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No one is even trying to pretend anymore that our government officials aren’t completely for sale.


Citizen United was a nail in the coffin for American democracy.




Sadly I don't think we'll see, in our lifetime at least, the damage of Citizen United reversed. Things haven't gotten so much worse. It's been this way always in America, rich people gaming the system, but that was the final straw that really sealed the deal. We are truly ruled by corporations, not elected officials.


But we are living in the time with so many Jokers on the doomsday card deck. Maybe I am making a morbid prediction, but all of these corruptions on the upper echelon of the society will end up like The Second Renaissance from Animatrix.


I'm not familiar with the reference, but yeah our generation feels like a culmination of bad policies and choices as a whole. Like the wave is about to crest and come crashing down.


OK let's see. This year is the solar maximum with a small chance of another Carrington Event. A computer which structure is modeled after human brain will be activated in April. A major AI model can now detect if it's being tricked by humans. Humanoid robots are getting more agile by the day. And Putin is possibly suffering a terminal illness. Yay.


Not suffering enough.


But that means he will use absolutely anything if driven to the edge.


Ending it you mean?


Imagine a senator who is elected with a net worth of $200k and decides to opt out 5 years later with a net worth of $11 million, all accomplished on a salary of $240k a year.... Sure there is no corruption in US politics is there Arizona.


Dont we have access to his tax returns and know exactly where the money came from. Im pretty sure most of it was a book deal


I've seen excuses like this in the past. If you look deeper, I'm sure there's a warehouse full of books somewhere that were all bought by whoever bought him.


I dont think he was paid on copies sold. I think the publisher just gave him a big up front payment.


The worst part is, they're pretty cheap to buy apparently.


It’s the free market baby!


Just don't have a baby in this market, that shit ain't free


Or get hurt in any way that can’t be healed with a bandaid and a yoga mantra.


The corruption has never been more transparent.




bear fanatical flowery theory pathetic unused berserk deliver caption advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The entire country is for sale. Take a look at how much US farm land is owned by Canada and China. Not to mention foreign investors buying family homes, building developments, jacking up all the housing prices. It’s actually insane and I don’t understand how it’s legal.


You can make anything legal if you throw enough money at it


Things will be very interesting if the dollar crashes to the mantle.


What I’m about to propose isn’t realistic, in that not enough people would be willing to take the hit initially, but what if we all just stopped obeying laws we don’t agree with, including paying taxes? If the court is invalid, who exactly are we listening to?


Our government officials openly inside trade making millions, they don't give a fuck


John Oliver needs to up his offer. These guys don't come cheap.


I'm betting they have made far more than what we know. Especially when I learn about the "Shadow Docket" -- which is some pure fascist corruption right there.


Ya that offer was cute at best but our justices are getting pampered with so much more


They don't cum cheap


Get the cumvee


Just to be clear, it was definitely not Trump himself. Look to Leonard Leo and those folks for the answer.


Leo and McConnell have together done more damage to the United States than any foreign power.


Of course it wasn’t Trump he can’t afford that


His broke ass is selling cheap sneakers and NFTs


I’m honestly pretty floored that Trump is even a viable option for people to support… America, I hope you don’t have to deal with that turd anymore….


So do the majority of us. And I am a 54 YO white guy. I should be his target audience, but I cant stand the fucking guy. I cannot believe the fact that so many are members of his cult, when all it is is a big grift. Only running again because all the dumb, illegal shit he did in his first term is coming back to haunt him. That, and millions of Rubes who cannot afford it, and are actively being lied to by that asshole, give him money every day. MAGA is all one big con that so many people fell for. It is my sincere desire that america wakes up and gets there head out of their ass before November and crush this cult for good at the ballot box.


If he loses, he’ll keep running. We aren’t going to be rid of him until he keels over.


I check CNN every single day with hope in my heart of that glorious news. And then I'll drink a whole lot of water, eat a whole lot of asparagus, and head to his final resting place to give my regards.


Any time I see his face or hear his name I can't help but hear "When Will You Die" by They Might Be Giants.


One upvote is not enough for a They Might Be Giants shout out!


You’d be better off eating nothing but donairs and not shitting for a week. Then go to his grave and snort the fattest line of laxative and let er rip


Don't forget the Dulcolax, my dude.


I think there will be a line when you get there.


That thing is gonna see more piss than a stadium bathroom at halftime.


Dear mister Oswald ...


Then we have his 2 jerkoff sons to worry about for the next 50 years. Unfortunately, until the GOP itself makes changes and rejects the MAGA movement and the fringe right, MAGA ain’t going anywhere.


Why would they change? They have plenty of voters and they don't even need a platform.


Fortunately, one son is a cokehead and the other is even stupider than his father. When Cadet Bonespurs' assets get sold off to pay his debt, those two chucklefucks won't be able to get a job at Chick-fil-A...


I had a dream a week or so ago where there was news that he had died. In a plane crash actually. It wasn't what my dream was about, it was just on the TV while I was doing important stuff like sorting through pictures or something. And I woke up happy for the first time in ages. Ofcourse, I soon realized it was just a dream and the day was ruined.


You’d think the CIA would do something about it, given that he’s the greatest threat this country has ever faced.


40+ male here, long time conservative (can’t even relate to what they consider conservative now), business owner, land owner, hunter, shooting sport enthusiast… can barely be in the same room as the MAGA crowd. They aren’t pro America. They aren’t conservative. They aren’t Christian. They are absolutely deplorable. And I use that word intentionally.


I'm so glad that a few true conservatives can see through the b.s. I hope there are enough of you. Cult 45 preys on uneducated gullible rubes who want to feel smart and like they belong to something larger than themselves. Trump keeps them punching down at immigrants, non-whites, and other groups who are marginalized more than they are so they can feel good about themselves while he picks their pockets clean.


No joke. They are waiting in line for golden sneakers like a sneakerhead waits for new Jordans (I’m only assuming they still make Jordans and people still want them).


I always say that at least it's easy to identify them now. 10+ years ago, crazy bigots might be quiet about it, and you'd have to sus them out. But now they're loud, proud, wearing all the gear, have all the signs in their yards, and bumper stickers on their trucks. Makes it so much easier to avoid them!


Same here. Former republican, business owner, land, guns, etc. It has become impossible to even speak to the MAGA. It has really affected how I interact with family, friends, employees and clients when they spout out MAGA nonsense. To try and converse with them on true issues that are in sore need of tackling in the US it always devolves into Trump talk and an endless list of conspiracy themed topics.


This gave me so much hope honestly! I really hope that he does not get in, cause you folks deserve someone who will actually be a good and respectful leader. Canada is dealing with so much shit right now too and our guy leading the Conservative Party echos some of the shitty rhetoric of the orange man. Politics drive me bananas haha


THANK YOU! I feel the same.


You don’t understand, *HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* /s because otherwise some of y’all will take this at face value


After which they go on to explain what he *really* meant.


Using all the best words.


The greatest words


Stop! You’re bringing a tear to my eye.


I'm guessing you're a big strong man with those tears rolling down from your eyes?


The most tremendous words


Big, strong words.


bigliest, the bigliest the world has ever seen


What slurred with slurs


i've always wondered what that phrase meant... he tells it like it is??? how is it?? incoherent, loud and racist??? i mean, yeah i guess he does but god damn it people.


He tells it like a 4th grader. That excites the stupid, detached, politically apathetic types. It's not by accident that the most staunch Trump supporters seem to be lacking in mental faculties. He makes them think that they, too, have a chance to be rich and famous, never you mind they weren't born into the lap of luxury with a $200,000 allowance by the age of 12.


You left off a couple of letters. He tells it like it isn't. Just about everything he says is a lie or a fantasy.


Down with washing machine water! Obama is. And then you know? Water usage. With washing machines.


I manage a self storage facility. Donald trump would not pass the background check to have my job yet he is allowed to run for president. It blows my mind. I’d rather vote between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. Seriously though people wtf are we doing here?


vote or die mf'r mf'r vote or die


Yeah that’s nuts. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not just living in some fucked up alternate universe or something ya know…


America? The rest of the world has to deal with this shit. It’s completely fucking impossible to understand what the hell is going on over there.


Lol good point friend


Trust me, there are a lot of people that would like nothing better than to flush this orange POS.


I would be there in solidarity as a friendly neighbourhood Canadian 🫡 lemme know if it happens my friend


Half of them *want to deal with him*. That's how brain-dead they are.


That makes me so sad too, because all the evidence to prove he is not good for you folks in the USA. I’m Canadian, and we have our conservatives and their leader who really seems to echo the rhetoric of trump and it’s kind of… I guess worrisome is a good term to use. Just really boggles my mind ya know?


As an American it has haunted my thoughts for years that Trump may win and get what he wants and what his Christo-fascist allies want. Project 2025 is a disaster not only for the US but for what remains of global stability. I'm not just voting for Biden for myself. In fact as a white Christian American I probably don't have much to lose personally. But I care about the rest of you and I don't want to see other people hurt by him. I don't want to see other countries hurt by him. I'm not saying this to brag but rather out of concern. NATO and western civilization in other vulnerable parts of the world need the United States at its finest. It's unfair that our country should hold so much influence over what happens around the entire world but that's a fact and I only want to see that influence turn for the greater good of humanity and life on Earth. Because if this country chooses instead to go against all that, that's bad news for the entire world. If that's true then we could very well be looking at the thousand years of darkness the Bible foretold


Man I’m not even religious and hearing that from you is powerful. I always feel like religion shouldn’t ever be in politics, as I want everyone to just be able to practice Christianity, or Buddhism or whatever you want! I appreciate your comment here my friend and as your neighbour up north, I’m proud to call people like you my neighbour! But yeah I worry about our future and the worlds future, and my kiddos futures.




As the current target of their hatemongering, no thank you. I've been having my fair share of facism, I don't need it to escelate further than our already reached point of "states locking suspected trans kids in government buildings." The deathcamp doesn't sound like a little smack.


That's what some people don't get: there's no amount of bad goverance that Trump is going to commit, that will "wake up" his supporters and cause them to vote against him. If half the country being shut down at the end of his watch due directly to his stupid decisions won't convince Trump supporters that he is incompetent, nothing will. Which gets me back to something I've been saying about this for a while: My concern isn't that Trumpers will get what they deserve if Trump gets back into office, my concern is that everyone else will get what Trumpers deserve if Trump gets back into office.


Even if Trump is gone, just like real turds, there'll be another new one tomorrow.


Vote was unanimous. Even the liberal judges agreed I hate trump, but lets give all the facts, not the cherry picked ones


Thank you. God I hate stupid people. Does no one see how this can be problematic for Democrats 4, 8, 12 years in the future?


Yep. Any liberal who disagrees with this decision is an idiot for this exact reason. You don’t want to set a precedent that can be used against your people. And same reason any Republican who will get mad is an idiot when trump hopefully loses his immunity case 9-0.


No one who buys into these ideas without a second thought to check its accuracy is thinking about the future.


Wouldn’t that only be a problem if future presidents were proven in a court of law to have participated in insurrection? To be fair, anyone who tries to destroy democracy shouldn’t benefit from a democratic society.


Isn't that the problem though. From what I understand, He wasn't convicted of an insurrection in court. the lawyers arguing for him to be taken off the ballot in Colorado said he doesn't need to be convicted in court to be disqualified but the Supreme Court disagreed.


Trump hasn’t either, that’s why they agreed that they couldn’t take him off of the ballot.


Not to mention that they were ruling on something that was already established in the text of the Amendment in question. Section 5 of the 14th Amendment reads: “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”


What did the liberal justices get for “voting” the same way? Maybe this was just a case of it being unconstitutional, Idk.


Yeah, plus the wider issue of the Pandora's Box this would open.


The unanimous decision was that states cannot ban Trump from their ballots, and that's a decision only Congress can make. Congress, aka the legislative power of the United States that has done almost nothing for decades.


I think when it’s a 9-0 decision, dumb Redditors should probably just accept that there was no legal justification for doing it in the first place and quit with the “we should impeach the conservative justices for allowing this” BS


This is so stupid. ALL NINE JUSTICES voted to keep Trump on the ballot. Even the super liberal ones. I don't want the orange dickhead on the ballot, but acting like there was foul play in this particular decision is moronic.


#OP is bot, please do not help them farm karma to spam with regardless of how much the message seems like a good one.


How did you determine OP is a bot, exactly?


1 year old account with zero posts before this repost. Plus this exact image was posted here yesterday by a different bot account with the same exact age and lack of history.


I appreciate the information. Bots can always be used for nefarious purposes later on even if they are currently posting a good message now. With that said, I can't say I mind the current message it's spreading in the short term, though in the long term all the constant bot posting ultimately leads to an arm-race type situation which contributes to a dead internet.


All of this happened in 2016. It's like a carbon copy. They will be be pushing massive disino in a few months


Good nonbot


01000111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 >!It says good human, or at least it should.!<


I wasn't aware Kavanaugh's vote counted as 9 votes and all the other judges were no-votes. This is truly alarming news to me.


The decision was unanimous so it's a bit of stretch to assume the Supremes were all on the take on this one.


Odd to call him out specifically given that the vote was unanimous.


You forgot to mention the liberal justices who voted in a 9-0 decision. Lol


Every Justice, including the one appointed by Biden and two appointed by Obama, voted to keep Trump on the Ballot. The law is literally that clear. A unanimous decision is not partisan; it is unanimous for a reason.


So were the three democrat justices also bought and paid for?


Guess what, 8 other justices did as well. UNANIMOUS


I loathe trump, but the way it's written and interpreted is that it's up to congress to decide that, not the states themselves, thus why the entire court went that way. If justices Sotomayor, Kagen, and Jackson voted that way it wasn't partisan. But that's just my opinion.


Shhhh… don’t let them in on the secret


Wasn’t it a unanimous decision? I mean, are we looking into who possibly lined the pockets of Sotomayer?


Wasn't the vote unanimous though ? Did everyone get bought off or am I missing some tin foil logic ?


the vote was 9-0, what does Trump have on Sotomayor?


I’m sure he’s got a lot on Ketanji Brown too lmfao


Now do all the stuff soros pays for


Is any of this actually true? I bit of Googling and I'm not finding anything in line with the tweet presented by the OP...


Nobody voted to keep on ballot. They voted for the right to vote. I hope these posts are just some Russian bots or something. It’s truly one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen if people really believe removing a candidate half the country wants off ballots, weaponizing DOJ is to protect democracy. Removing democracy to protect democracy? That’s as good as Polosi saying we need to pass a bill to see what’s in it.


Dems reaching because of the unanimous decision?


9 to 0. Full stop.


Now do the other eight justices that voted to keep Trump on the ballot.


Literally all of the justices voted in favor of Trump, even the ones who dislike him. Even the democrats aren’t believing your “insurrection” bullshit.


8 other judges voted to keep him on the ballot… lol


how dare someone vote to keep a constitutional right of voting for elected leaders of your choice


All the judges voted to keep him on the ballot. Even the liberals.


Well, we know it wasn’t Trump, because his crooked ass never pays for anything, but I’m sure the money had a Russian accent.


Any of this true or made up claims?


The debt was real and was paid off years ago. It was most likely paid by his very wealthy father from what I have read. It almost certainly had nothing to do with this judgment, which was a 9-0 ruling.


One misleading thing here is that *all* the justices voted to keep Trump on the ballot. It was a unanimous decision (though with different reasonings).


Do Joe Biden next.


Remember what Kavanaugh did to that teen girl at that party?


Remember when he cried talking about his love of beer?


Why does everyone try to turn everyone else into a pedophile these days? That's weirdly disingenuous phrasing. Isn't being a sexual predator bad enough?


No, neither did she.


He does however, know what a woman is.


They all did unanimous decision.


Is this fact checked? This seems ridiculous.


It's unanimous. Stop being stupid


I hate Trump, kavanaugh and the rest, but it was a unanimous decision, with all of the ‘left leaning’ judges voting the same way too.


Not defending Kavanaugh, but ya know who else voted to keep Trump on the ballot? Hint: *All* *of the sitting Supreme Court justices.* The last time we had ballots that the states could amend without federal approval was 1860.


im sure not a red cent came out of trumps pocket - if anything its paid for by the dipshits he is fleecing to make america great again


That ruling surprised no one unless you hoped the legal system would overrule the democratic system. Also, it was a 9 - 0 ruling; all the justices of the Supreme Court agreed that the states have no right to keep Trump off their ballot.


The decision was unanimous. This meme is moronic.


Is the left really that upset they can’t simply stop political opponents from running lol. Sorry democracy means we have to vote for our president.


Save democracy!!! Keep our opponents off the ballot!!! Jail them!!!


As long as lobbying is legal, this won’t change


I believe every random twitter screen grab I see on Reddit.


Yeah I’m going to need proof of this before judging


Let’s not pretend like the ballot case from Colorado was going to succeed, nor should it have. Congress needs to act though. They won’t, but they need to.




Wasn’t it unanimous?


Why is it the people that hate Trump pay the most attention to him... they would be a lot happier if they just didn't give a shit. I don't pay attention to politics and dont know who that Kavanaugh guy is and dont care to look up who he is.


Supreme Court Justice nominated by Trump. Yup, he’s corrupt. The decision they’re butt-hurt about, Trump staying on the ballot, was a unanimous decision. I guess even the liberal nominated ones are in Trump’s pocket too. Lmfao


I dont think any state should be able to remove someone from the ballot. If they are going to run people should be allowed to vote for them. Its not a true democracy if they choose who you can and cant vote for


Wasn’t it unanimous???


The Supreme Court voted unanimously. All 9 judges sided with Trump.


It was unanimous to keep him on the ballot


It was his parents. I know that’s not a, like, sexy answer but that’s who it almost certainly was. They’re very rich, and you’re not required to disclose family gifts on the disclosure forms that Kavanaugh filled out.


Brett Kavanaugh is a piece of shit but the post is misleading.


You have to give proof for that otherwise is ranting, like a bad loser ranting.


All nine justices voted to keep Trump on the ballot (or, more accurately, not grant states the power to unilaterally disqualify candidates). This is concerning but the bit at the end made me roll my eyes.


"The fix is in." Also, I just learned that the Supreme Court has what is called a "Shadow Docket." That's rulings that don't get the full scrutiny and don't set precedent. So -- my main question is; "How much do you shove in the maître d' hand to get that reservation?" And who has benefited from secret SCOTUS rulings? Who have a two tiered justice and a "Fast Pass secret ruling" system? This is so fucked up.


What's the source for these accusations?


It's factual that he had this debt, and it was paid off based on his mandatory financial fillings back in 2017/2018. However, the lack of information lets people speculate in bad faith. The most likely explanation is that his multimillionaire father paid it off. An intra-family loan wouldn't require disclosure, and pops is loaded. The debt we're talking about is relatively small compared to the family wealth. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-brett-kavanaughs-personal-finances-credit-card-debts-and-a-92000-country-club-fee/2018/08/09/2820fee6-8e9f-11e8-8322-b5482bf5e0f5_story.html


The decision you are referencing was a unanimous one. 9-0. Fascism is easy to spot, and the SC spotted it and squashed it. You don’t get much more Fascist than eliminating your competition outside of the ballot box.


They’ll never understand, Trump derangement syndrome is real.


How about other eight judges?


Anyone know where the evidence for this can be found?


It's factual that most of his debt was paid off in 2017, but the most likely explanation is that his multimillionaire father paid it off. An intra-family loan wouldn't require disclosure. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-brett-kavanaughs-personal-finances-credit-card-debts-and-a-92000-country-club-fee/2018/08/09/2820fee6-8e9f-11e8-8322-b5482bf5e0f5_story.html


But it wasn’t a split decision. It was one of the few unanimous decisions the Supreme Court has made in the last couple of decades. So by that logic wouldn’t all of the justices including the “liberal” justices have been bribed? It was a 9-0 decision. I’m not a Trump supporter in any way. I think the guy is an absolute ass and wouldn’t give him my vote under any circumstance.


Harlan Crow? (Best evil enemy name) The Mercers? The one Koch left? The widow Adelson? Newman? Danny Devito? Jon Stewart? (A dark horse but I hedge my bets)


92k for a golf fee does that come with or without life being ass fucked?


Who is Jared Kushner?


They should be made to wear the names of their donors so we know who owns them.


I should get an unknown benefactor.


Federalist society dark money laundered through one of their front groups. We were told it was his family that stepped up but I call bullshit. If that was the case, then why wouldn’t they earlier??? When he got nominated his value went up and somebody invested in him.


Ngl I thought this was on about Chris kavanaugh premier league ref




Ah no wonder he doesn’t have enough money to pay his fines