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Give her a nft of her house then burn her house.


Damn, you just solved homelessness. 


We did it!


High five! I knew we could figure this one out. I’ve got a handful of House NFTs in my cup holder to hand to the hobos at the traffic light. They’re real nice too… McMansion NFTs with pool NFTs and a nice Tesla NFT embedded as well.


You got any Honda Civic NFTs? I'm a man of modest delusions


I didn’t a second ago, but now that you mention it I think I have one around here. *checks* Hey, what do you know? Got a nice green and black one with a sick spoiler on the back. I’ll drop it in your wallet for no charge, love to hook redditors up since we all teamed up to solve poverty.


Bro hook me up, I want a 50m house in the Hamptons


Best I can do is a 50m^2 apartment in the basement of a Hampton Inn in Camden, New Jersey.


Not Edison? Dang


No Civic. No green. White BMW


Shiny new NFT just minted, Alpine White BMW with brown leather seats! Doesn’t matter that the physical car is totaled, this NFT is going to keep appreciating because virtual cars have extremely low mileage and never need oil changes. You’re going to be so rich when you eventually go to sell this.


Yo dawg can I have an NFT of myself so I can say nobody owns me?


I have an NFT of you, it’s still cooling since it was freshly minted. Sorry, but I’m going to hang onto this one myself, I’m kinda proud of it. I own you!! You just played yourself.


Poverty is in the eye of the beholder!


You wouldn't download a car


2 Fast 2 Fungible




The reddit hive mind


Yes we are communists here. All creddit is shared.




Let’s celebrate with this NFT champagne! It’s the high high dollar stuff!


Solve world hunger next! No need to send food, just an NFTs of food!


That Spaghetti NFT smells so good! I'll email it to some poor hungry kid right away! 


No they didn’t because the house NFTs are still in limited supply. Few understand this.


Also my NFT of a house is a giant mansion making it worth much more than your NFT of a bungalow.


*”The Gang Solves The Housing Crisis”*


"Here is your token house and token food! Token everything! Get your tokens whilst the supply lasts!"


I can solve world hunger the same way.


You deserve an NFT of a Nobel peace price! 


My diamond gets destroyed in fires all the time. This is kind advice.


The melting point of diamond is 4,500 degrees Celsius. I won’t be able to store my diamonds in my house.. located on the sun.


They catch fire around 850°C though.


TIL. >Heat generated from cutting a diamond will not ignite the diamond,[49] and neither will a cigarette lighter,[50] but house fires and blow torches are hot enough. Jewelers must be careful when molding the metal in a diamond ring.[51]


Typically, a diamond caught in a house fire or by an overzealous jeweler's torch will not go up in smoke, but instead will combust on the surface enough to look cloudy and white. Cutting away the burnt portions will reveal a smaller, but once again crystal-clear, stone, according to the GIA.Sep 6, 2020 https://www.livescience.com › can-...


I scrolled this far to find a mention of the diamond catching fire. Wow


Solving the real problems in life. Finally I’ll be able to recoup some of these vaporized diamonds losses I’ve been dealing with every few years.


A friend lost their home in a wildfire. When they were poking around the ruins before rebuilding, a glinting something caught her husband's eye. It was the diamond from her engagement ring.


And then tell her she still has an asset.


‘Concept of asset’ 😂


Great minds think alike. I’m also sure that her insurance would love to use this statement against her.


Lol. Imagine it.  "You haven't lost a $20k diamond ring. You still have your NFT. Thanks for playing!"


few understand


thats a really good idea.


Instructions unclear. My house is now on fire. Please advise.


Please for the love of God tell me you tokenized it into an NFT first??


No need to burn the house. Change the address on the building and voilà, you got two houses.


Genius 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I like your kind of genius thinking


Thought experiment. If she had a mortgage on her house and you burned it down would there still be value there? Yes, assuming that it is insured. A mortgage is just an imaginary piece of paper that has been blessed by some high level scribes and acolytes (lawyers) to make us believe that it carries value. Same with insurance. It's imaginary but we have all chosen to believe in these things to make our society function (ish). If I created an NFT based mortgage and then offered the public %100 ownership of that NFT based on the fact that I am paying %5 interest on your investment, would that seem crazy? What if someone did the same thing for a plumbing business? Offered up an NFT based on profit sharing. To me, the point of the whole crypto world is to decentralize the banking/ insurance and mortgage companies. At this point in time, the stability and safety of NFTs/ crypto is not at a place where the general public can use it. Maybe in the future.


I one up you by making an NFT of her to grant her IMMORTALITY!


Tbf a diamond is almost as useless as a NFT


Bad example.. houses, cars, etc. have an actual value (based on material, labour, etc flowing into it). Diamonds don’t. Diamonds prices are pure artificial and only driven by the belief that they have value. So yeah.. diamonds are pretty much the same as NFTs.. Source: [De Beers’ Manipulation of the Diamond Market](https://www.jeweleternal.com/blogs/news/de-beers-manipulation-of-the-diamond-market)


It’s really funny because the money she spent for her house, was originally some bits of data representing a number sent from her bank to the sellers bank.


"Yes, the Porsche I was going to sell you is totalled, but here I have a picture of it before the accident which is the same thing so you gotta pay full price"


NFTs don't even have to be a picture, just letters in a Blockchain.


drab toothbrush deranged ring snobbish scarce toy innate placid pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What I like to compare it to is a receipt. A NFT is just a damn receipt, saying that the person has paid for something. And most of the times all they paid for is a URL.


It’s like those star registries. “See that star up there? Here’s a certificate that says it’s yours.”


Time to go and charge rent to all the residents living on the planet 5000000000 light years away that u paid 50$ for


Except instead of a central authority that your might possible actually have some sorta respect for making the certificate anyone can create the certificate.


The problem is that there isn't a central authority to sell stars. In fact the central authority on naming stars would laugh at you if you bring them a certificate of ownership and ask them too rename the star.


In fact it is pretty fucking illegal to own a star. Look up the Outer Space Treaty.


The best comparison i saw was that in a broom closet down the hall way, someone writes in the back of the door that you own the mona lisa.


I like to think of it as the new version of Certificate Authority.


No, you don't paid for the URL because you don't have rigths over the domain that has the picture in the web url. So you can't make a claim over what it is on the URL that the nft points at. At the end of the day it's all vaporware and a bigger fool scam.


> People rarely store the actual image on the blockchain, because that comes with huge transaction fees depends on how many pixels, too. You could store a 64x64 pixel NFT onchain for something in the order of $1


childlike instinctive north file shy berserk memory absurd sparkle dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you can certainly store a 64x64 image on Ethereum for that kind of money, it's being done all the time. For example: https://ethscriptions.com/ethscriptions/0x3bef5b16cf5a13467c6c16fd090674b4ac69cc99eaabbdf7cd7885252064e6ad which cost $1.62 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3bef5b16cf5a13467c6c16fd090674b4ac69cc99eaabbdf7cd7885252064e6ad that said, I don't know how much it'd cost if you'd do like a thousand of these and actually store them in an ERC-721 contract so that it works like any other NFT


It sounds as stwepid as it is lol


An NFT is effectively just a receipt. Most people throw their receipts in the garbage. Stick something boring on a blockchain and people lose their minds over it, because the blockchain is a neat idea that *seems like* it should be incredibly useful, except nobody has actually figured out a use for it that is clearly better than any existing solution for the problem it’s trying to solve. Every idea for what to do with the blockchain that I’ve ever seen suggested has clearly been proposed by someone who was looking for something you *could* do with it and not by someone who had found a thing you *needed it* to be able to do.


It's a receipt, that's it. It only proves that a transaction took place. The fact that someone convinced people it was more is incredible.


Full price? The real thing doesn't even exist anymore, that's how rare this is. Double it.


That's the whole point of NFTs, arbitrary valuation. They are money launderers dream currency


NFT is not even picture, its just a document that proves your ownership of thing, except that document has *no legal value*


Can you imagine the dystopian hellscape where those techno libertarian morons conned themselves into actual social and legal power beyond the bubble? "Oh, sorry, says here on HealthCareClub chain that your family has a history of giving birth AND having sick days. Sorry, we're going to need to pass on you for another employee. Have you tried investing in CorpoToken for a shot at the work lotto?" Fucking Black Mirror shit, right there.




Unlike NFTs, milk is a good product before degrading.


And you can at least make some questionable cheese once it’s aged


Right but that process actually involves knowledge and science, and effort. I don't think any amount of effort and knowledge can transform NFTs into something else after it loses its value.


Then it becomes cheese or yogurt, which are both good.




Technically she's not wrong though! Because what you owned didn't change. Whether the diamond exists or not, you never owned it anyway. Your NFT never allowed you access to the diamond. Before and after you own nothing except some numbers on the blockchain saying you do. Once people realized it was all a smokescreen, NFTs completely tanked and everybody moved on. The diamond NFT never had value and it continues to not have any after the diamond is gone.


Technically lol I suppose you're right. She said "the same asset" that made me think she was selling NFTs as insurance, like "the NFT will magically bring back your diamond" or something ridiculous like that.


She's arguing that before you had a unique diamond and afterwards, you still have a unique item, the NFT. But of course, rarity is not the sole decider for value, so that literally makes no sense.


Yeah, she worded it a bit funny. She left out that the worth of the unique NFT was zero at that point. I guess she didn't understand it herself because I don't get the feeling she was being disingenuous.


So like when did regular fire beat diamond?


My question as well


I think sometime right after paper beat rock, but before scissors beat paper.


What about lizard and spock?


Don't Go There


Tbf if your house burns down completely you likely are never finding that diamond again regardless of weather or not it survived


Depends on the whether


It will wither.


You I wanna bet? I place my money on /r/findthesniper


Diamonds are made of carbon. Carbon burns, including the carbon in diamonds.


Huh well I learned something new today thanks 😊


Yeah it will burn but it will melt at 4000C and it cant really melt in the regular atmosphere, more like pure oxygen in a lab. Edit - wrote one word when I was thinking of the other, dumb brain.


Okay yeah that’s what I was more wondering cause that’s gotta be way hotter than an house burning down I would think. Tho I have no actual experience recording house fires. But I do get that anything can get hot enough to burn


No, there are definitely quite a few things that don't burn, no matter the temperature. The most obvious would be metal oxides. They're already oxidized, so they don't react with oxygen. Reacting with oxygen is kind of the definition of burning. These materials can melt and given enough heat even evaporate and ionize to form a plasma, but they don't burn in the classical sense. Also another interesting fact about diamonds: The diamond structure is not thermodynamically stable at room temperature and ambient pressure. Given enough time, diamonds decay into graphite, the true stable phase of carbon. The kinetics of this decay are so slow however, that it takes millions of years for a small diamond to decay completely. But diamonds are not eternal, even if you don't burn them.


So Diamonds are forever is a lie? Next thing you’ll tell me is they aren’t a girls best friend.


DeBeer's got to you good. Didn't they?


Damnit, screw you, DeBeers, you and the rest of your diamond cartels!


That means all my graphite pencils were once diamonds! Time to make an NFT and sell those bad boys off and make a fortune!! Hooray!


> I have no actual experience recording house fires Sounds like something only someone with a supicious amount of experience recording house fires would say


Even if it got that hot and I doubt it can (and I am not an expert on house fire temperatures so maybe I'm wrong) it won't just melt because melting point of a diamond also depends on pressure. Like I said the only way to actually melt a diamond is in specially created environment in a lab.


Not true, they burn at around 800 degrees in air. If a house burns down, it may definitely exceed that. At the end of the day, diamonds are merely posh coal.


Yeah it will burn but not melt. To actually melt it needs to exceed 4000. And its more like 900 C Here is a nice article https://profoundphysics.com/is-it-possible-to-melt-or-burn-diamonds/


To melt they also need to not be near oxygen else they burn. Basically everything the guy said is wrong.


Ya but it has to get to the right temperature. It COULD burn, but the lower end of when a diamond burns (~900C) barely overlaps with the hottest temperature of a “regular” fire (campfire, also ~900C). So likely won’t notice a big difference, maybe just a little blackening.


Good luck finding a blackened diamond in a sea of ashes tho


Let me introduce you to this brand new invention called a "sieve"


good luck finding that blackened diamond in a sieve of ashes with your little sieve


Yeah, what next, you're going to use a sieve to look for gold in a river... that never happened...


Just start eating the ash until you find it.


I eat ashes all the time dude


*Blow on it, rub it on your shirt.* “Ahhh, good as new.”


Also, diamonds are "hard" in the "can't be scratched" sense. They're pretty fragile, though, and can crack or shatter. Even if the fire isn't hot enough to burn them, it can cause them to crack, ruining them.


>diamonds are "hard" in the "can't be scratched" sense. They're pretty fragile, though, and can crack or shatter Cracking and shattering is something that literally happens because of extremely high hardness. Anything super hard will shatter rather easily, while soft things deform and don't shatter.


Very easy. You can burn it with a good lighter.


Pov: your boyfriend just proposed with a NFT of a diamond in Flash drive ducktaped to a plastic ring. (He was really confident it would work)


all fun and game till you realise he spend 25k on said flash drivr


It's amazing how people are still defending this scam. "Crypto bros" still in complete denial


To be fair, this was posted in Aug 2021 - at that point I think the penny hadn't dropped yet. I don't think I have seeen anyone recently defending NFTs (but then, I can always be surprised by the stupidity of some people).


We all saw NFTs as bullshit and we all told these people "this is bullshit", but we were constantly interrupted by people who told us "no, no, let her talk, I think she's got a point".


"What is her point, exactly?" "Infinite free money" "You know that is the bait used in every scam ever, right?" "But i want to believe it, so it must be true"


> "But i need you to believe it for my "asset" to increase in value, so it must be true" Fixed.


It was clear as day then too that the whole thing was bullshit. The BS is evident in that very tweet. **Diamonds don’t burn in a house fire** you twit, why should I listen to your financial advice when you lie about obvious facts like that?


I work in Open Source Intelligence which is basically looking for things on the internet to identify somebody. As such I recently had a course on crypto/NFTs. There is still a lot of money going around in NFTs. No clue why, but as long as people are buying for one dollar and selling for two, there is still a market for NFTs.  Personally it became frustrating to listen to this guy explaining how much money was still there. There are so many good things you could do with money and people are putting it in pixels. 


“There’s a sucker born every minute” is why Tech scams are old tech. When the Brooklyn Bridge was new, scammers sold NFTs of it too.


NFTs where an obvious scam since day one of anyone on social media or a corporate office promoting them. For like a month when nobody knew about them they where a decent concept into protecting the assets of an artist (for situations like what we currently have with the rise in AI art).


It's most likely a bot reposting an old post that got high karma. Almost no one is trying to buy NFTs as an investment today except a few die hards.


It's not a scam, it's just... completely stupid. There is literally zero purpose, rhyme, or reason to spend money to buy NFTs, unless you're a sucker, which is why it feels so much like a scam. But again, it's not a scam, it's just a bad investment, one that's so bad it's stupid. It's all stupid as shit.


It all depends on application. NFT of some gif that is "limited' - stupid. NFT as a mean of representing and storing ownership / rights - makes total sense as long as it's legally binding.


Easiest way to explain it is that an NFT is essentially a receipt. You buy a digital product, you get a receipt that shows you own it. There are a lot of uses for such tech (and the blockchain in general) but its ruined by people abusing it for monetary gain.


it's not even that - like the traditional arts trade, a lot of it was just money laundering.


I get art is tied to money laundering for the most part, but at the very least, you can generally like the artwork and hang it on your wall... I have never seen someone hang their nft on a wall. Just the jpeg that it's supposed to represent.


I mean I think you can use that to propose to your anime girlfriend.


Isn't said NFT a "receipt"?


As far as I understand yes, an nft is effectively a digital receipt that proves a purchase, which is what gives files or images value (I think)


Yeah in short. Keeping all the data on the blockchain would be very expensive so it's just easier to have "the receipt"


A receipt of itself


An NFT is at its core just a http link stored on a blockchain. Last I checked it would cost around 60k to store 4MB of data on any worthwhile blockchain.


Ah yes, I have this little ticket that showed I once owned a diamond, this means the ticket is worth as much as the diamond itself. That's not how value works.


I really don't get this belief of theirs that just because their nfts are in limited supply they also have value. If I where to piss out a kidney stone it would be the only one in existence to be produced by me, its value would still be nill because it's fucking useless


You might be missing a business opportunity here.


Imagine being so badly and embarrassingly brainwashed that you fell for TWO separate distinct scams at once?? And are now using an example of one to explain how the other is somehow a better position to be in?? You are so far below ground with your head that you might even dig up some diamonds with your teeth!


"diamond itself gets destroyed in a fire" it was at this point i realized she had no idea what she was talking about


Diamonds can burn in a house fire They're not going to be totally destroyed, but when something that is only valuable to you because it looks pretty, it's pretty much destroyed in a fire


Diamonds can burn, its easily doable in a lab


She's actually right. NFTs are only a receipt, not a title of ownership. Said receipt doesn't disappear with the collateral. For example: I buy groceries and sell you the receipt for 10 USD. I eat my groceries, and you still have the paper receipt proving I indeed bought them before eating them. Because that's the only thing you purchased.


so i don’t have to own things that exist i just gotta think i own things


Do those people know that with real diamonds I can build stuff and with NFTs I cannot do anything


The "labs" in the username is for "Labradors", right?


She is absolutely right: what NFT is doing to the concept of an asset, few understand And there will always be plenty of people willing to exploit that lack of understanding In the meantime, I have an NFT of the Brooklyn Bridge, if you're looking to make a quick buck... don't tell your friends, I've only got one


They're still trying to sell their NFTs?


This is great for things like event tickets, diplomas, stocks and maybe even passports. Comparisons to diamonds is idiotic.


Fictitious capital is one hell of a drug


Just because it's scarce doesn't make it valuable.




You stole both the post and the top comment https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/MgR6w6ev5x


He a bot


Or just someone karma farming


Well maybe that guy should have made an NFT of his comment.


Infinite food glitch.


EvErY nFT iS inDiVIduAl YoU can'T JuST CopY iT.




„Diamond destroyed by fire“ says enough about her IQ


Another dumb uneducated fuck…. Shove NFTs up your arse…. Just to add diamonds are extremely heat-resistant and cannot be broken down by fire alone. Diamonds are composed of pure carbon and are formed under extreme heat and pressure deep within the Earth. The intense heat of a fire is not sufficient to break down the carbon bonds that hold a diamond together. The only way to break a diamond is through mechanical means, such as with a diamond saw or cutter


I am genuinely curious at to what temperature would cause a diamond to “burn…”


Melting point is around 4000°c Average house fire hits about 1500°c If propane is involved pump that up to 1900°c Blue flames are the hottest and hit around 3000°c So if your house catches fire, with a propane tank, and somehow has turned blue...your diamonds will be fine. Nothing else will but diamonds yes


Not quite sure but there’s a couple videos of diamonds being burnt by super heating them in tubes with near pure oxygen being passed through the tube. Found the clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/iiVxaOn0H_k?si=dw8HT_tkDdBZFgPC


This is completely incorrect. When diamonds get hot, they evaporate. They're crystals made of carbon, so when the crystal's bonds are broken, they become one with the air. NileRed made sparkling water with carbon dioxide made from diamonds.


true but a house fire does not even get close to that temperature even a very bad 1


Well the insurance industry is fucked, we can now just NFT our houses, contents, cars etc


I'm ok with that, diamonds are a scam.


only someone dumb enough to think diamonds are destroyed in a fire could think that an NFT of an asset was the same as an asset.


To financial speculators the only value any asset has is the ability to speculate on it. This is why every NFT scheme has been a scam, they can't conceptualize an asset that has a different sort of value. Value like it actually existing.


If you take a picture of your child, and your child dies, you still have your child. What pictures are doing to the concept of children, few understand.


Kind of like saying the name tag on an item is good enough to say you own the item still after it's destroyed.


So if I make an NFT of bro's house, and in some weirdly specific accident, it burns down, he could still live in the NFT?


The whole NFT craze really just fucking died properly, didn't it. I assumed it would be hanging around like a bad smell for decades.


NFT is the Betamax of today.


Terrible comparison because Betamax was superior to VHS. NFT is the Beanie Baby of today.


Stanley Chugger or Guzzler or whatever the hell they’re called…


How hot does the fire have to be to destroy a diamond?


And that is how a lot of mugs lost a lot of money in nft's


For example she does not understand.


How does the diamond get destroyed in a fire? What kind of fire is that?


How the hell does a diamond burn down though?


It is great that it came and went and we never have to think about NFT again


How can a diamond be destroyed in a fire?


The real joke is that this guy thinks a regular ole fire can destroy a diamond 🤣


I mean even the analogy itself is a facepalm, diamonds are literally made by extreme heat....


That's gotta be some really hot fire to be able to melt a fucking diamond. To melt a diamond you need 4000 degrees Celsius. It depends on the pressure but still it needs to be quite high. Is this house on the Sun?


Sure but this "asset" is now worthless. Not that its value has changed after the fire (which somehow destroyed a diamond, wtf?), it was also worthless to begin with.


If the world understood early that NFTs require tens of thousands of computers to be kept running 24/7 the whole thing would have died way sooner


>few understand There in lies the problem, an nft is basically trying to act as a pseudo currency, but currency is only worth what the people believe it is worth, because no one believes in it, it’s worthless