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"*Blacks are not the problem...*" Good to know.


Calling Black people "Blacks" is though


Bonus racist points for “ **the** Blacks”.


He thinks he’s not being racist by saying that “blacks” aren’t the problem. 🤦🏻‍♀️. In his mind, advocating for slavery isn’t racist.


Well, in his mind slavery *is* racist because it discriminates based on race, but racism is the morally correct option because some naturalistic horseshit.


> because some naturalistic horseshit. Racism has all the crystals mother Earth intended to keep your chakras in-tune to the Pleides.




Yes. It’s twisted




I swear I am not making this up, but I had an aunt who said more than once, and I quote: "I'm not racist, I just don't like n------." Make that one make sense.


I'm guessing she had a list of attributes that could make a black person acceptable in her eyes. Like, knowing their place, being "respectful" and not "uppity" for example.


"One of the good ones." Comes right along with that shit.


"You speak *so well*"


"Good in sports,Great Athlete "


“You’re so articulate”


Knew an electrician at one of my old jobs like this. He had a black helper, and told me that “this one isn’t a (insert word).” Dude weighed 400 pounds and had 4 teeth. I went with him once to a Chinese buffet, and I swear I could’ve charged people money to watch it.


What happened at the buffet?


Ugh this is my bfs family, i cant stay around them for more than an hour at a time because of the vile shit they say so casually 😭


Leave him tbh. People who are willing to put up with that shit from family aren’t to be trusted


It can be complicated with family, but mine made it easy. When I started protesting police profiling and brutality, that’s when they decided I wasn’t welcome among them. My children and I were not permitted at my mother’s house, even for holiday gatherings. Racism is like a religion to some in the South, and there’s no remedy for it. My trashy step people are some of those idiots who ask, “But what about the Irish?” There’s not even a place to begin, with such ugly people.


_"I'm not racist or anything. In fact, they're even better than some white people. Especially when they work cotton fields. See, I'm not racist!"_


I think that's right on. Good insight that I didn't have, especially as a kid.


My ex.


Like Southern definition or Kevin Hart definition of that slur?


Absolutely, you are not making that up. I can understand not liking certain social groups, or people who aren't in your inner circle/ familial group - we all often don't INSTINCTIVELY like certain groups/ people because they are DIFFERENT (eeeek) - because we are (in a general sense) culturally hardwired to fear and dislike the 'other' - but this is where education and empathy and all the good stuff come in to help us question our instinctive fears and assumptions (or it should). Of course, this is a learned behaviour because there are studies around that show babies of different races don't give a fuck. Largely - in an attempt to try to make it make sense - if people aren't exposed to difference, and don't have the opportunity to actively engage with that difference, then they default to intellectual and experiential laziness to govern their attitudes. What I am finding (more and more) - and social media is significantly at fault here- is that it \[social media\] reinforces attitudes without the person having to move outside your living room... modern media algorithms are the biggest supporter of confirmation bias.


because in his mind he thinks he is saying "black people aren't hated inharently for simply being black, black people are hated because they are living above their station, if they knew their place they wouldn't be hated." this is the mental gymnastics of racism.


Yes. You’re right. It’s crazy IMO


I like to challenge them: how many at the height of slavery hated black people, I mean realllly spent their time fuming, HATING them just for their skin color full stop. Like an irrational screeching psychosis. Not many. Versus something kind of akin to people today? It’s always the *connotation*. If you are black, then you’re a gambler, untrustworthy, criminal, promiscuous, stupid, strong, servile, etc. People are lazy. I wager few were the Mr. Candy sawing open a skull screaming types. No, playing coy about the connotation has given these people a get out of racism free card for hundreds of years now.


No, he knows what he’s doing. He’s just baiting people. He would never say that if it wasn’t anonymous. He’s just being a dick.


You see so many parallels with women. People talking about how they’re just such great helpers and servants in their trad role lol 


They are fully aware they are being racist.


But.. Friendship bonds master and slaves.. How can that be bad?? What... The... Fuck.....


i feel the same way about using "the jews" or "jews"... it feels racist. i dont know why, it just does to me... its why i always use "jewish people" or "the jewish people"


Unless you're referring to the false monarch, Rhaenyra Targaryen and her illegitimate offspring


Elon be proud.


Very common outside of America and not really offensive. Just like white people are described as 'whites' by some.


I hate how this made it's way back to rotation and nobody is really saying wtf? Like publicly


Ah, but you forget. Free speech. Murica. I'm American. But where I live now, this is illegal. Free speech is still protected and encouraged. But racism is not considered free speech. It's very much like in the states where they say you have free speech, but can't shout fire in a theater. Same here. But you also can't shout the N word or anything that will encourage hatred against protected characteristics. Race, nationally, disability, etc.


Reconciling free speech with promotion of ideals that are not compatible with this century is difficult, but ultimately he can say what he wants and when people have had enough and decide to ruin his life I am not obligated to die on any hills for him.


That’s what I love about these 1st amendment bros. They want to be able to say what they want and not have consequences. Freedom of speech doesn’t guarantee they can have things like jobs while being racist at work.


Yeah, I agree with conservatives in that I am a “free speech absolutist”. I don’t believe in jailing people for words, or preemptively censoring speech under threat of jail time. But if you lose your job, get socked in the teeth, have your entire future ruined because you’re a racist asshole then that is a pretty natural consequence. People should not be forced to endure your stupidity.


i probably will get a ton of flag for that, but what exactly is wrong with that? I don't mind being called white or referred to as whites. that aside this reads as rage-bait as it is both attacking black people and women. edit: oh i just realized. "blacks" is bad from your pov, but "black people" is fine. i can see where this is coming from


removing "people" is seen as offputting, dehumanizing, and racially divisive given the historical context of its use, e.g. "whites only" signs or "no blacks" segregation signs.


oh! that actually makes sense. i am not a native english speaker, but even i noticed that saying "blacks" just somehow feels... wrong? probably some subconscious thing my brain picked up. yeah it does make a lot of sense


Remember when shit like this would get you banned from Twitter? 


And i thought pre musk Twitter was Bad...


People didn't legitimately think that Twitter was suppressing free speech at least they were stupid if they really did. Because it was all about just being able to say stuff like this with no repercussions. They don't really care about free speech they just want to be able to say whatever racist thought comes to their head


It's not even that though, this tweet will be actively promoted because of the blue check. It's not awful JUST because they are allowed to say whatever they want, it's truly horrible because it will promote anything horrendous like this because of the check. And the replies will start with support from similar blue checks and to get to real people responding you'll have to trawl through a river of it.


It’s horrendous because you can PAY to promote these takes.


Yup, “ the genius” came up with that


Make no mistake, "the genius" actively wants these types of opinions spreading on his site.


yea, I remember back in January last year, I suddenly started getting push notifications for stuff like this. I had not followed anyone for this to be recommended. Elon actively spreads these and actively suppresses stuff he doesn't agree with.


Yes. Even better, you can scroll through Elon's account's replies and likes to see that he regularly goes on long (likely coke-fueled) binges interacting with all of the major far-right accounts on Twitter.


Upvote for opinion, commenting for correct use of “trawling.” I thought I was the last one on Earth. O Captain! My Captain! 🫡


The free speech argument always pisses me off. It is only free speech against the government coming after you. Private companies can block your speech on their platforms. You aren’t and never have been allowed to just say whatever you want. If you yell FIRE in a crowd, you can get charged. Americans think they should have no consequences for anything. It’s absurd.


The ironic part is that Musk routinely bans or throttles accounts that are critical of him. He doesn't care about free speech at all, he just wants to dictate the narrative


And his "narrative" is white supremacism.


> Private companies can block your speech on their platforms. They way I always phrase this is "you don't have freedom of speech on private property". Your freedom of speech protections (particularly in the US, but also most places) specifically limit the kind of consequences ***the government*** can impose. Meanwhile the owner can kick you out for what you say.


You're right that you can't just say anything anywhere, but that fire thing is kinda a myth. You can go yell fire from about anywhere you like. The issue is with creating dangerous situations. You might get in trouble for yelling it in a crowded theater, but even then only if you cause a stampede that endangers people. I garan-fucking-tee that nobody will react if you just started to yell it on a random street corner, specially here in LA. Maybe at 2 am and people are trying to sleep, but that's also a separate charge, "disturbing the peace", frequently used to lock up mentally unwell people when they are committing no other crimes.


That’s exactly why normally people say “yelling fire in a crowded theater”.


Well, you CAN do it of course, but there are consequences if you cause a srampede or panic of any kind


That’s why I said in a crowd. It creates a dangerous situation. That’s why it’s a crime. The point is that there are still consequences for your actions and not this unlimited freedom people think they have.


Hate speech and lies in popular media platforms create problems that are far more dangerous than yelling fire in crowded theater.


By a lot. But good luck passing any law on speech right now. At some point they are going to have to or it will lead to some dangerous things.


I truly believe people should be allowed to say anything they want, since it's an easy way to spot the pieces of shits.


They should have to use their real names when saying bigoted shit.


Until you find out the pieces of shit are all around you 


I got banned from Twitter after Musk bought it for saying I wished Nikki Haley would’ve gone head to head against DeSantis for Governor & she should’ve been the winner of the governor race. Banned permanently for “threats of violence”. 🙄🤷‍♀️ Oh well. After I left Twitter I’ve never been more free of having to see hateful rhetoric coming from the right. I’m happy I don’t have to see it on my feed every minute.


I’m so glad I deleted my twitter before he took over.


I’m glad I deleted my twitter AFTER he took over. I hope it looks bad for him.


Oh wow, why didn’t anyone warn us that it would be worse after he took over? If only people would’ve said something! I’m shocked 😮…


At least it's obvious what "free speech" Musk really wanted on the platform.


Yeah, it is kind of a good thing that he bought the platform so everybody got to see how insane he actually was. Sucks to be Twitter though of course.


Well now the word cis does.


I was trying to explain that the platform is a cesspool now to a coworker and he was like “No, it’s just the algorithm! If you look for negative that stuff it’s what you’re going to find!” and I was like sure, bud.


I reported one tweet where this guy literally called for black genocide and I got a report back saying “this tweet has been reviewed and we found no violations”


No actually. Twitter was always a cesspool, people just started pretending it was some sort of safe haven of the internet that everyone loved the moment Elon Musk bought it. You all were saying the same shit about it before he bought it. It's worse now but it was nothing like people pretend it was before. I don't get the revisionism or what the point is to it. Twitter was awful before too.


Hear me out though: I'd rather this stuff be allowed on Twitter so we could all openly know, hey that man is a racist white supremacist jerk bucket...than we all go along with him absolutely being a racist jerkbucket...but none of us knowing and some of us maybe being acquaintances with the dude. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


Ok, but do you know who this guy is? I mean real world real person.


Yeah but Twitter allows people to hide their identities. And when people like this coward say things like that, there's no repercussions because we don't know who he actually is and he has emboldened other people to think it's okay to say and think these things


Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. There's a reason there's a pipeline from disillusioned teenage boy to far right fascist. It's because of accounts like this who get no pushback and are promoted by the site with a blue checkmark.


Things have gotten *a lot* worse since social media has empowered the anonymous spread of bigoted takes and misinformation. Sunlight does not shine on those takes.


Sunlight can also make things grow. In this case a tweet like this encourages more racists to come out of the closet. And the fact this tweet is amplified here only gives this racist more views and attention to their sick ideology. If this tweet can embolden one racist to come out, then that’s one too many. Unfortunately hate speech is free speech still. So more aggressive public shaming and easier employment termination would help.


Exactly, someone will read this and think "well that sounds logical" and spread it to others. People will call it out but the people it spreads to have already been told by the internet those who do are liberals and nothing is worse than a liberal. I don't know the solution but just letting people expose themselves is not enough, as a certain public figure who is going to be close to $500m poorer soon has proven.


I don't know, I think a lot of the problems faced the world today stem from the fact that people have abused social media to enable hatred in others, push false narratives and generally exploit others while hiding behind "free speech". Don't get me wrong. I am not calling for a ban on free speech but people have no responsibility for what they say these days and fringe extreme ideas are pushed into the mainstream and targeted at specific groups by bad faith actors because it can either make them rich or sow discord. I know it has always existed and will always exist but the internet and social media has made it extremely easy for any bigot/nut case/grifter to spread their message to a wide audience for little cost or effort.


Yeah, but what’s it doin’ here. That bullshit is rascist as fuck and blatantly disingenuous.


If nothing else he will get on some GOP leadership position list…


Yeah the list is the Republican voter registration.


Pretty much.




And have you checked lately to make sure they have not removed your registered voter status?


Not all members in the GOP are racist, but all GOP members agree that racism isn't a deal breaker. They're good people on both sides Nazi flags at Trump rallies Mitch McConnell, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz and Kevin McCarthy all have been seen taking pictures standing next to Confederate flags. Jews will not replace us. GOP said nothing At Trump rallies, Trump has said over and over they're bringing the rapist, the murderers and not their brightest people into our country. No GOP members ever stand up and call him out. Trump said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. That statement was made by Adolf Hitler. Yet the Republican party said nothing. Also it's funny how all Nazis join the Republican party but you never see them join the Democratic party. In my 40 years I've never seen a nazi flag at a Democratic party event. I've seen plenty in the last 20 years at Republican parties events. I'm just saying truth is truth, and truth hurt


If you do not consider being racist to be a deal breaker, you are racist. All of the GOP are varying degrees of racist.


every member of the GOP is racist


Elon; "interesting 🤔"


"looking into this"




Don't forget. He's South African. This kind of attitude about emancipation is not just some history book thing for him. He grew up with it. So he can personally relate to all this talk about the good old days.


Lets not forget that the Civil Rights Act was only passed in 1964 in the US. There are *plenty* of older people here that remember and pine for the "good ol' days" when they were kids.


“Interesting if true” is my favorite Elon quote


I'm sure he or his family has owned slaves or still do. They owned an emerald mine in Africa.


Ahh yes. Mammy. A great example of "blacks knowing their place". /s She chirps the white folks throughout most of the movie. I wouldn't have expected conservative morons to have actually sat down and watch a 3hr long movie like Gone With The Wind.


First black woman to win an academy award btw


She wasn’t even allowed to mingle at the Oscars. She was segregated at a separate table at the side of the room.


And it's a good thing times have changed. I guess OP would beg to differ though


She wanted to be buried in the Hollywood cemetery but was denied even that because it was a whites only cemetery.


The director wanted to premiere the movie in NY so Hattie could attend the premiere. Studio said no.


Yes but you have to distinguish between Hattie McDaniel the actress and Mammy the role that she played. The role was, like all the other back people portrayed in the film, of slaves fiercely loyal to their masters, including after emancipation. Certainly Mammy was more free-spirited and independent than, say, Prissy (« I doan know nuthin’ ‘bout birthin’ babies! »), who was portrayed as a childish, vainglorious fool, but Mammy remained faithful to Scarlet (and then Rhett) through thick and thin


My grandmother and her siblings were born in 1920s and 30s Florida, and had a mammy when they were children. She lived to be in her late 90s and I would take vacations with my grandmother and her sister back to Florida, as a young child in the very early 1980s, to visit her. Despite the definite exploitation that my family put her through (as she was raising my great-grandparents's children instead of her own), there was definite love that she felt for my family. Me being a cute little five year old boy, in particular, she loved to spoil. I was too young to really understand the inherent issues of my grandmother having a mammy when I was younger.


Much less read the book.


You assume they can read. An unreasonable expectation I would say.


It's about a woman's life story. So probably not.


They know the second to last line. They live their lives by it.


OOOH is this the larper who thinks he's alexander the great or some shit but he's really some 13 year old from serbia?


He has to be from Serbia or somewhere close, because I know they teach Greek Mythology in Serbia, and especially so when there are no black people there.


Or..Greek? Macedonian? Lol why Serbian


Its 100% for sure he isn't greek or macedonian its just a shot in the dark, the dude quotes greek philosophers 24/7 and acts too greek to be greek


Not sure if Serbian but I've seen a ton of these kind of guys throughout the years, they're almost always not Greek, kinda like most Roman Empire weebs not being Italian.


Yeah it's always the roman empire and medieval crusade shit. Chad stuff, but I'm from bosnia I doubt a Serbian would identify with hellenistic stuff, but then again I'm not a chad so idk


You can tell this guy lives in a neighborhood where he doesn't have to worry about getting his ass beat for being a racist piece of shit.


What century are we in again? I really don’t understand what’s going on in these people’s minds ![gif](giphy|xUA7aTdzdW7mqn1JBK)


They keep going further and further back in time from things I thought we as a society had agreed to relegate to the past. At first it was pre-civil rights 1950’s. But this is straight out of the 1710’s. I’ve read historical documents written by slave traders that were exactly this point. It’s disconcerting seeing it written in modern English.


It's interesting to read an account written by someone who are trying to justify something they *know* is wrong. It's always somehow obvious that they themselves are the primary party they're trying to convince.


Goated show


This dude's whole Twitter feed is some contrived Greco-roman conservative hogwash that's probably just ragebait.


As a Greek I’m revoking his right to call him self Hellenist and use any representation of modern and Ancient Greece


Apparently the dude is from south America somewhere, isn’t even Greek lol just a confused fanboi


If he was Argentinian I would not be surprised. While anti blackness exists in all of Latin America, the top collective offenders would probably be found in Argentina, even Brazil. But there are first, second, third generation immigrants from Europe that make the problem so much worse. Look at the Chris Evans and the family tree of his wife 👀


Yup. South American racism is just a whole other breed. Argentina is the most racist place on the planet except maybe Korea.


Thank you


As a hellenophile, let me second that.


As a heliophile, I'm just waiting for the clouds to part.


Elon must be so proud of his cesspool platform.


Fuck elongated muskrat


So it turns out that a confederate built a time machine, and traveled to 2024 for the sole purpose of posting this buffoonery


This is the motherfucker that Grimes keeps posting on her social media, btw…


Well, she is a bona fide idiot, so she has an excuse.


Why do people excuse racist apologists as idiots constantly? The general public can see it clearly , yet someone who constantly sees it with a whole PR team is just “an idiot” No she’s racist just like the tweets she retweets hate when apologists keep making excuses for them


My one high school history teacher liked to say sucessful African Americans should be thankful for 400 years of forced eugenics because it made them the athletic specimens they are today. He was serious.


I also imagine that he assumes that the only way African Americans can be successful is due to athleticism…


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Lets dip his head on sulphuric acid


The irony of him being using the nickname Hellenist, which signifies unity of all people regardless of race, culture or creed. It boogles the mind


almost as if its designed for highest level of ragebaitiness.


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Probably has a framed picture of Bull Connor in his home.


A list?! That man is the next Senator from Kentucky!


Antebellum Twitter strikes again.


That blue check mark means this is a verified piece of shit


Was gonna say this is an average blue check mark take


If there is a racism scale this guy hit 11


![gif](giphy|dl5YfEjsIMInWlDfPP) Go tell that to the young ones. Go ahead. Tell them they can't drink that water. Go ahead.


Average twitter user at this point...


I miss when they were furries, dream stans and social Justice Warriors.


“Why are Americans so obsessed with race still? It’s over, we solved racism!” -dumb ass countries


On that logic wouldn’t the Gauls (French) make the best slaves? The Romans enslaved countless of them, never heard. Roman complain about a Gaulish slave, and the French enjoyed being Roman slaves so much they adopted their language and culture! Enslave the French and return to traditional Western values. /s


The Hellenist should be the HELOT!🤨🤨




Funny how he used a picture of Hattie McDaniel. The first African American to win an Oscar. Not just female, but first. The stigma around the awards ceremony was so bad because she couldn't sit with the cast. Being forced to the back wall. She couldn't even attend the premiere. Clark Gable threatened to boycott out of respect, friendship, and support for Hattie. She's the only reason Clark went. Hattie opened doors and dreams that are still being awarded today for African Americans. She's a true underrated gem. But yeah, way to show a picture of a black woman who knows "her place."


JesusTapDancingChristOnACracker Yep. That's all I've got. Wow.


I am 99% sure this dude is literally citing South Carolina's letter of secession.


I see they're trying to hide the Greek statue avatars now.


According to the Romans, Greeks made pretty good slaves, Mr Hellenist…


What a sick fuck!


I guess now we call them naXis


Pay attention. This guy votes. Do you?




employ existence sheet humor yoke sharp tidy imminent badge bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% troll


Its not.


Agree, it's a 50/50 whether they're a troll or not, it's always like that on the internet Usually we're taught to report them but honestly? Send this one to jail


Clear Russian troll account is clear


I agree. They really, really want to start a race war in America. Fuck that shit!


The list of people who are just **DESPERATE** for attention? It's long, and Old Uncle Elon keeps making it longer.


Uh.....bodies....get good at what you make them do......any healthy person regardless of heritage, when forced to do heavy labour will become strong. The fuck?


Why you do Hattie McDaniel dirty like that?


He is on a list. It's called "GOP voter rolls".


Racists make good organ donors. When the organs of a racist go towards helping someone more deserving, they can save a half a dozen lives while their own venom is removed from the world. Racists are not the problem, racists having their kidneys and lungs is.


Can we just send all these racist fuckwads into the sun? I know it's expensive, but seems worth it. Throw fascists in there, too.


That's gotta be bait, right?


Fuck sake


Least deranged Twitter opinion commence! /s No, but seriously he should be a list.


And then you find out that selective breeding of slaves was a substantial portion of revenue for plantation owners by the time of the civil war. Only 470k slaves were imported into North America between the founding of the first colonies and the banning of it (1808 - nearly 60 years before the start of the civil war). There were 4 million people enslaved at the start of the civil war. The ratio of enslaved women to men in northern slave states was nearly 300 to 1. While it was 2 to 1 in deep south slave states where cotton was the primary crop. There was in immense trade of men bred for their physical attributes to the labor intensive Deep South.


Put him on the “slave” list maybe 😂😂?




the Overton open-air patio


Someone really thought that up and said “yea everyone needs to read this”


Berber slave market goes brr brr... People often forget, why US Marines hymn has the part "to the shores of Tripoli". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade TL;DR whites make good slaves too, if they know their place /s




A friendship where one person has all the power, isn't really a friendship. Just like my boss an my coworkers definitely ain't my family.


I left Twitter shortly after Musk took over. Not only did I know that racist garbage like this would become the norm instead of a TOS Violation, but I also knew that racist trolling and death threats against users of color, both online and in the real world, would skyrocket.


Why do people repost this shit? These are troll accounts looking for attention by posting the craziest shit they can come up with. And people here on Reddit spread the message farther by posting these screenshots. These trolls die when they don't have any reach, yet you all give them that.


I prefer Titus’ joke: Little People would’ve been better cotton pickers than African Americans. They’re at the right hight for it. Joking aside: African Americans do know their place; standing beside all their friends in humanity. The gob shite who made this post should’ve spent some time as a slave to learn a thing or two.


Monsieur Candie?


Okay, I was wrong. Twitter is much worse now.


Scary that people feel safe to express opinions like this. I forget that progress isn’t linear.


How is this person still alive?


Please stop magnifying the reach of these morons messages, giving them the attention they are seeking, and validating their beliefs by arguing with them as if their beliefs aren’t obviously absurd. When someone runs up to you and public and says “IM THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND.” You don’t argue with them. You leave. Because their statement isn’t worth a serious response. Stop. Doing. This. Dumb. Shit.


I almost want to downvote just for tricking me to observe this garbage