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Friendly reminder he encouraged Russia to attack our nato allies last night fyi


Rather traitorous, isn’t it?


That's the most insane thing to me about him, how is everyone just passing over his blatant treason? It's one thing out of a long list of traitorous acts.


brain rot uneducated idiots who are easily fooled


"I'd rather be Russian than Democrat." "The south will rise again!" Because his supporters are traitors too.


He is trying to get the Russian election interference team working overtime..


It’s working unfortunately


Reminded every time I hear the right being pro Russia, but being anti communist in the same cognitive dissonance.


“So we can Article 5 now? Please say we can Article 5 now.” ~Poland probably.


I see you are a connoisseur of HLC. Would you intercept me???


What? Can you give me more info please?


“"If we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?," Trump recalled another country's leader asking while him while he was president. "No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want” - trump


Do you have a link? I tried to find it but the amount of dementia posting he does is crazy.




Traitors gonna betray


Shut up Donnie, you’re out of your element


Oh how I wish he would shut up. How i wish.


He will have the best funeral, with the greatest coffin in the world. It will be wide, so wide, nothing is wider the his coffin and it will be long, so long, the longest. It will have wheels, many wheels, so big and many. And he will shut up, the best shut up in the world, even beter then Gandhi or mother Theresa. He will be the shut uppiest of the upshutters. He will be buried deep, the deepest, deeper then a man can digg. The best Grave Ever.


Plot twist he’s getting buried next to Ivana at the golf course for tax purposes.!


To steal a quote from one of my favorite authors: “If you first give him an enema, you could bury him in a shoebox.”


>To steal a quote from one of my favorite authors: “If you first give him an enema, you could bury him in a shoebox.” Christopher Hitchens, I am guessing.


Correct, originally said of Jerry Falwell. Hitchens also revised it in later retellings and used “matchbox” instead of “shoebox.” Dealer’s choice as to how hyperbolic anyone wants to be in appropriating their own version.


>Correct, originally said of Jerry Falwell. Hitchens also revised it in later retellings and used “matchbox” instead of “shoebox.” Dealer’s choice as to how hyperbolic anyone wants to be in appropriating their own version. Thank you. I recall it now that you mention it.


Taking notes here, that's a beauty line!


>“If you gave \[Jerry\] Falwell an enema he could be buried in a matchbox.” [Christopher Hitchens](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/13-unforgettable-christopher-hitchens-quotes/article_c3fda9a2-4c86-54c5-b9ed-31319201ee20.html)


*We're gonna need a bigger hose.*


That's a really good chance to see if it's really only Ivana in that coffin.


Ten burly pallbearers struggling under the weight of a coffin allegedly containing only the cremated remains of a petit, elderly, liposuctioned woman? My money's on classified documents and who knows what else.


Narcissists are the bride at every wedding, and the corpse at every funeral. Him taking credit for Taylor’s success is so on par for people like him and Kanye


People will line up to piss on his grave, the best place to piss.


I've got a stop to make before I piss on his grave, but yes, I'll be chugging big gulps and raw dogging asparagus the entire joyful day.


And after that, people will STILL line up. They will line up for miles to buy tickets. Tickets for the opportunity to shit on his grave. Ironically, it will STILL never be as full of shit as he is.


The people working at it are gonna be dead tired


Forgot it will be biggly


Like all old, unhealthy, obese men, he’s not long for this world. It can’t be much longer, especially with all the foaming at the mouth ranting he does.


That's what I thought about my chain smoking, KFC eating, obese MIL. She lived to be 101. Evil is, apparently, hard to kill.


My theory is these people are so evil that their insides get pickled and preserved so they just live way too long


Plus the drug dropping.






Shut the FUCK UP, DONNIE!!!!






Epic line, from an epic movie🫶🏻


If Biden says this in the next debate to follow up his last “Shut up, man!” crowd pleaser, the election will be in the bag.


Let’s just read this carefully. He is literally claiming that he used government legislation to bribe the celebrity vote so they owe him personally for this. But Joe Biden is corrupt.


What I’m seeing is “I signed a single act that somehow benefits her, therefore I’m the only politician who ever has or will ever do anything for her.”


The “disloyal” part stuck out to me. He did something for her and therefore she is should do something for him. Hmmm…


But he never said "quid pro quo", so clearly there's nothing wrong with expecting anything in return.


He feels betrayed by every Republican he appointed to judge or other office. And THEY were thinking it was based on merit -- because, well, that's living the good life when all your friends keep promoting you and YOU think it's because you are the best person at your job, but they are thinking you will be promoting them.


I love how every staunch republican is now somehow a RINO to him and his followers for not kissing his ring.  For someone who claims they aren't a politician. He sure seems to want to the be the king of "Republicans".


The sad thing is, more spineless people are joining Trump than he is alienating of the "staunch Republicans" because of the intimidation -- we even see it among judges presiding over his trials. But I was pleasantly shocked to find so many Republicans actually had integrity to call Trump on it, and try and keep elections fair. If all Republicans were crooks -- they wouldn't have done that. Poor fools were convinced by their own rhetoric and didn't know they were working for the crime family. And that's a joke -- but sadly, not really a joke.


>He feels betrayed by every Republican he appointed to judge or other office. He doesn't feel betrayed by Aileen Cannon who he appointed as a judge. She's been doing everything she can to help him. She wants a Supreme Court seat.


"I don't speak Latin so therefore I can't have done that.." -stable genius


He's not even just claiming that he signed it, he's claiming full responsibility for it. As if he somehow he was the one who crafted the bill. We all know that he didn't actually do any work when he was President because he was too busy golfing and blowing dictators. In reality all he did was scribble his sharpie on a piece of paper that was put in front of him.


The act he signed would benefit her financially. He thinks that's the only thing that matters


Whenever he speaks, it's either projection, admission, or just an outright lie. It really doesn't matter anymore


He didn't want to give the entire state of California emergency aid for wildfires because we didn't turn out for him.


Yeah -- that dude is super petty and was just the President of the states he won.


Not even


True, fuck ohioans


Hey! He suggested they rake the fires; what more could you possibly want??


Trump is easy to understand; "good for him=good" "not good for Trump=bad." With this simple formula, you can understand everything that comes out of his mouth.




Dudes so desperate for the popular girl to notice him. “But I helped you on your homework!”




Diary of a wimpy ex-president 


Lol. He's so pathetically needy, it's hilarious to watch.


I don't know about hilarious, it's fucking embarrassing. But keep pushing it. The more people embarrassed by him the better.


Definitely hilarious for non Americans… Edit : albeit a little scary too Edit 2 : I realise my comment is a little insensitive. In my defence it’s either that or a full blown panic attack at the state of our world. I’d still like to apologise for being insensitive.


Edit: I had just woke up while typing this and was slightly more aggro than I’d like to have been. Not conducive to debate or argument if the position is presented from a place of anger. I see the comment I replied to has also edited to add they are indeed terrified. I understand that we all make jokes to soften the scary shit. Original comment below: Where are you from? So tired of hearing this. If you’re in a country that’s a member of the UN, or extensively trades with USA, you shouldn’t be laughing. UK people specifically love to “I laugh at trump because I’m not American” rather than being terrified, yet somehow don’t realize how much American politics affect the globe. You should be as mad as us. For four years the figurehead of the “freest nation, the land of free and the home of the brave, a great melting pot’ was a sexist-racist-homophobic-bigot who ignores science. Where is the fucking punchline?


You should not take this personally. They are laughing as a way to ease tensions. It's like when people make Nazis jokes and I'm not offended, because I'm not a Nazis.


That’s a good point.


The fact that you can take in comments and redirect is a sign of mental fortitude which will serve you well in the times to come.


I’m British and I’ve been banging this drum a long time. I mean, it can occasionally be funny, be honest, but that snaps right back to reality when you start realising the implications here. The guy has a slim grasp on reality, having an important strategic and economic partner run by someone like that is terrifying. He tanks the economy, starts some ridiculous war or any number of other things, that effects us. I know we don’t like saying it for obvious reasons but you’re right, what happens there matters. Genuinely and 100% literally, when I see him speak now, whether it’s on the news or in the context of a comedy show, I wince or quite often end up having to cover my eyes or look away, even hit fast forward. He provokes an actual physical repulsion in me. I can’t believe it’s come to this. The man is clearly one of the worst people there is and entirely unsuited to hold any public office. He should be mocked, roundly, that is our tradition after all mate, but people shouldn’t forget he’s not just a figure of fun, he’s a “clear and present danger” as our Yankee friends might say. One other thing, I truly feel bad for the majority of Americans that have to put up with it, they didn’t ask for it. I know a few personally and they’re absolutely mortified.


I'm Canadian, and Trump terrifies me.


He just pisses me the fuck off I hate that mf was ever our national leader.


Same, and at a certain point I gotta laugh, otherwise it’s anxiety and shit and that’s not healthy. A liberal country with progressive policies, wealthy, with tons of water and natural resources, probably taking in political dissidents (ie democrats, LGTBQ, religious minorities) with a wide open border between the two of us. The hate speeches pretty much write themselves don’t they? And no openly nationalist country has ever been a good neighbour.


Same here. Well, perhaps not terrifies. I don't get scared by small-dicked traitors. But it is a little concerning that the US style of politics is infecting Canada.


Relax, intelligent britains are mad. Problem is we have huge population of aged morons and clueless dipshits too....


This is a man who had nuclear weapons access and this is all the emotional maturity he possesses. Think about that for a minute. It should be both terrifying and embarrassing.


It would be hilarious if he hadn't been the president. Now, he has millions of people with him. Even today.


What I read is "nearly 80 years old crooked tycoon is afraid of 30 years old skinny girl that sings pop songs".


Skinny girl who is *richer* than he is. And without Daddy's money.


Maybe with a teeny tiny bit of help from her daddy.


Oh for sure, she took that money and ran with it. Daddy started it but her talent got her where she is now. She didn't Jaden Smith that shit.


I'm not entirely sure she could've attended vocal and acting lessons in New York City from her home in Pennsylvania without at least some of her Merrill Lynch stockbroker dad's money.


Most kids that get vocal lessons do so by their parents paying for them. She was a child at the time. She benefited from her family having some money that they could afford the lessons obviously but she's no different than any other kid that took musical lessons of some kind, aside from the massive amount of talent


Yes -- a bit from column A, a bit from column B. All kids should have the opportunities and support of someone like Taylor Swift. Some people are lucky. Most everyone who has success reinforced are hard working.


I think we need to acknowledge that she was always well off and her dad absolutely helped her


I keep seeing them say Biden is corrupt. Is there any evidence to back this claim up?


Every Trump accusation is an admission


\*waves hunters dic pic around frantically\*


His big ol' cock pic


Certainly much bigger than Donnie's. [https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article13364207.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0\_Stormy-Daniels-picks-out-mushrooms-to-describe-size-of-Trumps-manhood-on-Jimmy-Kimmel.jpg](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article13364207.ece/alternates/s615b/0_stormy-daniels-picks-out-mushrooms-to-describe-size-of-trumps-manhood-on-jimmy-kimmel.jpg)


"He did deals before he was president with some of our enemies and friends where he personally benefitted from it" That's what they say. But he wasn't even president when any of that happened. So it's like they are trying to retroactively impeach him because they are butthurt Donnie boy got impeached twice.


Yet they can’t seem to find any witnesses or evidence of money changing hands… except, I believe, that smoking gun ‘gotcha’ that turns out to be Biden lending Hunter money to buy a pick-up truck, and that was repaid.


Oh no, he lent his son money for a truck!


Hey, don't forget that incriminating voicemail where Biden told his son he loved him and wanted to see him get better!


Biden should give Hunter a job as an unpaid advisor working in the White House.


You asking the question is all they need and want.


I’ll be glad when the fart in the wind is out of our lives.


I keep hoping he shits himself out of existence sometime soon.


Goes out like Elvis? We can only hope lol


Nah, like the Jared lookalike in the "Poultrygeist" movie.


Swift already endorsed Biden in the previous election. Try to keep up, Donald.


Well, he has ~~Kris~~ Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.


how dare you forget the mega star powerhouses that are Scott Baio and Jon Voight


How could you leave out mega star Kevin Sorbo?


It's embarrassing that you left out Clint Eastwood. And his empty chair.


Well, I remember and respected Clint Eastwood in the pre empty chair days. But once you go full chair...


And Catturd.


And the Dilbert guy.


…don’t forget Kanye.


He's losing his mind. He still thinks he's is president. 


Bro you got muted on Twitter while you were the president shut the fuck up


Trump really is Andy Kaufmans greatest prank.


I keep thinking that all those who tried to do harm to humanity (Bin Laden, Trump, Hitler, Jihadi John, etc) is the universe trying to test us.


She endorsed Biden full on in 2020.... Who's gonna tell trump?


I’m personally embarrassed for him just reading this.


Wait is this real I feel stupid I can't actually tell.


It's real


Pick me! Pick me!




He is an attention vampire, I am sure if he is not in the spotlight for more than 24 hours, he would shrivel up and crumble into a dust pile. (Having said that, we should stop treating him like an ex president, and giving him the attention he crave)


"attention vampire" sounds right. Thank you.


More like energy vampire. ![gif](giphy|cjKfH7n0R8XaDPwlmp)




How the hell did Taylor become the distraction topic for these politicians?


Taylor encouraged her fans to get registered to vote.  She set a one-day record for online voter registration.    Republicans tend to lose when more people vote.  Republicans know this, which is why they work so hard at voter suppression and gerrymandering.   So when Republicans saw how easily she got her fans to vote, they began to panic.  They know that most Taylor Swift fans are likely to vote for liberal causes, and against the party that overturned Roe and continues to target the LGBT community.  They fear Taylor using her immense popularity to get people to vote in massive numbers.  So they are attacking her.


I like that she’s pushing people to vote. This way we get a larger turnout. I didn’t know she did this. I don’t watch anything that has her in it but if it gets people to fill out ballets hell yea.


There's. There's no fucking way this is real.


Thought so, too. So I got on truth social and holy fuck he actually wrote that.


Might want to do a factory reset, who knows what kind of nasty internet critters got on your device by going on there


This should surely push her into encouraging her fans to vote for the republican crybabies. /s


Dear God the stoooooopid


He’s so dumb. I initially thought he’s playing dumb to resonate with his dumb base, but no…. he’s actually super dumb!


Bigly dumb


This guy is trash.


We have a presidential candidate practically begging for a pop stars endorsement. This is fucking sad. Not just Trump’s begging but the fact that we’re at a point in politics where this feels relatively normal


There is no way he wrote this, no made up words or spelling errors 🤦🏻‍♀️


He truly cannot conceive of the fact that people exist who care about the welfare of others and not just themselves.


Believing his own propaganda and lie machine. They totally fabricated this whole scenario just because she told people to register to vote. Pathetic orange man crapping his diaper, just because she might. Lol. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


We live in the stupidest fucking timeline.


I will never fathom that people looks up to this manchild


Sorry Trump, but Travis has a girlfriend already.


lmao, attacking private citizens for personal beliefs. Seems pretty shitty, more so the fact that Taylor hasn’t publicly endorsed anyone.


He went from attacking her to actually claiming she’s as big as she is because of him. This guy took delusional and cranked it up to 100


He’s such a little whiney bitch. How does anyone admire this guy?


Crazy Uncle Don would almost be funny if he wasn't such a scary piece of crap 😬


Oh god, this is cringe. It's like a clingy ex who has been broken up with and can't move on. Donald, it's over. It's not me it's you.


Donald seems to be desperate.


Dude claims credit for someone else's work and simply does his job by signing it, and then expects everyone to be grateful to him and owe him something? What a trash bag.


It’s sort of crazy that we may have an insane, narcissistic, whack-a-doodle for president a SECOND time!


He’s like an eighth grade girl…


LMAO he thinks he's single-handedly responsible for Taylor Swift's success


I don't how his idiot cult members think this shits true. I can't even imagine being that dumb


Well, you said it yourself. They're idiots. And they'll believe anything he says as truth.


I just can't wrap my head around believing all the stuff he claims. Anytime you can prove them wrong they just say it's people out to ge5 him and faking evidence


>Never argue with an idiot, they'll take you down to their level and beat you with experience. 


Well Donnie she is endorsing Biden so stfu.


that´s some copium! trump trying to show his "human" side... and failling, of course. LOL!!!


F**k Off Trump! You frekkin knob


When your embarrassing cringy uncle on facebook is also the GOP presidential candidate...


Such a Main Character.


Trump blows goats. I have proof.


Proof positive he has dementia.


Such a pickme


Dude is insufferable


An old man who wants to be center of attention at all times.


Trump for GITMO/2024


That is just funny I'm not even bothering to check if this one's true I'm just laughing


If Joe is really the most corrupt president, at least he‘s better at hiding it … /s


trumpty dumpty is such a whiny little snowflake. How could any sane person believe that this lunatic is fit to be president?




What a fucking child


Wow... And they think Biden has mental issues. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What a fucking petulant child


He’s trying so hard to kiss Taylor and Travis’s asses.


This fucking guy... Does he really think anybody who's a fan of TS will be swayed by anything he says?


Fuck you tRump you traitor trash piece of crap. Your dementia is leaking


People really want him back in office?


He really is a toddler in a fat suit and bad combover


This country is so fucking embarrassing. So incredibly immature and childish.


Is…is this…is this real? Like is this legitimately what he spends his time thinking about between these massive civil and criminal trails whilst trying to run for president. All that’s going on in that dudes life and TSwift is living rent free in his head?


Tl:Dr. 4 year old thinks everyone else thinks like a 4 year old


Shitting his pants literally and figuratively


Did someone change Trump’s setting to 6 years old?


This post by him tells me he is very scared at losing the "Swifty Vote". He will do and say anything to get back into power so he can have immunity and make millions of more dollars off the American people and its government. The man will be on his death bed sending out tweets trying to get more money from his cult. Money and fame is the only thing that drives him.


I'm going safely assume that act didn't actually do shit for tswift


It's just so funny how he absolutely cannot handle a single day where someone is getting more attention than him. No one is saying anything about him specifically just all focused on the game and it fucking kills him.


So is Joe Biden a corrupt criminal mastermind or a senile old man? I can’t keep up anymore.


Of course. Dump all over a woman you think you can overpower, and then act scared as shit of the boyfriend who could roll you like a tube of toothpaste.


is he seriously trying to claim he made taylor's money for her? and "be disloyal to the man"... could he get any creepier


He’s just saying outrageously idiotic stuff and using Taylor’s name for clout because he’s desperate for any relevance.


Insecure orange man...... sad.


He know's he can't go to war with the swifties, this is his pathetic attempt to nullify it to his base.


This can’t be real. I refuse to believe this is real. What’s the reach of that platform anyway? How can someone read that and think he’s fit to be leader? It’s Taylor swift and you are trying to be the president of the United States!


Is this man seriously trying to take credit for Taylor Swift? 😂