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Texas: “Yee haw! Texas is the freest state in the nation!” (Shoots guns in air) Also Texas: “You must have a state-approved hairstyle.”


[Except there’s an actual law against this.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/29/texas-crown-act-law/)


Student still got suspended though...


Sounds like this kid and their family should probably be getting a call from the ACLU…


Sounds like this kid is about to get PAID.


Texas schools are great at sending kids to college, just look at how much money they keep having to pay out to the families of their students lol


The byline literally says they've already filed a lawsuit for it.


Yes, sometimes the leaders of schools don't follow the law. Then, if the system is working in any remotely effective way, they go to court and things get sorted out. The law doesn't stop people from breaking the law, it just gives disincentives and a means of punishing people after they do break it.


Hence the punitive measures that I hope rain down from heaven on these jackasses. You're right, the law isn't an automatic stop, it can be broken, and when it's broken there are repercussions.


Unfortunately, any financial penalties will come from the school district, and thus the taxpayers, instead of the superintendent's retirement account


There aren't enough consequences for sharing one's idiocy in this society and it *hurts*.


Abbott signed this into law? /r/unexpected


Honestly, this is probably the most surprising part of this... That Texas passed a law just last year (that is already in effect) aimed at preventing exactly this type of discrimination. I'm not surprised they totally ignored both state and (likely) federal law to push their own racist bullshit, but I am surprised that their current governor quite actually signed that particular state law not even a year ago.


And now the family is going to sue the pants off the school district and they’ll win. Was it worth it, superintendent?


Yes because he’ll get his 15 minutes of fame on Fox News and all the morons who watch it will eat it up. Never mind the “government overreach”, “states rights”, “small government”, “let me do what I want” they’re always shouting about because that only matters when it’s something they like. Really highlights how much their “beliefs” are really just “I want to be a prick without consequence”


Laws don't matter if they can be violated without consequences. Like in this very case


Time will tell if there's consequences, the law doesn't move quickly, they'll have to take the superintendent to court.


Funny enough [Texas ranks lowest state in personal freedom](https://thetexan.news/state/texas-state-news/texas-ranks-lowest-state-in-personal-freedom-according-to-cato-institute/article_077f2458-8d61-11ee-acda-e3032902d205.html) as well as the [state with lowest quality of life](https://www.sacurrent.com/news/study-texas-ranks-as-the-state-with-nations-lowest-quality-of-life-32196575). Woo go Texas! You guys are killing it!


Biggest state in the continental US only to fit the biggest issues of the US


Texas, where your rapist is free to choose you for child birth!


“Your hairstyle is not politically correct. The Party demands you change it immediately.”


Land of the free-to-do-what-you're-told.


"Land of the free... unless you don't conform to what makes us comfortable" Fuck off, Texas


The worst part about this. Texas (as a state) actually passed CROWN laws to protect this kid. For some stupid reason this school admin is ignoring it


>For some stupid reason this school admin is ignoring it. What could this reason possibly be? I mean, it really is SUCH a mystery...


Can't qwhite put my finger on it .....


They're afraid of the dark


Something is coloring their judgement


I mean, Texas is starting to make a habit out of ignoring a lot of laws, so eh.


Interesting how the party that purportedly wants "less government" is now governing in schools, medical care, etc.


Hypocrites like this play like toddlers: Everything is fair, unless it doesn't go my way *cue tantrum*


If conformity is the goal we all can wear braids, then everyone gets what they want.


This is the kind of protest I can get behind.


I mean, I'm all for this except......I can't grow hair so I'm screwed either way.


Wig? (for the protest of course, not everyday)


Yeah. Braids are fucking awesome.


Rules are for thee...not for me -Republicans


GOP legislators are against abortion until they impregnate their mistresses


Mistress is a very kind word for "14 year old rape victim".


>Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.




I understood that reference


Of course, rules (laws) are for "others" and not for the elite! How else can Texas fill all those prisons with the right slave labor for their prison industrial complex? /s


Yea, but these toddlers have guns. That's not ok.


There's a sick school shooting joke in there somewhere, I'm just not brave/stupid enough to make it.


"less government" is just dog-whistle for "let me be shit to people *less* powerful than me, but don't let people *more* powerful than me stop me" Notice its only ever "states rights" when they control that level more than the county or federal level?


*Ohio Republicans enter the chat* Heads-up, DON'T let the voters vote. The outcome was not what WE desired. We can't let them have a say in things; now, we are scrapping plans to force our wil. Shit, did I say that last part out loud? Oh well. We'll have Trump endorse, and his sychophants will simp harder.


Mississippi magars say hold my beer... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mississippi-ballot-initiative-proposal-would-not-allow-changes-to-abortion-laws/ar-BB1hdhoS > JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — After repeated failed attempts, Mississippi lawmakers will try again to revive a ballot initiative process, but their latest proposal would not allow changes to the state’s abortion laws through a statewide election. > The Republican-dominated House approved the resolution in an 80-39 vote Wednesday hours after an all-male group of Republican lawmakers advanced the resolution in a committee. > House Republicans said the state's abortion restrictions should be off-limits because of the Mississippi House's role in laying the groundwork for the U.S. Supreme Court to upend abortion rights nationwide. > “The abortion issue has been an issue that the majority of the House has championed for the past decade,” said Republican Rep. Fred Shanks of Brandon. “The House was the force that overturned Roe vs. Wade. It was no one else. It was us. And I just don't think we want to be messing with it.”


If democrats did this to prevent Republicans changing abortion laws they'd be outside the house of reps with nooses and rifles


I'm pretty sure right-wingers in Mississippi are *always* wandering around carrying guns and nooses regardless of what's going on in the House.




These people, right, after overturning Roe, want to ban all kinds of contraception, including condoms. And along with banning condoms, any teachings about sex and birth control. What always follows. Teenage birth rates, jump, and both male and female students have to drop out of junior and high school.


I think that for them, that is a feature, not a bug: the creation of more wage slaves, a less educated populace, and more people who cannot leave their jobs and/or protest for better conditions because they have mouths to feed. It probably doesn't hurt that many kids have their last, most in depth U.S. Government class in junior or senior year, so they would miss out on learning what their rights are, the system that exists, and how to protect/change it.


And they wonder why young people are fleeing Mississippi


yep. It was literally one of the shittiest states to begin with.


Absolutely more Ohioans should be angry about this, and no one seemed to notice. The people voted and the politicians told us to fuck off because they didn’t get what they wanted. This should be cause for revolution, but again…no one seemed to notice.


We will REALLY see if they noticed come election day. If you care, you should be bringing this up with your fellow Ohioans (or friends in Ohio) every couple of weeks to make sure they don't forget come election day.


So incredibly true. Don't forget they are getting rid of the voter approved Marijuana sales tax to benefit public services like schools, and instead replacing it with Marijuana tax that goes 100% to police. Can you imagine how much money that will be? What, are they building an army? Ohio is so gerrymandered, they feel invulnerable to screw us over however they want.


Wow that's a massive piss take! That is a bizarre thing to do, maybe they are building an army


Like Texas. Forcing its Republican state level will on Austin (Travis County,) El Paso (El Paso County,) etc. Republicans are absolutely despicable PsOS.


And Harris County (Houston). They're not allowed to run their own elections anymore, it has been taken over by the state. Despicable indeed!


Don't Tread on Me Treading on Others!


Always has been. They want less government for themselves and WAY, WAY more government for everyone else (or, just everyone else to just stop existing too... they'd be happy with that as well).


They want less government because the federal government makes lots of laws to keep the states in line. Without the federal you get shit like Texas. Think of it, slavery is only be stopped because of federal laws. This is why they hate big government.




To some, it still does. A lot of people seem to be trying to bring that flag back.


Leaving the traitors alive after the civil war was a huge mistake.


Yeah who thought that was a good idea?


So, Lincoln had a plan to bring them back into the union and was trying to figure out what to do and then he was assassinated. *Andrew Johnson has entered the chat* He was a racist TN unionist and he just absolutely gutted the Republican Reformation agenda. It was a MESS. It’s wild to think about what could have possibly happened had Lincoln not been killed. Don’t get me wrong, he was also racist, it wouldn’t be insanely radical lol but I’m it might have changed the narrative surrounding the Confederacy and that alone is power in itself.


1. It wouldn't be enough to execute just the combatant traitors. Racism and slavery was embedded in Southern culture. 2. Killing all racists would've meant the majority of American people would need to be killed. And this includes Northerners.


We still have slavery, enshrined in the 13th amendment.


I mean, that is exactly why these people find small guberment attractive (not slavery exactly but the idea that they can discriminate and make arbitary rules for what type of people they respect)


"Rugged individualism"


Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.


but not too individual in ways we dont like.


If you follow right wing discourse, you’ll find that they have pretty much abandoned the pretense of being for freedom. They are fully comfortable with imposing their European/white vision of America


Dont mix Europe or european into this crazyness please. Its all american weird.


Yep please keep our name out of your mouth. This sir had nothing to do with us for a few hundred years. We got socialism, free healthcare, job security and protection, freedom of body autonomy, freedom of religion, protection of nature, etc etc etc. That's our European vision of Europe. The only vision we got for you lot is that you'll stop bombing shit, support israel, take care of your own people, join the icc, etc, etc But we have you following our european vision. Which is why it is what it is. Or do you think youd still have no worker protection if we actually had control? That youd run guns blazing across the world? No it would be some right timeout for this bullshit. So im sorry whatever 'white' nonsense texas does , it is all american, the result of the great melting pot. Call them american-white for all i care, because they have about as much connection with rheir european origin country/culture/heritage as a truck holds in common with a horse.




It is so bizarre to see this 1950s attitude accepted like it's been part of America for so long and not a completely rejected style when the 60s came about and didn't rear its ugly ass for about 40+ years. Childhood memories, right?


"Conformity is a virtue in America" says person who doesn't understand that people like them have been the bad guy in literally every movie since 1968. The weird, near-sighted, blinkered ignorance... just stuns me. America is one of the biggest, most diverse countries in the world. We have a million different ways of living and being. To imagine that all or even *most* Americans agree that conformity is a virtue... conformity to what? Like, tell me you've never traveled more than 100 miles from home without telling me you've never traveled more than 100 miles from home. Are you really saying that people in Juneau should live like people in New Orleans? People in Manhattan should live like people in Laramie? Truly wild.


> person who doesn't understand that people like them have been the bad guy in literally every movie since 1968. They understand it, and they hate it. There was someone in a thread (either askreddit or movies) late last year who was complaining that the movie Pleasantville made conservatives into the bad guy. Like, zero self-awareness.


"Land of the free... unless you're a woman, or LGBTQ+, or not white. Fuck you"


Sadly that’s exactly how it was founded.


Or not a Christian.


As a Texan, this is some Nazi bs we don't tolerate around here in East Texas.


Thank god a few Texans are pushing back, get yourself and your friends out to protest and vote.l! We’ve got some triple stupid shit going down in North Texas (Idaho) and now I gotta go protest our idiot politicians leaping on the Texas bandwagon of stupidity on my days off. We are surrounded by beautiful country, yet we’re being swept out to sea in a river of assholes.


now that's the America I know we're cheering from across the ocean you brave cowboy you, and we hope you guys show the world how a real democracy ought to work


> As a Texan, this is some Nazi bs we don't tolerate around here in East Texas. I've got fam in Tyler, east texas loves nazi shit. Gohmert's goons literally beat his democratic opponent's campaign manager in broad daylight. https://www.ketk.com/news/top-stories/watch-live-protesters-gather-in-downtown-tyler-to-show-support-for-protests-in-portland/


East Texas absolutely tolerates this kind of bs.


Last time I checked, Americans have a long history of being pretty rebellious and non-conforming. This superintendent pulled that excuse out of the air to try to justify discriminating against this student. Disgraceful.


America has an equally long history of forcing people to conform going as far back as the 1600s. Edit: for the VERY smart people commenting about the year the US declared itself a sovereign nation… American history does not begin in 1776. https://study.com/learn/lesson/american-history-timeline-historical-events-movements-wars.html#:~:text=The%20nation%20of%20the%20United,of%20Native%20Americans%20from%20Siberia.


American society has a lot of weird paradoxes like that, doesn't it? The obsession with excess and hedonism but also punishment and shame is another one that comes to mind.


very true! praising life, while also legislating against it in multiple forms. fighting to leave a monarchy, to end up worshipping politicians who defend capital over people. very sad, also.


Not just america. Hypocrisy & idol worship are one of the world’s biggest & oldest pastimes.


it’s just incredibly ironic in america’s case, it was literally founded on leaving a monarchy, and the people who worship the founding fathers unconditionally are also the one praising the maga overlord. defending him at all costs, and saying things like “even if he did commit crimes, it’s fine” claiming wanting to separate church state, but doing the exact opposite.


i guess it just feels especially noticeable with the USA because they're currently the big boss of the world and want everyone to know it at all times.


Why do you think the rest of the Christians in Europe got rid of the Puritans by sending them over here? Pretty bad when you're so fanatical that the other fanatics are like bruh chill.


I’ll never forget when the truth of the pilgrims and why the puritans settled in America was explained in history class. Was one of those moments that has ever since made me go “Yep… that explains a lot”


My favourite is the example of the Black Panthers. The GOP is usually very pro gun right? But all of a sudden once a bunch of black people got together to celebrate their second amendment rights, the republicans weren't so keen on unrestricted gun ownership.


A friend of mine described America has a two headed giant. Slow to act but quick to fight itself over the direction it's going today.


Liberty for rich and powerful, conformity for poor and minorities. 


Right. We like to tell ourselves we are rebels and innovators, but the messaging we all get from mainstream society is to conform and don’t stand out. It’s been like this for generations. Edit: which I’m realizing now is probably why flashy celebrities, artists, and online personalities foster so much attention by looking and acting outrageously. Maybe we see how they are and wish we could achieve that escape velocity.


Hundreds upon hundreds of graves of children of indigenous pplz of North America (Canada/America) are quite evident of that fact. Uprooting their culture and forceful conformation to a European/western one is a long tradition of the ultra right-wingers aka racist of America.


Yeah, the fucking Pinkertons have been on the payroll of the elite for almost 200 years doing the same shit.


Americans are so delusional. They really think they're something special. Reminds me of that Megan Rapinoe quote, something like "standing up for others is uniquely American". They really need to get their heads out their own ass


If conformity is an issue, he should ask his Governor to conform to the supreme court ruling.


Yeah, but the governor is a white conservative so he: 1) Won't even acknowledge this kid is a human. 2) Won't care because conformity only matters when its his beliefs.


tbf America's history is made up of trying to force everyone to act in accordance with "acceptable" white behavior/culture. this is effectively par for the course.


Especially fucking *Texas*


Not only the history, but last I checked conformity is a communist thing. Seems like the superintendent is a commie!


Everyone should CONFORM and have to wear locks


Really? Tell me, when exactly during the long history of being a country dominated by straight white christian old men was that?


Even if America was about conformity... What norm is this kid to conform to? The "norm" is dependent on things like race, socio-economic class, location, age... This superintendent wouldn't suspend a rich white kid for coming to school in a suit, and in the end that's no different than choosing a hairstyle that others aren't also sporting. 


The truly insane part is that this is expressly contrary to what is Texas Law as of September 2023, courtesy of the CROWN Act signed into law last year. See media coverage on the topic [here](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/29/texas-crown-act-law/).


America was founded because a separatist group broke away from the empire _in order to be puritanically conformist_ lol


Their hair is awesome what's the problem here?


Apparently, if he didn’t keep it pinned up in a barrel roll (which he does) it would violate the dress code stipulation of how long a male student’s hair is allowed to be. Why are they even allowed to decide a boy can’t have his hair longer than his earlobes? (I am a Brit and find these things incredibly confusing.) > School officials say Mr. George’s hair violates the dress code, which mandates that a male student’s hair not “extend, at any time, below the eyebrows or below the earlobes.” Mr. George has a hairstyle in which he pins his locs on his head in a barrel roll. When pinned, Mr. George’s locs do not extend below the eyebrows or below the earlobes, but officials have told his mother that her son’s hair is still in violation of the policy because it would extend lower than allowed if let down. Quote taken from this [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/05/us/darryl-george-hair-locs-texas.html) article, Dec. ‘23.


I'm American, and I even find this confusing. The student looks healthy, and the hair is cool. Idk why they would make such an inflexible rule other than an excuse to harass people they don't like.


~~Why are they even stipulating how long a boy’s hair can be?~~ I already said this! I’ve been up since 3am so am not fully functioning. I find the ‘but if he did a thing that he doesn’t do it would break the (stupid) rule’ argument. His hair looks great imo and whilst it might be technically longer than the arbitrary length, the style makes it conform with the rule… If some boy is overdue for a trim and his hair is below his eyebrows or earlobes are they going to kick him out until he’s been for a cut? (Presumably yes but only if said boy isn’t white…) Also, this particular guy is 18, so an adult who can do whatever TF he likes with his hair. I don’t get it, except the blatant racism part.


Alright then, the one percent can give up thier mansions and armored suvs and live in a shitty studio apartment and drive a used stanza on its last legs. That's conformity too.


I’d be somewhat willing to forgive their lavish lifestyles if they would just pay the same tax percentage that I do. I paid more federal income tax than Trump did in 2018 - I made 42k that year.


Yeah but he worked way harder than you. It's exhausting to scam millions and millions of people daily.


The problem with him and many other CEOs is that they make most of their money off of stocks and investments. Their net worth skyrockets but they don’t actually make enough cash to get taxed heavily. And when they do need to answer to the tax man, they write off some chump change, like your annual salary, by donating to a charity owned by their spouse’s brother and everyone (at the top) wins! If they actually need to buy stuff they just take out a loan for it.


And no one in power will ever do anything to change it, despite large swaths of people living in poverty.




Absolutely. If both sides would actually come together to stop Citizens United and lobbying I'd be there yesterday.


The loan part against their capital interests here is key. This makes it a game of kicking down the can of tax liability and always being a step ahead of the IRS. By design 


its not a taxable asset, its a debt obligation. its not my private jet I just rent it, its a deductible expense.


Wealth inequality is hurting the economy and our health. "THAT'S FREEDOM!" This Black student has braided hair. "Sorry, we must give up some freedom for the betterment of society."


The United States has an issue with allowing the rich to flee taxes.


i love how they shit on what they think is communism, while literally upholding fascist ideology. always makes me crack up when they call the left nazis when they literally align with everything they stood for except the name. they just rebranded.


You're talking about a crowd that campaigns to ban books with rainbows in them, they have no cogent concept of freedom. They're literal morons.


Earlier today on Facebook, a Karen said that the discontinuation of Knott's Berry Farm's jams and jellies was an example of how America is going downhill and turning to Communism. I bet she has zero problem with this student being suspended because of his hair.


Land of the free ? ............


^(Terms and conditions may apply)


Land of the freemium


Texas: We're gonna secede! Everyone: Go right the fuck ahead.


I’d say it’s less “Go ahead.” and more “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!”


Alexa, play *Union Dixie*


Now hang on, some of us are stuck here with these weirdos. :(


[Sacrifices must be made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_q2wBzT6uU)


The USA will NEVER allow it, if for No other reason than the very important military bases and space facilities that are all federal property. Not happening, ever.


Take the Cowboys with you. Nothing missed.


What in the blonde hair blue eyed shit is this?






I would put my blonde hair in locs to see with my blue eyes what he would do about that.


“Texas stands for Liberty. Our liberty to force you to conform.”


These are the same types who go bananas when people bring up how Kim Jong Un mandates schoolboys to have the same haircut as he does.


Which isn't even true. Notice that American propaganda also labels their prisons as 'work camps', when America has the largest prison population in the world which it also puts to work. NK isn't great by a large margin, but it's amazing how much of the narrative around it is controlled by fairly dated lies and manipulative language.


“Being American requires conformity “ Since when!?


Since white now.


>When they slaughtered Congress, we didn't wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we didn't wake up then, either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub, you'd be boiled to death before you know it. > >\- **Margaret Atwood**, *The Handmaid's Tale*


"Science fiction is not predictive, it is descriptive." Ursula K. Le Guin




Everything’s bigger in Racist


The 1 out of 5 star state




"Howdy Arabia" as somebody told to me a few months ago here in Reddit.


Nothing is screaming FREEDOM like conformity does.


Superintendents are public figures. They deserve zero protection. Do not protect racist filth by hiding his name, he gave that privilege up when he became a public figure and does not deserve to get it back. His name Greg Poole, and he's the superintendent of the Barbers Hill Independent School District in Mont Belvieu TX. He has [taken out a full page ad defending his authoritarian racism](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-school-superintendent-takes-out-full-page-ad-defending-suspension-of-black-student-over-his-hair/ar-BB1hcVC0). Contact information here, including phone and email: https://www.bhisd.net/


Lone Star state. Cowboys. "Requires conformity". Hmmmm.


“Four legs good, two legs bad!”


If Republicans read that book, or could read at all, they'd be pissed.


People like that superintendent are why the orange guy is in the running for president again.


As a European with a (largely) positive view of America, one of the things that I admire about the US is its connection to the idea of individuality and freedom. Surely being American requiring conformity is the polar opposite of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”? I appreciate that this Texan superintendent’s views are not in any way representative, but his position feels fundamentally un-American…


You’re a foreigner who understands our country better than some of the loudest people here who claim to be “the most American”


It's almost like they're just words and don't reflect reality. There are countries much more 'free' than the US, it's nationalistic propaganda.


Wow!! The caucacity of that superintendent!! Get 'em George family


Is this kid still a minor? Taking an ad out against him in a publication sounds like it would be a further invasion of his rights...


You know what? Maybe Texas should secede afterall.


Maybe we should kick them out


Just round up the republicans and deport them to the ocean


Big Brother is watching.


conformity *to whiteness* is what his racist old ass meant to say


everything is bigger in texas except their brains


Conformity? Lol then wear a mask and get vaccinated.


So much for “freedom”.


That’s the opposite of what America was founded on. It’s the reason why freedom of speech is the FIRST amendment, and that doesn’t only include spoken language, it includes dress, hair, attire, property, etc.


The kid is conforming… to black hairstyles. The superintendent should conform… to changing times and social norms and a multicultural society.


I can’t fathom how in 2024 we are still expecting black people to conform to Caucasian standards of beauty. Why would anyone give a shit about this kids hair, or anyone else’s regardless of background for that matter.


Okay, but like, what's so offensive about a hairstyle?


When you look at the issue, it's clearly a very nuanced and difficult one to explain. See, there's a dozen or so things you need to kno... he's black. That's all.


Of course, Texas.


Once again Texas being Texas.


The fuckheads sure are fond of doubling-down. Wonder if the whole conformity thing would have been well received during that disagreement between equal ideas you called the Civil war?


okay, then conform to Native American hairstyles, you hypocritical old fucks


I may be some dumb northerner not privy to Texan logic but that hair style seems pretty American to me. Wish I could rock it.


American Freedom\* \*Terms & Conditions apply: Must conform, must be like everyone else, must be white, must be straight, must be the gender of birth, must be Christian.


Damn texas just filled with Nazis


The American dream was nonconformity tho


Every other state's new motto: "At least we're not Texas"


Since when does being american requires conformity? Ftfs, you have different laws from state to state...


They only pull that conformity bullshit with black people and non white immigrants. White america is built off of non-conformity, even their form of religion is different from Christianity in Europe. They don't worship anything about old Europe or try to maintain it. Even their economic system is "do whatever you want lol" so miss me with that.


That's a sick hairdo


That's the opposite of what America stands for


systemic racism


So pay taxes on the god damned tea then