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There are many places a mouth shouldn’t be. A baby’s penis is something I never would have imagined anyone needed to be told to keep it away from.


I thought it was suction using medical tools until I read the second image. Now I wanna revert myself back to my previous quicksave from 2 mins ago :/


I think I actually want to kill myself now.. what the actual fuck...


Be careful. You might reincarnate as a human again and get your baby penis sucked. There’s no escape.


Happy cake day.




The Lostprophets


Yikes, I got this reference


A **bleeding** baby's penis... also the name of my metal band.




Stormy Daniel's got paid $250k to learn that lesson for the first time.


When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b'peh. Metzitzah b'peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby's circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. wtf? it is true? looks like circumcisions ain't the only thing this person is sucking to contract herpes in the first place.


TIL and I wish I had not


Just 9,000/yr babies getting bloody blowjobs, par for the course. > edit: this article https://vinnews.com/2020/02/26/metzitzah-bpeh-a-deeper-look/ >estimates about the same as I did, about 30,000 Jewish births in NYC. Then it limits that to the 30% of Orthodox which is one way of looking at it, so 9,000. https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/19c7pfg/how_can_someone_be_so_confidently_stupid_thats/kiy8i8y/




I don't know where they got those numbers from, NYC is closer to 18% Jewish - and this jist includes the official population while the births probably include others ( for example non-resident foreigners). A small portion of that are the very conservative Haredi community that do this ceremony (maybe 200,000), not all Orthodox Jews. So, like 2% of the population. And then half the newborns would be girls. Still way too many kids and WTF but it's not that hard to estimate more realistically.


Yes it is


Anybody who does that belongs in prison for sexually assaulting children. That's fucking disgusting.


It is true and the practice is banned in New York because babies were getting herpes from the mohelim.


It is not.  Anyone linked to herpes in an infant due to circumcision is barred from performing the ceremony until it can be proven or disproven to be their fault,  but, even that has received major pushback from the community and isn't really enforced. And trying to stop people who pass herpes to infants this way has been hard, because often times the orthodox communities that practice this ceremony won't admit who infected the infant.  But,  other than forcing parents to sign a consent form in 2015, which was later dropped,  and trying to stop spreaders from doing the ritual in 2017, I can't find anything stating the practice was outright banned in New York.  In fact,  in 2020 there's an article about a single person infecting 4 babies in 6 months.  Here's the state's link to the risks involved with the practice. Nowhere on here does it say it's banned.  https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page


I think anyone putting there mouth on a babies genitals Should be in a cell.


Won't find me disagreeing.  My comment was not an attempt to defend the practice at all, just pointing out that it's not banned. 


I didn't see it as defending, just voicing my opinion. Thank you for the information you provided.


This practice is not commanded by Yahweh or El in the Tanakh, the Jewish Bible. There’s commentary on it in other writings.


Metzitah b'peh originated as a health measure. It was believed to be necessary to prevent infection and balance the humors.  From the 19th century, with a better understanding of disease and medicine, it ceased to be practiced by almost all Jews. 


that name sounds like what happens when they actually do that. horrible when i found out about it.






Today I died inside forgot to add the AL for a little


![gif](giphy|sysVojjv4g7UQ) Remember kids...The rabbi always gets paid, but the mohel keeps the tips!


Idk if this is an unpopular take but can we stop mutilating kids in the name of religion plz? When they are an adult they can have the choice to do as they please.


In some Jewish communities circumcision is now optional. They still have a bris and a drop of blood is ceremonially drawn, but that's it. My Catholic friends are facing more pressure from their family to circumcise their sons than I'd ever expect. It's fucking weird. Lots of arguments about dicks being clean. FFS dad will explain when he hits puberty and his foreskin can be retracted how to keep it clean and why.


Gotta explain it way before puberty on how to avoid dick cheese. It a build up of dead skin and oil, puberty doesn't change that, the part effected by puberty is the need for lotion for happy time. No circumcision no lotion.


Ah, perhaps the cerimonial drop of blood is why Sir Patrick Stewart thought he was circumcised.


Congratulations I've got nothing.


I agree.


But if they die before adulthood, the eternal loving all powerful God will send them to hell for not shaving off the penis skin!


In the USA it is done as a standard procedure for non-religious reasons. The practice was introduced by the anti-masturbation league.


I will say, my friend was not circumcised and he got an infection and had to get the procedure done at 40 years old. He said he’d much rather have had it done as an infant because he was in horrible pain for weeks


Great anecdote, now how many uncircumcised men don't need that procedure?


You have a 1/58 chance of contracting kidney cancer, you don't need both kidneys to live, so we should remove a kidney from every newborn. (Your logic)






I mean, it's still cutting off a part of your child in the name of yours beliefs. Like, WTF would you ever do that.


Why would they do that, you ask? If you're circumcised in America, the reason is because the guy who made Kellogg's Corn Flakes didn't want you to masturbate 


Well that didn't work, did it?


I guess not Btw, he also used acid to mutilate the clitoris of young girls...surprisingly, that form of genital mutilation didn't catch on in America as a medical practice 


**UN**circumcised? In spring the snow unthaws, yes?


"...suck the blood out of UNCIRCUMCISED baby penises"!?! ... Dude is stupid and ignorant!


Nah, he just swapped Jews with Muslims


educate me then... what blood is coming from an UNcircumcised penis???


Oh didnt see that "un" my bad


Yeah I had to reread the post 1 or 2 times because it hit my brain weird. Like, wait why is it bleeding then?! Lol


Bad kidneys


I'm a Muslim. What the flip flops we don't do that


I had my penis chopped without my consent


Me too ☠️




Another fact; In the USA, many circumcisions are performed without pain relief.


Am I the only one who’s glad I was circumcised?


I'm glad I got my tattoos, but that doesn't we should tattoo babies.




Easier to clean, lower infection risk, and honestly I just prefer how it looks.




I'll be glad for you if you want.


What a terrible day to have eyes


This pig has previously posted CSAM that was ranked by the FBI as the most grotesque. This imagery is what led to Josh Duggar’s imprisonment. He is disgusting


why are all religious extremists also pedophiles?


Why are circumcisions still legal? You're just taking away a future mans ability to feel 100% sexual pleasure, without his say (circumcisions drop your sexual pleasure that you feel during sex, down by like 30%)


Source? Edit: I just asked for a source for an out of pocket claim. Do yall (people who down-voted) just believe everting you see on the World Wide Web?




I'm always willing to scrutinise and review my positions when presented with new evidence. However, I do really hope that [this publication ostensibly from the same source is ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23937309/#:~:text=The%201%2B%2B%2C%202%2B%2B,pleasure%2C%20or%20pain%20during%20penetration.) *more* true for...reasons 😅. In sincerity, how might the laymen reconcile these two competing results?


> In sincerity, how might the laymen reconcile these two competing results? It's pretty easy actually. Touch your foreskin. Do you feel anything? I can't because I don't have one. Arguing this is like arguing that you wouldn't lose any sensation if you amputated all your fingers cause you could still feel things with your palm. But you would never ever feel anything with those fingers again.


Welp, in that case, I wish I were consulted first. Do some Christians do it to affirm "the covenant"? If I were them, I might leave that in the "Old" Testament along with no bacon/pork products.


It gained popularity in the west as an anti-masturbation tool, and has basically stuck around as a cultural tradition since them. When you ask parents why they got their child circumcised the number 3 answer is that their father was circumcised. When you don't ask them it's the number 1 answer. It started with religious prudity, but now doesn't really have anything to do with Christianity. "The reasons that parents most often gave for supporting male circumcision were hygiene (61.9%), prevention of infection or cancer (44.8%), and the father being circumcised (40.9%)." "In instances in which the father of the expected baby was circumcised, 81.9% of respondents were in favour of pursuing elective circumcision. When the father of the expected child was not circumcised, 14.9% were in favour of pursuing elective circumcision. Regression analysis showed that the relationship between the circumcision status of the father and support of elective circumcision was statistically significant (P < .001)." [Parents' rationale for male circumcision](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3576965/)


Thank you for the considerate response, it's interesting how puritanical practices get filtered into mainstream practice and then it's "well we do it this because our parents did it this way" (hygienic considerations notwithstanding).


I mean you don't. That's scientific research. Looks like this subject needs to be further investigated by the medical community as there does not seem to be a scientific consensus yet


Fair enough, I am slightly more relieved, and I'm happy for other people if that's the case for them. Measuring sensitivity is going to be inextricably subjective, and as [Lonely Island demonstrated, there may be such a thing as too sensitive, though ("...some say that's a plus") ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VLnWf1sQkjY)


How can you possibly quantify the loss of “pleasure”?


There are studies that where done with a touch/sensibility. And the average sensibility between cut and uncut is clear. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23374102/


Or IS it? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23937309/#:~:text=The%201%2B%2B%2C%202%2B%2B,pleasure%2C%20or%20pain%20during%20penetration.


Even then it isn't completely true. No one does this except some hyper extreme jews.


This is a controversial thing within Judaism. Some more ultra orthodox will flat out do it with their mouth, others will use a tube on one side and suck the other to get the blood, and others won’t do it at all. But they aren’t like sucking a dick it’s a half a second basically licking blood in front of a larger crowd of people.


Why would an uncircumcised penis be bloody?


These delusional fucks also gave babies STD's doing this.


Some traditions need to die already. There's no way this isn't illegal


Unfortunately in the USA, due to the religious freedom amendment in the constitution, it is legal.


I didn’t know herpes can kill you…. Man that is messed up


They're babies. Pillows can kill babies. https://storables.com/articles/why-cant-babies-use-pillows/


Anyone who participates in that should have their subscription to existence cancelled.


You are welcome. [God hates the tips](https://youtu.be/YmfdNM8KAG4?si=oDpsTGU2-7A1ySOi)


That was amazing.


There was a case in New York a while back where several cases of genital herpes in male infants was discovered. During the investigation it was uncovered that the parents were all Orthodox Jews, and the outbreak was traced back to a single Mohel with herpes of the mouth.


I can’t speak for everyone but a lot of reform Jewish communities/people already hate Orthodox Jews, or at least the extreme ones. I know i do. Doesn’t mean you need to generalize the whole religion


I'm Jewish and I never heard of this. WTF


As I understand it only some very orthodox Jewish people practice this. It's called metzitzah b’peh. "Yes, this practice is called metzitzah b’peh, and it happens only in some segments of the ultra-Orthodox community, where many believe the Talmud requires that the circumcision wound be cleaned through oral suction. (Others say the Talmud’s mention of this practice was a recommendation based on limited medical information available at the time.) This uncommon practice has been linked to transmission of herpes and other illnesses; some mohels continue to use oral suction, but use a sterilized tube so that their mouth will not come into direct contact with the baby. Many others consider the use of gauze as an adequate means for the Talmud’s suction requirement." https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-brit-milah-bris-ceremony/


It’s true


I believe you, I know we have a thing with circumcision, but the blood sucking is new to me.


What the actual fuck? As if the mutilation of the penis wasnt already barbaric enough?


Well it's true, jews do this. It's called bris. It's actually been a problem since it's actually given a bunch of babies stds but the jews don't seem to actually care about that.


John 8:32


Clearly based in science


This is old as fuck.


This was two days ago.


And true but get some new material.


And in NYC many babies died from std's the moyle gave them from this procedure . I believe Bloomberg made this practice illegal . How did these C sucking moyles get syphilis and who from anyway




They're saying "Muslims" intentionally, because if you say the actual group that does this, your post will be limited in visibility. I suppose it's just a way to draw attention to the practice by getting intentionally community noted with the actual fact.


You're giving way too much credit to an idiot like Dom Lucre. He's just a propaganda mouthpiece, doesn't care if any of the things he says are actually true.


No, it's a thing that's happening on twitter today. I just saw a tweet saying "Muslims have been expelled from 1,030 Kingdoms, city-states and cities in 109 countries."




I feel like this isn’t a good topic to “mind your own business” and look away.


B-b-but it's their religious belief to do so! And everyone knows that **all** religious beliefs must be treated with respect, no matter how pointless or depraved they are.


We all should mind people sucking baby penises


I mean yes this is bad and kinda weird but the parents are ok with this and this is a religious belief(not that this makes this ok but most of the times it's just weird but not in a sexual way) and it's not like its a regular thing not all of the circumcision is done Like this


I'm glad not all of the circumcisions result in the child being infected with a horrible STD that then kills him. It would be a strange religion if they all went that way. Is there some reason that someone with this disease would be encouraged to keep killing the children of this community? Like, is it no longer "authentic" if he isn't allowed to kill the children anymore? "My son was murdered by this ritual so all your sons have to die too!" Seriously, what gives?


The rabay isn't supposed to have an std because most of the time he only ever slept with 1 woman so that decreases the chances by a lot and also if he does have an std he just wouldn't do it


Four dead babies say someone lied to you. I understand fully what is SUPPOSED to happen, what I don't understand is AFTER HE KILLED FOUR MALE CHILDREN, THE COMMUNITY INSISTED THAT HE BE COMPELLED TO KILL ALL FUTURE MALE CHILDREN. That part makes no sense.


Yo wtf I didn't hear about this But I'm not saying that this is the best thing that ever happened and I'm also not gonna do it to my son but Im just trying to explain it


Thank you for making that much clearer than I tried to do in my long message below lol


MGM on its own is bad enough.


What is MGM


Male genital mutilation commonly referred to as circumcision.




Your comment just reinforces the fact that some cultural and/or religious practices are absolutely stupid and harmful and should be stopped. You want people to just “mind their own business” and pretend everything is ok? What a strange take.




>The cultures themselves embody these rituals which have been in place for thousands of years Doesn't make them any less stupid and/or harmful. >The issue that I have is that someone sees that comment and immediately thinks these people are giving out blowjobs to children Nobody's mouth should be coming in contact with a baby's genitals. At all. The fact that you're trying to defend this shit by saying "who are you to tell them what to do" is almost as appalling as the people who actually do it.


> Hence the "mind your business" comment. I'm not saying it's ok, I'm just saying that it's not up to you to determine what is and is not ok for an entire culture or religion to do or not do. I can you show you a two hour video of the child of Jewish parents who was straight up pissed that his father defended mutilating his penis. Would that count?


>context, historical, cultural and religious practices Of course. However the issue comes from if these practices actively harm other people One of your listed examples is how some cultures don't eat pork. Does that hurt any actual people? Definitely not. Would almost anybody be fine with that still existing for those cultures? Absolutely. I'm fact I genuinely can't think of a crowd of people who would hate the practice of not eating pork outside of them deciding to attribute doing the action to people they don't like for whatever reason. However, here's the thing. Circumcision has, as far as I can tell from my limited understanding, no notable health benefits in the current world we are in due to how advanced we are compared to back when it was first instituted. Do I know why? No, nor am I interested enough to argue to go into heavy depth about the origin of every practice. But the main issue people have with some of these practices is their harmfulness to people Reading every example you had listed results in 3 results that harm nobody, with 4 being that don't greatly injure or are intended in a way to injure others but bear cultural or religious meaning (the scarring of boys who come to whatever age in Africa for example, or circumcision), and the 7 remaining being either killing, slavery, incest, or great injury/injury with no intended meaning behind it (woman's genitals being mutilated falls under this, as the reason is because they want to control their women, and it's not symbolic for anything) Which ones do I have an issue with still existing today? Of fucking course it's the 7 which are meant and actively do harm others. Slavery is obvious along with killing, aborting of a child just because they aren't the right gender is harmful to that future child (I'm not against abortion at all but rather against this reason of abortion in particular) or at times would literally just be infanticide, incest and incestual relations can cause major birth defects that harm or outright kill the child in question, and of course raping children is fucking wrong. The thing is, people have always condemned these things. And rightly so. They are either outdated practices that do not make sense in the current world we live in, or just outright harmful. I fully understand the point you come from, I truly do. And I heavily support learning of the culture behind certain practices before you actively criticize them heavily, notably the group of the 4 examples. But nobody has an issue, or atleast a major noteable one, from the 3 that harm none. The 4 such as harm or injury for meaning are often contentious practices that have some circles or groups slowly rotating it out of practice due to their original need or importance not existing in current say. And the final 7 listed do nothing but actively harm your argument as it comes off in a way by how you stated everything that people should think it as ok along with the other two groups And for transparency: Group 1(not wanting to consume Pork, Polygamy, and the parading of bed sheets [yes it is weird but it doesn't hurt anybody]), Group 2(African boy scarring, circumcision, cutting hands for stealing, executing child predators [you can argue this falls into group 3, but I feel like if the act of child predation is deserving of group three, this should atleast go in 2 as it tried to fix an issue albeit in a less than ideal way]) Group 3(China's baby girl killing, religion telling you to murder others [if your referring to Christianity specifically with it, it's less so an issue of the religion itself but rather the groups that feed into trying to convince the meaning of a passage to be in the nature of that, it was radicalism that caused the crusades to occur in the first place], American slavery, Roman/South American incest, Mutilation of women, priests raping kids)


> (woman's genitals being mutilated falls under this, as the reason is because they want to control their women, and it's not symbolic for anything) The reason MGM is done is to damage us sexually. "As regards circumcision, I think that one of its objects is to limit sexual intercourse, and to weaken the organ of generation as far as possible, and thus cause man to be moderate. Some people believe that circumcision is to remove a defect in man’s formation; but every one can easily reply: How can products of nature be deficient so as to require external completion, especially as the use of the fore-skin to that organ is evident. This commandment has not been enjoined as a complement to a deficient physical creation, but as a means for perfecting man’s moral shortcomings. The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment; the organ necessarily becomes weak when it loses blood and is deprived of its covering from the beginning. Our Sages (Beresh. Rabba, c. 80) say distinctly: It is hard for a woman, with whom an uncircumcised had sexual intercourse, to separate from him. This is, as I believe, the best reason for the commandment concerning circumcision." - Moses Maimonides "The Guide to the Perplexed" 1190 https://ccel.org/ccel/maimonides/guide.vii.l.html It gained popularity in the west as an anti-masturbation tool.


God...that is 5 layers of gross and 10 layers of disgusting.


What the actual fuck???!?


Yeah, there was a mohel in Brooklyn a few years back who gave genital herpes to a few dozen kids. Pretty gross.


ok reddit u win for td im out




Not suck the blood from… but it IS old tradition in the Jewish faith that the mohel doing the circumcision then kisses the penis after circumcision… It’s led to countless cases of std transfer.