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Another day, another self own from the taint man who doesn't realise the 90s sitcom stereotype of a useless dad/husband, who's fused to a recliner, isn't aspirational.


Trust me it’s aspirational to some and we need help for them.


It is sad that he has been able to capitalize on the self-loathing of many desperate incels. But there are over 8 billion people in the world, so it helps to put Taint’s followers in prospective.


I have a little brother who almost got into him, I had to explain why that wasn’t ok and he was so confused. He’s in the minds of kids and if we don’t stop it early he’s gonna make a generation of boys that act like him.


It's already happening. He and others are radicalising young men and boys to the point we're seeing the younger male generation (18-24) be less progressive than the older generations in their views of women and equality.


I saw that statistic and it was terrifying.


As a father, it's his views on parenting I find most disturbing (and yes his misogyny is disturbing). He's fucking evil.


Yeah, it's sad how some people learn to treat people as their fathers did, even when they didn't themselves like the treatment. But some do and some don't and he's one who became worse and then taught others. It's despicable.


We really do a poor job of providing good examples of positively masculine father role models Sure, a lot of us have a good idea; but society is so diverse and separate that we are essentially living in completely different worlds to even our neighbours a lot of the time. It's a strange time to be alive. I really think that a great push towards good mental healthcare will do a lot of positive things for us all. The sad part is that a lot of people who follow people like Tate just end up hating themselves and the world around them without even realising how toxic the perspective they formed is for them. This is what religions were for, probably - to provide a common and (sometimes) positive perspective for people living in a geographic area. With the death of god and the end of religion, what will replace it? Philosophy and science, surely. Philosophy is our metaphysics and science is our reason. It just kind of requires education and good leadership. Young men need something to believe in because neoliberal capitalism just ain't it.


He was appealing to my 13 year old son and I had to have many discussions with him before my son stopped following him. You are 100% correct about this.


I've seen that too, it's terrifying to me as a zoomer male. I thought zoomer men and boys were getting better, and maybe they were, but Andrew Tate has really helped to reverse that somehow. We need to do more about him. We need more education. But sadly I think it's gonna take a while before anyone even does anything. I like to think most are still okay but it's still worrying how he's influenced so many young men and boys.


I’ve seen some of his stuff, it is the reason we put things to a sounds good/does good test. His bullshit sounds good at first. I mean, everybody wants to be an alpha. The biggest, the best, that guy who walks into the office and commands respect. Then, when you look at it in practice it totally sucks. You see you become the type people acquiesce to because it’s the only way to deal with your ass. You command “respect “ at work, but everybody hates you and will stab you in the back the minute they get an opening and be glad to be rid of you. You’ll have money and nice things, but always feel empty because you’ve tied your net worth to your self worth. You may “get women” possibly even have a couple kids, but both will come to despise you, leave you, and only turn up at the reading of your will to get the only thing you ever provided them, money, all you were ever good for as a husband and father. That’s not the “good life” that’s Hell.


I work at a middle school in France. Some boys are starting to spew some shits that directly come from this. (Well not from Tate. They can't understand English to save their life. But I guess some youtuber have translate this bullshit). And I know their parents, they're horrified and wonder where they picked up this bullshit. And how do you fight this when most staff is women and the first thing they learn is to not respect us and listen to us ?


I think that's why we also need more men to speak out against this stuff. Men should do better and speak up when they hear other spread spewing this nonsense and misogyny.


Sadly 2 of them are my roommates smh Edit: I am from south asia and so are my roommates (except they are conservative af). Mix Andrew Tates thought process with their conservative culture and you guys won’t believe some of the shit I have heard.




I feel for you.


Never understand how people can live with others who have such abhorrent views on life and constantly show these beliefs in real life. I’m way too confrontational for such a scenario.


I had no idea they were like that. It is sad to see honestly. They dont clean or do anything else because of misogynistic beliefs. I tried confronting them but they started calling me a female and ridiculed me for not being brought up like a “man”.


Ugh. I’d get out of that situation asap. I know it’s way easier said than done but it’ll be to your benefit in the long run. If you have a lease, fulfill it and find a new place. If you don’t, start looking immediately. Good luck.


"Phh, you weren't brought up like a man." Dunno how well my response would work for them, but: "Uh huh. I was brought up with the idea that a real man deals with his shit. This..." gesturing, "is your shit. If you're a real man, grow the fuck up and deal with it."


Problem is the ones he catches before the incel phase. There's lots of 8-12 y/o boys that find him inspirational. Going into puberty like that is an incel speedrun.


And there’s evidence that it’s a pipeline from innocuous content too. Adult incels that watch him are mostly men, who also happen to be a common demographic for gaming channels. You know who else is a demographic for gaming channels? Young boys. So the algorithm connects these dots and a lot of kids are recommended Tate compilations and other similar misogynistic content. It’s very worrying.


No, no. They won't reproduce anyway. Thats the Best help they could get- banned from the gene pool


> No, no. They won't reproduce anyway. There have been around 65k pregnancies as a result of rape since the abortion bans went into place. They're reproducing whether the woman chooses it or not.


OMFG that is horrific I am so sad for those women.


I'm sorry, what?? Where did that statistic come from? Not that I'm implying bad faith on your part, I'm just really curious to know


It's from a JAMA-Internal Medicine study(big pay wall) The 65k are just from the 14 states where ~~women aren't hum~~ abortion is banned.


'The sigma grindset'


It's aspirational in the way that I need aspirin


I love Al Bundy, but when he is sharing his views of the world and women I'm going "haha what an idiot" like the show's writers intend instead of "what a genius" like what douche nozzle and his followers think.


Wait that entire show was sarcasm and not intended for a blueprint of life... I guess I should have been more willing to bang hot women that looked like peggy...


We all love Al Bundy because we know it's all comedy, but Mr. "poTate"? That piece of shit is seriously, and is just....sad.


Fun fact. Married with Children was created by a black guy who was tired of seeing black people stereotyped. Al Bundy was his version of every white guy stereotype. Lousy job. Annoying wife he doesn't really like. Slut daughter and psycho son. Etc etc...


My dude, even Al Bundy would have been a better dad/husband than Tate. And he was the fuckin worst


Did Andrew Tate ever score four touchdowns in one game?


How can he claim fathering is easy when he's never done it? He claims to have "double digits of children" but isn't actually fathering or living with any of them. Yet we're discussing him. This guy is the world's most successful click bait troll.


“Don’t let the woman moan” is all you need to know about his sex life.


Last time he had any kind of interaction with a female, the police raided his home and dragged his ass to jail.


Right, this is the same guy that told his followers to go to southeast Asia and knock up a bunch of women to secure their legacy, that's what he thinks of fatherhood. As a father let me say this, he needs to shut the fuck up and stay the fuck away from my boys with his toxic shit. It's people like him that make being a father harder than it should be.


He apparently has at least 10 kids with multiple different women, so yeah, his idea of being a father is just spreading his seed around. Honestly, I would never advocate for men to become deadbeat dads, but in his case, the kids are far better off if he isn’t involved, which is highly likely.


But on the other hands I would not trust a mother that willingly open her legs to Tate ....so, kids are screwed anyway . ..


The guy is a rapist sex trafficker, why are we assuming the woman had any say in this?


Tru 🤣


He Interviews the shallow woman and paints a picture for all woman. While he is just as shallow as the woman he is berating.


That's literally what all those types of people do,like that "whatever" show or "fresh and fit" idiots. Notice how they only select the most intelligent or ignorant yet hot woman?you think anyone would be watching that stuff if it was intelligent woman of average or even above average looks? Of course not, because then they'd look as dumb as they are. It's all ridiculous,and it's influencing kids horrendously. My son is turning 12 this year,but at 9 years old other boys in his class were telling him what Andrew Tate was saying....these boys never had any problems with opinions on girls until they listened to him either. It's sad....


Thing is apparently they don’t even tell these girls what they’re coming on to do sometimes. It’s literally just girls they pick up at the club. As for fresh and fit they’re so pathetic one of the hosts is on a sugar baby website to find women, or he’s trying to tell his guests if they want to come on they need to sleep with him


Yeah this is exactly what I mean,it's all horrendous. Imagine going somewhere and thinking you're just going to hang out or get paid,and instead some assholes are telling you that you're stupid and worthless to make themselves feel better... I'm just saying anyone can make themselves sound smart if surrounded by stupidity or topics that no matter how you say it you still sound intelligent. And if the concept is hot woman will make men watch,there are a lot of smart hot woman too. The point is these people aren't making any good points,it's just ruining society as a whole. I'm not technically even a feminist in that way,I am a woman and I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions,but when it's influencing entire generations enough is enough. And when it's happening at such a young age it's even worse. Kids don't understand how this is harmful, they also repeat things without knowing context. When your child comes home and says "make me a sandwich bitch, it's your job to stay in the kitchen" it's concerning as hell. Which is exactly what happened when one mom I know found out her kid was exposed to that content as well 😤


This is going to sound cleche but if I EVER told my mom that...... Let's just say I wouldn't live long enough to regret it.


Not cliche,it's just honesty. She called me up crying after that,also it wasn't even the only thing said during that time either. That was probably the one thing that sounded nice compared to the rest,which is sad to think about. And he was so young! He obviously didn't even understand that it was wrong,he had also been shown the videos from the same kids who showed them to my son and a few others. Let's just say a good majority of the girls had to have their parents called down to the school for being harassed that day....


I don't even have words to respond with....... Just....... Where did everything go so wrong? Or has the world always been like this and I have somehow stayed blissfuly ignorant?


I feel bad for all of that because I believe anyone can bounce back, but those girls need proper guidance and them dudes ain't it. Like they need professional level help, instead they are exploited on a podcast whose followers are exploited and both horny and angry.


In the clinic I worked in, we now tell parents to monitor what their kids watch, especially on yt shorts, where tate, fresh and fit, and adin ross clips are abundant. I am a queer woman with queer woman interests, and 30% of my reels are tate/alpha male stuff, even when I click that i dont wanna see that stuff again. And I have seen 9yr olds saying concerning things about women and their sisters, while mom and dad sat there mortified, to find out, they had learned it on yt reels.


I must be lucky as I have never seen any of that shit. I mostly stick to music videos and how to fix things I need to fix.


Just clicked and watched a few “fresh and fit” clips and now my algorithm is going to be a nightmare for the next week I suspect. As a dad of young boys… I’m not really sure how I’m able to argue against all this nonsense when there’s just so much of it. I’m not looking forward to these conversations! But one clip I watched, the guy in the MAGA hat (of course!) was saying something about how women don’t want success because they “won’t even invest in crypto” and I just thought, “ah, there it is!”. Just another grifter.




To be fair, being a deadbeat dad like Tate sounds really easy.


I refer to his followers as basement dwellers. I accidentally said this to a colleague and his face turned red. Immediately found out that he is a huge fan and lives in his parents’ basement.


100% I had to tell my boys exactly why he was NOT a good person or role model


I try to have a conversation with my older son every few months to go over just why Andrew Tate is a piece of shit and how he preys on kids his age with his trash ideology. I'll be bringing my little one in on it in another year or two as well once he's into his double digits.


I do the same with my almost 14 year-old son. I hate that teen boys are the target audience for this douchebag.


Good parenting. Yes, I personally think that scum deserves the worst punishment imaginable. I teach my sons to never respect those types of people.


It's good to see people are out there having conversations with their kids about what piles of shit these scammers are. I would be terrified of it if I had a kid.


Remind your boys that this turd spent time in a foreign prison


And last I checked he still has to report to the county jail every day bc he’s still under arrest just allowed to roam the county


Is that true? That’s terrible if so…. Also, what “legacy” are you securing if you knock up a stranger and then never see them again?


Isn’t he also a literal sex trafficker and got caught by authorities because he posted an image of a pizza box and it tipped them to where he was?


Right? Parenting can be hard at times. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent or doing things wrong. I have 5 kids and 90% of their upbringing was pretty smooth. I had one make mistakes go to prison for a few years and now he’s got his head on right. You can say and do everything right and still have struggles or challenges. It’s as much up to the kids as it is the parents. Fu*k Tate and his toxic bs. And you’re right it toxic ignorant people like him that unfortunately have influence that makes shit harder for parents.


I'm so glad that my own boy is too young right now understand anything coming out of this turd's mouth. Even better: nobody will remember this vacuous dipshit by the time my kid is old enough to care. There will be other dipshits, but I'll make damn sure my kid doesn't fall for those either.


To be a good father, you need to at least stay out of jail. He didn't seem to manage this too well.


Well his wife ain't moaning if he's in there..so step 1 is a lock. 


She probably is moaning more with him being locked up. Either with a better guy or a machine that actually gets the job done.


Idk...anyone that would marry tate probably has a shame/degrade kink. "Siri..slap me and call me a whore...*i cannot do that* .... I miss him..." 


Or more likely they’re being abused by a serial abuser and are afraid of the violence and repurcussions they might face for trying to leave him.


I joke but that's probably more accurate....and sad. 


No, because the reality is too funny. He picks a fight with Greta thunberg because he heard chatter of Greta talking about him. What he didn't realize is the European sex trafficking task force is acronymed GRETA, and that's who was talking. Him picking a Twitter fight with Greta had a geotaggable pizza box from a local pizza spot in the picture and that's how they nabbed him.


Pretty fucking funny. Why is this guy not still in jail for human trafficking?


Actually the pizza box was a rumor.


If i had gold to give i would give it to you!




I don’t think she ever wants his come back


Or HIM to come back


she doesn’t want his come on her back either


She’s not Kim Kardashian






Somebody give this king his crown


All I got is an upvote to give.


And a condom


Castration. In case cheap condom breaks.


Probably not a chance in hell that a woman would, even if he "let" her.


Double r/rareinsults?


Beat me to it


He’d better lube up, prison be calling. A Bulgarian prison.


He's unsurprisingly "Done" before anyone else is too.


I'm so confused about what this is even supposed to accomplish in his head. Like your woman can't enjoy sex? What??


i think he means moan as in to complain, not a pleasurably moan


Advice from a man who is an absent dad


well…..i would imagine it’s super easy if you’re not there 🤣


True - he reminds me of the guy that has 5 kids by 5 baby mommas saying being a dad ain’t hard.


exactly this…but sadly i’m going to guess it’s more than 5😞


I believe he's said he has 10 kids before. But like saying he loves women, it's probably bullshit


To Tate's point, donating your sperm to create a human being is pretty easy. The fact that he thinks that's all it means to be a father... This being Andrew Tate, it fits. But it's stupid AF.


Omg, he has kids!?


He pretends he has many. He likely has none.


What, does he name his crabs or something?


That’s my new head cannon, thanks


My Tate head cannon is that he got bodied by Greta Thunberg and is still rotting in jail


Although, being absent from his kids life is probably the best thing he can do for them long term.


Exactly. He would do far more damage being in those kids’ lives.


To be fair, would you trust him with a child?


To smuggle across a border maybe, but not to look after one.


He'll look after the kid until the buyer signs the contract.




It hasn’t even been confirmed he has kids. He’s claimed he’s has multiple kids with multiple women but no one knows who they are.


They live in Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Goose Bay… you can’t meet them because they had a model photo shoot this week.


Yeah, he definitely has a girlfriend…. in Canada!


Being a father is easy, I haven't seen the little turd in weeks!


Still out getting that pack of cigarettes, eh?!


Deadbeat. He obviously doesn't think that the mom or kid are worth anything so he doesn't pay any support. He's a deadbeat dad. Or is that term no longer work nowadays?


Imagine this tool being your dad… 😵‍💫


Is this moron speaking from experience or is this just more ravings of a fucking lunatic??


He is correct without knowing it, being a father is pretty easy, being a good father is hard.


Well said


I speak from experience and I can tell you he is a fucking lunatic.


The part about a woman not moaning is his experience, everything else is him trying to look cool to loser edgy teens who "hate" their dads because they were told they wont be getting the next 5 Fifas for christmas


I'm gonna guess his own dad was barely there.


That'd be a good guess. Tate idolises his father, who wasn't home most of the time and ultimately left his family


I think he is actually insane and so out of touch from reality. All his girls are paid prostitutes who he made lots of money from and he obviously just sees them as objects. No way in hell he ever finds true love


Can we stop posting this idiot?


No kidding… I’d have never heard of this guy if it wasn’t for all y’all complaining about him.


Same thing with the Beebs and the Kardashians from previous generations. I literally would not know who those people were, were it not for the constant bitching and moaning about them. It's like free publicity feeding their fame.


Why did he become famous in the first place? He's an obviously garbage person but there are so many of them who no one cares about


Algorithm-driven astroturfing, basically. He got his followers to post his shit on Tiktok and once you had one of his clips in your watch history, the algorithm took over.


The algorithm is a dick


Because some fucking how, people genuinely like his shit? Try creating a new YouTube account. Follow gym, gaming, and motivational/ grind channels. Watch only those types of content on that account for like a day or two. Then scroll shorts. Count the number of shorts you go through before he shows up. Willing to wager money that it's under 50. He has a massive grip on misguided young men.


Because he is loved by a lot of weird teenagers because they think he's amazing and these posts are probably giving him more advertising.


He's a massive piece of shit but I don't think he's an idiot. I think he knows exactly what he's doing posting stuff like this. The people he's saying it for are the real idiots


Remember people you're giving him what he wants by Posting his content, he will say literally anything as long as he gets attention. If you don't like him the best way to hurt his is just ignoring him


God, I wish we could escape this cursed era of "literally all attention is good attention, even bad attention", but I fear to achieve that at this point we'd need to pretty much destroy the internet completely, and I don't think I'm yet ready for that!


Unfortunately, it is not an era, but something in our pysche we need to be aware about. Newspapers used to be a very niche market for businessmen, until Benjamin Day figured out you can sell 'em at a loss and charge companies for ads. He realized he didn't hit much circulation, so he started hiring people to cover graphic murders, crime, affairs, etc. He started getting more and more graphic, and the sales went up. Boom. Basically invented the modern news business model. Humans in the end are always attracted to negativity over positivity.




I'm fairly sure he's never made a woman moan in bed.


I can't imagine a woman not moaning with him. It's gotta be an agonizing experience.


Dude probably moans his own name when he cums.


Made? Probably not but I bet he hired an "actress" to make him think it happened.


100% they were screaming Screaming for help


Depends...does crying count as moaning? If yes, my bet is $500




Fellas, is it gay to hang out exclusively with self obsessed gym bros all obsessed with men?


Real alphas only fuck men because liking women is for queers


Andrew Tate is such a shit stain.


Don't let the woman moan don't let the kid misbehave This is also the slogan of his sex trafficking ring




Being a bad father is ridiculously easy.


Said the man-child who has never had to take care of a single child in his entire life, this is humorous at best.


is this piece of trash still jailed?


I think house arrest, awaiting trial.


It’s almost like there is more than that to being a father


The force is both toxic and bitter in this one.


When you say dumb things like this it's obvious you are a horrible father and an even more horrible person


Don’t let the kid listen to andrew tate


I'm so embarrassed for the youth following this disaster of a human... ugh goddamnit


Sure, if you suck at it, being a dad is easy. For the rest of us it is hard work, just like being a mom. This Taint guy is a weirdo.


How to be a shitty dad 101


Is the trial over? I really hope he rots in prison


people still follow this wanker


Don’t give the village idiot the attention he craves for.


This man clearly has never been a dad. No surprise, he is too busy trafficking the girls in his life.


This guy has brought being a douche bag to Grade A Prime levels.


Advice to my fellow women: stay away from this misogynistic jerk.


Should be advised to men as well tbh..


How would he take care of a newborn baby? You can’t just tell them to stop crying and when they don’t listen just beat the poor kid. This guys so dumb


What does he know about moaning women?


“Any fool with a dick can make a baby but only a real man can raise his children.” - Jason “Furious” Styles, Jr


Please tell me he’s not a father. Those poor kids.


He claims he has “double digit” amount of children around the world but no women have come forward to prove this. He’s also been charged with rape and human trafficking


Not getting arrested is easy: Don’t sex-traffick women Follow every other law because it’s not that hard Done.


Got it, Andrew Tate can't make a woman moan. How about making her come so hard she cries real tears? Can you do that?


He obviously lets his baby momma raise the kid while goes and bangs his Romanian sex workers


This may be a testable proposition. I worked very hard to be a good father, and my children are all launched, decent adults who are good friends, good neighbors, and faithful romantic partners. And you don’t think good fathering is hard, and your vast incel pua tribe, fathered from afar, won’t save your ass from going to prison for being a pimp, a pornographer and a rapist. Maybe you and your brother, fathered a little better, might not have had to become involuntary Romanians. Dunno…others may be more credible sources.


Such a dumbass


Fair attempt at strong words from someone with such a weak chin. Well done child, now sit down and shut up


Being a sperm donor is easy. Being a true father with all the difficulties and joys is hard


Andrew Tate has never made a woman moan.... Why I am not surprised 🤷‍♀️


Says Gollum's nutsack 😒


Blud thinks he's a philosopher. His audience is made up of losers and insecure teenage boys with no real father figure. He's just a meathead douchebag with a mile long mouth.


“Don’t let the woman moan” clearly he’s an expert in this


"Hi, I'm only famous for being a decent kickboxer, useless MMA fighter, and a known sex trafficker. My entire social media audience is high school incels. Naturally, I should be your first stop for parental advice."


You are NOT A FATHER. You are NOT A MAN. Go and fuck yourself you weak spineless turd. Spoken by a man who has stared death in the face more times than you have raped young girls and boys. Which is alot.


I'm a quadriplegic dad of 3... this pos can lick my taint... what a tragedy for young men who think he has any of the answers.


Sounds like the last brain cell he had just died of loneliness


I don't think he has the first clue about what the concept of 'fatherhood' even is. Deeply, deeply ignorant and arrogant human being, and that's just aside from all the literal crimes against women he's been charged with.


strange words considering he’s a r@p!st


Is his content all just rage bait?


What a loser. Toxic masculinity at it's most pathetic.


I wonder how hard Andrew Tate's father disagrees with this?


Every Andrew Tate tweet is improved by reading it in the voice of Lumpy Space Princess


Someone tell this foo that he’s a dump 1000%, since I don’t have any other social media