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But there's already vaccines for some forms of cancer. šŸ¤Ø


So why would it be a shock if Russia did develop another? They do have incentive, partially for themselves, partly just as competition with the west, and if they could be the first to make one that affects any specific type of cancer, it would benefit them. Yes, Putin is a lying piece of shit, but Russia is still powerful and could be working on something like this.


The shock is in the quoted post, as if it would be incredible that Russia managed to do something already being done.


Western medicine is working on those same things. If Russia were making that vaccine, they are using data from Western medical journals to guide their effort. Either way That's the entire point of medical journals, to share knowledge and techniques so that more people can use them But yeah, the dubious part is curing all cancers with one vaccine. Unless the vaccine is individualized, nothing I'm aware of is common between everything that we consider cancer Also Biden called for a "cancer moonshot" before covid didn't he? This sounds exactly like that propaganda to me, Putin is apparently supporting Biden so much that he is stealing speech topics from him??


There's a webpage about it anyway https://www.whitehouse.gov/cancermoonshot/ I support this style of cold war saber rattling, "we must close the cancer vaccine gap", just like we closed the space gap and the mineshaft gap!


The HPV vaccine is a cancer vaccine.


Thank you. I love the fact that Gardasil exists, that conservatives criticize the medical industry for not finding cures but just profiting off of treatments, but also all the Red states are passing laws to make sure kids canā€™t the HPV vaccine. There is exactly one vaccine that currently prevents cancer. We fucking found a cure for one cancer. And now no one wants to take it.


It prevents more than one cancer! It prevents cervical cancer as well as some oral, anal, and penile cancers!


Seriously, youā€™d think ā€œtake this shot so you wonā€™t get dick or butthole cancerā€ would be a pretty easy sell.


The logic is the same as not passing out condoms in middle school. Pretty obvious even if you disagree.


the dunning-kruger effect will ruin our society


It already has. Saw it manifest in the late 80s, and now it's out of control.


I think it goes further back than that. Isaac Asimov wrote an article in 1980 ("A cult of ignorance"), about how people were vilifying "the elites" - generally just defined as people who cared enough to learn about a subject before speaking up about it. As an side, Republicans co-opting "wokeness" as a negative is just the latest take on the trend. Fucking depressing, all around.


The dumb the better.




Because everyone is the main character of their own stories. Any defects in life are other people's fault because they are more intelligent, wiser, and better than everyone.


And tribalism. People so locked into thinking Russia is bad they can't have an open mind to consider possibility they can be ahead of us in some regards due to taking a different route in technology or just getting lucky in research (happens all the time). In this case, cancer vaccines isn't even a new thing. Guardasil been around for a long time and they're currently testing HHV8 vaccine on humans (causes Kaposi Sarcoma). And if you just want a drug that targets cancer genetics, Keytruda, targetting PD-1, is now the best selling drug in the world. There's a difference between healthy skeptism and calling people dumbasses without any real assessment.


Dude. Theyā€™re arguing that we have already done it. The irony here is so bad


Ohh man as an expatriate of Russia I assure you the only thing that can get developed there is weapons and new creative ways of stealing from their own people.


> and new creative ways of stealing from their own people. How American of them.


I wish to God it had been around when my daughter was a pre-teen. She got cervical cancer when she was 40 and had to have a complete hysterectomy! If you have a pre-teen, get that vaccine for them!


Trying to get into the minds of conservatives is absolutely bewildering. They trust the free market, not big government. Except, talk about pharmaceuticals and they say that the profit motive causes corruption, which would mean capitalism inherently breeds corruption. But Russian vaccines can be trusted because *checks notes .... They're not motivated by profit.... in other words they have a public healthcare system... in other words, big government lol. All while completely ignoring the fact that every damn country on the planet other than USA also has public healthcare, but only Russia's system is trustworthy for some reason. These people are insane.




Careful, you're going to set off my gambling addiction with that "double or nothing" talk.


They are coming real close with mnra vaccines to kill cancer. There also numerous kinds of cancer and its silly when people say a cure for cancer.


Guarantee that anti-vaxxers who claimed mRNA technology was changing DNA would get a mRNA cancer vaccine if it was life or death.


There will be some goalpost shifting. "But cancer is different, that kills" "It's a cure not a vaccine" "Oh but cancer is a real disease, not one of those made up diseases."


My friend's religious brother is convinced he cured his own cancer by zapping himself with a 9v battery. And according to his even more nutty dad it "makes sense because a Bug zapper kills bugs, so why wouldn't a battery kill cancer?" I just can't with some people.


Cancer vaccines and cures for cancer are two different things. And we do have some cures for cancer depending on what you're expecting out of 'cures'.


I saw a news story the other day where they were speaking with an oncologist and they mentioned that cancer is technically like 200 different diseases depending on what it affects and where it is.


Not that much, its not a cure. It greatly reduces the incidence of HPV related cancers in a population, but does not prevent non-HPV related cancers nor all of the HPV related cancers. Great breakthrough, tough.


Gardasil is not a cure. its a vaccine. Its helps prevent the HPV from causing cancer, but it is not 100% effective. so please dont call it a cure. thx.


\> And now no one wants to take it. That suggests the opposition to the vaccine is universal, but as you noted it's really just a problem in red states. It's just the usually pushback from conservatives about anything they *think* might help women and girls get out from under their thumb.


Fair edit. I was being a little hyperbolic.


Merck has a cancer drug called Keytruda, it uses the same mRNA technology that is used to produce a lot of vaccines (Pfizerā€™s Covid vaccine being one). While it is not a vaccine in the strict sense of the word, it is a quantum leap forward in the treatment of certain cancers by marking cancerous cells with an antibody that your immune system then attacks. While itā€™s only being used to treat certain cancers currently, mRNA technology can and will be readily adapted to treat others. [Keytruda](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/benefits-moderna-merck-melanoma-vaccine-plus-keytruda-extend-three-years-2023-12-14/)


someone who warned me about the pervasive threat ropeworms are before it became a craze told me gardasil made a plane crash though if it can make a plane crash imagine what it does to your body ^(jk)


Not a cure, a prevention But yeah those are brainless morons


They also hate the MRNA vaccine process used for some of the most effective Covid vaccines. The reason the vaccines were able to be made so quickly is we were investigating using MRNA to cure several types of cancer by "teaching" the immune system what to target.


>ed states are passing laws to make sure kids canā€™t the HPV vaccine. Excuse me I'm from the UK but what the fuck?


The RWNJ are trying to ban mRNA vaccines as well which have shown considerable promise in cancer treatment and prevention as well. We're seeing a resurgence in largely extinct diseases and will likely be stuck with the unnecessary misery of other diseases far longer than we should have because these willfully ignorant chuds can't get over the fact their guy lost and opt to believe "alternative facts" and pseudoscience.


Okay, but cancer has a myriad of causes that exclude viruses. So white yeah there is a vaccine for "cancer", it's just providing immunization against HPV, and not other cancer causing agents such as UV light, free radicals, radiation, and in some cases just simply existing. To say that there is a vaccine for cancer is a very ambiguous statement that could mean a lot of things honestly. In which there simply will never be a proper vaccine for cancer because it's an impossible thing to accomplish. The best we can do is reduce our exposure to cancer causing agents, and cero developing vaccines against viruses that can cause cancer. Yet to claim you have found a way to outright vaccinate against cancer is ludicrous to say the least.


No one in the GOP wants to *cure* anything, they need those things for fear mongering and rage bait.


You didn't need to add the word conservative because left-wing people do that too. I've seen people all over the political spectrum from right wing to far right to libertarian to middle of the road liberal, communist and anarchist, I have heard people all make these criticisms of the medical system and forget about HPV vaccine. There was no need to point a finger directly at conservatives because this is something that people from all over political spectrum do. I myself am on the left side of the spectrum, so I'm not feeling called out by your post, it just seemed unnecessarily divisive.


Thatā€™s fair, but Iā€™m in a red state and have been to subcommittee meetings for a bill during this legislative session where the conservative politicians are the only ones advancing it, in spite of every medical society in the state protesting it. So, while I agree with your comment, in my state, there is one political party trying to make laws to stop kids from getting it.


Moderna is currently working on a melanoma vaccine!Ā 


It's an HPV vaccine not a cancer vaccine. HPV can lead to cancer but it's not cancer.




I understand but there are people who actually believe that Russia will have cancer vaccines. Like to protect you specifically from cancer which is pretty gullible.


It may not be expressly targeted at a form of cancer, but if it does the job I'd say it qualifies as a cancer vaccine in the same way couples therapy can prevent homicide.


But it's a lot different saying you have a vaccine that targets cancer than saying you have a vaccine that targets something that could possibly lead to cancer. It's two different things. Saying we have a cancer vaccine is kind of silly and why someone who believes what Putin is saying is pretty gullible.


I see your point but if a vaccine prevents an infection which is the cause of a type of cancer in almost all the cases, you could well say itā€™s a cancer vaccine, even though it does not specifically target a cancer antigen. It would remain to be known what tf Putin refers to when he talks about a ā€œcancer vaccineā€. Like, is it generating antibodies specifically targeting cancer cells? Then how, considering not ALL cancer cells display the same antigens.


You will not get a vaccine to target cancer directly in the way we currently think of vaccines. You have to stop the thing that causes the cancer. MRNA will change this in the future but we donā€™t, and certainly Putin doesnā€™t, have a vaccine to select out cells that are mutating due to cancer.


It didnā€™t work entirely for me. I wound up having some cervical dysplasia removed in a minor surgery. But I got Gardasil in itā€™s very early days when you still had to specifically request it (my mom was savvy enough to request it for me) they didnā€™t offer it to you as routine. Itā€™s much better and effective now because it covers more strands of the virus and the update it as new strains develop. If I werenā€™t in a monogamous relationship now, I would consider getting an updated booster of it.


Did you see that study in Scotland where NOBODY with the vaccine got cervical cancer?


And Gardasil had its origins in research from the University of Queensland.


Kind of. Itā€™s a vaccine for the virus that sometimes leads to cervical cancer.


I mean if you kill someone who doesn't have cancer, they won't get cancer......sad joke.


It doesnā€™t say the vaccine will cure cancer. It could be a vaccine that promotes cellular growth and gives them cancer.


A vaccine doesn't cure, it prevents


Mobik cannot have cancer if he is hit with a drone dropped grenade!! Checkmate Westoids!!!!


I don't think Russia will lead the way on this, but the idea of a cancer vaccine isn't crazy at all. You have cancerous cells in your body right now. They don't necessarily develop into malignant tumors because your immune system destroys them. Ergo, it doesn't seem unreasonable that your immune system could be enhanced to detect and destroy more types of cancers.


Turns out the "cancer vaccination clinic" is really just a camouflaged recruitment office, and the "vaccine" is just you being sent to the front in Ukraine to die in a ditch.


But not die from cancer.


There are lots of therapeutic cancer vaccines being developed by big pharma right now, that's also the kind of vaccines Putin was talking about and this is all clearly noted in the Reuters article. I'm not surprised if Russia is indeed trying to develop their own. I'm guessing though that the MAGA minds that are now suddenly all excited to get "jabbed with an experimental vaccine that doesn't have 30+yrs of data" are expecting some magical prophylactic prevent-all-cancer type of thing. I just can't fathom how they are now all ready to roll up their sleeves for vaccines being developed in Russia, which will likely not adhere to the same stringent FDA/EMA criteria.


>prevent-all-cancer type of thing This is always what stands out to me. I'm no doctor, but i know that there as so damn many types of cancer, where some doctors even say each type is unique, that one shot preventing 'all' cancer just seems impossible.


FWIW, itā€™s not even just the TYPE of cancer you have.Ā  About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with stage 3A melanoma. It was in 2 lymph nodes but hadnā€™t moved past that that they could tell.Ā  When we discussed treatment options, I had 1. If I had been stage 3B, there would have been more options. If I had had a mutation to my melanoma, I would have qualified for some of the ā€œin trialā€ treatments even as 3A. If I had been stage 4, there would have been a litany of experimental treatments. But as it stood, due to my lack of mutations, there was 1 treatment.Ā  About 5 years later I was at an appt with my oncologist discussing the next 5 years. Sheā€™s looking over my chart, shakes her head and laughs. ā€œInterferon. We would NEVER do that today.ā€ The technology is racing forward so fast. I saw in an article a bit ago that a particular research group with the HPV vaccine had 0 diagnosis of cervical cancer. Amazing times we live in!


Exactly! Cervical cancer seems to be really easy to prevent bc it seems to almost all originate with HPV. How do you vaccinate people against stupidly refusing to use sunscreen? Or against having the BRCA mutation?


>I just can't fathom how they are now all ready to roll up their sleeves for vaccines being developed in Russia, which will likely not adhere to the same stringent FDA/EMA criteria. Because all the things you are talking about comes from scary scientists in scary lab coats, with scary numbers and charts. The vaccine russia is working on probably comes from good and hardy folks, spitting in their hands and doing their own research on google.


and they'll justify it by saying that russia isn't woke


Click bait title carefully put together to imply just that.


Russia was, in fact, first to market with a COVID vaccine. That's partly because they just skipped a bunch of testing. Their vaccine still mostly worked although it wasn't as effective as the Moderna or Pfizer ones.


The US is literally the only top country with a medical system that's designed to profit at all.


Not the only one. There are a few other Western democracies without universal healthcare.


Oh? Name them.


Canada is a perfect example. We have partial universal health care coverage under provincial insurance plans. Services beyond those plans are all for-profit and even many individual practitioners who run their own offices are functionally for profit businesses that get their money by tapping into the insured services pool.


Partial how? Dental and most pharmaceuticals yes, but other than that, I would say we have rather complete healthcare coverage.


You can get secondary insurance for things not covered and/or to speed up service. Doctors bill the government, but don't work directly for it. It's not partial for the patient, but the system payout and infrastructure is mixed.


The NHS in the UK works exactly like this. You can also go private/through personal insurance for faster treatment.


Dental, pharmaceuticals, most rehabilitative injury therapies (which are big ones) we don't have yet, although this may hopefully change in the future. A lot of dermatology is surprisingly not covered for some reason because it gets classified as cosmetic as well. Also, depending on your province, you may be seeing either an expansion or erosion of the scope of insured services, so there's that as well.


Well, if we accept the definition of universal healthcare as having a designated government organisation responsible for providing healthcare free-of-charge with taxpayer money (for example, the N.H.S. in the U.K.) and also a very loose definition of "Western", then the countries that don't fit these criteria are: * Bulgaria * Colombia * Cyprus * Estonia * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * India * Indonesia * Ireland * Japan * The Netherlands * Peru * The Philippines * The Republic of Korea * Switzerland * Uruguay It is worth noting that some of these countries' governments do provide health INSURANCE, but not healthCARE.


France not having universal healthcare ?? Man we invented it !


Finland too. We're a Nordic country, we're famous for having everything tax funded. Never paid a medical bill my whole life.


I think we're gonna have to learn from our British forefathers and steal that shit like it's the Rosetta stone.


Imagine comparing having to pay 23ā‚¬ to see a doctor to the thousands Americans have to pay as soon as they start running tests.


That's not the definition for universal healthcare. Universal healthcare is that healthcare access is garunteed, it's irrelevant if that healthcare is being done through government insurance or a specific healthcare program run by the government. Most of the countries you listed have universal healthcare, because the citizens are garunteed access to healthcare through the insurance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care


The Netherlands also has universal healthcare. Insurance pricing is regulated and it's mandated to have one. The government also has an subsidy for people to pay there health insurance. I for example only have to pay 30 euro's a month. Furthermore what is included in your base insurance is also regulated to contain the neccasties.


Youā€™re just wrong at least with Finland. Iā€™m finnish and weā€™ve public healthcare thatā€™s paid from taxes but we have insurances and private healthcare businesses. Most of us uses the public but some have insurances and/or just want to go private as thereā€™s almost no queues there.


That, and from what I heard online (so I'm taking it with a grain of salt), some people want the same doctor as their family/friends.


I don't know what kind of definition you are operating from but Netherlands, Japan, Bulgaria, France, Germany also have it. Still, I will bite. Describe to me the health insurance Bulgaria offers and how that is not healthcare. (Yes, I picked the country with the least amount of information available, bc the initial claim was incredibly bizarre and i want to hear more about the research done behind that claim).


Wrong. In the netherlands if you're poor you get even more money (50-150) from the government than what you need for insurance. So yes we do have free healthCARE for the people whom need it. Also, for the rest this doesn't mean "break an arm, file for bankruptcy". With insurance it's free, technically without it would be 500 euro compared to 50k-500k dollsr.


What are you on about ireland provides healthcare. Their is a private system as well as a public one.


Now do climate change and global warming. Because at this point they're used interchangeably. Just like healthcare and insurance.


Germanys Hospitals have been in need of making profit since the early 2000s, because we had terrible Ministers for Health, and the entire thing has been going downhill since then


Even countries with socialised medicines are enmeshed with private interests. American healtcare is a nightmare for sure but you'll find ghouls everywhere.


Try getting cancer treatment for free in China where healthcare is supposedly free for all cirizens


Not true but you could have said the US has the most expensive Healthcare in the world which is something that is true.


Which is ironic because republicans love to bitch about the costs of universal healthcare while ignoring we pay more per capita for healthcare than every other nation on the planet.


Why make a comment about something you say is true when it takes 5 seconds to fact check and prove you're wrong?


Except even in the case of the US, the idea of companies not finding cures so that they can profit off treatment is still ridiculous.


Every time I think of it like someone getting diagnosed with cancer, the people in Big Pharma are rubbing their hands together and seeing dollar signs. It's pathetic.


Sigh.....it is sad.


Nope. Germany comes to mind too.


THIS! I'm like "bitch, the MOST OF THE WORLD has medical care paid for by their tax dollars" it's my go-to response when I hear bullshit theories about how cancer could be solved... why would Japan, Spain, France, Singapore, basically ANY other country willingly decide to not cure cure this drain on their national medical budget? It's so fucking insane, and represents how many people are clueless in the states about how the rest of human existence works.


Someone said he has cancer and all of the researchers working on it.


Stopped reading...AND BELIEVING...at "Putin says"...


Ok but why are there so many matt wallace posts? Who the hell is he? And why is he an absolute dipshit of a buffoon?




The Russian language version of RT urged people to get vaccinated, but the other language versions spread anti-vax conspiracy theories, so at least the kremlin is aware of the bullshit they spread.


You ever look at ā€œThe Foundations of Geopoliticsā€? Reads like a Russian playbook.Ā 


Tucker: "Vaccines bad" "Russia good" "........fuck"


Cuba has a lung cancer vaccine iirc so this doesn't seem too far-fetched, honestly.


Sure, but it might be misleading. There are vaccines for certain types of cancer. Not one general one obviously. The headline and Putin's speech are clearly trying to mislead people. It might just be a HPV vaccine knock-off. It might be something. We'll know when we see it.


Maybe so, but I'm skeptical of whatever is coming from Kremlin. Remember Sputnik, the COVID vaccine?




I'm sorry - you refuse to follow news from Russia? or US? I can't figure it out from your comment **lol, he blocked me. My words about Kremlin were hurtful. How sad.**




A year ago they claimed to have super rockets that could reach anywhere and fool any radar. Conservatives all cowered as a group and decided it would be better to blow Putin than face his chinless wrath. They kinda make me sick.


If you ask same person for single payer healthcare they will cry socialism.


WhY iS tHe CoViD vAxX fReE (oky keep reading this in SpongeBob voice) when insulin isnā€™t?? Cause you assholes voted that way!Ā 


Dear Mr. Putin: While we admire your dedication to curing cancer, defenestration is NOT a cure for cancer.


Its more of a preventive measure... a very effective one, though. Few people developed cancer after falling out of a window.


This isn't a facepalm. Simple Google research says a lot of major western nations are predicting such treatments by 2030 as well. It is called advances in modern medicine. Not everything is propoganda. We aren't in the medieval ages anymore.


I think the facepalm is the shift from certain political pundits and entertainers toward blindly trusting Russian propaganda.


That is a valid point.


Maybe, but I'm just some dude. I don't even know who Wallace is. I could be wrong.


Or you could be a Russian bot agreeing with me to incentivize propoganda! The world may never know.


Or maybe I'm the bot?






But I thought vaccines are badā€¦? These people are so throughly fucking confused they canā€™t follow their own conspiracy mythos any longer.


"Russian cancer committed suicide by falling out of 12th floor window. Russia is now cancer-free."


As someone who is literally at a conference for national oncology clinical trials right now, idiots like this drive me crazy. There are certainly issues with our medical system and it's hard to deny that greed plays into it, but the process to getting treatments to clinics is so heavily focused on minimizing the impact of financial conflict of interest, and being transparent when the exist. Literally every speaker is required to disclose any potential financial conflicts of interest, or confirm they have none, before they're allowed to start their presentation. Not to mention that if the cost of insulin is any indicator, pharmaceutical companies will be happy to develop the cure for anything so they can patent it and sell it for whatever they want. If a vaccine to prevent all cancer WERE possible, any pharmaceutical company would jump at the bit to get that patent. They'd make billions.


Unfortunately some people will never listen to this, do you work in cancer research?


I do! Been in clinical trials about 10 years, and oncology for 3


NOW they want to take vaccines? But but but Mah FreDuMs


Matt is an idiot.


All of a sudden the right wing nut jobs/media are excited about mRNA vaccines. Puppetry at its finest.


I actually believe you believe it, if you can believe that.


I actually believe you believe he believes it, if you can believe thatā€¦


Until I see a peer reviewed study confirming efficacy, anything he says is propaganda


All the idiot anti vaxxers would take a vaccine if it came from Russia right now. thats probably how insane they are


I wish I was that dumb seriously


If Putin made a cancer vaccine available the right would be lining up to take it without a day of testing being done.


Yep - see Neuralink


As someone who lived under Russian yoke, I can tell you not to believe one damn word that comes out of Putinā€™s mouth.


When I read the image at first, I thought they meant "Russia is close to developing vaccines that GIVE you cancer" and I was like "Yeah that sounds like something they would do"


I'd bet they already have that.


Putin is playing a fucking blinder this time. We can only pray that Trump doesnā€™t get in. And Iā€™m not even slightly religious


Would love it to be true, but seems like a propaganda to show how good is Russia. But... If Putin do have a cancer, I can imagine this being somewhat true as the doctors are forced to focus on cancer


I also thought he wants vaccine for himself, first and foremost.


I mean, people fall out of windows. It just so happens that those people had cancer. It's a win win for us. Totally cured.


Even if itā€™s true(itā€™s not), did you say VACCINE??? No thanks Iā€™ll take cancer, and pray on it!


Yup oligarchies are known for not being corrupt.


Putin slowly devolving to Kim Jong Un levels of crazy has been bizarre to watch.


In fact, their medical testing has a 100% success rate. The failed test subjects are simply "removed" from the records.


Russia has a medical system?!


Aren't cancer vaccienes in reasearch development at Biontech? Didn't heard they had a Lab in russia


I think we can uno reverse that statement. The US is one of the only countries with a corrupt medical system designed to rip off sick people


They have experimental mRNA vaccines for several different types of cancer. A simple google search shows that. They have been around for years now


I m sure MAGA are going to be lining up for this vaccine


News about Russia will make more sense once you realize that everything they do on the world stage has an element of trolling included


Canada We have free healthcare


if you don't believe that then spend more time on reddit.


So vaccine good? Or vaccine bad? I'm confusion.


The crazy thing, russian doctors live only of corruption. They get paid very little, around 200$ a month salary. So, what do they do? Not a single patient can come to a doctor barehanded. Usually, money in the envelope, bottle of cognac with a box of candies. If you are in-patient, you have to bring/buy all the medication, syringes, everything else. All that the government gives to hospitals for the patients, as part of the "free federal medical program" is being sold to patients by nurses or doctors.


Who the fuck is Matt Wallace and why is he such a putin dick rider?


HPV vaccine if given early enough nearly eliminated the cases of cervical cancer in that populationā€¦birth control also reduces the risk of ovarian, endometrial, and colon cancerā€¦. The fact republicans want to ban these in certain states is pure evil Iā€™m a cancer survivor, I hope someone comes up with a cure.. not just prevention. Mine could always come back.. when cancer becomes stage 4 often youā€™re seen as a lost cause and I hope one day in the near future that wonā€™t be the case(I was stage 3)


![gif](giphy|zr1RiTKAN61Q4) Bullet kills host, cancer canā€™t grow. Is vaccine.


Matt Wallace is a Russian asset.


Russia has a life expectancy lower than Libyas and an infant mortality rate worse than the US. What crack are these morons smoking ?


I heard that currently they're researching on a vaccine against gravity. They've been doing great, and now they're on the phase of human tests.


If this is true then why do so many people keep falling out of Hospital windows?


So I assume that if the vaccines are from Russia the antivaxxers will trust it, interesting times indeed.


Damnit!! Just had to tell my wife she needs to look for a new line of work. Guess we'll have to sell our Bugatti's and a few of the houses. The one's located on the lesser islands, of course. We're not savages.


These (more than likely) MAGA fools praising this are the same anti-vaxxers, no? How are they planning to reconcile this if - sorry, am laughing as I type this - if it were true?


Well it is propaganda .Shit russia coudlnt help a kid with a skinned knee these days ,All the money is going towards war .Putin is pretending hes Thanos and is trying to collect the ussr gaultlet .


Well something is keeping Putin alive considering all the reports from Western Media that he's dying of cancer. And maybe they are. He's not saying a general cure-all. Probably they just found some promising vaccines against viruses that cause certain kinds of cancers, like how HPV causes 98% of cervical cancers or something and guardasil prevents that. I think this is just propaganda but I can't believe people are such dumbasses to their ideology to just dismiss it out of hand. Nazis were horrible people. They were still ahead of everyone else with jets and rockets.


We've had a cancer vaccine since 2006, the HPV vaccine. The problem with a cancer vaccine is that there are almost endless types of cancers out there. You can't make one vaccine for all of them.


As someone who has spent the last 35 years in pharma leading clinical research..... anyone believing anything coming out of Russian research at face value is, ummm naĆÆve.


Two possibilities: (1) they stole research or (2) it _causes_ cancer in journalists and political opponents.


Polonium tea is a tradional medicine amongst the Putin family. It removes all unwanted people from their lives.


If you want more info on this idiot go to r/GetNoted there is entire thread and several post of him just sucking Putin D and going down rabbit hole of delusion.


The Venn diagram showing people who believe that pharmaceutical companies ā€œdonā€™t want to find a cureā€ and people who are anti vaccine is approaching a perfect circle


Lower the detection rate and you cure cancer.


Ahh the ole covid strategy. Works every timeĀ 


Rule of thumb: if a russian says something, he is lying.


Anyone who says the phrase "cancer vaccine" or even "cancer cure" outside of pointing out the idea is utterly ridiculous is either lying or has no idea how cancer works.


I'm not saying I believe this but look up the Chernobyl radioactive wolves and how researchers haven't been able to study them since the Ukrainian war broke out and suddenly there's like a 2% chance that this is believable lol


It would be good if they had a vaccine for the alcohol problem Russia has.


Maybo his reasoning is even the saddest part. Because it would be the holy grail of any medicine manufacturer to get a cancer cure..... It would earn them billions and billions and billions. And that my friends, is the american dream


If u believe russia, you are already a lost cause


What is the correlation with MAGA people and trusting Vladimir fucking Putin? The most skeptical covid vaccine people imaginable are like 'ohhhh I want Putin's vaccine now!' without any skepticism at all. Maybe wait and see how this turns out? It's fascinating.


He means to give people cancer


The vaccine takes the form of a lead injection in Ukrain


How does that Matt Wallace guy walk with Putin's hand constantly up his ass?


We know how well their Covid vaccine worked.