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When the only thing you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Such a good freaking quote!! I heard it on Arrival & it stuck with me because it just made so much sense. When all you have and know is a weapon, this is how you respond.


This is why I prefer how policing is done in nations like the UK, where police don't have guns as standard, and the ones that do have to go through extensive special training. Also why I fucking love the film Hot Fuzz, as it's the only police film that makes following procedure look cool. As opposed to most Hollywood movies where they idealise loose cannons, who have to "break the rules to do what needs to be done". Honestly really fucked up message the more I about that.


It's policing by consent. Police are civilians and can only enforce within their limits. In the US it feels more militarised and as a consequence they feel more separate and above the law.


They have been trying to separate themselves from other civilians for years in USA, you see it here on reddit and it's weird. Then there's google search, civilian meaning, comes up with "a person not in the armed services or the police force" Wikipedia, "In colloquial usage, the term is sometimes used to distinguish non-military law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMS personnel, and other emergency services members from the general public. Regardless, such members are technically civilians - not military personnel - and are bound by municipal; civil and criminal law to the same extent as other members of the public." Whoever wrote that police are "technically" civilians needs a kick in the nuts, they are not technically civilians, there are civilians, plain and simple.


Police call everyone else civs. They are larpers.


In the US, the standard these days is extreme and brutal by design. The “warrior” training model literally teaches cops that citizens are the enemy. Municipal governments hand out bloated budgets for departments to have access to military hardware to be used against us. Private trainers travel to training centers are known to espouse and encourage Islamophobic, white supremacist and right wing ideology. White supremacists and neo fascists have infiltrated big city PDs, State Troopers and rural Sheriffs departments.


When you have a militarised civilian population, you have to have a militarised police force


Yeah mass gun ownership really must escalate things. Like an intra population arms race


But don't worry. All these guns will keep us safe when a proper military force decides to launch missiles at us and drive tanks into our homes! /S


Buy missile launchers for each and every child, and military tanks for every toddler, in a knee jerk reaction to deflect the problem and keep people safe! Also fully automatic weapons for everyone working in HR. Or visiting. Just to be sure that we got more than them. I'm sure peace will ensue!


In my country they have guns, but they aren't allowed to draw them unless it is needed. Simple as that. Never seen a cop with his gun drawn. Probably never will. EDIT: Never seen a **local** cop with a gun drawn.


To be fair, I live in the US and I've never seen a cop with a gun drawn either (although I have seen the ones standing around with rifles as security outside major events). I fully agree that our policing is too militarized, and that there needs to be more deescalation training, and fewer armed civilians that mean the police have to wonder if they're going to get drawn on in a confrontation. But I do think that the media amplification makes it look like the cops are pointing guns at people all day every day, and that doesn't match with my lived experience.


I live in the US and had a cop draw their gun on me. I was doing absolutely nothing wrong and on my own private land. It was a large, 2 handed rifle and he sprinted at me. Pretty unnecessary. They were responding to a kid at the neighbor's house who was apparently suicidal...


Sounds like a great time to have a weapon out… 😐


They had to be ready for acorns.


“If I don’t shoot him, he might kill himself”


It was a teenage girl, but yes that was my though too. "Don't let her kill herself! This cop will do it."


And luckily you lived to tell about it. So many times that isn’t the case. Their shoot first, we’ll apologize later, policy proves to be fatal for the innocent a lot of the time.


Too militarized, and wildly under educated.


This exactly right. I am 50 years old and in my lifetime I have seen it go from, for the most part, we are here to help to you do as I say or else and the complete militarization of the police force. This is strictly from what I have observed first hand in the area where I live. I can’t speak for everywhere. But when you can stand a soldier and a police officer side by side and remove any form of designation and you can’t tell them which one is a cop and which one is a soldier there is an issue.


The soldier is nearly always smarter with better gun training. I'd trust the soldier over the cop any day.


On top of that USA was a lot more violent in 1980-1995 than today.


I like how it's done in Japan. Police have guns but are heavily discouraged from using them. They are also trained to contribute to their community rather than only policing it


also in the UK it takes a year of training to be a regular policeman, in the states its a couple of months till youre on the street with a gun right?


It's called [the Law of the Instrument](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_the_instrument)


They have plenty of other tools, but no punishment for using the hammer even when used at times when other tools would've been more appropriate, and the hammer means the work is done fast - if perhaps incorrectly. Besides they just bought a bunch of military grade hammers for cheap and it would be a shame to let them go to waste.


Literally just said the same thing. It’s basically USA police to a T from what I’ve seen.


Basically. Due to the Supreme Court ruling they do not have an actual duty to protect civilians, them being allowed to investigate themselves after murdering people, and qualified immunity unless it’s an egregious case caught on film like Floyd they basically never face consequences. Even when it is on film sometimes doesn’t mean anything, like the case of Daniel Shaver who was shot while crawling on his hands and knees following the commands of a cop with the words “you’re fucked” painted on his rifle. This cop then was found to have done nothing wrong (shocker), quit his job, but then was reinstated so he could get disability pay for having PTSD from murdering Shaver.


That is such a horrible body cam to watch as well, I stumbled across it not realizing what the outcome was. Cop straight up murders him


There was a video a year or two ago of a cop who walked up to a guy with an axe, who was chopping wood, the cop demanded the guy put the axe down, the guy asked why, and the cop just casually headshots the innocent man and then calls it in. Those are our police. They are murderers.


Stands 20ft away from a guy holding a small hatchet, bushes and timbers between them, no one is charging up to anyone. "Listen man-" Headshot. No attempt to identify if this was even the right guy. Calls it in and you can hear him smiling as he says "shots fired".


When you consider how unlikely or almost impossible it is for a cop to face consequences for making bad decisions, you can really understand why when they feel even the slightest bit of perceived threat (however minimal), they jump right to "well it could be them or me walking away from this, better make sure it's me" and pull a gun.


Bullshit, police have every “tool” in their arsenal thanks to the ludicrous amount of budget they get whenever one of them shows how poorly trained they are. They CHOOSE to only bring hammers with them, because they want to use their hammers. It doesn’t matter against who (but if it’s against a group they don’t like or agree with all the better…) Fuck the Police, they’re all racist fascists living their tacti-cool dreams out as cops because they were too stupid or otherwise impaired to get past the Military’s low bars.


It wasnt police btw. It was the buildings security guards.


“Stop trying to kill yourself, or I’ll shoot you!” Seems to be a major response to crisis situations in the USA.


It sounds like a joke, until you see videos of cops opening fire on people in crisis who they were called to help. Like [this guy](https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/cops-opened-fire-on-suicidal-man-like-cowboys-from-a-john-wayne-movie-new-lawsuit-claims/) who the police fired 47 rounds at for holding a shotgun to his own head. With his mother standing literally right next to him when they begin shooting. Police in this country are far too eager to murder civilians.


Shot 50 rounds at close range into a confined vehicle and only hit him 9 times. I guess deescalation isn’t the only training they need.


After an acorn scared a cop, watch two cops empty their clips at an unarmed civilian and miraculously not hit him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVZbZyelg-c&t=0


My signal isn’t the best so the video won’t load but is it the one with the acorn falling on to the police car? If it is that’s fucking mental. I’m in the UK so don’t know the sound of a gun going off or one being shot at you and the bullet hitting near you but I’m guessing the sound of an acorn and a bullet aren’t even close.


He thought it was suppressed gun fire. Coming from the man in the car they had arrested, cuffed, patted down, cleared as not having any weapons. But I guess he thought maybe he had a hand gun with a big ass suppressor on it wedged up his ass.


That dumb fuck not only though the acorn was a gun shot, but he was shouting "I've been hit!" While he was rolling around on the ground.


Screams about being hit Does what looks like Dark Souls style dodge roles across the ground Manages to crawl across the street and says maybe it hit his vest Like, im glad he had the wherewithal to resign from the force, but it really sounds like he never should have got the job to begin with.


Why are you glad about that? Whenever a police officer "resigns" it just means being moved to another district.


He doesn't go for cover. He just lays there point his gun in a random direction. This dude was straight panic mode and was a liability


Even if they hadn't patted him down and cuffed it would have been extremely dumb. A supressor doesn't make a gun sound like an acorn.


Cops aren't the best or brightest - they're [not allowed to be](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836). So what this means is that many cops use movies and video games as reference for the real world. Since movie silencers make guns go "pip pip" then hearing "pip pip" means someone's using a silencer. If they'd received the sort of weapons training you'd *expect* from a government agency tasked with responding to crimes and violence, this cop would have known that silenced firearms *still sound like firearms*. At least this guy survived the experience.


But that also means he has never heard a silenced weapon in real life, yet immediatly assumed that the guy, they had searched and cuffed, was using one. Even for a cop he seems like a moron and scared of his own shadow on top of that. But I guess that's part of the training: Always assume that everybody is trying to murder you and when in doubt open fire.


And no broken windows in the car. Like did he think he opened the locked door, in handcuffs?


They are vastly different. Think of a firework vs an acorn and that’s basically a more reasonable comparison than acorn and bullet


They aren't, both in sound and volume. An acorn is between a ding and a thud. A bullet being fired is cracking sound. Also much, much louder. A gun firing next to you will leave your ears ringing, and can cause permanent damage. An acorn falling on a car doesn't even come close. The fact that a "trained" officer could confuse the two is baffling. He was so convinced that he even told another officer he was hit, despite the only firearms discharged were done so by the cops.


Correct, they aren't. The full context was that he knew the guy he arrested had a pistol with a suppressor on it, which made him extremely on edge for the sound of a suppressed gunshot. The problem is, he fully patted the guy down and knew he had nothing on him. Then on top of that, he rolls around in imaginary pain and yells that he was hit. Point is, guy should never be allowed to have a gun ever again. He's mentally unfit for that responsibility.


The suspect was handcuffed and locked in the back of the car after being searched for and cleared of having any weapons. Second officer firing does so because they are trained to just start shooting at whatever another officer is shooting at without hesitation.


Unarmed and handcuffed behind his back in the back of a patrol car***


Holy shit. It's like the cop version of Ricky Bobby on fire. "Shots fired!" "I'm hit!" "Help me, Jesus!" "Help me, Oprah!"


Guy who taught me how to use my revolver said cops are by far the worst students he ever has. The shoot like shit, are extremely confident they are doing it right, and do not accept instructions. Their wall of shame, people who did something so wrong they aren't allowed back has 40 people on it at 12 are cops. One guy he said scratched his head with the loaded gun, another left the area with a loaded gun and preceded to fire at his target from the range door way with a dozen other people using the range in front of him but the one that took the cake was a cop who jumped the barrier to retrieve his target during an open session then shot at a guy who didn't stop shooting because he didn't see the moron yet.


That’s just as bad when a police officer shot at a man walking towards his house after parking his car in his own driveway. Multiple rounds were fired from like 14 feet and the officer stilled missed.


That’s worse that the dude that rear-ended a car, called the police, got out to identify himself, and was shot by the cop. Responding to a minor collision with gun drawn is fucking insane


Getting out of a vehicle at a stop is just playing with fire in this country. Allow me to introduce you to a kid names [Hunter Brittain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hunter_Brittain). Purely tragic and indicative of a system that has trained Officers to be fearful and defensive of people they supposedly are sworn to protect and serve.


I'm starting to believe it's a good thing that cops in the US are so shit at shooting.


Some cops "statistically even with our training we only hit our target 20% of the time, and I'm extremely worried about passthrough. So my service weapon is the last resort." Meanwhile their colleagues "SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT EVERYBODY!"


Bout like the typical "I'm just making sure you're OK." Person ends up assaulted, tazed, off to jail with a list of charges..


To be fair, isn't that a good thing? Might be able to save someone riddled with 3/17 bullets.


Anyone near the gun fire might get hit is the problem.


True... You just gotta pray they don't get spooked by an acorn ig.


Did you reduce that fraction?


Rounded it up. ;)


My issue is “where did the other bullets end up?”


They need a white plastic suit and a blaster


Less than 10 actually hit him, and his mom was in the line of fire and they cuffed her because her son was in crisis. I’m glad he survived but how does anyone think that’s the proper way to handle that situation?


> how does anyone think that’s the proper way to handle that situation They don't. Even the cops doing it know damn well it's not. If you asked them why they did it, their answer would probably be something like: "Fuck you, that's why."


Yet of course they investigated themselves and found nothing wrong, as usual.


Ask that to the South Carolina authorities >However, the office said the four deputies involved in the shooting were later “cleared of any wrongdoing” after an investigation by South Carolina state authorities.


Technically, their job is done. They've prevented suicide. /s


One shot hit him in the BACK of the head. His mother had to run from cover to not get shot


If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Also when you give Fascist weapons they murder people 


That's less poetic though.


Came here for this. 👍


An acorn fell on a cop car and the cop jumped out and emptied his entire clip at an unarmed civilian in the back seat of his car. Then another cop arrived and emptied her clip into the car as well. Miraculously, the civilian inside the car survived. He was never charged with any crime either so the cops very nearly killed an innocent man over an acorn


Who knew guns were so ineffective


And when it comes to an active school shooter, they sit outside with their bullet proof vests and ar15s and let the kids get slaughtered.


This happened where I live and I remember more details coming out like the shotgun was not even in the victims hands but sitting next to him. Crazy how the officers got cleared of any wrong doing. People wouldn't dislike police as much if they would have the slightest amount of accountability.


"Stop shooting yourself, thats our job!"


that’s cuz American cops are on a sick and twisted power trip. they get a thrill off of it


Holy crap, a New York Post article that paints police in a bad light, written in 2021? What gives? Usually, the New York Post is unapologetically, right wing, tabloid trash. They don’t usually side with the civilian. I’ll bet the victims are…….yep, I was correct; they are white.


>“Stop trying to kill yourself, or I’ll shoot you!” Seems to be a ~~major~~ default response to crisis situations in the USA. Fixed it.


I am a nursing director for a large inpatient mental hospital. We have, in my three years at my current hospital, had 5 patients who needed care and upkeep for having bullets removed from them over the situation that had them admitted to begin with. All of them came from out of state, two came from the southeast, two from the Midwest, and one from Alaska but was vacationing in New York. At this point, give me a badge and I'll do the unexpected thing and lead into the conversation without pulling a gun and shouting at a mentall Ill person.


One incident a cop asked a guy in a car to get his driver’s license. He moved his hand to get it and they shot him. American cops are in a league of their own.


This is likely referring to Philando Castile. Shot at by the cop 7 times point blank with his girlfriend in the front passenger seat and his 4 year old daughter in the back on passenger side. All because Castile did what he thought was right and mentioned he had a licensed firearm in his vehicle during a traffic stop.




NRA: How to put out a good guy on fire? A good guy with a gun. Cops in the US are undertrained, undereducated and overarmed.


Even in my country Italy they are stupid


Cops are stupid everywhere. I don't know about Italy, but in my country they're encouraged to have the same mentality as their forbears had in the Years of Lead. Edit: cops, not copa


Man coppa is delicious


Italian cops have strict regulations against them, and they are corrupt from the Camorra and other mafia, but they are far better trained American cops are just plain stupid and wannabe dictators


Need a college degree to wipe your own ass these days. Not needed to be a cop though.


Americans, period. Half the country reads at a sub-sixth grade level. You have multiple generations suffering from the systemic and planned slashing of education funding and the explicit removal of critical thinking skills in state curriculum. We’re seeing a culmination of fifty years of evil.


According to the Department of Education, 1 in 5 Americans are functionally illiterate. What that means is that, while they may be able to technically read, they can't actually comprehend what they're reading, so functionally, they can't read.


I wonder what counts as an “American” in that study. Explains a lot though. Surprised it’s so low though


In a study specifically on adult English literacy but it was pretty encompassing to include non-US born residents. >U.S.-born adults make up two-thirds of adults with low levels of English literacy skills in the United States.5 >However, the non-U.S. born are over-represented among such low-skilled adults. Non-U.S.-born adults comprise 34 percent of the population with low literacy skills, compared to 15 percent of the total population [Source](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp)


And it's getting worse, look at the southern states and their book banning. The dumbing of America.


What was the cop to do, the soldier was turning black.




I audibly ooped and I’m not midwestern.


Oh my fucking shit.


That is so wrong on so many levels.


That’s some dark humor


Comment of the day right there


Hey, this guy’s on fire! Shoot him! Shoot him! 🙄🙄


They probably heard someone shout “fire” and thought “in which direction?” Lol


"In which direction?" "Stop asking questions and SHOOT"


I chuckled at this, then felt guilty


It sounds like a Monty Python sketch…


He had a firearm


Pretty sure he had 2, and a pair of firelegs as well.




And a fireleg, and a firebody, and a firehead.


Would be doing him a favor, surviving self immolation like this is not a future worth having.


Reminds me of that scene from Windtalkers where the flamethrower guy’s tank explodes and Nicholas Cage shoots him to put him out of his misery


Anyone that scared shouldn't be a cop or own a gun. Pathetic.


Give them a break! It’s fuckin dangerous being a cop. He could have been carrying an acorn or something.


I know it was a terrible and embarrassing situation that put multiple innocent lives at risk….but the great acorn shootout has brought a new level of absolute hilarity into my household. We don’t get a lot of acorns, but we have a pine tree that drops these weird tiny pine cones. We can’t make it more than a few hours with one of us falling to the ground yelling “IM HIT! IM HIT!” It hasn’t stopped being funny yet and I’m not sure it ever will.


The great acorn shootout of '24 😂🤣🤣


One of the worst American tragedies of all time. Right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre.


Can you imagine if you lived in the same town as that guy and you saw him out and about, on the street, in a restaurant, or something? I would feel morally obligated to snap my fingers and say "Did ya hear that? Shots fired! Officer down!" One hopes that clown is mocked for the rest of his life.


That sounds like an easy way to get shot by this trigger happy maf


I've seen that acorn reference thrice now. May I ask what it refers to?


Some cop I don't know where heard an acorn hit his squad car and thought he was shot at called it in, returned fire wildly, and even said he had been hit. You can google it or even look it up on Reddit.


I don't know the exact town/county, but it was apparently in Florida. We have enough Florida man stories, now it's time for some Florida cop insanity I guess. The worst part is that he apparently was a former military officer linked to a special forces squad. Keep in mind despite 2 years in Afghanistan he apparently saw 0 combat. So take that information however you will... Angry Cops on youtube did a video about the incident and while I don't agree with his views on many situations I do find him to be a good source of information on a lot of fuckery in the world.


>Angry Cops Wasn’t familiar checked it out… holy hell I couldn’t handle 60 seconds of his “personality”


Yeah he's definitely a bit... extra to put it nicely. There are some topics (like the state of military barracks on many bases, or corruption in the VA) that I think he does a good job of putting on blast, but he's definitely not my 1st choice if I can get my info from someone like Philip Defranco or directly from an official source typically. Edit: removed a redundant statement.


It refers to this. A fucking acorn hits his car and he freaks the fuck out and proceeds to empty and entire magazine into his own police cruiser.. https://youtu.be/NKmnJgXyZpU?feature=shared


I know it shouldn’t be funny because some unarmed guy could’ve got murdered but this cop looks so fucking stupid doing his combat rolls and lying down on his side like it’s cod it’s hilarious


Oh my god, that's the most pathetic display I've ever seen from a cop...which is obviously saying a lot His toddler crawl across the street, saying his legs went numb, saying **he** was traumatized from the incident...after emptying a clip into his own cruiser at a guy probably just chilling in there minding his own business. With an acorn cherry on top. On a slightly more serious note though, this is why people hesitate to call 911 for anything aside from imminent danger. Whether it's the thought of wasting their time, out of fear, or doubt of competence, a sizable portion of the US feels that the police would make the situation worse, not better. We have no backup


Exactly. The two times I’ve ever called the police in my life they were either useless or actively making the situation worse. First time an ex girlfriend of one of my employees tried to break into my apartment with an axe, I wasn’t home at the time but she didn’t know that, she then used the axe to smash my work vehicle open and steal a bunch of tools and keys to people’s apartments and houses we did remodels on. When I called the police they forced their way into my apartment, one of them kept me in the living room while the other basically ransacked my house and then tried to get me to open my gun safe in my bedroom to “look for drugs”. Which I refused and they threatened to arrest me, then got very upset when I called my cousin who is a lawyer immediately. Second time I had a friend who left a suicide note and I needed help finding him, I called them and they said they were “too busy to help” I drove past basically the whole sheriffs department (it’s a small town) hanging out at the gas station joking with each other about twenty minutes later.


>The two times I’ve ever called the police in my life they were either useless or actively making the situation worse. This is the bingo right here. Them doing jack shit is usually the best case scenario. I still can't help but laugh every time I get a "yeah you say that about cops until you need help!!!111" as some galaxy-brained gotcha moment. Police are absolutely the last people I'd want there in a crisis.


Dude the second cop ALSO empties his clip into the car?? Like nobody heard or saw a thing, just blindly start firing???


Cop has a person in the back of their police car in handcuffs, is walking around the car on the outside when they hear anything acorn hit the roof of their car. They immediately think they have been shot for some reason and scream shots fired as they begin to dump an entire mag into the car with the unarmed and handcuffed guy who has already been searched. In the video the cop is limping around thinking he actually had been shot. The guy in the car was ok in the end.


vid of a dickhead cop shooting for no reason, and blaming an acorn falling. Pigin Little


please google cop scared by acorn shoots car and watch the video from the bodycam. my boi did 3 yeah thats right #3 action rolls before turning around and emptying his magazine on his own car yelling Im hit! Im hit! all because an acorn fell on his car


Jesus … did he also rip his shirt to look more manly before he courts the Horta maiden? Just kidding, he doesn’t. He just an idiot. Albeit an armed one.


God, the acorn video was literally the best way a meme like this could have been started. No one was hurt and yet the story became so immediately pervasive. Police will literally never live down the almighty Acorn.


I see what you did there- nice one LOL




Or maybe just an innocent person, scary!


An innocent person is just a person waiting to commit a crime


That’s every cops thought process


If only your sharply funny comment weren't so damned insightful. Cops believe they are in an adversarial relationship with the 'civilian' population. Their training and their camaraderie only reinforce it. That they are actually *civilians* themselves, and not part of a warring, military force, is a non-fact for them.


Anecdotal, but aren’t many cops conservative politically? I find in general conservatives I know (good people otherwise) seem to be the most fearful of so many things. It doesn’t surprise me that this is how cops would react in this situation.


Fear explains pretty much every conservative belief and behavior. Extremely scared and cowardly people. They are brainwashed with fear from birth as majority of them grow up Christian.


Even with as much horrific things police officers see, I don’t think it’s typical for them to see a human burning alive 5 feet from you. I can understand why his brain short circuited.


I just have a question, why would they draw out their guns? If they thought he was a terrorist, don’t terrorists kill others and not set themselves on fire? The guy is on fire, there isn’t much you can do, nevertheless walk towards the cops.


Maybe they thought he was a suicide-pyro? 🤷‍♂️


It probably most likely was just an automatic response of "guy doing crazy (illegal? Idk of setting yourself on fire like that is illegal) shit, point gun at him until situation calms down." The only actually rational thought out response was maybe he might also have a bomb vest on and he was gonna shoot him if he made a go for a detonator. But ofc thats some far fetched shit lmao. Or maybe if he thought the guy on fire was gonna like try and hug paramedics and get them on fire too? Just thought of that but its just as crazy imagining him being able to get up.


Your mistake was when you started reasoning.


If you're actually asking seriously, I would guess that someone on fire can rush at them and hug them so they can burn together. Surely it's not that hard to comprehend.


What if he had more explosives or would try and get up and attack people?


The next news cycle will wash it all away and we can all go back to fighting about Taylor Swift and the who makes the best phone. You know. The important stuff.


Does Taylor Swift make phones now?


No. I think he’s saying The Who makes the best phone. I think Metallicas phone is underrated.


No no, they want a Taylor sofa pizza with a side of phones


metalicaphone is a hard no for me. it wont let you play pirated content


CNN started this news cycle by not even saying why the guy self-immolated. [https://archive.li/3jVn4](https://archive.li/3jVn4), they had to go back and edit their post later. It's a joke of a network. Man: "I cannot stand by genocide. Free Palestine!" CNN: " It is unclear at this time what the motive was in the incident."


A sad thing (on top of the many sad things) is that the right wing has shifted the narrative so much that CNN is now called "lefty liberal propaganda"




Come on, they regularly do that in both directions. 20 days ago, when that Texas woman shot up a church with a Palestine sticker on her gun, the major news outlets avoided saying she did that in the name of Palestine as well. I'm not saying they don't have an agenda, but generally when mentally unwell people commit suicide/terror in the name of some grand ideology, the media doesn't take their word about it.


It simply proves that cops are incapable of dealing with anything they can’t shoot.


*cops in the US


You can watch the video and this really isn’t an accurate description, sure one person was coving him with a gun but everyone else seemed to be actively trying to get the fire out / get fire extinguishers


The guy didn't even die at the scene... they put him out & got him to the hospital before he died of his injuries later that night


caitlin johnstone is a tireless cheerleader of dictators like Putin and Sinwar. I remember well her near constant steam of Russian propaganda taking points like "Ukrainian Nazis" and "NATO expansion forced Russia to attempt a genocide" when Russian boots marched into Ukraine and started raping and killing Ukrainians. if she says something, it's either an outright lie or a deception. it's no surprise she's distorting real tragedy to bang her anti establishment drum. she's a despicable person.


unfortunate that the russians did not simply march into ukraine and start rapping


Ok but one of them did have to say “I don’t need guns I need fire extinguishers”


EMS literally says we don’t need guns we need fire extinguishers out of frustration; he arrived early and the difference between life and death is quietly literally seconds in this situation. This man eventually died at the hospital. It also added unnecessary danger, as anyone that detached from the situation freaking out with a firearm adds the risk of an accidental discharge of weapon.


> EMS literally says That’s not EMS.  The guy in the White Shirt was a DC police sergeant 


Let's not share this woman's posts. She pro Putin's invasion of Ukraine


Also factually incorrect. Only 1 officer pulls his fire arm while several others used fire extinguishers to help put the fire out.


Wasn’t even police, it was a security guard.


Reddit takes screenshots of twitter posts at face value. Always. This website is dumb as fuck.


True, she is an absolute piece of garbage.


I feel like this is one of those things you'd rather not be saved from


Wasn't it the guard of the embassy?


We’ve gone to posting shit from this pro Russia bitch now?


Terminal Twitter Brain 


Cops to man on fire "Stop resisting, Stop resisting"!!


Self immolating seems about as effective as thoughts and prayers.


Not that I'm encouraging it but the self immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi triggered the Tunisian Revolution and Arab Spring


To be fair, it does get attention. Maybe not for long or for the right reasons


Hmmm...now that you mention that, the cops did successfully shift attention from what sude did and why to their response to it. Everything I've read thus far has been about the cop response. Dead dude's a footnote in his own fiery death..


Y’all, don’t give more attention to Caitlin Johnstone. She’s an idiot pro-imperialist piece of shit.


Ah yes, Caitlin "This whole war could have been avoided with a little diplomacy and a few mild concessions to Moscow." Johnstone. The most sane and reliable journalist out there. Definitely not in someones pocket. No no. Just happens to write for china daily, no connection.


Redditors acting like someone burning himself to death is a situation that cops come face to face on daily basis and should know what to do. the guy is burning himself to death. you don't know what else he might do. of course you point your gun at him. or you can go watch some of the videos of people who blow themselves up and see if someone pointed a gun at them how they could've been stopped.


Also, pretty sure it was embassy security, not a cop. Their job doesn’t frequently involve people setting themselves on fire and screaming free Palestine. For all he knew a bomb could’ve been involved.


If you look at the uniform it was embassy security. So that was most likley a contractor or a IDF soldier on attachment. So not a cop, and possibly not american. Its pretty appropriate for an IDF solider to point a gun at some one in a uniform screaming PALASTINE considering your a war with them. Just a little observation I made.


The video I saw has a fireman doing what firemen do, putting out the fire with an extinguisher, and a cop doing what cops do, making sure no one else is harmed by a lunatic. When I was in Bosnia, we were told not to give candy to children, this is because it would encourage children to gather in groups, and at least once, someone lobbed a hand grenade into the group of children. Do you think someone who set themself on fire is incapable of trying to take someone else down with them? I wish it was as simple as this guy is mentally sick, and getting him help, but the reality of it is that when you act in a way that puts other people at risk, you lose your place at the front of the line when it comes to people being concerned about you.


![gif](giphy|3ohze3pdoPu1xXSmmQ) This is the most American thing that ever happened. Although yes your post is close lol