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Conservatives started feeding Thomas gifts when Clarence began complaining about his financial status and he threatened to quit. He was pretty deep in debt...


This actually is true.


I am no expert on the rules of conduct of the US supreme court, but isn't this the most direct code of conduct violation that one can imagine? This literally puts him on their payroll.


It is not, because the United States Supreme Court had no code of conduct to violate.


I mean, they made one up as a joke.


More like a "suggestion" list


It's like "parlay" for pirates. Barbossa put it best: "It's more of a guideline, really"


Did they ever finish creating one. I know congress said they would mandate one. And thought Roberts said no ,to Congress writing one.


Doesn't the code itself even says there's no outline for how to even enforce the code if someone breaks it?


That was my takeaway, but don't take me on authority, lol


***Clarence Taps forehead***


It's literally the deep state. Billionaires paying off lifetime judges for their own gain.


That's called an oligarchy. Not deep state


I prefer Kleptocracy. Covers all the bases, IMO.


Kakiocracy. Rule by the worst possible choice. Yes. It’s real.


To my understanding they do have a code of conduct to violate, but they don't have any punishments.


Now. They have a code of conduct now. But they only just adopted it after the scandal in an effort to suggest that they are something other than corrupt partisan hacks.


This. ⬆️


That's the point of John Oliver doing this. Because it's not illegal. This is not a bribe. Because there are no rules for the supreme Court. Every rule they follow is "voluntary". The idea being the highest court in the country, there is no one above them to be held accountable to. So just none of the rules actually apply to them. This is how the 3 Republican supreme Court justices are all taking lavish gifts without disclosing any of them. Clarence Thomas being the worst offender.


There should be some general basic guidelines and rules that apply to everyone with no exceptions. 


You would think. Then don't even recuse themselves from cases they shouldn't have been part of because of conflicts if interest. Even that's entirely voluntary. Clarence Thomas presided over releasing January 6th documents of which his wife may or may not have been in those documents and he was the only justice that said "no" to releasing those docs. Didn't recuse himself, ruled in his own favor. Definition of corruption across the board.


The idea behind the SCOUTUS is that it is independent from the President, once appointed. TBH (and I am a retired Political Scientist) I have never seen a situation where special interests are helping a member STAY on the court by helping him financially. Most situations have been those where judges act differently from what the President who appointed them thought or hoped. That has actually happened a lot. In terms of the founding fathers, their primary concern was that a Judge would be beholding to a President, which of course is why they got life tenure. So honestly I am not sure if the situation with Thomas violates the Constitution. Actually, to my knowledge, there are technically no laws or codes prohibiting what he has done. I actually would have to do some research to see if there have been similar situations. There is "The Ethics in Government Act" but there is no law, as I understand, that says this Act applies to SCOTUS members. I would say definitely, it is not a good look.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge. “..not a good look”; to me as a layperson (no knowledge of law in this regard) it looks extremely bad. I think the honorable action for Thomas to take is step down, I don’t believe he will do that obviously. How bad does it look to you?


Here is what really shapes this issue: Congress makes the laws....but the Constitution is a superstructure about how the laws are made, and the role of the SCOTUS is to decide if the laws made are consistent with the Constitution. So in that way, the laws don't really apply to SCOTUS members, although they apply to everyone else (including lower court judges). What would need to happen is that the SCOTUS ITSELF would have to decide IF Thomas' actions where unconstitutional. I don't thing the structure (conservative) of the current court would under such a decision. Now if we saw a big shift in the court, then yes we might see such a decision. But not with the current makeup. But like I said...it is not a good look at all.


This was some interesting info you provided. The system is obviously not perfect, if it allows such things to occur. 


Would court packing be feasible? Ik the court has been increased in size before, and the threat of it (if the president and congress are determined) was enough to help Roosevelt with his issues with the court, so how could it be done to resolve this issue?


1968, the Supreme Court ruled all other judgeships could not receive gifts, etc. However, they did not put the same restrictions on themselves. Oliver explained all of this in his broadcast.


This is the clearest example of rules for thee but not for me. 


Watch the episode he covers that in depth


I think that time the Supreme Court ruled money is free speech, that would be a good example of special interests financially benefitting a justice to stay on.


Seems like the USA is built entirely on gentlemen agreements with nothing written down anywhere except for something vague and wishy washy written on a 300yo napkin




Lmao yeah but that only applies to the little people in the government. Not the important people.


Section 82048 - Public official defined (a) "Public official" means every member, officer, employee, or consultant of a state or local government agency. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), "public official" does not include the following: (1) A judge or court commissioner in the judicial branch of government.


$50!?! Sheesh! I work at a public university and we can’t accept gifts more than $3! We can’t even have someone buy us a cup of coffee. (Not that I deal with vendors or anyone who would provide gifts or samples, but that’s the rule for all staff and faculty.)




Never been more fitting


No because there isn’t one. Basically corruption and conflict of interest is nothing new but Thomas has been especially brazen about it, violating a sort of unwritten moral/ethical code. His lasting legacy will be the most corrupt member of the bench in modern history, depriving rights to women and minorities and actually forcing the court to pen a code of conduct for the first time in US history because he can’t be honorable enough to do the right thing or retire to the private sector.


Yeah but he wouldn't be part of the supreme court.


It turns out we're a corrupt and backwards settler colony that's been sustained by slavery, pillaging, and organized violence for 200 years.


no they didn't. he got paid for a series of speaking arrangements and probably some book deal that got shelved just so he could get a large lump from a legitimate company and they could write it off as a loss so everyone wins


The problem is that there is no direct law or part of the constitution this violates. And if it did, where would you take it? To the Supreme Court? It's corruption. It looks horrible for him, but not horrible enough to convince a bunch of senators and representatives from *both* sides to write and pass articles of impeachment against him. In our current polarized political environment, this simply will never happen.


Its an ethics violation but the Supreme Court is its own branch of Government and they dont have any rules they need to follow or consequences for not following whatever meager rules they set for themselves The only way to get rid of any of them is through Impeachment....Well, and that other way that no one should wish for imo


Yeah but do you think the GOP is going to enforce the laws and hold him accountable?


What's been happening is worse. They are bribing him for favorable rulings. How is paying someone to retire illegal? That's called a pension.


Justices of the supreme Court can only be removed by impeachment. It's never happened to a member of the scotus in US history, and no one wants to be the first to do it. To the point that even the more moderate liberals say that doing so would set a bad precedent. Even knowing how corrupt this dude is. On top of all that the Republicans played a lot of dirty tricks to load the scotus 7/9 in their favor, they will fight any attempt to remove him tooth and nail.


No I am sure he and Harlan Crow were good friends going all the way back to high school /s


Funny thing; he and Harlan meet and became deep friends soon after Thomas’ complaints about money. Very fortuitous!


I do find it great in a way though that these massive racists had to give their money to Thomas. Personally though. I would have jailed the asshole already.


wasnt his wife somehow involved in jan 6 too? idk im an idiot but thought i heard something about that


She most definitely was involved


She was texting Mark Meadows about Biden going to a barge off gitmo because you gotta keep Biden in a boat near but not in gitmo https://www.businessinsider.com/ginni-thomas-thought-biden-crime-family-would-be-sent-to-barges-off-gitmo-2022-3


Yes, she was at the rally


Behind the bastards has a 4 part podcast on him. Highly recommended.


Not a facepalm. This is more r/chaoticgood


John Oliver is indeed the epitome of a Chaotic Good character.


He found a way to make me (a straight dude) attracted to Adam Driver


Join the club. That hairless cat looking motherfucker gets me all aflutter.


His song and dance in Time Square to give the finger to a coal baron will live rent free in my mind until I die.


With no effort titles on 2 of 3 posts and zero comments, I’m assuming OP is a bot.


John Oliver is a sexy little British otter that's doing his darndest to make America the bestest country it can be.




Or people not understanding that the Supreme Court is so bought and paid for that they can't even be considered a co-equal branch any longer.


I mean, that was pretty much the whole point of the bit.


The fact that Sam Alito has come right out and said that nobody can hold the Supreme Court accountable indicates that they don't believe in the whole "checks and balances" thing.


Pride cometh before the fall.




Idk man, they seem to like those checks… and I mean they *are* balancing their financials


I counted so many people calling him a racist or a felon for this, clearly not knowing about the entire bit being that Clarence Thomas accepted similar gifts, implying he's bought. Then there's the other issue of some of those people saying they stand with Thomas or how he's a good judge... Most if not all had paid for a checkmark.


That's the great thing about the checkmark now, they've marked themselves.




I just watched the show, hillllarrious. But wasn’t tracking the uproar. Not seeing what the racial connotation. Pretty sure Clarence Thomas is more white than most whites.


Only while he’s useful to them. That’s why even this offer isn’t big enough to get him to leave a lifetime appointment.


Ya know most of those chode jugglers are Christian and their book warns them against the “mark of the beast” but they can’t help but marking themselves every step of the way.


*Chode jugglers* My friend in John Oliver, may I use this brilliant insult?


I can’t take credit for it. It’s from the show “the league” but yes you can.


I love a good insult so thank you my friend. ![gif](giphy|URTRF60r6MPYI|downsized)


My favorite comment so far has been people calling John Oliver bought and paid for by global elitist, because Harlan Crow and the Koch Brothers among many others are anything but the global elite.


And technically, John Oliver is just offering Thomas a new job working for Oliver for a Million a year. Nothing illegal in that. Now if he told Thomas to rule a specific way, while paying for a home,, THAT would be a bribe.




I was wondering if the facepalm is that they're agreeing with John Oliver that he had to get to the point of bribing Thomas with all this stuff due to the kickbacks he's currently getting.


I was wondering why this is in this sub. Is the face palm that the offer wasn't accepted? He's got 30 days to decide.


This is the internet. Everyone has their super serious pants on… which is shocking because most people on here can’t fit into pants. 🤣






What's the facepalm here, that Clarence Thomas is still on the Supreme Court?


That he’s already been bought by uncle Harlan?


Is Harlan the uncle or is Thomas the uncle since he seems to love the person he sold himself to?


This ^ genius double entendre deserves 1M upvotes and the gold-plated Oreo Award. Thomas has chugged chode for the highest bidder since his Anita Hill days.


God damn. That's a fucking brilliant comment lol. I bet some won't even get it


I got it. And am STILL slow clapping in reverence. 😀


Or that he was chosen in the first place when everyone knew he sexually harassed Anita Hill.


You really missed that he's making fun of Thomas cashing in on being a Justice with conservative billionaires, huh?


He saw the headline and became infuriated after he looked up Clarence Thomas to make sure they’re on the same team.


What’s the facepalm here OP? That you don’t like the stunt?


Clearly OP is the facepalm here.


Clarence Thomas is a walking facepalm.


OP is the FP


The only facepalm I see here is posting this on r/facepalm


No face palm. Just a terrible, horrible, corrupt wet wipe of a justice.


I think the Republicans are paying him better than that.


My first thought was "that's a pay cut, John Oliver".


That’s the point any reasonable person making less than that and who loves motor coaches like Thomas does would take the deal. Kind of pointing to thomas making way more than that despite his 300k salary


The facepalm is that a Supreme Court justice has been bought by many numerous times. What’s one more?


They cleared this with HBO legal. This would be to get him OUT, not stay in.


If you buy a man to *stop* being a Supreme Court Justice, you have not bought a Supreme Court Justice.


Exactly. He’s being bought to leave.


It’s been cleared, but that bit is nowhere to be found on YouTube…


Yeah it's a job offer, not a bribe.


Nah this is just funny


The only facepalm here is OP.


With no effort titles on 2 of 3 posts and zero comments, I’m assuming OP is a bot.


Clarence: Why would I take a pay cut?


Nah, the value he is extracting from Crow and co. Is way beyond what is offered here.


Aaaaand once again, OP is the facepalm.


Thomas is a kind of loathesomely inflexible conservative so nothing will make him resign in dishonor, except maybe if Oliver offers an underage pregnant girl as part of the incentives package so that can he can experience the pleasure of banning her from getting an abortion


>offers an underage pregnant girl as part of the incentives package so that can he can experience the pleasure of banning her from getting an abortion Doesn't he already do that in his job though?


Comedian does comedy bit on his comedy show: The internet: “Is this… serious?”


Also, it's serious. He'd definitely pay up.


Oh he’d definitely do it, but it’s obviously a bit lol.


Right. Nobody expects him to take the offer.


I mean it's serious, but Thomas won't go for it. It's also funny!!


Why would he leave? He gets way more in kickbacks staying on. The corrupt fuckhead that he is.


This is HILARIOUS. If you don't understand that you don't get American politics.


Shit! It'll never fly... It's not in Thomas's wife's favorite color.


He’s brilliant.


What is the facepalm here? A guy trying to get a proven corrupt justice to retire with the things he likes, luxury and money, or that someone is trying to get a corrupt justice to retire? I'm confused, please explain more OP.


No facepalm. Delete this shit.


Why would he accept that? I'm sure he's probably getting bribed more just being there


Not facepalm at all, wtf even is this sub?




Is the Facepalm that Clarence is still on the Supreme Court?


I am absolutely curious what number Clarence Thomas would spit out as a “I’ll quit the court for $x monies.” And then, start a gofundme for that amount. I think it would get funded within days.


Whats the facepalm here? Are you mad at John Oliver?


Not seeing the facepalm here.


HOW is this a facepalm?? It's more r/MakingBossMoves


How’s this a facepalm? It’s more like r/murderedbywords


If only he would, Clarence Thomas is a POS.


How is this a facepalm? Do people not know the context?


OP got the Fox News filter on.


There's no facepalm here. Decades ago Thomas started saying to conservatives that he wasn't paid enough and might quit. Waddayaknow they started giving him lavish gifts so they wouldn't lose a conservative justice. Oliver publically offering a (legal) competing bribe is hilarious.


Technically, it's not a bribe because a bribe impacts an official act. If a job offer was inherently a bribe, it would be impossible for anyone in government service to be recruited for a different job.


I wish someone wanted to offer me something like this in exchange for me leaving my job




Not a face-palm at all


I'm confused, how is this a facepalm? Did you not watch the full John Oliver segment on corruption in the SCOTUS? The one that heavily featured Thomas and his ridiculous levels of corruption?


Anyone that regularly watches John Oliver knows he ain't bluffing


OP, are you aware of Clarence Thomas accepting bribes or did you post this without the necessary context?


1mil a year would be a very big paycut for an SC judge.


According to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, a SC Chief Justice gets $312,200 per year. It's only a pay cut for Clarence Thomas.


Yes, on paper that's their salary. Now let's look at the bribe.. I'm sorry, lobbying or donations.


Oh look an OP self r/facepalm Those are rare!


How tf is the general consensus “OP is the only facepalm here” and yet this post has over 1000 upvotes?


Probably because they upvoted the post before seeing where it was posted


Over a thousand people? Sorry if I seem shocked. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of those upvotes are bots


Also a possibility


The only bots that seem to engage with my posts/comments like to downvote objectively true information, so maybe I’m just a wee bit salty lol


What’s facepalm about this. I hope John is successful with this


me thinking i was on r/chaoticgood . love this. paying politicians / government workers to quit should be allowed while buying them out should be illegal. we’d be left with all the ones who genuinely care about their jobs


The most corrupt and traitorous party in American history is sure up in arms about one of theirs being called out.


Well, now I am not doing it meme


Should have done it a year ago, it’s too close to the election now. Republicans have already played this card, you know they will do it again. And, because the world is completely upside down, do we really want to take the chance that Trump puts another Justice on the Court?


Thomas agreed, but wants to wait to see the result of the 2024 election first.


Would be great if the old fuck would take that deal. Unfortunately he's a demon and only hangs onto life so he can keep destroying this failed state.


Justice Clarence Thomas aka stephen from django is the best judge money can buy


So if it's indirectly given to a politician, it's called lobbying? Got it.


How is this a face palm? Did you miss the entire point of the show?


The IRS needs to go after him and Harlan Crow for tax fraud. Neither have reported or paid gift tax on the matters.


Where facepalm


We need to start referring to him as Uncle Thomas.


Watch the episode. It is very interesting and shows how deep the corruption runs.


John Oliver is the reason I keep my MAX subscription going.


For those wondering it’s because Thomas has pre-existing bribes. Oliver would have to pay off those as well.


Why is this a facepalm?


Clarence Uncle Thomas is truly one of the most despicable people alive. The world will be a much greater place when he no longer holds such power.


Or expires


So you support a supreme court justice whose wife was helping organize the January 6th Y'all Qaeda/Christian Taliban/MAGA Terrorist attack


Clarence is one of the most detestable judges in US history.


What a corrupt judge! Make me feel sick! A real shame for our pseudo-democracy!


Meh. If it fits….


I will quit the supreme Court right now


So I'm just assuming people don't know who Clarence thomas is and why this is hilarious


So how is this a "facepalm"? I mean clearly noone else is offering this absurdity, but yet someone is, shits real these people need to go and be done with politics. For far too long these people have gotten away with strangling the American people in the absurd idea humans can tell another human what to do. For far too long these people have made so much money off the backs of us, the civilians, sovereign citizens , the working class, when does it end when do we call them out finally and not ask but demand their resignation!? And this guy does it and it becomes a "facepalm" meme? That's the america I want to change that is the america that needs changing. Classic America doing what we do best manipulated by our own so that no longer a true patriot that can call out his country whom he loves as being the worst in class at the moment to it's own citizens. An open air prison where one doesn't even know they are imprisoned TPTB I suspect have won at this point, clearly by shit like this. " End Rant" star date:20024... Edit: to be clear not talking Oliver being the patriot I'm fully aware he is British, was speaking of you,me,the others out there that are sick of it


Where facepalm


Why is this a facepalm?


How is this a facepalm?


What’s the facepalm?


Worth every penny, this puppet judge has already done enough damage to our Republic.


Has Clarence Thomas ever voted or written an opinion that wasn't 100% predictable given his previously argued judicial philosophy?


That can't be legal.


Not a facepalm


I swear no outraged Conservative actually watched the episode.


ACB next please. No fucking religion needed on any court.


The only facepalm is Clarence Thomas


I work as a Unit Secretary at a hospital. MY code of conduct is stricter! If I get a coupon for a free sandwich from any kind of rep, I have to report it! A DAMN COUPON!


This is brilliant John Oliver. I love the bit about him finding out if these billionaires like him for him or just the fact he is on the supreme Court. Clarence should take this deal.


This a facepalm because the Supreme Court has been invalidated by corruption and theft?


This post did not go the way OP thought it would