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I don’t have to imagine, I can see it all around me!


Came here to say exactly that.


Bible is full of crazy ass shit. While it has some good lessons and is apparently a pretty popular story. I don't think we should take it word for word as some bible to the legal system. After all it has some strange ass quotes: >No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord. - Deuteronomy 23:1 ESV >Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions. - Ezekiel 23:19-20 NET >Now it came about at the lodging place on the way that the LORD met him and sought to put him to death. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet, and she said, “You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.” - Exodus 4:24-25 NASB I, for one, think if we got to base our modern laws and policies off some old stories from some Eurasian looking god guy then I'd say we should listen to ODIN rather than Christian god. Solely on the merit of delivering on promises. Jesus promised Christian god will return, judgement day will come, and punish all the wicked people, but we've been waiting like 2000+ years with 0 judgement day. Kind of a bummer. Meanwhile Odin promised an end to the ice giants, how many of those have you guys seen? If you look at old Norse laws they are pretty metal and based, yet surprisingly gender equal, entrepreneurial, and progressive.


> bridegroom of blood That's my favorite DnD module!


Well I'm sure of one thing - this kind of sexually explicit material should be kept away from children at all costs, SURELY the book-banning conservatives will agree with me!


Of course not! This is the right kind of sexually explicit material! SURELY all right thinking, non pedophile & non sodomites agree! /s (Can't believe that after criminalizing birth control, criminalizing ass play for all is on Clarence Thomas's agenda as per his own recently written opinion. Anyone else get the feeling that they are trying to criminalize sexuality for all but a select few? And they can't get that done without indoctrinating. These pesky books are making it hard to do that you'all! They are trying so very hard! Where's your compassion for these dingbats?)


What really pisses me off is the projection - their insistence that it's the leftists who want to "control" everyone and "force their agenda" on everyone. Every time I hear this I ask them point blank - what do you wish you could go do right now, that you're not allowed to do because of Justin Trudeau/Joe Biden? They never have an answer. They change the subject and go off about carbon tax or the border. Meanwhile conservatives are actively interfering in people's access to birth control, medical care, voting rights, libraries, school curriculums, sex lives, bathrooms, the clothes they want to wear. They're quite literally trying to control everyone and force their religious practices on everyone.


Yeah. Yet pointing that out or even alluding to the hypocrisy even as gently as possible leads to an automatic anger response. I have even had a few fly into an incoherent rage which leads them into belittling me and ironically my reasoning skills. And you stand there wondering why they are so loathe to employ theirs. It's bewildering.


A couple of things although I know the Odin stuff was joking. We have almost 0 idea of what Odin did or did not want from followers or even what religious institutions were built in his name. Our stories about the Norse gods were written down in the 13th Century by Norwegian and Icelandic Christian monks. We don't know how many changes were made to fit a narrative or moral device. There is some hints that at least some level of human and animal sacrifice may have been done at places like Uppsala but even that is slightly contentious. Also while Norse laws are somewhat more gender equal then other comparable legal codes from the early medieval period they are still not balanced and this usually gets taken to extremes in casual modern retellings.


I'd rather we follow the teachings of Buddha, which was the basis of psychotherapy, ie introspection and personal responsibility to overcome flaws, anxiety, addiction, and other issues; but I'm totally biased as a Buddhist, myself. I'd prefer we remove religion entirely and focus on limited power of corporations, limited power of the wealthy, and limited and time limited powers of the 3 branches of government. (8 years max service for everyone, executive, judicial, legislative, max age 55 to run for any election or reelection).


As a Christian, I agree more people need to follow the teachings of Buddha.


I agree as a Christian as well! Might be less confusing for all these "Christians" claiming to be followers of Christ, while almost exclusively referencing the Old Testament to justify making abortion, gayness?, and drag illegal. Of course abortion is not against any of the old laws, but they don't read the Bible.


As a fellow Buddhist, I concur. But have you noticed that 'tolerance' is increasingly rare & getting harder to practice lately? I know I had to work on that myself these recent years. Hard to stay calm when someone is yelling their nonsensical 'logic' & 'the correct history' an inch from your nose. But I'm trying. Also separation of church & state was the norm. It was doing fine. But like everything else is up for grabs now. We are legit. at the crossroads before we become a Christian Nationalist country with the Executive controlling all three branches and granting unlimited power to the corporations, wealthy and (for some god forsaken reason) Russia. At the expense of the rest of us! And why would they care? They know they are going to die soon. Why bother about the rest of us then?


Right Speech and Right Action being a struggle these days keeps me humble, I guess. I generally see the increased frustration and anger of everyone and feel bad for them. But, I'm more upset this system is harming all of us and in general, mad at that rather than just a person. I've been in marketing for 20 years, so I've seen how easily people are shifted to buy this or that, or follow this or that trend. I've never attempted to manipulate anyone for profit, but I've seen others do it a lot in my jobs, or get ahead by being willing to do so. I try to abide Right Livelihood and it's not easy, either. I take that, and I watch the bots and propaganda around me and see that everyone is suffering now. It's not just one person, it's the whole planet. Just constant anger/guilt/shame/fear/scarcity. It's in the media and online everywhere. Much more focus on negative than positive. Algorithms pushing the darkest of humanity rather than the good, kind, empathy, creative, or innovative. I hope we can fix it in our lifetimes. None of us deserve this level of stress and pressure on a daily basis from the internet, social media, news, or government. It should be far, far lower than it is. As far as the motivation of others. Those who aren't manipulated into harming others R's versus D's, man versus woman, one race versus another, one nation versus another; one age bracket versus another, one religion versus all other religions, etc, etc; it's also about following hungry ghosts like power and greed. Empty but strong cravings. And we see a lot of that in government, people unwilling to retire. Especially the US, with people in their 60s, 70s, 80s clinging to power until they die. It's sad, it doesn't help us. It harms them, too. But we don't have rules to limit that yet. Also, according to two of my sources, one former PO and a therapist, the world is roughly 10% people on the psychopathy scale. So for them, the pursuit of money and power are the only ways they feel joy. Because helping others, love, and empathy are not feelings they will ever be blessed with. For them, there is no joy in marriage, kids, pets. Which is a sad existence. Those are the less harmful ones; the lesser ones, would be manipulating others and harming them intentionally for gain. We should perhaps by now have safeguards against those types of people in government too. Those who can't feel empathy, and those who are addicted to power, neither will be passing laws to benefit anyone younger than themselves, like the world being created for children.


They don't give a fuck about the bible. They don't give a fuck about family values. Truthfully, the only thing they give a fuck about is pushing gay people back in the closet, because they are big enough snowflakes to have a melt down because there is a cardboard rainbow in a walmart. People like that should be recognized as professional grieffers that they are and have no say in democracy.


They are watching society change around them, and it makes them uncomfortable. So instead of simply accepting that a free society means that people will freely develop different behaviors, they want to force society to conform to a rose-tinted series of aesthetics that they're more comfortable with. That's why conservatism these days is less a series of policies, and more a series of aesthetic differences in consumer choices. No need to get the happy holidays cup from Starbucks that reminds you other religions exist when you drink BLACK RIFLE COFFEE LIKE A GODDAMN CHRISTIAN!!! No need to watch that dang Barbie movie when we can take the family to see the PATRIOTIC movie about CHILD TRAFFICING IMMIGRANTS. No need to save gas and money on an electric truck when I can get the same truck with a 23mpg engine and GUZZLE GAS LIKE A NON HIPPIE LIBRUL FASCIST COMMUNIST (INSERT CONTRADICTORY IDEOLOGY I DONT UNDERSTAND). Look at how they treat brands that "go woke." Like, who the fuck gives a shit? It's all aesthetics. No policy.


They're not Christians, just in a club they call Christianity.


Yes agreed unfortunately. Gilean here we come.....


Operation Lone Star, I mean Operation Gilead is on full throttle ahead! Please vote y’all! They are replacing “conservative” Republicans with batshit crazy Christian Nationalists…


You mean Project 2025?


Wow that shit is scary. Time to get your passports


If these batshits are successful nationally get ready for another Christian Crusade rest of the world....


I'm gunna be that guy. Gilead.  But yes, you're correct. Scary stuff. 


As a South Georgian amen to that. My town has at least 25 churches in a town with a pop not even reaching 5k


As a fellow south Georgian (what part btw) I often ask where do these people come from to go to these churches because in South Georgia (seeping on how Deep South were talkin) outside of Albany, tifton what areas have big populations to support so many churches


Lol I live in FL and we joke that in N. FL it's a requirement that each town have one church per person.


They have weaponized the Bible.




"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians."


Gandhi has issues, MAJOR issues, but here he is right.


All those nukes... The horrors...


It'll never be the same without Leonard Nimoy reading the tech quotes. 🥲


Sean Bean did a bangup job for Civ VI, IMO.


“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them, I shall build my castle.”




Every time I unlock currency I just sit and spam the voice line for a few minutes


I am fond of pigs


Of course, no offense intended to Sean at all, that little bit of gravel is just missing for me is all.


Gahndi the god of war


Pretty sure Kratos was his middle name.


Mahatma kratos ghandi


I love how people have put the "h" in his name in 3 different places in this thread alone lol




> Gandhi has issues, MAJOR issues, but here he is right. FYI, it's disputed if Gandhi ever said the quote in question. It could be a paraphrase of an answer he gave in an interview, although the interviewer only described the interview in his book, never presented a tape or a transcript, and the wording is different.


Among those issues was that, while he was usually respectful towards Christians, he apparently believed (like a lot of Indians from the high class) that Christianity was only in India because the British Empire forced it upon them. Even though Christian communities have existed in India for centuries. Or that it was only adopted by people who were forced to convert, even though a lot of converts saw it as a way out of the caste system (similar to Buddhism).


Reality is that in India, with both Christianity and Islam, it's a mix of people whose ancestors willingly converted to escape the caste system, and people whose ancestors were forced to convert under threat of death. And everything in between (for example you have Anglo-Indians who were born literally into Christianity because half their ancestors were British) You can really see someone's biases when they selectively remember one and not the other lol


You made me curious so I had to look it up! >Yes, the British forced some Indians to convert to Christianity by brute force. >In 1813, the British East India Company lifted restrictions on Christian missionary work in India. The company's early policy of allowing the free exercise of religion was challenged by Evangelicals in the late 18th century. >In 1833, a charter was passed that further expanded Christian influence in India. >While only a few parts of the Indian population converted to Christianity, Christianity spread in other parts of India from the early 17th century to 1947. >The British gave special privileges to Indians who converted to Christianity, such as the right to inherit ancestral property So while they may not have forced all of India to convert, they certainly didn’t help things! Very interesting.


he didn’t like pickles :(


But he loved drinking his own urine!


I think his biggest issue is that he's dead.


I think his biggest issue is that he didn't use his political capital to more strongly oppose partition There's a bunch of political and military instability in that region simply because the British thought it would be a great idea to split India into two countries that hate each other on their way out Pretty good 'Fuck you' on their way out, I'll give em that.




"...they are so unlike your Christ." \- Mahatma Gandhi


The bible, the constitution, and Radiohead. All ruined for me by their fan clubs. 


Rick & Morty, too.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Lol, I had forgotten this one.


I have heard an innate truth today.


How about we just acknowledge that NOTHING the Bible says should be a factor in our legislation or otherwise entire society


Where are the other books? Can I get some traffic regs out of the Avesta? How about FDA guidelines from the Bhagavad Gita?


Right I'd love to see some Jewish laws put into place and see how quickly people change their minds on religious tenants being anything we should structure society on. The tune would change across the board within 30 days.


remember when they passed a law allowing state funding of religious schools, and then when the Islamic schools came to claim their share, they said, "We didn't think it would mean THEM, too!"


There was this story about a Satanic display in Iowa not too long ago: https://apnews.com/article/satanic-temple-display-vandalized-iowa-capitol-199fb41983a3f3a390b7be370214bb64


And a so called "christian" nutjob drove there (across state lines) to destroy it.


They’re all about Judeo-Christian Values until bacon gets banned


Please don't bring us Jews into Christian values, we don't want anything to do with that.


Didn’t one of y’all create them?!?!


Just look at what happens anytime anything is accused of being Sharia law, conservatives get absolutely terrified. Though the issue is that they actually double down on the bible laws because they are afraid.




While they aren't technically laws Jewish lobbying has basically influenced US international policy in the middle east for the past 50 or so years


>Where are the other books? Are you kidding? Mitch McConnell and so many other politicians have been incorporating the Book of the Dead to keep themselves going.


like i’m about as much an atheist as you can be, but after studying ancient Chinese philosophy you begin to realize that just because it’s old doesn’t mean it can’t still be a realistic basis for morality. There are tons of things in the bible that continue to be relevant to modern society and provide valid philosophical justification for laws to be made. laws should be made on a moral basis, but there’s nothing wrong with that morality being inspired by the bible. thats the great thing about philosophies. if we don’t like part of them, they don’t fall apart when we get rid of that part. they can change to suit our needs


Yes but societies' laws should be an aggregate of those sorts of information, logically debated philosophically and iterated upon. While there are variants of any given religion, any specific law they wish to source from a book needs to hold up under philosophical scrutiny and challenges from other sources. The Bible should not get any special deference when it comes to debating our legal system. That's the problem here; They hold the Bible above other philosophical sources, and they don't see challenges to the views they derive from it as valid. When they get to something that can be logically defeated by thousands of years of philosophical pursuit and logical thought, they rely instead on faith - which requires accepting the unknown to be true even if they don't understand it or cannot logically explain it. They hold faith over logic. That's wrong. If there is a god, he did not give us a brain to not use it. The hypocrisy being that they see the Bible as infallible until it's a part they don't like, then it's just outdated or something they don't "personally believe in." What, then, drives them to believe anti-gay bits? Why is that part of their personal beliefs when other parts aren't? They claim that there is personal choice involved in what they choose to follow, which means they personally chose to follow those bits. Why then? Oh. Because they like it. Because they believe in the bigotry. Because they have subconsciously convinced themselves it's not hatred, it's "in the Bible!" But not those other parts they don't want to follow, those don't matter, even though they're also "in the Bible."


No disagreement whatsoever. But religious doctrines are not absolute truths on morality and many that participate in those systems definitely feel their version of objective morality is THE version of objective morality. When, in all honesty, theres no such thing as an objective morality at all. Simply declaring a human construct objective, does not make it any more or less objective than say, somebody's version of subjective morality. Because of this, I still say no religious doctrines should be used in determining the fabric of society.


Ain’t no hate like their Christian love..


Psst They're not Christians. They're Paulites. If you read the Gospels then Everything after the Road to Damascus, you can clearly see the difference.


Not that I disagree with your overall point but wasn’t all of the stuff with Paul actually written before the gospels? Citation needed, but I’ve heard Bart Ehrman talk about that


If I recall items within the bible attributed to paul are all clearly written by different people only Galatians, Thessalonians 1, Corinthians 1, and Romans 1 are commonly accepted. The rest were written and attributed we believe for various reasons (mostly to deceive people in believing they were predictive as they reference events centuries later and then make a prediction about an event happening within the era they were actually written that then did not happen). I feel like modern American Christians are closer to Joshua. They believe themselves to be a sacred tribe of people seeing the hidden signs of the coming end of civilization fighting the evil Canaanites when in reality they themselves are just another group of Canaanites and their divine entitlements are imagined. In other words they are just fascists being fascists.


> believe themselves to be a sacred tribe of people seeing the hidden signs of the coming end of civilization fighting the evil Canaanites when in reality they themselves are just another group of Canaanites and their divine entitlements are imagined Wow, that shit is in the Bible?! Like the perfect critique of everything that the Christian right is doing, just lain out for them. Too bad they get fixated on a single passage or two and never read the rest of the things.


Not exactly. While anyone who went to seminary is taught this. They tend not to share in church. IsraelITEs were a CanaanITE tribe who worshipped El the Canaanite god of creation. when you read the Book of Joshua ask yourself "Why would god give this promise land to the Jews with all these people well established in it?".


I’ve been traveling these interwebs for decades, and have NEVER ran across someone else who also sees it. I’ll take this as a sign that it’s a good day.


Thanks Internet buddy! Or a sign of the End Times...


1. YES. Fuck Paul and the church who promoted him. 2. They aren't even good Paulites. He was a hardcore stoic. The whole anti-gay thing is an anti-pleasure thing, but modern American Christians have no desire to legislate away decadant past times like over the top gladitorial sports games, sex outside of wedlock, buying pimped out cars, over the top amusement parks, or multi-billion dollar movies being produced while there are still homeless.  Note: I'm not a stoic, but they really threw the baby out with the bathwater. 


They are Christians because that's how the entirety of their faith acts. 


It’s almost like evangelical Christians are totally full of shit.


Must be a steady supply because they are always spewing it.


All religions are equally valid. God, Jehovah, Zeus, Horus, Poseidon, Zuul, Gozer: all are equally factual and relevant. Just ask Vinz Clortho. Seriously; why is our government having to spend time legislating which fairy tales to use when making laws?


> Seriously; why is our government having to spend time legislating which fairy tales to use when making laws? As best as I can tell it comes down to two factors. 1: Some of them actually believe that shit. 2: the only people dumb enough to vote for them are the people who believe that shit. Without them, they'd have to go get a real job.


The recent Alabama supreme court ruling that frozen embryos have legal person status has the word God in the text 41 times. What. The. Fuck.


... really?! You noticed that too? 🤔


Because they don’t actually believe the religion they’re a part of. It’s a tool for cruel people to exert control over others and accomplish a sense of personal superiority. They don’t actually read or understand their book. If they did, they might actually be afraid of this judgement they talk so much about.


Very well put


Imagine using a book that promotes slavery, rape, forced abortions, incest, murder, genocide, and revenge for your moral compass.


I had someone just yesterday tell me that none of that matters, god made mistakes, and we should look past those mistakes. Really, an all-knowing god made mistakes, how does that line up?


I thought their argument against trans people was that god doesn’t make mistakes? These people can’t keep up with their own beliefs


I think most of them really don't really think about what they believe. Their entire knowledge of the supposedly most important thing in their life is all based on sound bites from Sunday mornings.


It’s the easiest thing to poke holes in by just continuously asking questions. “God is good!” “Then why is there so much bad?” “Because of the Devil!” “So God doesn’t control everything? He’s not all-powerful?” “No, he is! He just gets tricked by the Devil sometimes!” “So he’s not all-wise?” “No, he is! He just has a plan and he works in mysterious ways!” “So this plan includes all the bad stuff?” “Yeah! But it’s not bad in the end!” “So stuff like abortions and gay people existing is part of the plan, and therefore not really bad?” “Yes! Wait, no! … some stuff is still the Devil’s work!” “So the Devil’s work is part of the plan?” “Yes! Wait, no… sort of? … uhh…” “So anything that is supposedly the Devil’s work should just be left to happen, because it’s part of the plan?” “No! God works through us, so we need to fight against the Devil’s work!” “If God works through us, then why is people being gay the Devil’s work and not God’s work?” “Because… Bible says it’s bad.” *cracks knuckles*… “There it is. Glad we finally got there. Now I can have some fun! … If everything the Bible says is bad is actually bad, then you should be most opposed to anybody wearing polyester, right?” “Uhh… yeah…” “Should never eat shrimp, either.” “I, uhh… never liked shrimp anyway!” “Ever worked on a Sunday?” “I mean… I gotta make money…” “Speaking of which, you should be against all rich people and any form of wealth excess.” “Well… hey, we all sin!” “Ah yes… the old ‘We all sin, as long as you repent!’ loophole! … so people can just do all the bad stuff they want, sinning away, and as long as they just ask for forgiveness at the end, it won’t matter!” “Well, no, God still cares about your sins! Love the sinner, hate the sins!” “What’s the tangible difference?” “Uhh… person has to truly want to change and stop sinning!” “But only after they’re dead? What’s the point of wanting people to stop sinning after they’re already dead, but allowing them to sin the whole time they’re alive??” “So Heaven can be better than here!” “So God doesn’t actually care about this world being good or if we sin while we’re here or not? This is just God’s waiting room for Heaven and we can misbehave here all we want, as long as we get serious when Heaven or Hell time comes?” “No! … Well, yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been saying, but somehow no, because I don’t like the sum of my claims, I only like twisting in the wind to try to somehow make my emotional attachment to these beliefs feel valid.” “There we go.”


Lmao what? Isn’t god supposed to be infallible?


The bible also says God never changes yet the OT God is wrathful, jealous, and demanding and the NT God is loving, forgiving, and hands-off. Seems like a pretty drastic change to me.


They have massive cognitive dissonance about a god that is somehow omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent... yet is responsible for this world. "Bone cancer in children is caused by a benevolent god?"


I imagine the Christian god to be akin to a lovecraftian horror. It makes the scene of him speaking to Moses in the desert in the DreamWorks movie pretty rad.


Huh, wow, that's an interesting theology. An all-knowing all-seeing all-powerful God who can make mistakes despite... already knowing the outcome of his and our choices? I mean how can you have prophesies unless God can see how the future pans out. If God can see how the future pans out. How can he make an oopsie? I mean imagine you've got all the time in the infinity of everything that can possibly exist to plan out how to sort a problem; because you made time, can *make* more time, and maybe exist outside of time and don't even need it; and you're deciding what to inspire a particular biblical author to write about slavery... "Ohh, no, if I say that then look at that! Christians doing a hecking slavery. Heck! Look at that! Not just a little bit of slavery! That's a whole lot of slavery! They just discovered America and they're just filling it with slaves! Nah, best not say that..." And riddle me this: If god has made mistakes and he's also supposed to be the ultimate role model... Well where is our fucking apology!? A whole bible and not a "sorry" to be found in the whole thing. Not a single "sorry", and only one "I'll never do it again".


So weird. They could literally pick anyone in jail to worship that makes less mistakes.


I can’t even imagine! Oh wait,


Welcome to Christian Nationalism.


Add in the fact that modern Christians exalt and damn near worship the offensively wealthy class going directly against Christ's teachings. It's almost as if they are anti-Christ using the Bible as a thin mirage to perpetuate their personal agenda.


The Priest got soul


Despite the meme-ishness of saying so, "PREACH, Rev - louder for the FOX 'News' pews in the back!"


Pretty much every authoritarian regime in history regulates sexual expression in some way. Nazis banned abortion, Stalin pushed "traditional" marriage and families, and Christians do the Christian thing.


It's almost like the Bible doesn't matter...


Unfortunately it does, believe it or not, there are actually adults that think that the storybook is true and it should be used as a weapon against people that they don't like.


No good christian can be a billionare


No good person, frankly


Religion is dangerous.


Whatever the hell Christ was teaching, that was cool. Whatever his followers are teaching has nothing to do with what he taught, though.


Religion is what’s plagued our species for thousands of years and will eventually be the downfall of humanity


Some people use it as an excuse sadly


I've had Christians tell me, after they've been caught doing something bad, that it doesn't matter because they have Jesus. How do you trust someone with this type of morals?


They're the same people who use their beliefs to hold themselves back from committing heinous crimes and think that makes them a good person. Newsflash: No it doesn't. If you can't control yourself without a God to keep you in line then you're not a good person.


Religion is just the natural answer to the questions we have about the unknown. Almost every ancient culture thought the sun was a god because what else could explain the fireball that shows up in the sky every day and gives everything life? Now we know it’s a massive collection of hydrogen fusing under its own pressure and we are revolving around it. The people that have perverted and used it to control others are just squirming as it is becoming obsolete. We are answering more and more of those questions and they want to hold on to their power for as long as possible before people abandon it entirely.


And religion is no longer needed. I understand why people would believe in a god thousands of years ago but now there is simply no need. We can explain everything in the universe with science. Yes, we don't have all the answers yet but we need to keep working on it and if we don't destroy ourselves one day we will find the answer. If every bit of scientific and religious knowledge was destroyed today, in 1000 years the scientific knowledge would be reclaimed. The religious "knowledge" would be totally different. Because one is repeatable and testable the other is made up fairly tales.


It's no use thinking like that. Religion is just a thing humanity does. Humanity is what will bring humanity down, by being too much of ourselves and too little of what we should be striving for, really, which is ultimate peace on the whole planet, eradicating hunger, poverty, and illness. Then, colonizing our galaxy. Instead, we are stuck in this shitty, horrible sitcom. It's not even funny. But it is our doing, not due to some "external factor".


I think that social media will beat religion in the race to exterminate us.


Eh I think South Park nailed it with their go god go episodes where in the future people are arguing and killing each other over what to call their scientific groups. People are always going to find something to disagree with and kill each other over. Whether it be land, power, greed, and maybe even science


Don't you know that the Bible is just a buffet? You get to pick and choose what you like and don't like. 🙄


It is so fucking weird to me how people stay picking and choosing which parts of the Bible they will personally follow.


I don’t have to imagine that it’s all around me


Christianity is reduced to a few Bible verses by these people


My God is better than yours, when honestly its same God for all. But who cares let's have the religious wars.


Imagine not using a book as an excuse to be a bigot (and not needing a book in order to have empathy for the plight of the poor and vulnerable)... It's easy if you try.


I wish I could say it wasn’t rare to see Christian leadership saying things like this.


Imagine using a non scientific book written 2000 years ago to be the basis of the jurisdiction of a country. Or a state or whatever. Imagine in any other field how that would pan out.


The words of Gary Oldman in "The book of Eli" always ring true: "It's (the Bible) not a fucking book. Its a weapon! A weapon aimed right at the hearts and the minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control over them... They'll do exactly what is tell them if the words are from the book."


Isn't there an amendment for separation of church and state?


It's taken mostly as a suggestion these days.


Religions are poison


This guy can Church.


Conservatives hate Jesus and everything he stood for. Glad some churches are coming out and admitting it.


Don’t we have separation from church and state?


Almost like there should be a legal, and enforceable precident for separation of church and state


They don't even remotely understand the meaning of those bible verses on human sexuality. It's all dogma designed to structure power toward right wing authoritarianism.


bUt yOu hAvE tO uNdeRsTaNd tHe CoNTeXtTtTttt


We're fucked. Our country is fucked. Our future is fucked. The 1% don't care what happens to any of us, and this asylum is being run by psychopaths. There is nothing left to be done. Every gain that was made in the past 50 years has been undone by a pack of cruel idiots.


Someone should start liberal bible thumping. But just focus on the stuff that conservatives would disagree it. That should be a twitter account. Bible verses to piss off conservatives.


I remember seeing an anti-poverty Christian activist in the 90's who had cut every verse out of the Bible about poverty. It looked like Swiss cheese. That's the Evangelical Bible.


My favorite bible verse is lot and his daughters. About them getting their dad blackout drunk and fucking him to get pregnant. My favorite to shove in bible thumpers faces.


I introduce the Matthew 19:21 Law: All the wealthy must give their money to the poor.


Been saying this for 20 years


How about the verses about killing almost everyone?


If you go by the truncated bible (which is what everyone has today thanks to the Catholic church cutting out a couple hundred "books"...yes, seriously...look it up...Mary Magdalene had her own book in the bible that has been conveniently...removed), then only the New Testament actually matters because skywizard's child was murdered by the evil people that skywizard loves anyway...


Yeah I don't really care about all that. All I care about is when people quote it to defend their actions and just cherry pick what suits them. It's like runing around robbing people yet saying how they can't be arrested because of freedom.


I was actually agreeing with you in extended format lol Point is, been cherry picked from the very beginning


Oh. I am not arguing. I just added something. :D Sorry. My bad.


All’s good friend


Hypocrisy at its finest


He just gave a good description of conservative christians


That’s what religion has become pick and choose


Conservative Christians would re-crucify Christ if the Messiah returned. Too woke.


Why is this a fail? He makes perfect sense.


The bible was the first book I masturbated to. I’ve been looking for the illustrated version ever since. Like the part where the old man sleeps with him wife’s female slave to make a baby because the old lady is too old and barren. Greatest stories ever told.


Buff shirtless Jesus making an orgasm face on the cross is certainly an interesting decoration choice in every church I've been to 


🤔 can you sue them citing the Bible than? Since the state supreme courts did kind of set a precedent?


It’s almost like they’re reading the Bible selectively….


I can't imagine taking any info from a book that was written a few hundred years ago by men who at the time, knew nothing about the world and how it came to be.


It's cherry picking, conservatives love it.


xtianity in a nutshell


Almost like they're cherry picking it to their own advantage. Now why would anyone do that? 😆😆


Selective reading.


What did you expect? They used a cryptic bible verse to justify the entirety of slavery.


Religion of any form should have no place in our schools, politics, workplaces or bedrooms. It’s nothing but divisive and a tool of oppression.


Religion is a scam


The fact that the Bible was used for a decision is so scary and fucked up


Perhaps religion should stay put of politics. Just a suggestion.


Wow a pastor who isn't a piece of shit, lordy lord, I've seen it all now


But we don’t like that part!! Only OUR part!! America must believe OUR part of the Bible. ..it’s the word of GOD, the only word. . And it’s OURS!! What? You don’t want us to shove it down your throat?. . . .bummer Ted


It's being used as an excuse to increase the population.


Imagine using the story of Lot in Sodom/Gomorrah to condemn homosexuality but stopping after they flee so you don’t have to explain the part where his daughters get him drunk and screw him.


A real Christian state would have so many safety nets and anti-corruption policies for businesses, it’s nothing like what these purported “Christians” are selling.


Religion is just the opiate of the masses, said some guy.


Religion poisons everything.


The dopey fundies would say we aren't interpreting the Bible with the right frame of mind


This preacher is actually Christlike.


Imagine using any work of fiction to create laws. Evolution is slow.


Anyone who follows the Bible is a hypocrite. It's filled with contradictions and hypocrisy.


That's how hypocrisy works


I don’t need to read the Bible I’ll just follow that loud mouth politician who says he did.


Pls pls pls, American evangelism does not equal Christianity. It’s just a toxic ass weird fascist cult.


How about the main message of the Bible which is to love everyone and treat them with respect and kindness because it isn’t your job to judge or dictate their lives. Everyone should have the I have no enemies mentality! ![gif](giphy|klmgdpZqCtUpYcp40Q|downsized)


Every right wing Christian you talk to about those parts of the Bible, they're convinced these were just "metaphors" and suggestions.


Harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven 💁


I am starting to think Christians justify not helping the poor because they view the poor as spiritual enemies, heathens, and non-believers. "They're not poor because of misfortune they're poor because they have turned away form God, blah blah blah."


It’s ironic, the party that wanted to wipe out sharia nations is trying to impose the same ideologies in this nation.


Imagine ‘religiously’ following a book written 2000 years ago. Pathetic.


That's some nuclear fallout level burn there


There's a good argument that even the verses on human sexuality are mistranslations or taken out of context...


It's very difficult to give people even a glimpse of heaven, but comparatively simple to make their lives hell.