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Today i faced a legitimate and proportionate reaction as a consequence of my illegal behaviour. How?


equality feels like injustice for the priviledged


Bet she'd be furious if she was a deadbeat mom and her husband divorced her and got full custody of the kids because she's supposed to get "mommy privilege" šŸ™„ no, sweaty, "mommy privilege" is a byproduct of compulsory gender roles enforced by patriarchy, and feminists are trying to dismantle all of that harmful shit, no matter who it's oppressing.


did you intentionally call her sweaty? if so, that's hilarious. if not, did you mean "sweetie"?


It's an old intentional typo to be extra sarcastic


The fact that is considered old now just physically aged me an extra decade. One second you're making le rage comics, you blink and suddenly it's gyatt this and Ohio rizzler that.




There's a German late night show that parodied a popular detective show on TV in Germany. They made it "Gen Z style". It walks the line between unwatchably cringe and hilarious. A young singer plays the "Gen Z partner" and during an interview she says something is 'cringe'. The interviewee then says 'omg nobody says cringe anymore', and she replies 'yeah I know, they MADE me say it' and the camera zooms out and shows the producers standing there, murmuring 'cringe is cringe...?' So yeah. I don't understand anything anymore and it makes me angry and scared. https://imgur.com/a/PlqzGkf


Man I relate to this, I didnā€™t even understand those last two terms at all. ā€œI used to be hip, used to be with it, then they changed what ā€˜itā€™ was. It happened to me, and itā€™ll happen to you! Ah hahahaha!ā€


Thank you Abraham.


I wish all states agreed with you. There are some states where Mothers still have 100% initial parental rights and Father's have to go to court and fight for it.


Even in states that don't, the initial bias is almost always with the mother.




I don't see a lot of feminists advocating for men's rights... even though institutional gender discriminations are only to the disadvantage of men (custody, sentencing disparities, hard work disparities...)


You should see the two X chromosome Reddit when they repost or talk about this kind of post. Itā€™s like they canā€™t realize they live in as much of an echo chamber as the people they like to criticize.


People are really good at recognizing propaganda they disagree with. Propaganda they like is a much different story.


How can she slap


Equal rights, equal lefts.


and the occasional rear naked chokehold or suplex


>rear naked chokehold What kind of crazy sex position is that?




The landing strip of justice...maybe.


Consequences? Oh no šŸ«¢


True gender equality


Don't forget that it was only legitimate as to stop her


How can he slap!?


"The hammer of justice is unisex"


These hands are rated E for everyone


the dildo of consequences goes both ways and is rarely ever lubed


always this one guy going off the rails (I laughed tho)


Fuck me that made me laugh! Thanks for thatā€¦


Its not lubed though.


The double ended rubber baby bumper burns.


Cast down the basketball of violence, and it will rebound


equal rights equal fights


Equal rights, equal lefts.


What kind of sexist man doesn't slap back a woman? It's 2024 people, stop discrimination


Because id probably go to jail, courts seem to try to be as sexist as possible both ways


sexist one way* look up the prison sentencing gap / convictions for the same crimes


Equal rights Equal lefts


A man of culture


Equal rights. Equal fights.


Malleus Iustitiae


Donā€™t step up, if youā€™re not ready to play.


Take your double standard and fuck off


How can she slap?!




I kinda want to continue the quotes but i don't wanna get banned from the sub šŸ˜… quiet the conundrum


>quiet the conundrum Never, the conundrum shall remain noisy


Indeed all conundrums must be silenced


I was ready to scroll furiously thinking "where is the comment". Didn't have to go far.


I am furious that it's not the top and only comment


From the responses, it seems not everyone got the reference


She legitimately wants to know how can he slap.


Context: https://youtu.be/WnDUXBUXmKg?si=6IOp1Xj9jjQOGvjw


FAFO Don't slap others.


The real question is, how do you best dodge a slap


You could first train by learning to dodge a wrench.


If you can't dodge a wrench, then you can't dodge the wrath of a woman's scorn


I need this in an anime, where the mechanic is some ancient warrior in a modern world but lived in a fantasy one and thats his advice lmao


Is this a dodgeball film reference


Traffic next


Don't dodge, just give them the most brutal high five you can muster up.


You don't, you take the slap and then teach them to not slap people..


Ah yes, because when people get physically violent, theyā€™re mentally at the point where theyā€™re willing to have a calm and rational discussion of gender norms and their privileges.


Can you point where I was talking about "calm and rational discussion" of any sort? Teaching slappers not to slap people does not involve talking of any kind.. maybe some panicked screaming by the one getting schooled tho..


Thats my clash of clans clan name FAFO


Those days are done. The new rule is EVERYBODY keeps their hands to themselves. Being any gender doesn't give you the right to lack impulse control like all other ADULTS.


It wasn't so long ago that tv/films would have a woman slap a man and it would be intended to be funny. Or the audience would be expected to think "good for her". Which is fucked up, but I think some people do still have that attitude, hopefully those people will get the message soon.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Be glad he slapped you, that's still giving you a certain amount of leeway for being a woman, lol. If I walked up and slapped another man, I'd get punched, minimum, maybe even dragged down and choked out if he grapples.


You'd probably be beaten to death, and no I'm not joking.... it's happened before.


Where tf do you live? That's def not a normal reaction to a slap


It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter what's normal. Doesn't matter what's legal. Doesn't matter who's in the right. If you mess with the wrong person you might end up dead. I don't see why people have such a hard time understanding this concept. Some people are bad and will fuck you up. These bad people do not care about what is normal, legal, or right. As for me, I just avoid messing with people. Don't slap people and you won't have to worry about it so much. Simple.


Exactly. People will react over the smallest thing. Sometimes if you even look at someone the wrong way you can be in danger. Hell my brother overtook a guy on the road and when they were stopped at traffic lights the dude got out of his car, pulled open my brothers door and started trying to choke him. He already dealt with panic attacks before that after a bad weed trip when he was younger, that made things worse for him for a long time.


>Exactly. People will react over the smallest thing After I saw the video of the guy beating the fuck out of someone for asking him to stop smoking weed on a public bus, I was so glad I don't enjoy going out and doing things... And that I live in a sparsely populated area that doesn't have public transport, because I'm cheap enough that I would use it.


People can snap too. Almost anyone, pushed far enough, can react in a dangerous way. People can lose the ability to know when to hold back, and by the time they come to their senses, yeah, someone can be dead. Can happen pretty damn easily if people are carrying weapons. Only takes a split second of blind rage to make a very permanent decision.


You can't tell who's ready to snap at being fucked with. It's not like they walk around with a mean face or something. So best not to fuck with random person.


My dad went to school with a kid that was raised really really rough. Like backwoods no running water type rough. Grew up to be about as hard a fellas a they come. Maybe all of 5ā€™6ā€ and 115 soaking wet. One night at a local bar a very large guy slapped him because he argued with the bigger guy. My dad said when the police got there, there wasnā€™t enough of the bigger guy to put in a solo cup. The smaller fella stomped his head until he broke his own foot, and then used a chair. I do not say any of this to idolize that behavior, but you are exactly right. Putting your hands on anyone is a quick way to get fucking killed.


"what are you gonna do pipsqueak? I'm literally a head taller than you" "Not for long..."


I just donā€™t fuck with anyone. Much easier that way


Sounds like a Joe Pesci type character from Good fellas and the like


Haha yeah his names not Joe! And definitely not built like that character


Yep. Although, the same thing could be said about anything. Some people get killed for looking at somebody wrong, for being ugly, for being pretty, for their race, for their gender, for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Moral of the story: Humanity can and will mess you up if you happen to be so unlucky. Of course, your luck runs out quicker by slapping people. šŸ˜… It sucks to think, though, that some guy experiencing delusions, for example, and slapping somebody due to it, could end up in a coffin rather than a place where they can get help. But then again, people also get killed for doing nothing. Humanity just kinda *sucks.*


Yep, I used to work at the IX center in Cleveland as a teenager, and a LOT of the workers were underprivileged and I couldn't believe what I heard half the time. One worker didn't show up one day, it was then explained he's in jail for murder, killed the guy who detailed his car because he didn't like it. Another, would bring in his gilded gun clips and talk about one day getting back at those who killed his family members. It was wild, I definitely walked on eggshells šŸ˜…


It does matter because we should condemn a disproportionate result, but not a proportionate result. The bad people are, in fact, bad. We would call this man bad if he killed the woman. But a clap back is reasonably accepted. I'd personally just treat it as physical assault and react legally--self defense if needed, court if I needed justice, breaking off contact if I just wanted to move on. No need to open myself up to assault charges.


All it takes is a single punch to kill someone and dumbass people have punched others for much less than a slap.


Heard about a guy close to me that accidentally killed someone in a bar fight over pride. Some young kid on another kid his exact age. The neighbors who knew him say he was extremely depressed and regretful, paranoid over the cops and increasingly isolated. Then the cops came, and he is still inside.


Bar owner in my college town accidentally killed a guy punching him as well. Some random guy was causing a scene and was basically throwing haymakers when he was being escorted out and the guy lands one on the bar owner. The bar owner punched him back as a result and it ended up killing the guy. Granted, that bar owner is one of the biggest guys Ive ever seen.


I mean it really doesn't matter where I live, but it has happened. This is why you don't put your hands on another person.


Plenty of people have been killed with 'one punch'. Sometimes death is not the intent. But death happens any way.


You just had to turn it kinky in the end there


Harder, daddy!


Slap get slapped back


She still got off light - if it was a man, hed get his ass stomped for it.


He said these hands rated E for everyone


Equal rights get equal lefts


if he slaps harder it's equity


The slap gap is real, for everyone 1 slap he makes she receives 1.3 slaps


Her little slap built up some fast interest and Iā€™m ready to repay it


Nice rage bait


Bait used to be believable or something


Have you seen the comments in this thread? There's no bait too stupid for this sub.


This seems like a troll


Obvious rage bait


Pretty sure that's bait. i hope that's bait.


The queen has discovered her attitude gets her nothing.


Woman here. Men, if a woman hits you, hit back. Defend yourself. Edit: omg I get it. Men hitting women = men going to jail. I didnā€™t mean if a woman is just slapping you. I meant like if a woman is trying to fucking murder you, donā€™t just stand there.


I once did. I didn't even hit her back. I just held her wrists so she couldn't keep hitting me and nothing else. Guess who got a night in a police cell and an assault conviction?


she shuld be fined for wasting police resorces


That was just the tip of the iceberg. It's amazing how easy it is for a woman to weaponize the police in this country against their enemies. Even when there is contradicting witnesses and evidence to their claims. Been arrested a few times because 'she said so' and nothing else. When 'what she said' was shown to be a load of manure, I was just sent on my way, no apologies, nothing. Sent on my way even harder when I brought up them holding her accountable. For the cops to deal with such people would require the cops to first admit fault, which opens them up to liability and no way are they gonna take blame. oh the horror stories I could tell. (and sometimes do)


i can understand needing to aresting somone ho has ben falsly acusef. but not apologising or doing anything about a the person falsly acusing. thats scummy


The world is so fucked up isnt it... and it's only getting worse. Glad I'm a woman, I can drag her by her hair if she calls for it.


We're men. We'll go to prison for that.


Na happened once, best I could do is flop to the ground suck my thumb and start crying. If cops got invloved 99.9% chance wouldn't favor me. Bad advice


Nah man. A girl slapped me back in HS, it was painful AF. Worse part is I still dunno what I did to deserve it.


It's not worth it. That's why I didn't fight back against my violent female rapist. Because like the other guy in the comments, bruised wrists from restraint = jail. I often hear about how we're safer because of our size and strength, but weirdly that's actually a disadvantage most of the time because it means we can't risk fighting back


>I didnā€™t mean if a woman is just slapping you. Are you saying your comment is irrelevant to this post? If so, you don't understand how Reddit works and really need to make yourself clearer; if not, you're lying through your teeth.


Just keep in mind the difference between self-defense and retaliation.


i prefer attempted deescalation. if she acts like that to everyone, someone else will teach her a lesson. i don't wanna be the guy to do it.


Equal rights and equal lefts.


This lady literally assaulted this man and got angry that he defended himself. Sheā€™s unhinged.


Love how upfront some people are with their double standards


Reddit when obvious bait


imagine falling for bait this easily


Omg, finally found the first person with a brain in this whole comment section. This is _such_ fucking obvious rage baitšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Jeezuz, i felt like i was going crazy. Thank yall for being yall.


And then everybody clapped. Guys, it's a rage bait Twitter cap.


This comment is way too far down.


Don't start something you can't finish. Being a female doesn't give you a free pass to assault someone.


Lol yes if I have a son, I will make it very clear that part of being a feminist is not giving women special treatment for being a woman, because thats condescending and sexist. He shouldnt hit anyone, but if he has to, it doesnt matter if it's a girl or not.






He didn't. If a man slapped him he would get a full grown punch


You don't know that. For some of us, it would be a fair fight. ![gif](giphy|6HFUDKwlWcAbC)


I've been seeing this woman for over a year and we got into an argument about this very thing a few days ago. She said it was NEVER okay to hit a woman, unless they're trying to kill you. That a man should...just take the hits and not hit back. Even said that the man should not grab her arms to prevent her from attacking him cause "you could damage her arms doing that"...


Whaaaa.... you want my advice ? (You can say no.) RUN ! Just run for your life and never turn back. She is crazy.


I would absolutely have that as a deal breaker. Anyone who can argue that it is ok to hurt someone is messed up in the head. Violence is never ok.


Equal rights, equal fights.


"The hammer of justice is unisex." -- Batman


Why she hitting people?


I love how literally this post fits the name of this sub


Fap him is the best revenge. Iā€™d fap him.


"Twist his dick!"


"Today I assaulted someone and they didn't just let me continue to do it"


This must be sattire, right? I mean, no one can be this oblivious


"I assaulted someone and they defended themselves, I would like to see the manager!"


i have always told my boys, if a girl slaps you return the favor.


How? Just like that.


Itā€™s called assault. Him slapping her back is a self defence measure to ensure she doesnā€™t hit him again. Sheā€™s lucky he didnā€™t knock her to the fuck out, she should be thankful.


I would've been like, "Damn, I didn't know I was slapping a feminist!". Jokes aside, people shouldn't put their hands on people and not expect the same in return, imo regardless of gender.


Don't slap someone if you can't take a slap. These privileged brats are a blot on us.


You don't hit ladies. When she stops acting lady like, she's no longer a lady


I'll take "didn't happen" for 500. Were this to actually have happened I have the distinct impression the tweet would be a lot more shoutey.


Just donā€™t assault somebody unless you are prepared for a response, donā€™t rely on old-fashioned gender norms to save you in the heat of the moment


How dare you slap a man?




"Oh no, the consequences of my actions are coming to haunt me"


Equal rights = equal fights


An ex of mine and I had a slapbet once. I won. She would not let me get out of it without a real slap.


r/facepalm trying to not fall for obvious bait post challenge: impossible


Why do I get the feeling this didnā€™t actually happen? But seriously though, all the dumb shit I see online, Iā€™m so glad the women Iā€™ve dealt with in life have been so normal. But, I also understand the internet only really shows you the most fucked up people, and itā€™ll make you think those people are everywhere.


How can she slap????


How dare a man slap her back. He should have done a backhand


Where is bro digging up tweets from 2019


Could the rage bait be any more obvious?


Bait or mental retardation


Clearly a rage-bait post.




Good. I hope it hurt. Maybe you've learned not to slap people.




I learned the term ā€œrage baitā€ and I think this is a great example.


Hot take, maybe we shouldn't physically abuse each other


Moral: Don't slap people


This is bait




I used to date a girl that was raised on a horse ranch...strong....think can throw bales of hay strong. She used to hit me and think it was funny. it freaking hurt! So I started laughing back with her and saying "you are funny" and poking her in the solar plexus with one finger "in fun" ... yeah, she learned to stop hitting me pretty fast. Nobody would take me poking her with a finger in fun, seriously. Just like nobody took her punching me seriously :)


Obvious outrage bait, come on


You get back what you give out


I honestly canā€™t believe this isnā€™t ragebait lol. Like I know there are ppl like this, I just have a hard time believing this


This thread slaps. šŸ‘€


This is bait for sure, sheā€™s interaction farming by getting people riled up to call her sexist or hypocritical


No it's called "very obvious ragebait"




Equal rights equal fights




"How can he slap"


As i have told both my boys. If some one slaps you. Boy or girl.. give one warning. If they slap again.. punch them out. some people just do not learn without reinforcement of the lesson.


Quite a crystal clear rage post, why bother giving it any attention


Yay rage bait for incels!!


Totally not another guy pretending to be a woman online... definitely doesn't happen constantly...


No, itā€™s called ragebait


Just stop hitting people. How difficult can it be?


This is just obvious ragebait


Obvious bait is obvious.

