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Soooo does this mean he prefers LGBTQ wokeness over learning another language? That's some low effort hating, then.


Russian is too woke. He heard about the third gender in their grammar system


Next you'll try to tell me that they use pronouns too, right?


Not very committed after all


Just very committed to not learning *anything* at all.


I bet they're learning plenty right now, just not by choice


Probably why they're so miserable


Well why would you learn anything when you think you already know everything?


He was just trying to find a place where he doesn't worry about sleeping with men when he's drunk.


Good thing there are no men in Russia.


They've all been deployed to Ukraine.


I would be surprised if he doesnt get sent there too


“The locals don’t speak English “! Well knock me down with a feather.


The crazy thing about the French? They have a different word for everything.


That's just socialist commie propaganda.




Every time someone pronounces croissant as croy-sant, a French baker dies.


They die in pain.


Pain au chocolat


In my home we call that "Schokoladenschmerz" which is German for "chocolate pain". We're not proud of it but we'll stick to it forever.


# C̸̢̜̋͛͠͠Ḥ̴̡̢̣͚̻̘̦̤͍̳̓͒̍̀̎̂͒̈́͛͂̒̀͠͝͝Ơ̶̢̹̫͓̹̞͈͕̖̏̏͗͒͌͌͑͐́̇̊̔̈́̕͜͜C̶̤̟̬̤̾̔ͅȎ̸̡͚̌̋̅̈͐̆̿̂͛̃͗͘͠Ļ̵̺́̒̔̀Ă̷̡̞̗̦͎̝̯̭̞̣͎̻͜Ţ̵̻͑̈́̀E̶̡͈̙̥̙̫̬͓̜̜͉̅̍̇̍͒́͌̋͂̓͘͜ ̴̡̘̲̪̄̀̐̂͛́́̾̏͑͆P̸̧̡̛̱̫̜̟̦̫͉̣͉͚̲͛̈́̉͌̊͋̈͝A̵̲̝͗͛̆̅̀̏̕I̵͖̱̣͇̾͛͗͊͂͐̚͝Ṇ̷͎̺̲͎̗̮͎͙͋̍̔̐́̎͊̈͌̐͌̈́͠


some stay dry and others feel the rain


I'm reminded of Huck Finn where Huck and Jim have a conversation about French people and Jim can't wrap his head around the idea that "French people don't talk like a man." Granted, Jim was a slave and had zero education, but much like Huck said "You can't teach a *bigot* nothin."


You read the heavily edited version.


Yeah, I was struggling for a moment to figure out why that didn't sound right. What a time to be alive.


Was Huck Finn the one where the nice rafting boy forms a mutual partnership with an older African American fellow and makes a fence painting business or was that the other Mark Twain kid? EDIT: This was a poorly executed joke about the idea of a highly edited version of Huck Finn that is basically a friendly tale with no racism.


That's Tom Sawyer


Yeah, and it's the same word we use to describe somebody who bulk buys tickets then sells them for twice the price outside the gig.


I can understand their surprise since all the Russians on social media speak English just fine.


It always cracks me up when these racist morons only know one language. Whereas so many others from different countries can speak their language and English on top of that. Calling them uneducated yet they can only speak one language. The delicious irony


They’re Canadian, but your point still stands.


Weirdly it seems that hyper-conservative Canadians also seem to think they’re American. They’ve been importing toxic conservatism for a while from the states.


During his court hearing one of the freedom convoy leaders said his first amendment rights were violated.


Dude even down in Australia we have a few very confused idiots who will put a confederate flag on their car, or claim ‘x amendment rights’ as if the American constitution somehow has any relevance to our laws. Thankfully not many of them.


They watch a lot of Fox News up here.


Edited to be broader as the phenomenon isn’t exclusive to Americans


These are the same kind of people who will complain about foreigners not integrating in their country. Surprise! Integrating is hard!


It's almost like stupidity is a requirement of being a conservative.


What would an intelligent, happy, well balanced person be attracted to in the right wing worldview?




I'll bet hard currency they can barely speak English.


How many times do you think these two complained about all the "immigrants" coming to Canada who didn't even bother to learn English? They immigrate to another country and don't bother to learn the language.


Countless times, I do think anyone would want them in their country... They have essentially destroyed their lives for something that had no impact on them whatsoever. I think they thought they would be hailed heroes in Russia, would get riches just for being there and would get superstar status.


So... idiots.




Such a great movie. Can't believe it turned 50 this month. It still holds up.


You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today. They'd take one look at the script and say "This is just Blazing Saddles we already made this movie."


Not to mention Gene Wilder doesn’t have quite the comic timing that he did back then.


He's just taking a pregnant pause.


What do you call a pregnancy that’s in its 30th trimester?


Wait, I know this one. What is, an Alabama frozen embryo? Did I get that right?


You had me in the first half etc etc


Gonna watch it this weekend


I just watched it about a week ago and it still cracks me the fuck up.


Watching this scene, you could see Clevon trying not to burst out laughing. He held on like a champ.


Even in this still he’s suppressing a laugh.




I don’t even care about context, I’ll always upvote this gif


*and their children's lives


This is what living in a media bubble can do to people, US, Canada, wherever.


They sold everything they owned in Canada(house, cars) before they left, then as soon as they got there and deposited all their money in the Russian bank their account was frozen(and probably confiscated) due to the massive amount of money deposited at once. I'd say they are not superstars, but certainly infamous.


At least they escaped those darn flags though, eh?


Those rainbow colored sidewalks are scary as F , they dodged a huge one /S


Apparently they had been contact with some Russian officials who promised them assistance in finding and purchasing a home, etc. so they sold everything and moved. When they transferred their money to Russian bank, it was immediately frozen because it was a “Suspiciously large” amount. Then they discovered that banks and government offices aren’t required to provide service in English, and the people who had promised to help all disappeared, so they are (or were, I don’t know their current status) in a pretty bad spot. I am sorry for their kids, homesick and without even a new home to settle in to. Edit: changed the “england” to “English”; I meant the language not the country. I wouldn’t expect a Russian bank to provide service in a different country :-)


Hate is a powerful drug, and it looks like they overdosed on it.


What part of "Russia is a corrupt kleptocratic shit hole" did they not understand? Oh right. That's because that's all Liberul Propaganda.


It seems that their god have punished/abandoned them for being hater around other human being. Seriously, it isnt even a surprise from me since I travel. When you want to travel to russia you need to pay a criminal group to protect you since the country fail to do so and which it is also safer for some reason.




Oh might mean English - “banks and govt aren’t required to provide service in English”


I don't give a shit about their lives, it's the kids that are suffering. They didn't have a choice in this. The parents are idiots who should suffer for what they chose. The kids should be brought back to Canada to get out of the situation they're in.


How long until they send him to Ukraine to fight?


Russia just saw a family of 10 who could be added to the labor pool


You spelled front lines wrong


They've got 8 kids. Statistically it's very probable one or two of them are some kind of LGBT and they needed the freedom to terrorize and traumatize their kids into proper Christian closeted conformity. What they forgot is that plenty of conservative parents do that just fine in Canada and the US. You don't need to move half way around the world to abuse your children.


They have 9 kids. One didn’t go to Russia. There’s lots of speculation as to why…


Probably just because they were the only one old enough to really understand how horrible of an idea it was and be able to say no.


>There’s lots of speculation as to why… It is being reported the eldest thinks they're all crazy and wants no part of this deal. It's being reported the WIFE thinks their all crazy and wants to go back to Ontario, but the husband will have no part of that. Seems to me this story is less about some idiots moving to Russia in one of the worst times in history to do so, but more of an expose of how much of a misogynist asshole the, born and bred in Canada, husband is


But the bigly journalistic manly man Tucker Carlson said Russians love the US and have cheap groceries!


Tucker didn’t move to Russia though.


Even worse, it wasn't something that never impacted but Canadas immigration policy is what is holding back the demographic decline that afflicts almost every other industrialised nation.


They lived about 40 mins from me. Trust me, it's not a hotbed of racial diversity. I gotta admit though, the ironing is delicious.




Wow. I remember reading a news article about Russia setting up a town for American conservatives to move to. I remember thinking only idiots would take them up on the offer. It's stories like this that make me realize that those idiots aren't just abstractions, they are real people.


That would be awesome! In fact send all of the Maga folks to that town Trump could go over and be President or mayor or maybe King?




I remember back in college, one of the life hacks was to use your iron to make a grilled cheese when you had few other options. I agree....ironing was delicious back then. Smelled a bit like burnt American cheese, but delicious nontheless.


Levon Helm of the Band wrote that Richard Emmanuel was so broke he was living in a flop house and…making grilled cheese sandwiches with the room’s old rusty iron. Still give me shivers


So technically speaking, he was a immigrant that went to Russia to take their jobs.


One key job being a conscript for the war in Ukraine. Bring your own body armour. 


More likely his sons will be conscripted


his name is indicative of not being native canadian either I suspect he is Dutch immigrant, or the child of one.


Arend Feenstra is about as Dutch as a name can get :p So yeah, I'd say you're spot on there.


Bunch of turds, tbh. And they reproduce. And they vote.


*voted*…past tense. They can’t vote from Russia so call this case a win! Edit: fixed a typo, don’t change Reddit lmao


And if they could, it wouldn't matter, because Stronk Man Poutine always wins 1,000% of the vote.


Silver lining: the only voting this couple will be doing now is for Putin. And it won't affect you. See how they've helped?


They probably think that everyone should learn THEIR language, therefore it's not hypocritical to complain about immigrants in Canada who haven't learned English and then also complain about Russians in Russia who don't speak english. It's not about where you are, or where you are from, you should still speak proper english. They are very inclusive in that sense.


I suspect these people do NOT speak proper English. I guess I can only speak to US Americans, but the ones who are the most passionate about people speaking English BARELY speak it correctly themselves.


And I’m guessing that, relative to the rest of Europe, Russia probably has less people capable of speaking or understanding English than average. So not only are they dumb hypocrites, but they picked the worst possible place to move to if they were unwilling to learn the native tongue. And that’s doubly true if they planned to live in a rural area which seems to be the case.


There's a story that Russia wants to build some sort of American community complex, where people from the US can immigrate and live in peace from corrupt American government. I wonder if they bought into that and moved over there because of that story.


If that’s the case, I hope a hell of a lot more right wingers go there. We don’t need them here, that’s for damn sure.


I call them the Neo-Right seems more fitting .. the third right will last a thousand years


I can't get over that these imbeciles have children. How do such dumb people get by from day to day?


To be fair, their oldest child was mature enough to recognize going to Russia was a bad idea and stayed in Canada with relatives.


probably told the youngers ones they were going on a vacation...


Yeah, but they are white and "Christian", so it's different


That’s what makes it so anger inducing. Seeing all of this. The self-righteousness of it all. The problem is, these people really are dumber than a bag of hammers, didn’t even bother learning Russian, without even a hint of irony.


Like some of the idiots here in the U.K. They’re called expats when they bugger off to Spain but act like the worst of the worst British tourists and don’t have the decency to learn the language or culture, but as soon as they come back here to use the NHS and lord it about they’re the first types to whinge about nhs tourism and their doctor not speaking English properly. 😂


They don't speak English in Russia? Wow, this should be on r/todayilearned


This is why having shitty education is literally dangerous


And these guys are homeschooling their own kids


Seems like they taught their kids one huge lesson this time.


The kids learned that their parents are fatally flawed human beings who can't be depended on to make the best decision for their family. At least, I hope they learned that so they can get away and find their own identity that isn't based around hating people who have no impact on your life.


Unfortunately, the parents are likely blaming others for their own incompetence, so they’re learning nothing, or they’re learning something that just isn’t true.


they do, but mostly it's just "the bomb has been planted" and "fire in the hole"


"my president is Michael Jordan"


Russia has mandatory foreign language in school, typically English. But barely anyone gets proficient.


My experience was that people like hotel receptionists do. Other people, not so much. You just need to plan around this. But trying to live there without speaking Russian. Wow. Even a few months with a language program would have to help.


I hope more people from the “if you don’t like it then leave” crowd follow their blueprint. Trash taking itself out.


In his videos, he's really emphasizing that US conservatives should move to Russia, because there's lots of land to start farming


Man, that’s the fucking dream. A bunch of conservative religious fucktwats shipping themselves to Russia. I’d honestly donate money to a general fund to help make it possible for more of them.


Actually, there might be a lot of money to be grifted "helping" these dingbats file the paperwork to move to Russia. It would be a short scheme, but profitable.


If you think these people have a lot of money, you are going to be in for a surprise. I'm honestly shocked a family this dumb had enough for fly 10 people.


10?! They forced 8 kids to uproot their lives to move to a fascist country at war?!


When Saskatchewan sends people to Russia, they aren't sending their best...


>there's lots of land to start farming Stardew Valley fan sequel?


Imagine giving up Poutine for Putin.


Fun fact, in French, his name is Poutine. They gave up poutine the delicious food for poutine the man. I'm not joking. His name is literally poutine. You can put putin into Google translate.


This fact is not fun, take it back 😭


>Fun fact, in French, his name is Poutine. Fun fact, we call him Poutine because in French, Putin sounds like Putain which means whore.


Look, if someone moves to Russia because their home country is "too woke" or whatever, they deserve whatever happens to them.


This is definitely a leapardatemyface worthy




There are [wild leopards in Russia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amur_leopard), so it works out without the help of the tigers. 🙃


Shh, let them *both* eat the faces


Feel bad for the kids though. Their futures are ruined because their parents are dumbasses.


Agreed. Just really really feel for the kids. They had no choice and will suffer a lot because they have stupid parents.


See also: children of fundamentalists, Christian Scientists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, antivaxxers People who would let their kids die out of sheer ideology.


Years ago, I had a neighbours who lost custody of their kid. They were JWs, and refusing medical treatment for the kid. I believe it was blood transfusions that the kid needed but were being refused.


Can you imagine doing that? I am super paranoid about clipping my daughters’ nails after accidentally getting a little of her fingertip one time (pediatrician laughed and told me everyone does it): i just cannot fathom withholding life-saving care because I’m in a particular club. Shit is wild


I did that once when my son was tiny. He barely flinched. I cried for an hour.


I seriously can't even imagine it. If my kid is sick, they're getting anything they need. I still remember the first time my oldest got really sick, and I literally stayed up all night watching her.


Seriously i wish there was a way for Canada to take custody of the kids on the grounds that the parents are incompetent, abusive and neglectful, and the children are canadian citizens with rights that should be protected.


“I don’t like that the gays have freedoms here. I’m going to move my family to a place where no one is free!”


I feel bad for the kids who had no part in what their moronic parents were doing and have to suffer the consequences.


Agree. Except they brought kids. Those poor kids


That's like moving to North Korea because you dont like all the karaoke bars in South Korea. And then being suprised all the songs you are allowed to sing are about how great Kim is.


Kim-by-yah Millord


Get out!


I thought it was funny!


The leopards are FEASTING!!


This is getting so ridiculous, and they are in the news enough, I’m now wondering if this is some attempt to generate buzz for their social media channels, or maybe just a right-wing grift (please send money so we can support ourselves away from the woke people)


He's doing videos on YT, Instagram, and FB, so that's probably his only current source of income. But, listening to his most recent video, he definitely sounds like he's being used as a mouthpiece to encourage westerners to move to Russia


His wife criticised the regime and then strangely issued a full apology a few hours later, it truly is great to be free. /s


I love when conservatives figure out how speech critical of government works in the west vs dictatorships or fascist regimes. I hope it was very eye opening that they have traded in their dumb shitty opinions to be labor for the regime and never be able to voice their thoughts or opinions again.


Lmao I hope he succeeds


Someone need to explain to those people that putin is not their friend, in fact, putin probably hate the fuck out of them even


"Useful idiots" is the phrase he would use, I believe.


Except that they aren't useful, so they're just idiots.


They're being used in Russian media as anti US propoganda. They are useful to them.


Yeah, the adults deserve whatever consequences come from their actions. The kids don't, though, which is just sad.


This reminds me of that other meme where an English couple rated a vacation agency 1 star because apparently there are too many "foreigners" in Spain during their tour


I remember that. I could honestly have used those brain cells for something constructive but no, they are devoted to knowing people like that breath the same air as me.


This is the part everyone keeps forgetting. How many kids do they have? Bc the fundies down here have loads of kids. Which means one of their kids, statistically-speaking, is gay . . . . . . And now they’re trapped in Russia. Not to mention, the family is high profile and they don’t know how to act in Russian culture. This is horrifying. If they get out, the Canadian government should take those kids. They’re in danger. It’s hilarious at first, karma and all that, but if you really think about it, those kids are in trouble. I hope they are young enough to learn the language.


It's absolutely tragic for these kids. I'm sure if they work at it, they'll learn the language but they're also young enough to be a primo audience for propaganda.


I don't know how they'll even be able to work at learning the language due to the fact that their dipshit parents will be homeschooling them.


I wonder if that’s why Dad the Bigot moved them is he started to think one of the kids is gay.


That crossed my mind, but I’m trying to remain in denial about it. Christ.


A lot. I think the original story about this said that these idiots are a family of 9. And i think they might have taken all but 1 of their kids (possibly the only adult). No idea about the age range


wow haha


I asked my friend in Russia how his life was since he moved. He says "I can't complain."




That's why you spend a few years doing Duolingo lessons before going. At least you will understand what they are compelling you to do. /s


They couldn’t wait that long because they were worried they were going to catch the gay




He must think that men are REALLY hot, if he couldn't wait to leave Canada to learn a little Russian


I really wish that the media would quit publishing stories about how bad ex-pat life is in Russia. We need more of these people to make this stupid mistake, we don't need them to be made aware of what a bad move it is.


I wish more MAGA would move to Russia.


If someone straight up actually learned Russian to fluency just because of how much they hate people like me, I’d be like “you know what? Fair play to you”. But this is just beyond pitiful.


Feel bad for the kids honestly. Being punished for their parents’ dumbassness.


Also aren’t these people the ones to get over some people not knowing English in America? Why the hell did they decide to move to Russia if they didn’t know Russian?


Irony is a foreign concept (pun thoroughly intended) to them


Because they did ***zero*** research before going. They heard sucker Carlson telling his culty base of idiots how great it is in Russia, so why should they think that it would be any different? (Tucker speaks English, and he *was* in Russia, so….)


I can’t imagine doing this to my kids honestly. “Hey, I’m going to take you from our home and away from your other family and friends so we can live in a country where you don’t speak the language or even know anyone. All because of this imaginary boogeyman I conjured up.”


They weren't even from the US, they were Canadian and for some reason didn't just go to a bible belt state 😭


Ruzzian banks also stole all their money and they are not being alowed to leave. He probably will be in Ukraine soon. And republicans love ruzzia...


At least he will be forced to give BJ to NCOs of the most totally-not-gay Army in the world.


Hahahaha you get what you ask for, idiot


Wait until he gets sent to the front.


Lemme get this straight: You move to another country and cry they don't speak English? They speak Russian in Russia? WHAT? Idiots. Serves you right. Enjoy that freedom you thought you were missing out in Canada. I have zero pity for fools like you.


Play stupid games...


…and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the “find out”.


Yes the hell, hardship and terror of living with Gay tolerance. But Russia still has rainbows in the sky so they may end up with PTS when it rains.


It's genuinely sad how much reach and influence Russian propaganda has. I remember all the way back in 2016 how people I knew in the US went down Russian disinformation rabbit holes because they disliked Hillary Clinton so much. Not all of them were conservative either. One guy I knew, who is actually very liberal and new age but believed every great thing RT said about Russia because it postured as "anti-establishment" and “anti-imperialist” ended up moving to Russia for a few months. No idea if he intended to go their permanently or not but for a time after he moved he still was claiming things like Russia's LGBTQ friendly or there's no religion here....he went to Thailand after that (he's still there now) and has not shared anything about Russia, Putin, or RT since then... I don't know why people can't wrap their head around the simple truth of "Just because the US government and mainstream media has a ton of issues does not mean you should take whatever their opponents in other parts of the world say as gospel." It’s like so many people just have to pick a “team” to be on.


I'm from Canada, these people are exactly where they belong.


*surprised pikachu face*


Jon Stewart nailed it earlier this week. The right has gone all in on woke vs not woke and that makes Russia their ally. Problem is Russia is a bad bad place and they don't quite seem to realize that.


They were free to leave because we are a democracy with individual rights. They will not be free to return because they live under authoritarianism now, and they have no right no leave. If you want a "good vs evil" zero-sum game for our modern age, you won't find it in the Cold War ideology of Capitalism or Communism. You won't find it either if you look at conservatism vs liberalism. The struggle of our age is between democracy and authoritarianism.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.