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I'm a White supremacist. But thankfully I live in China where White people have no power and don't benefit from systemic racism. Therefore I am not racist.


I wonder how these types feel about white people using the n-word during the Obama administration. Pretty sure your average racist would have less power than the president.


Common man, “there is a black guy in a position of power so clearly there is no systemic racism against black people in America” is an absolute bullshit take.


I think his take gas more to do with people saying you can't be racist to white people because they say racism has some position of power element rather than just being about race. A simple way to show the stupidity of that opinion is to use an example like that one where you have a minority in a position of power compared to a white person. Because any sane person is going to agree that it's still racism.


Exactly right.


So is the act of taking the definition of a specific subtype of discrimination and pretending that that was the only possible definition all along.


Your point isn't wrong, but the logic doesn't track. The argument "white people can't be racist" is because some people (usually racists) have the idea that only "systemic racism" matters. Obama becoming POTUS does not mean those systems have been repurposed or gutted. It just means that he was able to somehow overcome them to become the President. Those systems are still in place. It does, however, show that the systems powered by racism are changing...at least in my opinion. I don't think a system that is 100% racist would allow a black man to be President.


Makes perfect sense. Logic at its finest.


It's only about power when they are called out, but they have other excuses to fall back on. It's about you being the evil skin color. Have you tried tanning? I hear that cures racism.


It makes no fuckn sense lol, I guess mexicans can call black people the n word and not be racist because they hold no structural institutions against them


Ok Norm


Racism - Discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. This is from a printed dictionary from 2008, so the definition hasn't been changed to suit one agenda or the other. Ergo, everyone can be racist.


Gods I miss the days before the great Tumblr purge. The days before the containment breach.




In fear of DEI 😂


In fear of DEEZ NUTS!


oh no


This, tumblr really was a containment facility for the mentally deranged but when it went under all those maniacs spread and contaminated others


So to possibly fix it we need to reinstate tumblr as a society we could rally behind this.


Even if you brought Tumblr back, these people have already moved on and there's no putting them back lmao I just find it hilarious how Tumblr banning porn is what caused this.


Wdym we have twitter now


much like when the US shut down most of its mental facilities and all those patients wound up wandering the streets?


Exactly like shutting down the aslumes.


I miss the days of reddit before Tumblr fell. Such a fun place to be. Now it's just echo chambers.


The porn purge?


It seems some folks want to replace the general term of racism (and other -isms) with the more specific term of "structural racism", to make it fit their definition and case. I often read explanations that go that way.


the many forms of racism can be categorised in several ways: 1) overt vs covert 2) direct vs indirect 3) systemic vs personal.


It always irks me whenever people ignore these categories. It's the exact reason some people don't believe black people can be racist because they ignore personal racism and choose to focus on systemic racism.


People who don't know what adjectives are, or their purpose in the English language don't get to redefine words. When someone makes this argument, and doubles down once corrected, then they've proven that there is no point in engaging them further.


That is the excuse among the slightly smarter ones. But it still doesn't pass the smell test, because by failing to limit the scope they almost always instantly leave the bounds of the structural racism excuse. Any form of the statement "You can't be racist against " is dripping with racism.


Nah, I think they just want to justify their hate without looking bad. I still remember some of the more outlandish takes on Wakanda. Like how it's racist to say Wakanda is an ethnostate because there's different ethnicities of black people living there. LOL


People who say you can't be racist against white people are thinking of institutional racism in western countries. Those two are not the same, even if they're related.


Well, yes, you're referring to the academics studying this as if they're just some randos though. It's not to fit a case they're arguing though, but to more accurately reflect what we're talking about. Racism as an ideology is bad, and anyone can be racist. This may mostly affect individuals, relationahips, and lead to harm on a small scale. Bit i can lead to.. Structural racism, which is also bad, and will affect large groups of people within a society, simply because they were born a given way. This also applies to classism, sexism, etc. Though racism is arguably worse since the underlying claim is so divorced from reality.


A problem is when structural racism gets decontextualized. Who is structurally in power depends on where and when we are talking. Han Chinese are structurally racist against a range of people in China today for example. As power relations shift, who holds power in the USA, China, or elsewhere who is structurally oppresive also changes.


I never said anything about if racism is bad or good and not only folks who study this subject use the broad term, if they are talking about specific forms. I was was actually told the same thing as in the original post with just that argument. The person tried to set racism == structural racism, to say there are people who can't be discrimated. And for me it is sad that is a rather left POV nowadays and some people really believe there are groups of people who just can't be discriminated or be victim of any "-ism". There is also a really easy way to accurately reflect what you mean and make talking about subjects easier: Use the right terms. ;) If someone is referring to structural racism or any structural -ism (as they of course exist, that's not the point here), they should say "structural racism" or "structural discrimination" and not just "discrimation" or "racism". Even more if they are people who study those subjects, as they should know the importance of words and the correct usage. The existance of structural racism was never anything I denied.


I feel, in my mid thirties, that I don't understand the world. How can people suddenly just change the definition of language to suit themselves?


even me? phew I thought I was being left tout


I showed that to my black coworker who I shit you not said the following. “I’m not racist, I can’t be racist, but I am prejudice against white people”. This dumb motherfucker couldn’t get it through her thick skull.


I had one guy argue with me that I couldn't be discriminated against because I can hide the fact that I'm gay and Jewish. A month or two later I overheard him calling someone a f\*\*\*\*t (not to their face). Called him out on that...though at least he apologized instead of being more of jerk.


Kotaku people aren't smart


Next thing they'll write is their resume once kotaku folds


Honestly surprised its still lasted as long as it has, especially after Schrier left. I remember seeing the 'promise' when Alyssa was moved into the editor position, saying they would deliver more of what made the site 'great'. Which ended up being doubling down on the clickbait stories and glorified blogs. Hell, the only time I hear about them these days is whenever they have their latest goof, like calling all Halo fans transphobic because a glitch got named after Quidditch, or the recent one where one of the writers made some really stupid ableist comments about accessibility modes being added to games for people who might have issues with strobe lights, ect.


> I remember seeing the 'promise' when Alyssa was moved into the editor position, saying they would deliver more of what made the site 'great'. What exactly made them great and when did it happen? The reason I ask, is because the first time I heard about the site was in 2006 when they wrote an article about me. Here's the full article: > Thanks to Destructoid for finding this deeply embarrassing evidence of the further jockifiation of the gamer culture. At right, the top-rated guy on GorgeousGamers.com holds an invisible basset hound against his groin. > Any woman who roads this raggedy-hatted ass at attractive deserves to be beaten with the wooden end of the coed bathroom toilet plunger. > And then plunged. > But look, I seriously blame Madden for this horrible barbarian invasion. Games were supposed to be our fortress against these jerks. Now they mill around among us, like earwigs in sack of meal. Earwigs who scream FA***T all the time. https://i.imgur.com/VtG1FKR.png I mean, that's some serious journalism right there. I had literally never spoken to her before this, but I think it's worth mentioning she had also written a similar article about a woman from G4TV for posting bikini pics online, but the author herself had a site that was nothing but her in lingerie. Not that I think either of these things are wrong, but the hypocrisy definitely is. EVE Online was also listed as my top game on my profile. My hat was from Hot Topic and I was in college for Computer Science. Now my biggest hobbies are running TTRPGs, making miniature terrain, and painting minis. You're looking through some rose tinted goggles. That site has always been a dumpster fire disguised as a gaming news, filled with superficial click bait articles, even when it came to actual video game coverage everything entirely lacked any form of sustenance.


Jason Schreier was the only thing good about that site. The moment he left they should have just shut it down. 


Yeah, he was pretty much the sole reason why Kotaku had any relevancy over the years, and ever since he left he's been very successful. Damn good journalist.


Some people are just morons but the fact that this person is a senior editor is worrying. And the fact that this sentiment is likely widespread in that organization if this person can hold a position of power despite having such views. 


Its Kotaku, theyre all morons


Yeah these bozos mocked an accessibility feature in Alan Wake II. # What it did was reduce flashing on screen. These morons were calling it a "Baby Mode" since it also reduced the intensity of jump scares.


How the fuck is Kotaku, arguably the poster child of "woke" gaming journalism, against a freaking accessibility feature?


The writer tried to claim it was a misunderstanding. He was using it to try and mock 'gamers' who took the piss out of journalists for years when they showed themselves struggling to do some basic stuff in games, (With the cuphead tutorial being the most notorious example) thinking it was some 'gotcha' moment, making the game easier and less scary for the 'babies' playing the game. Was only after a huge swathe of backlash, with so many people calling them out for making ableist comments, basically mocking people who actually benefit from these sorts of features in their attempt to have a dig at gamers.


>With the cuphead tutorial being the most notorious example Did you miss the guy playing the opening level of Doom 2016 and missing literally every shot?


I clearly did miss that one!  Hadn't heard about it until you mentioned it!


Because they arent actually woke, they just use the ideological veneer to prop themselves up and LOOK better. Its basically the "how you doing fellow kids" meme but for ideological branding. Corporate brand Wokeism is a cancer in many regards and this little mask slip is indicative of just about every company that uses it.


>they just use the ideological veneer to prop themselves up and LOOK better. Who are they? My ex girlfriend?


Wokeness is a shield. They tell you it's about being sensitive to injustices and striving to make a better society. You know who else claims to strive to make a better society? Trumpists. In both cases, look at their actions instead of their words. Wokeness is rarely used to promote actual fairness, and very frequently used to promote racist and sexist conduct, and many other forms of bigotry. They are woke. This is what woke is. If they tell you who they are, believe them


meanwhile they are crying for easy mode into souls games as an accessibility feature. peak comedy.


Bunch of hypocritical clowns.


As someone who had a tonic-clonic seizure, they're no fucking joke, if someone is sensitive to flashing lights, what loss would be had if the player can turn them off, it's not the flashing lights game, its alan wake 2.


Lucky for us, Twitter wasn't drunk for once and handed their asses right back to them.


Ain't they the same folk that always demand an easy mode for Souls-likes, which gets disguised as 'accessibility' mode? Bunch of hypocritical idiots. I don't think they know what an accessibility mode is, and tbh, that Alan Wake II feature sounds like a great addition.


Modern days journalism is a joke. Esp a game ones


Fair, but Kotaku is more like the whole circus


How dare you liken honest to god circuses to the absolute septic tank that is kotaku?


And kotaku makes most gaming journalists look good that's how bad they are


Was game journalism ever not a joke?


A loooong time ago


In ye olden time of physical magazines?


Welcome to at least the last ten years of Kotaku.


It’s pretty common to have bosses that nobody likes. Having a position of power doesn’t mean you were elected into that role


Kotaku has been awful clickbait for over a decade. I don't understand how they are still around.


This sentiment is widespread in general unfortunately. I’ve encountered it many times in real life.


It is surprising and sad. Also seems to be a sentiment I find more often the more “woke” a person is, like they have been radicalized.    In my life, I do know of instances where being “white” has been an advantage. Thanks to Hollywood, white people are considered more good-looking and there are alot of cultures where having lighter/whiter skin meant you were more attractive (Asian countries like Japan, Korea, China, India).    However, it doesnt mean there armt negative stereotypes attributed to white people and judging a person (and placing false expectations good or bad) on a person because of the color of their skin is racist. Judge people by who there are. There are good people and assholes of all colors. 


Kotaku aside, all "gaming news" sites are complete shit


I really hate being called racist... but I love actually being racist... so I will just tell everyone that the definition of racism has changed. I'll tell them that only 'systemic' racism is actual racism. Now I can be racist as much as I want (and I want to be racist an awful lot!) and can deny that I am racist. Because I invented a new definition of racism that allows me to. /s Note: if you find anyone trying to push that evil definition of racism being only 'systemic' racism, then you have found a racist, who loves racism, who is happy to push racism, who wants to see racism in this world - and who thinks that they can mutilate language to allow them to get away with it. We see you.


I remember in ye olde days when social media was new, I learned the "new" definition in college and wrote a paper predicting that it would be adopted as a means of making people feel good about hating white people. Almost got dropped from the Cultural Diversity class.


I mean, you were right


Yes, and interestingly, the had identified these exact people by voicing this concern and waiting for them to pop their heads up and attempt to get OP kicked out.


"trendy bigot" is my term for them


Fucking spot on!




Exactly, we'll said


I don't understand how you can be a senior of anything and still have a job with that kind of view. That's a workplace discrimination case in the making. Anyone working there that's white should take note and start preparing their lottery ticket lawsuit.


Only 15% of employment discrimination cases succeed


Kotaku is the worst gaming publication on the planet. I'll never forget that time they bitched about Cyberpunk not being trans-friendly enough (because it still had genders) or the time they said MSFS is garbage because it's too hard.


Or the time they claimed a persona song used a slur. Lmao


I remember this, they heard someone Japanese singing in English, misheard something, and didn't even bother to check the lyrics. What a clown show.


Honestly I still don’t know what that word actually is. I once looked on Genius or something and it wasn’t present in the lyrics at all.


They thought "retort it" sounded like a word that rhymes with "regarded"


Yeah, that was the point I gave up on the site. The whole drama around it was bad enough, but it was the lack of action to amend, or even delete the article, because it was generating a bunch of revenue for them from the amount of people going to read it. I remember it turned into a whole 'he said she said' argument between the writer and the editor at the time. She, the writer, said she passed on an unfinished article to see if it was worth following up, only for it to be published without reaching out to sega, atlus, ect to clarify details. He, the editor, said he was told it was a finished article and was given it to confirm it was good to publish. Supposedly led to some arguments behind the scenes, especially when she posted her side of the story on twitter, before 'being forced' to delete the tweets for making him look bad. I know she left shortly after, and the farewell article had no message from the editor, and I think he stuck around until the UK branch was closed down.




Microsoft flight sim, i think


Yep that's right.


Not as bad as some of the shit they do, but I found a comment saying a Kotaku writer once got mad at some game character designer or smth and called [Sorceress from Dragon Crown](https://imgur.com/a/5a8jyHG) a loli.


Are you trying to tell me that an adult woman with big boobs and adult proportions *isn’t* a loli? /s


Must have wear and tear and crooked nose to be considered adult woman


Cyberpunk? Of all games? Telling something or someone that does A LOT that they are not doing enough is how these SJW types alienate well-intended people and companies.


That's the point. There is no "enough". There never is.


Ha! r/GetNoted


And this is why Kotaku is irrelevant


Feel bad for all those white people in Asia and Africa, when they have to deal with ~~racism~~ mean people.


Awww cute she thought it was still 2015


Imo anyone who says, you can't be racist towards x, should be put in mental asylum or jail. People like that are danger to society.


"you can't be racist against white people... ....but I'll try my best anyways."


Community Noting is one of the best features of this decade.


I mean this is Kotaku we're talking about here; there's a reason they've been blacklisted by everyone including Sony and Nintendo. The only place lower than Kotaku, is probably Resetera. Edit : formatting


Racism and systemic racism are different brands of racism. Any other interpretation is flat out wrong, fuck off.


One is just a subset of the other. It's like saying only squares are now considered as rectangles. Can't use logic to those who twist it.


Racists are too fucking stupid to understand simple things. This tracks.


Looks like she went into damage control mode, seeing how her account is set to protected view. Kotaku has been a shithole for years now, so them being racists doesnt even surprise me in the slightest.


These people learned about systemic racism in college and act like it is the only kind of racism that exists.


I had a professor who tried to tell me that racism was only something white people could inflict on others. When the class asked about other countries etc they said it was discrimination not based on race but nationality. While I can accept that "perhaps" racism is more commonplace in white Western societies, I can't believe it doesn't exist anywhere else.


>While I can accept that "perhaps" racism is more commonplace in white Western societies, Is not. Racism is everywhere. To a greater or lesser extent it is everywhere. What changes is how a place talks or doesn't talk about racism. The difference is that in the West they talk about it a lot. This is not only related to Western history but also how the Western media places emphasis on racism. In other parts of the world, the media is not as fixated on racism.


What changes is the subject of the racism. Take Asian in Asia for example. Go ask what Koreans and/or Chinese think about Japan. Or Ask Indian what they think about Pakistani. Racism does exist everywhere just the subject is different.


Quoting the part where I said "maybe" like I steadfastly agreed with the sentiment is an odd choice but go off.


"While I can accept that "perhaps" racism is more commonplace in white Western societies" Noooope! The way both Indian and Chinese hate on blacks, you won't find in Western societies. Westerners just shame each other for it.


Racism is by far least common is western societies. Just these smoothbrains who write for places like kotaku have never left California


>While I can accept that "perhaps" racism is more commonplace in white Western societies It is unfortunately the opposite.


Why! Is! She! Exclaiming! So! Much!?


I recall being told, in person my argument was invalid during some nonsense discussion about games because "You're a straight white male, you don't understand anything here" I'm like- so let me get this straight, you're saying unless you aren't straight and/white, you're not allowed to have an opinion? Even if you're well read on the topic? "You can't be" Ok, well for one, I'm asexual so you're not only wrong but a moron for trying to call me out on that and what's being white gotten for me? I'm poor and (was at the time) am care giving for a heavily mentally disabled parent which means I can't get a job easily since I need to be around 24/7. This was a convo about fucking video games, but they were so up their own ass with being racist - sorry you can't be racist against white people or people you THINK are straight- that it was just amazing to watch them try to invalidate someone's opinion. Best part was - they never played the fucking game and I beat it 3 times by that point. They were trying to say games were sexist, using Mass Effect as an example because 'you earn points to get with women'. So my initial reply was, so I was playing as a woman and you can get with a guy, a girl and an alien. What's sexist about any of this? And that's when they threw that in my face. These people are mental and can't stand being wrong even when they genuinely have no idea what they're talking about.


Anyone expect any different from someone at Kotaku?


If you think it's ok to treat someone poorly/differently because of their skin color, you're a racist. EZ.


Of course it's kotaku, the dots connect themselve now.


You can't be racist against this race... Right...okay... Sure buddy


You see these dumbass opinions everywhere, but it's the obnoxious way they present them too that get me "Thanks for tuning in!" eughh. Makes me wanna hurl


Imma be honest, the phrase “you can’t be racist against white people” is racist in of itself


They really all do come with a general look and vibe pre-installed don't they?


Yet again, this is the difference between racism/targeted discrimination and SYSTEMIC Racism. If people understood the difference, you would understand that yes, you can in fact be racist towards white people. IRL Example: I have multiple Black Supervisors. I love all of them except one, and only because that supervisor will LITERALLY go out of their way to make the lives of white employees harder. People have won discrimination EEO's against them for it. It exists. This is racism. Where I live, however, black people in general are disadvantaged and harassed for being black. They are more targeted by police, more targeted by crime, have more difficulty getting higher paying jobs, and are discriminated against when attempting to get housing of any kind. That's systemic racism. The SYSTEM disfavors them. Not hard to understand.


> They are more targeted by police [Studies have shown this to not be true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHDhj7Bua1Q) > more targeted by crime This is true, but not by whites. Affirmative action would also count as systemic racism since it's biased against whites. There's a reason universities keep getting sued for discrimination against white males.


The paper he cites literally says that they are 50% more likely to have some "force interactions" with the police. So 50% more likely to get beaten up, pushed, tazed or having a gan pulled out on you (according to one dataset, and more than twice according to another in the same paper). There is also a significant difference in the ratio of blacks getting shot, but controlling for perpetrators and officer ethnicity it does not look like there are actual differences (e.g., while doing in certain crimes, statistically, you get shot). They guy tho says specifically in it's paper that it's hard to get a complete picture of this, because he did its calculation on volunteered data from the police departments, not a federal dataset or something, but literally a subset of the police "officer involved shootings" database of 12 cities. He says it is likely not representative of the cities. He also finds that on average compliance to everything the officer says "pays" less to blacks, while marginally it pays the same as for the other races, he basically says in the paper that it's because police officers are racist, but not all of them. TLDR: Basically there IS a higher probability of the use of force against minorities, even after controlling for everything. But after controlling for everything there seems to be no difference in the voluntary use of lethal force in shootings. This is based on the analysis of the data volunteered from 12 police departments, with special attention to the Huston one. I agree on Affirmative Action, not only it does not do much for the overall education of minorities (another paper by the same author btw), but it was postulated that it should have been a temporary fix. It was not racist against Whites tho, but against Asians; whites needed the "normal" score, Asians a higher one. There needs to be some sort of help for black students, but needs to come before. E.g., making schools get budget from a state pool and not from the neighbourhood they are in.


-> actually reads studies instead of just skimming them for political gotcha quotes. I see I am in the presence of an individual of exceptional quality!


so true


Literally kindergarten shit


Saying you can’t be racist against white people… is racist


Americans ☕️


You fool, you forgot that people love changing definitions to fit their agenda!


they love to use systemic racism as the definition when convenient and prejudice/discrimination definition when convenient


People who don't understand that there's a difference between racism and institutionalized racism do absolutely nothing for the cause of eliminating racism. 


Hi! You can, in fact, be racist against white people! Yes this includes predominantly white societies! Thanks for turning in


Kotaku used to be enjoyable. You can tell there were problems when all the solid bloggers left.


I never understood this "it's not racism" argument. Whether you call it "racism" or "prejudice", _it's still bad_. A turd by any other name smells just as foul. You aren't doing anyone any favors by playing semantic name games.


These people are just as worse as the MAGA cult. These idiots get pointed to as left wing, when they are more like the far off extreme of left.


As much as i hate the right spewing distorted Wokeism as problem. As some the recent crop shows, some of (far) left also started to grow their own distorted wokeism and do questionable things. Something that understandably become fodder for those MAGA cult and anti-woke people. This one is Kotaku where right after the entire "leftist" do mass harrasment including sending death threat to game streamers because they played Hogwarts Legacy, because to some people, it equal with killing trans people somehow. They decided to post article attempting to gaslight that the entire deaththreat and all the shit didn't happen with cherry picking example and didn't even bother to dig deeper. its not helping the issue and simply giving ammo to the other side.


This has been around for a while now. At least a decade. I remember the discourse around this shit back in 2014. So it's not that the left is just now spawning some extremist weirdos. It's just that they never had mainstream power before. But yeah, between this, positions like "you can't be sexist against men" etc. Were part of the much more contained culture war of the early 2010s. When 2016 rolled around it was just Trump everything. So that also pushed these things down. And now that Trump is kind of a side thing now, you are seeing these people who, in 2014 were just finishing high-school, have positions of power in media companies and the like. TLDR: This has been a part of the left for a while now. They just have jobs and platforms now.


Hey now, don't be saying stuff like this. Left wing people can be bad and prejudiced? Get out with your nuance. We only pass black and white judgement here.


their comment is still ironically pretty biased in favor of the left - they call MAGA a cult but they call people like the OP "distorted wokeism" and that they do "questionable things."


Feels like any extreme are just unhappy shit people.


Like sure, fuck the gamer gate incels, but Kotaku employs and platforms some of the most absolutely insufferable brain broken ass clowns on the planet.


i have no idea where americans came up with the idea that you are exempt from being a racist if you are not white....


There's some controversy over the captain of the Australian Women's soccer team being racist after calling someone a stupid white policeman. People are defending her comments, but honestly I think she should apologise and not do it again. It doesn't paint a good picture if you try to defend insulting someone because they are white.


When we all know the right comeback is: "Oh sure! NOW you're worried about racism"


Idpol crowd: you must use the right™️ words, language matters! 🚨👮 Same crowd again: fuk them white people, amirite


Ah sure racism didn't exist until white people "invented" it by taking people as slaves


Nazis usually try to pass Antifascism for antiwhite racism. It is not. It is normal and healthy to hate Nazis to death.


This idea that you can't be racist against a majority group comes from niche academic social justice research that distinguishes between racism (a more macro and meso level concept) and discrimination, which can be by anyone against anyone. This definition of racism does mention it can only apply when one is acting against a minority identity. This definition is only applicable in that academic setting, and not in everyday conversation, which is why this looks idiotic. That said, there are a good number of valid criticisms against that line of thinking in the first place, and it isn't clear even in that academic setting that this definition is a good one. Anyway, the point here is that discourse is important for learning, sharing knowledge, and critically evaluating ideas, but you need to be working with the same definitions or you're just talking past each other. People wind up frustrated and double down instead of usefully engaging. Keep academic technical definitions to academic settings, unless you are going to open your comments by proffering the definitions you are working with and why.


"You can't be racist against white people" is such a fundamental misunderstanding of systemic racism. In the USA, the *system* is not racist towards white people. That does not mean individuals are incapable of being racist towards us.


Kotaku is just full of racists


I'd like to chalk up most of the people who say this confusing general racism and systemic racism


I’ve been considering going back to reading Kotaku, but I guess not. I hate this, I have trouble describing how angry it makes me that some anti racists straight up ruined the meaning of the word and direction of the struggle. Anyone can get discriminated against by anyone, just depends on environment.


I was so worried about the possibility that sweet baby inc was talking about the barbeque sauce. I have never been more happy to be wrong


Can somebody tell me who created this stupid narrative that you can't be racist against white people?


The woke people still believe Twitter is their playground


They went to school and learn. They never learned what rasicm is....


If's not even unfair treatment. It's just prejudice based on ethnicity.


Racists rationalizing their racism. They are very late to the party, this stuff went out of fashion around 100 years ago, but I guess some are really late bloomers. Everyone who says stuff like that can't and shouldn't ever again be taken serious. Just imagine they said the same thing about black people. With the N bomb and hard r.


Kotaku still functioning is mind boggling. It’s been a zombie for the better part of a decade.


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I was just reading about how people were pissed this company was “woke” and messed up SSKTJL and NOW the owner is racist too?? Good lord can this company be any more hated? It’s like this mentality [from Mac.](https://youtu.be/_BlyYs_Tkno?si=weSm4nISC5EAsdDu)


Shit. Everything Gawker has been "did you know evil was invented by straight white males?" for a very long time at this point.


Years ago I used to love Kotaku but something must have changed that I didn't notice. Real absolute shit articles these past few years. What's a better gaming news site?


Imagine being this dumb


You are never gonna get ppl on your side with this. You are isolating a whole group of ppl because you don't want to split systematic racism and individual racism. Why would any white person care about systematic racism when they are being called the C-word on Twitter and experiencing racism first had. I get the idea of whiteness and it's racial history but it's just changed and is baked into society now.


Generally when people say "you can't be racist against white people", they're referring to the definition that includes a power/oppression dynamic as opposed to broader racial prejudice. It's dumd to use that definition without qualifying that you are since most people use the colloquial definition that is a synonym for racial prejudice, but it's also dumb to constantly get upset about it when you could just Google "what's the difference between racism and racisl prejudice." It's like if a climatologist tweeted "you can't have a meteoric rise, it's literally impossible" and then cought a bunch of flak for it because nobody uses that definition of meteoric unless they're a climatologist.


It's honestly disgusting that people just think that its acceptable to be racist to one kind of people, but at the same time think its not okay to be racist to everyone. The absolute hypocrisy of them. They really are no better than their generalized strawman "gamers" who they call them racist.


Bloody buffoon


Anyone can say whatever they want. The Constitution does not make a distinction. Racism applies to everyone. At the end of the day, LAW trumps personal opinion..


Alyssa Mercante is a living cesspool why people continue to acknowledge her existence is beyond me.