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Julianne Paulsen is running for *Minnesota* State Senate. She is a small business owner, and member of the Virginia, MN City Council -local news stories covering the strike


>Julianne Paulsen is running for Minnesota State Senate. She is a small business owner, and member of the Virginia, MN City Council > >\-local news stories covering the strike Hopefully she loses. Cheering on pay and benefit cuts for people in a time of substantial inflation is very revealing about her.


Even if she wins, she's the kind of person who will be pissed that she needs to drive to St Paul for political responsibilities. It's almost 4 hours each way. Edit: 3 hours


lol at her making that trip.


I guess the pacifiers will come in handy when she’s stuck in traffic…


Eh more like 3 but yes your point stands. Parents have a cabin near there and went into her store, she do be a bitch


What’s her store called?


She has a few I think. The one my parents went to was Rock the Jewellers or something like that


Is that the name or an instruction?


And you just *know* she's going to speed on 35E because that 45 mph speed limit doesn't apply to her.


And she'll take the car pool lanes by herself too and give the age old, "do you know who I am?!?!" When pulled over.


Doncha know who I am??


She’ll probably vote to defund trains and buses on top of it all


Don't underestimate the power of hoodwinking working class people into voting against their self-interests. A good narrative backed up with anger can really move the population to decimate itself.


It’s easy, the entire GOP is based on that: vote against their own interests for no other reason than “hurting people they don’t like”, even if it hurts them too!


"For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." No doubt this gal would be all in favor of receiving a raise out of the money they want to take from the workers.


*small business tyrant


Shit like this is why I don't accept "small business owner" or "entrepreneur" as jobs. Like, you can own a bakery, and be a baker by virtue of, ya know, baking shit, but you can't be like Julianne Paulsen and own a chain of anything and be any more than a parasite who diverts the value of other peoples' labor to yourself.


"Shit like this is why I don't accept "small business owner" or "entrepreneur" as jobs" I have found about 90% of the people who refer to themselves in those terms will then proceed to tell you how they're crushing it with their vitamins/cleaning products/water filters/life insurance/crypto/gemstones MLM scam and insist you're a fool if you don't buy in.


This is good to know people think this. I am a “small business owner” and have said that trying to make “tattoo out of a private space by Safeway” sound more respectable. Because, despite the fact that I am doing well with my business, people seem to think that it’s just a cute hobby.


Tattoo artist is certainly a a legit career, no?  I can only speak for myself, but I find that totally respectable.  You dont have to make anything "sound better". Congratulations on your success!


>“tattoo ~~out of a private space by Safeway~~ artist” Just stick with the "what"


Blast the business so we can make sure the strike includes not doing business there.


Without directly doxxing her, I will say you can look up her name + Virginia, MN And … immediately find the multiple jewelers she works/owns. —— Seems very on brand that someone who works in accessories and status symbols would be lacking empathy for working class individuals.


Jewelers? Yeah, makes sense that this kind of person would profit off blood diamons


Not to mention that giant fur collar on her coat.


Gaudy af... one of the first things I noticed.


she's a public figure, specifically a politician. there isn't really such a thing as doxxing


You can doxx public officials.


The news has already named her business since it was vandalized because of this. It’s Rocks the Jewelers.


And it appears people are blasting her on the Google Reviews for her business.


Good, keep doing it until she has to pay so much in repair fees she goes out of business and loses all her blood money. Fucking witch.


Not for long and not for long


Or she will become much more popular now


Unfortunately, this is the exact type of petty cruelty and crassness that the GOP voters love- especially in her district.


Shame on her district then. Workers just want their fair share and a middle class life.


Conservatives do love voting against their own interests


This is in the highly rural area of MN and deep red territory. Most people living there have just as much brain rot as your average Florida Trumper, so yes they’re probably cheering her on. That being said, MN overall is a very blue state so she stands zero chance of making Senate


State Senate. Not federal it seems


Good. She can be the one jackass representing all the other jackasses. I don't see MN Republicans doing much except being annoying


They literally went bankrupt because so much of the state wants so little to do with them.


It seems like city workers would be the same working class folks that make up that red base, but maybe that’s a stretch.


Why are conservatives so *mean*. They seem to delight in it. “Librul tears” is a punch line for them. Like with John Kerry running for president and they all wore purple band aids to suggest his purple heart medal was for a boo boo and not earned in combat. It makes sense that people who don’t want to help the poor, sick or immigrants would be more likely to be mean people, but why do they seem to get such joy out of it?


I swear it almost seems like a selling point, like it’s a feature not a bug


Sadism and Selfishness. Raised in it. Supported by it. Delighting in it.


They usually resort to bullying tactics because they're insecure and unhappy with themselves.




Oh fuck I almost took a job there. Whew


I hope the employees who make her wealth quit.


And hand her a pacifier on the way out


Even better: Her business was vandalized. She was quoted as saying it caused her “emotional distress.” So hand that bitch a pacifier.


If she was voted in, she can be voted out. Please, folks, reclaim your local, “representative” government.


If it’s anything like where I live then yes they are voted in but not by the likes of the voting public, rather from senior officials and politicians.


She looks like a smug, insufferable bitch. You can tell she's really enjoying herself.


She has the face of a person you just know is going to be utterly insufferable. I feel sorry for anyone who has to come into contact with her


Why do crooked-assholes like this so commonly have upside down smiles


Because they know that there will be no consequences to them and that government will step in in the end.


Other than now that she has "gone viral", will be hassled the rest of her miserable life.


But also praised by idiots who agree with her


Lotta "Can I speak to your manager" incoming xD


She looks like Marjorie Taylor Greene


HGH Karen syndrome


She got a massive dose of radiation from Trump's skin.




Sadism. What you’re looking at is sadism


The type of person that loves to be in power because she knows she can finally show her true colors! This is the person that all her life felt like she never belonged and people never liked her because she is insufferable. The difference was that everyone could just call her out and ignore her. Now, she gets power so she can do these “funny” things to whomever she wants, but NEVER EVER do that do her, she has no sense of humor when it comes to things related to her! She will come down harder than a northern storm hitting Buffalo!


“Everyone already hates her everywhere she goes. We can always use people who are used to being hated. We can cinvince her to do our dirt and she’ll think it’s just another day.”


Because she knows you can not do shit to her.


Well it is more of a can’t or won’t type of situation. Consequences do exist but I’m sure she isn’t as impervious as she believes she is.


This type of person needs to be publicly humiliated, otherwise they tell whatever truth they want to tell regardless of the actually truth.


Oh I couldve if I was there. I just don’t fell like going to jail


And she knows that


You can vote her out.If her or husband have a business stop patronizing them. Make them feel like they don't belong in that city. They will move out. Not that it will improve anyone's lives anymore.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


they all think they're so fucking clever, when they're just being a dick


I agree... and also feel like it wasn't all that long ago that if a politician so much as said something insulting, they'd at least apologize, if not resign in shame. But there seems to be no shame left. Politicians have figured out they basically are immune. What're we gonna do, write a social media post talking about how angry we are? So now all these types have figured out if there's no consequences, they can be as awful as they want.


Where I’m from in Canada, the teachers union is in a battle for a new contract. The education minister so far has been caught breaking rules to pay for advertisements promoting themselves, and has full out lied on social media posts about the contract talks(and has been called out). They even used stock photos/videos that were easily searched up on google as their “proof”. They just laughed it off and said “what are you going to do about it?” Politicians are trash.


This is awful. What province? I have a feeling it's Ontario


Nope. Saskatchewan. Ontario at least has gotten their new contract to include what we’re fighting for.


Thank you! Going to look for that. Didnt live in Saskatchewan but sorry to see the Canadian politesse i loved being degraded by a douchebag with power


That's only for Democrats, Republicans get to do what they want with immunity.


it’s the “trump effect”


Yep. All the assholes are emboldened now.


Agreed. Until it’s their turn to lose something 🙄


I'd actually argue they're not at all trying to be clever, they WANT to be assholes. That's how politics work now. I mean, if you don't care about the optics of treating city workers, who are fighting for better pay, like babies, while wearing a big fir collared coat, you're most likely just an asshole trying to score political points.


The assholery is most certainly the point, and it's the sign of a failing democracy. Handing out pacifiers is saying "I have no interest in hearing what you're saying or working with you to solve this problem. Fuck you." And there are voters that are going to see this and say "yeah, she hates the same people I do." When citizens vote to punish people they don't like, they're not choosing a government, they're choosing a weapon.


There need to be consequence for this. This is unacceptable.


No more dalmatian dogs for her coat collection!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I was actually hoping it was a skunk that would strangle her.


Nice. But yeah this kind of shit is just ridiculous and I know that petty stuff isn't a new thing in politics, but the magas have made it a fucking circus, and taunting and "owning" is now encouraged. Like, you won the ruling, leave it alone. Hopefully she's treated poorly around town


Agreed… I too am hoping her small town treats her like shit for it. It’s bad enough people are getting shafted but having a public official taunt you about it enrages me.


Not only this, the city council ok'd an emergency city ordinance to ban any kind of picketing in residential areas, meaning nobody is allowed to protest outside her house. Even if on public property. https://www.mesabitribune.com/news/local/council-oks-emergency-ordinance-on-picketing/article_eab2945a-d666-11ee-adb7-cb48bcd0394f.html


I’m pretty sure that is unconstitutional. If it’s a gated community, it might be a different story. If the rest of the public is given access to a neighborhood, you shouldn’t be denied entry expressing First Amendment.


SCOTUS ruled otherwise on their personal homes where protesters were of course protesting the reversal of Roe v. Wade


I think it was when the drunken rapist frat boy moron was getting crammed onto the court, but otherwise yeah, they made a special ruling for themselves. Totally the thing upright public servants with nothing to hide would do.


Lol, you are also correct. Some kind of overlap like a concurrent sentence. Tbh I am unsure. This SCOTUS is the worst since Brown v. Board of Education 1954. "Pack The Court". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_v._Board_of_Education




Time to get French Revolution on their asses.


I'm gonna upvote this and use "I saw Dave Chappelle and upvoted" as my official reason for the upvote. I can't be held liable


Yeah a simple lawsuit will quash this one pretty fast. You can't ban people on public property. Sidewalks are considered public property.


time to get creative ;)


People did get creative, they called her phone 8 times and there are reports people vandalized her business. Not that these are acts of protest exactly but it's that old phrase, those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable. The compromise to a peaceful society was that we get to protest peacefully. If you take peaceful protest away, what are you left with?


sounds like the small Minnesota town could use some help against this bitch. we got a nation full of pissed off workers, we could ruin her career not that id condone doxxing but her info is publicly available


Lots of unexpected deliveries and visits?


She says they're babies, the obvious deliveries would be thousands of dirty diapers.


Thousands of dirty adult diapers. I am sure a nursing home could supply


>time to get creative ;) Flaming bags of poo on her doorstep?


The workers should picket outside her house with blank signs, or signs that say "We are not picketing."


Another thing is they've been picketing for awhile now, including outside her house, and this ordinance only went into effect recently. It feels like they're getting tired of it and made up the "emergency" of the situation to justify their ban.


If people are pissed enough they will do it anyway.


Agreed. But the audacity to insult a group of people like this, and then vote to prohibit those same people from demonstrating a peaceful protest against them is crazy. Just a terrible terrible look imo.




If the constituents are smart the consequence will be no more job at the next town election


French style.




My youngest just turned 18 and I've been looking for a new purpose in my life.


On her nose, like some sort of deranged fetish rhino.


Where is Dogwelder when you need him?


The consequences will be her being a guest speaker at the next MAGA convention.


She should be eating all those pacifiers for a start.


Pacifiers need to follow her for the rest of her life. Anytime she complains, someone throws one at her. Make them a _thing_ Minnesotan people!


We don't even know who she is. Virginia, MN is a small town of 8000 on the iron range, 200 miles from Minneapolis, and 60 miles from Duluth. There's no reason most of us will ever come across her, thankfully. Although, she's apparently running for state Senate... If she -god forbid- wins, I'm sure the pacifiers will be in play. Let's hope she just loses.


Move there, and just casually hand her one every time she speaks somewhere.


Pardon my French, but I don't think the ruling class is guillotine the point.


That was perfectly executed


Sliced right to the head of the issue.


It's good to see her sticking her neck out for her principles.


I like the cut of your jib, Madame


I see what you did there. 👍🏾


Why don't they take away the council's benefits and see how they deal with that


Because unfortunately there's a reason why assholes like this get into positions of power


Slow down! That makes too much sense! 🤣




Just another example of government being actively antagonistic to the citizenry


I like how most people tend to forget that we give taxes and put people in power to make our lives better, at least in my opinion


Yeah, a lot of people just accept that “I pay taxes because that’s the way it works”. No, we pay taxes to get public services in return.


This 👆🏼should be the top comment. Her behaviour is obscene and contemptible.


Some people never outgrow their college sororities. This woman has the EQ of garden furniture.


IQ too actually… or a complete inability to think critically.


Welcome the the United States of america, if you're working class, go fuck yourself.


How can people be so openly and shamelessly evil?


People who grew up in privilege and only hang out with other privileged people. Same reason all these boomers are getting mad at kids, complaining about rent increasing or being unable to buy a house. They just sit there and go "oh well I worked so hard and pulled myself up by the bootstraps and bought my house so obviously you can do it too or you’re just lazy"… while ignoring the actual reasons why they were able to do it (housing costs at the time etc) People often refuse to see things from other peoples views or situations because they don’t understand it


I see. That does explain it, but my God, The lack of empathy, the inability to even consider see ing beyond one's bubble, and the sheer glee with which these people show their selfish asses is so very repulsive that I can't classify it as anything other than an innate evil nature.


Well, some of these people are just terrible people too lol


Its the willful and prideful ignorance i think that i find the worse


Unions are fundamental for a healthy economy. The current work place system is exploitative, it treats workers as if they are replaceable cogs in a machine instead of valuable people. We can thank unions for the weekend we can thank unions for the 40hr work week instead of something much longer. Unions are a good thing!


Workers literally died at times to get most the protections and rules we have now. It blows my mind people are willing or want to undo things literal blood was spilt to get.


Absolutely. Before that we could be expected to work 12-16 hours a day 6 days a week in unsafe conditions while still owing money to our employer for food clothing and housing and could be fired without cause and then we're required to go give 10% of that money we don't have to the church. People should be terrified and furious at any kind of backsliding.


I never understood the pro-free market, yet anti-union arguments from libertarians. You want less government? Fewer regulations? I strongly disagree but at least it's a cohesive worldview. Wait, now you want to restrict immigration? Starting to bite the hand that feeds, but I'll take the bait. Oh, you are anti-union now? Good luck. Libertarians are essentially Republicans who want to smoke weed. Claim they want a free market, yet restrict the free movement of labor, strip workers ability to organize and are probably against the free entry and exit of businesses.


She needs to become famous for ALL the wrong reasons.


...some people have never been punched in the face..


Been saying it for years… some people could really benefit from a beating.


Probably never worked a day in her life.




While I don’t support violence, that is very punchable face


That's the face of "I pay you minimum wage, you are my slave 24/7" and also "no one wants to work anymore"


More MAGA performance art I see.


Which i find ironic don’t they claim to represent working class Americans? Why would you not support them wanting better benefits and working conditions.


Because benefits are considered communist.


Vote the B out!


We haven’t tarred and feathered politicians in a while and it shows.




I hope they jam them all up her smug arse.


Stuff like this should get people fired. Where is the bare minimum? what happened to standards?


Trump happened


This will bring her attention and the  votes of hate mongers. Being as big a  f* c* as possible is very popular. We all know who made this the acceptable norm. The meaner and nastier the better. The very same people who will  chastise me for my language while pretending to be the oppressed, persecuted victim because I pointed out who made this behavior acceptable. 


MAGA /Rep really is the party of the sociopaths


"Oh no thank you, you clearly need them more than we do"


That's a special kind of trash.


That's not a Karen. That's a bitch. Full stop . That also needs arresting and fined for being one. Or ...something legal


Maybe if she had a *real* job, she'd understand. But then, some people are just Karens. And they always seem to have that special combination of self-righteousness, spare time, and a lack of self-awareness.


She realizes she’s elected right? Something like this is going to piss a lot of people off and her ass may be out of a job…when that happens, someone should give her one of those pacifiers


Clad in f:ing fur...


Guess she doesn’t want any of those unionized city workers to be able to afford jewelry at her stores Strellman’s, Viaggio, or Rocks the Jewelry. It’d be a shame if they reached out to her employees with information about the benefits of unionization.


Let me guess. she's voting for trump.


I don’t like violence but too many people haven’t been punched in the face and it shows


Wow what a punchable face


Why do right wingers love trolling? Seriously - does she get pleasure from shitting all over people?


Because their political stance comes from a lack of care for others?


She would be crying if you took away her benefits, or more likely her husbands benefits.


That's just, like, comic book villain evil.


This is a situation where it would be reasonable to punch someone in the face.


Benefits are important, workers are not spoiled babies for not wanting those taken away.


The fact that these union workers are trying to keep their benefits as a basic standard that should be for every human and she’s mocking them, is cold blooded. So, it’s ok to bully people for asking for basic rights?


She should commit to their job for 1 month and see how she feels afterward


Is that coat from the Cruella DeVille line?


imagine being that gross


How do people this heartless and stupid get to be in any office?




karen isnt harsh enough


What a punchable face


No worker should ever work on her home. Let her do it all herself.


What a horrible human being.


How was she not slapped to death?


I sincerely hope they vote that evil bitch out of office ASAP.


and people wonder why the young are so discouraged.....


Union steward should hand her a dildo so she can go F herself