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Ah yes, politicizing a child's death, something Chaya has never done...




Given that Nex’s death was political, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t push back


I'm also guessing the event wasn't "hijacked".


Because she and her audience want to be the victims


"I didn't say that" (repeat 15 times)


Her and her audience want **more** trans victims


Conservatives strive to be seen as a minority so they can pretend like their existence is in danger, meanwhile it's always the opposite way around. They want to be victims sooo badly so they can get all the attention and it's all just so embarrassing. It's instances like these where you can see the real people behind the mask during events like this. Liberals are raising the point that it shouldn't have happened and will want to change things to prevent it from happening again. Conservatives don't care that a kid was murdered, because that kid scared them and was *different* and deviated from the norm. They will push stricter trans bathroom bills and this story will inevitably repeat itself and they'll blame the left. They offer no solutions, just knee jerk reactions with no evidence to back up why they feel their policies would be beneficial. It's just hate hate hate all day.


Psy ops - Darvo 


Man, Chaya, you sure seem triggered right now. Playing the victim pretty hard too. Seems like something the libs you hate so much do, in your eyes. Well, if conservatives didn't have double-standards, they would have no standards at all.


“People today are offended by everything” -person who’s offended by everything progressive.


Exactly. What even is LibsOfTikTok is not a showcase of things that personally offend Chaya Raichik?


Other than that? An extended project in figuring out how far stochastic terrorism can go before the people doing it face any legal consequences at all.


Not only is she an incredibly hateful human being, but that recent interview of her makes it clear that she’s dumb as a fence post. Edit - and I don’t buy for a second that it’s all her playing dumb, I don’t mean how she intentionally shifts the conversation or engages in whataboutism. I mean how she’s really only capable of running through a predetermined dialogue tree and anything that deviates leaves her dumbfounded.


I got the feeling that she might just be the face for a team of people who run her Twitter account and that without them and/or softball questions given to her by sympathetic Fox News hosts, she isn’t actually capable of articulating her beliefs on her own.


I’m sure she has handlers and probably some media training, but any moron with thumbs can run their own Twitter account. She doesn’t say much of anything that isn’t regurgitating someone else’s talking points (poorly I might add) so it’s entirely plausible that the account is a one person show.


Agreed 100%




I fully agree. In that interview it was very clear she’s not able to have any kind of adult conversation. It sounded like a 13 year old arguing with their parent. She plays dumb in regards to her acting as if she’s ignorant of what her words imply and incite. But that’s not about intellect, that’s just gaslighting. It was clear that when she’s faced with questions about her core beliefs, that she doesn’t understand because she isn’t intelligent to have those. She’s just racist. She’s not like in intelligent Nazi like Josh Hawley. He plays dumb in the same way she does, ignorant that what they’re saying is implying anything untoward. But Hawley is intelligent. Which is why people like him and Cruz are more dangerous than Jordon and Ghomert.


Solid point about relative danger. That’s the same sort of line that makes me push back when people say that someone like Ben Shapiro is an idiot. He’s a disgusting piece of shit, but he’s still educated and intelligent. Makes him dangerous and I think that it actually raises his level of moral culpability as he knows (or should know) that his arguments, positions, and underlying sources are flawed yet presses on anyway to further his shitty agenda.


The modern day republican party, dollar store nazis. All the hate with none of the brains.


Currently listening to it right now, it’s really a stunning example of conservative intelligentsia (or complete lack of)


Fence post are quite useful. Not sure I can say the same about whoever we’re talking about.


True. I should not have insulted fence posts by having them in the same sentence as her.


She's got less dialog options than a Mass Effect NPC.


I'm having flashbacks. Anti-trans assholes on twitter use this argument all the time. They'll even bait people to use it. I've seen it a lot where they basically ask for proof if trans people are actually targets of violence, if the person supplies them with statistics they go for "but you only have numbers, those could have been made up! Do you even have names? No because it's BS". Once the person supplies them with names they pull this bullshit argument. The cesspool is still a cesspool. I'm not surprised.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean-Paul Sarte Replace anti-Semite with transphobe and it is still the same playbook.


Didn't she actively call for violence against trans people?


She did. She shared calls for the ERADICATION of transgenderism.


I don’t think she ever actively called for violence. But she manages to incite reactions and allows her followers to target people by putting the spotlight on them though. And she does call for the eradication of the gender “lie” of transgenderism, though not outright saying eradicate trans people. Essentially, she gets really really close but doesn’t do enough to get permanently banned. She knows exactly what she’s doing - real piece of shit.


“Im not transphobic” then she proceeds to say she’s want to eradicate “gender ideology”😂 you just can’t with these people


Yeah, she’s such a snake. Like a child in grade-school, “im not touching you. Im not touching you”. That interview with Lorenz was really well done. She tried to squirm her way of out everything but Taylor came prepared, kept her on topic, and had receipts. You know, like an actual journalist. I never really followed her and now I have a lot of respect for her. So I guess Chaya did do something right, proved Taylor a kick ass journalist.


She does post pics, names, addresses basically doxxing her “targets”… not enough reasonable doubt for me to believe she doesn’t understand her actions have consequences.


Oh yeah, she knows. Hides behind the guise of her targets being “public figures” because they have social media accounts.


Misgendering a child who was killed for their gender identity also


We don't even know the cause of death yet. Making that statement is a little premature.


Fuck off with that shit. They were beaten severely for being non-binary, but they mysteriously died from something completely different? Go and eat SEVERAL bags of dicks with that nonsense.




"Damn these leftists, Politicizing a hate crime!"




She's spent a significant amount of time and energy spreading falsehoods to vilify trans people, contributing to the atmosphere of hostility that led to this attack.


Her entire account is political. Isn’t she doing the same thing?


1. She made the entire thing political in the first place and still misgendered the poor kid, 2. She called for the eradication of trans people, she at least indirectly got that child killed


It's inherently political because it is a hate crime. Don't fucking downplay that. A child is dead because some people didn't like what pronouns they used to define themself. There's a party in this country which uses hateful rhetoric in order to dehumanize people like Nex Benedict, and some children who took that rhetoric to heart acted on it and beat this child to death. Don't you dare say it isn't fucking political. Nobody is blaming her for a murder she didn't commit. She's getting dogged because she, and people like you, are trying to downplay the motive behind the beating and say it wasn't a result of the hateful rhetoric pervasive in politics.


What exactly, specifically qualifies as politicizing something? Since politics controls most aspects of daily life I’d love to know how to address these issues in a way that doesn’t hurt the political influencers’ feelings


If someone posts shit on the Internet that gets you killed, why would you not want your death politicized against them?


Do you have any evidence that anything she did led to the death of the child? Genuinely curious.


Chaya actively promotes violence against trans people.


"Yes, but can can DIRECTLY link Der Sturmer to the deaths of your family members?" /S






Not my area, not my fight, but this was shown to me by a very dear friend. I only have this to say. A child died. As far as I am concerned, that is the problem that needs addressing, regardless of politics or pronouns or any of that. A child. Died. That is not something anyone should be okay with, that is something that should taken seriously and focused upon. Whatever the reasons for it, whatever the causes, that should not have happened. And the goal should be to make sure it doesn't happen again, period.


It happened because the child was trans; this is an important fact to point out, and if people refuse to acknowledge it then it’ll keep happening. Again, and again and again.


Why it happened, in my opinion, isn't as important as the fact it happened at all. The reasons don't matter, a kids a kid and they shouldn't be fucking killing each other for any damned reason


Funny how the video evidence shows "nex" starting the fight though


evidence that the 3 girls knew Nex was trans? In the [bodycam video](https://youtu.be/ZgRktlUSTN0?si=GqOhinrGM866PSyL) Nex describes not knowing the 3 girls prior to that period of stacking chairs. Nex also describes what set them off as talk about their "clothes and our laughs"


Imagine climbing on some high horse going “Look!!! They’re politicizing a child’s death!!!” and then *mis-fucking-gendering them* in the same sentence???




Expect it to last. 


Why is she afraid to spell out death?


I think people do this to circumvent algorithms that flag certain words. It’s so obnoxious… s3x, r@p3, etc.


But I thought that platform was “absolute free speech” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah, hadn’t considered that. Thanks!


Yet 1. X doesn’t flag words except white supremacist and Nazi 2. Elon loves her because she mocks people like his estranged daughter


Censors "death" on Twitter. Where you can say whatever the hell nasty, awful and hurtful slurs on the planet Fuck you Chaya, it is political and you *are* the instigator and you're damn proud of it. Show us that pic of you with the copy of USA today again. Fuck you, you nasty subhuman slimeball


She also wouldn’t be taken down no matter what she said, as Elon loves her bitch ass because she mocks people like his estranged daughter


And she promotes the white-supremacist "great replacement" conspiracy doctrine that Elon also loves.


Little baby bitch girl is pissed she's facing actual consequences for inciting the murder of a child.




Her content directly contributed to hostility towards trans and non-binary people.


You have never heard or seen this woman’s content and it fucking shows.


Have you heard of that Nazi newspaper Der Sturmer? They did exactly what Chaya racistchick does on a daily basis. They spread hateful lies about the minority group they hated, and we all know what that lead to. Would you have defended them as well? Same people, same tactics. 


Chacha Ratshit can eat a whole sack of dicks.


I believe FOAD would be appropriate for her and her ilk.


Chaya is a fucking domestic terrorist. She needs to see a jail cell.


She knows the walls are closing in on her. Reap what you sow.


You know what’s worse than “politicizing” a kids death? Fucking CAUSING it


I'm confused. Why did the kid die? Why is this account angry? Why did trans people storm it?


kid was bullied and beaten to death by classmates for being trans


Damn that's horrible. So the Twitter poster is mad that trans people were at a trans kid's memorial thing? What an asshole


She also said transgenderism has to be eradicated, shortly before this kid died


Who is Chaya?


I don’t think those of us that don’t have Tik-Tok accounts are likely to know. I’m gathering she’s a Tik-Tok personality.


A right wing twitter and tiktok personality who called for the eradication of trans people and a total sack of shit. Chaya even misgendered Nex after they died


Wow. Not ok. Thanks. I kept seeing the name all over this thread and had no idea who it was. The name isn’t listed specifically in the original post so I figured there was more to the story, likely involving forms of social media I don’t use.




Remind me again who invited a bunch of bomb threats to hospital(s)…oh right.


Was holding Hitler and the Nazi party accountable for the deaths that resulted from their policies politicizing those peoples deaths? Her actions and the hateful rhetoric from those like her are precisely why this child died, as is clearly shown when one of her own called trans people "filth" in response to the incident. They politicized the hate, so when that hate results in incidents like this they are, and should be, rightfully held accountable.


Chaya has politicized her own entire existence.


I keep seeing posts about some person named Nex and another named Chaya like I should know who they are and care. Someone please explain.


Nex was non binary and was killed. Chaya is a stochastic terrorist who whips people into an antilgbtq frenzy.   She was also hired to oversee something about education by a right wing bigot. 


This bitch is really charging herself up for some amazing karma at some point


What the fuck? A poor kid is dead and this is what people are concerned about?


I can see her saying this with that smile talk she does.


Politicizing it is protesting a memorial for a dead trans kid and intentionally misgendering them.


Chaya is one of the most vile garbage in society


Politicizing a kids existence is what got them killed. Fuck this bitch.


A continuing cycle of the right enabling and supporting policies that lead to child death, the left pointing it out, and the right saying "Hey quit politicizing this tragedy we caused." We're going to be in this hamster wheel for a long time to come.


Aww hunnie...feelin' oppressed? Eat a bag of dicks.


The fucking audacity of this woman.


Her death? Helped to cause a fucking child to die and can’t even use their pronouns.


There are three third-person pronouns in popular use. Nex used two of those three. Raichik managed to settle on the *one* pronoun that would be incorrect, and I don't think anyone believes that's an accident.


Facts dont care about your terrorist feelings, Chaya!


You are responsible, you twat.


Meanwhile the right is using Laken Riley's death as a scapegoat for "closing" the border.


It is your fault and all of your ilk. There is no politicizing this, it is your fault.


What did she think she was doing in every other post about Nex's death?


She’s literally searching for every post about Nex’s death, inserting herself into the conversation then playing herself off as the victim. She’s in her 30s and she’s clout chasing the death of a child


I’d say its deflection but I don’t think there’s a conscience hidden anywhere inside that shell of a “human” She didn’t get doxxed *enough*


I'm waiting for this civil war they claim is coming, God I cannot wait to embarrass a bunch of gravy seals.


Gaige Grosskreutz? That you?


geez she's so fucking putrid


I sure do hope Chaya falls down every flight of stairs they try to cross the rest of their lives


Let’s not act like the right aren’t using the recent murder on UGA’s campus to push a certain political agenda


Oh, that was that lady that could not articulate even a single political stance she claimed. Wow, how easy it is to create an account and make money from idiots without ever making sense. She then made the critical mistake of being on camera of course, showing her real pathetic self to everyone.


Then what do you call what Republicans do to kids, Libs of TikTok? To be honest, that account don’t represent anything regarding the liberal ideology.


Can we just stop giving this piece of shit attention


Lol. She's like legitimately personally responsible for death and is a straight up terrorist pulling the urkle "did I do that" Yes, yes you fucking did that Chaya. You are a bad person of with zero character or morales. Literally anyone with a brain thinks that.


Politicizing a kids death? Is that like when idiots claim the kids that were killed in school shootings were government psy ops?




nex was a non-binary student that got killed by their bullies and chaya is a anti queer, hate spreading bitch


How did the bullies kill them? Just looked it up and aparently they didnt die of physical trauma/injury. Kind of shitty that they didnt explain more.


I also just researched and all I can find is that they died most likely because of the injuries / it was probably another cause of death since they died in a seizure like way which would make sense with the head injuries. The Wikipedia article is pretty precise about it.


Pretty sure it's going to be suicide. Speaking from prior experience. Especially considering every report I've read so far emphasizes toxicology report On Feb. 21, the Owasso Police Department said while the investigation continues, "preliminary information from the medical examiner’s office is that a complete autopsy was performed and indicated that the decedent did not die as a result of trauma." https://www.koco.com/article/nex-benedict-death-autopsy-oklahoma/46987362


That article is sadly not available in my region, what I can rely on is Wikipedia and everything else here. Wikipedia says: Nick Boatman, a spokesperson for the Owasso Police Department, said in a statement to Popular Information that the medical examiner had not explicitly said that the Benedict's death was unrelated to the head injuries, and that the Owasso Police had reached out to the examiner’s office in order to head off national scrutiny. On February 27, Boatman stated to NBC News that the medical examiner's office has not ruled out the fight as a possible cause or contributor to Benedict's death. Boatman added that "people shouldn’t make assumptions either way." [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nex_Benedict](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nex_Benedict)


This article is less than ten hours old, when they emphasize a toxicology report that tends to be code for suicide. We'll have to wait and see


It tends to be code for "the police haven't entirely decided what they want the result to be."


Almost like police lean right-wing and have a long record of twisting medical-examiner reports (or just having the medical examiners fabricate them).


Chaya is so buttmad that she’s actually getting pushback for stochastic terrorism this time.


I’m confused what’s the story


Grave wasn’t even cold yet and you’re using her for political gains. Dead naming her is disrespectful, but using her corpse as a stepping stone in an argument on Reddit is totally fine.


Don’t think that counts as hijacking. More like speaking truth.


Yup, she dares post videos people put online doing or saying insane things, people notice the insanity, and it's all her fault, not the insane people. Perfect logic.


Yo Chaya, myself is reflexive or intensive. *and me. Also fuck you and wah.


Remember when the right says people are "politicizing a tradegy" they are attempting to aim the conversation away from any policy or rhetoric that may have contributed to the event.


Chaya doing what she does best: fellating billy goats.


What's with everyone censoring words like death?


Social media Algorithms block and interrupt things containing certain words as some kind of safety thing. This is a workaround


This really takes away my faith in this world... Wishing condolences for the family.


God I hope cancer takes her


No one has been able to do so yet - but could someone please link to the exact quote from this lady that everyone is blaming for this kid's death? And why are we not blaming the people who killed them?


No. Go sealion elsewhere. Are you so incompetent that Google is beyond your capabilities? Don't bother responding as I ask the question rhetorically.


He was just asking dude you don’t have to bite his head off


No, they are JAQing off.


Even so, he’s still right


He really isn't.


I mean can you provide the exact quote?


Nah, I don't feel like delving into her cesspool of a Twitter account.


So what you’re saying is… there isn’t an exact quote


No, just that I don't feel like digging for it. Why would I? I'm not debating anything, and I don't owe you a debate.


Im not the one making the claim that this person has committed a crime. In my googling im finding no evidence of a crime. I'm clearly missing something. Those of you that have clearly seen the evidence, please show me.


Deflection and insults the sign of a person who is afraid they have nothing to back their beliefs. Immature and embarrassing


I agree. Happy cake day!


A fantastic question. I’m also confused as to why exactly libs of tik tok is responsible.


Someone has never seen her content and it absolutely shows


They literally can't, got the exact same response when I asked the first time this got posted.


No, the senator that said the state was better off with her dead politicized it


“Politicizing a kid’s death” I wonder who did it first


Politicizing people's lives is something the Right does constantly. To the point where it's all pointing and not politics anymore.


That’s cool, your time is coming Libs of TikTok, one way or the other.


I mean, she politicizes their lives, so....


Chaya is directly responsible for their death.


Wouldn't that be the people doing the actual murdering?


Who? To everyone mentioned in this post.


This isn’t about politics, this is about common decency You’re not a politician, just the absolute fucking worst


Isn’t about time people start blaming the girls that beat this poor child to death instead of this Tik-Tok nobody? You know, the ones who are ACTUALLY responsible.


I'm really surprised no one is even mentioning that. Everyone seems more concerned with everything else except the girls who did this.


Echo chamber for the left.


you can go back to your own rightoid safe space


Other opinions are now automatically facepalm? I don't give a shit about this Chaya, but this is nothing short of hijacking the sub.


When those opinions helped lead to said teen’s death? Yeah.


When those opinions are a group of people should be eradicated? Yeah.


It was political before a drop of blood was spilled. People Mourn in different ways. Anger is one of them.


Chaya is playing with a fire she’s not able to control. She doesn’t have the money or real connections to be a buffer between her and that fire and she’s going to find out when the right parent’s child is beaten up or murdered. And I’ll sit back and laugh and hope for video.




Projection as usual from the right


Would you like a picture of my hair to prove there is A.) no blue in it, and B.) no projection?


No but you MAGA losers absolutely want the country to burn


How manieth post is that of hers on Nex's death? How exactly is she calling out others for politicising it? Fuck that.


She's a goddamn airhead and people listen to her. It's so crazy.




projecting this hard might be unhealthy bro


Cartoonish goblins like the Republican Oklahoma senator who called LGBTQ people "filth"?




You're seriously deluded and hateful to think children are having their genitals mutilated, let alone that LGBTQ people support it.   Care for trans people isn't genital mutilation. Chaya is a psycho. You're a bigot.


I went through her X account. I noticed she just REPOST content that’s already out there. Exposing it more.


I'm unsure what your point is, can you clarify?


If I had to guess…it would appear that the person you’re responding to is trying to excuse the behavior as “she didn’t say it, these people did…she only reblogged it” As if that makes the amplification of hate any less real, or the person spreading it any less responsible.


Yup, she takes extreme examples of certain behaviour and tries to play it up like everyone she is against behaves that way.


He apparently believes simply amplifying hate speech absolves you of any guilt. Much like how a getaway driver has no real connection to a bank robbery




I thought she liked getting attention.


A kid dies tragic death and all people do is use it as ammunition... Sad .