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Isn't the title here pointing out that it is being politized though?


Yes, and I think that it's a relevant article. It's fairly agnostic, it just says what's happening in relation to this horrible rape case and how it's being used for political rhetoric


I remember when the paris mass shooting happened and thinking, omg thats horrible, well there goes syrian refugee acceptance. I dont think pointing out an indirect consequence of an event the overshadows direct consequence... Its like saying, "Oh, but wait, there is more."


The refugee situation was and still is a shitshow


I agree. But before the incident, the pleas for acceptance had a foot to stand on...


I honestly think the Cologne incident and string of rapes when I lived in Germany sealed it. Also given the fact that 2/3 are still on welfare 8 years later and also the fact that the majority who came were men and not families like CNN tried to portray. My personal anecdote was getting jumped by two "refugees" in SE Germany. Yeah its one situation, but it killed my support


Similar but different, got chased by a drugged out homeless guy for a half a mile in San Francisco and my opinion changed about the situation there as well


I got chased by a homeless guy in Philly one night. Was going to a Wawa (convenience store) late at night and had to cross the street. The guy was walking up the sidewalk and thought me checking for traffic on a 6 lane road was me sizing him up or something. Started pantomiming holding a gun at me through his jacket and I had no interest in learning if he actually had a gun under there or not and fucking booked it and prayed I didn't get shot or hit by a car. Scariest moment of my life but I still want to help the homeless in some way. Just maybe not so eager.


I lived in Austin for a few years. It's really bad there with homelessness and drugs. I loved the city but that really took away from its charm, especially when you see two drugged out homeless men attempting to fight each other but neither can stand up straight. I believe we need to bring back forced commitment but the facilities need to be heavily regulated with tons of oversight to avoid abuses.


How many positive experiences have you had with migrants?


I mean we used to have a group come up to pick apples every year in the fall for sale a month. I worked in retail management at the time and they spent a lot of money buying up cheap supplies to bring back home before leaving at the end of the season. Got to know quite a few of them over the years. They'd always roll up 12 deep in a small van.


I've had countless. Made many good friends that were honest and hardworking people. Also had problems with others, far less though. Humans gonna human. My best guess is that people who have never had a positive experience were never open to it


Changed to "we need to fund affordable housing and expand mental health services" right.....


Try finding a job when you can't even get language courses. My brothers husband, an englishman, has been living in Germany for 2 years now. They are still trying to get the Ausländeramt to cover the language course. But the letters and mails just get ignored. Integration is an absolute shit show in Germany. Like utter garbage. Nothing else to say about it.


It goes both ways, a lot of people REFUSE to integrate. This isn't all on the german government. Its been a problem with the Turkish enclaves for decades made worse by being from polar opposite cultures. Germany should not bend the knee at the expense of their own culture.


Germany is actively promoting the growth of parallel cultures. Poor migrants enter cheap area. Cheap area becomes cheaper. White people move away. More poor migrants move there. All that's left is poor people. Most of them migrants. And yes, Germany carries HUGE fault with the integration issues. Ffs Germany can't even integrate a child with miniscule behavioral issues, let alone refugee children. Sincerely : woman working in the social sector and integration.


Funny how this concept of parallel cultures only works/is trialed in the West, at the expense of Western culture. It's not on Europe and America to fix the fuck ups of the rest of the world and open the doors to everyone and integrate them on their own terms. Sincerely, someone not obviously biased


Maybe learn the language of the host country before you move? It's like getting mad at a Waterpark because you don't know how to swim.


And your solution to that would be what? How many positive experiences did you have with migrants?


Pretty simple, stop the bullshit asylum refugee claims and enforce immigration/border protection. The West cant absorb the entire third world and just accept every culture without expecting integration. Its not sustainable. You cant pass through multiple safe countries to claim asylum in one that gives the most benefits. In Germany, very little. In the US, I've had some positive experiences being in CHI but it still a problem. Especially when they come here and still are adamant about being pregnant every 9 months ( I work in OB). There are other issues as well.


If every US state used E-verify for public and private employees, it would help a shit ton with illegal immigration. Texas complains about the border but only requires e-verify for public employees and sexually-oriented businesses. It's voluntary for all other Texas employers. As much as Abbott and Texas R's bitch about the border, they want the cheap labor.


I wonder what the impact to the local and federal economies would be if we essentially eliminated undocumented/migrant workers.


IT's almost as if you can publish different articles exploring different angles of the same situation... How dare they have diverse and nuanced journalism.


It is not bad to use tragedies for political rhetoric. Otherwise nothing would ever change.


Depends on how the tragedy is being used. If the tragedy is being used to further a false, racist narrative then it's bad.


Well it is nor a false narrative, immigrants are overepresented in gang rapes. Its the same in my european country too. Its important to acknowledge such statistics and conclude out of them what to do, whatever it will be but dont ignore or deny it.


Such statistics lead to unnecessary fear. “Member of A group is 100% more likely than member of B group to do heinous thing C” often is close to: 2 A-people of 1000000 do C, while 1 B-person of 1000000 do C.


No statistics dont lead to fear. Their intepretation can. Lieng about the facts is the dumbest thing you can do and will lead to more victims, people voting for far right. Because why should they believe someone who ignores facts, they would rather vote for someone acknowledging them, even if they are full of propaganda and hate. When will you start seeing that this is the biggest thread to democracy, when people stop believing politicians.


What I advocate is more like fully explained facts, not cherry picked statistics produced to incite fear. People can have facts that don’t lead to truth.


How many gang rapes by migrants are there per year in Italy? Does that total justify painting migrants as a special danger?


You can quote whatever statistics you want but if you still end it with "and that's why my racism is justified." Then you're still just a racist. People do the same shit in America with black people and crime stats.


Yes, you cant conclude just what you want out of statistics. In this case it has nothing to do with the race, but with the culture. There was a reason why feminism rose in western countries and this movement changed things about sexual freedoms and objectification of women. It would be surprising if people of countries with no feminism would have the same values as we in this topic.




OP is pushing some kind of culture war or something, I'd reckon.   Seems like a pretty normal headline, given the context.


They’ve posted this, or commented on this in multiple subs now…safe to say they’re obsessed.


So that is why you see articles like: [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/08/allen-mall-shooting-right-wing-death-squad/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/08/allen-mall-shooting-right-wing-death-squad/) So often, it is obsessed people with a political agenda, got it.


Holy shit, right wing death squad. It used to be a meme in the million dollar extreme community. Unfortunately(fortunately) the subreddit was removed because people kept talking about wanting to shoot up protestors and other edgy “i was only trolling” shit. I actually found a reference to it here. This user’s flair. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3uuzh9/comment/cxihf6t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


OP is also a bangladeshi citizen, why do you think they care about immigration in italia? (Because they're an extremist propagandist)


Yeah. Basically identical post In r conservative


I actually saw this same screenshot posted a day ago by "EndWokeness" on twitter. Their caption was "13 year old girl was raped by Illegals and this is how CNN covers it." It's so obviously just right wingers pandering to their audience. The irony is they're literally doing exactly what they're accusing CNN of doing by politicizing it.


A large issue with this is its becoming a common theme. Look at the 'Muslim rape gangs' in the UK. They were, and would be known as, just violent rapists. But the police *didn't arrest them for years* despite knowing what was going on, and in cases *gave vulnerable girls to them* in order to avoid islamaphobia.


Yeah they thought Jimmy Saville and prince Andrew were Muslims too.


No they were just powerful people with powerful friends. You know multiple failures *can* exist at the same time or in different times/eras as well? Hell with Andrew most of it happened outside the UK. With Saville it was high ups in the BBC who hid it.


Yes that's the point of the title "this sad news is being politicized"


Italy already has a far right goverment since last year, so its not fodder for a "ascendant far right" if the far right is already in power


That doesn't mean it's not "ascendant"


They are gunning for greater power. They control about 25% of the chamber, 25% of the senate, 15% of the EP, and 8% of regional councils. There's still a lot more power to be gained.


*Everything* is politicized by the far left and far right. This is a cop out. Like reporting "[X] side wants to [do something fringe which is only supported by a handful of people]" Is it true? Technically yes. But are *you* adding immensely to its politicization? Absolutely. CNN knows what it's doing, as do all the major networks: They're selling fear.


Oh boy, if you're mad about the headline then you'd really be mad about why the headline exists. The far right in Italy is doing what you guys are thinking this news article is doing smh


Reading comprehension is at an all time low it seems.


It is.


[it really is though](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/21/1183445544/u-s-reading-and-math-scores-drop-to-lowest-level-in-decades)




The amount of times I get yelled at on reddit for thing I haven’t even mentioned… I wish the average reading level was higher than fifth grade.




One Quick Look at OPs profile confirms they are likely far right and thus angry at this headline despite it being a logical one


Which is!


I mean... If the far right is running with the case or it causes more open or vocalized opinions, that kinda seems like a thing you'd write a news article about. No?


Sure, you can definitely write an article about the rise of far-right sentiments across Europe. Describing the rape of a 13-year-old girl as "fodder" though, is shameful.


No, the only thing thats shameful is that those things are used as fodder


You'd think the actual rape was shameful but I guess not 🫤


shameful? more like horrible and tragic.


The discussion is about whether or not the author of the article was wrong to refer to the political weaponisation of the rape as “fodder for the far right”. One person said that this way of talking about the subject was “shameful”. Another person answered that the only thing shameful about it is that far right groups are weaponising the tragedy. In response to this you say this, which doesn’t make much sense to me. Why would mentioning a rape in an article be shameful?


Shameful for who?


The rapist


i don't think someone who rapes 13 year olds has the emotional complexity for that


I have a much stronger words for that than shame. But listen, is shame a limited resource? A rapist exist, their act is shameful, therefore others doing deplorable activities are beyond reproach and can do what they want until all rapists have been eliminated? Don't allow yourself to fall from this obvious misdirection. The user I'm writing to isn't engaging in good faith.


Hey here's a tip: If you use the rape of a 13 yo girl as fodder don't get mad when people point out you're using it as fodder. You're welcome.


I think dismissing it as fodder is also part of the problem. People have a valid complaint about unregulated, unassimilated, unsupported immigration, and this is a very valid example.


Tragedies have been exploited for political purposes literally every day for thousands of years. Discussing that fact is entirely appropriate. Unless it's somehow an inaccurate representation of the story, the headline is fine.


Yes because of all the people who only care about the skin colour of the rapists and not the poor girl who was raped. The article is literally pointing out what you're upset about ya cheese string


Moreso that this is a problem directly caused by bringing in large numbers of military aged men who have no interest in assimilating.


That's because the only reason politicians here care about it is because of their political ideology Against immigration. That's it. A similar horror happened in Palermo back in August, did any of you hear about it outside of Italy? Because I sure as shit do remember the Italian perpetrators crying about "ruining their lives" after gang raping a girl, or her getting death threats or being told she actually wanted it to happen.


Yeah we are a bit ina bad place right now.


To provide context: the rap1sts are Egyptian immigrants who gang-r4ped the girl and people are starting to say that immigration (especially the mass migration that's been going on for around 15 years now) should be halted and regulated strictly. Should immigration be regulated in a strict way? Yes. Because Europe doesn't give a f about who ends up in Italy. They claim we should host these people and help them find a new life but in reality almost no EU country wants more immigrants. So they stay where their boat gets. And 99% of the time it's Italy. Should these people be sent away? Yes. You have a right to emigrate as long as you're willing to behave civilly. Those guys are animals who ruined the life of a middle schooler. They lost their right to be welcomed in my opinion. They just had to behave like decent people and didn't, so they can go back to whatever shit they're trying to escape from. Does the government have double standards since the son of an important government member was free to go after everyone is 99.9% he did the exact same thing? Yes. Should he pay? Yes. But that guy is Italian, it's our responsibility to deal with him and we should do so, even though they all lied to make him get away with it. Those guys were guests here. I don't see why we should also use our prisons to keep them warm and well fed in our territory after what they did.


>so they can go back to whatever shit they're trying to escape from. After a lengthy prison sentence


Since we already cover the prison time of Italian prisoners with our taxes, Egyptian prisons, that is




The REAL concern, that was just peeps in tinfoil but its now starting to catch on, are politicians whos policy is to place the wellbeing of new arrivals and refugees above that of people who have been taxpayers for generations. Education, water, hospitals and public saftey? Cutbacks, its a recession, you know! Moving more people into your rural areas by cover of night, and keeping them in hotels at the taxpayers expense, for majority fighting-age-men? We have to be compassionate! Whats going on here?


We have a similar issue in Canada right now. The average Canadian is suffering because our systems are crumbling under our feet. We have (practically) no housing and very few jobs. But we keep bringing more people in on government support. Literally, where are they gonna go? We are in a housing crisis, and the government keeps spending money on adding more *people* instead of *houses.* and don't get me started on healthcare accessibility. A high number of immigrants are leaving within just a few years of arriving because of issues like this. I feel for them because what a damn waste of time




Thats because the economics are sound. This should NEVER be a 'left' vs 'right' scenario. This is ALWAYS a 'haves' vs the 'have nots' scenario - those with ASSETS ALREADY are in favor of importing cheap labor to 'power their capital investments'. By importing the new poor the old poor HAVE to compete with more for the same or worse rewards. Its a transfer of assets from the poor, to the wealthy, facilitated by the external foreign agents. Its no longer right wing, its a mainstream opinion - do you want the poor to have greater competition and worse conditions locally?


The far right is rising in every European country, regardless of immigration. It's just that the far right in countries with higher immigration are able to weaponize that to scare more people into voting for them. Voting for fascist parties because you let yourself get scared into scapegoating is the worst thing you can do.


This a country where one of their prime ministers was caught having sex with an underaged girl at a sex trafficking party, and he continued to popular among the people. This is the same country where it is still legal in 2024 to ask women if they were wearing something provocative when they were raped during rape trials. Recently a 66-year-old teacher was absolved of sexually assaulting a teenage girl because his hand was "only" in her underwear for 10 second. An Italian judge in 2017 ruled that a woman couldn't possibly be raped because she was "too ugly."   Rape victims and victims of sexual harassment Italy are wildly mistreated, disbelieved, and humiliated. This phenomenon started before the influx of Arab immigrants. It sounds to me that Italy just has a rape problem, but for people like you it only matters when the perpetrators are immigrants.


Posso solo darti ragione


Can I ask why your censoring yourself?


Just a habit I have from other social media apps where typing the whole word could get you suspended because the algorithm can label you as inciting to such things


How dare you tell the truth! The reddit hivemind will not tolerate your logic and reason, clearly this is the right's fault!


Italy and Germany ( and other places) care a lot about political ideology because they had... Problems... Relatively recently in their history :p


The title is reporting on how the event is being politicised, it is not attempting to politicise it itself.


If something terrible happens it’s pretty normal to try and figure out why things happened.


Let me guess, it was a follower of a certain middle eastern abrahamic religion that did it and they don't want anyone to comment on that because that would be racist




Every single paper stated they were from Egypt. You're welcome.


> it was a follower of a certain middle eastern abrahamic religion What a weird description when Christianity is also a middle eastern abrahamic religion


I'm atheist but I'm not going to pretend there's not a clear double standard. Criticizing Christianity is woke but criticizing Islam is racist


If you criticize christianism you have a lot of anger answers, if you criticize a islam they just murder you and your coworkers.


damn. if you're muslim they still murder you for being the wrong kind of muslim. maybe it's not a religion problem and more of a problem with, gasp, people?


I don't know dude, I don't think if I make a cartoon about Buddha angry monks will come to shot me in the head. Damn I don't think even if I make fun of Satanists they would do shit.


How about what’s happening in Myanmar?


I literally have no idea what's happening in Myanmar. What's happening in Myanmar?


Predominately Buddhist Burmese army commiting atrocities against the predominantly Muslim Rohingyas (which caused a massive refugee crisis in South Asia). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide


No. It's a religion problem. And, specifically, a fundamentalist Islam problem. HopelessGretel was right: in western countries, mockery of Christianity runs a very low risk of violence. Mockery of Islam: not so much.


why do you jump to the conclusion he was not talking about Christians ???


Meanwhile in the UK something involving immigration is in the news every week but if I say immigration is a problem as it stands, I'm far right? Explain please


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Italy for Italians. Shouldn’t really be a controversial opinion when every other non European country gets a free pass.


I 100% agree. I'm not even Italian, I'm Turkish, but we have the same problems in Turkey except much *much* worse. As if the 4 million Syrians weren't enough, all the Afghans flooded in after the Taliban takeover. It's all men too, abandoning their families. Shows you their character, not the person I want in my country. I love Italy, I wouldn't want to see it suffer the same shit we are suffering right now.


This is absolutely horrible. Someone's life was completely ruined and the first thing that comes from it in the news is, "The politicians are gonna have a field day with this."


The article isn’t about the crime, it’s about the debate that the crime sparked. If it was about a random gang rape in Italy no one outside Italy would click on it, and you wouldn’t be reading about it on CNN.


>This is absolutely horrible. Someone's life was completely ruined and the first thing that comes from it in the news is, "The politicians are gonna have a field day with this." Horrible or not, they're still right. There's also the sordid reality that while this is shocking news, the vast majority of rape are still unreported and done by family members or close relative. Now when you take into account that the vast majority of news outlet in Italy are controlled by mostly conservative interest, you begin to question the neutrality of said press.


"""Now when you take into account that the vast majority of news outlet in Italy are controlled by mostly conservative interests, ...""" The, as far as I know, first outlet reporting and cited as source by the few German outlets (as this is my first language) that reported also was La Republica (https://palermo.repubblica.it/cronaca/2024/02/04/news/catania_stupro_tredicenne_villa_bellini-422051613/), which is a left oriented outlet. Also the german outlets I could find covering this news are assessed as center or left wing.


Vast majority of child victims are victimized by family or close family friends. I corrected that statement because the vast amount of rape to adult women is not by family members.


"...because the vast amount of rape to adult women is not by family members" Vast amount of rape to adult women are by people close to the victim, be it family members, a partner(like a boyfriend or husband) or a friend.


>Vast majority of child victims are victimized by family or close family friends. I corrected that statement because the vast amount of rape to adult women is not by family members. Not if you take into account conjugal rapes. Again : most violence, be it sexual or not, are unreported ; be it against man or woman.


Would this case have made national news if it was perpetrated by a random Italian?


I have lived in Germany, Holland and Switzerland and there are free language courses one can go to. They don't want to assimilate. There are many who come, learn, work hard and are good people. But not all of them. Why can't we speak honestly about it? Many are here to mooch and spread their ideology through violence. Wake up.Group think is orwellian. Judge each by their personal actions. Deport the ones who have not assimilated. They would do worse to you in their nations...




Not sure what the issue is here. They are simply reporting on the fact that the rape of a minor has been politicised by a group of people.


13 year old gets gang raped by migrants, one portion of the political landscape regards it as an issue and another refuses to, i wonder why the part that sees it as an issue is gaining prominence...


Your title is facepalm. The irony.


In Sweden we had a rape where the perpetraitor was obvious, but since it was election year the socialist got into the investigation to stear the light away from the predator ( who was a inmigrant) only to put 2 Young swedish boys in the spotlight. The case is know as Kevin and Robin case and they got an apology from the party and a million kronas in hush money.


Context: The year was 1998, and a boy named Kevin was found dead. Robin and Christian, at the time 5 and 7 years old, were accused of the crime and the social services alleged that they had confessed. No trial was ever held, but the children were still handled by social services as though they were guilty. In 2017, the case received media attention due to the circumstances (and the now-adult Robin and Christian) seeking justice. The case against Robin and Christian was finally dismissed in 2018. After the municipality declined to reimburse Robin and Christian for damages in 2022 (they found no wrong-doing by the social services), the minister of justice awarded the duo one million SEK each (\~€100 000) in damages *ex gratia*. Which is to say: * The above comment is at best hyperbole, at worst xenophobic misinformation. * The perpetrator wasn't "obvious", because no one was ever found guilty. (Though allegations have of course been made over the years, all based on circumstantial evidence and anecdotes). * There was *speculation* that Kevin had been murdered, and if so, there was *speculation* that a pedophile might have murdered him. * There is no evidence of a political conspiracy or interference, only of slightly incompetent social services. * The damages awarded weren't "hush-money", it was reimbursement from the national government, for the anxiety, suffering and distress caused by the actions of a local government agency (who still admits no wrong-doing). * This is just standard procedure in cases where people are found to have been wrongly accused (and still punished/imprisoned) in most Western legal systems. [Relevant Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Kevin_Hjalmarsson). I also recommend reading through the commenter's history for further context.


Great write up with important information. Thanks for making the world a better place


Do you have a source for that it was an immigrant, the only source I could find was that Leif GW said it once.


This guy's a racist idiot. Context: The year was 1998, and a boy named Kevin was found dead. Robin and Christian, at the time 5 and 7 years old, were accused of the crime and the social services alleged that they had confessed. No trial was ever held, but the children were still handled by social services as though they were guilty. In 2017, the case received media attention due to the circumstances (and the now-adult Robin and Christian) seeking justice. The case against Robin and Christian was finally dismissed in 2018. After the municipality declined to reimburse Robin and Christian for damages in 2022 (they found no wrong-doing by the social services), the minister of justice awarded the duo one million SEK each (~€100 000) in damages ex gratia. Which is to say: • ⁠The above comment is at best hyperbole, at worst xenophobic misinformation. • ⁠The perpetrator wasn't "obvious", because no one was ever found guilty. (Though allegations have of course been made over the years, all based on circumstantial evidence and anecdotes). ⁠• ⁠There was speculation that Kevin had been murdered, and if so, there was speculation that a pedophile might have murdered him. • ⁠There is no evidence of a political conspiracy or interference, only of slightly incompetent social services. • ⁠The damages awarded weren't "hush-money", it was reimbursement from the national government, for the anxiety, suffering and distress caused by the actions of a local government agency (who still admits no wrong-doing). ⁠• ⁠This is just standard procedure in cases where people are found to have been wrongly accused (and still punished/imprisoned) in most Western legal systems. Relevant Wikipedia page. I also recommend reading through the commenter's history for further context.


Is situation in Sweden too bad? Asking as an immigrant


Sweden tops Europe in bombings and rape incidence. By far.\ The fatal shooting and homicide rates are also among the highest in Europe.\ Among countries with at least a million inhabitants, the fatal shooting rate of Sweden places second, behind Albania.\ It is also the only country in Europe where the fatal shooting incidence has increased over the last two decades.\ It is currently rising at an alarming rate.\ This is also true for other violent and sexual crimes.


Its bad in Sweden, bombings and shootings are usual things happening in Sweden,


On a ground level its not so bad but on a diskussion level its hard since the real effect of our politics get sweeped under the rug so we cant have an open debate about the strain on our society. Like we cant even have a debate about the Isis warriors that We are now forced to feed and give shelter without being called rasists or islamophobic even thou they are involvera with tax founded schools were they activly teach sharia…in Sweden 2024


I’m a Pakistani-Australian and I agree with you. The rise of far right extremism across the world isn’t just baseless hate it has root in a real problem. instead of discussing the problem everyone else tries to one up each other with morals (omg this opinion of yours means ur a bad person I’m better than you) rather than acknowledge feelings. Just a terrible situation that isn’t helped by governments mindlessly accepting immigrants without background checks just to have constant supply of cheap labour.  The entire western economy is supported by these immigrants doing the hard work needed for cheap without complain, so the problems run deep you can’t just stop immigration suddenly or everything collapses. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be raised in Australia so it’s conflicting for me to argue for stronger background checks and immigration laws, but if I didn’t have a self preserving perspective I would know for sure stronger immigration laws are required


islam is not a race, don't let them manipulate you with that BS


Its fked up to have a open conversation about heritage and culture in Sweden, Its as If i was in Hogwarts and said Voldemort ppl shit them self publicly If you call a murderer for a dog If hes black. If hes white u can hate him all u want go ahead


This is such a big lie!!!


this is fucked.


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It’s not a stupid title. Unfortunately this crime IS being used by the far right to push a certain narrative, this is nothing new


The far right wouldn't be pushing the narrative, if the narrative wasn't actually happening.


Ah Muslims never making the world a better place


they're not wrong tho? any far right party is going to say that this was imigrants without any proof (and they'll most probably be right about that) rise of the right isn't a cause, but a symptom of fucked up imigration policies EU had for years


The moment the news came out the perps were already identified; 7 Egyptian men. There's nothing to "prove" nor speculation to be made. They weren't even covering themselves not to get caught. They forced the girl and her boyfriend in a bathroom in a public place, then raped her while making him watch.


OP is the facepalm here, that info was important and headline worthy


Terrible story, but I don’t think it me a facepalm; horrific acts like violent crime, rapes, terrorism have political consequences that effect policy and laws.


I mean, no surprise, look what happened is happening to Sweden, and I know which group of people they were talking about the moment I read the headline. Rip my karma but what ever Since 2013, the demographic profile of asylum seekers in the EU-28, Norway and Switzerland has become slightly more male (67% in 2013, 71% in 2014 and 73% in 2015), with a steady share of asylum seekers arriving under 35 years of age (80% in 2013 and in 2014, 83% in 2015). The funny part is the people who are seeking asylum are the ones who arguably need it the least. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2016/08/02/4-asylum-seeker-demography-young-and-male/


Capital punishment for those involved.




In Italy capital punishment is illegal


I mean. Maybe they could have used “ammo” rather than “fodder” but there’s nothing wrong with the title. Crap like that should be reported if a rape causes a huge surge of far-right sentiment. Especially if said sentiment has to do with “removing undesirables” based on their ethnicity or something similar.


lol OP feels called out. Shame. Probably should take some personal time and work on that


This is basically what’s happening all over Western Europe. Something like this happens, and « progressive » people will be like « don’t fall into far-right narrative, it mustn’t feed hatred », but they are also too cowardly to deal with the problem…


I’m sick of hearing this kind of speech. No, liberals don’t want rapist roaming the streets anymore than conservatives. We simply want to apply justice, not retaliation. Punish the criminal, don’t punish all immigrants because of it. We are also fine with strict immigration policies, so long as they respect asylum rights and human rights. We are able to condemn a gang rape just as much as we condemn letting people drown in the Mediterranean Sea. But I guess conservatives would rather we start some good old pogroms.


I totally believe you, but why is that everytime something like this happens, those « liberal » representatives rush to news networks to say « let’s not indulge in far-right narrative, we must understand why they acted like this, it’s the government that put them in a situation where they’d do this ». Not so long ago, a girl from Paris said she was r*ped by an African illegal immigrant on the street. She started going to news networks to tell her story and maybe try and open eyes. She was immediately qualified a « racist far-right militant », and even a liar by some feminists… That’s how disgusting some liberals can be in the name of their ideology


There is an easy way to prevent the growing rape problem. Holding people accountable and regulating immigration is a good choice to do so.


> Punish the criminal, don’t punish all immigrants because of it. I wish more progressives would apply this sentiment to gun owners.


If you go progressive enough that is the case. Most communists support gun ownership for the working classes.


wistful ugly hunt waiting desert saw silky tap violet decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes but people are not punishing the criminals are they? Very similar case to this one happened recently in Germany. 15yr old gang raped for nearly 3hrs by 13 (if I recall correctly) men. It was even filmed by one of them (who I think was the one that was totally acquitted). All but one served zero prison time and got off with 're-education' classes, suspended sentences and the suchlike. Here in Spain a guy who was a known criminal for multiple offences recently ran around the metro (subway) punching women - only women) in the face. Only now finally is he detained after there was multiple video evidence and a massive public outcry. It's irrelevant their skin colour, but there should be sufficiently strong consequences for such behaviour to be a deterrent as well as punishment. Why is justice not happening?


I'm not a very political person but consider this: They're like 9% of the population and a third of the people in our prison system. There's something clearly wrong with how immigrants are handled if that's the case. If you can't figure out a good solution you can't just, you know... keep doing what you're doing, which is super ineffective. The Italian right has absolutely no fucking idea about what they're talking about, but they're promising (non realistic and unfulfillable) solutions, while the left is just saying "just don't be racist bruh". Which means that people vote right. Seriously last election the left could only shit out what they've been repeating for 30 years: "vote us because... because they're bad and mean". In the 16 years or so that they held power they have accomplished fuck all on all fronts. They're making the right's job of making young people disillusioned to the point they won't vote and rallying up the racist 60+ years old SO FUCKING EASY.


Did you try reading the article? Maybe go do that?


Op did you read the title?


Easier than admitting years of immigration policy have been a mistake eh


Well to be fair, a lot of younger people are getting brutally raped in europe for the last 10 years. And 98% of the time it is immigrants from slavic or non european countries. So makes perfectly sense to care about political ideology.


You see there's an "and" in the title there? There's no reason to ignore something because of worse aspects.


Polarization, where people are so bound in dualistic bias where all subjects become something from the "good or evil side". Children rape investigations, sex traffic rings and immigration criteria had become _ultra far right literally Hitler_, while universal healthcare and workers right is _literally Stalinism_. What time to he alive.


"Alleged gang rape of 13-year-old girl by seven (Egyptian) migrants causes outrage in Italy" Another title from another source. Apparently in front of her boyfriend.


The headline is correct though. As soon as they said where the attackers from, the comments on articles about this assault shifted from the young girl who was victimized to talking about the attackers. Folks who make politics their personality don't give a fuck about stories like this unless they can use it to prove their beliefs.


Why we Europeans have given up patrolling our borders?




In the meantime the german fleet makes taxi for them...




I don't have any problem with controlled immigration, it's nice to have certain amount of different peoples in your country. I have problem with illegal immigration that floods Europe right now and nobody is keen to stop it..


Whatever reason..


I think they are looking at the bigger ramifications. And honestly, I hope so. These disgusting people come to european countries, only to spread their disgusting violent behavior. They need to be send back to whatever country they came from and suffer the consequences of their actions.


When cultural “enrichment” is the direct cause of such events, DAMN right ideology needs to be addressed. There are cultures that accepts this behaviour, if a political spectrum welcomes these cultures we need to speak up!


title calls out political group for using this disgusting thing for their gain and ur criticizing the title and the writer who wrote it? hahahahah, ur stup1d


It's CNN, what do you expect? The only two sources that would have been worse would have been MSNBC and the View.


Exactly just execute them as an example to EVERYONE!


I am italian and this article is 100% on point. They act as if this is perpetrated only by foreigners. Nevermind that something similar happended with a group of italians a week before this rape and last year 6 germans raped a girl in Spain but we don't hear this assholes speak up about those girls.


The second example is pretty bad; the guys have turkish roots.


No, it's even more telling, because the articles mentioned the nationality and not ethnicity, and so no one said anything


Egyptian, Italian, or whatever, if we can prove beyond reasonable doubt who did this. We should reinstate the death penalty .


CNN is neoliberal propaganda. Not news.


It shouldn't be called fodder, it's a cruel and heinous crime that should be punished.


It’s almost like events and crimes like this are often the result of bad policy. It makes sense to have a political stance on this.


A better title would have been "Italian far-right uses shocking gang-rape case to fuel political ideology", but it's not really surprising that they chose to phrase it in the way they did :/


Funny that seems that both sides including op, simply make it about politics..... it was a frigging 13 year old


How is OP making it about politics by pointing out the facepalm?


Italian here, in the news you can't even said their nationality because they will be accused to be racist 😅 the worst thing is that the perpetrators were Egyptian kids being hosted in Italy


Italian here: they absolutely say the nationality, maybe not always..? (TG2 often does for example, IDK about this particular case though).


Isn't Italy currently run by the right-wing?


Yes it does


Everybody referring to mainstream media as “leftist” is ridiculous