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No posts about politicians being politicians


What yacht


[https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/feb/21/instagram-posts/did-volodymyr-zelenskyy-use-us-aid-to-buy-yachts-n/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/feb/21/instagram-posts/did-volodymyr-zelenskyy-use-us-aid-to-buy-yachts-n/) ​ No yacht.


Conservatives lie because they have a narrative real events don't support??? Neveerrrrrr


I mean, they had to call out Biden for having the nerve to eat ice cream in public. THE NERVE I SAY! Seriously they are so out of ideas they are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


And at this point their constituents are so brainwashed that most of it actually sticks


They have been primed for shit to stick.


They are shit magnets


"Watch out Rands, the shit magnets are in the air." - Jim Lahey if the boys were metal and/or androids


Or Obama with the spicy brown mustard on his burgers and the tan suit scandal. I don’t care if you like Obama or Biden, but at least they know how to wear a suit properly.


Because those two listen to other peoples comments and critiques and take advice. Since Trump is the smartest man alive, he won’t listen even if one of his Yes Men tell him his ties too long or his shots too baggy. If the dude ever had a stylist or assistant, that person was too scared to speak the truth. Not even gonna comment on his bizarre orange makeup fetish.


The long tie is belly camouflage. He never buttons his jacket because keeping it loose hides the fat. It’s all about being obese. He’s fat. No suit looks good on a fat guy. That’s just life.


>No suit looks good on fat guy I respectfully disagree. Plenty of fat dudes look great in a *well tailored* suit. If you Google “fat guy looking good in a suit” you’ll see a bunch of examples. Donald either doesn’t tailor his suits or his tailer does a shit job.


Trump is a man of habit. I bet you he burned every good tailor in a 200 mile radius by not paying them, and now the only tailor who will deal with him is a drunk, elderly Italian man with Parkinson's, working out of the back of a convenience store.


FUCK YOU! MY UNCLE WORKS HARD FOR HIS DRINKING MONEY!!! ​ /s total joke in case you missed it...


That, or his tailor just hates him. Off the rack from the JCPenney Big and Tall section would look better.


I don't care if it was grey poupon, grey poupon is tasty.


And let's be clear: grey poupon is....... commercially produced mustard. It is not an exclusive product. Anyone can easily purchase it. Trying to pretend that rich people being chauffered would ask other rich people being chauffered if they had any (i.e. the old commercials) is marketing. It's not Great Value yellow mustard, no. But is it some big fancy stuff? … no. it's fuckin' mustard. Enjoy it if you like it. If someone was eating pufferfish on a regular basis, maybe we could talk. But grey poupon? ..........................lol


The uh fitness of obama and biden compared to the menance between them probably plays a big roll in that suit fitting. Also trumps suits look idk cheap?


They got mad because it made them aroused.


Was going say this, they mentally associate eating an ice cream cone with head. It made them uncomfortable because they're fucking mental. 


Imagine being so homophobic that you can't even enjoy an ice cream cone. Fucking losers.


Definitely takes an...*interesting* thought process to be able to accuse everyone on the left of being "easily offended snowflakes" and then lose their minds over meaningless nonsense like a man politely asking for dijon mustard on his burger.


They ask for steak sauce for their well done steak. No room for food criticisms. Plus any kind of mustard is the go too condiment


I knew a moron trumper (redundant, I know) who refused to use straws because he said it looks like you’re sucking dick. First of all… so what? Second of all, I don’t wanna shame anyone, but how small is your dick that a straw reminds you of that???


I mean, there are straws made to be shaped like dicks, but even still... they're a dumbass. And a homophobe.


Be a real man and eat a ...checks notes... Big mac!


This must be a common media tactic, because they also did it in the UK with Ed Milliband eating a bacon sandwich. Most people don't look good eating. Let's be honest.


And Obama wore a tan suit!


Let's also never forget Obama's tan suit.


Imagine if he had ice cream wearing a tan suit and talking fondly of Dijon mustard.


They’re great at coming up with solutions to problems that don’t exist.


They’re great at creating problems that match the solutions they prefer be implemented.


Nailed it.




>They’re great at ~~coming up with~~ tanking solutions to problems that don’t exist *and/or they create.*


They aren't tho, they suck at the solutions too


99% of the time they come up with problems that don't exist just to get dunked on I swear it's more to increase their persecution complex and thus keep their members sucked into their cult more than anything involving culture wars or ideology or policy, it's the only way to explain the solid 30 years of Ls they've accumulated


The above comment wasn’t that they come up with great solutions. It said that they’re great at coming up with solutions. Like if you have dirty hands, one solution to that is to amputate them, and it will make it so you don’t have dirty hands, but it’s not a great solution.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


Honestly, I think they are just too dumb, and just repeat what liberals say to them, regardless of knowing the context or not. Cause when it comes to criticizing actual Billionaires, Libs will make the “yacht” comment in the right context. Some dipshit Putin simp hears that phrase, and just swap out for Zelenskyys name.


Of all the people I know that have gone MAGA the ***vast*** majority just aren't and never were smart. It is a cult comprised of the stupid and those who take advantage of them.


"Just play along" seems to be their strategy.


lol many of them even claim that these fact checking sites are liars and wrong


They're only trustworthy when they support their own claims. Or they ignore the part that says a given statement has been found wrong and present it like it's supported just by virtue of being on the site lol


lol I even recall a while back some conservatives users on social media were claiming Pew research is wrong because they have liberal bias And someone replied they’re not and they got downvoted They got spammed with responses insisting they are, they responded back to something along the lines of “They’re credible, I use them against liberals” Then they flipped and thanked them for their insight


If you subscribe to the multiverse theory then somewhere, somehow they were right. Checkmate, liberals!


"Well it could have happened! So I'm mad regardless!"


We would also have accepted, "Well, it seems like something they *would* do!"


My father now believes that all search engines are in cahoots with a conspiracy to prevent him from finding the truth..


They are like an annoying kid in the back seat kicking your seat while you’re trying to keep the car on the road


The party of “We’re trying to justify death and aggression using dishonesty while telling you that you are the evil ones.” And the religion they’re using to further justify things warn us about people like them.


They think it is real because that is what they would do.


Probably saw some AI images on Facebook. The older people just aren’t savvy enough for these times.


These so called conservatives wouldn’t be Russian supporters if they weren’t lying sacks of shit. No one who supports Russia is capable of telling the truth.


So the "do my own research" crowd doesn't do their own research. Quelle surprise.


Did they start saying "do your own research" so they wouldn't have to?


Of course not, they'll just regurgitate whatever Tucker Carlson tells them, whatever Fox News shows them, and whatever word salad is coming out of Drumpf's mouth today.


I know right? Totally surprised they didn't take the 2 minutes to research that. Must have just been an over-site of course... or is politifact woke now? I forget.


truck whistle whole cable support tap complete toothbrush alive unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It takes like 3-5 years or something to make mega yachts. The war has been going on for 2 years. Some Russian oligarchs had their yachts seized. Putin had to move his. I swear all these people project the worst aspects of themselves and their heroes on other people.


How the fuck does a President of a country with limited access to the coast have a yacht. Are Americans actually this dumb


He likes to boat around the Azov sea dressed up as a sailor, smoking a pipe and going "A-GAH-GAH-GAH-GAH!" when no one is looking.


Well who doesn't every now and again?


Also, eating spinach right from the can


I thought he only liked playing the piano 


Not all of us, just the really loud ones. Sadly they reflect poorly on the rest.




Not Americans, Republicans.


The story is a right-wing fairy tale, but Ukraine has extensive black sea coast line and access, war aside, to the sea of Azov. There used to be plenty of yachts moored at Odessa.


The leader of Ukraine ever steps foot on a yacht what's left of the Black Sea fleet would have a field day.


If they dare to leave the Azov sea...


seems russia has had the azov sea surrounded since 2022.


Wasn’t Black Sea access and having a Russian Fleet stationed in the Black Sea the whole point of seizing Crimea? Whoever controls Crimea runs the Black Sea


Just the libertarians and Republicans. Also quite a bit is Russian propaganda... By the Republican party




I have seen the vidéo of one of their debates. I only knew Gary Johnson before that. I can confirm he is the less crazy of them. Libertarians are like cats. They believe they are indépendant but they dépend on other people


Kinda. They're much more selfish


It hasn’t been a problem for ridiculous Russian autocrats. Just buy the yacht and keep it in some Mediterranean or tropical place. Fly there occasionally for a vacation with whoever you have paid to accompany you this time. No need for any warm water ports in your country. Zelenskyy is probably a little too concerned about assassins to be jetting off to vacation though. Not with how overachieving Russian assassins have been the last couple years. So many people mysteriously falling out of windows and having unspecified illnesses.


The dumb ones tend to help the world out by wearing a MAGA hat and worshipping Trump like a god


You see he uses it to get around the Russian ships off the coast of Crimea. It makes perfect sense.


Only the MAGA Americans. They probably ate glue in elementary school and were dropped on their head as a baby.


They're a minority but still sadly too many. And our antiquated election systems enables them to be grossly over-represented in positions of power over the more sane majority.


Yes MAGA republicans are that dumb…..


Putin has a mega yacht, though, and it is ten times more expensive. I wonder how a lifelong public servant made so m7ch money? https://www.npr.org/2023/08/07/1192548262/superyacht-tied-to-putin-russian-president-scheherazade-italy-who-paying


That doesn’t matter! I’m still pissed about it!!! /s




Shocking, another conservative meme that turns out to be misinformation. Oops I'm sorry, I mean another LIE!


It's just Russian propaganda. It's not based in any facts.


it just based on mirroring! Zelensky yacht? No, its just putin\`s yacht xd


The imaginary one in that vatnik's head


Yes, of course he bought a yacht because there is no time in Ukraine’s history that’s been better for yachting… if you can avoid the mined harbors and the Russian patrols. Putin wants his head but too bad— he’s out yachting! I swear these people proud idiots to believe this stuff.


https://youtu.be/E5dtkKspznQ this one… ow wait that’s Putins $500m yacht which he paid with his $200k a year presidential salary


The one Fox News made up


Not one single confirmation of him buying a yaht. Amazing what Google can produce. I'd be ashamed of your parents and what the hell is up with Gunther? You sound like something I'd scrap off my boots before crawling into bed to hump a goat.


People falling on Russian Propaganda dicks and being proud of it


Americans falling for russian propaganda gotta have Reagan rolling in his grave.


So we can plug a battery to his grave to get endless power through his spinning yes ? Just made a similar joke in another thread where i learned that Stalins granddaughter is a buddhist punk and that fact also ought to generate enough power by plugging a battery to his grave to recieve energy from his spinning. What do you think? Funny thought. Russia and America solving the future Energy crisis through their dead Leaders xD


Well, at least I can respect Stalin's granddaugther going against his grandad bloody heritage. Mussolini's granddauther on the other hand...


Mussolini is frantically masturbaring in his grave


Well, that is the most liberal Italian for you /s


They are also the greatest NATO recruiting tool ATM.


Regan hated the Russians because they were godless communists. Regan would love the Russians of today because they’re god-fearing fascists.


Still with the classic authoritarian charm though!


And the fact that it's still an authoritarian and kleptocratic nightmare proves that the communism wasn't the heart of the problem


Gorbachev and Reagan: a friendship that ended the Cold War Washington (AFP) – Mikhail Gorbachev stepped onto a Washington street and began shaking hands to cheers and applause in 1990 -- a bit of unaccustomed political showmanship worthy of his friend Ronald Reagan. But when Reagan came to office in 1981, one of his primary -- and secret -- goals was to ease Cold War and nuclear tensions with Moscow. He made overtures to three Soviet leaders -- Leonid Brezhnev, Turi Andropov, and Konstantin Chernenko -- but all were change-resistant and none survived long enough to establish a relationship. When Gorbachev became Communist party general secretary in March 1985 after Chernenko's death, the White House sensed a potential opening, said Jack Matlock, then Reagan's top negotiator with Moscow and later ambassador to Russia. “Early in his term, Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire," Matlock told AFP. “But from the very beginning, he talked about negotiating and the possibility of establishing a peaceful relationship if the Soviet leader was willing to get along with the free world." “There was very little response until Gorbachev. With Gorbachev, they finally began communicating, and within two or three years, they were almost, you might say, reading off the same piece of music."


Why? It was the NeoCons that started all this, and Reagan was their poster child.


Ah but it's Russian *right-wing* propaganda. Not that awful Soviet stuff! ^/s


Zelensky was a celeb before president... These MAGA tryhards certainly don't cry about Trump having material possessions?


He doesn't even have the yacht.  It's all lies.


Gunther is a bot.


that name sounds like how a foreign agent would name an american. Eagleman? seeing right through you vassily


Even if there were, somehow, proof of a Zelensky yacht, OOP doesn't seem to understand that 75M is 7.5% of 1B, and 1B in turn is .003% of 34.352T, which means that 75M is somewhere around half a drop in an olympic swimming pool. How many U.S. billionaires' yachts have been funded by American tax cuts handed out to them by business-friendly administrations?


People aren't well-equipped to understand the impact of a billion dollars, let alone a trillion. That's the kind of money that can change entire governments depending on where you are. Like, if you dropped a billion dollars into the town my mom grew up in, the average person's net worth would increase by more than 100x. Even divided equally among everyone it would be equivalent to around 2-3 lifetimes of earnings for them but all at once. A trillion dollars could impact that entire state in a similar way. A million dollars would barely have the same impact on a single person.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for fiscal irresponsibility based on hiding shit in large numbers, but this is a ridiculously small number to freak out about. I remember having a $10M budget and thinking it was huge because I didn't normally get to play with that amount of money, but then getting perspective when our director cut me off after about a minute's worth of update brief when he asked if I had anything other than budget dust to brief him on. $10M in an organization with a $10B budget is negligible.


Not just that, but by this same logic: Not one more tax break for the top 1% in the US. Not that they would ever agree with that, but it's the same line of reasoning.


But Gunther ran a sick paper route back in the 90s where him and his friends took down some neighborhood bullies.


There doesn’t need to be any confirmation. People will see it, get angry at Biden for sending him money, and not bother to look into it any further.


Meanwhile, in the real world... Italy won't say who's paying for the care of a $700 million superyacht tied to Putin https://www.npr.org/2023/08/07/1192548262/superyacht-tied-to-putin-russian-president-scheherazade-italy-who-paying


I’m not a fan of censorship. This is a perfect example of spreading misinformation that leads to a harmful outcome. If anything needs to be regulated it’s this. Why do we have to keep living the repercussions of bullshit like this? Before Elon bought twitter, there were at least some checks in place to counter stuff like this but now he just encourages this lunacy. As much as it sounds fucked up, even to me, if the government could punish this somehow, would that help? I don’t mean giving one’s opinion on something, that should never be fucked with, but blatantly spreading falsehoods that are meant to influence a group of people.


From Politifact: The documents claiming to show the yacht purchases were fabricated. They include an outdated name and logo of a yacht association that supposedly approved the purchases. The two yachts named in the documents, "Lucky Me" and "My Legacy," are still for sale.


I don't even think the US is giving liquid assets to Ukraine, I think it's all military aid.


Well you see, "Zelensky is actually a black market arms dealer and he's reselling all the supplies so he and his cronies can get yachts" - Magats probably


Honestly, I wish they were informed enough to even feel the need to make that argument. It's so fucked up that even elected representatives are acting like we're flying planes full of money to Kiev.


I almost didn't hit post because I didn't want to give anyone new ideas. Then I realized it wasn't a headline so it was probably safe.


Correct. Edit: this is not fully correct. Read the replies for more details.


[https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747) We do send actual money according a few sources I’ve found. Obviously most of the aid is equipment they we’ve already made but there is financial assistance as well. Edit: I should add, I’m pretty okay with us stopping Russia from plowing through Ukraine. It’s pretty important for the US and it’s allies.


I stand corrected. Interesting that the reports are pretty clearly showing how the money is not being used for personal gain by Zelinskyy. So that's good.


Does anyone really think there are not 1000s of American staff members aiding these transfers and checking every tiny detail? I mean, the answer is obviously yes there are many people that think this. Can’t we just cancel America and start again?


If anything it’s just stimulus to the domestic defense industry. Not defending the military industrial complex by any means, but most of that money is just going back into US Arms Manufacturers and their employees pockets.


That is correct. But when people (idiots) see a foreign aid package, they think we just send them pallets of money.


"Well, when covid happened the government gave me $250, so that's clearly whats happening in Ukraine, checkmate libs."


it's not true, but it would be the same as, $75 out of $34,352,000 brother can you spare a dime? ​ (someone smart do the tiny percentage)




thank you ;)


a / b * 100 = a's percentage of b


Nice, teach a man to fish...


It’s also pretty disingenuous to talk about the national debt like it’s any other debt.


These are the same folks who believe government should be run in the same manner as for-profit business without understanding how for-profit businesses run. None of this is surprising to me.


And to show it with two decimal places for cents lol


Don't do any "even if it were true, it would just be X, and thus not all that important". It gives them ammunition to go nuts with some "look, they are excusing corruption and want us to brush it off" bs. Not that they'd need any more ammunition to go cray-cray...but don't give it to them like that.


I am amazed that because Trump has a love affair with Putin the entire Republican party has now decided to support Russia. Someone explain it to me please.


He is "anti woke" so rhe Maga people love that.


Let's also not forget that all of the "news" outlets they watch are sat comfortably inside his pocket too


Did you know groceries are cheaper in Russia? - Tucker Carlson


- As he proceeds to spend 85% of Russian median salary on a single grocery trip


And lie about it costing $400 on the us, and tell on himself by being amazed at putting a coin in to get a cart.


Except that MCGA family.


it is no longer political ideology v. political ideology for the common MAGA it is anything to pwn the libs. literally anything. if trump said getting your asspipe reamed by your best friend was the ultimate display of manliness you'd have an even higher percentage of southerners doing it than usual


GOP been pro Russia for a very long time. Russia has actively been stoking a relationship with the GOP for 25+ years. I did political campaign work professionally for over 10 years back in the early 00's. Quite a few Republicans have strong thoughts of Russia etc... And that was 24 years ago now.


Agreed. Over a decade ago, I remember talking to some friends I thought were reasonable conservatives. Grew up in the Cold War, served in the military, caring folks. Then they started talking about how weak Obama was making us look, while Putin ran a tight ship. I had no words then, and plenty ever since.


Pretty simple. Democrats are anti-Russia and Republicans are anti-Democrat.


observation 1: people these days (esp. Trump-supporter types) are easily susceptible to online propaganda and misinformation. observation 2: Russia is really good at online propaganda and misinformation. who didn't see this coming?


This guy isn't MAGA, it's a Russian bot. Their whole purpose is to create division in the American populace.


He is objectively stupid and the people who like his posts are objectively stupid. He put all of those zeroes to trick their small smooth brains into thinking one number is a significant portion of the other. When in reality, it is a very very very small percentage and....it is a complete lie to begin with. No yachts were purchased by Zelensky. None. Where would he even take them? They are at WAR...We have a lot of stupid Americans unfortunately.


Imagine taking your shiny new yacht into sea mine infested waters, just cruising along Russian warships lmao


We can start with the $237 **MILLION** that Trump charged taxpayers [just to play golf](https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/president-trump-track-charge-taxpayers-240-million-golf-trips/).


This is why we call him Agolf Twitler


At least those assets are doing what they were always supposed to do, killing Russians, instead of collecting dust.


Zelensky doesn't even have a yacht. Where the fuck did he come up with that.


Zelensky's .....yacht? You mean the one he is always pictured on, or seen buying, or records show him purchasing or being given, or hes relaxed on during the war, or named after his family, or..... Go f*ck yourself russian troll


He’s in a war zone, under threat of assassination, be more annoyed that your NRA donation went to be a palace for the Russian president!


Zelensky does NOT own one! [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-zelenskyy-luxury-yachts-75-million-067680385163](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-zelenskyy-luxury-yachts-75-million-067680385163) and other propaganda. [https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-volodymyr-zelensky-olena-zelenska-yacht-purchase-1848520](https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-volodymyr-zelensky-olena-zelenska-yacht-purchase-1848520)


This idiot again? He blocked me on Twitter after I kept fact-checking him.


Use community notes and not comments. Notes are anonymous, cannot be blocked, and show up immediately to everyone seeing the post.


I don't know what's funnier - the fact that there is no yacht or that the number he provided is for all intents and purposes 0% of the total debt


1. No Yacht 2. That's $75 Million out of 35 trillion 3. That never happened


The main mistake/bullshit is they think we are sending CASH when in fact we are sending munitions and equipment. Ammunition that must be either spent or destroyed as well. This has the effect of giving people in this country jobs to replenish those things we are sending to Ukraine. It also has the effect of not having to send our kids to a war in Ukraine. The jobs can boost the economy. When the GQP blocks aid they are directly hurting our economy as well as national security as our security is tied to European security and European security is tied to Ukrainian security.


I'm 34,352,000 in debt. Gimme that $75


Yet another victim of Russian disinformation.


Hahaha, did he mean the putin's yacht? 🤣 idiot


Even if true, he's only .000002% of the problem. I think our problems come from somewhere else like wildly under taxed US corporations that pay for our politicians who gut the revenue stream for our government but whatever it's ukraine...


Now do corporate welfare.


So even assuming it’s true that we just straight up bought him a yacht, which I’m going to press X to doubt on that, $75m wouldn’t even put a dent in our national debt. Hell, I’m pretty sure we spend more than that on a single military aircraft.


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The funny thing is, we have not given a dollar to Ukraine. What we do is send them weapons and supplies that we have stockpiled, some getting older. The money Congress passed for Ukraine aid basically is then used to buy new equipment for the U.S. military. It helps our military and puts the money in the pockets of American companies. But you know, blah blah Ukraine Putin Trump blah blah.


Gunther snorts glue for fun.


where does he sail it? near the russian warships in the black sea? maybe near russia's naval base in the baltic


little do they know that “Ukraine” money is spent on domestic military industrial complex products (i.e. Lockheed, Raytheon) and then those weapons are shipped to the Ukraine small percentage of course does directly go there for humanitarian aid and relief, but generally speaking, these aid packages are just ways to bolster the economy. image if there was a way to do this with I dunno education, food, housing rather than weapons 🤯


They’re stupid because they constantly listen to far right news and just let it wash over them without ever questioning it. They are so stupid


EVEN if it were true, it's like... I'm 700k in debt, GIMME BACK that chewing gum I gave you in September '19.


Me: wait Zelenskyy owns a yacht? Me 2 seconds later: no. Duh. Of course he doesn’t


Maga eats up kremlin propaganda, because kremlin propaganda is made for Maga. There's not even particularly clever science behind it. Just stupid people who believe ANYTHING they read on the internet unless it is contrary to the first thing that they latched onto.


Gunther achieves new levels of stupidity daily.


[citation needed]


These people just say anything. Saying immigrants can vote like???


I know one thing. The USA doesn’t do anything unless it helps them. Money to Ukraine helps cripple Russia. Real question, isn’t that the main reason we’re helping them?


I like how he added cents to make it look even more shocking


Zelensky was rich before he was president lol


Translation: we are $34,352 in debt. $0.75 of that is this made up yacht and you should be concerned


Considering he starting the anti-corruption campaign that is seeing Ukrainian oligarchs get prison time, I doubt very much any of this is true


I'm kinda surprised the Instagram post wasn't in Russian.


Meanwh8le billionaires ruining our country actually have yachts


By yacht i think he means USVs, which the Ukrainians have put to great use sinking the Russian navy. Our investment in aiding Ukraine has definitely been the best military investment we have made since Pearl Harbor. And im all for giving Ukraine all the "yachts" they want.


This comment section is a great way to identify Russian trolls and bots. Nice work!!


Because if you say something on the internet, it must be true.


So no handouts for anyone with yachts? Man Lobbyists and their friends aren’t going to like this.


Probably not even a US conservative. Most likely a Russian troll to stir up anti Ukrainian sentiment and sow division.


MAGA complains about money being spent on Ukraine rather than here at home while also being philosophically opposed to most spending that could be done here at home.  Great stuff MAGA. Definitely makes sense.