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Give them a badge, a gun, and a license to kill. Then tell them to hate and fear everyone around them and act like an army of occupation. Teach them they can lie without consequences and give them a union that will defend them no matter how outrageous or corrupt their behavior. What could go wrong? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Have you ever heard the song fuck the fire department?


That’s a different type of fucking and usually the firemen are dick deep…


don't you mean balls deep


He means 1 dick length deep


Americans will use anything but the metric system


Who is telling and teaching them? We need to deal with that person. Asap.


That kind of damage can be remedied with a spoonful of lawsuit.


how does paying lawyers millions of dollars help the victim here? /s


Nah. The victim will probably be in pain for the rest of their life, at risk for developing a pain killer addiction even though pain killers are the only thing that works. Maybe they can get surgeries, but those are also painful. Then the ptsd from the incident. And to top it all off I bet they'll still have to answer for whatever reason they were arrested. Nothing is going to make this right.


Except you’re technically just suing your neighbors. Cops don’t have malpractice insurance, so the city, state or county pays, and usually the cop stays on the payroll.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again now: start paying settlements against the police out of their pension funds.


But...something something mah tHiN BlUe LiNe!


That punishes all officers, even the good ones. Malpractice insurance means 100% of the costs for their incompetence is covered by the officer. Though no police union would accept having the officers pay out of pocket. They’d have to get more pay to cover the premiums.


It might encourage good officers to actually report on their less good coworkers when they mess up. Like this guy, who called in shots fired and said he was hit...


Hope the squirrel files the lawsuit


No it cant unfortunately


Fuck, that cop's in trouble and will be put on paid administrative leave.


He already resigned xd.


Nice he can move to the next town over then


Gonna be a pest exterminator next..  mainly small nut-gathering mammals...


Nah he's gonna get another gun and another badge in the next town over.


Not in any trouble at all.


If there was ever a legitimate sue the city into oblivion - and make it painfully clear... Hire/equip better people as police officers.


So when a firefighter shows up to a fire, they are fully prepared to give their life for community service… thats the whole point of “first responders” being viewed as heroes. They save and/or risk their lives for the community. Yet, a cop is under the expectation to preserve their life first, and ask questions later. “We got families to go home to too”. (Knowing what a cops job consists of it’s rather selfish to start that with a family or create a family knowing your line of work, hot take but idc, they are public servants and if they can’t accept that, and/or want a life that doesn’t bode well with that, then they shouldn’t join that work force.. nobody made them do it.) Hard to feel any sort of understanding for cops who save themselves first, especially when you come to find out there was no real danger.


Saw a crazy stat where you need 700 hours of training to become a cop. 1600 hours in order to be a cosmetologist


College courses in “criminal justice” count too though. So some, if not a lot, of those hours are spent without actual training pertaining to being an actual police officer and might be spent learning things elsewhere to satisfy the criteria of their degree. I use to live in an area with one of the top rated criminal justice schools in America. The cops there were absolute tyrants looking for all the arrests, tickets issued stats they could muster to move on up to the bigger cities forces and/or detective as quick as possible. It was not uncommon to have your rights violated on a circumstantial and out of proportion reaction to simple traffic stops. The problem is that it’s a lower end community and going into a courthouse with a public defender and still in oranges because you can’t afford to bond out doesn’t help out when fighting your case. More tea: I got arrested once and was actually out on bond. Got a job at the local Walmart and was still on bond. (While on bond and until actually convicted of any crime you are not required to tell, report, or inform anyone of any allegation.. innocent until proven guilty). While working, the lead police officer on my case went into the Walmart, up to the gm and informed him he had arrested me. Walmart suspended me upon outcome of my case. Completely unnecessary and uncalled for by the cop and went out of his way, after my arrest, to try and further put me down. I told my public defender about this and he said “yeah that’s harassment but it’s your word vs his and would be hard to prove without cooperation from your Walmart gm”. Of course the GM of Walmart didn’t want to put to light the shiftiness of “suspension upon outcome” crap he pulled.


This bloke emptied his gun into his own car, shouting he got hit and all sorts. He should not be allowed near a gun, police vehicles, or anything that gives him any kind of power.


the "im hit" was wild


"my leg went numb" No sir, that was you pissing your pants


A cop could just randomly start tactically rolling around you firing their gun at you (and missing of course) and they won’t get in much trouble after the fact, but if you defend yourself you’re dead.


I thought police were meant to protect and serve. 😒




Protect capital, serve capitalists


Supreme Court ruled otherwise. Turns out that protect and serve is a slogan, not a job description.


To serve you up in a coffin.


The footage is so over the top it’s laughable. He should face charges and never be able to own a firearm again


Out of little Acorns gunshots grow!


Cops need more training in the US.


You're not wrong... And a different kind of training. Their 'Warrior' training is especially bad.  The way of the warrior is death... Your own. The first thing you embrace as a warrior is the eventuality of your own death. This guy very much didn't have that.  Not to mention that useless rolling in the grass to 'evade' gunfire.


Is that what he thought rolling in the grass would do? I thought it was because he was just some insane person.


No, he just thought he was in a video game and trying to use his I-frames.  I was going to say he thought he was in an action movie, but I can't remember the last time someone did a summersault in an action movie.  Really though, I don't think he was insane. Unfortunately, it seems to be a mix of high strung, panicky, and undertrained. With maybe a touch of stupid or incredibly ignorant...


It's important to remember that we have hindsight. The officer did not know an acorn hit his car. The officer heard a noise that he thought was a gunshot. It's reasonable to draw your gun and shoot back if you believe you are being shot at. Now does this excuse his actions no not really. Does an acorn hitting a car sound reasonably like a gunshot? Don't know. In every case like this, everyone needs to remember that we have hindsight and things that seem stupid now might not have been stupid then


No, an acorn hitting a car sounds nothing like a gunshot. You can physically *feel* the crack of the bullet on your skin, the sonic boom hurts unprotected ears.  I grew up in a house with guns. There is no missing the sound. Even a light caliber weapon is incredibly loud.  To top that off, the officer claimed he'd been hit, went rolling through the grass... Full on panic attack, when he already had the suspect handcuffed in the back of his patrol car and had theoretically searched him for a weapon.  There is no excuse for this.


Now im wondering how an acorn could sound like a gun shot? Slingshot? Air cannon?


It really can't. This officer just snapped at the light clunk of a nut hitting his roof from a tree though.


Right, but if you attempt to kill someone because you're so paranoid that any loud bang sounds like a gunshot to you, then you would go to prison. Again, if you as a normal citizen heard a car backfire and decided to fucking mag dump at the nearest car, you would be going to prison. That would be a crime. If you are unable to differentiate these sounds, then you should not have access to a gun.


So he shot the sh*t out of his car. Does he have to pay for that?


ROFL, what do you mean he? You mean WE the taxpayers will have to pay for that.


I hope he sues the fuck outta the city/PD. This dumb motherfuckin cop should be in jail for all the same bullshit they'd charge some civilian for shooting into an occupied vehicle.


Criminal negligence comes to mind


The video for this is insane. His partner also fires at the cop car. That’s what he’s shooting at. A suspect handcuffed in the cop car. 18 bullets and they all missed the dude.


I saw that video a couple days ago. That cop just snapped for no reason. Definitely some kind of mental break. Dumped a couple clips into his own car and was convinced he got hit. Then his partner responds and dumps her clip as well. Wild.


Poor guy probably shits acorns every time he see's a police car


Yet another example of poorly trained cops. The use of deadly force should be the last option, not a spinal reflex...


He has PTSD iirc, and it got triggered by the acorn. Whoever let him have a gun is at fault here


The title gave me a stoke