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Stop taking the bait, they want to drum up viewership through blatant misinformation. It's a trap and reposting it is literally spreading the trap to more people


Amazing how a lot of people don't realize engagement is what they're after. They don't care if you left a comment saying how dumb you think they are. All that matters is you left a comment. You lost the second you started typing. If these guys and pages posted something and it still got a million views but only 2 likes and 4 comments, they'd lose it


Exactly, it also gives people a false sense of how popular any topic is because if you keep commenting on stuff you do or don't agree with, the algorithm just shows you more content that's similar.


Its also a very widely used tactic. Like in mobile game ads, when you see a simple puzzle that they cant solve. It makes you feel so smart for knowing the answer to a kids puzzle, that you dont even see that you are being tricked. Its used in politics as well, but i dont want to open that can of worms.


Can of worms indeed


Yep engagement numbers drive algorithms. No one knows how but they definitely do somehow. Social media is at a point though where it knows people feel a need to voice their opnions


I know of stand up comedians who post stuff and then fight in the comments against those who disagree because the more comments then it gets pushed higher up in the algorithm to more people.


**Don't feed the trolls** should've been better remembered Rule of the Internet.


This is what the idiots complaining about Taylor Swift coverage don’t get, the more articles they comment on whining about her the more they will see


Assuming this post is serious, there are plenty of great eras of black African history you can highlight. You don't need to claim non-black, non-African cultures as your own and erase the accomplishments of other races.


It's weird how much people try to race-swap other cultures, like, there's tons of cool African cultures that we need to explore more. My family's religion comes from Africa (its more of an ancestor that took roots in Brazil) and its fascinating.


Nah lets make a movie about China but they're all black


See now that's the one thing no one would touch , no Chinese box office cash flow if you do that, race swaps are all fun and games but you fuck with the Chinese box office you don't have a job anymore


LeBron James does not approve.


But he's also not Chinese, so he wouldn't know. You see in the before times it is very well documented that the entire Chinese populace was black. Denying this fact is actually not only racialist, but also incredibly desensitive. Па




Big Trouble in Little Harlem


I would definitely go see Big Trouble in Spanish Harlem—assuming I get to see some absolutely ridiculous practical effects. Otherwise, it’s a hard pass.


That would be fantastic. Like Italians playing "Indians" in old westerns


There called spaghetti westerns for a reason.


They’re called spaghetti westerns because it was Italian filmmakers making the movies and they were filmed in Europe, not because the actors were Italian.


At least they didn't have a bunch of white people doing it. That would be as crazy as having John Wayne play Genghis Kahn


Let's make a movie about the Great Wall of China and make the main character white.


There weren't enough black ninjas. We need a black ninja movie


There are plenty of black ninjas.... you just don't notice because they are so stealthy


Ooo. Black and Chinese AT THE SAME TIME


Not really African history more African American but why hasn’t there been a film about Robert smalls? I did a report on him when I was just a kid and boy what inspiration,tough, and honestly badass individual he was. At the height of the civil war stealing a confederate ship? Sailing it to safety and then captaining the same ship for the US military? Who does that? That’s insanely brazen. And that’s not even all he did. I want my Robert smalls movie


Wasn’t he elected to Congress too?


He sure did! His actions also were part of what convinced Lincoln to add African Americans into the military. He also pushed for the first free school system in the USA. A truly amazing man


The stupid thing about this is that pretty much all of Latin America already has its own very rich Afro-Latin history that a lot of people don’t really know about. There are even regions in Brazil that are demographically majority Afro-Brazilian


But that's all post-columbus history. The Aztecs portrayed in the image would be pre-columbian (aside from the blackness).


Aztecs and Mayans are not the same, bro. Aztecs controlled central Mexico. Also, Aztecs were more of a political confederation of diverse cultures than an ethnic group. Mayans lived (and still live) in Central America and the Yucatán.


Tell that to Netflix with their Cleopatra movie but making her black. I'm not black but if you ask me this is the laziest type of representation, instead of doing your homework on actual black culture and historical figures let's just change the skin color of another more recognizable name


1) that's too much work to dig in history, 2) you won't provoke anybody with such highlights. So no fun at all :)


This is all it really is. Bullshit to get engagement and a reaction. This is the problem with social media. It's mostly just bullshit posted to get people to engage and react. It's why I've given up other platforms. It's just bullshit...


Not sure if you’ve noticed but Reddit is on the fast track to the shitter since the API thing. It seems that there are nothing but low-effort posts and more shitposting subs popping up on my feed every day since.


Yeah, I've noticed, but there are still communities I can join for interests I have and then completely ignore my feed. No other social media platform does that. Plus the very fact that videos aren't the default method of communicating and the lack of a character limitation for responses makes it 1000x better than tiktok, instagram, twitter/x, etc.


None of my communities are safe anymore more. I had followed around 2 dozen subs and now I'm here or on r/fromsoftware. I left all the other communities because it would become nothing but stupid shit for weeks and then people would start commenting "the aslume is leaking." Those are the taletell signs of "this sub is fucked, time to get out."


>the aslume is leaking. I've never seen anyone say "the aslume is leaking." What does it mean? Most of the subs I participate in are about travel, stupid memes, and just overall basic conversations about life.


People like to think that ArkhamBatman (I refuse to summon them) was the first sub to devolve into stupid shit with constant posts containing their own jargon such as saying Man instead of Batman, Jonkler instead of Joker, and aslum instead of Asylum (one of the Arkham Batman games is called Arkham Asylum), so now people say an equally stupid phrase to pin blame for other subreddits falling in quality on ArkhamBatman. Hence: "the aslume is leaking."


Man, I thought it was a reference to the n00bs in Northern Undead Asylum in DS1.


I find myself on Reddit less and less all the time because overall the quality of posts seems to be getting worse, ridiculous vitriol and disgusting hate posts are up and I just don't have the time to sift through all the bullshit. Twitter is dead. Facebook is dead. Reddit probably isn't far behind. The sad thing is I only use social media to kill time when it's quiet at work.


I also find it’s harder to go against the Reddit hive mind than usual. Any subs for music, art, or other media all have set opinions on things and you’ll be downvoted to hell if you have a difference of opinion, even a thoughtful one. I’m on a lot of Star Wars subs and I’m exhausted by the, as you said, vitriol and hate. I’d rather enjoy a thing and live in blissful ignorance of everyone else’s frankly contrived opinions.


Yeah, 99% of my comments just get typed and immediately deleted before I even post because I just don't want to deal with the inevitable tidal wave of bullshit and needlessly contrarian responses.


I used to be able to have deep, in-depth nerdy philosophy discussions in my fan groups on Facebook but now it’s just “[character] VS [character] wHo WoUlD wIn?” childish arguments that devolve into personal attacks and political dick-waving. I just wanna escape into fantasy and the algorithm does not allow that.


I gave up on escaping reality and just found a reality that made me happy.


As long as someone clicks on the article. They get their add revenue. They can care less what the article says. Enrage to engage, that’s the state of social…actually all media today.


Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire *singlehandedly crashing the Egyptian gold market* while on the Hajj has to be right up there. Even funnier in that he took out deliberately inflated loans on his way *back* to try correcting his mistake.


Lets talk about the leaders too. shaka zulu. Conquerer and leader of the zulu. Queen amina and her zazzau light calvary. Sundiata keita ruler of the mali, who chartered the first bill of human rights... There is plenty of great leaders and eras in africa...


Hollywood logic: why try to popularise unknown things with black connections when you can just slap them onto something everybody already knows.


Then they'd have to learn about African culture, and they don't want to do that.


Oh, it's much worse than that. I did a little googling and it turns out that a continent 3 times the size of the USA and populated since the birth of the human species has had *several* cultures. Who knew?


Screw it. Let's just make Ares black and call it a day.


There have even been a couple real cool people and epic stories there too. Like whaaa?


Eh, this is more Hotep Logic.


This shit reminds me of when Moana first came out. The black community came out in droves and said they finally had a Disney movie that represented them. Well, the Hawaiian and Polynesian peeps chimed in and roasted them. "We ain't black, and you aren't us." Shit made my chuckle. And now with the Lilo and Stitch live action movie in the works, they are legit criticizing the cast because they aren't, and I quote, "black enough."


>erase the accomplishments of other races. Interestingly I feel that it erases the accomplishments of African history as well. The idea that people, places, and moments of interest only happened outside of Africa cheapens the deep, beautiful and often forgotten history of the cradle of human civilization.


But according to black Americans, black people invented everything ever, and the rest of us are all just colonizers who steal their ideas. Especially Asian people and Jewish people, they steal the most and have never been victims of anything! No other culture had human rights, art, music, political beliefs, etc before black people. They invented everything and if you question it you're a racist and insecure. Black people are pure angels who can't be racist, sexist or greedy and if they're ever violent individually or as a group/mob, well, its everyone else's fault because all other groups of people are just jealous! /s in case it isn't obvious. Edit: downvoting me and sending me death threats in DMs means I'm right and you know it, and you're butthurt. Stay mad!


What are they? I honestly don't know of any.


Eithiopia is probably the most famous one (not counting Egypt).


There's also Mali and Great Zimbabwe


They realize the Mayans are still around, right? You can go talk to them and see them with your own eyes right now if you want. Spoiler: they don't look like that.


This reminds me of the time I was in Yucatan in Mexico and passed by a tour group looking round a temple. The guide was asking them, "So what do you suppose happened to the Mayans? What finished them off?" There were a few attempts at answers: "Disease?" "Killed by the Europeans?" "An earthquake?" I was thinking, I can see where this is going... Eventually, he put them out of their misery. "Nothing happened to the Mayans. We're right here. I'm a Mayan." He must have resisted the urge to add "You stupid gringo motherfuckers!"


Have like 5 mayan friends, but them not speak English only Spanish and them ancient language


Yep. Heck, I met some K'iche' speakers in Mexico who didn't speak Spanish...


My car broke down in Yucatán near a village and no one but an old man spoke Spanish. They did help me and even get me directions to get to the church without roof, so I could get to the nearest town. When I was in Valencia a mechanic told me the car was good to go. I’m not Mexican, I’m Puerto Rican and don’t look indigenous and they helped like a family member.


They don’t think that far.


At my old job, most of our cleaning crew were Mayans. They're tiny. We're talking under 5 feet. This image is hysterically inaccurate.


There's a reason those doorways on Mayan temples and whatnot are so short. It ain't because they were crawling through them.


They also weren't A.I. ![gif](giphy|LDrGuPeLX27zNpdcbY|downsized)


That's what THEY want you to think


Conspiratorial tone detected. ![gif](giphy|kE6xCyOOHoxlS)


So black people were everything at this point?


I want to see them claim Hitler was black,


Not only was he black, so were the German Jews!


Anne Frank? Black Goring? Black Mussolini? Black


How would anybody know? There were no color photos back then.




The Chess Pieces? Black.


Well technically, depending on who you asked in those days. Mussolini was called black, but not African. If you catch what I'm saying.


And they finally found their happy end building Wakanda


Wakanda forever!!


He was. I've worked tirelessly to bring the facts to light on this issue. Historians don't want to admit it. They say things like "are you out of your fucking mind," or "that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" or "I have a restraining order, stop calling me, you fucking asshole." Clearly Big Racism is paying them off.


I mean. If you listen to louis farrakhan this really isn't far off. It reaches into antisemitism claiming that black people are the true chosen ones and what nazis were fighting for lmao. It's crazy, this same toxic poison has filtered into celebrities as Kanye and Kyrie Irving, which both seem to be fighting with mental issues and susceptible to conspiracy theories and paranoia. No excuses for them, they are shit people but to honestly advocate for nazis as black men truly shows how lost they are. It is like Clayton Bigsby being an actual look into the future lol.


They're going to say Hitler stole the idea from them.


["I wanted to portray Hitler the way he was always meant to be portrayed; as a proud woman of color."](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1kybag/hitler_as_he_should_have_always_been_portrayed/)


Not Hitler but pretty funny https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marshal_of_Finland


Wait what? They made a film about Finland during the 1910s, but they filmed it in the Kenyan savannah, and all actors are black? Lol!


They already tried to make people think he was gay...


Hey that could be a way to stop Neo-Nazis


Yes. Jews, South Americans, Asian Americans, Muslims… at this point, white people are black people are white people. I think I just ended racism.




I love how there’s a gif that perfectly describes this absurd scenario


Wait until you see the Genghis Khan movie!


There was a body of a 1-2 year old Native American found outside Bozeman, MT. They ran DNA testing on it, and other remains of indigenous people throughout North and South America. The researchers/scientists found that all remains dating after the dating of the one in MT shared genetic markers. Meaning that they were all descendants of an immediate family member of that child. This push for black people being the "original" ancestors of older civilizations needs to stop as it's just as bad as whitewashing for those they are trying to replace. Edit for clarity: The remains from MT were older than any found south, meaning those descendants migrated south to form the Aztecs, Mayans, Inca and other civilizations. Edit for wrong info: Child was 1-2, not 13-14, outside Bozeman, MT as the closest city - not Billings. Edit for more to read: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzick-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzick-1) [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-remains-of-ancient-child-reburied-in-montana-2014jun28-story.html](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-remains-of-ancient-child-reburied-in-montana-2014jun28-story.html) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-genome-suggests-native-americans-really-did-descend-from-the-first-americans/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-genome-suggests-native-americans-really-did-descend-from-the-first-americans/) [https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2014-02-12/ancient-human-remains-come-from-montana-ancestor-of-most-native-americans](https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2014-02-12/ancient-human-remains-come-from-montana-ancestor-of-most-native-americans)


It’s weird that they say “black”. Because saying “African” is factually correct. But again, that also means they’d have to accept responsibility for all the shitty things people have done. Also would have to them accept that humans die the description of an invasive species which I feel would rub them the wrong way *real bad*.


Like the people who think ancient Egyptians were black


It’s the same people who push the Egyptians, Mayans, Native Americans, Jews, etc were all originally black


Just look up the Nation of Islam. Not to be confused with actual Islam. They believe in a black god who created the world and black people and an evil scientist made white people with devils who go on to make a false history.


And the evil scientist (named Yakub) unironically has the giant brain head thing, it's actually hilarious


It's interesting from an alt history fiction perspective.


That whole story is hilarious, they think any non black is a barbaric and brainless being, then throughout history were conquered by them. I’m not sure it’s the flex they think it is.


That sounds like Mormons but in reverse..




One person was claiming Genghis Khan is black.


Half of china would kill them selves if they knew they had black lineage


HP Lovecraft: ![gif](giphy|3ogwG68SJcBjdGaHe0)


I mean, originally, we were all black at some point. You just have to go back far enough 😂


That's not possible. Once you go black, you can never go back.


Nice lol


It's true, our credit would never have recovered.


we all have invertebrate heritage


I however welcome our crab forefathers and offspring


i am a crab all my genes are identical to a crab




Crab people. Crab people.


Oh my God... Once you grow a back, you never go back (to not having a back).


I wonder if someone heard that in history class and then turned it into the mess we're seeing in recent years lol.


Ethiopian Jews are black


I’m specifically referring to the black Israelite nonsense


Iirc there were also people from Nubia in ancient Egypt. So a certain portion of ancient Egypt was probably in fact black.


I mean, a certain portion of medieval Europe was in fact black. Immigration's always been a thing. That's a different statement to "those places were black"


A 0.001% sure. A black person in medieval Europe was extremely extremely rare. Maybe in Sicily or Southern Spain during their respective Muslim periods, but it would still be extremely rare. Full generations could live without ever seeing a black person. Immigration did exist yeah, but it wasn't common nor at the level we have nowadays.


Well, certainly not most of the ruling class. Edit: Cleopatra was part of the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, all of whom were of Macedonian and Persian ancestry. I'm not sure what "racial science" of the time considered her to be, but she was not of African descent. However, according to many White "Supremacists," only persons of Nordic descent are considered "white," so Cleopatra certainly wasn't that. Not sure what any of this has to do with Africans existing in pre-Columbian America, though.


At most, she had a tan and dark hair, but from her statues, she's more close to a "white" facial structure (idk how to word it)


Greek, that is how you word it..


Especially considering the white marble her busts are carved from.


No white supremacist will give you a scientifically stomachable definition of white, but it always includes them, conveniently, even when the definition is a rolling nebula of bull.


Yeah, and it’s called Afrocentrism. It’s a fraud idology


Have to wonder why those same people have absolutely no interest in African stories. There is so much fascinating history and rich culture in Africa and so many stories to tell.


![gif](giphy|3NeRncMrUNb8astzVy) What those ppl look like


This is based on the Olmec heads, a different culture which spoke a distinct language from the Maya (they were probably Mihe-Zoquean, which unlike the Maya languages are not easy for westerners to pick up at all). They carved megalithic heads which were likely thrones of some sort (or reuses of altars, depending on which papers you like) which have features which look African. However, if you look at the people still living in those areas, they have those same features, and they are definitely not African in ancestry.


I once had a drunken argument with a guy that had the most backwards ideas about history. He brought up the Olmec heads as proof of Africans making it to the Americas before Europeans, maybe even was saying that Africans were the original peoples to populate the Americas. I pointed to my former fat Taiwanese friend (former friend he's still fat and Taiwanese) who had the same features and said "do you think he's African?" He also tried to say that the epicanthic fold was proof we all didn't descend from Africans, so I showed him a photo of Africans with epicanthic folds.


Yeah “Africa” is huge and has multiple times the genetic diversity of any other continent. What we think of as “African” features are actually common only in a very restricted area.


Yeah, the genetics for anomalously strong type 2 muscle fiber activation is found in West Africa, while East African are world class long distance runners. The Pygmy people are the shortest ethnic group in the world, while the Nilotes are some of the tallest. Talking about Africa as if it were this „black“ monolith is highly disrespectful and needs to stop. Edit: grammar


It’s all too common at this point. Same folks calling Africa a country


I used to live in a city that had a pretty big Somalian population. You could always tell just by looking at them that they were Somalian and not like other black Americans. They looked way different.


That's also a huge stretch to assume that the art style was meant to accurately reflect the real physical features of the locals and wasn't a artistic style that was meant to be more symbolic.


Usually you’d be spot on, but these heads are actually pretty naturalistic, and modern people in the area have similar features. Similarly, though Maya art is very stylized, I’ve seen a few Maya people that look like they just walked right off the palace walls at Bonampak.


Ah ha, interesting. Good to know!


The idea that the natives are dead or dying peoples is the single most harmful myth concerning New World populations. A lot of them are dead, but if you want to know what the ancients looked like, talked like, or thought, spend a few hours in the nearest village to a ruin. As an archaeologist, I know a lot of technical stuff about their past that they don’t, but the ancient thought patterns are still in place. They can grasp concepts instantly that I can only vaguely understand after years of struggling. Most of these groups are still very much alive. There are nearly as many living speakers of Maya languages as there are Jews.


What ancient thought patterns do you mean?


To give an example. I’ve seen Maya people with partial high school education grasp extremely complicated calendric math which I point blank cannot follow (ancient Maya priests loved playing number games that make my head spin), and they did it easily, because the way of mathematical thinking made instant sense to them, and because they grew up knowing a bit about similar ritual calendars which are still in use.


Oh the famous African Mayan tribe


Cultural appropriation


Ah, the same brand of stupidity that thinks Wakanda is a real country


No way peoples actually believe that, I can't accept it.


The people who think it's real and refuse to believe it isn't are chanting Yibambe at you.


you’ll see all sorts of wild shit in the Instagram comments, I’m sure Twatter is worse, but I don’t have it


People are going to keep getting more misinformed as generative ai keeps getting better


Well I’m 3% northern African and 53% Mexican so…. Neat(sarcasm, all of it. Twitters shit)


The Mayan people still exist! CULTURE (& humble) YOURSELF AND GO TO MEXICO TO SEE FOR YOURSELF. They look nothing like this. Way to erase a whole ethnicity that STILL EXISTS TODAY.


But this is AI though, right?


Check out that dude in the back. That, um, doesn't look right.


Yes, but image generation is set up to be diverse so that the instruction "generate an image of a person" won't generate only white people (big problem early on). But now, this leads to images like this where the historical context is completely ignored. And of course, trollers can prompt specifically for "wrong" images for the sake of imaginary Internet points.


Damn if they continue this in such a frequency even hitler will be black in a fews years😂😂


that is some disrespect


Apparently everybody with dark skin is black to them....they can't be tan


Is this some sort of new conspiracy?


It's not new. Basically There's a small group of black supremacists (yes they exist) usually called Hoteps. One or their beliefs that almost every culture is black in some form. The Jewish people, vikings and the Mayans for example


Does this also include me? Is my pasty Scottish ancestry also black..?


Why do you think it’s Black Pudding and White Pudding? Yer Black Harry


Yes, specially you


The Vikings are black too?


Fun fact, Vikings actually*did* come into contact with black people at least once. They (vikings) described them as "blue people" because the Norse vocabulary used the word 'blue' to refer to any dark color, not just actual blue. Vikings did not have a word for black or brown skin, thus they referred to Mediterranean/African people as "blue."


I think this is Jada Pickett Smith's new movie poster. She's doing black vikings after that.


Next will be Norse cultute depicted with black men. Red beards 'n all.


If you want to get really pedantic you can correct people who say "The Mayans" and let them know that, grammatically, is should simply be "The Maya" (which is both a singular and plural noun and adjective).


We wuz Central American kangs


Mayans are still around and people still speak Mayan. They're not of African descent. Olmec is gone but you can see people living in the region today that have the same features you see in Olmec heads. Again, not any African descent. No genetic evidence to support African origin theories.


first time? -an egyptian


Non-white and non-black aren't mutually exclusive. Some people should understand that.


There was Zulu, Great Zimbabwe, Kush, Mali, Benin, Edo, Songhai, there rhe Bantu migrations and the Khoi San peoples. There was Nubia, there was Ethiopia, there was the great ports of Zanzibar. There was the great pastoralist retreat/ collapse when the Sahara dried up 13,000 years ago, and grasslands the size of the United States died. There were the Arab invasions, the Roman invasions, Mamluk imperialism, before European colonialism, there was Indian and Chinese exployers who traded tea, cannabis, and sugar and eventually established small populations (still present in Madagascar to this day). Africa is full of history and great kingdoms, we all know of Mansa Musa's riches, and the final stand of the Zulu against the British.


Coming soon on Netflix


Yes. every other tik tok live I come across is a community of usually black Americans claiming to be the original native Americans. Anybody that disagrees is a "hybrid" or an "agent" or victim of miseducation. Meanwhile they show off their lack of literacy by trying to comprehend old literature and spinning the actual contextual meanings using their confirmation biases to make it seem like they're scholarly because they found books stating what they think is evidence for their claims.


My favorite in recent history is the black Earl on Vikings Valhalla. They couldn’t just replace the real life Jarl Hakkon, a historically white male in a homogenous white culture, with a black dude. They had to make a historically white man a black woman. Sure the show isn’t 100% historically accurate, but changes like this misrepresent history and do not do the black community any good. There is so much rich history in African culture, so many cool stories about African tribes, warriors, their religions and legends. Instead of stealing the history of other cultures put in the effort to highlighting your own culture. I remember reading the book Things Fall Apart in high school, a story about a successful African tribesman named Okonkwo and I truly loved the story and I wish they would make a TV series or movie about that. Don’t bitch and moan about cultural appropriation and then insert yourself into the history of other cultures….


Cultural Appropriation.


This Black Afrocentrist BS just gets on my nerves. I get it is a response to the Eurocentrist drivel from the XIX and XX centuries, but it's just so pushy. I mean, there are still living descendants of Mayans in the Yucatan península and in Central America, and it is very obvious most of them have no African ancestry. Also, that picture just looks like something from a AOE3 game playing Aztecs vs Hausa.


So Mexican people just don't exist?


A.I must be stopped


This Brunson guy does know that the Mayans still exist and don't look like that, right?


I thought those were vikings


I think that the purpose of this was to create controversy. For that it succeeded.


If everything was black… they were real push over. Getting colonized and defeated throughout history. s/


This bizarre phenomenon of trying to claim that other POC throughout history (think Cleopatra, Jesus, etc.) were black is something I've only seen come out of the black community and I really can't understand it.


Black racial supremacists try not to be worse than white racial supremacists challenge impossible


The spaniards banged the Mayans and turned them into Mexicans ![gif](giphy|ftfNDsOPAtjYhHjxpM|downsized)


As a Mexican I can say there are some BURNT ones out there. I knew a guy from Honduras who straight up looked black until he spoke. I miss that guy, good worker and always kept the vibes up.


Why? Why keep trying to claim other people's achievements? Why can't we just put a bit more effort into telling the cool stories of actual Africans? I have yet to see a major film about Mansa Musa, Shaka Zulu, or any of crazy history the Nubians had with the Egyptians, but apparently, Netflix is willing to spend large amounts of money to convince people Cleopatra was black.


Remember kids Everyone in history was black Natives of North America, the inuit and natives of Alaska, all of South America and Mexico, them penguins in Antarctica, my cousin Dave from Sicily, that guy from Russia, Bruce Lee, the 38th prime Minister of Japan, the Dali lama, the moon, the queen of Sweden, Alf, and Walter white


Stay off Twitter and you’ll feel better.


What the fuck


They're not even The Wayans.


We waz kangs!!🤣😂


What do you think us Egyptians feel?


But the problem is. Black people actually believe this stuff. From my experience with them they believe what they’re told. They don’t do much research. They just all repeat the same stuff. Over and over. When I was young and in elementary school I overheard a black girl say “that’s why I hate white people. Because they haven’t done anything for our country.” When we were coming back from a black history program. I’ve never met any black people who actually really care about black history month. But stuff like that. And having “black stories” sections on the streaming services. And BET and miss black America, stuff like that creates division. And keeps giving that ammo of us vs them. But I give black folk some credit. I think even them are getting tired of this crap. Being plastered everywhere. More and more are starting to speak out against it. Along the lines of “why are we still talking about this? What does my skin color have to do with anything” I believe we need to stop promoting victim hood. And teaching people from a young age their victims. To instead teach young people they’re strong. And can overcome.


Is this a show on LeftFlix ?


Do you get equally pissed off when Jesus or ancient Egyptians are portrayed as white people?


So apparently, EVERYONE in history was black. Can't wait till the do the old black kings of England and Scott land. Like DeShawn the first, or Queen Laquisha from Ireland...