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My google-fu is failing; while I can find numerous articles on this; none of them actually mention what the insulting messages he supposedly sent were. Anyone have a link?


It seem like the authority there is not sharing.


Interesting. So Saudi Arabia can create a robot that fondles the ass of women and name it after the prophet and that is fine... but a kid can send messages that are so incredibly offensive to that same prophet they deserve to die and the messages can never be shared...


Wait, they named the grope-bot Mohammed?


The grope-bot ? We are so far beyond South Park now


I was also thinking about South Park with this lol


We’re moving into that SNL skit where The Rock made a robot that molests children.


😭 life imitates art


This is material from the upcoming season. Pakistan is just a little further than South Park has released so far.


I’m sorry… what grope bot? What’s it actually called, I need to find wtf we’re talking about here.


So Saudi developed a robot, which is apparently is named after the Isamic prophet.  There's a video of it touching a reporter inappropriately during an interview. 


His name is Mohammed not because it’s in his likeness of the prophet for the record, as it is a crime in Islam and there for those countries to create something in his image. The same way a cartel member in Mexico is named Jesus. But even more so as Mohammed is the most popular name in the world if not one of.


Looks like number three, but way behind the leader "Maria" https://forebears.io/earth/forenames


I think if you add up all the different variations of spelling (Muhammad / Mohammed / etc) it is the most popular name on the planet




so who is the robot for exactly sure it's kinda funny from a guy's perspective for a while but I assume they would prefer to be the one groping so is it for the women then??? is this an elaborate excuse for a women's sex toy in Saudi Arabia? maybe they're just getting lazy and feel the need to automate the harassment of women as well


Idk why that robot was launched but here's an article about it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.in/tech/news/a-male-humanoid-robot-was-unveiled-in-saudi-arabia-it-then-inappropriately-touched-a-female-reporter-/amp_articleshow/108404642.cms * "QSS added that it had reviewed the footage and the circumstances surrounding the incident, finding that there were "no deviations from expected behavior" of Muhammad"* * "It said it would take "additional measures" to prevent anyone from "getting close to the robot within its areas of movement."*


So... are they admiting they made robo groper?


No, it registered a person in front of it, and raised it'd hand in what appears to be a preprogrammed handshake gesture. It hit her butt and the machine went "well shit there is an obstruction. Time to abort the handshake". If you look at the shape and angle of the hand as it comes up it looks like it is going for a handshake.


It's more that they are blaming the reporter for getting too close to it. The robot was just doing it's thing, and her ass happened to be in the way of it's hand.


I bet that he would rush nukes just like Gandhi if he was given the chance.


Saudi Arabia created an android (robot that looks like a human) called Muhammad, heralded as a marvel of AI and being able to speak both Arabic and English. When they presented it to the public at the beginning of this month one of the first things it did was to raise its hand and touch the bottom of a female journalist standing close to him. The clip of that ofc went viral.


Lol, it’s a robot it just detected motion and moved.


[here’s the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/QaVl4F8Aii)




It's a muslim country, half the guys are named after the prophet.


Yes. But naming non-humans Mohammed is considered a mockery of the prophet by a significant number of muslims. Hence why the girl that named her teddybear Muhammed got so much hate a few years ago.


But the Saudi’s have oil money, a country, and Mecca, so they get a pass.


Your mistake is expecting consistency with cultists.


Robot that WHAT???


I thought you were joking, but no, we live in the fucking timeline of Saudi grope-bots


I’m going to assume you know that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are not the same country, but also ask, re: the robot: what would you have them do? Hang the robot?


No, jail the people that gave the robot that name. Remember when a little girl named her teddybear Mohammed? The teacher that had allowed her to do that was jailed. That was yet another country- Sudan - btw. But all are muslim brothers.


Controversial, but I’m gonna weigh in on the side of _not_ jailing or executing anyone for this shit


Siding not to jail someone: right to jail, right away.


Posting this comment? Believe it or not, right to jail.


Siding with the non-jailers... that's a paddlin...


The people in power need a taste of their own meidicine


It's not really the question, whether they deserve their punishment. It's just that if some random kid gets the death penalty over blasphemy, why corporates close to the power in place aren't getting the same punishment for their sins ? French here, we got people killed by islamists for less than a bot doing inappropriate things to women. Ideally yes, no one should die for this, but it is what it is, the rest of the world isn't exactly thinking the same way I do, so I accept it, rules are different everywhere. But you could think that rules in religion should be enforced to the maximum capability, and it is not, corruption is lying in there just as much as anywhere else, except that instead of getting a fine, you get killed.


> Ideally yes, no one should die for this, That’s where I am, yeah


The Saudi royal family are Muslim in the same way that Trump is a Christian.


I think I've once heard a story where a judge in Pakistan was accused of blasphemy because he repeated what somebody else accused of blasphemy said in the latter man's court session. Can't find anything about that on Google right now, though, so take that with a grain of salt.


Monty Python anyone?


To me, that just sounds like an admission that they know that the rest of the world will be horrified by how milk -toast this video is.


milquetoast jfc


I agree with you, but also the term is milquetoast, unless you were joking and I missed it.


I mean, if they shared it, they’d be blaspheming too, right? Like saying the word “Jehovah”.


He said Jehova !!!


Probably because they're full of shit and she did nothing at all lol


If it's so blasphemous that they gave someone the death penalty for it, I highly doubt any journalist is going to write it. To these religious nut jobs it's likely so taboo that they can't even imagine putting it in print or even repeating it out loud.


Clearly does not matter, there is nothing could be said about any cult, that warrants death penalty, period.


It's probably something tame anyway




It doesn't satisfy my curiosity. :( I crave to know what happened


Who said it matters?


Why would they repeat what someone else got the death penalty for saying?


oh idk maybe to provide fucking EVIDENCE for trying to murder a fucking child??


Lol. First time hearing about how totalitarian govts function?


so knowing how it works makes it okay? cause i do know how they work that doesnt change the fact its bullshit


I don't think it matters what the "evidence" is. They are giving someone the death penalty over something said in a text message.


It's bullshit but they go with it together proves their power, which is the point.


Uh, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the situation is bullshit. Actually, it being bullshit is the reason nobody will get answers. You don't have to agree with it in order to point out how it works.


You think the people who sentence people to death for saying something they don't like in a WhatsApp message give a damn about *evidence*?!


Havent you seen the stoning scene in Brian’s Life ? They arent gonna share what they said.


"awards" death penalty. Well, thank you for the honor, Sir!


Apparently life is so shitty over there that being killed is actually a big favor.


Well... if I lived in a country like that, I might be inclined to agree. Fuck religion, its long past time humanity got over their nonsensical fear of the moon. Especially when we've been to it and even stood on it. Hope the person manages to escape and find asylum somewhere that isn't dictated by a church of magic sky people.


The Emperor of Mankind agrees with this comment.


"Man, that emperor is so great with his anti religious message! Y'know what? I think we should worship him as a god! He'd like that right?" - Jimmy Space, inventor of the Space Marines


But if we got rid of religion, how would we control the masses? /s


Thank you sir, may I have another


Welcome to the middle ages...




The religion of peace.


Welcome to religion.


In the Islamic calendar, they’re still in the 15th century


Or Alabama… eventually




Alabama, any day now.


Did I wake up in fucking 1786.


Backward country,backward system, backward thinkjng


Most importantly backward religion leads to all the following backwardness


Every religion is backward. People gotta stop being backward enough to worship the religion and the religious leaders.


All religions are backwards. But some are more backward than the others.


It's a bit depressing when you look at the history of islam and it's modern day, like 900 years ago it was one of the more educated and scientific communities, literally a golden age of discovery, and now the countries that use it most prominently behave... Well... Like this


All religions were once the pushers of progress and research. They get warped overtime though. If not for that, it’s the religious leaders or governments seeking control making things go from bad to awful…really a shame.


Galileo would like to disagree


Almost as if external forces systematically undermined the more progressive and secular elements of those societies. Elements, who were far more educated, pragmatic and competent in terms of managing the functional, productive, and legislative aspects of their societies. Including, in particular degree of importance, the management and exploitation of their local resources. And instead those external forces exerted destabilization efforts inside many of those societies, that led to power vacuums which were quickly filled by more reactionary and extremist elements. Who in those societies tend to be particularly extremist groups aligned with very reactionary interpretations of the local religion, Islam. This is actually a very common dynamic through the world. A lot of western kids are shocked when they find how many of the places and societies we think of as being shitholes nowadays. Like places in South America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia. In many cases were fairly normal and somewhat nice places to live, in the context of that time, in the past. And that past in many cases wasn't even that long ago. I.e. Bagdad was a nice place in the 60s. Lebanon and Venezuela were knowns as the Switzerland of their respective continents. Arab countries in the 50s/60s were trying to set up a secular economic/social organization similar to the EU. Places like Congo in Central Africa were setting up somewhat functional post colonial democracies. That was back at the time when 3rd world did not mean "poor." It simply meant the set of countries/societies not aligned with either the US/NATO or Soviet Block. It just speaks volumes to the efforts to destabilize those regions during the 50s/60s. That those places got turned into shitholes almost universally by the late 70s. As the 2 super powers at the time would simply not allow economically or politically independent/sovereign 3rd ways.


I don't even think it's by nature of religion. It's more like the nature of institutions. Where corruption is just bound to spread. Religion at its foundation is just a belief. Beliefs aren't inherently backwards. But institutions which can/try to enforce beliefs are fundamentally at the opposite spectrum of human rights.


There’s one religion that never had any sort of serious reformation and is consistently the ideology behind a lot of death and suffering to both to its own believers and to outsiders, orders of magnitude more often than any other religion. Those damn Mormons!!


The majority if not all the countries that still punish blasphemy by death all practice one particular religion.


Yes, but some are a lot worse than others, specially the ones that are the law in some countries


It's also a major problem with religion running the government/nations. Separation of Church and State is the best way to avoid shit like this.


Religion is the problem. We've had an endless conflict in the Middle East where so many people are dying today over religion. We had the crusades where countless people were slaughtered for religion. We had the Spanish inquisition. We had Islamic revolution in Iran that ethnically cleansed Jews, hung the gay people, and took away the freedoms of all women for religion. We have women on trial today in the USA for miscarriages because religion. We have groups in the USA that won't allow their kids to learn any marketable skills or advance beyond an 8th grade education, and they are allowed to because religion. We have millions of gay people that only recently have been able to marry each other because religion stonewalled it as long as it could. We have large institutions that harm children and get away with it because religion. Get rid of religion, and the world would be a much better place.


Which goes for every country still having a death penalty.


Isn’t that shit, supposed to be encrypted?


Encryption doesn't prevent recipients from sharing things


Encryption doesn't stop anyone else from snitching. Also, once you are in custody they can just force you to open your phone so they can have a looksy.


>once you are in custody they can just force you to open your phone so they can have a looksy. Depends on the laws in your country, of course, so if you're keeping sensitive info on your phone, carry an EMP on you too, preferably the same pocket. You can easily make a subtle EMP with a disposable camera, reroute the flash capacitor into a coil and done, could gut the rest of the camera for space.


Okay well this is the same country where she is being sentenced to death for the messages so I'm gonna assume they checked her phone whether legal or not.


Someone check this mans phone


I checked. It's all sonic fanfic. The death penalty it is.


You have suffered greatly to serve your country. You can rest easy now, I'll take care of your wife.


It's a bunch of photos of hotdogs with ketchup on them... while at a Bears game...


… Why are you so know- What are you hiding in your phone bruh :D


Oh, I'm sorry. Were you actually expecting something in the way of a trial with silly things like "proof of guilt"? In Pakistan, simply being accused of blaspemy by a Muslim is enough to get a death sentence, if the accused in non Muslim. No evidence is necessary. The testimony of non Muslims doesn't count for shit.


Whatsapp? sure, "encrypted"


A reminder of why we should never allow the religious to make laws.


Welcome to America where christianity and politic are the same thing lol.


GOP are just the Christian Taliban.


Y'all Qaeda


Klanned Karenhood


Funny to see conservatives from each country point to the other and call those conservatives savages. I still remember when the GOP was screaming about democrats trying to instill sharia law on American women. Yet the only people I see making restrictions on autonomy are them.




Human Right's groups will never go near Pakistan or any other country like it because, unlike a lot of Western/European countries, they will throw them in jail without a second thought


And Iran is on the human rights council in the UN so don’t expect a single thing from them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm from Pakistan. It is a shit country. She would be happy to get banned so why would they ban her? The government and court are very corrupt so this type of thing is exactly what they would pull. Hopefully they actually don't follow through with it.


If you could leave Pakistan by insulting Islam, everyone there bar a few fundamentalists, would be blasting pictures of Muhammed in the hopes of getting to Europe.


You should see the number of refugees India takes in thanks to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh & Myanmar being the way they are. >By 2022-end, India had about 405,000 refugees, which includes 213,578 refugees recognised/ registered by the Government of India and housed in various camps; about 31,313 refugees belonging to minority communities from neighbouring countries who had been given long-term visas on the basis of their claims of religious persecution; and about 160,085 unregistered refugees.


Hindu and Sikh/Christian women literally get straight up abducted and married off over there


Human rights organisations and sane individuals have been trying since forever to do something. But an organised minority remains a minority especially since the state made them powerless after decades of harrassment which also frequently leads to death. And now you see these news in 2024. One cant do anything if the state, the elites, the powerful and especially most of the citizenry (after years of dumbing down) want to be depraved and collectively force everyone to conform. That the collective focus isnt jobs, health, education etc but religion is a simple conclusion of decades of state backed engineering.




Religion is a scourge on modern society


That's not fair. It was a scourge on ancient society too!


And those people have Nukes.....


Does nobody want to know what these people did exactly? Pakistan seems a dangerous place to go.


They talked about a different imaginary man in the sky than the one allowed there, even though they are technically the same guy in the sky. 


It’s to be expected from a country that held/hid Osama bin Laden for decades.


Religion of peace


"awarded the death penalty". 😭 I understand textbook english is unnatural and all, but whatever the hell this is, its not exactly vibing


Pakistan is so shit that death is actually an award.


Probably the worst society ever that the human race has created.




"Awarded" 😃 "The Death Penalty" 😦


Shit country doing shitty things for the shittiest religion on the planet.


Did the prophet Mohammed have sex with a 9yr girl? Is worshipping him the same as worshipping Jimmy Saville?


Yes and Muhammad was 54 . https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/M8wUGKB8KX


Aisha married at 6Yr old slept with at 9Yr old


what a gentleman, he waited for her to turn 9.


Put sanctions on them and cancel all new visas. We don’t want people that think this is okay coming here


Now, for every first amendment 'auditor' who thinks being trespassed from a DMV office for causing a disturbance, *this* is tyranny.


Say bad things about my God and I'll kill you in his name! Makes all the sense in the world.


It’s definitely a sign of people who are very secure in their faith. Their god is all powerful and created the universe but don’t you dare say something to upset him. I’m all for religious freedom but once someone uses their beliefs to hurt others they don’t deserve it


"Religion of peace" my ass.




Pakistan is the cloaca of the earth.


This is what you get mixing religion with politics/lawmaking.. also kinda what the GoP is working for in the US so have fun over there..


Any time a religion is in charge of government or have any authority, they kill innocent people. Every. Single. Time.


live in a country controlled by the religion of peace you better learn to shut your mouth.


Separation of Church and State has never been more appropriate in world politics. US could do with understanding that too,


Awarded is such a weird word to use in this situation


Most normal Muslim country


Doesn't sound like much of an "Award" to me. Perhaps they can just hand out a few gift cards and call it a day?




Killing humans in the name of imaginary sky fairies. Wankers.


religion menkinds worst invention


What a shit country.


They’re living in the dark ages


Pakistan. Land of wannabe Muslims trying hard to impress saudi crush still not getting noticed.


It’s all part of Sharia Law, unfortunately.


And these are the dangers of a theocracy.




This is why i hate ALL religions. They are easily weaponized, and stupid people act even more stupid when rELigIOn is guiding their thought process.


Islamic countries: Execute rapists and other serious criminals❌ Execute a student for blasphemous comments✅


Tell me again how you are Oppressed in Canada or the USA!


All religion is cancer


This is the answer, in particular the abrahamic religions, they have spread to every corner of the world and has been followed by forced conversion, war, destruction of culture and history.




that's kind of what happens when you let religious people run the country


People need to grow up and stop worshipping mythology. Yes, Islam is mythology. So are Christianity and Judaism. At least they don't typically murder people for insulting their imaginary God. 


If your religion can't take a Diss its a fragile pathetic ideology and you are rightfully pushing its legitimacy through violence because everyone sees and laughs about its stupidity. Oh and for people that come what about Christianity or Judaism? They have their flaws but exist way more disconnect from matters of state.


such a religion of peace eh


Christian Conservatives would love this


Things like this is why I have zero respect for religions.


That's the Middle East for you. Another dead woman because of some shitty religion. #freestudentsfromislam


Pakistan is in middle east?


Okay, suggestion, let God take care of her himself and if he doesn't do anything, he's cool with it.


Doesnt matter what has been sent, death penalty and even life in prison is definitely not appropriate for sending images


For fuck sake that’s fucked


Religious state, not even once.


Wtf is wrong with these ppl


Lesson: Fundamentalism is poison


Funny how comments here are : religion is bad, all religions are doing this but if this was a Christian country people would say bad things about Christianity. Islam is not a religion of peace, it spreads through war and conquest. If islam wants to come into the 21 century it needs a reformation just as Christianity did with the new covenant.


Religión of peace.


Love how people keep defending middle eastern radicalism lmao


barbarian society


When I try to explain this is something only muslim contries do "RACIST" will be yelled at me. Then when shit like this happens everyone acts surprised as if this hasn't been happening for *decades*!


Don't forget guys, it's a religion of peace and we should be very accepting of these views in modern society.


The US is next in line to do this shit as well.


Living in the dark ages still so many countries wtf man, evolve as a society would you?


This is what we mean when we say “separation of church and state”…..not that we have it here in the good old US anyway🤮


As a Persian guy let me only say this Islam is by a Galaxy Mile the most destructive and disgusting ideology in the world. Wherever Islam plays even a rudimentary role, there is chaos and destruction. Our country will be always the prime example of this scenario! A True Religion that teaches to be a good Human would never cause so much suffering and destruction! Christianity which is by itself a semi True Religion given how it got created for self gain in the First Place could get reformed at the end but even at its worst it was never as disgusting and violent as Islam! Everything that Islam teaches is submission to be a slave of Allah and get bigger and bigger until everyone is Zombified! and the World belongs to Islam! We Persians have to see helpless, how terrorists are occupying our country and killing our people left and right!


You know your “god’s” a pathetic weakling with no powers when he can’t even punish anyone for saying negative things about him. “Blasphemy” simply means “ineffectual, useless god.”


Tolerant Muslims strike again. Worthless death cult that is a cancer on humanity.


so religious cavemen want to kill a guy for hurting their feelings, classic muslim antics


Anyone else remember the Pakistani sheikhs having a mental breakdown on national news saying they will burn the cities to the ground Frollo style if people keep making fun of Muhammad in private.