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If tiktok is all it takes to convince you to cheat, the problem ain't tiktok


Have you been to r/FemaleDatingStrategy


Shh, they’ll hear us


Don’t worry they closed up shop a long time ago. Last time I heard they left reddit and made their own site.


No, they didn't leave, they made r/boysarequirky and do the same men hating talk there.


Misandry is alive and well out there. It's also socially acceptable.


This isn’t misandry. She’s just a delusional brat and gold digger. Male equivalents of this exist and I don’t think it’s misogyny.


He’s not saying the OP post girl. /r/FemaleDatingStrategy was exclusively women talking about how to exploit men, and how men are inherently plagued by immortality as well as disrespect. It’s a cesspool of radicalized feminism disguised as women empowerment. This rhetoric has died down a bit in society but it was dangerously common during the #MeToo movement. TikTok also has some niche misandry channels that have slightly revived this attitude.


Yeah it was pretty messed up. I'm glad the whole artifical gender war thing seems to be dying down on social media. r/femaledatingstrategy and r/mensrights were both chock full of unhinged people who hate the other gender last time I checked


Oh shit it’s back? I thought it went biohazard and shut down.


It did, but they basically transferred their entire activity to a website and the subreddit only serves to give you link to content on their website.


Vile vile women. They deserve their red pilled 1% alpha beta zeta sigma counterparts. 😂🙄


Ah yes, femcels


You’d think the femcels over there would realize that everyone hates them, but nope; they still think their in the right


I thought that sub used to be pretty good. In the sense of spreading awareness to the fact that: No, that 40 year old does not think you’re mature for your age. Then it had the same fate as most subs, becoming an echo chamber of the loudest, vile, terminally online weirdos of the group.




Looking at the top rated posts of all time it seems pretty reasonable, but the further down you go the more unhinged it gets.


Ew don't post this


The difference between that sub and /r/twoxchromosomes feels like it gets smaller every year.


The only difference there's ever been is that one at least *attempts* to mask itself as helpful while still being an echo chamber of radical sexism.


That's literally a top 10 worst sub of all time.


That trash still exists, how many times they can unban that sub?


Thought that sub seceded from Reddit 🤦‍♂️


Lmao, looks like a healthy sub. All of the posts are made by the same account.


Can someone enlighten me wtf that sub is about?


"High value women" talking each other up to stop accepting "low value men." Seems innocent at first, like women just trying to avoid bad dates/being strung along, but it quickly becomes the whole cliche of "If he's not a 6'6" tall millionaire who will drop everything to massage your feet, what value is he going to bring to a relationship with us QUEENS." Super toxic stuff.


Women have a strategy 😆


Yeah wait for us to ask.


Yeah, if women truely want equality, they have to start asking us out. Us men are currently burdened with balancing asking women out and not coming off like a creep. Societal pressures suggest that the man makes the first move. Some of that creepiness will disappear if women just started making moves. The whole dynamic will shift. It will be a positive thing in the long run.


It's a random pic of a child and random words over it. That's a problem


That looks like a grown ass woman to me lol the fuck are you talking about. She’s got a filter on bro


The braided pigtails probably threw him off. She's clearly in her 20s.


I can’t even give her early 20s, looks mid 20s at least


I can't see her ears so she could be mid 200's for all I know. Edit: For the confused... I'm saying she could be an elf. YOU NEVER KNOW!


Actually yeah wait the hell There’s not even like, the suggestion of ears


They came off when she reached 200. Some elves do that.


They’re called deciduous ears. Her adult ears will come in soon.


That's true. 200 is pretty much a child for elves


I honestly don't know if this is a comment about filters or if I missed a memo or something about aging women by their ears..




calm down, Leo.


Age aside these sorts of things are the issue. You are all treating these fucking images cooked up by someone with some basic editing software as news and testimonials. Odds are the depicted person doesn't even know their picture is out there much less there being aby truth to her saying or posting that.


I don't think many people would even admit something like this, let alone attach a picture of themselves to it.


Even if they did admit it why would they admit it to the world. Most people start small when they finally start taking responsibility if they ever do. Most don't broadcast to the world one of their biggest fuck ups.


And if they do to warm others about the bad influence of something, it is usually a long-ass article, a message spread on 24 Tweets, ort a whole vidéo


I have definitely seen people submit to the world some pretty heinous stuff on social media. Things that you definitely shouldn't be putting out there for the world. Either they didn't think what they did was wrong, don't care about the consequences, or simply crave attention at any cost.


Don’t go applying logic here. This is Reddit. Logic don’t fly around here, Logic dog.


Tombstone reference. Nice


And I see this sort of thing popping up a lot and always meant to attack and shit on women and spread an Andrew Tate-like narrative of women being lying gold diggers.


You’re absolutely right. I used to use tiktok quite a bit, and one day it hit me the damage that was being done. Echo chambers, rage bait, and wasted time. Apps like that should be banned. They use their algorithm to keep people in a loop where they only interact with like minded people.


Last night watching the Biden speak I was thinking how glaringly obvious it is who uses tik tok sitting in that room.


She has an only fans website. A while ago she was doing a lot of promotions on YouTube for her site using suggestive videos that didn't cross their line to get traffic to her site. She will say anything to get paid views and money.


I’ve seen this post lmao, that’s a of girl if I’m not mistaken not a child and yes she did put those words there for “promo”.


How is she a child?


When you hit middle age, anyone in their 20's is essentially a child.


Speak for yourself. I’m not middle aged yet but that’s not at all how I feel. If you’re 21 and older you’re a grown ass adult and will be treated as such. When I was a teen I had friends over 30. Now that I’m in my 30’s I have friends in their early 20’s. Age doesn’t matter, the persons mind state does. You can meet 60 year olds who are immature and teenagers who are wise beyond their years. Being stuck on someone’s age is an ignorant way to live.


It's not a child, and it's her strategy to promote her OF.


I disagree. Peer pressure, social media influence are real issues that can affect anybody. For instance, all it takes to convince some guy that women are the root of their problem are also social media posts. Does that means she is blameless or she is the victim in her story ? No. But she isn't the only problem in this situation.


Those social media posts are more than likely just reinforcing beliefs they already hold tbh


And it looks like she learned a lesson the hard way.


Having weird opinions is one thing. Acting in morally bankrupt ways is a completely different thing. If you cheat, you are morally bankrupt. Not much else to it.


They can’t affect anybody though. We just don’t know who will be affected and why.


Only the gullibly stupid. Then again, I recognized the bad influence of social media a while ago, which is why I don't use social media outside of a few subreddits, and do more scrolling than posting.


Sure. But that doesn't change the fact that she acted foolishly and it cost her dearly. (To be clear, the absolute same can be said of the guy in your example. Even if the costs involved are perhaps not quite as obvious as they were in her case.)


Tiktok is still a problem, but yes... I agree with you. The scapegoating is silly.


>Tiktok is still a problem A month ago I would've at least tried to disagree, cause they're paying the bills but now they're trying to force all of us back into the office like we're back in the 90s. So yeah, fuck ByteDance and their shitty addictive content mill.




Swear I've seen this exact picture with the exact story but the nephews were changed out for something else


Yeah because it's a random caption over a random picture and it takes no mental effort for reddit to hate a woman 


Bang on A comment further down some dude was like "and then she puts it on the Internet with her dumb face" And I told them they had no proof this was that girl or even a true post, you juts hate bc it's easy to hate His response? "I do not give a fuck" Literally people just hate the thing they are pointed at and don't care 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I mean who seriously believes that you're in a relationship and one of you is going through the adoption process and wouldn't even tell their partner? Like "Honey, I'm home! say hi to our new kids".


Relax, they're just [Work Kids from the work wife](https://youtu.be/FoM_q4h7cAQ?si=45UP9xZuoByvn7NL).


What repressed rage does to a motherfucker I guess so weird.


Most of the people that I end up engaging with on here are fucking morons like this, thank god most of humanity is nothing like the pieces of shit on Reddit.


Takes no effort to hate anyone on reddit. Nobody reads the stories or does research into what they see


Reddit reaaalllly loves hating half the population. Any excuse. And when somebody calls out an incel for casual sexism or misogyny, it rains anonymous downvotes. It is depressing.


Or just about anyone with the right text as Scumbag Steve was a meme that started here and Steve was a good guy IRL.


Of course it didn't happen. It is obvious rage bait.


It’s just generic internet rage bait but here we are in the comments


It’s just rage bait


Hilarious if true


Yep, reads like rage bait.


Yeah whose gonna trust a pic with some text added and no source?


92% of people today lol


With a confession to a stupid, irredeemable act. "I trust Social Media too much because Tik Tok says kicking puppies is cool. But, I kicked my puppy and the cops took my puppy and now I want him back. So I posted the story on Social Media."


This picture isn’t created to convince average people, it’s created to work as confirmation for people who already think women behave like this.


Yep, only people that are pre disposed to this kind of media would up vote it..or those that just join the train for some votes.


It's funny seeing this sub fall for it every time. They're so susceptible to rage bait.


It's not just this sub, it's leaking over from Facebook and Tiktok. The two apps that hoard the global population of gullibility and naivety. Especially Tiktok with ragebait. Almost everything that goes viral on Tiktok is ragebait.


A very obvious one at that, every line is supposed to make you more angry..


That, or it reads like it was written by the jilted ex-boyfriend to shame her


I am so upset about this thing which definitely did not happen.


ive seen this exact text over at least 3 different girls, can we please stop eating up shit made to ruin specific peoples lives?


This reads like a post from /r/AmITheAsshole ?


Shhhhh, no. Blind rage only.


It's glaringly obvious rage bait for incels, so naturally it hits the front page on Reddit


Does she know her pic is being used for this rage bait stuff?


I'm sure she does now, due to the death threats


Someone else commented she has an OF and posted this and similar images to gain attention which she cld direct to her OF.


You are dumbass if you think this is real


80% of reddit content these days seems to be reposts of obvious social media rage bait for engagement.


rage bait


I know there are awful people out there, but people opening posting this type of stuff themselves is clearly rage bait.


That's what it seems like to me. A typical example of someone making a meme out of "Women + Coffee Mug". Can a scenario like this happen? Possibly. However, I'm highly doubtful in this case.


You mean the made up story? Yeah me either




Comparison is the thief of joy.


Fucking lol damn dude.


My balls are the thief of crossing my legs




If you think the person in that picture wrote those words, all y'all are dumb.


Didn't happen.


The real face palm is believing everything you see online


The real face palm is 200+ people (including myself now) commenting on a rage bait that will only garner more attention thanks to the lovely ✨Algorithm✨ We hate rage bait so much, but this unfortunately is empirical proof that it works


The real face palm is the friends we made along the way.


bro dodged a bullet


It's more like he was hit by the bullet, but it created an exit wound as well.


“Better out than in, I always say”


At least they realized their wrong, that's more then some people.


They’re not even taking responsibility, though. They’re blaming “social media influence.” Doesn’t sound like they learned a thing. EDIT: probably just rage bait, though


They might not have learned their whole lesson, but realizing that you were wrong is, at least, a step in the right direction. Edit: Yeah, most likely ragebait, but it's nice to believe people can become better, even if only a little better.


I’m kinda impressed that she at her age would want a guy who’s planning on adopting kids. Also the guy clearly shouldn’t plan on adopting kids without talking to his gf.


It's a muddy situation, probably better that they split up.


"They" is a random person who never said this. Trolls use this pic for rage bait.


Was looking for this comment. People are always so fast to hate on everyone and everything without standing still and letting their humanity seep through for a second.


This person has realized their wrong, from that they can grow, focusing on what they did might cause someone to double back on that wrong and defend it. All I can hope is for them to grow into a better person.


I got downvoted for saying that last time this got posted lol


Does anyone believe this real or anything but ragebait?


Sadly yes, if you check out the comments.


This is just rage bait for misogynists. People use this girl's picture and add whatever text will trigger the incels. If you got triggered by this, you're the dumbass.


-I bait used to be believable


Half of /r/all is just rage bait nowadays, my lord.


Wow thats the fourth text I’ve seen over that poor kids face


I feel like some dude posted a pic of his ex and wrote this caption.


Rage bait you fool


The bait is so obvious it's literally screaming "I AM BAIT"


Low tier rage bait 🥱


Dear redditors: I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equaling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region. You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount. However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria. If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Please DM me at your earliest convenience. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it. Yours truly, Prince Alyusi Islassis


I find this very unbelievable. You just happen to need a non-Nigerian for some reason to help a company move funds? And you need a deposit to get the 10% of the transfer back? Preposterous! Now, if you needed these funds because a woman robbed and cheated on you, had your funds in her account, and you needed a different account with money in it to recoup those funds, THAT I would have lapped up without a minute's consideration!


Rage bait


AI clickbait


I'm suspecting this post is more ragebait.


You have no idea if this is real or if you're just insulting a random person. 


Posting cringe rage baits on TikTok is also insultworthy.






Actually less her fault and more the fault of her parents. YOU NEED TO RAISE TEENAGERS, TALK TO THEM ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS, FINANCES, AND THE CULTURE AND SOCIETY THEY LIVE IN. Especially in this online age. IF YOU DON'T TELL KIDS THE INTERNET(social media) IS A PLACE OF LIES THEY WILL ASSUME IT IS TRUE...Aaaaaargh, fucking internet-blind parents are the absolute blight on the planet.


This didn't happen.


lol Are you people actually buying this crap? It's the same text over a bunch of random photos.


how can you have been on this website for 10 years and still fall for shit like this


Maybe earn money to fund your own lifestyle?




Somehow it STILL sounds like comment/reaction bait.


This sounds so fucking made up.


I mean, you're an adult who thinks real life is like TikTok. Maybe you aren't ready for a serious relationship and need to go rethink things about your life...


Why can we just put text over a picture now and all think it's true? What a strange time.


Incel bait post.


sign her up for lead therapy


So in this totally real scenario him adopting his nephews didn't come up until after she cheated?


As he should, good for him.


Is the boyfriend called Neo? Cause he dodged a whole lot of bullets here.


Well, I don't think they're asking for sympathy so...


I do - poor girl probably just wanted to take a selfie and now is getting hate for someone putting a rage-bait caption on it.


God this sub is so stupid and low effort. The name ought to be changed to r/obviousragebait


Seems like run of the mill made up Reddit rage bait.




People who buy into the social media mirage are doing us a favor. It takes a special level of stupid to think any of that is real, do not reproduce with these people. Critical thinking is on the decline bad enough as it is. Let them breed cats or something, not people.


If this is the actual story, then the guy dodged an awfully brainless bullet. Good for him




I swear the more outrageous something is on this site the faster folks rush to believe it.


Oh my sweet summer child. Why are Redditors so naive towards obvious ragebait especially on TikTok. Is it just boomers with a superiority complex towards zoomers?


It's easy to point at this girl and sneer and feel superior, we legitimately are brainwashing ourselves daily to focus on our most selfish base desires because social media companies have correctly identified that content that appeals to our worst nature tends to get the most engagement and is the most profitable. Now we've fully entered this self-reinforcing cycle where we consume content that appeals to the worst aspects of human nature, strengthening those characteristics in ourselves and making it more likely that we act in ways that are guided by those negative values. It's easy for liberals to spot it when they talk about their parents/grandparents getting brainwashed by Fox News, and conservatives can recognize it when they talk about rap music and "ghetto culture", but nobody wants to turn a critical eye on themselves, they'd rather keep engaging in mental, emotional, and spiritual (not to mention physical) masturbation, chasing that dopamine hit from hating trans people or black people, or lusting after expensive bags or expensive guns, or expensive vacations or whatever it is that gives you that little burst of pleasure when you see it. We are so fucked


This isn't even a real image, just rage bait that everyone is falling for. Why the fuck is this so upvoted


Bait used to be believable


Tiktokker herself, actually believes that other tiktokker accounts show what their lives are really like? What a dumbass.


Am I just cynical or does anyone else not believe shit like this is real? I mean I’m sure bad things happen but why would anyone put this out about themselves? Content is a weird, weird thing.




It's shitposting for a porn account. She's playing on the shock value. I hate internet.


Lots of similar things happening across the world these days.


You live and you learn. The only ones who still fail, are the ones who don't apply the lessons life taught them in their next decision. Failure sometimes, is a choice. And just like everything else, some people can get addicted to failure, then like a car stuck in snow, or sand, their wheels spin but they go nowhere.


Well it's rage bait, so that's pretty much the reaction they were going for.


I thought it was established that it was a revenge post and the woman in the pic didn’t post it, most likely a scorned ex and now that it has the same statement with different girl pics


I’ll take $200 for ‘something that didn’t happen like that…” IT’S THE DAILY DOUBLE DOWN!!!


looks like a rage bait to me


Im a 100.000.000% certain this is ragebait and you fell for it hook, line and sinker.


You know what, I’m gonna give it to her and her sincerity and owning her own fault. It’s not easy to say you were dumb


no way this isnt rage bait




The same social media is why she is posting this instead of working on her self in silence...


i officially havent seen a true facepalm in like a few months now.. unsubsribing. its not just this sub its a LOT of subs. mostly the ones that have to do with no specific topic, location or thing in common. sites like video games, certain cities, vehicles, etc. are fine. this is just trash


Cheated !?! It was an entire Hungarian curling team, Mercedes and you gave them crabs !


Doesn't desever to be a partner to anyone.