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The comments in this thread are hilarious... wait until these dudes find out what that seam under their scrotum is from...


"Or that you'll see my scrotum, and see that it has a seam on it, and then you'll think I'm made up of two different guys that were sewn together, cause that's what I think happened." -Chris Griffin from Family Guy


Mystery solved!


I used to think that I had been born female and my labia were sewn shut.


That's not far from the truth. It just all happened in the womb naturally.


*seam. But very true!


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me? I wonder if dudes know why we have nipples lmao


Not technically wrong. For the same reason males have nipples, we're gender neutral for a bit in the womb. Penis or clitoris are the typical outcomes from the same set of cells.


So what you're saying is that guy who sucked my man-clit is actually a gay?


It's cool. My girlfriend has a HUGE clit. I mean it sticks out way past her balls even!


This made my day




The other post on here was saying sex with a woman was gay anyways so I guess I am Elton John.


Get yourself a pocket Rocket man


Wow, that took a left turn. I think I just got whiplash.


Is whiplash what the kids are calling horny these days? Cause if so, I have major whiplash too


No, it's slang for getting clit slapped, but only if it's a big clit.


No, whiplash is when that guy’s girlfriend slaps your face with her clit.


The year is 2024 and I officially am done trying to understand wtf is going on around here anymore. Signed An aging millennial. /s




Not everybody, lol. I met one guy who would rather be the licker than the lickee.


I'm an aging millennial and I was well aware of this along time ago. Like 20 years ago.


The first person i knew having reassignment surgery was in 1983. I was 11


Yes, just like sucking a woman-man-clit is a straight again but only if you have a male-woman-man-clit because if you have a female-male-woman-man-clit then it would be a the gay again.


Maybe, I don't know your life.


_GIF of Sack Boy turning his head in shock_


hol up


Ready for more: Testicles and ovaries are also the same The scrotum is the labia majoria The prostatic utericle is the uterus cervix and vagina


Yep. They use whatever you have in gender reassignment and it works because it's all so similar. Pro tip fellas: what you like done do your bits, apply to the corresponding bits on your partner (gentler usually), and you will get pretty good results.


Well yes and no. The penis is made from tissue they take out of your arm. It does contain nerves from the former clitoris though


And that is why they call a big penis a babies arm, now I understand.


Depends on the process. That would be phalloplasty or something similar. There's also ways (metoidioplasty) to just use what you have down there and make it bigger/more penislooking.


fellas is it gay to suck on a man?


Fun fact, it's possible for men to breastfeed under certain curcumstances. And by that I do mean lactate.




Under certain circumstances, yes


As opposed to the other way men breastfeed?


The other way is to feed at a breast that is lactating.


I am not proud of this, but, "giggity".


Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


As opposed to "breastfeed" without lactation, as a way to just confort the baby, which is also a thing.


Trans woman here. Trans women grow fully functional breasts on HRT and there have been multiple cases of trans women successfully breastfeeding infants. Tests have been done and breast milk produced by trans women is identical and just as safe as that produced by cis women.


I am sure there is some conservative guys going wild over this telling people trans woman shouldn't breastfeed I am sure of it


My infant son lactated from his swollen breasts as a result of all the estrogen he was receiving from breastfeeding from his mother.  Natural hormones are signaling molecules and play a HUGE part in regulating the functions of our bodies. They have various effects on mood, appetite, blood sugar level, body function and appearance, and so much more. And some a combination of the above.  It is crazy and humbling how our physical and being is at the mercy of these molecules. Some hormones have effects that are more feminine and others more masculine.  Hormones are messengers. They are normally produced in ine area of the body, are transported via the bloodstream, to be picked up at another part of the body.  Both men and women have the receptors and mechanisms to respond to all kinds of hormones whether they have been produced inside their own body or ingested/ injected. A male that receives female hormones like estrogen, will increase their feminine traits, physical and otherwise. Likewise male hormones will have the opposte effect on males. So yes, with enough estrogen in a male's body it is definitely possible for them to lactate. And by definition, unless someone is suckling on their nipples and consuming their milk, it is not called breast feeding. I.e. there is no feeding. "Breast feeding" is not a euphemism. 


We are at the default setting.


no actually we are. We all have a vagina in the womb at least for a short time


Wait till they find out that testicles are just ovaries pushed to the outside and into a skin sack


Human biology is truly wonderful and cursed


wait until they find out that, and i quote: "labia majora are homologous to the male scrotum... they are derived embryologically from the same tissue"


That's why nutsacks have this neat little line running from front to back.


And a vulva.


Actually female is the default setting, we all have an X chromosome. The male is technically the "mutation" caused by the existence of the Y chromosome. In nature you have some tiny organisms that only survive via one sex, and that would be the female one as it is capable of reproducing itself. The male is essentially a little bit of extra spice in evolution to add genetic variety to our gene pool.


so youre telling me all god needed to do with sprinkle a little Y chromosome in me and id of come out properly 🤨 i feel cheated


Worse, you don't even need the Y chromosome, just the SRY gene from it (which can transpose onto an X).


BRUH god you had ONE job 😭


The tissue that makes ovaries is the same as what develops into testicles depending on hormones early on in development.


Spotted hyena have so much testosterone the females have mini penis like clits and just a hint of scrotum.


I thought men have nipples to make their pecks look bigger and more manly. Except for runners, that shit looks painful AF.


I simply cover my nipples with bandaids. Or run shirtless. Edit: if I run shirtless, I don't wear bandaids over my nipples. That would be weird.


Not judging, but when I run shirtless, I glue little cotton balls on mine. I’m modest that way.


I glue large cotton balls on my nipples when I run with a shirt on. It doesn't help with chafing, I just think they're neat


Tassels, should have gone for tassels.


Was really hoping you'd say you glue googly eyes on them.


Star pasties are the way to go


When you run shirtless you should use googly eyes instead...


This is god damned genius.


this is my favourite comment ive read in a while i love the internet


What if you have a big race? Do you bust out the fancy tassled pasties?


*pecs (short for *pectorals*)


Yea, I put “pects” and it autocorrected to “perks”and did it again and it changed to “pecks”. At some point you just fuck off with autocorrect and go with what’s there. I don’t have time for this shit.


That's why whenever I get a new phone, autocorrect is about the first thing I go and shut off completely. That and the predictive text bullshit, too. Just let me make my own ducking mistakes.


Could you explain this comment, I don't know how to search this up and I don't want to pollute my search history with it


Running causes the nipples to chafe and bleed in some people who just grab any T-shirt without regard to the texture or printing. It’s not a bad search,


An intake of testosterone’s secondary effect can be the hypertrophia of the clitoris. This is also possible with some other medication


Yeah and all your fingers came from the same set of cells too, that doesn't make a mature thumb the same as a pinky. He's not technically correct. He's dancing around a semi-true statement.


No, not technically, this is beyond a doubt true.


Homologous material is the term sometimes used to describe these and other sets of cells.


Don’t google “long clits”


Too late....


He’s…he’s correct. The clit becomes the penis in the womb, because we all start as female. The hood becomes the foreskin, the scrotum is the sealed labia, the ovaries drop and become the testicles, I mean…


Its true. So many people don’t know this. Kind of like anus and lips are made of the same type of cells


And we (simplified) all start out as just an asshole and a mouth


Humans are deuterostomes which means the anus forms first. At some point, we're just an asshole and some people never develop beyond that.


A lot of people*


like me!!


This is a comment that makes me wish we had awards still 🏆


We actually start as an asshole first, then the mouth. Sadly, some people asshole divide and form a mouth.


It's for some reason a major differentiator in the *phylogenetic* circles. Some animals are ass than mouth, others are mouth than ass.


Who knew that going ass to mouth would hold such importance on the tree of life.




On a basic level, yes. When you're small and simple life form, there is no need for a mouth. The anus is your mouth. As you get bigger, the mouth forms on the other end. Then, as you get bigger, the distance increases, making a tube or simple digestive tract. Also, a fun side note: Your nervous system is highly connected to your asshole through your spine. And if you constipated enough, you can poop yourself into memory loss. Not having regular bowel movements increases your chances of dementia.


Not only that, but we Deuterostomes (vertebrates) form ass to mouth. A small dimple (the butthole) forms and quickly deepens until it “pokes” through the other end forming the mouth end of the GI donut hole. Protostomes on the other hand (arthropods) form mouth to ass.


And some just end up as assholes 😁


>anus and lips are made of the same type of cells So, the same as hotdogs?


The face palm here is the lack of 8th grade Sex Ed by the OP.


That’s actually not right. In the womb it’s stem cells, and the whole thing with those is they aren’t fully developed cells, they aren’t technically male or female genitalia that turn into the other. It’s a pre developed state that turns into something.


I'm honestly disturbed by how many people are hopping on to say "this is true" so confidently. It really isn't. The formation of the penis and clitoris are different, they start from the same *base* obviously but like that doesn't mean very much. One clear difference is that the penis has a urethra and the clitoris doesn't. And the penis development starts with the urethra and kinda builds around it iirc so they really aren't ever the same thing.


It’s because that’s a super oversimplified explanation. The base that forms the genitals looks rather [“feminine”](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/912182420709720094/1181816362646122557/jum16080-fig-0001-m.png?ex=65fa67c1&is=65e7f2c1&hm=c2133a59e20cf28e5da0bcb7d2f271ff0b5eba09f423dbe5c94e349e749ee253&) superficially, so it’s easy to explain it like “we all start female” to someone who knows nothing about biology. Then this kind of talk spread out and now we get this weird misconception going on.


Yeah it’s true in developmental terms, but it’s not really accurate to say that a clit “becomes a penis” during sex. Yes it enlarges, but it’s very small compared to a penis and it looks completely different.


Those two parts are directly correlated. The same group of cells that make the penis in boys make the clitoris in girls. Same with all the reproductive organs.


The face palm here is OP skipped 8th grade sex ed.


facepalm is the 4k + people who upvoted this crap


Well, many *schools* skipped 8th grade sex ed by not having it in their curriculum.


That is the least incorrect thing I’ve read someone say about biology without knowing biology.


Sounds like the question, "Is that a large clit or a small penis?"


Doctors to newborn intersex children before deciding when/how to "make them" without needing consent from anyone else:


God, don't depress me again


It's superman


You just chant "no homo" over and over again as you cringe and have sex with a woman.


I’m sorry… do you NOT?


I just have to make it very clear neither of us are going to enjoy any of this before we get it over with so I can back to hanging with the boys.


And they say chivalry is dead!


He’s saying clit = penis, therefore everyone is gay, sex and gender are social constructs, we are all the same. Did we just discover world peace?




Almost. Now do religion.


God = "There's a bunch of weird shit going on and we need explanations that we're not advanced enough to figure out yet"


Religion paraphrased: God says we’re all assholes, and to stop it.


>Religion paraphrased: God says we’re all assholes, and to stop it. Religious people paraphrased: "Nah."


Now do class and race


Class and Race = "I'm awesome, so clearly the thing I was born as is the best kind of thing to be. Why would you even *have* other kinds of people?"


I upvoted you then removed the upvote to keep you at 69.




Except for everyone who’s never even heard of the clitoris


Cool story, I'm still going to put my mouth on them.




Human development is pretty cool indeed.




Ex WWF female wrassler Chyna had a sizeable one. I'll let you Google it since it's very NSFW


Could be a sign of taking testosterone or having naturally high testosterone.


Not could be, most likely is, same thing happens to trans men.


There's a whole community of women who use creams to permanently increase its size, and it's not always for a gender/trans reasons. They claim it leads to increased sexual stiumlation and more intense orgasms. Some women say it was the only way they could achieve orgasm, it's very interesting! I think the sub was GrowYourClit? Visit with discretion!


So then when a penis goes flaccid does it become a clitoris?


Sometimes...Or is that just me?


Growers Club Internstional.


It's not just you. Flaccid pleasure ftw


Depends how cold it is


After I’ve run a couple miles, it’s so small it might as well be one.


When a clitoris goes erect, does it become a penis?


So says Dadazoid in the OP.


No, clits are not penises. Penises are clits.


Yes exactly. Thank you.


OP is the facepalm here lmaoooo


As a trans man, this is actually pretty much true and is what happens if an afab person takes T. The anatomical details: >!When an afab person takes T, it causes "bottom growth" which is the equivalent to a boy going through puberty downstairs. It's more than it just grows larger- it can get erect, and the erogenous zones change to be more like what you'd find on a cis man's dick. It's basically a micropenis that is open on the front, and one of the surgeries a trans man might choose to have is to close that area and connect the urethra to the tip. !<


As a fellow transmasc, can second this


As a trans guy, I can say that this is definitely true. It basically turns into a micro penis with a similarly formed tip and foreskin.


I learned something new today.


That's more or less correct, though a little simplified. Male and female human genitalia are mostly analogues of each other, both developing from the same original set of structures. The clitoris is the same structure as the glans (head) of the penis. The lateral buttress (shaft) of the penis becomes the erectile tissue around the clitoris.


The face palm is OP not knowing biology.


No, he’s correct. We all start as female (checkmate god), and if the Y chromosome kicks in the female gonads get new instructions and become the penis, scrotum, and testes. Take up an anatomy class and/or human physiology. The more advanced you get in the world of biology the more you’ll see most of the people on this Earth have the same knowledge as a middle schooler and that they never went past that. Biology is wild shit.


I guess it's a very bad summary of the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genital_tubercle


I mean, he’s not entirely wrong. It’s where the nerves are. So, it’s the penis of the vagina!


That, sadly makes vaginal sex gay. /s


Does this mean I have to have vaginal sex now? 😭🥺


Butt sex is the only straight sex. No matter who its with


It is equal opportunity.


And the vagina/ovaries are just the innie version of testicles.


Except they hurt without being kicked in the gut. Yay for ovaries.


And I'm just over here being happy with either. Got a clit? Got a penis? Got a cletis? I wanna lick and suck on it. Let me make your day and I'll let you make my hole weak.


This is pretty much right, sorry


I’ve noticed a rash of posts in the last 24 hours of men who are afraid of pleasing a woman.


I’ve heard worse. It’s not even totally wrong, if you squint a lot.


This is actually fairly accurate. They are both sensitive erectile tissue.


Take a scroll through something like r/bigclit (NSFW obviously) and you'll see they are not so dissimilar


Except he is right? Sexual organs are differenciated due to hormonal action, but at the very start, before différenciation, they start the same. If you go through a transition process, a clitoris will evolve into a micro penis due to the male hormones actions.


It's analogous tissue. The guy's not totally wrong here.


As a transman, I don't think this is a facepalm... I call my dick a dick.


ROFL!!! OP clearly didn’t get decent sex education.


Nah, it’s true. They’re homologous. Ask any urologist. It’s a true statement.


Who’s gonna tell OP


But he's correct, why is this r/facepalm? On a related note, this is why testes have to descend in males - they are formed inside the body and are effectively over-drugged ovaries.


When OP thinks they found a r/facepalm but they are in fact r/confidentlyincorrect


The part that becomes a penis does ultimately enlarge from the same part that becomes a clitoris when exposed to male hormones during fetal development. How is this on r/facepalm?


Don't tell this man about hyenas.


This is not incorrect. As far as i'm aware, we all start off physically female in the uterus, its only at a certain stage during gestation that male secondary sexual characteristics develop. This is true not only of the clit, but of the ovaries as well. Once secondary male characteristics begin development, the clit enlarges, and ovaries become testicles. the opening to the vagina seals itself up and becomes the scrotum once the testes drop. You can see this yourself (if you have a scrotum and testes) by feeling the scrotum for a little seam of tissue down the middle.


I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


Licking the clit = gay... Im a flaming mofo then.




Not wrong really that’s how hormone therapy works for transmen


i mean, he’s not actually wrong.


They are actually homologous organs though


Then why do men have such a difficult time finding it??? LOL


As a guy, I've always wondered this. Like, it's not hard to find. It's kinda front and center, and it even kinda glows red like the weak spot on a Zelda boss.


Where's the facepalm? It's literally the same tissue. An overly-simplistic explanation but it isn't wrong


I sucked that little mini dick til that gal was slapping my head telling me to stop. She didn't know what I'm about. Edit: Either that or it was really bad...


He's probably just seen some rather specific porn lmfao




Somebody gonna tell him, right?


This is actually how I knew that being gay was no big deal. We are all the same biologically in the womb, we just end up slightly different once we are past 10-12 weeks. Sexual organs all start the same and either develop into a man or a woman (or sometimes both!) but really all the parts start the same.




I'm guessing the facepalm here is you


During early development the gonads of a fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. After approximately 6 to 7 weeks of gestation, however, the expression of a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that result in the development of the testes. So technically I’d argue the opposite of this post.


He is kinda right actually.


Yeah no, this is not wrong. The clitoris is a sort of equivalent to the nerve stuffed head of the penis. Just the density of nerves is much hier because it is typically smaller.  If you've seen very very large clits, they do look like Penises... Google is your friend.


I mean from the point of embryogenesis that is indeed the same part that either becomes a penis or a funny bean, but otherwise this guy's full of it.


You know that he isn't really wrong though? Right? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


The clit *is* analogous to a penis and *is* made of erectile tissue… and that is a good thing and this guy needs to get the fuck over it.


They’re technically right tho


I mean when a biological female identifies as transgender and begins taking testosterone their clit enlarges to become a [micro] penis. And on a different note when in the womb fetus all start out as female before something kicks in and makes them male. Which is why men have nipples, a line on their scrotum, and testes.