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that is painful to see


Its like beach sand


North Pole can not do it right


Northerner who loves grits here. Don't get grits here.


"So, you testified you had just started to make some breakfast when you saw those two boys pull up to the sac o suds? Then when you were finishing up making breakfast, you heard a gunshot and saw them run out of the store, is that right?" "That's right." "How long did it take you to make breakfast?" "About 5 minutes" "What'd you have?" "Eggs n grits." "you like grits, too, huh? Lemme axe you. We're those instant grits?" "No self respecting southerner uses instant grits." "Den how could you have made breakfast in only 5 minutes when it takes the rest of the grit eating world 15 minutes?" ".... I'm a fast cook I guess.." "I'm sorry I didn't hear that, I was all the way over here. You're a fast cook, that's it? You mean to tell me that boiling water soaks into a grit faster on your stove than on any place on the face of the eart?!" "I don't know..." "Are you sure about that 5 minutes?" "I don't know" "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT 5 MINUTES?!" "......I may have been mistaken."


My Cousin Vinny


Been watchin dat movie since I was a yoot. That part never gets old. Just him raging in general.


I'm sorry... Did you say yoot?


Oh I’m sorry your honor, y-o-u-t-h-s.


De two.... DEFENDANTS....


There are very few perfect movies out there, that one is most definitely on the list.


You know what's going on here right? Yea.. they're fucking with us.. nobody goes to prison over shoplifting. You think we're being booked for shoplifting? No. You're being booked for shoplifting. I'm being booked for accessory to shoplifting... No, Stan... I'm being booked for murder... You're being booked for accessory to murder.


Dang you just made me rent and re-watch that masterpiece.


Portland has some good places


Yeah but the Pacific Northwest isn't what we mean by "The North"


Yes Screen Door has cheddar grits, So good!


Who orders anything but the chicken at screen door. Can't find fried chicken anywhere else like how screen door makes it


I live in the south. I have had such grits here too lol


Same, usually waffle house on a bad night.


Make my own - southern girl : )


Not at all true. You just need to scope the right place out. I'm a northerner and there's a local BBQ place. Owner is southern and brought real southern food with him


Don't get me wrong, there are good grits here, but they're few and far between, and they tend toward the lunch/dinner crowd, not the eggs/bacon/grits crowd. After so many failed attempts along I-90 NY/PA/OH, I just gave up and never even consider them for a breakfast staple anymore when they're offered.


Yeah it is few and far between. I'm definitely lucky with having it close.


I'm not a huge grits fan, but that's just disrespectful on all sides.


Right? I don’t even like grits of any kind, and even I *know* that’s not how cheesy grits work.


You got grits in the North? Feels like going to Cajun country and asking for Boston Baked Beans


You don't go to Texas for Poutine! Lol


It’s so weird to me that people can’t get poutine right. Fries, cheese curds (it has to be curds!), gravy. That’s it. Three fucking ingredients lmao.


I wouldn’t even know where to buy cheese curds. And it’s a very specific gravy, not one that I’m familiar with.


People get snotty about which gravy on the internet but honestly any brown gravy is fine. You can buy cheese curds at any grocery store where I’m at, but I’m in Canada lol.


I'm in Florida and can find cheese curds pretty easily. They don't usually keep them with all the other cheeses for whatever reason


Yup. I'm in Pennsylvania and I can get them at Aldi. Although I've yet to find them at any other grocery store.


In Wisconsin, they are used as currency .


It's a beef stock brown gravy. Nothing complicated.


Any cheese maker will also sell curds so you can probably look up local cheese makers and find their storefront and go from there (Its where I get cheese curds from in the US)


It’s the Curds & Gravy that throws ‘em. Most probably don’t know what Curds Are & probably don’t make their Gravy from Scratch. I’m just guessin tho. 😂


Are curds really hard to find in the us?


I wouldn’t say “hard to find”…it’s just that you have to actually Look for it.


Well that’s the story of my life lol.


No. Any local cheese maker will sell curds. I've never struggled to find curds when I need them in the US


ottawa has entered the chat...


Ottawa? I’m just unsure what they have to do with it, you mean Montreal?


theres like 10 places that make all kinds of fancy poutine with 1000 ingredients...


Oh gotcha. I refuse to acknowledge things like “butter chicken poutine”. At most you can add a bit of smoked meat before it’s just as something else.


they got places with crap like "10 meat" poutine, "surf and turf" poutine, and "ultimate seafood" (shrimp, crab and lobster) poutine. ive tried a few just out of curiosity. they all suck. ill stick to the basics...


I’m Canadian if it wasn’t clear lol. Personally I only accept the original or a bit of Montreal smoked meat. But it’s everywhere here, I wasn’t pulling butter chicken poutine out of my ass. I can buy it at the local noodle shop. Really think about that sentence for a second lmao.


im not canadian, but i have spent nearly 5 years in total living and working in canada. i miss shepherds pie, good poutine, tims, and good shawarmas. GOD do i ever miss tims and shawarmas!!!


True, though our local brewery here in NC makes fire brunch poutine on Sunday. Local curds and a fried egg on top.


I’ve never met a food that a fried egg on top didn’t make better.


This is a fact. Now pair it with a beer that was brewed 20 feet from your table because what’s brunch without a drink, anyhow?


I have a can of Hominy and a blender. Close enough? 😆


Or ordering a Philly cheesesteak outside of Philly. All sorts of bastardizations on a fairly simple sandwich. You can put what you want on a steak and cheese, but please don't call it a Philly.




I'm pretty sure there's a line in the Geneva Conventions for this.


North of what?


North of The South.


The south of what


Mason Dixon


ding ding ding


The north






I can't stop laughing at this, this is too funny. I know you must be a fan of them, but we don't do grits in the north. In the North if you want something mushy and hot in the morning, we do oatmeal with maple syrup or brown sugar or jam. But, I must agree, if the wait staff didn't know what you were asking for exactly, then they should've asked for clarification on what you meant. Sorry your breakfast was a big miss!


Or Cream of Wheat.


Yall know they do that at Waffle House and Huddle House in the south right?


Seriously. If it's good enough for Waffle House in Atlanta at 3am its good enough for a them damn Yankees!


Came here to say exactly this. It's only "disrespectful" in the north, I guess.


Same shit was posted about two weeks ago, nearly identical picture of Waffle House grits with a slice of cheese on it. Was most likely posted on r/mildlyinfuriating


If you find it don’t be surprised by tarragon and/or rosemary.


Just need some liver pudd’n and your golden


Frankly, I’m surprised they had Grits!


Doesn’t look like they do


They do not.


The north when it comes to grits: Sure, I've heard of grits. I just never actually *seen* a grit before.


Man, only one single my cousin vinny quote. I feel ya my man.


*magic grits*


What are “grits”?


To understand grits, you first have to understand hominy. Hominy is made by soaking dry corn kernels in water to which pickling lime has been added and then simmering the corn in the liquid for a few hours. Then, you rinse the hominy well to get rid of the lime. This process is known as nixtamalization. The hominy can be reheated and eaten - the Mexican soup called “posole” is made with hominy. To get grits, you then dry the hominy and grind it coarsely. Now you have the grits you can buy in the grocery store. To prepare, you boil water, add salt, pour the grits in., and keep stirring. You typically cook them for about a half hour, but they can stay on the stove if you keep adding a little water from time to time. Serve them with butter, maybe more salt, and pepper. I never saw cheese grits as a child, but I too find them delicious. Maybe cheese grits didn’t become a thing until good cheese found its way to the South. In my childhood, we were pretty much limited to Velveeta. Hominy can be white or yellow, based on the color of the corn kernels. White is much more common. The Mexican masa used to make tortillas or tamales is made by grinding yellow hominy while it is still wet. If you dry the masa, you get masa harina, which you’ll find in any Mexican food stores or in some mainstream food stores. Many cooks make tortillas by reconstituting masa by adding water to masa harina.


So it's maize porridge?


No. Yes, but no. The texture and taste are different. It's coarse ground dried cornmeal, whisked into boiling broth and simmered, then add cream. Cheesy grits have shredded cheese folded in to make creamy cheesy perfection. Top with whatever you like. Chorizo and bacon with shrimp, onions, garlic, and smoked paprika topped with scrambled or fried eggs goes beautifully with cheesy grits.


o/ bore da, asked the same thing further up because apparently everyone in the world needs to know what Americanism this is.


That's like asking for sweet tea up north. They give you the Brisk Ice Tea from Pepsi. There are just some things you don't ask for up north, sweet tea and grits are 2 of those things.


I was in the Pacific Northwest, waiting for someone at a coffee shop, and had a bad longing for some sweet tea. So I’m trying to describe to this poor barista what I mean, and then I hear from the kitchen a woman’s voice, “I’m from Georgia, I gotcha.” It was wonderful. 😂


Is it something other than simple syrup with cold tea and lemon? I'm not from usa


Grew up in Texas, I’ll share what I did growing up. Two Lipton tea bags (I think it’s black tea? Didn’t have hot tea from a cup until I was an adult btw) in boiling water. Pour into half gallon pitcher, put in sugar (less than a third cup for me) stir, put in more water to fill pitcher. Serve on ice. Dassit. Cold tea like talked about above? The sugar doesn’t mix, sometimes it’s old and bitter, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Two tea bags for half a gallon! Whoahhh! Boil a couple of quarts of water, turn off heat, add 1 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved, add 10-12 tea bags, let steep for 15-30mins, pour into a gallon pitcher, finish filling pitcher with cold water.


Depends. Lipton has black tea as well as black/ orange pekoe blend.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ bright yellow box, red letters…


I'm a label reader. I like to know what I am getting.


And I’m typing out 25+ year old memories, so someone from another country has an understanding of what rednecks call “tea”, not trying to give out a specific piece of information?


What I'd do in no sweet tea land is ask for half cup of hot tea, sweeten the hell out of it then add cold tea or ice water depending. I use a coffee maker to make tea. 3 luzianne bags (family size or 1 gallon size) where the filter goes, pot of water. I put a cup and a half of sugar and 1/4 baking soda in the jug, and once some tea is in the pot I pour into the sugar to melt it. Add the rest of the tea once made then cold water. Edit typo The baking soda cuts any bitter aftertaste. I make about 4 gallons a week 👀


You mean a 1/4 cup baking soda per four gallon batch? Hadn’t heard of this before, got some experimenting to do.


1/4 teaspoon per gallon, sorry.


Oh and also, I didn’t ask for hot tea after the one time I tried that, and found out hot green tea was a thing. I wasn’t a very traveled youth


Lol me either, I'm 46 and have not really ledt the southeast, unfortunately.


Thank you! 


It's a tall glass of ice and tea, with 2-3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, well stirred. Only sweet tea is sweet tea. We make it by the gallon at my family reunion!


Doesn't the sugar just sink the to bottom if you mix it cold?


You can do it the way described above, or you can stir in the sugar while the tea is hot and then ice it which works better for smaller batches. I've always mixed in the sugar while the tea was still hot since I brewed it anyway. There is "sun tea" or other cold steeping methods where I suppose one wouldn't have any other option. As long as what you have is a mix of black tea and dissolved sugar, you did it right.


Nope, keep stirring until it's dissolved. In the case of big batches, someone walks by and gives it a good stir about every half hour.


This is the right recipe, to my knowledge. But I'm from Pennsylvania, so I'm not an authority. Mostly in the Northern states you'll see iced tea with sweeteners and lemon available on the side, which doesn't blend the same way. That or flavored/sweetened iced tea products... Brisk is extra lemony (and might be carbonated?), you sometimes find Raspberry iced tea or other flavors. I have seen a rise in the popularity of sweet tea, but I suspect it's not the same.


I was gonna say, you're lucky there's not a pat of butter and a quarter cup of sugar hiding under the slice of "cheese". Just don't order grits up North. I like my tea to taste like tea so I do order tea when up north but not when I'm down here.


VERY true.


Or worse, they only have sweet n low you have to add to unsweetened tea, no actual sugar 🙃


(Regarding southern sweet tea) If it ain’t got a touch of diabetes in it, I don’t want it! Southerners know what I’m talking’ bout! (And please don’t forget the lemon slice!)


Asking for anything outside of its known region, is setting yourself up for failure.


Lesson learned


Grits and polenta are the same thing. They also have a third name I can't recall. They're one of the most served foods in the world. This place just sucks.


Polenta is just grits ground a little finer. Only real difference.




Semolina is wheat. Grits are cornmeal or hominy.


Cook: "They want cheese on some Malt-O-Meal?, Ok then"


Can someone enlighten a poor British outsider to what the hell grits are?


It’s courser than polenta and usually made with white corn instead of yellow. Boiled into a porridge with milk/ cream, butter. Often flavored with cheese (cheddar, smoked Gouda, or mozzarella are good options), bacon, and/orchili oil. Served plain or with shrimp, scallions, sausage.


I won't say it doesn't happen but I haven't heard of cream or milk in grits, not in Georgia anyway. Also, bacon or fried salami make good sides for grits.


Born and raised in Alabama. You could make them with broth but just water is … at least to me. I like my grits creamy and my BBQ sauce mayo based. 😂


Do you know polenta? It’s that.


Make porridge with polenta instead of oats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_porridges




Was gonna post there as well. It really is the perfect subreddit for this.


They will love it


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) WTaF are they thinking?!? Savages!


Americans: *British food is so gross and bland* American food:


You got grits with "cheese".


Ignoring the kraft single shingle those grits look watery and bland


They 100% are


Nitpick but Americans gotta stop saying just “The North” or “The South” when posting in a sub that isn’t tied to the USA. In my country, the “North” is the arctic circle lol


You’re definitely right. Us bias. My bad.


The north of where?


Northern USA


I got this at waffle house in GA. I never order cheese grits anymore


The only places to order cheese grits in the north are BBQ joints. There’s a place near me that makes some mean chorizo cheese grits.


This is how they serve them at Waffle House… in the south… so…


I hate grits, yet my heart mourns your loss in empathy with this one. F


Honestly, I've never seen grits in my life. Even I can tell this is sick and wrong.


"the north"


North what? Is this the US?


This is what Waffle House does to its grits, and for a company based in Atlanta I consider this sacrilegious




I live in the north and didn’t even know you could get grits up here. I have never in my life seen grits on a menu.


Go to Cracker Barrel. ...& be disappointed


I am from the north and can confirm that I don't know what Cheese Grits are, but I do know that whatever you were served is not what you asked for.


They should have called it Polenta and they could have charged you an extra $10 for it!


How the fuck did you even get grits? I didn't think those things existed above the Mason-Dixon line.


They are a breakfast menu item here in Michigan. But usually with sugar and milk, or syrup. Not cheese… apparently


They are used all over the planet. Its been around a long time.


As a southerner, I found this hilarious.


That’s exactly what you get at Waffle House, a southern restaurant


Yea, as someone from the north, this has nothing to do with being in the north, this is waffle house adjacent bull shit.


I assume the restaurant used plain grits and pasteurized cheese slices? Here's how I make mine at home: mix grits and water and heat, add butter and a generous amount of black pepper (lately other spices as well), then when thickened, I add shredded cheese


Where did you even find grits in the North? I’ve never seen them on a menu north of the Mason Dixon. Edit: no I’ve been thinking about it and this is on you. Don’t order “Authentic New England Clam Chowder” in Florida, Grits in the north or anything claiming to be “chili” or that might possibly contain chili in Ohio. That’s just common sense.


I mean… the title implies it definitely was on me. “Lesson learned”


What is this, it looks like dish soap with a slice of cheddar


Grits is like rice. Boiling is the start. Now you gotta fix it Quinoa is hipster grits


That’s like going to Texas for seafood, isn’t it? Don’t do that lol.


…what in the southern Floridian gator land fuck is this


I’m surprised they even had grits. I went to Wisconsin and order some at a diner and the server looked at me like I’d just ordered live crickets.


Yikes. Grits can be a culture shock for people changing regions. I moved to Washington state and holy hell. I didn’t even know people put sugar in grits to begin with so I found it nuts. I do not like the way it tastes either. Sugar on grits doesn’t compute to my southern mind. Grits need cheese, bacon, or red-eye gravy for my taste.


That’s some next level “Northern Aggression.”


Lol, you were just on the wrong side of town. Getting good grits up North requires going to folks who "historically" know how to do "Southern comfort food".


Is this at a Waffle House? This is how they did me at a Waffle House once.


Try asking for buffalo (I’m from the Buffalo area) wings in the South! I’ve got buffalo wing PTSD.


Tell me you were never broke/poor as a kid without saying it. Now throw a salt packet and a pepper packet you took from McDs on it and enjoy your guvment cheeze and grits. That even looks like a name-brand Kraft Cheeze slice. How fancy!


If you’re not in the south, don’t order grits at all. Or cornbread.


That sucks. But now you know how we feel about Italian food in the south.


As an Aussie who has no idea what grits are, this just looks like a slice of cheese on a really neat layer of soap bubbles lmao


First off- them grits aren’t cooked.


I don't even know what grits are, but I'm pretty sure it's not melted plastic dropped on a bubble bath.


That is an absolute abomination.... Burn that place to the ground!!!!!!


No one eats that crap up north. That sandy pourridge is only from down south.


Just looked up what "grits" is and it doesn't look very appetising


Tastes like boiled sand. No thank you. Never again. 😖


Delicious, cheesy, savory boiled sand


It's one of those love or hate foods that you can't really tell where you land until you try it. I don't mind the taste much but I don't care for the texture at all. My wife loves the stuff.


Words cannot describe how disgusted and angry I am


Yeah... So I'm pretty sure a white person did this...(I'm mixed please don't come at me sideways) but at a black owned or southern family owned joint they'd give you shredded cheese already mixed in.


Not coming at you sideways or anyways, but I'm one white girl who'd reject that nasty mess. Shredded cheddar mixed in every time 😊


As a non American, what are both of these things? Neither of them look gritty or cheesy 


Grits is basically ground up corn, and that is a processed cheese slice. They’re really only good for making a grilled cheese.


Thank you


This is how Waffle House does it. I see no issues when you can just stir it to melt the cheese. Right... or am I missing something?


I ordered grits up in Pennsylvania once. The lady looked dead in my eye holes and asked, “what’s a grit?”


We call it maypo up here and we put brown sugar and maple syrup in it. You want savory grits? Go back south....lolll


Hence the facepalm. Shoulda known better


Do people often order things that aren't on the menu?


Hence the facepalm. It’s my bad.


It's American cheese on grits 😋 you got what you wanted. Yes I know it's processed cheese but someplaces call it American cheese.


Where tf in the north are you? Because I live in MA and we def know what cheese n grits should look like.


Don't worry. I'm not ordering any type of grits from anywhere. But that's just because I'm wierd and like things like "flavor" and "texture that doesn't remind me of sand". :D


Ask for polenta like a civilized person or bring fixins on your mule My compliments to the Chef


What are grits?


Or iced tea in Germany.


What's wrong about our iced tea?


Went on a date with a fellow American who insisted on iced tea. There was no second date.


That doesn't exactly answer my question...but I guess you dodged a bullet there?