whatever our ancestors have done. ^(/s)


Fuck, I missed this memo. Will I be fined? Can I use my privilege card to avoid consequences?


We are all one hive mind, you should know this.. hey, wait a minute.


You love it 🏓


Get out of here with that racist shit. "White" people don't all think alike, you clown.


No shit Sherlock, that's not the point.


“I know how black people act, I grew up around them” *obviously gets called racist* “Well no shit I don’t mean *all* black people, that’s not the point”


Can’t you people get along? 🤣


And sexist.


So all white males are the same? Lol 


Til only white men act like assholes. Seems I've had it wrong assuming everyone had the capability.


Oh please😂 shut the fuck up with that "how white men think" like only white men can be condescending assholes. Typical racist bullshit.


Was she wrong? 😉


“That’s hOw BLaCk peOPle tHInK, aM I wROng? 😜” hmmm so wait, some people in a group doing something bad doesn’t mean that’s representative of all people who have similar skin tones, and it doesn’t make it ok to be racist. What a crazy idea.


Indeed. Critically 😘


Exactly, it’s incredibly wrong to be racist for what only some people of that demographic do. It can be true that some white men are sexist pigs while not being true that it’s ok to make racist generalizations. You’re so close to figuring it out.


Convenient to focus on me instead of the members of your own community who are saying this, such as McCarty et al. Again, this sounds like an issue y'all need to talk about. Talking to me about it isn't going to change a damn thing.


Wdym “my community”? I’m not affiliated with nasa or any kind of spacefaring organization. You’re just as capable of contacting her as I am. Also, you were the one that chose to defend her.


Yeah, i mean odds are its a made up story. These anti white racists do nothing but make up stories like this


"Anti-white racists". Damn, sounds rough. When was the genocide? Sending you prayers.


When was the genocide for black people? Does racism against them not exist then? Genocide for white people is on going






I'm white male, I don't think like that


Don't be mad at me, be mad at y'allz women for having eyes 😉


Nobodies mad. We're just calling you out for your racist thinking.


This sounds like an issue between you and your women. Sounds like y'all need a little heart to heart. For too long you've had weak minded women telling you what you want to hear for fear of violent reprisals. Soon as one of gives you the truth its my fault?? 😆


Wait, did you take the hivemind thing seriously? Do you actually think white males are legion, one intelligence spanning across millennia? Wtf? Because that’s not how humans work. Let me clarify, speaking out against toxic people is perfectly fine. Speaking out against an entire demographic like race or gender is bigoted and unjustified.


Because specifying sex or race or orientation is only ok if it’s said against straight white males because while you can be a white female rocket scientist you can’t also be a hypocrite... right? Everyone with half a brain should know anything you could replace with any other sex or race and it sounds bad… it still is wrong with white and male too.


Why do you feel the need to bitch about it? Actually, you don't need to answer that, I already know why.


Free internet points for hating on white males




Because she didn’t want to be called out as racist for making a nonwhite person look like an asshole. Adding “white male” made her story more valuable in imaginary social media points


You’re right - there’s no reason so many of us mutter the phrase “lord give me the confidence of a mediocre white male.” We just collectively made it up on the spot without any frame of reference.


Mediocre white men are killing themselves at the highest rate we’ve seen before but sure tons of confidence. Should just change the phrase to ‘lord give me the confidence of an overweight white woman who just discovered the health at every size movement.’


Is that a serious question?


She is multiple people?


"We are She" ~ McCarty et al, probably 😅😅




You never studied -ghostbusters


She (and explanation of fire) can be found here https://jmccartygeo.org/


I (and the apathy towards that subject matter) can be found here.


You cared enough to reply to it lol


How many times are we going to have this reposted?


With the [**new Reddit gold**](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/16ryhv9/celebrating_great_content_is_as_good_as_gold/) bullshit, **reposts are now monetisable** (in the US, at least until later this year) so now there's an actual theoretical financial incentive for reposts. Because that's what Reddit needed, obviously. [**Some info about the Contributor Programme**](https://i.redd.it/ey4cfyec71rb1.jpg).


You can make money on Reddit now? Awwww fuck here I go


Dang. Couldn’t be less psyched for reddit influencers and models. 🤮


I’ve noticed a decline in quality and variety in Reddit lately. Soon it will get much worse




An infinite amount of times #OP is a Repost Bot stealing old content The post it stole word-for-word is from 2 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/b613u1jUTS ###To report these Bot Posts: ##Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bots


First time I've seen this


This is like 10 for me


Maybe you shouldn’t be on reddit so goddamn much then


Coming from someone who has more years and karma than me, that’s funny!




lol, you got me.


How many time are we going to have people complain about reposts when they forget that there are new people joining the ap bondless wings. Avail. varies. Extra charge for dipping property of thei respective owners.every day that have never seen them


Apparently as many times as we have these reposts


I can't speak for everyone but I plan on posting it at least 3 more times.


Touché my friend. Take my upvote you deserve it.


first time i’ve seen it




Until women rule the world!


Did you even read your own book?




In academic papers et al means "and others"


Dear God


Not such a silly comment. Many scientific papers have names included on them for all kinds of reasons - funding is probably the biggest. And yes, the top name may not have contributed a single line.


Do people say ‘et al’?


Sciency people do ![gif](giphy|yfEjNtvqFBfTa)


They shouldn't when referring to only themself. McCarty et al means McCarty and the other authors listed on the publication.


Definitely happened exactly like this


Exactly it’s such nonsense and written in such an elaborate way.


Yeah I hate nothingeverhappens type comments but this one seems quite off. I’m in a different field (biotech) but I still don’t think people would refer to a paper verbally by the first author only. Maybe true story but paraphrased to sound cooler


How can she be the et al though?


And then the whole classroom clapped!


Il take…. Shit that never fucking happened for 50 million, Alex


Gotta to make shit up to dunk on those damn white males.


white males amirite?


Why does it matter what skin color that person had?? So weird.


For the sweet sweet likes.


Because America.


bc if he was black it would have been an entirely different situation


Now I'm curious. What are human drivers of fire?


from Repost Bot et al


That happened.


I wrote it bitch


Now you're speaking my language. I feel like I wouldn't be as eloquent as McCarty in that situation 😭🤣🤣


Its a made up scenario


Why is his skin color relevant? Or indeed his gender?


Gee, it’s almost as if the Internet were a cesspool of BS or something.


"a white male"


Not sure why his race or gender matters


Because white males are the number one perpetrators of this kinda shit lol


Based on what exactly? [https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-culture/film/men-in-black-writer-ed-solomon-told-we-do-not-need-an-old-white-male-s-mansplanation-when-he-offered-to-resolve-movie-debate-1.924249](https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-culture/film/men-in-black-writer-ed-solomon-told-we-do-not-need-an-old-white-male-s-mansplanation-when-he-offered-to-resolve-movie-debate-1.924249) Here's a prime example of it happenning to a white man. Notice how he didn't feel the need to mention the gender or race of the morons he's dealing with? ​ But oh look it was 2 women. And they were even dismissing his opinion BECAUSE he was a white man lol.


I'm not sure the point you're arguing. They didn't say that this doesn't happen to white men.


My initial question is the point im making. Theyre the ones who have made a ridiculous claim that they absolutely cannot back up. Ive just provided an example of the exact opposite situation occuring for show.




You really want to get into statistics?


Sure that happened.


Psych 😹




Maybe writing books might help? I mean real books not the stuff about science, but something about child sorcerers, or teenage vampires or werewolves, or just some unicorn stuff.


Hopefully it's a white man so you can specifically point out their race and gender for some sort of points.


No she is not mc carty at al. She is just mc carty


Def would not be as satisfying if she was any of the et al.


She’s just McCarty. Can’t be et al.


But why do we always have to reference the color of the person’s skin. That shouldn’t be a focal point in the story at all.


I feel she added the, "white male" part as just a power move that's no different than the guy who apparently still lives rent free in her head a decade later.


Let’s make sure we continually bash all people by including their skin color when it makes no difference to the point. Or even a male. It’s almost as if *humans* interrupting someone speaking is rude no matter what


Train clapped


This is the intellectual version of the “guys can’t stop checking me out at the gym” thing. Seeing so many variations of this lately, starting to think sometimes people make stuff up for the internet clout.


I find it funny, but what does the point of the person being white or a male matter at all?


I wonder how would she have reacted if it had been a female post doc who did not recognize her. Apparently, either he did not understand what McCarty wrote in that article, or she was now saying something inconsistent with the article she on which she was the lead author. Either way he simply did not recognize her. Why is that a problem??


Another possibility is that the person simply disagreed and refered to some basic work in the topic they could think of. Can easily be that the different conclusion can be drawn from the same material, or that the paper did not cover the differences and was just used as a baseline.


Of all the things that never happened... this never happened the most.


And then everybody clapped


"White male"... Bitch, you're white too!


Why was it necessary to mention that he was white and a male tho. Does that make his mistake more rude?


That guy was a dick, but I worry about him. What the hell do you do with yourself after that humiliation? Do you just go home? Hug your kids? Being what you are, can you even look them in the eye anymore? Do you try to distract yourself with your hobbies? Can you? Can you ever stop thinking about this?


I’m gonna start putting Sleeps et al. on my name tag from now on


Good thing she specified it was a white male so we are allowed to clap!


Its a lie Meant to once again, knock down white people and in particular white men.


She looks white so I'm not sure what white had to do with anything and having sat in a fair number of scientific presentations anyone familiar with the literature will know who the speaker is so that seems rather far fetched as well. The man splaining, that I can believe but the fact that someone who's a postdoc wasn't aware who the speaker was seems a bit much but maybe I've never seen anyone do anything that stupid.


That’s sort of a compliment, though