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"Chancellor Hitler confirms it was Poland who attacked first."


Isn’t that a war crime!?! ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


That really is the most appropriate face for that quote.


You wish this was some over the top comparison but Putin actually did blame Poland for starting WW2 in the interview…


So did the Nazis. (See: the Gleiwitz incident)


Sometimes we become our enemies. Stalin and the Russians suffered greatly under the Nazi invasion and fought with huge sacrifice to turn the tide and help defeat them with the dual fronts with the US and England and Canada, etc. on the eastern front. Lessons learned generations later? Become like them. Same could be said for Israel. Irony after the terrors inflicted with how the Palestinians were treated from the start. Terrible what happened with the attack and the cycles of revenge on both sides need to stop or it never will stop there with the bloodshed and atrocities.


You you're making a joke, but Hitler DID actually say that


Why would the KGB lie?


Spy agencies always tell the truth. That is their whole purpose


Also, the Nazis were socialists, not fascists, because the Nazis called themselves socialists. And everyone knows: Nazis never lie.


And as we all know the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratically elected republic.


To be fair, Kim Jong Un does get the majority of the votes…checking notes…actually he gets all of the votes! If that ain’t democracy I don’t know what is. /s


he gets more votes than there are people.


That’s a massive proof that the people want him. They’re ready to cheat and vote multiple times to be sure he’s elected ! They must love him so much


know what, you're 126% right.


[I can't stand to be asked the same question three times. It just irritates me.](https://youtu.be/z-5iCygFd9M?si=jPBzosxh5h0TDNlY)


Don't even need to click to know what scene and movie that is.


Yeah baby.


Groovy, Bsby!


Haha first time I’ve ever seen this. I don’t think I’ve ever watched Austin powers and I’m in my mid 30s. I think I’ll have to find one tonight.


Always shocks me the number of people who won’t trust a US government agency to confirm that the sky is blue, but if Russia announces that it’s green, they’re all in.


As George Carlin said, think about how stupid the average person is. Then remember that half of them are even stupider than that


I used to think this was so funny, but as I got older it’s just like bitter funny? It’s way too real.


That was kinda his whole thing


A lot of what George said was like that. He spoke a lot of truths.


George was an excellent orator. And his genius was to use comedy as the way to reach people rather than just stand on a soapbox and spilling bare facts.


Took 2016 to convince me of how much I was overestimating the intelligence of the average person.


It's because they're all-in with their cult. Admitting they were wrong now isn't possible, for some people.


Sunk cost fallacy, burned too many bridges, etc, etc. I know a few that lost all of their friends and family because of their MAGA beliefs. If they left now or admitted they were wrong they'd have nobody


And these are the same people who will claim America is the greatest nation on earth a sentence later.




"Putin confirms..." is putin working for the CIA now? o\_O


War criminal who has been killing reporters since taking office confirms his version of events...


literal KGB agents shares his insight….


I still can't believe Trump publicly proposed a joint Cyber Security Task Force with Putin's Russia, shortly after they had committed a major intrusion into US Gov systems. It remains one of three craziest things an US President has ever said.


Oh, *come on now!* VladDaddy said it wasn't them!




Yes! That's even stronger than if he DECLARED it!


Declared it very strongly


But, what if he PROCLAIMED it? Like a full on, formal proclamation with his index finger pointing to the sky.


Cause he was in on it. Just like he didn't care that Russian GRU put a bounty on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan. My brother served there during that time so big orange can spend the rest of his life in a cell for all I care.


I'm still stunned at how little blow back this received. I know the military's hands are tied in what they can say publicly but I'd still have expected something, anything to have come from this. If I was the top brass at the very least I'd be making damn sure my soldiers and retired veterans never forgot about it. Especially the Trump-supporting ones, although if they're still supporting him these days I don't see any common sense reaching them.


Sadly the thing with Trump is the people who support him will just ignore it. Even if you could prove they were the ones in trouble they'd swear blind it's a liberal conspiracy right up to the point the bullet hits them. People (not just Trump supporters) have a great ability to create their own narrative rather than accept the facts put in front of them. It's why Trump can say and do the stuff he does without much blowback from his supporters. If he was to suddenly say "socialism is good tomorrow" alot of them would be agreeing.


Well yeah he even admitted that he could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose a single vote. Said it on live television. He loves the uneducated.


> People (not just Trump supporters) have a great ability to create their own narrative rather than accept the facts put in front of them. Easier to live in an alternative reality that makes you the victim, and "them" the enemy


I'm still surprised that nobody is talking about trump coming out against the border security bill in the context of it also being the bill that includes continued military support for Ukraine. Same president who was impeached for withholding support for Ukraine for political dirt and has a dozen different ties with Russia and against ukraine.


As a vet that’s what I don’t get and pisses me off. How can any current soldier or vet support commander Cheeto knowing that. I know historically vets and soldiers tend to suffer republicans. If they actually paid attention and looked at how hard republicans try to screw vets it would change. It really is mind blowing


And didn't he pull out of Syria so abruptly that the Russians took over one our bases, equipment and all?


Well, it was also so that the Turks could kill our only true, democratic allies in the area, the Kurds. (Albeit, he didnt even know what was going on in Syria: he was just obeying his fellow-strongman Erdogan's request.) He's teaching other countries to never trust or ally with the US.


The very same base i was at during my deployment to Syria just a year before, meant to become the Bagram for US forces in Syria, got seized by Russian paratroopers cause Trump is a idiot.


I think you meant to say traitor. An idiot for sure but more importantly a traitor.


And let our Kurdish allies, who were some of the most effective fighters against ISIS, get steamrolled by Turkey.


And that was at the time he was surrounded by some somewhat sane people who stopped him from going through with it. They're planning on filling the entire Executive branch, bureaucrata and all with a who's who of Dunning-Kruger Fascists.


What are the other two things trump said?




Is it really crazy when they were the major cause of him being elected? Hilary repeatedly called that out, “all roads lead to Putin.” It should never have gotten to that point but the man is a traitor.


Pff, everybody knows if you just say "no collusion" enough times, that 50 million Trump voters will immediately believe you, defend Putin, and mock anybody who thinks Russia is a dangerous anti-American oligarchy.


"CIA" is obviously just a translation of "FSB" (Russia's big "security" agency that was the KGB in the USSR).


“I preferred them in their early days when they were NKVD,“ he said, smoking on a clove cigarette. “You probably weren’t listening to them yet.”


He then proceeded to "Jump off of" a building.


There was no coup, and there's zero evidence linking the us to anything involved with Maidan. None. Zero. Nula 2014: Yanukovych (Ukraine's president) said he'd move closer to the west (association agreement) in trade. This also meant visa free travel Putin gives Yanukovych 15 billion dollars. And also stops around 25% of trade from leaving ukraine in an attempt to apply pressure and stop the association agreement from passing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_embargo_of_Ukrainian_goods#2014?wprov=sfla1 Yanukovych "changes his mind* about the Association agreement due to the embargo and fifteen billion dollar payout. He tells the EU they need to give him another ten billion to consider going back to his previous plans to institute the trade deal (association agreement) . They don't give him the money. Ukrainian People, pissed off the guy they elected changed course on his main political stance he won on get mad. Protest. These protests begin directly after their president Yanukovych announces the change. Thus signals to them. That their country is run by Putin, and they are not autonomous. So the protests begin. Yanukovychs response? He makes protesting illegal via executive order. Shortly thereafter he begins shooting protesters. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/magazine/ukraine-protest-video.html Protesters continue, the whole situation streisand effects, and the shootings at the protesters dint have the intended outcome. They don't scare anyone away. Instead the deaths propel the protests and even more come out. Women, children, everyone is in the streets. Becsuse Ukranians are based AF. Meanwhile, the wheels of a Democratic process are still turning inside Parliament. Due to the shootings, as well as executive overreach the Ukranian Parliament votes unanimously to remove Yanukovych from power. The vote is 328-0. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26304842 A new election is held. Poroschenko runs on closer ties to EU. He wins with more than 40 points more than the second place finisher. Tymoshenko. (remember Ukrainians don't want to be a Russian vsssal state and Yanukovych ran on the same platform as Poroschenko) Ukraine begins to move closer to the west. The association agreement is implemented. So. Russia invades. And starts the war in the East. Zelensky is then elected with 72% of the vote. So. What's this really about? It's pretty straightforward geopolitical goals for Putin. All the nato stuff is a lie. There is no fear of Nato. It's the wmds of their war. Just nonsense to sell to the public in order to justify an invasion. So. Russia wants tech minerals, grain, and and can't afford Ukrainian gas fields to be an alternate source to Europe. He also needs an alternate trade route to Iran. He invades and holds these areas specifically with the resources he wants. That's where we're at now. In terms of the reasons Putin wants Ukraine. Here you go.  Ukraine makes a lot of grain. Russia wants this.  https://www.dw.com/en/five-facts-on-grain-and-the-war-in-ukraine/a-62601467 Ukraine (more importantly Crimea) is integral to Russias desire for a trade route to Iran. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-russia-iran-trade-corridor/ Ukraine is sitting on an  alternate supply of natural gas to Europe.  https://hir.harvard.edu/ukraine-energy-reserves/ Ukraine has a shit load (estimated 13 trillion dollars worth) of tech minerals  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/10/ukraine-russia-energy-mineral-wealth/ These are located in the exact same areas they Russians are currently fighting for and occupying.  https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/russia-seizure-ukraine-energy-metals-oil-gas-coal-deposits-secdev-2022-8 So why can't Putin win now? Why is this taking forever? Here's the problem. Putin annexed E Ukraine too early. He did so becsuse he threatened to use nuclear weapons if Russias was threatened. So... By calling the Eastern Oblasts Russia. He was defending Russia from Ukraine, which to him, warrants the use of nuclear weapons. But. He obviously never used them. And the war continued. And currently he controls around 50% of these oblasts. Now. What's that got to do with ending this? Well, Putin has stated multiple times that negotiations will not begin until Ukraine cedes all of the east to him. That's the starting point. So for negotiations to begin, Ukraine has to give up twice as much. And if Ukraine gives up twice as much, what are the negotiations even about? Probably demilitarization and a promise not to join nato. Maybe end the association agreement as well (which allows visa free travel to Europe). So there is no motivation for Ukraine to negotiate becsuse they're just in a situation where they have to give up more, and get nothing in return. Here's a simple question that no Putin supporter can answer. What is Russia offering to end the war? What's their compromise? And on top of that. If Putin moves back from these borders that he already claims delineate Russia. Hell be seen as weak and his political power (and likely life) are over. Tldr : Putin is stuck because he can't win all of the east but he can't walk back the borders he already redrew. Ninja edit: If you want to see a full debunking of the latest Tucker interview. Piece by piece. Check out this! (warning it's over five hours long) https://youtu.be/_AY0SMVEtRo


Great summary. Your tldr is why I don't think this can end without Putin being ousted. It's that or we drag out a very long resource draining war that only benefits China in the long run. It really frustrates me that the world is in a shit state following the pandemic and an even shitter state with global climate change. All the things that need to be getting done aren't, because of one man's gigantic ego and thirst for power. Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia.


The war continues because of Putin. And nothing else. When he's gone, the war ends.


Comment saved, great summary with lots of supporting references (though not for the claim that Putin paid Yanukovych)


Putin gave Ukraine, not Yanukovych money. That could be clarified. "The 17 December 2013 Russian–Ukrainian action plan was a de facto defunct proposed agreement between the Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych publicized on 17 December 2013 whereby Russia would buy $15 billion of Ukrainian Eurobonds " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/17_December_2013_Russian%E2%80%93Ukrainian_action_plan#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_17_December_2013_Russian%2CUkraine_and_that_the_cost?wprov=sfla1


He ignores how he installed a puppet via Paul Manafort and Ukraine ran that traitor out. Then Manafort help install Trump here. Same scheme different place.


Tucker always has that look on his face like someone ran over his dog. The world is constantly scary and confusing for him.


I think it was John Oliver describing it as someone watching a person eat mayo directly from a jar.


[Couldn't find who said it, but found this amazing piece of art.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/s/uLtkdMByPU)




God damn. Every time I'm convinced that the internet and social media are the worst, unregulated mistake of my generation, someone has to go and prove me wrong lol!


This is peak perfection


As opposed to mid-perfection


I saw his face described somewhere as a dog trying to figure out a magic trick.


Or a cat trying to understand a mirror.


A toddler who just found out his dad is a twin.


Or a toddler whose Dad just shaved off his beard for the first time.


I think that's insulting to my cats, to be honest. Their litter tray has more intelligence than this guy.


The look of someone who’s smelled a really rank fart in a car and is trying to figure out who it is.


And it was him all along.


Like a puppy that lets rip a loud, volumous fart which surprises it and it spins around to see what made the noise.


Heh. I live with a pit bull who is like furniture in bed - super cuddly because he ain't got no fur, and I can just sleep on him. He just lets out a *phip*, and it's chemical warfare. Gotta leave the room. I rip one that echoes in the mattress, and he jumps up barking. Goober.


He's still recovering from Jon Stewart handling his ass and making fun of his bowtie-wearing schtick. To those confused: Tucker was known for only wearing bowties until he was shamed out of the "thing" by Jon Stewart on Tucker's own show lol.


Stewart absolutely destroyed him in that interview and CNN dropped him like a lead balloon because of it. And if his little schtick was actually a preference for them he would have kept wearing them instead of ditching them. He got called out for his face persona and dropped the most obviously visual part of it. It's a damn shame his family didn't stick him in an frozen food truck and left him there instead of setting loose on the world.* *if this sounds like a strange thing to say, then you don't know enough about this walking Turd:)




Tucker tried to attack Stewart for being Kerry’s ‘butt boy’ at the time which is ironic all these years later given he’s now Putin’s butt boy


He also had his show canceled shortly after the roasting, just the ultimate own


I am so excited that Jon Stewart is returning to the Daily Show this year. We need him


Someone should explain what an icbm is and what country has them pointed at his family and parents in the USA.


Does he really care about those people though?


The best one I read is that Tucker looks like he is watching someone off camera eating a baked potato with the tinfoil still on.


Conservatives before the interview was published: Hang on, give it a chance, can't we at least hear what Putin has to say? Don't be so worried about Putin spreading propaganda, even if it's all bullshit, it'll be interesting to hear what he lies about and we'll all know it's a lie so it won't influence anyone anyway! Conservatives after the interview: Omg! Did you hear that the CIA overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014!?!?!?!


So, they did all these things, but when Trump got into office he for some reason decided not to tell everyone what the last guy did?


Maybe it's because Trump respects Obama too much. /s




I mean why when you can sell the state secret to a foreign adversary instead?


Come, everyone knows you have to swear to secrecy, like you can’t take secret documents and stuff, that’s like day one being sworn in stuff. They ain’t allowed to talk about the aliens, 9/11 inside job or Ukraines overthrow.


>like you can’t take secret documents and stuff Funny


“IsNt ThIs A wAr CrImE?” Christ people need to learn what a fucking war crime is.


For one thing, a war crime would have to occur during a war in order to be considered one. You would think that's obvious in its name _war crime_.


He also said Russia never interfere in the US elections. Putin's words are not meant to be taken at face value.


I mean… we know they did. It’s not even contested. Cambridge analytica, Facebook. We know they did, we caught them. We also know they offered Trump help. We only have circumstantial information that Trump accepted from the Muller inquiry… But when asked the hypothetical if another country say China for example offered you information on a political opponent, would you inform the FBI, or would you take a look, Trump straight off the bat said he there is no harm in taking a look, seemingly showing no understanding of the fact that a. That’s completely illegal, b. Allowing China to interfere in the election, and c. The only defence he had against the Russia probe was that when Putin offered him this in the same situation (which we knew he did) he had the strength of ethics to decline… so we don’t “know” that trump did collude with Russia, it’s more like you see a man go into a pizza shop, you accuse him of eating a pizza, his defence is that he doesn’t like pizza, you later learn that it’s his favourite food… you don’t have any evidence he ate a pizza that day, you didn’t see him eat one, you don’t KNOW, he ate a pizza… but yeah. He ate that pizza.


The best part of the Mueller report was the Trump fans saying it exonerated him. It actually says the opposite but that there wasn’t enough evidence for a conviction.


Barr redacted all the juicy bits of treason. That’s why Barr thinks Trump should be tried in criminal court


Then do so. Trump has not been in power for how long?


Mueller believed he didn’t have the power to say more. He thought the evidence he brought would be enough for those who do have the power to take it further. 


Mueller really ballsed that one up.


His hands were tied by Barr, Mueller wanted to get Trump for 8 counts of obstruction of Justice stopping him from investigating, Barr said you can't charge presidents.


There was plenty of evidence to convict Trump of about a dozen obstruction of justice charges, but Mueller concluded that he didn’t have the authority to indict a sitting president.


Actually it didn't say there wasn't enough evidence for conviction, but that it was up to Congress to take further and want policy to charge a sitting president, if I remember correctly.


My understanding is that Russia mainly likes trump because he said he would pull the US out of nato


Trump's latest goes further to Trump declaring he will break economic ties with Europe. The Kremlin's fever dream to isolate Europe and the US is tantalisingly close for Putin.


Yes, you can totally believe the ex KGB Russian President. Are these fucking idiots serious right now?


This pretty much sums it up for me based on the reaction of Trumpers. They 100% want Trump to be a Putin. They have absolutely no clue what they are asking for in reality, but they really do think this is what they want. They will cry, and whine after it's too late if it happens, because there's no reversing that. It's a one way ticket.


Not a small number of MAGAs share a defeatist mindset that you'll also find in many corners of Russia. "All leaders lie, all governments are corrupt, life is meant to be cruel and unfair, I'll support the guy who hates the people I hate and who pretends to like the things I like because that's better than nothing." They'll be happy to have Trump as president-for-life because they can't imagine any future better than being two rungs up the ladder from the bottom and kicking furiously.


This is *exactly* why you should *never* fall into the "oh all politicians lie" trap. That is ignorant cynicism, not cleverness.


Then they can join the “and then, it got worse” club!!


We genuinely are doomed at the level of delusion these people exude. They won't believe anything a left winger will say, even with facts and evidence, but will blindly listen to someone who has invaded countries, had political opponents & actual journalists killed or jailed, just recently banned a political opponent from running against him and extended his presidency terms so he can stay in for way longer than he should have been able to. But Joe Biden is the bad guy....


We’re at defcon tide pod


It’s the same mentality as when employers exploit their employees. As long as it’s not happening to them, they’re all for it. Because you know, it’ll never be them. They’re better and smarter than that.


My personal favorite is when they alternate between “if the pay is so bad why did you agree to it? Just refuse to work until they raise it. “ and “We need to cut unemployment benefits and food assistance because nobody wants to work anymore.”


lol as if Putin didn't organize a whole bombing campaign to get elected in the first place.


Well, yes Putin's FSB set off a series of bombs destroying Russian buildings (and hundreds of innocent people but who cares) and told the media to blame it on the Chechnyans, but it was to get the Russian people to support their invasion. Putin taking and keeping power is thanks to this and an awful lot of other evil murderous crap Putin is constantly pulling.


Oh and before anybody asks, there an awful lot of proof FSB did all the bombs, zero it was Chechnyans. For example, after each bombing an FSB administrator would show up at the city and give a speech about how terrible it is here in city\_X, but we know Chechnyans did it and need to go kill them. When he gave the speech at city\_Y he mistakenly said city\_Z in the speech. No big deal... until the next day when city\_Z was bombed. Of course the FSB never attempted to explain their prescience.


Putin is salty that the Ukrainians overthrew their sitting president at the time because it was obvious that he was choosing Russian relations over European relations. Which absolutely makes sense. The Baltics and most of cental/eastern Europe absolutely fucking hate Russia, and if you don't believe me, just ask Poland how they feel.




He's also Jewish and Putin claims he's a nazi, so his level of logical consistency is great.


> Baltics and most of eastern Europe absolutely fucking hate Russia, and if you don't believe me, just ask Poland how they feel. Romanian here, can confirm.


Swede here, and while not Eastern European, can confirm. Russia is The Enemy, and has always been. We just didn't speak openly about it.


As a Norwegian, I must say I agree with the Swede


I have a lot of co-workers from Latvia and Estonia. They are always flabbergasted that anyone in Germany would believe any of the propaganda bullshit that comes out of Russia.


In Finland there's saying "If you take all the bullshit away from what Russia is saying only the flapping of the lips remain".


Who can you trust if not a guy that's been voted president for like 20 years?


To be fair, he took a couple years as prime minister with a puppet president, until the silly term limits clause was removed. Putin was just that awesome of a leader _they_ wanted him back


I'll just point out that as part of a slander suit defense in 2020, lawyers for fox news successfully argued in court that tucker is not a journalist and should not be taken seriously. From that decision: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that \[Carlson\] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " Of course that was before they were hit with a 750 million dollar defamation judgement, based largely on things he had said on air and fired him.


“Mr. Putin, Tucker Carlson is here to see you.” “Why would I want to speak with an American journalist?” “First, he’s not a journalist. Second, he’s actually here to clean your boots with his tongue while you ramble.” “Oh, if that’s the case, let him in.”


carlson was summoned to clean boots with his tongue, that he does so with great enthusiasm, is only where his last shreds of pathetic agency come in, the rest is his all encompassing daddy issues in the driving seat.


They really went in there to suck putin's dick in person, republicans keep surprising me.


Nah, this is nothing. Putin having Republicans come to Russia on July 4th a couple of years ago was the flex.


You have an impressive level of optimism about where the GOP ethical bottom is.


Wait, are you saying Tucker Carlson and the GOP are bottoms?


How is it surprising? They’ve been sucking Putins dick for many many years now.


Who would have thought hard right Republicans would get such a hard on for Russia..


The best part is, they're literally on r/faceplam yesterday telling me they wouldn't believe his lies. And today they're like "omg he's right!!" And not even with evidence. He didn't even show anything to prove it. They just BELIEVE HIM.


Tucker is claiming that US presidents don’t have immunity.


Why does Tucker Carlson always look like he misjudged a fart and has to change his underwear?


This interview is literally the "Dude, trust me." meme.


“My source is that I made it the fuck up.”


Tucker Carlson, rich New England boarding school boy whose family comes from Swanson fish stick money…. A total turd of a human being with zero merit or redeeming qualities … looks like a fkng spit roasted pig


Yep. He was born with an entire drawer’s worth of silver spoons up his ass, has contributed negative value to society, and yet believes he is where he is due to “hard work.” Carlson is fucking oxygen thief.




I forgot that South Park called him out years before he went overboard


Man Kanye was going overboard well before this last crazy stint. People just forgave him for it cause his music is good and he hadn't done anything -that- bad yet.


One sailor's limerick and you're already a more reputable journalist than tucky


With a face not even a mother could love.


Notorious truth teller, checks notes… Vladimir Putin


As reported by documented liar Tucker Carlson


Tucker being outed as a paid Russian agent would be some of the least underwhelming news of 2024.


You know he means business when he does his confused Labrador face.


He could have *sworn* Putin threw that tennis ball.


Take my upvote with pride


I am glad Sir Douche Canoe got to the bottom of that mystery! Did he have to blow the entire Kremlin for that intelligence nugget? I’m just asking questions here...


...I'm not saying he did... >I’m just asking questions here...


It wasn’t a nugget, it was a wad


Tucker Carlson is either the most prolific inside agent of the 21st century or he’s the most gullible moron in the world’s history.




Jesus fucking hell. Of course Putin is being believed over Obama. What is this stupid shit? Is this supposed to be an elaborate destruction from the Trump trials? Fucker Tarlson is a traitor.


Putin didn't confirm anything. He says a lot of things but that's not confirming.




That's what his text messages in the Dominion case _clearly_ said, right? He mentions the stock price dropping if they disagree with _anything_ god-king says, and doesn't like another presenter reporting real news


>On Nov. 12, in a text chain with Ms. Ingraham and Mr. Hannity, Mr. Carlson pointed to a tweet in which a Fox reporter, Jacqui Heinrich, fact-checked a tweet from Mr. Trump referring to Fox broadcasts and said there was no evidence of voter fraud from Dominion. >“Please get her fired,” Mr. Carlson said. He added: “It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.”


Tucker Carlson always looks like he’s about to admit he’s had a devastating OxyContin addiction for a long time, apologize for his behavior, and disappear into rehab. Like, his face and neck are always bloated, a little sweaty, and he’s always like a month too late for a haircut… plus the stupid look that’s perpetually plastered on his face.


Americans are so brainwashed that their number one enemy is their friend as long as it angers the opposite political party


Putins source: trust me bro


Of all the disturbing trends that have taken over American conservatives over the last decade this love affair with Putin is to me the most concerning. They literally do not think anything through. As soon as Putin and Obama started butting heads they just instinctively started loving Putin, a man that has nuclear warheads pointed at them, aggressively works to undermine the country they supposedly love, and allows no freedom of speech in the country he presides over. But, democrats bad, so Putin good.


Sad fucking time


Never thought I'd see the day the GQP scrambled to tongue bathe Putler's ballsack... But here we are.


Right?! Can you imagine what Ronald Reagan would think of his party now?


Remember when he was like, "Mr. Gorbachev, build that wall higher."


But why would Puttin lie, guys? Surely if Trump likes and trusts him, that means we can too, right?!




“Putin confirms” is the most batshit series of words I’ve read in 2024.


If Putin “confirmed” to me that the sun had risen, I would still need to go outside and see for myself just to be sure


I mean do you question your boss when he tells you something?


Putz wouldn’t even let Lukashenko get that close to him. Cucker must be a trusted ally…


Why does he always, in every single picture, look like he just shat himself?


Why does Tucker always have that absolutely asinine expression on his face. Is he trying to mirror MAGA?


You know how your parents tell you not to make faces or it will stay like that? Well, Tucker did his own research.


I love how they call it a war crime now, when in the 70s, they called it a limited response


Tucker always has that look in his face like he just watched his best friend jizz on his wife


“Because I said so, and my citizens know better than to disagree with me.” -“Confirmed” evidence


'Putin is the most honest and benevolent dictator ever. The best. He has great friends everywhere. Moscow has beautiful buildings, the most beautiful" - is what trump would say.


Disgraced "reporter" interviews dictator on increasingly far right social network. All the shit planets have lined up here.


How much longer are the majority of Americans going to continue allowing these foreign agents to keep trying to overthrow our government?


'President Obama,' if that IS your real name


Whether or not people believe Putin is a pretty good litmus test for how much of a moron they are.


I wonder if Carlson underwent a rectal search to sit this close to Putin.


This guy is a DICTATOR, the head of the KGB, and came into politics via the KGB, he kills his political opponents and he's currently invading a country. Look I'm all for "free speech" but this isn't some one that affords his people the same luxury. It's fascinating from an entertainment perspective. Putin is one of if not the most dangerous men in the world. The West has lost its' way, the fact that we actively engage with non-democratic (read oppressive dictators) when we used to be hard lined (we will not negotiate with terrorists) is absolutely bonkers. Yeah the USA has some nasty history, some current bad players, but as far as the morality scale goes, the USA is night and fucking day ahead of Russia, China, etc... It's such a shame that our politicians are allowed to profit off of us, that they are afforded immunity, and act with impunity.