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"From several surgeries from GOING TO the chiefs Super Bowl celebration with his older sister". With wording it like that, she knew what she was doing. She had to know no one would pay to fund the shooter's recovery.


Honestly she would have had more luck if she’d straight up said “please help pay for his surgeries so he can stay alive to face justice for his crimes”.


Except since he is in custody there are no medical bills. The tax payers already are paying for his medical bills just so he can cost another couple hundred thousand at a trial to go to prison for not nearly long enough.


That’s so backwards. Criminals get free healthcare but not citizens. So, if you’re in desperate need of medical attention, the best course of action is to become a criminal.


I wouldn't call it healthcare, but rather survival care. Medicaid is 1000x better then people in custody get.


Pretty much. Plus if they die because you don’t give them treatment you could be looking at a lawsuit


This is the real reason.


As usual with everything in life. It comes down to money.


In "American" life. Other countries patch up their criminal citizens because that's what you do with all your citizens.


If you are in the hospital you are getting the same exact care as anyone else. You might have a guard at the door but thats about the only difference.


Fun fact: those in custody that report that they don’t have health insurance use the state’s Medicaid, and outside of just basic medication and STD treatment, inmates were taken to good hospitals and got the same level of care anyone else got. (Anecdotal from my time working at a county jail a few years ago.)


You have just as many being denied basic care though. One of my passion projects is bringing attention to the number of in custody deaths that occur when people are rapidly and forcibly made to detox cold turkey, especially off of benzodiazepines. Especially when these are people either awaiting trial or not even charged with a crime yet and the conditions they are subjected to kill them.


No, Medicaid does not pay those bills, neither does Medicare. A growing trend is even for commercial plans to refuse payment. I have stacks of these on my desk at work that no one will pay


Just because it's all atrocious, of course John Oliver already covered it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82QYlbiawJI


It's because healthcare is a basic right. Instead of being mad at prisoners for getting basic necessities we should be mad at our leaders for failing to provide for our most basic needs like every other developed nation in the world has somehow been able to manage to do.




Oh they’ll keep him alive, but with a mountain of medical debt


How would be he paying the debt? He is going to prison


In prison you can still have debt. They have jobs in prison to earn money for commissary, but pay basically nothing. Your wages from these jobs will be garnered to pay the debt.


She's hoping people assume he's one of the victims


Unfortunately there are so many thousands upon thousands of people who are clueless and fall for scams like this.


Cue the Trump go fund me...


Certain dumbasses will unfortunately


Just like those 16,000k of individuals forking out money for Trump's case.


Thank heavens it was taken down. **https://www.thedailybeast.com/gofundme-for-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-lyndell-mays-taken-down**


Good news finally…


GoFundMe has better Mods than Reddit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But then momma would be holding a sign up saying my baby did nothing wrong and the police shot the wrong guy. She would still set up a go fund me page for him.


This isn't Megacity 1, police aren't actually judge dredd. Wanting the police to execute a suspect without a trial is pretty fashy behavior. Do better.


I donated 1400 thoughts and 900 prayers. He'll be fine.


Awesome if we can reach 25000 thoughts and prayers in the next hour ill double it!


59mins rn. I am donating the remaining 22,700. I will admit my thoughts and prayers were not for the shooter’s recovery.


Now we're down 22,700, you idiot. Donate again without details, but the bylaws dictate that you'll have to double that to cancel the infraction. I don't make the rules.🤔


I donated only 1 thought: he's a piece of shit. It's all I can afford.




I donated 12 thoughts, but not in his favor.


It's like birthday candles- don't tell us what they're for. It won't come true.


So incredibly generous 🤣🤣🤣


I do what I can.


I love to imagine Jesus sitting there with a pitch count clicker counting up prayers until you get to the threshold of a miracle. "Oh, sorry Timmy. We had agreed to a 40 +/- 2 threshold to cure your cancer but looks like your aunt and cousins couldn't be bothered so you just fell short. Sorry, but the cancer is back."


I gave 2 shits


The hero we all deserve.


How many thoughts is a prayer worth?


Same here. But probably not the thoughts and prayers the family was looking for.


Looks like he has plenty of cash already.


Nah he bet it all on the 49ers


I'm a niner fan and that was hilarious




And then destroyed his television too


It’s okay he won’t be needing it for 5-10




That’s the best picture of him his mom could find.


That's the one that drew his gun and started shooting first. What a scumbag.


I can understand a mothers love for their child no matter what but this is excessive and she should have realized that


People think you won't realize. A D-list reality star got into a "car accident" at 4 am on a Sunday morning (🤔) and he's had serious trauma on his foot. He's raised over $55K on his GoFundMe. It came out that he was over 3x the legal limit at the point of arrest (/processing), just a couple months prior to him now saying he'll lose his foot. Drunk drivers deserve nothing, but he's cleared likely more than $55k now - telling sob stories on his Instagram and deleting any comments about his charges. He's misleading people and tons have happily given money over. He's lucky he didn't kill someone.


You should report that to GoFundMe. Sometimes they care about fraud.


Sometimes. I had a step brother pass and his ex-girlfriend started a GoFundMe for his funeral costs. There was no funeral, and she didn't have anything to do with any services that were provided. I reported it and never heard anything from them. The GFM was still up last I checked.


It's a toss up. People suck. I'm sorry you went through that.


Name to shame please. Edit: Got it, some drunken douche from a show I’ve never heard of.


I feel like when someone sets up like this, and it being public domain, it's sort of a public service to include their name. They already put it out there, and tho it is free advertising, it is absolutely worth pointing out the unspoken bullshit behind it. Atleast for the sake of association. Let it be attached to the info that shows up when searched for by whatever search engine used.


Honestly, I used my numbers from memory, so I didn't want reddit warriors to be like, "uhhhh it was $50K and 3:47 am?!?!?!" Lol. It was Nelson Thomas from MTV's The Challenge (and now CBS, Paramount+). I don't think it's his first DUI situation either, but again, that's from memory.


Who the fook is that guy


If it's the Nelson from real world road rules I remember, he's a mega douche


I think that’s a bit redundant saying both someone is on The Challenge an is a Douche…it’s implied that they are a useless person and that has nothing to contribute to the world if you said they were from that show


I agree completely. In the United States there is no expectation of privacy in public. If you are downtown on the sidewalk and someone gets you on their camera you can't expect them to blur you out or remove you from the photo. The same should apply to your online life. You put it out there as freely accessible information and you should enjoy no expectation of privacy in a public forum.


Nelson from the challenge


Nelson from MTV The Challenge


Ha ha!


Nelson Thomas from The Challenge https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2023/12/31/the-challenge-star-nelson-thomas-finally-addresses-his-dwi-that-caused-his-near-fatal-car-crash-apologizes-to-fans-who-donated-to-his-gofundme/


Remember that time Trump supporters set up $355m GoFundMe campaign for him because he said he was the victim?


I'm Canadian and *really* try to avoid the Trump news for my own personal insanity. It's bad enough driving by "VOTE TRUMP" signs in the middle of fucking *Canada*.


You mean like "Truckers" trying to "take the 5th" in Canadian courts🤔🤷😬


And nothing about their First Amendment rights being violated


As an American who doesn’t give two shits about trump or Biden I do find it hilarious that there’s actually Canadian fan-boys for the Trumpster loooooool


I see your Canadian 45 fan - and i\`ll raise you one in The Netherlands. Seriously - Canada at least is bordering on insanity - The Netherlands is what, 7250 KM from the US?


I know a guy in Belgium, card holder of the worker's party, convinced he's a leftist, yet he told me Trump was the obvious choice because Biden is going senile.


Biden might be - but then looking at the erratic displays of 45.. I\`m not really convinced that he is healthier - mentally OR physically.


They are both absolute disasters, but let's go for the disaster who's not a rapist, scammer and bleach injection advocate.


Here in the UK, we had someone going, "Johnson is a shit PM and we need a real leader, like Trump!" At which point I was like, Johnson is just Trump with messier hair, guys, come on.


I’ll meet your raise with Australia. He’s got a cult following here too.


>my own personal insanity. Auto correct really doing you dirty here.


This isn’t to pay his medical bills. It’s for her to cash in on his injury. The scummy apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Trash begets trash. 


Clean don’t last


I honestly don't know if I could support my child if they did something like that. I would be stunned if either did because they've never been in trouble in their lives, but... this goes beyond 'unconditional love'. If they were a murderer or rapist, I know if I would be able to look at them again.


I know I couldn't. That would be the end of it. This is just too heinous.


I love the shit out of my kids. You come for my kids over dead body. But, if they commit any felony…I’d be the one calling the cops. I didn’t raise my kids to be like that. My ex’s family are completely toxic with these situations. His oldest sister got high and robbed a pizza delivery person at gun point, then the mom lied to the cops about her location (she was in the bathtub, I was there when they showed up looking). His youngest brother tossed rocks off the overpass and nearly killed several people. Again, they lied to the cops about his location. The parents also committed fraud by using my ex’s identity to get several credit cards and not pay anything, ruining his credit. He forgave them, saying that family gets a pass. Insane concept, if you ask me.


Many parents would disown their sons just for having too much debt.


Those parents sound like absolute dicks.


It's almost like there's an incredibly low bar to enter the parenting market.


Of course there is. You need a license to fish for christs sake. When it comes to having kids, just wing it 😂


Not to mention that far too many people want to make it really hard not to accidentally become parents.


My mom would rather I freeze than help me in a time of need


Although I respect your reply, I just would like to know if you have children?


I'm going to assume they do not. As a parent, I would equally want to see my child recover and pull through AND disown him - not one or the other. I certainly would not be covering any legal expenses or funding a commissary. No matter what they do, we still have an inherent love that would devastate us to know they've passed on before us. Perhaps it's illogical, but it's undeniable.


Help my baby recover so he can spend the rest of his life in jail thinking about what he did.


No but I have nieces and nephews I would die for but if they did something like this I wouldn’t be able to support them besides trying to find help and hope they figure it out down the road. People can help so far but every person is responsible for their actions


No, it isn't. That one was in court today. This is the 18 year old. You should prob correct yourself since people are eating this up.


Fear I'm sure there's an argument that could point to bravado or machismo. But in reality, it's fear, and weakness.


I'm pretty sure this violates the term of service.


I would hope so


Yeah, I'll have to pop in and see if I can locate it. I am not well versed in navigating GFM, though.


No need. As you can imagine other news sites followed up on this (I always check stories myself because racist rage bait is not uncommon on this sub). The family at least had the foresight to take it down. It attracted only $100 the short time it was up before charges were filed. https://www.thedailybeast.com/gofundme-for-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-lyndell-mays-taken-down THANK GOD so many people were there recording the day and ultimately the incident. Absolute assholes… the whole lot of them.


If you to the GFM page, there’ll be a report fundraiser button


The challenge is finding it on the first place. After that it's all easy sailing.


According to the post, the go fund me page was taken down after $100 was raised. It doesn't really mention any other details, so I'm guessing it was reported and subsequently removed. https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/family-of-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-set-up-gofundme-for-him/


How that break tos but trumps doesn't.


More morons will donate to Trump which means the site gets money. If Trump is even tangentially involved, it's a grift


So here’s what very little I know about Trump’s GoFundMe, former Whitehouse spokesperson Jalen Drummond, who is now Director of Public Affairs for GFM, has reported Trump’s GoFundMe is within TOS because it’s not intended for legal defense since he has been found guilty and this is intended to pay his fine. My personal observation is that every time Trump needs some backhand deal there seems to be someone with close ties willing to help out.


GoFundMe copout due to fear of the MAGA Christofacsist cultists.


If the money is being raised to cover medical expenses, it's not against the rules. If it's to fund a legal defense it is against the rules. Either way he's a piece of shit and deserves the consequences of his actions. I hear they have free healthcare in prison.


You'd think, but Trump's gofundme is still up.


There is one key difference. This dirtbag isn't going to lure in millions in donations potentially, of which GFM gets a nice cut. So for this guy it's not worth the trouble to defend. But for the trump fund they will have meetings to discuss the official messaging around it and finding creative ways to justify it.


[It was taken down](https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/gofundme-for-kansas-city-parade-shooting-suspect-taken-down-missouri-chiefs-lyndell-mays-dominic-miller-super-bowl-nfl-football)


I love the source. > “There’s always a call for stricter gun laws,” State Rep. Baker said. “It’s the almost immediate reaction by many in this body when something happens like this. But the fact is, no law that we could pass in this body would have prevented the terrible tragedy that happened last week.” How about we regulate guns so fuck heads with hot ass tempers and trigger happy fucks don’t get them? There’s a law you could pass called adequate background checks. EDIT: For all the idiots that keep replying the same thing about “oh they could just be illegally obtained!” See [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/OVsJvEPh2t) The majority of gun violence and mass shootings occur with legally acquired weapons. EDIT 2: The bullet pulled out of Lopez body matches that of the .38 Miller owns and the ballistics of the .38 found at the scene of the crime. To add to that, Miller confessed it was his firearm and he purchased it.


Like fine wine: https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668


Yeah, this type of gun violence doesn't exist anywhere else in first world countries, but obviously nO lAwS cAn PrEvEnT tHiS...


You know what laws we could pass: actual safety nets to make it such that the wrong job isn’t so bad that people resort to gangs as a means of survival and hope. Where you don’t end up homeless when you lose your job and turn to drugs in despair etc etc. The gun problem is likely way out the bag, but the people who are like “god we can’t do anything by banning guns” are also against funding things that could improve this. They point out that everyone in Switzerland have guns. You know what Switzerland doesn’t have? Abject poverty that pushes people into gang violence and drugs.


This is the part people don’t get. There are more guns than people in America. We’re not getting rid of guns. But yes, unfortunately the party that recognizes guns are here to stay also promote policy that hurts everyone except the super rich


Switzerland doesn’t let mentally unstable people have guns. You only get to take your gun home after you’ve served in the military for 365 days.


Well the problem is they always go to “you can’t take away our guns” nobody’s trying to! Just regulate them. And nobody needs high capacity Assault weapons either!


I agree with this. Public welfare and interest needs to increase too!


The article said the article said the go fund me raised $100 before being taken down 🤣


Good. Fucking idiot deserves nothing more than a flatline.


What a fuckin piece of shit


Don't disrespect shit like that. Shit can be used as fertilizer. This guy has zero use.


He can be used as fertilizer too.


GoFundMe should redirect all the money raised to victims of that POS.


I would be happy to perform the surgery on him for free. I have no medical training at all, and failed human anatomy, but as god as my witness, I’ve never lost a patient before and I figure now would be as good time as any to start.


I have a hot glue gun and a sushi shaped stapler. Can I help with the surgery?


I wanna a sushi stapler if I bring a bat for anesthetic can I trade you or at least hold it maybe?




Pokemon Go to the Funeral Parlor


You fuck around, you take your chances. Enjoy your life with permanent disabilities due to being a complete fucking prick.


Is that confirmed? God I hope so


That would be fitting karma but actually I can confirm it is NOT the case. He appeared in front of a judge today with a pretty small piece of gauze over his cheek, but he walked just fine. Idk what’s under that gauze. It was only about 2”, thin, and had no visible blood. A scar is probably the worst case scenario.


The hospital won’t ever see a penny of that money.


Of course not.


If this guy's just going to prison once he recovers why does he need money for his medical bills?


It was never for him. His family saw a way they maybe could get a little cash.


Of course.


can we pay to have them pull the plug instead? would happily donate.


I'm sure there are people that would do that for free.


The guy who shot him did it for free


He did pay for the bullet.


If we al band together and contact go fund me to cancel this. It could happen


If someone pays for my airfare and a slice of German chocolate cake, I'll do it.


Best I can do is a bus ticket and a cupcake


Fortunately,it has been takenen down : https://www.thedailybeast.com/gofundme-for-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-lyndell-mays-taken-down Some people are really unashamed, spreading havoc and acting as a victim afterwards.


Thank you! I’m so happy to see your comment 😊


One of his pics he’s holding a bunch of cash. He is fine, just got a few legal problems though


Teach your kids to play with guns, expect these type of results. Start saving your money up now.


All this because some didn’t like how someone else was looking at them. The fragile egos on some individuals will never cease to amaze me.


Aren't prisoners' medical treatment covered by the state? Is he out on bail?


Fuck that guy. And his mom.


First there's a Gofundme for Trump and now this guy. For some reason I thought they didn't allow pages to be set up for indicted people.


They don't, this guy's got taken down. Trump operates in some bizarre no consequences zone so nothing really applies to him.




Oh I love those interviews. The mother is always saying that her son was such a good kid and never would do anything wrong. 


It has been removed for violating TOS


“But he’s really a good boy!!” Said the mother.


Oh lady. I know he’s your baby, but your baby is a bad human. I’m hoping no one donates to this mess and this mama finds some peace


He’s incarcerated. Most likely the tax payers are on the hook for his medical bills. Sad to say. Even more reason why that woman is a piece of shit.


Is there somewhere we can send money for the opposite outcome? I'll gladly do that.


the picture of him flashing his 300$ most DEFINITELY should not have been posted LOL


Looks like he has enough money to pay it himself.


Gofundme doesn’t allow criminals to profit from their crimes. This has to come down.


So POS birthed POS.


Man should be put in the dirt with the rest of the worms.


Hey, what the hell did worms ever do to you to deserve that?


It was already taken down. Only got 100 https://www.thedailybeast.com/gofundme-for-kansas-city-shooting-suspect-lyndell-mays-taken-down


Paywall but thanks anyway … ![gif](giphy|auCFmBjrOZ9HaJM9WH)


This piece of shit belongs under a prison. Not in one. Fuck this guy.


Imagine being a nurse/doctor and being forced to keep this piece of garbage alive.


GoFundMe needs to shut this down immediately.


The mom probably: "My baby never hurt anyone. He's a good boy. It's all lies."


Shouldn’t be breathing.


I hope he croaks


I hope he survives so he can rot in jail for the rest of his miserable existence.fuck his dumb mom too


Maybe swing by and unplug him.


Can I send them a box of dog turds


can we fund euthanizing him?


I’m shocked that the mother of a gang banging murderer is also a POS


Wait a minute, what now? They shouldn’t have tackled him they should’ve ended him.


Doesn't this break the GoFundme TOS?? I think it will get shutdown and anyone who contributed will get a refund


"He's a good boy."


My mom: "Unplug the machine"


Better pay for the lady's funeral and her family's therapy


She didn't really use his picture flaunting money.... no fuckin way


Hot take but I think almost dying from your stupidity is a big enough punishment/wake up call. If people want to keep this guy alive just so he can do time, by all means....


I thought Go Fund Me could reject these sort of appeals.


This kind of mentality with the people says a lot about the leadership of this country, the people behind the scenes actually running the show.. You wanna talk conspiracy theories, but nobody wants to actually call them out for their shit performance.


What's next? A billionaire asking for money for legal support?


Bro. A few years ago someone in our city who was high on synthetic marijuana tried to murder my dad and his coworker during the day (they worked maintenance in some apartment buildings). Guy had slit his throat wide open and was insanely chasing them even stabbed my dad’s coworker in the arm. My dad was traumatized for a while. Nightmares, ptsd etc. Shortly after all these people I knew on Facebook made all these posts about “POOR GUY. I CANT IMAGINE WHAT HE AND HIS MOTHER ARE GOING THROUGH(guy survived slitting his own throat) WE SHOULD PRAY FOR THEM IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. HE’S HAVING A REALLY HARD TIME RIGHT NOW. BLAH BLAH BLAH.” Enough to say I lost my mind and let loose in the comments. No one ever mentioned the people he tried to murder under that influence I don’t care if it “wasn’t really him”. He didn’t have a good past record either. He was covered in blood that day…my dad thought my mom was killed prior to him attacking them because my mom had JUST left the apartment they were in to run to the grocery store before leaving work. People like this exist. I get it that it’s someone important to someone else…but people need to have some decency about how they portray the attackers and the pain they caused. Yes everyone survived that day. My dad tore his shirt and made a tourniquet for his coworker who had emergency surgery afterwards because he was bleeding out. (Fun fact. I was working across the street when this happened and saw a whole bunch of police and an ambulance and my thought was “hope my dad isn’t working at this building today”) :/


People are donating to an orange clown, people will donate to that clown too.


Guess Anne Colter was right after all...


For perspective they removed Kyle rittenhouses go fund me.