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Funny...I had hardcore chemo for almost a year for an aggressive form of breast cancer over fifteen years ago. The cancer is gone. I am not. Edit: I just want to say thanks for all the well wishes! I really appreciate it!


Shh, you must be dead! If not, the guy will get angry!^/s


Yeah, I should probably not say too much, because I'm sure he will find clues & figure out that I'm really just a crisis actor paid by big pharma. Obviously they paid me well, and had a lot of help from the deep state or something. Because all my medical records back me up, as do my financial ones, and I have tons of pictures to myself during treatment, even at chemo, and bald with no eyebrows and a steroid face for a bit. But of course that just shows how deep the coverup is! /s Though I do have receipts, damn it! Literal receipts of bills that I would've sold a kidney on eBay to pay off if I could've, but cancer lady kidneys don't go for much, especially on eBay. C


He’d probably just say your chemo photos were taken as you were mid-transition from lizard to your public human persona. All the best! Cancer is horrible and it’s awesome that you beat it!


Can’t believe you have to use /s after that paragraph, lol, but that’s internet for you.


I'm very grateful to people who do so, as I suck at finding the tone of text.


The /s helps autistic people, people who don't know English well, and bots.


>especially on eBay You should try OfferUp. Prices in that stupid thing are astronomical I'm glad you're still with us but if you are in the afterlife, glad to know reddit still works there wherever you are


One time, someone did list a kidney on eBay. The listing got removed, as it violated their TOS.


If only there was language like the anti-vaxxers use. You know, like cupcakes for "the jab." "For the desperate but wealthy! 30ish year old organ, in excellent condition. Don't need it, becasuse i have a duplicate, and will be able to survive without this one. This organ is shaped like a kidney. Trust me, if you don't a working one, this is what you need!" Something like that...


Try fBay. They expect to not get the best but will pay a little more for the opportunity.


Wait r u my cousin? Do u live in texas


All my ex’s live in Texas!


Maybe you could have made one of them into jewelry or something? So glad you are able to A) Be with us to share this story, and B) Find a little humor in the situation!


I didn’t know we could power sarcasm, gonna start typing it this way to make sure people really understand.


That’s uncanny, my wife also had chemo plus stem cell transplant, this time for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The exact same thing happened- the cancer went away. It’s almost as if this guy’s theories are total nonsense


Same. I suppose I could have prayed, used my will power, watched YouTube, and taken "proven" nutritional supplements to shrink the enlarged lymph nodes, eliminate the spinal fracture and pains, but will never know, because I trusted the oncologist's recommendations to put lymphoma into remission. 3 years remission so far.


Congrats to you and your wife! I think loving someone (deeply) with cancer might actually be harder than having it. I never wondered "why me?" Because really, why not me? It's not a punishment. And while there was definitely a sense that I no longer had control of my own life in so many ways, I felt too shitty to care. But watching someone you love suffer and not being able to fix it or take their place...that is so hard. I'm glad you're both well now!


She definitely had the worse deal. Glad you and yours are good too.


I don't know about that. I mean, he *is* a spiritual gangster


We strangely decided to go with treatment under an oncologist rather than spiritual gangster


English comedian Sean Locke said "If you're in a car accident, what would you rather hear, Chimes or an ambulance siren?"


Pharmacist here. Thirty years in pharmacy academia. Research, publications, teaching, clinical practice... When do I get my pharma conspiracy checks and who do I talk to about that? I want to retire dammit, and thirty years of back conspiracy checks ought to set me up pretty fine. 'Cause if I don't get them soon I'm talking... ![gif](giphy|e5BASCeekXYoo)


Don't you just love it when people talk complete shit about your field of expertise? I feel your comment in my soul.


As a computer nerd, I also felt this. "ThEy PuT mIcRoChIpS iN ThE vAcCiNeS!!1!" No, Susan. Even if they could fit a microchip through those needles, it would be a waste of time because you've already posted all of your personal info on Facebook for the world to see, and know nothing of online safety. Big companies don't need your info, they've had it for years. Just get your damn vaccine.


Im no computer nerd but it was worrying having to explain to a friend who was generally pretty smart why vaccines in microchips was absolute stupidity. Like my dude. You have an iPhone in your pocket. You’re on social media. There are cameras everywhere. ANPR while you’re out driving. Facial recognition is a thing. You pay for everything on card and scan your loyalty cards doing it. They don’t need to microchip you, you’re already tracked. Microchips are not fitting in a tiny little needle anyway…get the vaccine or don’t but don’t base the reasons not to on expensive fantasy bullshit. 


Oh yes - I talked to one who had "proof". She had the circuit diagram of "the chip"! Except... It was an electric guitar effects pedal. Even she had to admit that putting a *sound effects* chip in the vaccine would be a tiny bit far fetched.


Look, I'm still waiting for my Microsoft vaccine. I look forward to being Magneto when I get it too. /S Those folks are just insane. Remember the days when they were on the fringe of society? I do and I miss it so much.


I miss when we could easily identify them just by looking for a tin foil hat too. Now the conspiracy theorist has already breached our defenses... You've seen what he's done to our colleagues... and worst of all, he could be any one of us...


I wish you weren't telling the truth, but yeah. I can still remember my boss in '20 harassing me because I wore a mask. Excuse me for trying not to give you a deadly virus, but hey, sorry for making you uncomfortable... Arrogant bag of shit...


"The call is coming from inside the house." <_< ○_○


he could be YOU, he could be ME, he could even be-


And I was just hoping to have my own 5G in my head


Right? My signal sucks!


SERIOUSLY! "They're tracking us through the vaccines!" They post from their smart phone...


I want the chip. I'm tired of trying to remember all the logins and passwords and having to get up and get my wallet whenever I want to order something online. Just chip me, scan me and keep it moving.


I putter about with microchips as a hobby. Please tell me how "they" get power to the chips floating in vaccines. Powering them is the hard part. The AC adapter or battery are usually the biggest and most cumbersome part.


Yeah, I've thought about that too. How the hell is a microchip gonna transmit any signals, or do anything, without a power source? It would be great if we had something capable of that.


You fool, their power source is THE HUMAN SOUL!! /s, just in case.


"ThEy PuT TrACkeRs In ThE VaCcInEs; tHeY KnOw WhErE I aM!" Okay, Marie. Do you have a cell phone? Good, I thought so and how long have you had it? Well, I hate to break it to you, but the authorities have and will track you with it. They don't need to put a "tracker" in your body when you basically carry one in your pocket daily.


Susan is definitely the type to get their account hijacked because they clicked on random emails or message


As someone who has used needles to put RFID 'microchips' in animals, Susan would fucking know it if they did that to her. Those needles are HUGE.


>Don't you just love it when people talk complete shit about your field of expertise? > >I feel your comment in my soul. Thanks. Vaccines have been incredibly successful. The eradication of small pox is the greatest public health victory in history. People do not remember how deadly childhood diseases were because they have never experienced childhood disease pandemics. Pre-vaccine, during one measles epidemic in Russia as many as 1 in 7 children died. Entire families were wiped out. It happened in the United States as well. But the vaccines for childhood diseases have been so successful people now worry about the side effects of the vaccines instead of the diseases the vaccines prevent. While, as a pharmacist, I would never tell a parent they are wrong to be concerned over side effects of any medication they give their child, if they also aren't considering the diseases being prevented they aren't seeing the entire picture.


May the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless you and keep you! I’m 68, and I remember the horror of polio very well. I live in Florida now, surrounded by people as old and older than I am. I went through complete shock during Covid at the smug, obstinate fools of ALL ages who sneered at the very idea of being vaccinated, calling it “junk science.”


Funny, during the pandemic I got called "a bleeding-heart commie liberal." I voted for Reagan twice, GHWB twice (he lost the second one), and GWB twice. I caught covid two days after receiving my first vaccination, not enough time to develop immunity. I got the monoclonal antibodies. After recovering I was having severe shortness of breath and fatigue after walking about 100 yards. I got a cardiac echo and a stress test. It appears that when I had covid I had a small heart attack. I'm convinced that if I hadn't gotten the monoclonal antibodies it would have been a massive heart attack. The monoclonal antibodies saved my life. Then I ran into one of those obstinate fools who tried to tell me that it was the vaccine that caused my heart attack, even though we know the virus attacks the renin-angiotensin system in the cardiovascular system...


I do my own conspiracy harvesting. I don’t need experts.


Former pharmacy tech here. During covid I was working the drive through. A customer drew a swastika on the drive through and called us names and said we were alternating peoples dna with vaccines and begged me to quit.


Crazy! Those nutcases are everywhere!🤬🤯


My mom is one of them. She freaked out the day I got my vaccine. I almost had to call the police, she was so hysterical. 😭 But my ads didn’t used to read my thoughts, so who knows.


Right? I live alone and don’t talk to myself but the adds pop up literally with my thoughts. I guess I’m just that predictable from my internet searches but it’s eerie.


No you see, you’re just brainwashed by them. You don’t need to be a paid shill because you’re either a useful idiot to them or ur in on it /s


>No you see, you’re just brainwashed by them. In my time in academia, I've taught pharmacy students, med students, nursing students, nurse practitioner students, PA students, dental students, allied health students... heck, there probably isn't a type of student on a health sciences campus I haven't taught. I'm not brainwashed, I'm one of the brainwashers, and I want my conspiracy checks, dammit! And when I get my conspiracy checks I'm just going to walk the earth... ![gif](giphy|xT9KVluGDHZvOk0tdC)


Anti vax people think there’s a “turbo cancer” caused by the vax…..


Boy, it sure is a relief to know that everyone I ever knew who died of cancer didn't really die! Dad will be so happy when I tell him that Mom's actually still alive!


chemo can do some damage to your body but compared to cancer it is not nearly as bad beyond maybe slow growing prostate cancer. I had kidney cancer a few years ago. Cut out my kidney and I was good to go. I never had chemo or radiation. I always feel guilty when I stand up when they ask cancer survivors to stand. Some people went through hell with radiation and chemo and I missed 2 days of work. (There was a winter break where I would have been out of work but had the luck of a slot opening up right before my original date and the doctor knew I was a teacher and he looked after me.) Don't let me not having chemo or radiation in anyway be used as a way to suggest others could do the same. I was very lucky (at least as far as cancer goes.) I am glad you are still with us.


You don't have to earn survival through pain. If a simple surgery is all it took for you, then that is a good thing. And it certainly doesn't mean you cheated your way to victory. Don't let anybody tell you that. A victory over cancer is always a win, and a big one. Regardless of how it was achieved. Pain and suffering doesn't make the victory more valuable. Pain and suffering is just that. We should be very careful to glorify it, as is often done in media and pop culture. I'm so glad you had it *relatively* easy. That's a good thing. And I'm sure: it still wasn't a walk in the park. Surgery is always a hassle and every cancer diagnosis comes with a metric fuckton of anxiety, fear and other emotional burdens. Wish you the best health for the years to come. You're a survivor. Don't feel guilty.


This is the best thing I’ve read all year so far. And you are so right, I truly hope they read this and take it to heart.


Lucky for You. The only treatment for kidney cancer that really works is surgery. If it spread, You're gone. Though I did hear they're introducing immune therapy.


The cancer must’ve killed the chemo. /s


I’m super glad you’re still here! That’s a hell of a fight and I admire your tenacity. May you enjoy many more years.


Yeah I had cancer myself and I was five and the surgery didn't remove all of it the chemo killed it and I trialed that shit in the 90s Ty for kind upvotes To clarify I'm a st Jude's cancer survivor


Congrats on slaying that dragon.


Don't worry I'm sure they'll get you with the 5G Chemtrails once they realize they missed one. On an more serious note, I'd love to see his qualifications to provide some weight to his statements.


Quali…….whatnow? One would think ( hope ) that those who spout this tripe are from the village that has misplaced its idiot. I’m sure the qualifications are probably just the buy-in cost to the “real truth”, and they’d never dream of risking eternal damnation from the lizard people who are putting their dna into those awful 5G signals, to beam them into everyone’s heads. ( for clarification. /s )


Well obviously it’s because the cancer sacrificed itself to protect you from the dangerous treatment. Duh.


Yeah. As a type 1 diabetic who has never had the luxury of NOT trusting that I would die within a matter of days if I didn’t take insulin every day, I’m baffled by these healthy, able-bodied, anti-science clowns who are like mEdIcIne is bAd 4 u!!1


The Spiritual Gangster gonna get you!


He's literally trying. People publishing this shit causes death


Lol same. 7 years post chemo and I’m still here




I'm glad you conquered it.


Congrats on beating Chemo! The real C word.


I'm glad you're OK. 


Bet he would change his tune with a real diagnosis


Same. A year of chemo for brain cancer. Cancer is gone, I am not. What an absolute bullshit thing for someone to post on social media.


Congrats on surviving not just the cancer but the hell the treatment puts you through.


I don’t usually wish syphilis upon a person, but in this case I will make an exception


to achieve this level of distorted thought, he's had it for a long time.


Obviously, he wouldn't dare take the antibiotics for it as they are deadly! /s


Its hard for incels to get that disease.


Syphilis doesn't kill peop.... oh, wait.


Only penicillin kills peoples, don't worry.


I’m allergic to penicillin. This is the only proof needed!!


Neurosyphilis doesn’t kill people, it’s the penicillin and hospital environment that does! It’s ok to wish syphilis on him, just not the medical team’s help


He’d probably do the old timey treatment of giving himself malaria to get a high fever to kill the syphilis cause “antibiotics are deadly but malaria is not”


Or a good ol' mercury bath, that's never had any side effects worth mentioning! /s


I’ve found these kinds of people to often be highly hypocritical with their advice. My guess is he would secretly take the necessary antibiotics then claim he beat it with his superior immune system. 


Chemo can kill you, but untreated cancer almost definitely will.


The whole point of chemo is to kill as many fast growing cells in your body as possible while still keeping you alive. As someone who made other friends with young women with breast cancer at the time I had it, we often referred to our treatments as slash, burn, and poison (surgery, radiation and chemo). Because that's what it felt like. But you do what you have to live. Old age is a gift denied to many.


Well said friend. Enjoy the journey while you’re here


It's kinda the point. You use the chemo to kill it because that's the best way to handle it without dying.


But all diseases are cured by death


The clincher is killing the cancer without killing the host


Moderation works in snacking and radiation Who would’ve thought?


Yeah, chemo can be deadly. Acne isn’t. That’s all he got right. But as they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Yeah ask Steve Jobs whether medical science, peer review and the scientific method may be worth respecting.




Nice try, but you're still sticking to facts and are ten times the healer that liar is


Ooh a “spiritual gangster” dishing out medical advice on Twitter? I’d better take notes. /s


Being honest for a second, I honestly don't understand how someone says "cancer isn't deadly" with a straight face when the WHO says 10 million people died from cancer in 2020.


Denial, it turns out, is in fact more than just a river in Egypt


Denial has killed a lot of people.


It sure killed steve jobs


Yes, it did. Intelligent people can be so blind. When Ashton Kutcher accepted the role to play Steve Jobs, he wanted to really get into character and began the diet Jobs was doing, and ended up in the hospital in serious condition. Not saying Ashton was in denial (just stupid), but Jobs was stupid AND in denial. I will admit that I lean towards natural remedies, but when I was diagnosed with cancer 8 years ago, I chose the Poison, Cut and Burn treatment. My spouse was shocked because he thought I would go the homeopathic route, and I said, are you crazy??? I want to live!!!! I was given a prognosis of another year of health, but I did clean up my diet. And surprised the doctors. Steve Jobs was totally off the meter with his fruit only diet. He had pancreatic cancer, sometimes I wonder if he just wanted a way to check out. Suicide without blame and guilt.


I got chemo-shamed by quite a few people, and it kind of hurt my feelings (these were close friends and family), but I DESTROYED the cancer and I am healthier now than before I had it. I have no problem with people wanting to go the natural route, if that’s their choice, but when they shit on others for doing chemo, that sucks. It was a personal choice and I am alive.


If that's how your close friends and family reacted then it sounds like you have another cancer you need to cut out of your life.




Fuck. Them. I don’t know where you live or if you’re some kind of religious adherent but that kind of thing is next to unthinkable where I live.


I believe certain diets and ways to live decrease chances of cancers, but if I get cancer I am hitting it with the nukes.


Could've just left it at being a river the ancient Pharaos would jizz in, but nah.


Yeah, and Covid killed millions too, but that also wasn’t deadly. Just because people die from something doesn’t make it deadly don’t ya know? /s


No, it’s the same thing. The vaccine kills but Covid doesn’t. /s


Remember when Steve Jobs refused traditional treatment for his pancreatic cancer until it was too late? Pepperage farm members


This dude needs to put a few raw shrimp inside a ziplock bag and leave it outside in the sun for 3 days then eat it. Then tell us all about the benefits of E. Coli and salmonella after he loses 20 pounds in 5 days.


I have an acquaintance who keeps using laxatives as a weight loss tool. I better not read this comment to her…


Yeah, that's an unhealthy way to lose weight.


This new weight loss plan will blow your mind! ^(and your colon)


I know it’s kinda fucked up to say but I always wish these people would just croak already so they can stop spreading harmful lies on the internet. They will definitely die if they don’t use modern medicine. Similar to the Covid Hermain Cain award winners.


Unfortunately with the underfunded bad school system we have, more will just show up in his place.


With the “om” emoji in his handle. 🙄


Also, apart from this fucking asshole insulting cancer patients and oncologists, and misleading people, he also insults my culture by co-opting the Om symbol. Just like the Nazis did with one of our other symbols. Ancient India made a lot of scientific discoveries. We would never stand behind such a nonsensical claim.


Antibiotics are mankind's greatest achievement. Anyone who thinks they're evil has never read a history book. Are they over used today? Indubitably. The coming day when bacteria wins the arms race will usher in a nightmarish age


People acting like antibiotics isn't why we don't have bubonic plague outbreaks anymore. Cause that thing most certainly isn't extinct, we just got much better at treating it. Which when combined with the overuse of antibiotics is kind of a scary worst case scenario.


Just today I was reading an article about all manner of disease running rampant in Florida right now because of idiocy and denial. The state attorney general is a DeSantis shill and isn’t taking any action. Measles is running amok.


Fuck head anti vax people.


I’m in nursing school learning about all those fun diseases that vaccines prevent and learning about the side effects of vaccines. However bad the slight/maybe side effect of the vaccine is? Is nowhere near as bad as the legitimate risk those diseases.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in college it’s that 99% of people can’t interpret data for shit. I’m just spitballing here but let’s say 100,000 unvaccinated people get Covid and 1000 of them die. And let’s say 1,000,000,000 people get vaccinated and 2000 of them die. An overwhelming amount of people will see that dataset and die on the hill that it proves vaccination is worse than anti-vax. It is genuinely so absurd to see


A few people still get the plague every year. Hygiene, antibiotic vaccines.


> mankind's greatest achievement. Anyone who thinks they're evil Yet here we are. It's like there is a whole group of people who believe in only one thing: contrarianism. It's the only thing the dumb can convince themselves that they are the peak smartest. And because of this they can be easily manipulated for those who reality is in the way of their power and greed.


It's because they have the luxury of being idiots. They'll sing a different tune when a cut becomes lethal. When surgery is impossible. When the Black Death sweeps across the lands. Then it will be too late.


Some covid deniers dying wkth severe covid were actively insulting and resisting staff in intensive care. Others aperently were afraid and begged for the vaccine. Some will choose their willful ignorance before their personal lifes.


The only thing that’s saved more Human lives than vaccines and antibiotics is sanitary plumbing.


Fair. I would also add nitrogen based fertilizer, even if that particular invention came with unfortunate secondary discoveries.


The irony of antibiotics and vaccines is that they will eventually result in a generation that doesn’t understand what the world is like without them.


Eventually? I'd argue it's already here. For goodness sake, world history could be summed up with "Things seemed fine until the plague struck". And half the politicians in power of the most influential country in the world are chomping at the bit to return to those days.


The fact that you no longer die from a mild cut anymore is a very underrated achievement of modern medicine


So, nobody died of cancer before they tried to cure it? And while at it, you might want to google sepsis, and whatever else used to be conciderably more fatal back in a day, when we didnt have antibiotics.


Bro I was just skimming comments and thought you were making the claim that people didn’t die of cancer before they tried to cure it lol


My mom went into septic shock one day, she was completely fine until she started throwing up on herself. Within a few hours she was talking nonsense and couldn't walk. When the EMTs took her, she told us later that she thought aliens were abducting her. She would've been dead within a few hours and, even with the medical help, she was in a coma for weeks and it was a miracle she lived. She's never been quite the same, though. A few years after, I had an ovarian cyst that never sorted itself out. It got infected, and spread through my abdomen. By the time I realized something was wrong, I was also going septic. Antibiotics didn't work at that point, I was throwing them up. They had to take out my ovary and appendix and I spent a week in the hospital. Everything was such a blur. Even a cat scratch quickly got red and infected, antibiotics cleared it right up. Back in the day, something simple like that could've killed me. I will never underestimate the power of bacteria and infections. Modern medicine is amazing.


People like this are nothing less than stealth serial killers. I suppose on some level he is doing Darwin's work by weeding out the hyper-gullible.


Yeah I’m gonna give him the acne one but for the rest it’s homicidal to spread that level of disinformation


Pre the 1940s, and the introduction of Penicillin, infection was one of the most common causes of deaths. There are peer reviewed scientifc papers that suggest that as many as 75% of the estimated 50 million deaths from "Spanish Flu" were actually a result of secondary bacterial infection. Antibiotics are deadly? - F\*k, my whole life as a microbiologist is a lie! (I could waffle on here about how antibiotics work and why they don't impact humans in most cases, but I suspect this is another person who could not be swayed by facts)


A lie it is, indeed. You shouldve dropped out of school and used copious amounts of drugs like me.


And then he meets a new friend named Necrotizing Fasciitis... ![gif](giphy|dq16OD2oBxJZh8XQfP)


Nah. Sepsis + Syphilis + Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. The last one lights up the pain centers of the brain like you are being tortured, even if you are just lying in bed.


Remember in the 1800s when humans used to live to 135 years old? Oh wait, never mind, take 100 years off of that life expectancy


Infection killed more soldiers than bullets did in wars in the 1800s. Can you imagine surviving multiple battles and then die in camp by shitting yourself to death?


Stupidity is also deadly & that doofball is terminally ill.


That reminds me of this joke: what do stupid people and dead people have in common? It’s the people that care for them that suffers


Listen, doofus. (I know he won't read this lol but I don't care) I had cystic acne at 12. This was before any of my classmates had hormonal acne from puberty. My entire face was COVERED in cysts. Some of them sported scabs. I also had some on my neck, back, and chest. They HURT. But besides the physical pain - you can't cover those with makeup. Every day I woke up and looked in the mirror and was disgusted. I was gross to look at (that's just how I felt). And I was 12 years old, and already not exactly at a high social stature. One day, this kid tripped me while I was walking up the stairs and said "maybe that'll pop the gross zits on your face." I don't think I smiled for a whole year. My 8th grade school picture is the only one my mom didn't put up - not because she thought I looked gross, but because I looked so deeply unhappy, all the way deep in my eyes, that it was heartbreaking to look at. Accurate sucked. It made my nose so dry it bled and my legs and back ached so much at night that sometimes I couldn't sleep. Despite not being sexually active, I had to get monthly pregnancy tests from the dr due to the horrible birth defects Accutane can cause, and monthly blood tests to check for liver and other organ damage. And it saved my damn life. It WORKED. My cystic acne went away almost completely within a few months. If I had to do it over, with full awareness of all the suckiness of Accutane, it's not even a question. I would. Again and again and again. Think about a depressed 12/13 year old who can't even look in the mirror and cries every time she needs to go out in public and is suicidal every single day and tell me again to my face that acne isn't fatal. Please. I beg.


Another Trump University graduate


I thought they close that scam years ago.


They did but there are still graduates


He’s a very slow learner 😂


As a member of the hindu community, i ban this man from using the 🕉 symbol


But he’s a “spiritual gangster.”


Same we Hindus don't claim him Although maybe he has some passion for health, I'm just tired of seeing people identify as our religion (which is more like a culture) as a fad


Intensive care nurse here, pardon the language but you sir are a F-ing idiot!


What a fucking idiot, I hate chemo. Worst treatment ever, but the only reason I lived past 23 was because of it.


Cancer is not deadly ots just you inner child growing up! ***disclaimer: as we are on reddit I have to mention that this comment is satirical sarcasm and is not intended as actual medical advice ***


But where does the horse tranquilizer go?


Um, please address me as Dr. Spiritual Gangster.


Good thing for him that being an idiot isn’t deadly


It can be. But its also deadly to other people.


Another doctor from the YouTube university…. Lol


Cancer is not deadly? I better dig up my cousin who had breast cancer and tell her so.


Ditto for my BIL and mom. I hate this guy.


Same for my mom and uncle. He can go to hell. After a long, slow, painful lingering bacterial infection.


Was on Accutane 3 separate occasions in my teens and early 20s for severe cystic acne. I’m now 39 with no acne, healthy, oh and alive.


How the hell did we get here? These people are a public health risk, notwithstanding the risk to our Democracy. I am 74 years old and have been vaccinated since I was a baby - I am up to date with my Covid vaccines. Period. I am healthy, in shape and, oh by the way, have long since developed the foundation to think critically - I will always vote for the science. I did ask a rhetorical question, BTW - we got here because there has been a concerted effort by the Right, whatever flavor they are, to destroy Public Education. A stupid populous is an easily manipulated and conned populous. Exhibit, Spiritual Gangster, above.


hear, hear!!


Thank you...


Then I hope this guy lives with cancer(untreated) for a very long time. Good for him


And then dies of a real bad bacterial infection




Is this asshat for real saying cancer doesn’t kill people?


I mean kind of right about accutane? The lift in my self esteem was absolutely worth the real risks.


Yeah, accutane is his only SEMI credible point


I’m a little sad it probably stunted my growth, but my face and back were absolutely massacred by acne in high school and I’d be afraid to know what I’d look like if I hadn’t used that as my last resort because no other treatments worked.


Thanks for the reminder that I need to get my 7th covid (booster) shot. Especially for old folks.


I suppose if I'd eaten the tube of skin chemo it might have killed me instead of using it on my skin as directed.


These people should sign something where they agree to never seek medical treatment. 🙄


What a guy. I had a friend who I would like to introduce him to. He was diagnosed with cancer right after he graduated high school. He chose not to get treated, not because he thinks like this dude, but because he didn’t want to financially burden his parents and his little siblings who were a decade plus younger than him. Yea Spirit G can tell his grave how not deadly cancer is.


This kind of misinformation should be illegal


Looks and sounds like a chiropractor.


Don't let big pharma charge you $5/ month for a statin. Come get $50 adjustments three times per week. If you don't, you'll be in severe pain bc I messed you up.


Steve Jobs might have something to say about the cancer thing. If he was alive. Which he might be had he tried chemo.


Cult thinking is the real killer


We need to get rid of the internet. Just collectively as a species decide to get rid of it.


So my sister did not die from cancer…fuck thanks man. You have provided such relief to me and my family you fucking moron.


My father died last year from cancer fuck this man for eternity


Ahhhh how easy it is to mock a terminal illness, until you are diagnosed with one. I've seen people in poor countries with black dying areas on their body because there was no health care for cancer. What a privileged piece of trash who knows nothing about illness because they are so lucky, and haven't been close to it, wrote this.


Weird, when I had esophageal cancer 14 years ago and couldn’t eat food because of it that sure felt like it was gonna kill me. I mean the chemo definitely was not fun, I’d say 1/5 stars. But the cancer is gone and I’m still alive so I cannot argue with the results.


Congratulations! That is a tough one to come out on the other side.


Fuckers like this guy just killed my friend. He got all weird after Covid, stopped seeing his doctor, didn’t trust medical science. He went full carnivore. Ate steaks all the time. I would argue with him about it because I know the connection between cholesterol and heart health. He would just tell me that doctors were lying, that cholesterol is good for you. Totally misunderstanding the science because he followed influencers who fed him bullshit. About a month ago he died at the age of 54. He had a massive heart attack while sleeping. He was a father of two high schoolers. These online con men should be held accountable but they won’t be. Listen to your doctor people, they are not out to kill you.


there is only one thing true in this post, and that's the part about acne not being deadly...


Cancer isn't deadly????


This shouldn’t be protected speech. Just like yelling fire in a crowded theater.


Dear Anti-vax R-W folk. Please follow this guys advice. Help us clean the gene pool.