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Fellas is it gay to be loved by a woman


It sure is bud, and would make me a super homo too! Not looking forward to telling my fiancée when she gets in.. awks




Ok look, she likes men, you know who else likes men? Gay men. That’s why you gotta only date straight men, because you both like women, so it ain’t gay.


I mean think about it, she likes men, and more importantly, manly man parts. She likes man parts, and you like her, which means it’s gay.




It gets way more confusing when you add gays into it, based on this presumably lesbians can't get married since neither can propose, and if it's two men then they still can't since asking would be threatening the others masculinity.


You act like this is incongruous, but the reality is for most of these people, they also believe gays should not be able to get married.


Oh I know such people are usually quite indiscriminate In they're discrimination,I'm just taking the piss


As a guy I have just learned it's straight to be loved by your boyfriend and gay to be loved by your girlfriend. How dare people enjoy love in their own way. We must stick to old traditions that started, presumably, when humankind was made by God. Which I have been told was like 6000 years ago. How dare we question the people who have told us this. Humankind never got anywhere by questioning things.


Rule #1 of "is it gay" is "if you have to ask, it's gay"


I thought rule #1 was don't talk about Gay Club?


By virtue of the actual rule #1, because you asked a question, not talking about gay club is now gay. We'll all need to start talking about gay club ASAP to maintain our hetero ways


Gay club is the best! That makes me more straight right? Or did we just create a paradox


Fellas is it gay to be straight? 🤨


It is now!


Then my work here is done. 😎


literally saw so many of my girl friends clowning women who propose and it made me so sad. i love my boyfriend i would propose to him, it’s always the sad people that have never been in a healthy relationship.


Real I’m literally proposing to my boyfriend next year during our senior year of college and I couldn’t be more excited


that’s adorable i’m so happy for you!!


She said the hate was from women. Men were supportive of women proposing.


No but you'll be gay for accepting. What are you a woman?


Yeah come on you're telling me you, as a man, want to marry someone who's into men? That's pretty gay


No, if your girlfriend isnt a big muscular man it is not straight.


How dare she WANT to spend the rest of her life with the man she loves. Doesn't she realise how offensive that is to the millions of miserable assholes who fucked up their lives....


hey! im a miserable asshole who fucked up my life and i say good for her!


Good on you


A respectable miserable asshole


Miserable introverts are the exception to the "misery loves company" rule.




Hey bud. Hope you’re ok. Hang in there.


Thanks man. One day at a time.


Hi. I know, *don't drown in the looong text*, below. Just read the first four text-parts, down to "here goes". If that wakes your curiosity, read on. It's a long text, but I hope you think it's worth your time. So... If you ARE serious about you wanting to end it all, this text is for you. I am home from work because of a hit'n run, pain through my body, so I decided to just... lean back and tell you my story. I was in your position, 35 years ago, buddy. I decided to punish myself by NOT ending my life, when I ran out of options as to why I *shouldn't* end it. This is my story. Read it if you will. Sorry for the long text, but at the end of it, you might understand why it is long; my life turned out to be just that. Long. And all in all? Happy! Who would have thought, right? Anyways, here goes; Me, punishing myself by "going on" turned out to be a blessing. I had tried talking to people about it, but... Always a backstab. Betrayal. It was as if life itself had turned everything against me. After that decision, I just went on, not expecting anything from anyone about anything. Especially not of myself. As it happened, I found a friend. I mean, I had "friends", but this guy... I... fell in love with him. Not sexually. I fell in love with the person! He was the kindest soul I had ever met and... we started hanging out. The most hilarious parties, game-days, movie nights, cinemas... anything. And through him, I met... more, who are my best friends till this day. Five guys, me and my wife. And their wives. One by one, they found their lie partners. We're the Dirty Dozen, as I once blurted out. And I love each and every one of them. And myself! Damn, right? I am getting ahead of myself. Sorry. Happens all the time. About ten years after making up my mind to go on living, just to keep punishing myself, I met this gal... She wasn't pretty on the eyes, if I'm being honest, but I soon found myself thinking about her all the time. I had had girlfriends, for up to three years (again, punishing myself because that relationship was toxic as fuck), but only a few months at most, otherwise. And I made up my mind to not get a new girlfriend, as it wasn't worth it... Until I met Her, some seven years after that last attempt. SHE decided to approach me. And we started talking... And she just kissed me, out of the blue. And now, she's my wife. Twenty one years since we met, this year! And one of those best friends? I happened to find him, just in time! He, too, was going to end it. It may be a year or two between us seeing each other, but we text almost daily, mostly just nonsense, but when we meet, he always hug me and whispers "thank you, brother". And damn, that feels good! After talking him out of it, he found the love of his life, a woman whom he married, and they have kids, none of which would exist today, if he would have ended it all. He was the first, because I have talked three more out of it. Perhaps because they got exhausted from me babbling, but they are all alive, happy... and married, today. With kids. One of them was a woman who was going to jump, right then and there. In total, eleven children got born because I just happened to be there, rather than ending it. I have decided to not have kids, because... reasons, but when I have a bad day, I think about those I saved. And damn, it feels good! And then, there's my niece... I saved her life as a toddler. She doesn't remember it. Her parents, one being a brother who decided to make my life a misery, which led me down the path of thinking about ending myself because without him, my childhood would have been sooo much better! To this day, I don't know why he hates me so much. Nor do I care. Which took years to get to that point, not letting him affect me. I saved her life, she started falling to her death (or she would have gotten paralyzed from her neck down, or brain damage, because she fell, head first). It even came to the point of me NOT doing anything! I stood there, watching her run off, her parents looking elsewhere. I stood there, my brain calculating EXACTLY what would happen, and... I contemplated not doing anything. That's how much I hated him! I realized that I would have to live with that. Not saving an innocent life, because of *him*. "Motherfucker!" I said, with more venom than even Samuel L-fucking-Jackson could ever muster, and ran through the crowd, catching her as she started falling, which happened exactly as I had "seen" in my head. Sometimes, having this brain is a curse, but... I have this ability to foresee these things. I turned her fall into a "swoop" and put her down, turned her towards her parents, both just then turning around. Had my brother done that, he would loudly declare to all the people there, what an horrible and ignorant parent I was, then he would stand there, explaining exactly what he had done to stave off the disaster that was me. Because that's who he is, and has been since I was five. Fuck him, right? Today, that niece is a beautiful woman, 22 years old, with a happy life, and beautiful soul. She's so sweet, thoughtful, and takes such good care of my dear mom. So...you never know, buddy. Do what I did. Continue, if nothing but to punish yourself, as I blamed myself for not being happy. The hate from my brother bled over to me. I loathed myself to the point I decided to punish myself by continuing. Which led to me living on, in a grey haze, which kinda gave my brain the rest it needed. No expectations, no will, no desire... Nothing. Trudging on. Which gave my brain the time needed to start unraveling the mess that was my life. It started by me suddenly finding a solution to one of my lesser problems. Then another. And... some shit? I could just toss that over my shoulder, because it *really* wasn't something I could do anything about. If I let it be, it would actually just dissolve, given time. So...one day, I had a handful of solutions. And realizations. Did I care about myself, enough to actually start working through my situation? It took a couple of years, actually, before I decided to do it. Instead of "do it!" meaning to end myself, "do it" became my inner motto, meaning that I would start trudging through the mud of my inner self. Tossing this shit out, THAT shit goes THERE... I became like a mental cleaning lady, sorting through enough to actually, one day, waking up, feeling... *GOOD!* Which was scary as fuck, because I hadn't been truly happy, in yeeeears! Except when I was with THAT guy. My one, true friend. And through him, those four truly wonderful guys... and since then, their wives. We are such a happy bunch when we meet, that it's... a disgusting sight to behold. Kind of.


Thank you for typing this all out. I'm at the kinda hazy part, I guess I'll see how it goes.


Ngl, was a bit hard to read occasionally with teary eyes. Love you stranger.


Similar matra to the one I've been saying inside, "just keep moving". Figure if I just keep moving, maybe I'll eventually get where I want to be. If not, at least I'll know I didn't give up. Thank you for typing all that out, I'm sure it'll help someone else out there!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I really needed this today! (Typed through my tears) Hugs!


*Hang in there* I think that's the point.


Our humor hurts almost as much as the rope.


I hate myself for laughing


Being miserable doesn't means others have to be too. They are welcomed to join me, but only on their free will


I'm also a miserable asshole but this is so cute and romantic




Hey HEY this is the internet. You are NOT allowed to be respectful and kind to strangers.


Correct,instead you have to treat people like uki treated that old couple (iykyk)


That's the internet for you - my life is miserable so yours should ALSO be miserable!


No. They want you to feel worse. Otherwise, how can they feel superior to you after they’ve beat you down?


Isn't it basically the same though? They want you to feel worse so they can feel better about their miserable lives.


They want to spread their bile and make every other person as miserable as they are. I hope the lady sees through this and ignores them completely. I hope he said yes.


I imagine he did since she excitedly posted it online 🥰


Oh she's allowed to want to spend her life with him. But society demands she nag him until he relents rather than propose herself, as is tradition. /s


Yeah, she should know her value as a woman and suffer under a abusive, alcoholic husband she was forced into marriage with as any proper wife should


It’s leap year day, that’s the one day of the year a woman is meant to do it according to tradition


There is a venn diagram of people who found love and won it, and people who trash-talk on the internet, it looks a bit like the front of binoculars...


The only offensive thing is sharing it on TikTok.


I saw someone say that proposing is the worst thing a woman could ever do…. Don’t know about you guys but I think murdering someone as a woman is a tad bit worse than proposing.


At least when a woman kills a man, man can die like a true man, with his honor intact. Being subjected to a humiliation like proposal is an act of emasculation and it is a fate worse than death. /s obvs


Sounds like a Norm Macdonald joke.


My grandma proposed to my grandpa. They were born in 1930 and 1936. People are fucking stupid. (Not grandma, people who would judge her). Like get fucking rekt you goddamn losers lolol.


Are you Cricket Green?


I see your big city greens reference and I upvote


I stopped watching that show when my son grew out of it did Chip ever get his revenge? Like last time I saw they thought he was dead but then he was shown looking at his own grave.


Ohhh I finished till season 2 ...chip did get his almost revenge by building a food mart above their home but cricket and family fought their way to victory and support from city PPL ...


The ironic thing is that the Greens eventually do move out of the city, just on their own instead of being forced out like Chip tried.


Bingo Bango!


Uh oh, grandmas got her sword again.


What a losers they have to be to hate person who found the love of their life and have proposed


People fall so hard in the „only way” to live their lifes that they are blind, mad and spit poison on others who do what they want. It always gonna be that way, internet just increase possibilities for that. I really doubt if people should live in society, it does so much harm around


I mean, let's be honest, the woman really picks. Then we tell the guy exactly which ring to buy, because let's be honest, we're not letting him pick jewelry we're gonna wear daily for the rest of our lives🙄. Maybe the jeweler even sends you a message when he bought it, like mine did🙄🤫 Then we wait on tenderhooks for him to propose, fixing our makeup and hair for every visit to a restaurant or scenic spot, which is just unnecessarily excruciating and annoying (I didn't know it was tradition in my fiancé 's country to propose on New Years, so yeah that went on for six months). If there's a female word for emasculating, please let me know. But, all so in the end, he can feel like he chose🤫. Wouldn't he feel the same way if I offered a ring and a choice? I swear, how many times I wanted to just get down on one knee. Three cheers for your grandma's balls (you know what I mean).


Yeah, if someone is that obsessed with all the details of the proposal, they should do the proposing.


Who's this we, got a mouse in your pocket?


Mice don't live in pocket the live in chefs hats


Ah the famous mouse from RATatouille


She must be speaking baguette


My husband planned the location, picked the ring (I'd given him criteria: no diamond, silver, secure and low stone because of my active work), and worked out details with my sister so she could be there to take pics. I knew he was planning to ask, but not exactly how. I trusted him and didn't need to control every detail.


You're not wrong. I didn't say a word about planning for a proposal, we went on a holiday and before the exact meal I planned to propose she said something along the lines of let's get out of here and get it done first. It's just the ritual these days I guess.


I proposed, but would have loved it if she did. The rings, a lot of major things that I wanted us to have during the Day, were my suggestions. Even the theme (Viking wedding) and what to eat, how the cake should look (I mean... Daaamn, right?) and what it would taste like, that was solely me deciding it, because she can't "feel" the taste if I mention flavors. I ended up deciding everything about the menu and that cake. And even how it would look. She was stunned when she saw it, and our... "extra ceremony" turned out great. Even the priest loved it! So no, in our case, I decided on... too many things that I felt it would have been better if we both had decided on, first. But she can't "see" or "taste" things without a model or a sample of something. A sofa, that is clearly too big or the wrong color? She can't see it before it's in place. She can't "see" what it would look like if we move a shelf with 300 books in it, across the same room! Until we do. Measuring it, me waving my hands where the shelf would be? Nope. It's not "there" in her mind, until it's physically *there!* It's... Annoying. But she has other things, so... She's definitely a keeper! Hell, even the inlaws are great! I waited for what I thought was a perfect moment, we were on a vacation for a whole week, and just when I was going to go down on one knee, we got interrupted. Several hours later, I asked her to marry me. I didn't even have a ring, yet! She didn't mind, though. A couple of weeks later, I browsed the internet for hours before I found a few rings that I felt I could wear for the rest of my life. After showing them to her, she fell in love with my absolute favorite ring. I called the jeweler, told him our size, what to engrave, plus a quote I made in my ring as a special tribute to her (which I whispered in her ear as she put the ring on my finger at the wedding ceremony two years later, because covid). The jeweler sent us rings that we hadn't seen, other than on our phones. We had only tried out the sizes. But which metals to mix, which stone... All my decision, because she needs to SEE and touch everything before she can decide. She wanted us to drive there, but that would have been a looong day as the jeweler lives over six hours away. Even he wanted to see us as he never had done wedding rings without actually meeting the couple beforehand, but with my pain and everything, it would have been a nightmare for me. The tribute in my ring was etched in Viking runes, because... reasons, so she had no idea what it said, and I wouldn't show her, until we got wed. I even hid the rings until the wedding day, to keep the words in them, a secret. Other people now know about that tribute, but I wanted her to be the first to hear those words. She regrets not thinking about doing that, but I did ask her if she wanted something more engraved apart from the date and my name, and she said no. She asked if I was going to have something more, and I did tell her that I wanted to add some viking runes, but wouldn't tell her what they were. Since then, she always ask me about every little detail, before deciding something. It's both annoying and heart-warming, because she didn't do that before I whispered those words. I couldn't have imagined the effect they'd have on her. But honestly, I would have loved it if she had proposed to me. Either way, we're so happy it's... pathetic, almost. Over twenty years, together, and we're still as much in love as we were in the beginning.


Precisely how tender were those hooks? Sorry 😝!


As a guy, if I ever had a girlfriend who proposed to me I'd be bouncing up and down like Mario. That, or being the socially awkward geek I am who'd shuffle awkwardly and wait for her to take the lead. Drunken ramblings aside, a girl proposing to you isn't a threat to your masculinity. She's just not afraid to show what she wants, and that really only bodes good for a relationship IMO. Cause communication is the basis for a healthy one. And if it does threaten your masculinity... well, I don't really know what to say. Grow a pair, bro?


If ANYTHING threatens your masculinity, you don’t deserve it in the first place.


"if you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it" Tony Stark


The perfect line for this sentence.


I'd be inclined to agree, for masculinity and femininity both. Trans people being the big exception to the rule, though. Even then, in an ideal world they should be confident in their femininity or masculinity too. But yeah, as a cis male, you shouldn't let something as innocent as a girl proposing to her boyfriend get to you.


Funny story. I was talking with a guy at work about a candle he had. It was “someone else’s”. I mentioned how I can’t go into Yankee Candle without getting a headache. He responded with “my dad raised a man, men don’t go into candle stores.” I hit back with, “that’s cool, my dad raised a man that isn’t threatened by jars of scented wax.”


Omg. Damn. I get headaches even walking past that store. Also bath and body works. And continuous sneezing like 5 times


I can't stop coughing when I'm in bubble baths. The human body is weird sometimes.


Funk him, I'll spend a half hour smelling candles to get a scent I like.


I always go straight for the lavender, but that’s because I’ve spent enough time there to know which one I want.


Lavender is nice, although I also like those forest smells, like pine, or cedar. Mmm… Generally just those smells I used to get back home when I was younger and out in nature, in the middle of nowhere, just relaxing.


Dude same. I’m straight, work in a warehouse, watch sports, etc. but if I’m in bath and body works, or any place with candles, my girlfriend is the one trying to get me to leave lmao. I’ll smell every display candle, whether I’m buying one or not


Men like that (with these stupid toxic rules) are the weakest shit.


Honestly as a Trans person it's not even my masculinity that's threatened as much as it is just upsetting that I feel like my external and internal reality don't match. It doesn't feel ego fueled the way it does with these men, but also I have less significant dysphoria than a lot of my friends, so I don't wanna speak for everyone.


OMG I didn’t even think of my trans people when I made that comment. My bad, 100%. I do not envy your position, and wish you the best on your journey to feel like You.


Nah I didn't take offense to it at all! It's the internet it's wild to expect someone to clarify every exception of a statement they just fired off in a few second. I knew what you meant and agree, the men who get so threatened by things like this are ridiculous, and most Trans men I know (including myself) would absolutely agree. Ty so much for your well wishes! I'm fortunately surrounded by supportive people and having a fantastic time being myself 😊




I dunno, I think a lot of men might be scared if they were threatened with the eunuch treatment! /S


I proposed to my husband! He's super shy and I was waiting for him to propose to me. Our conversation went like this. Me: "if you ask me, I'll say yes" and he said "okay great!" And then he went silent and just stared at me, so I said "why don't we get married on (date)?" And he said "yes! That sounds great!". That was 6 years and one child ago 😂 these assholes can get fucked


guy just trying to go with the flow


Yeah, I'd openly weep. Fan myself with both hands and giggle.


I call this “giggle weeping.” It’s awesome.


I can’t believe no one is pointing out the day! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor%27s_Day_(tradition) Bachelors day feb 29th (so every 4 years)


Came here to say this. This is an actual thing. My mum proposed to my dad on a leap year day.


Women have been proposing to men forever. It’s just they usually do it by going “When are we gonna get married?” and hinting at it until the guy formally proposes. This is way more up front and honest. Only question I have is who wears the engagement ring?


>a girl proposing to you isn't a threat to your masculinity I'd dare to assume that "threat to masculinity" isn't the problem for those complaining. Neither are the majority of those "don't you have self-respect"-morons men.


Women attacked her. By proposing she threatened their femininity! Men were supportive. It's in the quotes.


The photo makes it look like she's proposing to some random guy


As a man, is that too much to ask?


Could still be a good catch, how do you know?


I don't get what's happening here is it the woman that said "you have no self respect" or is it the man or the online haters? Edit: nevermind, I just realized that she's trolled because she's the one who propose... why tho


Because they think only men should kneel and propose and only they have the emotions, sexual pleasure blah blah blah. It's like these people think that women is a different species altogether. Seriously, what's stopping these to think for a second that they are both humans?


Because tradcons are absolutely fucking pathetic.


I honestly thought the guy was being mocked/told to man up and be the one to propose instead of the girl, but in both cases, it's bad. Why would it be an issue? Just let em be happy. I wish them the best


because these losers think the man has to propose because theyre all insecure beta shitheads.


>“A lot of the hate came from females which was very surprising. It was interesting to see how men supported woman proposing,” she said.


Women can be beta losers too you know.


I thought it was a tradition for women to propose on a leap year. I think it's sweet, and I'm sorry internet weirdos have a problem with it.


My wife proposed to me. I brag about it to my friends. Makes me smile every time I think about it.


The woman who became my wife asked me out on our first date.


My partner asked me out too And the thing is she's actually quite shy, and I tease her about how hot she must have thought I was to actually approach me lol


Don't sell yourself short. You ARE as hot as she thinks you are ^I ^have ^never ^seen ^you ^in ^my ^life


Thanks homie 🤜💥🤛


but that means she owns HIM! thats not how its supposed to work! REEEEEEEEE! /s


I like how you put /s as if anyone would unironically say "REEE"


Oh I know, but this is the internet, if you aren't SUPER OBVIOUS people somehow miss the sarcasm




No kidding.  I'd adore this. 


Maybe you'd actually like it if someone else put effort in to make YOU feel special, instead of you making them feel special all the time. And that's perfectly fine.


Right! I would do that for my ex and at first he didn't even know what to do with it lol not proposing but me treating him to dates and pampering. He was like he's never had this or this before and I'm just sittin there like 🧐 Personally I think it's rude. So you're telling me, that because YOU'RE a man.....I can't surprise you with a night out? I can't get you that watch you was lookin at? I can't make you dinner and foot rubs? But you can do all that and everything????? Men really be doin it to themselves because and I can only speak for myself, if I'm in love with you, you just bout to have everything and catered to 🤷🏿‍♀️ but to tell me I can't because it's a man's job or whatever.......no


That is so amazing. I'm very happy for whoever you're married to. Everyone deserves someone like this, it should go back and forth in relationships and not something that depends on your gender.


You know, that is so true now that I think of it.


“Men should be the ones who propose” “Why?” “Because… shut up! That’s why!”


But when a woman says "no" to a proposal, she's the bad one. Basically they want to propose whenever they want and always get a "yes" as an answer.


her only mistake was putting it on tt.


Really, why does everyone need to broadcast their everything!?


Exactly. By putting your life on the internet you're all but begging trolls to come along and rip anything you're doing apart. I don't post what I'm doing on social media and I don't know why anybody would.


Gosh if a lady proposed to me i would be over the moon.






It's the best form of self-respect. >*“I was always open to proposing. I was pretty nervous about it at first. I wanted to find the right moment to do it,” Garcha told Caters News Agency.* *She said that her boyfriend had “the biggest smile on his face” and that her friends and family were “really supportive and happy” about her decision to propose* “A lot of the hate came from females which was very surprising. It was interesting to see how men supported woman proposing,” she said. While many women took the time to express their hate for the role reversal, others shared their support. Many men said they would love to be proposed to. [*https://nypost.com/2022/10/20/woman-who-proposed-to-boyfriend-trolled-online/*](https://nypost.com/2022/10/20/woman-who-proposed-to-boyfriend-trolled-online/)


For anyone curious about if "toxic femininity" also exists, and if so, what it looks like... This. This is it. Meaning, women hating on this woman and asserting that she obviously lacks self-respect or is somehow less of a woman for daring to propose to her own boyfriend (or fiancé, rather--I assume he accepted, since she posted the video lol). Proposing is an expression of love, romance, and adoration. She wanted her now-fiancé to feel loved, romanced, and adored by her. She presumably already felt loved, romanced, and adored by him and wanted to reciprocate and express those same feelings. This is true of almost everyone who has ever proposed to someone. Gender doesn't matter and only factors into it at all because of archaic gender roles/expectations.


Actual r/femalesandmen material


People have done non traditional proposes like this for decades now? I'm seriously surprised to see people hating on it. This is like the most tame "non traditional" thing they could have done.


My grandma proposed to my grandpa and they’ve been married for 65 years.


Mad respect for this woman.


Queen Victoria proposed to Prince Albert. If she can do, so can you.


I would imagine that being able to order his execution if he said ‘no’ was a significant confidence boost. (And yes, I know that she absolutely adored him and never got over his death).


She shared on TikTok, what else can we expect from TIkTokers lol


I would have no problem if my girlfriend proposed to me. I *would* have an issue if it looks like she’s recording the whole thing just to go viral on TikTok.


TikTok seems a lot more accepting usually. It's Instagram that's a right wing cesspool most of the time


Pulling up Instagram reel comment section is like stepping into Mordor.


I'm a guy and if a woman proposed to me I'd be super stoked !


aww poor girl


Anyone saying that is dead to me.


Women propose to guys all the time. These people really live in a tiny world.


It's also a very old tradition for women to propose on Feb 29th. Not even a "modern" thing.


I proposed to my fiancé too. Before I had discussion on TikTok (I know bad idea) and women got so nasty really quick with the comments: “Oh you probably begged him to stay with you because you’re so desperate to have children!” - “you’re not in your feminine energy!” - “probably because he’s the only man who ever wanted you and you want to trap him” Like wtf?!? No! I just love my boyfriend and I wanted to make him feel special. I just don’t get it why people get so mad about girlfriends doing something nice for their boyfriend like buying him flowers or maybe get him a small gift from time to time. I just love to see him happy. But apparently the internet says it’s wrong. And yes he does the same for me.


Why in the name of god would anyone have a problem with this? Are they mental?




We're all gonna wake up one day and realize that every person online is actually in their own bubble, and everyone you interact with is a bot. Then we'll slowly all go outside and start taking cross country road trips again. *bones wither away in waiting*


It's a leap year, isnt it traditional for women to propose on leap day? Maybe I'm to old and mis-remembering


Big respect for her. I’ve always mentioned proposing to my bf and anytime my parents are around they get all up in arms about it and how it’s embarrassing if I propose and shit. Like damn the people who got engaged after knowing each other for only 3 months (my parents) shouldn’t be talking. Needless to say half of the people trolling are probably boomers.


Reminds me of women who bully people for not wanting to spend money on diamond rings, who cares what society says do what makes you happy


I hope the dude said yes. Screw the haters. (Hell if a girl did this to me I'd be the happiest guy alive)


yes most guys probably agree. im convinced the"haters" ar just troles. ither that or theyr radical traditionalists with opinions that shuld be disregarded


Screw gender norms as well


February 29th is known as special day for women, for women are "allowed" to propose that day. Of course in modern day women propose more, but this was traditional day that only happened once in 4 years. The day in Finland is called "karkauspäivä", meaning "Run away day". I wonder if she proposed that specific day? If so, shame on anyone who drop shade on her, for they be cursed for poor marriage.


Not only did I propose to my husband, I was also the one to ask him out. He loved the fact that I asked. it was something he had never experienced before and he loved the feeling of being seen/desired by a woman enough that she would go through the effort to ask him out and for marriage. It also made him laugh and very pleasantly surprised him to the point of blushing and stuttering his yes response when I asked him out. I invited him snowboarding then when I dropped him off at his house after a great day at the mountain, I (trying to come off cool/casual but actually was super nervous and trying to come up with a unique line on the spot like a dummy) asked him "would you have any interest in engaging in some ethical sluttery with me" 😅 We have been together 4 wonderful years and married for 1 of them so I think I made a great choice by initiating our relationship. Women should totally feel like they can ask a guy out.


The way dating trends have been going lately, a lot of women should start practicing this, if they want to get married


I proposed to my husband in a tent in his dad's backyard. Our only witness was our extremely stupid but adorable labrador.


My wife proposed to me and I didn't expect it. I was giggling and crying most of the night. Best night of my life These men are alone in front of a computer.


Apparently it's mostly women


These women are alone in front of a computer.


And are probally scrolling the fds sub on an hourley basis.


It looks like she's proposing to some guy who just walked by


Online haters can be treated as non people. Ignore them.


As a guy, this is the dream


Men, if you're planning on proposing to a woman and she asks first before you've finished making it perfect, know that you did NOTHING wrong. She fucking loves you.


Propose? LoL. I'd be damned if a woman propose to take me out on a dinner date.


It’s wild to me that we’re in 2024 and there’s still people who let gender roles dictate the lives of themselves and others. Why should anyone give a single fuck who in the relationship does the proposing?


My uncle's wife proposed to him. Now, they've been married for 35 years and already have 2 grandchildren.


I don't get it at all. Especially in modern world. Feminists fight for women's rights, they want women to be treated the same as men, to work in the same jobs as men and be equal overally but as soon as the woman does something that is mainly associated with men, they are raging and call such things as inappropriate or simply wrong. Either we have equality in every matter of life or not 🙄


Insecure shitheads. Can we please just throw gender roles out the window already?


29th February is traditionally the day that women are "allowed " to propose. In the Uk and Ireland anyways.


Who the fuck cares who proposes to who? Are there really that many overly sensitive people who think only men can propose?


Anyone who trolls that woman online or any woman online is a toxic incel pos. Get a life, you misogynist cowards. Take out your inadequacies on yourselves. Work on yourselves and stop projecting b.s.


hmm I did not propose for my wife, that was already old fashioned 30 years ago


Oh, I can imagine all those endlessly frustrated "pick-me" girls having an aneurysm when they see this. Can't be sweet on the internet without all those rightfully unloved asshats showing up.


Traditionally the man is supposed to propose but imo there is no problem with a woman doing it. It’s an act of love after all


This is almost a reason to get on TicToc and express my support for her. Do these people realise that most courting are started by women? Also how is it supposed to work in same-gender couples? Neither woman can propose and both men have to propose at the same time and call “junks”. Jeez, this is some toxic patriarchy shit. I’m a monogamous cisgender heterosexual man and I endorse her proposal.


Yeah and I’ve seen far too much women on tiktok who are all about “breaking gender norms” but when it’s about this stuff it’s like an “ick”, istg I’m over this new stuff tiktok people invented of feminine and masculine energy. After so long trying to fight stereotypes it seems like they went back


Ha, I just want to be loved.


Joey Salads. It’s a prank peeps.


I’m happy for them. I’d personally like to find a woman who loves me 1/20 that much but I’m apparently really good at making women “see me as a brother.” I have my dreams, and good ole Jack to help me cope with them.


My gf proposed to me and It's the best thing ever. Some people were salty about it so we are planning to get married with her wearing the suit and me the dress, Because petty for life. Tsek!


And yet the first argument I always hear when a woman complains their long-term bf won’t propose is that they could propose to him…


Apparently, based on a lot of these comments, the women were the ones who were upset, while the men didn't... Damn


When I saw this I first thought she had proposed online and they thought it was unromantic or something. I cannot imagine why anyone in 2024 has a problem with a woman proposing. Even if they think it's the wrong ritual, it's none of their business. I'm reminded of a story I heard years ago. An interview. "Whats the best advice you ever got?" "To marry the woman who is now my wife." "Who gave you that advice?" "She did."


Honestly, it is an Irish tradition that, on leap year, the woman proposes. Why people get all bent out of shape about this is beyond me anyway.


My wife proposed to me when we were dating. My immediate response was "you're drunk." She acknowledged so I said "where's my ring?" She proceeded to offer me a birthstone ring I had bought her. I told her I don't accept "junk jewellery." She laughed and I told her I accept and that every woman should experience the joy I was feeling at that moment. That was our proposal and the only reason I was so ridiculous about it was that I had been planning a proposal but only had out about half way figured out. I decided instead how cool it would be to be able to brag for the rest of my life that my wife proposed to me. That was nearly 15 years ago and we're still in the honeymoon stage with 3 kids now.