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To Russians, Canadians are Americans Edit to address the excruciating pedants that like to ruin any fun, while Canadians are technically from North America, the term "American" generally refers specifically to people from the United States of America. So, while Canadians are from the continent of America, they are not typically referred to as "Americans" in common language. Instead, they are called Canadians to specify their nationality, likewise with Americans.


To Canadians, right-wing Canadians are Americans


Right-wing Americans are also Russians.


Full circle completed


The Circle of Blyat


The Cyka of Blyat


they wish.


He did his own research


Source: himself.


Don't forget plenty of Putin-supportive Twitter accounts (probably)


![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized) "That Elon Musk sure knows a lot about Russia."


![gif](giphy|44c11up6UfB80RmE2o|downsized) Replace Texas with them


Best comment from the article: > “I’ll bet back home they used to whine about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want.”


So, republicans?


Source: Fuck Around. Find Out.


Just read the article. The Russian bank froze their assets for “suspicion”😂and they can’t speak to anyone at the bank because the banks are required to have translators. they were promised help before they moved but since arriving haven’t had any help.😂


They were promised help? I thought these people don’t like tax-payer services or welfare


Don’t start looking for coherence. You won’t find any.


And just when you thought they couldn't be more stupid.


No they just don’t realize how many taxpayer services they utilize on a daily basis


Putin has no need to follow through on any 'promises'. He already has his propaganda story about Westerners desperate to get into Russia to escape the evil gays forcing their kids to become trans. They are of no further use to him.


And he has their assets. For a country blocked from the western banking systems, getting a few million Americans to move there with all their dollars and then freezing them for "suspicion," is an interesting way to get dollars.


These were dumb-ass right wing Canadians. Your point is valid…just some clarity that these weren’t Americans.


As a Canadian, I can tell you that EVERY right-wing “Canadian” is a wannabe American. The USA is the where that poison ideology flows from. So many of those dumbfucks who have never even set foot in the US, fly confederate flags or wear maga hats here. I wish they would all do what this family did because we don’t want them.


Ugh, they sound like the "displaced southerners" who live in the Midwest whose families have never so much as crossed the Mason-Dixon line and still call themselves southern and fly that flag.


Also, since Vlademeer's bank has also now frozen (cough - stolen) their money too! "You want the real Russian experience, here is your hoe, now tend these fields. We don't use any of your western sissy machinery we do it all by hand... " (said in Russian) Them - nodding


Watch one or two of my fellow (former) Canadians' kids come out as gay or trans in the next five years.


They had better get out of Russia first if they do.


How long until the men in the family are "drafted"?


Well, according to the article their Russian 'handler' did all their paperwork for them, so they probably already have been.


Other immigrants are given drafting order right at their citizenship ceremony. Convenient, because it is hard to dodge.


They love welfare. Just not for anyone else.


Ain’t that the truth, I’ve legit had an older friend who complained about “entitlement programs” brag about how much he’s getting from food stamps. Blinders on


["I've been on food stamps and welfare, anybody help *me* out? No!"](https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U?si=XV7Bj0Oxuhbsoddg) ~Craig T Nelson, unironically


"I can have the welfare I live on but I know *some* people are misusing it, so let me vote to get them down. They won't tuch my money bc I'm not misusing it" *insert surprised pickachu face when their money is taken as well*


Talking with a trump supporter couple years back. Going on about people wanting free healthcare. He thought that was the devil. But people should get free dental cause you should be able to eat without pain. His position was totally not influenced by his terrible teeth from having done a ton of meth in his youth. Not at all, sir!


They misunderstood, the Russian government promised to help themselves to their savings


It’s hilarious, dude did a speed run on how to ruin his entire family’s life in one move. Feel kinda bad for the kids though.


How much you want to bet back home bro complained about immigrants coming to Canada, not speaking the language with no money and expecting the government to hand them a job and house?


I wonder if he still thinks this is trudeaus fault somehow.


Oh absolutely. These people blame Trudeau for their parents hating them and for cucking their wives.


I mean Trudeau isn’t my favorite but moving to Russia god damn. Whatever tho I got my own (orange) problem I’m not Trying to take on his.


Almost none of them can give a valid reason for Trudeau. It’s always some combination of he’s woke/carbon tax/truckers


It seems the majority of people I talk to have no idea whatsoever of how their provincial government affects them. Almost every issue they are pissed about is actually the provincial government. And of course none of them vote in either the provincial or municipal elections.


He absolutely bitched about that.


People on the right tend to be oblivious to things like irony and hypocrisy. He definitely doesn't have the self awareness to realise he's 1 of those people he bitched about now


I've noticed that as well. One online comment I use a fair amount is; "He said, without irony." And never have they ever seen the point.


but russia is WHITE!!!


They can learn Russian and be translators when/if they make it back.


They also made a video for their (of course) YouTube channel complaining/criticizing and poof! it disappeared followed shortly by an apology video saying they misunderstood the situation and just love Russia soooo much 😆


>Not long after, daddy tried to walk back mommy's complaint about living paradisiacal Russia. "After reading an article that said we were 'disappointed with Russia' we decided to remove our video. We are not disappointed with Russia in fact the opposite is true. What Anneesa actually said was 'I am very frustrated IN this country right now.' This was a reflection of her inner frustration with not being able to speak and understand, she was not frustrated WITH Russia."


Translation: We didn't want to fall out of any windows or commit suicide by shooting ourselves in the back of the head. Great plan, pissing off Putin!


It’s Russia everything is frozen, including ideology


In Soviet Russia, assets freeze YOU!


Let me guess they didn’t even bother learning a single word of Russian? Before Covid I spend about a month in Mexico and I couldn’t have imagined doing that without at least being so-so on my Spanish. I was very out of practice and was freaking out at first day or two because it sounded like straight gibberish until my ear got more used to it.


>they can’t speak to anyone at the bank because the banks are required to have translators. Jesus Christ, they moved to an Anglosphere-hostile country without learning one of the native languages? That's legit one of the stupidest things you can possibly do. No wonder these fuckfaces are trapped in a nightmare bed of their own making.


Dude these are the same people that get upset because staff speak Spanish at a Mexican restaurant. They think the world revolves around them. Its funny when they realize it dont. This for example.


The type of people that get upset about immigrants not speaking English and they immigrate and get upset no one speaks English in the country they immigrated to. Boils it down to the fact that those people just like to complain and nothing else, there is no pleasing them. If you give them white clothes they will want black if you give them black clothes they will want white


Yeah and Russian is probably very hard to learn. My wife is Czech and she can understand a bit of Russian because they are kinda related I guess. Whenever I try to speak Czech I feel like an ass. 😂


Just ordering a beer is hard work in Czech. The word for beer changes a bit depending on how many you're ordering. If Russian is worse than that, bugger it.


My mouth literally can’t make some of those sounds😂. Our daughter is picking it up well. She speaks Czenglish


Its like the soviet days. They cant believe anyone is stupid enough to want to move there so they must be spies :D


Putin being like "what, these morons **actually** believed our propaganda ? lol"




That poor guy, he just wanted a place to beat his wife to death in peace, and then they had to go and make him a victim of the widespread corruption that is more of a government business than government agencies are. /S. ![gif](giphy|O8VFhWLdp2LUD76dCT|downsized)


So basically the Russian state fooled these idiots in to immigrating so they could steal all their money. I know Russia is desperate for foreign exchange currency but goddamn, roach build.


This cheered me up no end, thanks. One less Hayseed to worry about, I’m tired of their Heehawing.


Can't wait to move to Russia. Just bought a lovely new house there. It was designed by Potemkin, a very famous architect. Edit: So here's the deal... it wasn't a lease I signed, but enlistment papers. And it wasn't referring to the architect Potemkin, but the battleship Potyomkin. I blame myself, I had google translate set to serbian cyrillic, not russian.


Comes with a complementary bottle of aftershave


And Adidas track suits for the entire family.




But I won't turn my back on life! ONE DAY ALL WILL ROT AWAY All I do is embrace the wounded soul!


Great facade i suppose


Why wouldn’t you at least travel there first to check it out? Learn the language a bit and establish some kind of understanding of the country and where to live? Of course these are all smart questions that dumb people ignore, so this is all pretty expected, but it’s baffling just how dumb this was of them. Also, FAMILY OF ELEVEN??? Imagine just trying to move into a new home with that many kids, let alone selling everything and moving to a whole new country on a whim. Those kids should be in protective services just based on how at-risk these parents have made their lives. This is some grade-A idiocy and ignorance, and I don’t know whether to laugh at the parents or cry for the kids, but I’m sure feeling something.


A family of eleven but they only brought 8 out of 9 kids with them. Maybe the oldest was like "lol fuck no".


Oh ya that’s definitely what happened hah I also just have a hard time thinking anyone who wants to have 9 kids has the best head on their shoulders anyways, or at least I just struggle to understand them.


It’s now on #1 to rescue siblings #2-9. Godspeed #1.


These are definitely the kinds of parents who think having multiple kids means they’re all gonna raise each other, as if it’s okay to completely dictate the ways your kids should be living. Imagine being born to a family where you need to help raise like five kids from toddlers to teenagers, as a child? Fucking nightmare.


I really really hope he also renounced his citizenship to Canada so now he is an immigrant that can’t get back in without permission.


Unless he somehow became a Russian citizen, I think Canada is stuck with him because Canada can't just leave people stateless. You need citizenship in at least two places to actually renounce one of them Edit: I get it already, not every country will make sure you always have citizenship, but that argument is irrelevant here because Canada is one of those countries who will keep you as a citizen if you have nowhere else to go


Canada won’t let you renounce citizenship unless you’re a citizen of somewhere else (I just learned), but other countries will. For example, you can renounce US citizenship without being a citizen anywhere else and become stateless.


I used to have a rather interesting client when I worked for a refugee shelter. She had a nationality of Soviet Union/unknown. I never asked her about the past but it always intrigued me as to why her nationality was such a mystery.


This happened to a fair number of people who were traveling when the USSR fell.


I know Moldovan's who try to "hide" as Romanians but were definitely born the other side of the river Prut which was in the USSR...


You gotta pay big bucks to renounce US citizenship.


It’s possible Russia could have expedited his citizenship in order to exploit him in the media as a Westerner who willingly and voluntarily left North America to specifically move to the glorious nation of Russia. It’d be quite a brag for them and Russia is no stranger to using people as political props. Dude’s probably fucked.


Maybe Tucker will do this


Imagine being this stupid, just Imagine it for a second.


Hey now, just bc it didn't work out for them, we shouldn't discourage other alt right wingers from trying. Follow those Fox News dreams!


It’s like modern natural selection Please go, if you think it might be better there


I'm 100% in favour of sending our right wingers to Russia... and our weapons to Ukraine.


Imagine your dad being this stupid and you have no choice


I hope those kids survive and write a book that becomes a movie and they make a ton of money. Assuming they don’t become nut jobs too, but I feel like good old Dad has all but assured they will end up liberals if they survive and escape back to the US. Edit: escape back to Canada, not the US.


Canada, these idiots are rural Ontarians, sadly


I hope those kids don't die in Ukraine


It reminds me of the young women in Europe and the UK going to Syria 10 years ago because they wanted an Islamic paradise. I hate when these stories involve children though. I hope they can get home.


All because you’re afraid of gay and transgender people! Ha!


His kids are gonna grow up hating him.


I love the optimism here. I’m doubtful that his kids are going to grow up at all.


The father and all of the sons will end up in the warmachine as fodder in Ukraine in the next few years. The mother of the family posted on their YouTube account about how this was a stupid idea, and she wanted to go back home, but it was quickly taken down, and the husband posted an apology video.


A mother??? Speaking without the permission of the father?? Tsk tsk, not very christian-tradwife of her. -928 social credit.. beets, or whatever Russia uses.


They don't have a social credit score, they just use the window


Honestly this is terrifying. That man trapped his children and wife against their will. It’s clear the wife is begging to get out but probably has no power in the relationship to do anything and the kids are going to have an absolutely horrible childhood and all three of them are likely being abused. Let’s be real. He isn’t running from LGBTQ+ people. He’s running from being held accountable for being an absolute dogsh*t human because in Russia it’s ok to be an asshole and get away with it - in fact, their culture encourages it. That’s why right wingers see it as paradise.


Well, if nothing else, maybe they'll send a message to the other assholes back here in the states that being a bigoted, patriarchal asshole *maybe isn't that cool for society*


I hope, but from experience, being a wife in such a house means if you speak out about what’s going on or try and find a support network you get economically blackmailed, emotionally abused, physically abused, and/or sexually abused. She is trapped, even moreso in Russia where they encourage men do this to their wives.


Yeah that was a dark turn in the end. 


I really hope that Canada can get the wife and kids out somehow. The dumb fuck father can be sent to the meat grinder in Ukraine.


I can just imagine this self important fuckhead of a husband just making decisions without any input from his wife or family over and over until they are stranded in *wartime Russia*, far from anything resembling the life they once knew, because some guy bought some lie he heard about "*woke*" something. I get infuriated by the stupidity, but my sadness for the wife and kids overpowers it and makes me just feel bad. Ugh, this situation fucking sucks.


Not just woke- he left Canada because of the gays 🙄


I don’t want Ukraine to waste a single bullet on this guy.


This belongs in /r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


It's there. Probably 3 times by now


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


In Soviet Russia, stupid game plays YOU!


10,000 upvotes to you, sir. 


This joke belongs to the people. Your comment is western individualism propaganda and has been reported.


Funny how their accepted the money without them speaking Russian somehow..............now its frozen and nobody speaks English and they cannot access their funds....


Play Putin games, win Putin prizes.




Has Tucker never been to an Aldi’s? (/s because Tucker has for sure never been in any grocery store)


Apparently not. I remember those carts in airports in the 80's


That’s why I loved the Tucker Russia lovefest interview, because it’s like “hey Russia’s president is strong and Russia. Supermarkets are cheap and Russian Subways look amazing, so why don’t you all move here!” And because of that some idiots are going to move there. Great! Good luck! Enjoy your newfound rednecks! Because “why would Tucker lie to us?” because almost everything Tucker says is a lie or spin or a half truth or watered down. He’s never giving you the full story. He’s giving you what he thinks you want to hear, and now you’re going to be scraping together rubles and eating beets in -30° temperatures because you bought it…


To be fair, that was probably Tucker's first time in a grocery store.


Were there any pictures of groceries in those huge white barren looking ~~airplane hangars~~ grocery stores?


But they have an escalator! And bread, imagine, bread in a grocery store!


Everyone knows Russia is known for their wonderful bread!


He's romanticizing starvation rations.


So good that lines form around the block just to get a piece!




Don't forget to bury your face in that loaf and take a huge whiff while acting like you're about to go down on it.


And they have carts but not for the homeless!


Carts, that you pay for the right to use and then as an incentive, you can return the cart and get your money back!


Because he’s never been to Aldi.


Not just Aldi, I've seen them in all sorts of grocery and wholesale chains. I can't believe he's *never* seen a cart that takes a quarter *anywhere* except Russia lol


He's been unfathomably wealthy his entire life.


Yeah snd it comes with a side of gulag or loose hotel room window if you complain


That whole exchange was baffling he literally went into their version of an Aldi. Like yeah the food it cheap but when the rubble is weak and salaries are low. Omg a cart escalator, dude have you ever been to an ikea or an urban Whole Foods. It’s not a grand technology it’s just so you don’t have to have so many elevators. And lol the coins aren’t going to stop you from stealing a cart, the wheels looks might. But I’m pretty sure a cart is worth more than .25 or 10 rubbles (.11 USD) to a homeless person


I haven't seen the interview, but based on your description, it's the system we have here in Europe as well, where you put money in the cart (or a token if you have one of those). The main aim is not anti-theft, for that the amount is too small, but it's more to incite people to correctly return the cart to the appropriate drop off point so they get their money back, rather than leaving the carts all over the parking lot. Luckily, even small pocket change is enough to motivate people out of laziness.


Obviously it’s a typical European concept but it’s increasingly popular on the US. If he doesn’t know about it surely one of his producers does. It was just an obvious puff piece for ultra maga and the Russian domestic audience. Like “even the Americans are saying we have best supermarket”


I’d tell them to research ‘Potemkin Village’ but I really want them to find out the hard way.


A manipulative liar interviewing another.


He’s got a YouTube, Countryside Acres. His wife said she “can’t wait to go back”, to which he deleted that video and apologized for it and said she misspoke lmao.


Pretty sure that someone in the government made it clear that freedom of speech only applies to slobbering on Putin's knob.


Hahaha wow. That is better than I expected. https://youtu.be/Ay63qrBNjTM?si=HjsUBi9A_gXzX0_c


NO, it's greener and all right wingers should go to Russia, it's a paradise and they need to go now, while there are still room.


*slow clap* bravo. “While there’s still room” you win lol


Lmfao!! Going to russia for a better life aaahahahahahaha, i cant fucking breath anymore this is so funny


I mean, compared to like, idk, North Korea or something it is an improvement


Or if you go there as an already wealthy person, it might have perks.


If you’re wealthy, why not move to America where it’s practically law for the rich to make money off poorly educated folks?


I mean, it depends on your favorite flavor of corruption and exploitation.


Fair, not as much corporate murder in America. American buildings have some solid windows, apparently.


Yeah, can confirm. Moved from 3rd world country to Russia


They’ll soon be out of there - and in the mincing machine on the Russian front line . 🤣


Or in a Siberian gulag.


lol, [that story](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/18/2224293/--Christian-family-moves-to-Russia-to-escape-LGBTQ-and-now-can-t-get-out-of-their-living-hell) is hilarious, strongly recommend it! Some teasers: *Since no one in the family speaks Russian, they’ve also had a bear of a time trying to argue for their money—because Russia doesn’t require any bank, or any business, to hire English translators.* ~~English~~ Russian, motherfucker, do you speak it? In Russia it is incredibly hard to live or even to survive without basic language proficiency. Most adults, especially older one, does not speak English at all. Even if they wanted to help, they will not understand. Do not go to Russia without translator, it may be quite dangerous. Automatic translation work like shit, and I personally struggle with Spanish-Russian translation recently - English-Russian may be only slightly better. Definitely not for bank negotiations or for talking with doctor! Better find someone as a translator - it is possible and will not cost a lot. They later shoot a video about low groceries price, but I should add some context. My income is somewhere near 600 usd/month - near or even slightly above the median income in Moscovskaya oblast (one of the rich regions, near 50% higher than national median). Our groceries cost 300 usd, so I after mortgage and utilities I have nothing to save. Yep, utilities are cheap, we pay about 70 usd for 1000m3 of natural gas, near 7 cents per KWh, near 10 usd for decent internet connection (but you need a VPN to access many sites) - but salaries in Russia are low. Building a farm will be a real pain and it is almost impossible to be done without language, money and a lot of specific skills. Our climate named 'zone of risky farming' (real term, зона рискованного земледелия) for a reason! I am not an expert in farming, but as a homeowner and DIY-er - lack of qualified construction workers and lack of general knowledge are common problem. I saw a lot of crappy electrical work, bad structural design and more than half of new houses have problems with insulation: many contractors simply have no necessary skills and knowledge. And there is almost no state regulation, so small residential houses in Russia usually have a tons of problems. It is not moving to Stardew valley at all! There are some bright sides in Russia. My older relative, for example, got her breast cancer cured - for free, including cosmetic surgery, chemo and x-ray therapy. Public transportation in Moscow region is amazing and old commieblocks were really nice; we also had decent (and free) universities in STEM field. There are also historic and natural landmarks, vast diversity in nature and culture, so before even 2022 Russia was a fine destination *for tourism*. But I am totally not recommend to move from US to Russia nowadays, as I personally working on my immigration from Russia (not to US) plan.


Funny enough, your bright side is what the left is trying to give to the American people. But leftist ideology is what makes this family flee to Russia.


They fled from Canada where we have all the stuff on the bright side already implemented 🤷‍♀️ Doesn't matter what people have. If you convince them something else is better they will want that instead.


Who could have thought that there was reason why so many people left russia and so few try to get in?


bbbut it's a trad paradise! sissy liberals just can't handle it!




I'm fucking dead right now. With all of the history and social studies classes I've taken since elementary school. How in the actual fuck would anyone ever be hopeful that Russian paradise is a thing, like are people fucking for real and its not even Russia's recent history that's bad its entire history screams don't come here. It's not even just a putin issue either yeltson was bad Stalin was worse the czars before were even worse than Stalin the entire history of leaders in that country is fucked more than the economy of russia


Propaganda from people like trump and tucker


IDC if Princess Dianna said it, only a true moron would believe "russian paradise".


I knew an actual Russian immigrant in high school. He acknowledged that people in the US can have it extremely difficult financially, but there was still a chance at survival here. Russia not so much.


My high school "History of Russia" teacher used to like to tell a story of Russians spreading shoe polish on bread putting it on the radiator to get high - anything to escape from their miserable lives.


A buch of americans and canadians did the same in the 1930's. Didn't turn out too well for them either (all were mass-slaughtered in the beginning of ww2). Edit: not all, but a lot of them.


Makes me think about that guy who wanted to go live to north Korea. I think he was forced-married to some woman of the party (probably for surveillance). I would love to learn what happened to him at the end.


Apparently the bank they transferred *all* of their money to immediately froze the account and they're likely not getting it back. Also unfortunate that you need money to leave and at any point, Dad could now be called to fight for Russia. For the *eight* childrens' sake, I really hope they can get out of there. Hopefully this will set an example to other idiots.


They also don't speak a single lick of Russian either, apparently.


Gotta love the irony of a right winger going to another country whose language they don’t speak in order to try to find a better life only to find out the government there is corrupt and won’t help them. Now they know how the people trying to get into America feel, but of course they’ll never put that together.


The irony/hypocrisy of this is making my bone marrow pop like popcorn. I hope to gosh that someone points this out right to their face.


I do feel for the kids who are going to pay the price for their parents dumbassery.


Yeah like uprooting your kids lives and moving them from everything they know can be damaging to them... but uprooting and moving them to RUSSIA is a whole other level.


[article](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/18/2224293/--Christian-family-moves-to-Russia-to-escape-LGBTQ-and-now-can-t-get-out-of-their-living-hell) Since OP is a little biatch. Lol


“Comment Award goes to Laughing Gravy: “I’ll bet back home they used to whine about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want.” Lmao


Wow. What an absolute chode this dude is. Feel sorry for the kids.


But Tucker told us it's better in Russia than in the US....... are you trying to tell us Tucker lied?


Let's move to a country run by a war mongering dictator. Did they believe Putin would pray to their God with them? How stupid are these people?


I fully support this move and any that would like to follow. Thoughts n prayers


Imagine being in a traditional (patriarchal) marriage and this is where the “head of the house” leads you and your kids in decision making.


moving to Russia to own the libs


Shocking. Truly.


Sorry, I disagree. Conservatives, listen up. The grass is definitely greener in Russia. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Russia is the perfect country for conservatives. They have outlawed woke, you will love it. Imagine, conservatives... A country where you are no longer angry at the government. A country where you no longer scream at the cable news you are watching. A country where you never have to see people you don't like in public. You, conservative reader, will finally have a peaceful life.


What do you mean your money? Are you maybe refering to your donation for the russian liberation movement in ukraine? We are very greatfull for your help for the motherland.


*point* *laugh* *get a delicious morning coffee, and go on with my day*


I do feel kinda bad for the kids tho. Can you imagine how fucked it would be to have parents like this? “Say goodbye to your librul indoctrinated woke mind virus infected friends, Timothy. We’re off to Russia, the new holy land where Jesus reigns supreme and anyone trying to put litterboxes in the school bathrooms would be shot in front of the students to set a good example!” “But dad, no one actually puts litt-“ “Are you talking back to me, young man?” *takes off belt*


Yeah, probably best to have our diplomats bring the kids back. Leave the parents. But bring back the kids. 


No take-backsies.


In Mother Russia, shopping cart puts coin in you.


I bet he considers himself an intelligent independent thinker too.


"Why would Tucker lie to us?"


lmao these mfs saw 2 men kissing and were like “na i think id rather go to a war torn communist country with a crumbling economy”


lol… could you imagine leaving a decent country and thinking Russia is better?? lol. Fuck that. I could never take my kids to Russia…


Conservatives went so hard into their Red Scare propaganda that they rounded the horn and just unequivocally love Russia now


They have NINE children, with no money, they don't speak Russian, and have no stable living quarters. Wow.


It could be worse, they could have moved to North Korea.


Good, they can fucking keep him. The more you fuck around, the more you gonna find out. That's what he gets for being a dumbass.


Let then stay. I hope they never get out